Module 2_ Business Processes

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○ Responsibility of the audit is to add value

■ How? Provide recommendations
■ Corrective action para maayos yung
● interrelated set of cross-functional activities
or events that result in the delivery of a ● Includes distribution of written
specific product or service to a customer. communications, monitoring and reporting of
● controlled by policies, procedures, practices management's processes, reporting of the
and organizational structures designed to audit and assurance function's performance
provide reasonable assurance that a business metrics, quality assurance process, reporting
process will achieve its objectives to those charged with governance and
○ Policies vs. procedures oversight (BOD) and staffing rules for audit
■ Policies - what the company wants to engagements.
achieve ○ We need to monitor if na-address na
■ Procedures - step-by-step process yung mga issue


The individual responsible for identifying process ● function as an independent group
requirements, approving process design and ● integrated within a financial and operational
managing process performance, and should be at audit to provide IT-related control assurance
an appropriately high level in an organization to to the financial or management auditors
have authority to commit resources to
process-specific risk management activities. MANAGEMENT OF THE IS AUDIT FUNCTION

Understand and be able to evaluate the business
processes of the organization they are auditing. ● Free from conflicts of interest and undue
● This includes a test and evaluation of the design influence in all matters related to audit and
and implementation of the operation of controls assurance engagement.
and the monitoring and testing of evidence to ● Any impairment of independence (in fact or
ensure that the internal controls within the appearance) is identified and disclosed to the
business processes operate effectively. appropriate parties.

The Board should approve the:

● risk-based plan
PURPOSE ● IS budget and resource plan
● decision regarding the appointment and
● Evaluate and test the design and execution of
removal of the Chief Audit Executive
controls implemented by management.
● Remuneration of the Chief Audit Executive

● Provides the right of access to records, the
● An audit charter is an overarching
limitations and processes to be audited.
document that covers the entire scope of
audit activities in an entity
RESPONSIBILITY ● engagement letter – more focused on a
● To add value to the enterprise, ensuring that particular audit exercise that is sought to be
organizational perspectives such as strategy, initiated in an organization with a specific
mission and regulatory/compliance objective in mind
expectations are integrated in its work, and to
abide by professional expectations. INDEPENDENCE IN FACT
○ Auditors - watchdogs

Module 2: Business Processes

● The state of mind that permits the expression ● privacy and confidentiality of information
of a conclusion without being affected by obtained during the course of the auditor's
influences that compromise professional duties should be maintained.
judgment, allowing an individual to act with ● information should not be used for personal
integrity, and exercise objectivity and benefit, nor should the information be
professional skepticism. disclosed unless required by legal authority.


● The avoidance of facts and circumstances ● a collective term that refers to the knowledge,
that are so significant that a reasonable and skills, and other competencies required of
informed third party, having knowledge of all internal auditors to effectively carry out their
relevant information, including safeguards professional responsibilities.
applied, would reasonably conclude a firm's ● encompasses consideration of current
or a member of the assurance team's activities, trends, and emerging issues. to
integrity, objectivity or professional enable relevant advice and recommendations
skepticism has been compromised.
IT audit and assurance practitioners shall be
objective in all matters related to audit and ● collectively with others assisting with the
assurance engagements. audit and assurance engagement, shall
possess the professional competence to
OBJECTIVITY perform the work required.
● possess adequate knowledge of the subject
● unbiased mental attitude that allows IS matter to perform their roles in IT audit and
auditors to perform engagements in such a assurance engagements.
manner that they believe in their work ● shall maintain professional competence
product and that no quality compromises are through appropriate continuing professional
made. education and training.
● objectivity requires that IS auditors do not
subordinate their judgment on audit matters
● Conducted at the beginning of the audit
REASONABLE EXPECTATION process to establish the overall audit strategy
● The engagement can be completed in and detail the specific procedures to be
accordance with applicable IT audit and carried out to implement the strategy and
assurance standards and. where required, complete the audit.
other industry standards or applicable laws ● Short-term planning considers audit issues
and regulations that will result in a that will be covered during the year.
professional opinion or conclusion. ● Long-term planning relates to audit plans
● The scope of the engagement enables a that will consider risk-related issues regarding
conclusion on the subject matter and that any changes in the organization's IT strategic
scope limitations are addressed direction that will affect the organization's IT
● management understands its obligations and environment.
responsibilities with respect to providing
appropriate, relevant and timely information AUDIT UNIVERSE
required to perform the engagement ● collective grouping of auditable 'components'
● sometimes also called auditable areas, units
DUE PROFESSIONAL CARE or entities – that support the development of
● Exercise due diligence and professional care. the audit plan and help to identify
● maintain high standards of conduct and appropriate audit coverage that the chief
character, and they will refrain from engaging audit executive can then prioritize
in acts that may discredit themselves or the

Module 2: Business Processes

6. Perform a risk and ls to help in designing the

audit plan
Qualitative/Quantitative Risk Assessment
7. set the audit scope and objectives
8. Develop the audit approach or strategy
High 9. Assign personnel resources to audit
● A process issue may result in damage to the 10. Address audit logistics
reputation of the organization that will take
more than six months to recover. EFFECTS OF LAW AND REGULATIONS ON IS
● You need to calibrate your risk assessment AUDITING
● Di pwede na high risk lahat kasi baka may mali
● Establishment of regulatory requirements
sa risk assessment
● Responsibilities assigned to corresponding
● Financial, operational and IS audit functions
● A process issue may result in damage to the
reputation of the organization that will take
less than six months to recover.
● Legal requirements placed on audit or IS
Low Audit
● Legal requirements placed on the auditee and
● A process issue may result in damage to the
its systems, data m management, reporting,
reputation of the organization that will take
less than three months to recover.
● Audit Priorities
● Can you use risk assessment in the audit plan? STEPS TO DETERMINE COMPLIANCE WITH
● Pwede kahit isa or dalawa yung piliin depende EXTERNAL REQUIREMENTS
sa company.
● Identify those government or other relevant
external requirements dealing with
THINGS TO CONSIDER ● Document applicable laws and regulations
● Assess whether the management of the
● Analysis of short-term and long-term issues
organization and the IT function have
should occur at least annually
considered the relevant external requirements
● Results of analysis should be reviewed by
in making plans and in setting policies.
audit senior management/audit committee or
standards and procedures, as well as business
board of directors
application features
● Annual planning should be updated if any key
● Review internal IT
aspects of risk environment have changed
department/function/activity documents that
address adherence to laws
● Determine adherence to established
1. Gain an understanding of the organization's procedures that address these requirements
mission, objectives, purpose and processes, ● Determine if there are procedures in place to
which include information and processing ensure contracts or agreements with external
requirements such as availability. integrity. IT services providers reflect any legal
security, and business technology and requirements related to responsibilities
information confidentiality
2. Gain or understanding of the organization's
governance structure and practices related to
the audit objectives
3. Understand business environment of the
4. Review prior working papers - support audit
5. Identify stated contents such as policies, E-COMMERCE
standards and required guidelines,
procedures, and organization structure

Module 2: Business Processes

● buying and selling of goods online as well as ● presentation tier displays information that
customer support or relationships between users can access directly such as a web page
businesses or an operating system's graphical user
● technology used can include the internet, interface
multimedia, web browsers, proprietary ● The application tier controls an application's
networks, automated teller machines and functionality by performing detailed
home banking, and the traditional approach processing
to electronic data interchange. ○ data for analyzing website usage
● To provide full functionality and achieve back
-end efficiencies, an ecommerce system may
involve connections to inhouse legacy systems
accounting. inventory management or an
BUSINESS TO CONSUMER (B to C) enterprise resource planning system or
● Business conducted between organizations business partner systems
● For security reasons, persistent customer data
BUSINESS TO BUSINESS (B to B) should not be stored on web servers that are
exposed directly to the Internet data tier is
● Business conducted between organizations usually comprised of the database servers,
and its customers (personalization. file shares, etc. and the data access layer that
membership, ordering. invoicing. shipping. encapsulates the persistence mechanisms and
inventory replacement, etc.) exposes the data

● Business conducted between a consumer and
o business. This is when customers sell their ● Databases play a key role in most
products or services to a business e-commerce systems maintaining data for
website pages analyzing webs usage
BUSINESS TO GOVERNMENT (B to G) ● To provide full functionality and achieve back
-end efficiencies, an e-commerce system may
● Business conducted between an organization involve connections to in-house legacy
and a public administration where the systems accounting. inventory management
governmental organization promotes or an enterprise resource planning system—or
awareness and growth of e-commerce business partner systems
● For security reasons, persistent customer data
CONSUMER TO CONSUMER (C to C) should not be stored on web servers that are
● Business conducted between customers exposed directly to the Internet
primarily using a third-party platform
● Business conducted between a consumer and CONFIDENTIALITY
a public administration
● Potential consumers are concerned about
providing unknown vendors with personal
TYPICAL E-COMMERCE ARCHITECTURES (sometimes sensitive) information for a
number of reasons including the possible theft
SINGLE-TIER ARCHITECTURE of credit card information from the vendor
following a purchase
● client-based application running on a single

TWO-TIER ARCHITECTURE ● Data, both in transit and in storage, could be

susceptible to unauthorized alteration or
● composed of client and server deletion


Module 2: Business Processes

● The Internet allows customers to do business provide real interaction to customers and
on a 24/7 weekly basis. Hence, high customize responses to individual customers.
availability is important, with any system’s
failure becoming immediately apparent to
customers or business partner

AUTHENTICATION AND NONREPUDIATION ● Interconnection agreements prepared prior to

engaging in an e-commerce agreement.
● The parties to an electronic transaction should
These agreements can be as simple as
be in a known and trusted business
accepting terms of use to detailed terms and
relationship, which requires that they prove
conditions to be in place before the
their respective identities before executing
e-commerce interconnections are established
the transaction to prevent man-in-the-middle
● Security mechanisms and procedures that,
taken together, constitute a security
● there must be some manner of ensuring that
architecture for e-commerce (e.g., Internet
the transacting parties cannot deny that the
firewalls, public key infrastructure [PKI],
transaction was completed and the terms on
encryption, certificates, and password
which it was completed
● Firewall mechanisms that are in place to
POWER SHIFT TO CUSTOMERS mediate between the public network (the
● The Internet gives consumers unparalleled Internet) and an organization’s private
access to market network
● Organizations participating in e-business ● A process whereby participants in an
need to make their offerings attractive and e-commerce transaction can be identified
seamless in terms of service delivery uniquely and positively (e.g., a process of
● To avoid losing their competitive advantage using some combination of public and private
of doing business online, organizations need key encryption and certifying key pairs)
to enhance their services, differentiate from ● Procedures in place to control changes to an
the competition and build additional value e-commerce presence
● E-commerce application logs, which are
monitored by responsible personnel. This
includes OS logs and console messages,
● Building a business case (IT as an enabler) network management messages, firewall logs
● Developing a clear business purpose and alerts, router management messages,
● Using technology to first improve costs intrusion detection alarms, application and
● Building a business case around the four C’s: server statistics, and system integrity checks
customers, costs, competitors and capabilities ● Methods and procedures to recognize security
breaches when they occur
Top-Level Commitment ● Features in e-commerce applications to
● E-commerce cannot succeed without a clear reconstruct the activity performed by the
vision and strong commitment from the top of application
an organization ● Protections in place to ensure that data
collected about individuals are not disclosed
Business Process Reconfiguration without the individuals’ consent nor used for
purposes other than that for which they are
● Technology is not the key innovation needed to collected
make E-commerce work, but it is the ingenuity ● Means to ensure confidentiality of data
needed to envision how that technology can communicated between customers and
enable the company to fundamentally vendors
reconfigure some of its basic business ● Mechanisms to protect the presence of
processes e-commerce and supporting private networks
from computer viruses and to prevent them
Links to Legacy System from propagating viruses to customers and
● Organizations must take seriously the vendors
requirement to accelerate response times,

Module 2: Business Processes

● Features within the e-commerce architecture ● necessary in mapping the transaction, writing
to keep all components from failing and allow the partner's profile and tells the system
them to repair themselves, if they should fail where to send each transaction and how to
● Plans and procedures to continue handle errors and exceptions
e-commerce activities in the event of an ○ Para siyang blueprint ng buyer and seller
extended outage of required resources for
normal processing
● Commonly understood practices and
procedures to define management’s ● includes transmission, translation and storage
intentions for the security of e-commerce of transactions initiated by or destined for
● Shared responsibilities within an organization application processing
for ecommerce security ○ Mas dominant ang web-based EDI
● Communications from vendors to customers ● EDI is also an application system in that the
about the level of security in an ecommerce functions it performs are based on business
architecture needs and activities. The applications,
● Regular programs of audit and assessment of transactions and trading partners supported
the security of e-commerce environments and will change over time, and the intermixing of
applications to provide assurance that transactions, purchase orders, shipping notices,
controls are present and effective invoices and payments in the EDI process
makes it necessary to include application
processing procedures and controls in the EDI
● In reviewing EDI, an IS auditor should be
aware of the two approaches related to EDI:
the traditional proprietary version of EDI used
● the electronic transmission of transactions by large companies and government parties,
(information) between two organizations and the development of EDI through the
● promotes a more efficient paperless publicly available commercial infrastructure
environment can replace the use of standard offered through the Internet.
documents, including invoices or purchase ● The difference between the approaches relates
orders to cost, where use of a public commercial
infrastructure such as the Internet provides
EDI SYSTEM REQUIRES significantly reduced costs versus development
of a customized proprietary approach. From a
security standpoint, risk associated with not
COMMUNICATION SOFTWARE having a completely trustworthy relationship
● moves data from one point to another, flags arise in addressing Internet security and risk.
the start and end of an EDI transmission, and
determines how acknowledgments are FUNCTIONS OF TRADITIONAL EDI
transmitted and reconciled (more in-depth
discussion of communications software can
be found in Domain 4 of CISA Review Manual) COMMUNICATION HANDLER
○ Moves data from one point ● Process for transmitting and receiving
○ Software na nag communicate between electronic documents between trading
two system partners via dial-up lines, public-switched
network, multiple dedicated lines or a
TRANSLATION SOFTWARE value-added network (VAN)
● helps build a map and shows how the data ● VAN receives all the outbound transactions
fields from the application correspond to from an organization, sorts them by
elements of an EDI standard. Later, it uses destination and passes them to recipients
this map to convert data back and forth when they log on to check their mailbox and
between the application and EDI formats receive transmissions
- Di dumadaan sa internet. May sariling line
yung parties - facilitated by a value added

Module 2: Business Processes

● Loss of business continuity/corruption of EDI

EDI INTERFACE applications.
● Unauthorized access to electronic
● Interface function that manipulates and
routes data between the application system
● Deletion or manipulation of transactions prior
and the communications handler
to the prior establishment of application
● EDI translator translates the data between
the standard format and trading partner's
● Loss or duplication of EDI transmissions.
proprietary format
● Loss of confidentiality and improper
● Application interface moves electronic
distribution of EDI transactions while in the
transactions to or from the application
possession of third-party.
systems and performs data mapping. It may
generate and send functional
acknowledgments, verify the identity of ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE PROCESS
partners and check the validity of CONTROLS
transactions by checking transmission ● Standards should be set to indicate that the
information against a trading partner master message format and content are valid to
file avoid transmission errors
- Interface = border; siya yung pagitan ng ● Controls should be in place to ensure that
nakikita ng user and computer itself, since standard transmissions are properly
EDI dalawa ang nag uusap. converted for the application software by the
translation application
APPLICATION SYSTEM ● The receiving organization must have controls
● The programs that process the data sent to, in place to test the reasonableness of
or received from, the trading partner messages received. This should be based on a
● Application-initiated transactions (such as trading partner’s transaction history or
purchase orders from the purchasing system) documentation received that substantiates
are passed to a common application interface special situations
for storage and interpretation ● Controls should be established to guard
- The programs that process the data sent to against manipulation of data in active
or received from the trading partner. transactions, files and archives. Attempts to
change records should be recorded by the
system for management review and attention.
● Procedures should be established to
● Access through internet services providers determine messages are only form authorized
offers generic network access for all parties and transmissions are properly
connected computers, whereas VAN services authorized
have typically used a proprietary network or a ● Direct or dedicated transmission channels
network gateway linked with a specific set of among the parties exist to reduce the risks of
proprietary networks. The result is a tapping into the transmission lines
substantially reduced cost to EDI applications ● Data should be encrypted using algorithms
● Attract new partners via web-based sites to agreed on by the parties involved
exchange information, take orders, and link ● Electronic signature should be in the
the website to back-end order processing and transmissions to identify the source and
financial systems via EDI destination
● New security products are available to ● Message authentication codes should exist to
address issues of confidentiality, ensure that what is sent is received
authentication, data integrity, and
nonrepudiation of origin and return
- Traditional = VAN
- Safe ba yung web based na EDI? Mas safe
yung traditional.
ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE RISKS ● All inbound EDI transactions are accurately
● Transaction authorization. and completely received (communication

Module 2: Business Processes

phase), translated (translation phase), passed

to an application (application interface ● Control the setup and change of trading
phase), and processed only once partner details
○ Dapat may segregation of duties
● Use appropriate encryption techniques when ● Compare transactions with trading partner
using public internet infrastructures for transaction profiles
communication in assuring confidentiality, ● Match the trading partner number to the
authenticity and integrity of transactions trading master file
● Perform edit checks to identify errors. Unusual ○ Dapat yung system kaya talagang gawin
or invalid transactions prior to updating an yun. May defined list ng trading partners)
application ● Limit the authority of users within the
● Perform additional computerized checking to organization to initiate specific EDI
assess transaction reasonableness, validity, transactions.
etc. ● Segregate initiation and transmission
● Log each inbound transaction on receipt (log responsibilities for high-risk transactions.
conserve as an audit trail, so dapat lahat ng ● Document management sign-off on
inbound transaction nasa audit log and programmed procedures and subsequent
vice-versa) changes
● Use control totals on receipt of transactions to ○ Pag pinirmahan they assume na part ng
verify the number and value of transactions responsibilities nila yun, dapat din may
to be passed to each application, reconcile date para alam ng users kung ano una nila
totals between applications and trading kailangan gawin
[partners ● Log all payment transactions to a separator
● Segment count totals are built into the ● Report large (value) or unusual transactions
transaction set trailer by the sender for review prior to or after transmission
● Use control techniques in the processing of ● Log outbound transactions in a secure
individual transaction such as check digits on temporary file until authorized and due for
control fields, loop or repeat counts transmission
● Ensure the exchange of control totals of ● Require paperless authorization that would
transactions send and received between establish special access to authorization fields
trading partners at predefined intervals (probably two levels, requiring the
● Maintain a record if the number of messages intervention of different users) within the
receive/sent and validate these with the computer system.
trading partners periodically
● Arrange for security over temporary files and
data transfer to ensure that inbound
transactions are not altered or erased
between time of transaction receipt and
application updates
○ Dapat di nagbabago yung files upon

● Hash totals - sum of meaningless information

● Pagdating ng invoice kay seller - inbound
● Internet encryption processes put in place to
ensure authenticity, integrity, confidentiality
CONTROLS ON OUTBOUND TRANSACTIONS and nonrepudiation of transactions
○ Ensure that the encryption key is only
known to trading partners
● Edit check to identify erroneous ..
Only properly authorized outbound transactions are ● Additional computerized checking to assess
processed. This includes the objectives that transaction reasonableness and validity
outbound EDI messages are initiated on ● Each inbound transaction to ensure that it is
authorization, that they contain only preapproved logged on receipt
transaction types and that they are sent only to ○ All should be recorded in the log
valid trading partners

Module 2: Business Processes

● The use of control totals on receipt of

transactions to verify the number and value
of transactions to be passed to each
application and reconcile totals between Email may be the most heavily used feature of the
applications and with trading partners Internet or local area networks in an organization.
○ Kung ano yung nilipat mo sa kabila yun At the most basic level, the email process can be
din dapat marereceive niya (echo checks) divided into two principal components:
● Segment count totals built into transaction set ● Mail servers — Hosts that deliver, forward
trailers by the sender and store mail
● Transaction set count totals built into the ● Clients — Interface with users, allowing users
functional group headers by the sender to read, compose, send and store email
● Batch control totals built into the functional messages
group headers by the sender

The validity of the sender against trading

partner details by:
● The use of control fields within an EDI
message at either the transaction, function,
group or interchange level (often within the
EDI header, trailer or control record)
● The use of VAN sequential control numbers or
reports (if applicable) When a user sends an email message, it is first
● The sending of an acknowledgment broken up by the Transmission Control Protocol
transaction to inform the sender of message (TCP) into Internet Protocol (IP) packets. Those
receipt. The sender should then match this packets are then sent to an internal router, which
against a file/log of EDI messages sent. examines the address and decides whether the
○ Echo checks mail is to be delivered inside or outside the
network. If the mail is meant for an internal client,
the mail is delivered to them. If the mail is to be
delivered outside the network, it may pass through
a firewall, which will determine if it can be sent or
● Devices can be installed at EDI workstations
to capture transactions as they are received. POINT-OF-SALE SYSTEMS
● Such transactions can be stored in a
● enable the capture of data at the time and
protected file for use by the auditor.
place that sales transactions occur. The most
● Consideration should be given to storage
common payment instruments to operate
requirements for voluminous amounts of data.
with POS are credit and debit cards.
● POS terminals may have attached peripheral
EXPERT SYSTEMS equipment—such as optical scanners to read
● Most advanced bar codes, magnetic card readers for credit or
● Within the context of using the computer debit cards, or electronic readers for smart
system for internal control checks, cards—to improve the efficiency and accuracy
consideration should be given to having audit of the transaction recording process.
monitors evaluate the transactions received. ○ Ex. payment to GCash
● Based upon judgmental rules, the system can ● IS must determine whether any cardholder
determine the audit significance of such data, such as primary account numbers
transactions and provide a report for the (PANs) or personal identification numbers
auditor’s use. (PINs), are stored on the local POS system.
- May depend on decision tree ● Any such information, if stored on the POS
- Costly system, should be encrypted using strong
encryption methods. Certain data, such as
MODULE 2 - PART 4 card verification value (CVV) numbers, can
never be stored on these devices.

Module 2: Business Processes

1. Effective management oversight of ebanking

2. Establishment of a comprehensive security
● Operational control process
● Reputational 3. Comprehensive due diligence and
● Credit management oversight process for
● Liquidity outsourcing relationships and other
● Legal third-party dependencies
○ Terms and conditions - Since it is a collaboration between
● Strategic different internet providers, siyempre may
● Market (FX, Interest, etc.) relationship sa third party
- Due diligence - titignan nila yung
ELECTRONIC BANKING RISK MANAGEMENT character ng counterparty nila kung
CHALLENGES trustworthy ba

● The speed of change relating to technological

and service innovation in e-banking increases
the challenge to ensure that adequate 1. Authentication of ebanking customers
strategic assessment, risk analysis and - Biometrics - password, pin
security reviews are conducted prior to 2. Nonrepudiation and accountability for
implementing new e-banking applications. ebanking transactions
● Transactional e-banking websites and - Magrerequire ng OTP
associated retail and wholesale business - Additional layer of control
applications are typically integrated as much 3. Appropriate measures to ensure SoD
as possible with legacy computer systems to - Side mismo ng bank
allow more straight-through processing of 4. Proper authorization controls within
electronic transactions. ebanking systems, databases and
● Ebanking increases a bank’s dependence on applications
information technology thereby increasing the 5. Data integrity of ebanking transactions,
technical complexity of many operational and records and information
security issues and furthering a trend toward 6. Establishment of clear audit trails for
more partnerships, alliances and outsourcing ebanking transaction.
arrangements with third parties such as 7. Confidentiality of key bank information
Internet service providers, telecommunication
companies and other technology firms. LEGAL AND REPUTATIONAL RISK
○ One of the risk is the availability of MANAGEMENT
information, dahil nag-rerely ka sa 1. Appropriate disclosures for ebanking services
internet, pwedeng di mo ma-access yung - May inaccept kang terms and condition
information 2. Privacy of customer information
● The Internet significantly magnifies the - Deposit - bank secrecy law, di pwede
importance of security controls, customer silipin yung deposit mo
authentication techniques, data protection, 3. Capacity, business continuity and
audit trail procedures and customer privacy contingency planning to ensure availability of
standards. ebanking systems and services
○ Protect the confidentiality of your clients, 4. Incident response planning
di mo dapat dinidisclose, mataas na level - May nangyayaring events sa organization
of protection dapat ang ginagawa mo – virus, malware, phishing email
- Di naman lahat ng incident kailangan
RISK MANAGEMENT CONTROLS FOR aksyunan ng organization
EBANKING 5. Compliance to banking sector directives (e.g.,
Basel Accords)
Effective risk management controls for ebanking - Banks is one of the heavy regulated
include the following controls: industries



Module 2: Business Processes

● EFT is the electronic transfer of funds between notification to communicate to the sender
a buyer, a seller and their respective financial that a successful transmission occurred.
institutions. ● Data encryption standards are set.
○ Kahit sino kahit di buyer seller (ex. Parents ● Standards for unintelligible transmissions are
mo binigyan ka ng allowance) set.
● EFT allows parties to move money from one ○ Unintelligible transmission - may maling
account to another account, replacing data tapos di mo nabasa
traditional check writing and cash collection ● Regulatory requirements for enforceability of
procedures. electronic data transmitted and received are
○ Ex. InstaPay, PesoNet explicitly stated.
● EFT transactions usually function via an
internal bank transfer from one party’s
account to another or via a clearinghouse
network. ● An ATM is a specialized form of the POS
terminal that is designed for the unattended
use by a customer of a financial institution.
● These machines customarily allow a range of
● physical security of unissued plastic cards banking and debit operations—especially
● the procedures used to generate PINs, financial deposits and cash withdrawals.
procedures used to issue cards and PINs
● conditions under which the consumer uses the
access devices
● contract with the switch and the third-party
audit of the switch operations ● Written policies and procedures covering
● interface between the EFT system and the personnel, security controls, operations,
application systems that process the accounts disaster recovery credit and check
from which funds are transferred authorization, floor limits, override,
● availability of funds or adequacy of credit settlement, and balancing
limits should be verified before funds are ● Reconciliation of all general ledger accounts
transferred related to retail EFTs and review of exception
● backup arrangements or other methods used items and suspense accounts
to ensure continuity of operations ○ Since possible na ibang ATM ang
● alternative audit trails available ginagamit sa general ledger
● Procedures for PIN issuance and protection
during storage
● Procedures for the security of PINs during
delivery and the restriction of access to a
● All the equipment and communication customer’s account after a small number of
linkages are tested to effectively and reliably unsuccessful attempts
transmit and receive data. ● Systems designed, tested and controlled to
○ During SDLC → user acceptance testing preclude retrieval of stored PINs in any non
○ May mga di gumaganang equipment encrypted form. Application programs and
● Each party uses security procedures that are other software containing formulas,
reasonably sufficient for affecting the algorithms and data used to calculate PINs
authorized transmission of data and for must be subject to the highest level of access
protecting business records and data from for security purposes.
improper access. ○ Top secret: how to generate pins
○ For the confidentiality of information ● Controls over plastic card procurement, which
● There are guidelines set for the receipt of should be adequate and include a written
data and to ensure that the receipt date and agreement between the card manufacturer
time for data transmitted are the date and and the bank that details control procedures
time the data have been received. and methods of resolution to be followed if
○ Kung kailan mo siya tinransmit sa isa problems occur
ganon din sa kabila ● Controls and audit trails of the transactions
● On receipt of data, the receiving party will that have been made in the ATM. This should
immediately transmit an acknowledgment or include internal registration in the ATM, either

Module 2: Business Processes

in internal paper or digital media, depending ● Phone technology that allows a computer to
on regulation or laws in each country and on detect voice and touch tones using a normal
the hosts that are involved in the transaction. phone call.
○ Ex. “Press 1” chuchuchu
● The caller uses the telephone keypad to select
from preset menu choices provided by the
To perform an audit of ATMs, an IS auditor should IVR.
undertake the following actions: ● The IVR system then responds with
● Review controls (physical security) to prevent prerecorded or dynamically generated audio
introduction of malware. to further direct callers or route the caller to a
● Review measures to establish proper customer customer service representative.
identification and maintenance of their
confidentiality. An IS auditor should ensure that there are controls
● Review file maintenance and retention system over such systems in place to prevent unauthorized
to trace transactions. individuals from entering system-level commands
○ Retention system - policy of organization that may permit them to change or rerecord menu
regarding safe keeping of documents. options.
Dinedestroy agad yung documents
depending sa law or policy
● Review exception reports to provide an audit
trail. Most purchase accounting systems perform three
○ Exception reports - iba-iba yung tawag basic accounting functions:
per banks
○ Ex. suspicious activity, maraming ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PROCESSING
unsuccessful attempts - pwedeng lumabas
● Recording transactions in the accounts
sa report
payable records
● Review daily reconciliation of ATM
- Minsan yung mga businesses uses A/P
transactions including:
para mamaximize yung use of funds
○ Review SoD in the opening of the ATM
and recount of deposit.
■ Dapat dalawa sila doon
○ Review the procedures made for the ● Recording details of goods received but not
retained cards. yet invoiced
■ Hiwalay dapat ang custody ng pin
■ Destroy unclaimed cards (dapat) ● Recording goods ordered but not yet received
● Review encryption key change management - Kabaliktaran ng goods received
procedures. processing
○ Review physical security measures to
ensure security of the ATM and the
money contained in the ATM. IMAGE PROCESSING
■ Common: installation of CCTVs ● Method of manipulating or altering an image
○ Review the ATM card slot, keypad and to achieve a desired result, typically for
enclosure to prevent skimming of card improving its visual quality or extracting
data and capture of PIN during entry. useful information from it. It involves a
■ Skimming of ATM - doon sa slot variety of techniques and algorithms to
mismo ng ATM, ireread na niya yung modify or analyze images, and it is a
card, yung keypad fake din siya fundamental component of computer vision,
nakaconnect, once na nakaconnect artificial intelligence, and many other fields.
pwede makuha info mo ○ Example: filter
■ As a precautionary measure, tignan
Most businesses that perform image processing
INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE (IVR) obtain benefits from using the imaging system.

Module 2: Business Processes

Examples of potential benefits are: 5. SOFTWARE SECURITY

● Item processing (e.g., signature storage and
● Security controls over image system
documents are critical to protect institutions
● Immediate retrieval via a secure optical
and customer information from unauthorized
storage medium
access and modifications.
● Increased productivity
● The integrity and reliability of the imaging
● Improved control over paper files
system database are related directly to the
● Reduced deterioration due to handling
quality of controls over access to the system.
● Enhanced disaster recovery procedures
● Inadequate training of personnel scanning the
documents can result in poor-quality
1. PLANNING document images and indexes, and the early
destruction of original documents. The
● The lack of careful planning in selecting and
installation and use of imaging systems can be
converting paper systems to document
a major change for department personnel.
imaging systems can result in excessive
They must be trained adequately to ensure
installation costs, the destruction of original
quality control over the scanning and storage
documents and the failure to achieve expected
of imaging documents as well as the use of the
system to maximize the benefits of converting
● Critical issues include converting existing
to imaging systems.
paper storage files and integration of the
imaging system into the organization workflow
and electronic media storage to meet audit MODULE 2 - PART 5
and document retention legal requirements.


● Imaging systems may change or eliminate the
traditional controls as well as the checks and SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA
balances inherent in paper-based systems. ACQUISITION
Audit procedures may have to be redesigned for controlling, monitoring, and analyzing industrial
and new controls designed into the automated devices and processes
platform for automated control and operation of a
● Institutions generally redesign or reengineer plant or industrial process
workflow processes to benefit from imaging
type of tiny computer that can receive data
through its inputs and send operating instructions
● Scanning devices are the entry point for image through its outputs
documents and a significant risk area in
imaging systems. They can disrupt workflow if
the scanning equipment is not adequate to
handle the volume of documents or the
equipment breaks down. The absence of
controls over the scanning process can result in
poor quality images, improper indexing, and
incomplete or forged documents being entered
into the system. Procedures should be in place
to ensure that original documents are not
destroyed before determining that a good
image has been captured.

Module 2: Business Processes

● Restricting logical access to the ICS network
and network activity. This includes using a
demilitarized zone (DMZ) network
architecture with firewalls to prevent network
traffic from passing directly between the
corporate and ICS networks and having
separate authentication mechanisms and
credentials for users of the corporate and ICS
○ This can be achieved by installing access
control software.
● The ICS should also use a network topology
that has multiple layers, with the most
critical communications occurring in the
most secure and reliable layer.
● Restricting physical access to the ICS
network and devices. Unauthorized physical
access to components could cause serious
● Blocked or delayed flow of information disruption of the ICS’s functionality. A
through ICS networks, which could disrupt combination of physical access controls
ICS operation. should be used, such as locks, card readers
● Unauthorized changes to instructions, and/or guards.
commands or alarm thresholds, which could ● Protecting individual ICS components from
damage, disable or shut down equipment, exploitation. This includes deploying security
create environmental impacts, and/or patches in as expeditious a manner as
endanger human life. possible, after testing them under field
○ It is important to take note that no matter conditions; disabling all unused ports and
how expensive the IT assets of an services; restricting ICS user privileges to only
organization have, the safety of human life those that are required for each person’s role;
remains the top priority. tracking and monitoring audit trails; and
● Inaccurate information sent to system using security controls such as antivirus
operators, either to disguise unauthorized software and file integrity checking software,
changes or to cause the operators to initiate where technically feasible, to prevent, deter,
inappropriate actions, which could have detect and mitigate malware.
various negative effects. ● Maintaining functionality during adverse
○ Thus it is imperative to verify the conditions. This involves designing the ICS so
authorization and propriety of the that each critical component has a redundant
transmitted information counterpart. Additionally, if a component
● ICS software or configuration settings fails, it should fail in a manner that does not
modified, or ICS software infected with generate unnecessary traffic on the ICS or
malware, which could have various negative other networks, or does not cause another
effects. A compromised system would render problem elsewhere, such as a cascading
it ineffective. event.
○ It is important to add layers of control, ● Restoring the system after an incident.
such as antivirus software to prevent the Incidents are inevitable, and an incident
infection of malware on the other hand response plan is essential. A major
any modification of the system should be characteristic of a good security program is
scrutinized, and tested prior to its release how quickly a system can be recovered after
to the live production. an incident has occurred.
● Interference with the operation of safety
systems, which could endanger human life.
○ Hence, safety protocols should always be
in place. ● Knowledge is acquired and used.
● Goals are generated and achieved.

Module 2: Business Processes

● Information is communicated. ● Rules - an expression of declarative

● Collaboration is achieved. knowledge through the use of if and
● Concepts are formed. relationships.
● Languages are developed. ● Semantic nets - use a graph in which the
nodes represent physical or conceptual
AI fields include, among others: objects, and the arcs describe the relationship
● Expert systems between the nodes. resemble a data flow
● Natural and artificial (such as programming) diagram, and make use of inheritance
languages mechanisms to prevent duplication of data.
● Neural networks additionally, the inference engine shown is a
● Intelligent text management program that uses the knowledge base and
● Theorem proving determines the most appropriate outcome
● Abstract reasoning based on the information supplied by the user.
● Pattern recognition ● Knowledge interface - inclusion of knowledge
● Voice recognition from an expert into the system without the
● Problem solving traditional mediation of a software engineer.
● Machine translation of foreign languages ● Data interface - is the collection of data from
- Nonetheless AI should never be the sole basis nonhuman sources through an expert system.
for forming our conclusion, it can aid us in
decision making but never a substitute of our
professional judgment.
● Understand the purpose and functionality of
● Assess the system’s significance to the
are an area of AI and perform a specific function or
organization and related businesses
are prevalent in certain industries. An expert
processes as well as the associated potential
system allows the user to specify certain basic
assumptions or formulas and then uses these
● Review the adherence of the system to
assumptions or formulas to analyze arbitrary
corporate policies and procedures
events. Based on the information used as input to
● Review the decision logic built into the system
the system, a conclusion is produced.
to ensure that the expert knowledge or
intelligence in the system is sound and
● Capturing the knowledge and experience of
● Review procedures for updating information
in the KB
● Sharing knowledge and experience
● Review security access over the system,
● Enhancing personnel productivity and
specifically the KB
● Review procedures to ensure that qualified
● Automating highly (statistically) repetitive
resources are available for maintenance and
tasks (help desk, score credits, etc.)
● Operating in environments where a human
expert is not available (e.g., medical
assistance on board of a ship, satellites) SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT
● is linking the business processes between the
KNOWLEDGE BASE (KB) contains specific related entities such as the buyer and the
information or fact patterns associated with seller. The link is provided to all the connected
particular subject matter and the rules for areas such as managing logistics and the
interpreting these facts. The KB interfaces with a exchange of information, services and goods
database in obtaining data to analyze a particular among supplier, consumer, warehouse,
problem in deriving an expert conclusion. wholesale/retail distributors and the
manufacturer of goods.
The information in the KB can be expressed in ○ Technology serves as the catalyst for its
several ways: expansion. The Internet creates the bridge
● Decision trees - used questionnaires to lead for communicating among different
the user to a series of choices until the business partners. Proper implementation
conclusion is reached. of supply chain management could lead to

Module 2: Business Processes

efficiency, reduced cost and significant

As mentioned in the previous module, the audit
function should have collective knowledge from
● is the combination of practices, strategies and different individuals. However, there is still a chance
technologies that companies use to manage that there are highly technical fields beyond the
and analyze customer interactions and data current skills and expertise of the audit function.
throughout the customer lifecycle. The goal is
to improve customer service relationships and Services of other experts for the engagement might
assist with customer retention and drive sales be needed to fill in the gap.
○ Customers are the life blood of every
business. Hence we need to understand
their needs and wants to satisfy them. This ● Assess and approve the adequacy of the
emphasizes the importance of focusing on other experts’ professional qualifications,
information relating to transaction, data competencies, relevant experience, resources,
preferences, purchase patterns, status independence and quality-control processes
contact history, demographic information prior to the engagement.
and service trends of customers, rather ○ The expert should have the necessary skill
than on products. set in training, which the audit team is
lacking. In addition, the experts should be
OPERATIONAL CRM likewise independent both in fact and in
● Concerned with maximizing the utility of the
● Assess, review and evaluate the work of other
customer’s service experience while also
experts as part of the engagement and
capturing useful data about the customer
document the conclusion on the extent of use
and reliance on their work.
● Ex. Feedback report, live chat system
○ The usefulness and appropriateness of the
report as well as the impact of significant
ANALYTICAL CRM findings on the overall audit objectives
● Seeks to analyze information captured by the should likewise be assessed.
organization about its customers and their ● Determine whether the work of other experts,
interactions with the organization into who are not part of the engagement team, is
information that allows greater value to be adequate and complete to conclude on the
obtained from the customer base. current engagement objectives.
● CRM analytics makes storing, organizing, ○ We can exercise our professional judgment
analyzing your customer information easy which and review of their working papers to
makes it easier to make smart decisions. Well achieve this objective.
analyze data is a vital tool for building ● Determine whether the work of other experts
successful strategies which can be made will be relied upon and incorporated directly
possible by an analytical CRM a typical or referred to separately in the report.
analytical CRM is composed of: ○ If other experts' access to records or
○ Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) - systems is prohibited by enterprise internal
organizes large sets of data simultaneously. policies, practitioners should determine
○ Data Mining - analyze data to solve the appropriate extent of use and reliance
business problems by identifying patterns on the other experts' work.
and relationships. ● Apply additional test procedures to gain
○ Data Warehousing - collects and archives sufficient and appropriate evidence in
data from multiple systems. circumstances where the work of other
experts does not provide sufficient and
appropriate evidence.
○ This can be done through test of controls
and substantial extent of testing.
● Provide an audit opinion or conclusion, and
include any scope limitation where required

Module 2: Business Processes

evidence is not obtained through additional situated, the chief audit executive should
test procedures. be wary of the prudential requirements to
comply with the regulations.
FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED ● Compliance with applicable professional
● Restrictions on outsourcing of audit/security
○ Just like the IS auditors who are governed
services provided by laws and regulations
by ISACA, other professionals should
○ There are some jurisdictions that might not
adhere with their respective and globally
allow the outsourcing of the audit function.
accepted standards. We should also
Hence the chief audit executive should be
consider their compliance on the code of
aware of the laws and regulations
ethics of their profession.
governing the organization.
● Audit charter or contractual stipulations
○ Outsourcing for outsourcing services OTHER REQUIREMENTS
should be documented in the audit charter ● Testimonials/references and background
in order for the work of the expert to be checks.
considered in the audit objectives of the IS ○ Due diligence should be performed on the
audit function. character in capability of the expert.
● Impact on overall and specific IS audit ● Access to systems, premises and records.
objectives ○ Considering that the experts are outsiders
○ Is the hiring of experts really necessary? from the organization, their access should
○ Is the function to be audited critical? be on a need to know basis their access to
○ The IS audit function should conduct cost the records, whether physical or logical
benefit analysis before engaging the work should be revoked once their assignment
of other experts. is finished.
● Impact on IS audit risk and professional ● Confidentiality restrictions to protect
liability customer-related information.
○ It is important to understand that ○ Confidential information should not be
although a part or the whole of the audit compromised when securing the services
work may be delegated to an external of the expert.
service provider, the related professional ● Use of computer-assisted auditing techniques
liability is not necessarily delegated. At the and other tools to be used by the external
end of the day, the responsibility still rests audit service provider.
with the IS audit function. ○ Only the tools, methodologies necessary
● Scope of work proposed to be outsourced and for their objective should be granted to the
approach expert. Likewise, this should be
○ This should be documented in the agreed-upon and documented in the
agreement between the IS audit function engagement letter or contract.
and third party experts. We should clearly ● Standards and methodologies for
communicate the audit objectives, scope, performance of work and documentation.
and methodology through a formal ○ As much as possible, this should be
engagement letter. aligned with the methodologies of the ICS
● Supervisory and audit management controls audit function.
○ Monitoring process for regular review of ● Nondisclosure agreements.
the work of the external service provider ○ Third party experts should be required to
with regard to planning, supervision, sign this contract since it provides legal
review, and documentation should be indemnification in case information were
established by IS audit function. disclosed by the experts, without the
● Method and modalities of communication of consent or permission of the organization.
results of audit work
○ This should also be agreed upon with the
● Compliance with legal and regulatory
○ If outsourcing is allowed under the
jurisdiction where the organization is


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