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Plant, Cell and Environment (2008) 31, 667–678 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2008.01794.x

Paths through the phytochrome network


Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences, Edinburgh University, Kings Buildings, Mayfield Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3 JR, UK

ABSTRACT particular wavelengths trigger phototropic growth. In this

review, we will explore the emerging view of how phyto-
Since the discovery of the physical interaction between
chromes (phy), the red (R) and far-red (FR) light-absorbing
phytochrome B and the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) tran-
photoreceptors, control the early stages of plant
scription factor (TF) PIF3 a decade ago, plant phytochrome-
signalling research has largely focused on understanding the
mechanisms through which phytochromes and members of
this bHLH family signal. This concerted effort has revealed
how phytochrome and bHLH TF control gene expression Phytochromes are large (~120 kD) protein dimers with
and plant growth, and has assigned precise roles to a number light-sensing phytochromobilin chromophores covalently
of genes in the PIF3-like bHLH TF clade. This work has attached within the N-terminal region of each apoprotein
focused largely on cell autonomous signalling events; (Chen, Chory & Fankhauser 2004). These photoreceptors
however, to synchronize plant growth and developmental exist as two interconvertible forms that toggle between
events at the tissue and organ level, temporal and spatial the biologically inactive R-absorbing Pr and active
signal integration is crucial. This review brings together FR-absorbing Pfr isoforms. R light irradiation induces a
current knowledge of phytochrome signalling through conformational change that converts Pr into Pfr. This
phytochrome-interacting factors (PIFs)/phytochrome- photoconversion is reversible, following exposure to FR
interacting factor-like (PILs), and it evaluates the current wavelengths. Reversion to the inactive Pr form also occurs
evidence for cross-tissue signal integration. during prolonged dark periods via a thermal process known
as dark reversion (Sineshchekov 1995; Braslavsky, Gartner
Key-words: bHLH transcription factor; circadian; gibberel- & Schaffner 1997). The absorption of light triggers the
lic acid signalling; inter-organ communication; light; photo- translocation of phytochrome to the nucleus and the subse-
receptor; PIF; PIL. quent modification of gene transcription (Nagy & Schafer
2002; Huq, Al-Sady & Quail 2003; Nagatani 2004). These
early molecular events set in motion signalling pathways
INTRODUCTION that control an array of growth and developmental
Plant photoreceptors act at the interface of exterior and responses including germination, seedling establishment,
internal molecular environments. Their job is to acquire elongation growth, apical dominance and flowering time
information on seasonal progression and on the condition (Chory et al. 1996).
of the local habitat. This is achieved by detecting changes in The antagonistic effects of R and FR light on plant
day length (photoperiod) and spectral light quality. Con- growth were first shown in the early 1950s. At this time,
stant surveillance provides a means for the plant to adjust Borthwick et al. (1952) demonstrated that R light induction
its growth and development so that it is in tune with the of lettuce seed germination could essentially be negated if
seasons and the often dramatic accompanying changes in FR light was provided immediately after a R pulse. This led
local vegetation. Partly because light is a primary utility for to the development of the concept of a ’photoreversible
photosynthesizing plants, and partly because light cues can pigment’ (Butler et al. 1959) and to the idea of the existence
provide an accurate readout of environmental change, of two interconvertible forms of the phytochrome molecule
higher plants have evolved a whole suite of photoreceptors. (Borthwick & Hendricks 1960). Suggestions were made
Subdivided into small gene families, these receptors absorb that the biologically inactive Pr and the active Pfr isoforms
light in both distinct and overlapping regions in the UV-B resulted from the association of an apoprotein to a photo-
to far-red (FR) (~280–800 nm) portion of the electromag- reversible pigment (Borthwick & Hendricks 1960). These
netic spectrum. Detecting a broad spectral range has two ideas were insightful as the phytochrome apoprotein was
main advantages: (1) it ensures that vital responses, such as later shown to attach the light-absorbing chromophore,
chlorophyll production, are robustly triggered by a range of phytochromobilin (Elich & Lagarias 1987).
wavelengths; and (2) it enables specialization, for instance, Initially, phytochrome was considered as a single molecu-
lar species. However, detailed spectrophotometric studies
Correspondence: K. J. Halliday. Fax: +44 131 650 6556; e-mail: suggested the existence of two forms of phytochrome with different properties (Furuya, Hopkins & Hillman 1965).
*Authors contributed equally to this manuscript. These early studies lit the touch paper that eventually led to
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668 E.-M. Josse et al.

the demonstration that phytochrome was divided into two growth (Chen et al. 2004). The amplitude of this physiologi-
pools (Brockman & Schafer 1982; Abe et al. 1989; Furuya cal response is directly related to the fluence rate and spec-
1989; Nagatani et al. 1989). Type I, or light-labile phyto- tral quality of the ambient light environment.
chrome, was abundant in etiolated seedlings, degrading Genetic studies in Arabidopsis have identified roles for
rapidly after exposure to light. In contrast, type II, or light- phyB and phyE in the R/FR reversible promotion of seed
stable phytochrome, was not degraded by light, persisting germination (Shinomura et al. 1994; Hennig et al. 2002).
in light-grown seedlings. Following the discovery of a small PhyA irreversibly triggers germination in both VLFR and
gene family encoding five phytochromes in Arabidopsis, FR-HIR modes, and phyE appears to participate in this
named PHYA-E (Sharrock & Quail 1989; Clack, Mathews response, regulating germination under a continuous FR
& Sharrock 1994), phyA was assigned the light-stable, and (Hennig et al. 2002). Mutant analysis has also shown that
phyB-E the light-stable forms of phytochrome (Quail 1991; phytochromes play a pivotal role in controlling the
Sharrock & Clack 2002). de-etiolation switch and are intimately involved with fine-
As phyB-E Pfr and Pr are reasonably stable in light- tuning seedling establishment and development: for
grown seedlings, the relative levels of these two isoforms example, phyA null mutants fail to de-etiolate and regulate
in planta are proportionate to the ratio of R and FR light the requisite genes when grown under FR light (Nagatani,
perceived. These characteristics mean that light-stable phy- Reed & Chory 1993; Parks & Quail 1993; Whitelam et al.
tochromes are exquisite sensors of light quality. They are 1993; Tepperman et al. 2001). These and associated experi-
also robustly R/FR reversible, which is a key feature of the ments show that, as for germination, phyA regulates early
so-called low fluence response (LFR) mode in which they development in response to FR light. While phyA is the
operate. The light-labile character of phyA-Pfr enables major regulator under FR light, R light responses are con-
phyA to work in quite a different manner. In etiolated trolled by multiple phytochromes, although phyB appears
seedlings, phyA accumulates to very high levels, and to have a central role. This is highlighted by phyB mutant
because of the overlapping absorption spectra of the Pr and alleles that fail to fully de-etiolate when grown under R
Pfr forms, even small amounts of R or FR light are sufficient light. Mutant analysis has shown that phyC and phyD par-
to generate phyA-Pfr (Shinomura et al. 1996). This triggers ticipate, but have more minor roles in this process. phyC
responses in the so-called very low fluence response mutants show a substantial increase in hypocotyl length
(VLFR) mode, for example, germination. VLFRs are typi- in R light, although no additional phenotype in a phyB
cally saturated at very low concentrations of Pfr and do not null background, suggesting that phyC controls extension
show classical R/FR photoreversibility (Smith & Whitelam growth by modulating phyB function (Franklin et al. 2003a;
1990). PhyA levels also accumulate under a continuous FR Monte et al. 2003). phyD mutants show a small or marginal
or low R/FR ratio light where the majority of phyA is in the increase in hypocotyl elongation when grown under R light,
Pr form. Under these conditions, a small proportion of while phyE and phyA are indistinguishable from wild-type
phyA will photoconvert to the Pfr form, which will then seedlings (Aukerman et al. 1997). The effects of these muta-
either photorevert to Pr or degrade. This dynamic equilib- tions do, however, become apparent when phyB levels
rium will drive phyA action in the so-called high irradiance and/or levels of other phytochromes are also depleted
response (HIR) mode, where the degree of the response is (Reed & Chory 1994; Devlin, Patel & Whitelam 1998;
highly dependent on the fluence rate and duration of the Franklin et al. 2003a,b; Franklin, Allen & Whitelam
FR light (Shinomura, Uchida & Furuya 2000). These char- 2007).Thus, all five phytochromes are involved in promot-
acteristics mean that phyA is, in some senses, more versatile ing de-etiolation under a continuous R light.
than the other phytochromes, regulating responses to FR as Although mutant analysis suggests that phyB is the main
well as R light. photoreceptor in R light, surprisingly, expression profile
experiments over 24 h demonstrate that a relatively small
portion of these genes is regulated in a phyB-dependent
manner (Tepperman et al. 2004). These data suggest that
some of the more visible phenotypes in the phyB null, for
Light is an extremely influential signal during both germi- example, hypocotyl elongation, are controlled by a distinct
nation and seedling establishment. When germination subset of genes, and that the role of other phytochromes is
occurs in the absence of light, limited resources are used for greater than originally expected. Kinetic studies of hypo-
promoting elongation of the seedling hypocotyl in an effort cotyl growth inhibition have revealed temporal contribu-
to reach light at the soil surface. Even very dim light can tions of phyA and phyB to R-light-triggered de-etiolation
trigger a whole series of events that dramatically alter the (Parks & Spalding 1999). This analysis has shown that upon
developmental programme towards de-etiolation. Perhaps transfer to R light, phyA controls hypocotyl growth inhibi-
the most important of these events is the rapid acquisition tion for the first 3 h. Thereafter, hypocotyl growth is mainly
of photosynthetic competence and the modification of controlled by phyB (Parks & Spalding 1999). This careful
growth habit to maximize light and nutrient capture. In the study provided clear evidence for phyA action that is not
young seedling, light drives and coordinates a suite of apparent in end-point studies where the phyA null has
responses including inhibition of hypocotyl elongation, no obvious phenotype. This central role for phyA in early
cotyledon expansion, chlorophyll production and root R light perception is consistent with microarray analysis
© 2008 The Authors
Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 31, 667–678
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The phytochrome network 669

showing that 74% of early R-light-induced genes are phyA- to respond to either low R/FR or EOD-FR treatments
regulated, compared with 10% that are phyB-regulated (Franklin et al. 2003b). Loss of phyC, even in the absence of
(Tepperman et al. 2001). other phytochromes, does not impair R/FR perception, con-
sistent with phyC not regulating the SAR (Franklin et al.
Interestingly, studies of phyA and phyAphyB mutants
The spectral quality of the light environment can vary have shown that phyA antagonizes SARs: in low R/FR ratio
greatly between habitats and seasons. Vegetation can light conditions, phyA mutants have enhanced hypocotyl
provide direct shade, thus reducing light availability, but elongation, while phyAphyB double mutants display longer
also altering the light spectrum in the immediate vicinity. hypocotyls than phyB (Johnson et al. 1994; Smith, Xu &
Photosynthetic pigments absorb light through the entire Quail 1997). These data are consistent with microarray
visible electromagnetic spectrum, but less effectively in the analysis revealing the antagonistic regulation by phyA of
longer wavelength range, producing a light environment many shade-responsive genes (Devlin, Yanovsky & Kay
that is FR enriched (Smith 1982). This reduction in the 2003). Under deep shade, de-etiolation is severely impaired
R/FR ratio (low R/FR) alters the balance between Pr and in phyA mutants, and many of these mutants die prema-
Pfr in favour of the biologically inactive Pr form, with a turely (Yanovsky, Casal & Whitelam 1995), suggesting that
consequential alteration of phytochrome signalling. Thus, in the natural environment, phyA is required to limit elon-
the balance between Pr and Pfr forms provides an accurate gation in shaded conditions.
and dynamic sensor of the presence and density of nearby
vegetation (Holmes & Smith 1975; Smith & Whitelam
1997). In the natural environment, this facility is essential as
the availability of nutrients, and most crucially, of light can It has been shown that phytochromes in their Pfr form are
be dramatically reduced by competing plants. Reduced light able to specifically and reversibly bind members of a group
levels constrain photosynthetic productivity, limiting of transcription factors (TFs) designated as phytochrome-
carbon availability, which can impair growth, development, interacting factors (PIFs) (Ni, Tepperman & Quail 1998,
and ultimately, threaten plant survival. Low R/FR ratios 1999; Martinez-Garcia, Huq & Quail 2000; Huq & Quail
trigger a wide range of responses that are collectively 2002; Fujimori et al. 2004; Khanna et al. 2004; Oh et al.
referred to as ‘shade-avoidance responses’ (SARs) (Smith 2004). PIFs belong to the bHLH (basic helix-loop-helix) TF
& Whitelam 1997). These responses include an increased superfamily of which 147 members have been identified.
elongation of petiole and stem, increased apical dominance, PIFs cluster to subfamily number 15, which consists of 15
altered chlorophyll levels, leaf hyponasty and early flower- members (Toledo-Ortiz, Huq & Quail 2003). Sequence
ing. The reallocation of plant resources to elongation alignments of these subfamily members have shown that 12
increases the likelihood of reaching unfiltered sunlight, of the 15 members contain a conserved motif in their
while acceleration of the life cycle maximizes survival N-terminal region, which is absent from the other members
chances (Ballaré, Scopel & Sánchez 1990). The ability to of the superfamily. This motif, designated as active phyto-
perceive and respond to environmental cues of this chrome binding (APB) motif, is necessary and sufficient for
nature is observed across many species (Casal, Sachez & Pfr-specific binding of phyB to a subset of these bHLH TFs
Deregibus 1987; Ballaré et al. 1990; Weijschede et al. 2006; (Khanna et al. 2004). The interaction of phyB with five of
Kebrom & Brutnell 2007). Conserved through evolution, these bHLH TFs (PIF1/PIL5, PIF3, PIF4, PIF5/PIL6, PIF6/
this facility provides a vital readout of the changeable PIL2) has been shown in vitro (Ni et al. 1998, 1999; Huq &
habitat (Mathews 2006). Quail 2002; Khanna et al. 2004; Oh et al. 2004; Monte et al.
In Arabidopsis, the phyB mutant displays elongated 2007). An active phyA binding (APA) motif has also been
leaves and is early flowering, resembling wild-type plants described for PIF3 (Al-Sady et al. 2006), and is necessary
grown in low R/FR ratio light, implicating phyB as a core for its binding to phyA. Such a motif has not yet been
mediator of SAR (Nagatani, Chory & Furuya 1991; Somers reported in other bHLH members of subfamily 15.
et al. 1991; Reed et al. 1993). However, the retention of Individual PIFs have different affinities for phyA and
responses to supplementary FR light and to end-of-day phyB. For example, PIF3 preferentially binds phyB,
(EOD) FR treatments in the phyB null mutant demon- although a weak binding to phyA has been shown (Zhu
strates that other phytochromes also contribute to this et al. 2000). PIF1/PIL5 also binds both phyA and phyB, but
response (Goto, Kumagai & Koornneef 1991; Whitelam & while binding is weaker to phyA versus phyB, it has greater
Smith 1991; Robson, Whitelam & Smith 1993; Halliday, than 10 times more affinity for phyA than PIF3 (Huq et al.
Koornneef & Whitelam 1994; Devlin et al. 1996). Analysis 2004). Consistent with their binding affinities, PIF3 has been
of mutants carrying phyD and phyE null alleles in addition shown to have a major role in phyB signalling and a minor
to phyB has revealed apparent redundant roles for these role in phyA signalling (Ni et al. 1998), while PIF1/PIL5
phytochromes in controlling shade avoidance (Aukerman plays substantial roles in both phyA and phyB signalling
et al. 1997; Devlin et al. 1998, 1999). Further analysis has (Huq et al. 2004; Oh et al. 2004). Despite having roles in
shown that these are the only positive regulators of shade phytochrome signalling, three members of this bHLH
avoidance, the phyBphyDphyE triple mutant being unable TF subfamily, spatula (SPT), long hypocotyl in far-red1
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670 E.-M. Josse et al.

(HFR1) and PIF3-like1 (PIL1), have been shown not to biological rationale for these different modes of action is
directly interact with phytochrome in vitro (Fairchild, Schu- discussed further below.
maker & Quail 2000; Khanna et al. 2004). SPT and HFR1
lack the conserved APB motif, but the reason for the lack of
interaction between phytochrome and PIL1, which pos-
sesses an APB region, is as of yet unclear (Khanna et al. The stability of PIFs/PILs, and therefore their activity, is
2004), although it is of course possible that in vivo interac- subject to a close control by light. Some PIFs/PILs are more
tions do occur. stable in darkness, while others are stabilized by light. It has
PIFs/PILs have been shown to bind to G-box motifs, been shown that nuclear-localized PIF3, PIF1/PIL5 or PIF5/
which are present within the promoters of numerous light- PIL6 is rapidly degraded by the proteasome when etiolated
regulated genes. Furthermore, phyB was shown to bind seedlings are exposed to light (Bauer et al. 2004; Monte
DNA-bound PIF3 specifically and reversibly upon transi- et al. 2004; Park et al. 2004; Shen et al. 2005; Shen et al.
tion to the active Pfr conformation (Martinez-Garcia et al. 2007). Phytochromes play a major role in PIFs/PILs
2000). It is proposed that the phytochrome–PIF interaction stability. Indeed, phytochrome binding to PIF3 and to PIF5/
provides a direct means to modify transcription following PIL6 is required for intranuclear phosphorylation. This
phytochrome translocation into the nucleus (Martinez- is thought to ‘label’ the protein for degradation via the
Garcia et al. 2000; Tepperman et al. 2001). Additionally, proteasome (Al-Sady et al. 2006; Shen et al. 2007). Analysis
bHLH proteins in Arabidopsis and other organisms are of 35S:GUS:PIF3 and 35S:LUC:PIF1 transgenic lines sug-
known to dimerize (Klemm, Schreiber & Crabtree 1998; gests that upon transfer to darkness, PIF3 and PIF1/PIL5
Fairchild et al. 2000; Firulli et al. 2000; Massari & Murre protein levels increase. This increase is greatly accelerated
2000; Khanna et al. 2004), providing a possible mechanism when an FR light pulse is provided before transfer to
for these TFs to moderate each other’s activity. darkness, suggesting that phytochrome in its Pfr form is
PIFs/PILs can act in concert with other TFs to regulate required to maintain low levels of PIF3 and PIF1/PIL5
development. PIF3 has been shown to act with elongated (Monte et al. 2004; Shen et al. 2005). As PIF3 and PIF1/PIL5
hypocotyl 5 (HY5), a basic leucine zipper (bZIP) TF in the are under such close regulation by phyB-Pfr, they appear to
regulation of gene transcription (Ang et al. 1998; Hardtke be good candidates for promoters of growth elongation
et al. 2000; Osterlund et al. 2000; Shin, Park & Choi 2007). under low R/FR light. Studies using seedlings expressing
PIF3 and HY5 can control the transcription in an antago- PIF3promoter-PIF3:YFP have suggested that PIF3 protein
nistic manner (e.g. during hypocotyl elongation), or in a abundance is also subject to diurnal control. When grown in
collaborative manner, to drive development in the same long-day cycles, PIF3 accumulates around the end of the
direction (e.g. during FR-induced anthocyanin biosynthe- day (Viczian et al. 2005).Thus, PIF3 protein function may be
sis) (Somers et al. 1991; Kim et al. 2003; Shin et al. 2007). determined by both photoperiod and the relative propor-
This collaborative action is achieved when PIF3 and HY5 tions of R and FR of the ambient light.
bind separate sequence elements in the promoters of the SPT and HFR1, in contrast to PIF3, PIF1/PIL5 and PIF5/
anthocyanin biosynthesis genes they control (Shin et al. PIL6, are light stable (Duek et al. 2004; Penfield et al. 2005;
2007). Yang et al. 2005b). While the mode of SPT protein regula-
Many PIFs/PILs are described as negative regulators of tion has not yet been elucidated, we do have some insights
phytochrome signalling during long-term irradiation. For into HFR1 control. HFR1 is targeted for degradation by the
instance, under a constant R light, the monogenic pif3, pif4 nuclear proteasome in the dark through a constitutive
and pif5/pil6 mutants display short hypocotyl phenotypes photomorphogenic 1–suppressor of phyA 1 (COP1-SPA1)-
(Halliday et al. 1996; Huq & Quail 2002; Kim et al. 2003; dependent process (Duek et al. 2004; Yang et al. 2005b).
Bauer et al. 2004; Fujimori et al. 2004; Monte et al. 2004), COP1 and SPA1 physically interact to form the E3 ubiq-
while the overexpression of PIF5/PIL6 and PIF1/PIL5 uitin ligase complex, which mediates HFR1 degradation
leads to excess elongation (Fujimori et al. 2004; Oh et al. (Hoecker & Quail 2001; Saijo et al. 2003; Yang et al. 2005a).
2004). Hence, for these physiological responses, PIF1/ Light tempers this process by disrupting the COP1-SPA1
PIL5, PIF3, PIF4 and PIF5/PIL6 are negative regulators of interaction and by triggering COP1 migration from the
phyB signalling. Likewise, under FR light, pif1/pil5 has a nucleus (von Arnim & Deng 1994; von Arnim et al. 1997;
short hypocotyl phenotype, while PIF1/PIL5 overexpres- Stacey & von Arnim 1999; Hoecker & Quail 2001; Saijo
sion causes hypocotyl elongation (Oh et al. 2004), suggest- et al. 2003). The phenotypic similarity of the pil1 and hfr1
ing that PIF1/PIL5 is a negative regulator of phyA mutants (Salter, Franklin & Whitelam 2003; Sessa et al.
signalling. PIF3 appears to have an overlapping role with 2005; Roig-Villanova et al. 2006) suggests that these bHLH
PIF1/PIL5, as the pif3 mutant has expanded cotyledons TFs may perform similar roles. HFR1 and PIL1 have been
and PIF3 overexpressors have smaller cotyledons when shown to antagonize elongation growth under low R/FR
grown under FR light (Kim et al. 2003). In contrast, HFR1 ratio light, conditions where phyA protein levels increase.
and PIL1 appear to act as positive regulators of phyA This provides a means for phyA to moderate elongation
signalling, as mutant alleles have a long hypocotyl pheno- growth under shade conditions. Moreover, transcriptomics
types under FR light (Fairchild et al. 2000; Fankhauser data have suggested a moderating role for phyA in the SAR
& Chory 2000; Soh et al. 2000; Khanna et al. 2006). The (Devlin et al. 2003). Thus, it appears that HFR1 and PIL1
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The phytochrome network 671

may act as a counterbalance to PIF3 and PIF1/PIL5, which R/FR ratio pulses. This is a plausible proposition as PIL1
promote elongation in low R/FR light. and TOC1 have been shown to interact in vitro (Yamashino
et al. 2003). However, detailed analysis is required to estab-
lish whether this interaction occurs in vivo, and if it does,
whether this interaction is relevant for this response. Other
When kept in a constant light (LL), hypocotyl elongation studies have shown that PIF3 and PIF1/PIL5 protein levels,
growth in arrhythmic clock mutants is continuous, but wild- which are subject to diurnal regulation, also accumulate
type seedlings grow rhythmically, indicating that hypocotyl more rapidly following an EOD FR pulse (Monte et al.
growth is controlled by the circadian oscillator (Dowson- 2004; Shen et al. 2005), but it is not yet known whether the
Day & Millar 1999; Nozue et al. 2007). However, although activity of these proteins is gated by the circadian oscillator.
the clock is functional in darkness (Millar et al. 1995), dark-
grown seedlings grow rapidly and without a discernable
rhythm (Nozue et al. 2007). These observations suggest that
circadian growth control of hypocotyl elongation is light- The molecular signalling events that are initiated by phyto-
dependent. A series of experiments by Nozue et al. (2007) chrome action have amazing complexity. Many light
reveal how this clock–light partnership operates. In contrast responses are controlled by manipulating the master con-
to continuous light where hypocotyl growth peaks at sub- trollers of physiology, growth and developmental responses:
jective dusk, under short-days conditions, the peak of hypo- the hormones. A wide range of studies have identified links
cotyl growth occurs at dawn (Dowson-Day & Millar 1999; between light and several hormones including auxin, gib-
Nozue et al. 2007). Thus, photoperiodic conditions have a berellic acid (GA), ethylene, cytokinin and brassinosteroids
dramatic effect on the phasing of this response. Genetic (Halliday & Fankhauser 2003). Perhaps the strongest con-
studies have demonstrated that PIF4 and PIF5/PIL6 par- nections identified, thus far, are between auxin, GA and
ticipate in this process (Nozue et al. 2007). During the day, phytochrome. Recent studies by our lab and others have
light inhibits growth, at least partly, by reducing PIF4 and focused on the integration of light and GA pathways, high-
PIF5/PIL6 protein levels. The clock appears to gate the lighting the central role of PIF/PILs TFs in this light–
growth response by regulating the timing of PIF4 and PIF5/ hormone interaction.
PIL6 transcript levels. PIF4 and PIF5/PIL6 mRNA levels Seed fate is strongly affected by the balance of two hor-
start to rise from midway through the night and reach a mones with antagonistic effects: GA promotes germination,
peak at dawn. In the absence of light, these protein products and abscisic acid (ABA) maintains seed dormancy. Light
are relatively stable, and therefore accumulate, driving and temperature modulate both the synthesis and the per-
elongation during that latter portion of the night. At dawn, ception of these hormones in the seed (Penfield et al. 2005;
light triggers the degradation of PIF4 and PIF5/PIL6 pro- Oh et al. 2007). PIF1/PIL5 and SPT integrate light and
teins with a consequential slowing of elongation. These temperature signals to modulate germination, primarily
experiments nicely illustrate the interplay between light through the transcriptional regulation of GA and ABA
and the oscillator in the regulation of rhythmic hypocotyl metabolism, catabolism and response genes. This provides a
growth. means to modulate active GA and ABA levels in the seed,
Although low R/FR ratio light triggers hypocotyl elonga- and modulate responsivity to these powerful controllers of
tion, this response is circadian gated. Central to this SAR is germination (Oh et al. 2007). It was shown that in seedlings,
PIL1, a putative timing of CAB1 (TOC1) interacting PIF3- upon light activation and translocation to the nucleus,
like bHLH TF (Yamashino et al. 2003). PIL1 mRNA levels phyB-Pfr binds PIF1/PIL5, targeting it for degradation
are consistently low under white light (i.e. high R/FR), but (Shen et al. 2005). In seeds, the depletion of PIF1/PIL5 (1)
increase rapidly following exposure to low R/FR ratio light elevates transcript levels of the GA biosynthetic genes
(Salter et al. 2003). However, in wild-type seedlings grown GA3ox1 and GA3ox2, (2) reduces levels of expression of
in LL, although pulses of low R/FR ratio light are able to the GA catabolic gene GA2ox2, and (3) reduces transcript
induce a rapid increase in PIL1 transcript levels, this levels of the ABA biosynthetic genes ABA1, NCED6 and
response appears to be circadian gated, with a maximal NCED9. These effects may, however, be indirect as PIF1/
response achieved at the start of the subjective day. Addi- PIL5 does not appear to bind directly to the promoter
tionally, analysis of PIL1 mRNA levels in phytochrome null regions of these genes to regulate transcription (Oh et al.
mutants revealed that phyB, phyD and phyE are required 2007). The ABA catabolic gene CYP707A2 is also activated
to repress PIL1 mRNA levels (Salter et al. 2003). Interest- by R light, through both PIF1/PIL5-dependent and PIF1/
ingly, in wild-type seedlings, PIL1 is required to ensure PIL5-independent mechanisms (Oh et al. 2004, 2006, 2007;
the correct phasing of hypocotyl elongation, as pil1 null Penfield et al. 2005; Seo et al. 2006). This leads to an accu-
mutants show a 6 h phase-shift of hypocotyl elongation in mulation of GA and a depletion of ABA, which in turn
response to low R/FR light. As other circadian phenotypes promotes germination.
in pil1 are apparently unaltered, PIL1 may be involved in SPT, unlike PIF1/PIL5, is light stable, and is required
rephasing an oscillator that regulates rhythmic growth in to maintain dormancy in freshly harvested seed. This is
young seedlings. This process may specifically require achieved by an SPT-mediated repression of GA3ox1
TOC1, as toc1 mutant hypocotyls fail to respond to low and GA3ox2 transcript abundance. A cold treatment
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672 E.-M. Josse et al.

(stratification) represses SPT activity inducing an increase executed by a secondary mechanism.As the PIF/PIL bHLH
in GA levels and relieving dormancy. Thus, SPT appears to TFs are known to regulate hypocotyl elongation, the
integrate light and temperature signals to control seed dor- modification of PIF/PIL activity could provide one possible
mancy (Penfield et al. 2005). mechanism via which DELLAs could impose control on
PIF1/PIL5 also regulates GA responsiveness by target- hypocotyl growth.
ing DELLA growth regulators. DELLA genes comprise Consistent with a role in phytochrome signalling,
a small clade [repressor of ga1-3 (RGA), GA-insensitive DELLA proteins and GA signalling have been implicated
(GAI), RGA-LIKE1 (RGL1), RGL2 and RGL3] within the in elongation growth during the SAR. Plants impaired in
GRAS family [for review, Bolle (2004)]. DELLA proteins GA biosynthesis, that is, the ga1-3 mutant or wild-type
are potent suppressors of growth, and GA exerts its promo- plants treated with paclobutrazol, a GA biosynthesis inhibi-
tory effects on growth by triggering their degradation tor, have a short hypocotyl that is less responsive to low
through the E3 ubiquitin ligase SCFSLY1 (Itoh, Matsuoka & R/FR ratio. This suggests that the SAR is GA-dependent
Steber 2003). Interestingly, recent studies with green fluores- (Achard et al. 2007; Djakovic-Petrovic et al. 2007). Interest-
cent protein (GFP)-RGA demonstrate that RGA stability is ingly, the role of GA in the shade avoidance may be tissue-
also subject to ABA control (Penfield et al. 2006). In this specific as GA application phenocopies the response to low
case, ABA prevents RGA degradation, suggesting that R/FR ratio light in hypocotyls, but not petioles (Djakovic-
DELLA stability may result from a balance of GA and ABA Petrovic et al. 2007).
levels (Achard et al. 2006). PIF1/PIL5 maintains dormancy
in the dark, not just by keeping the ABA:GA ratio high, but
by activating the transcription of the DELLA growth regu-
lators RGA and GAI. In contrast to the GA biosynthetic To fully understand the intricacies of light signalling,
genes, RGA and GAI appear to be direct targets, as PIF1/ temporal and spatial elements need to be taken into con-
PIL5 can bind both promoters (Oh et al. 2007). sideration. For example, light triggers opposing growth
An interesting observation that emerged from germina- responses in the hypocotyl and cotyledon, yet these spa-
tion studies was the correlation between final cotyledon tially separated pathways are completely synchronized. To
size and dormancy in the della mutants. This correlation was obtain a clear view of when and where signalling pathways
also broadly maintained when a larger range of mutants are initiated, organ- or tissue-specific analyses are required.
with altered dormancy was examined. Further analysis Recent transcriptomics studies in cotyledon and hypocotyl
showed that cotyledon expansion is initiated prior to radicle provide a preliminary step towards understanding the dif-
emergence, and as for germination, this process is anta- ferences in the signalling pathways initiated in these two
gonistically regulated by GA and ABA. Thus, a light-, tissues (Ma et al. 2005). Firstly, these data demonstrate that
temperature- and hormone-controlled DELLA-mediated the cotyledon expression profile of light-grown seedlings is
induction of cotyledon expansion prior to radicle emer- very close to that of both rosette and cauline leaves, but
gence could be a suitable strategy to overcome seed dor- shows little overlap with the hypocotyl gene expression
mancy by physically breaking the seed coat of Arabidopsis profile. Comparative analysis of light-responsive genes in
seeds, leading to germination (Penfield et al. 2006). hypocotyls and cotyledons from this data set (Fig. 1) pro-
When compared to the seed, the relationship between GA vides the following insights: (1) almost no light-responsive
and light is different in elongating tissues. Here, GA and light genes are regulated antagonistically in hypocotyl versus
act antagonistically, with light inhibiting and GA promoting cotyledon tissue (Fig. 1a). This appears to rule out the pos-
both hypocotyl and petiole elongation.When grown under R sibility that target genes are simply subject to opposing
light, RGA accumulates in hypocotyl cell nuclei in a phyB- regulation in the two organs. (2) Light activates distinct
dependent manner (Achard et al. 2007).This suggests that, in subsets of target genes in hypocotyl and cotyledon tissues
the hypocotyl, phyB and GA have opposing roles in regulat- (Fig. 1b). These observations suggest that different path-
ing DELLA stability. The role of DELLAs in this process is ways are activated in these two tissues, which is perhaps not
supported by the analysis of the della quadruple mutant surprising as they perform different functions. We do not
rga/gai/rgl1/rgl2 that has an elongated hypocotyl when yet have temporal resolution on these data sets, which will
grown under R light (Achard et al. 2006). It is not yet known provide the necessary detail to link components in the
how DELLA proteins mediate their control on growth, as network with confidence.
their proposed molecular function as TFs has not yet been Early studies using microbeam irradiation of distinct
demonstrated (Jiang & Fu 2007; Ueguchi-Tanaka et al. regions of the seedling provide evidence of phytochrome-
2007).A recent study using chromatin immunoprecipitation induced cell autonomous and transmissible signals (Nick
on the promoters of a handful of DELLA target genes has et al. 1993; Bischoff et al. 1997). We know now that the
shown very weak interactions between RGA and those markers used in these studies, anthocyanin and CAB2-
promoters in vivo. This suggests the existence of an indirect LUC, are PIF-regulated outputs of phytochrome signalling.
binding mechanism, possibly involving the association of Nick et al. (1993) first showed that light triggers the accu-
RGA with other DNA-binding proteins to control the mulation of anthocyanin at the site of light application and
expression of its targets (Zentella et al. 2007). It is therefore at spatially separated sites. Furthermore, distinct patterns of
possible that DELLA control on elongation growth could be anthocyanin accumulation could be induced by applying
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The phytochrome network 673

(a) UP DOWN DOWN UP control on root growth by long-distance signalling. In Ara-

bidopsis, this control appears to be achieved, at least in part
489 792 503 853 by regulating auxin transport (Salisbury et al. 2007).
4 12 Although the nature of many long-distance signals is
unclear, hormones and other small molecules are likely
candidates to fulfil this role. Auxin is transported from
the shoot apex and young leaves to the hypocotyl, and is
cotyledon hypocotyl cotyledon hypocotyl
involved in light regulation of hypocotyl elongation (Jensen,
Hangarter & Estelle 1998; Blakeslee, Peer & Murphy 2005).
(b) UP DOWN Photoreceptor-controlled inhibition of hypocotyl elonga-
tion and phytochrome control of lateral root development
383 755 425 706 are at least partially mediated by regulating auxin transport
GAI 110 DFL1 HFR1 90 HAT2 (Jensen et al. 1998; Salisbury et al. 2007). Furthermore, when
GH3-3 FLC ELF3 FR irradiation is directed specifically at the cotyledon or the
PHOT1 CRY2 hypocotyl, auxin-responsive reporter gene expression in the
hypocotyl is only activated in response to cotyledon expo-
cotyledon hypocotyl
sure (Tanaka et al. 2002). These observations support the
cotyledon hypocotyl
role of auxin as part of a phytochrome-controlled long-
Figure 1. Diagrams comparing the profile of expression of distance signal that coordinates plant development.
light-regulated genes in hypocotyl versus cotyledons as Other molecules, including mRNAs and proteins, have
determined from the microarray analysis performed by Ma et al. been reported to travel long distances through the phloem
(2005) in the Supplemental Tables 6 and 7. (a) Diagram and to be essential for plant growth [for review, Wu, Weigel
illustrating the number of light-regulated genes showing opposite
& Wigge (2002)]. While we do not know whether molecules
regulation in hypocotyl versus cotyledon. (b) Diagram illustrating
the overlapping and uniquely expressed light-regulated gene
of this nature operate during seedling development, we do
numbers between hypocotyl and cotyledon. Genes having a have some insights into a long-distance signal that regulates
significant role in light signalling are mentioned within the area flowering time. After much debate about the identity of the
representing the organ where they are specifically light-regulated. florigen (Kobayashi & Weigel 2007), there is now good
evidence that FT (flowering locus T) protein acts as a long-
distance signal that triggers flowering (Corbesier et al.
the light beam to different areas of the cotyledon. Experi- 2007). FT transcript levels are very sensitive to phyB status:
ments using a CAB2:LUC reporter construct led to similar a reduction in phyB-Pfr enhances FT levels, and flowering is
conclusions, that is, that both local cooperation and long- accelerated as a consequence (Halliday et al. 2003; Endo
range signalling influence the pattern of phytochrome- et al. 2005). Studies to date have shown that FT is most
regulated gene expression (Bischoff et al. 1997). Recent abundantly produced in leaf tissue and is expressed highly
work supports these earlier findings, demonstrating that in the companion cells of the phloem (Wigge et al. 2005;
phyB can generate transmissible signals. For instance, the Mathieu et al. 2007). Following FT protein production, it is
expression of phyB solely in mesophyll cells in an otherwise uploaded into the phloem and travels towards the shoot
phyB null background can fully restore all aspects of the apical meristem. Flowering is then triggered by following
wild-type phenotype (hypocotyl elongation, adult rosette FT interaction with FD, which promotes expression of floral
phenotype and flowering time). This does not preclude meristem identity genes such as APETALA1 (Lifschitz
phyB signalling in other tissues, but does support the notion et al. 2006; Corbesier et al. 2007; Jaeger & Wigge 2007;
that a long-distance signal initiated in the leaf can trigger Tamaki et al. 2007). Work from Endo et al. (2005) demon-
responses in other tissues (Endo et al. 2005). strated that when expressed solely in vascular bundles,
Reporter gene expression studies have demonstrated phyB was not able to repress FT mRNA levels and to delay
that in Arabidopsis, phytochromes are expressed through- flowering. In contrast, when expressed in mesophyll cells,
out the seedling including the root (Toth et al. 2001; phyB was effective both in repressing FT expression in
Salisbury et al. 2007). Further evidence for phytochrome- companion cells and in delaying flowering time (Endo et al.
regulated long-distance signalling has come from studies of 2005). The nature of the message between those two tissues
roots. Phytochrome has a strong controlling influence on within the leaf is still unknown, yet it seems appropriate
roots, as mutants lacking phyA and phyB have reduced that a plant would use its mesophyll cells, which are special-
responses to gravity, reduced primary root elongation and ized to absorb light, to detect light-related information, and
fewer lateral roots (Kiss et al. 2003; Correll & Kiss 2005; use cells neighbouring the vascular tubes to relay this infor-
Salisbury et al. 2007). Studies have shown that root-located mation towards more distant organs. While we only have
phytochrome exhibits the same light-regulated cellular sections of the picture, these studies illustrate well the
dynamics as shoot phytochrome, and can regulate root ability of organs to communicate in response to light per-
elongation (Usami et al. 2004; Correll & Kiss 2005; ception: a leaf-sensed stimulus can be propagated over long
Salisbury et al. 2007). However, in the natural environment, distances to trigger specific physiological responses at the
where roots are mainly covered, phytochrome exerts apical meristem.
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674 E.-M. Josse et al.

CONCLUSION Bauer D., Viczian A., Kircher S., et al. (2004) Constitutive photo-
morphogenesis 1 and multiple photoreceptors control degrada-
A desire to understand the mechanism of phytochrome tion of phytochrome interacting factor 3, a transcription factor
action has placed the spotlight on early signalling events. required for light signaling in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 16,
This has paid dividends as we can now visualize the initial 1433–1445.
steps following photoreceptor activation. Much of the Bischoff F., Millar A.J., Kay S.A. & Furuya M. (1997)
Phytochrome-induced intercellular signalling activates
information gathered thus far represents, or has been
cab:luciferase gene expression. The Plant Journal 12, 839–849.
interpreted as, cell autonomous signalling. What we know Blakeslee J.J., Peer W.A. & Murphy A.S. (2005) Auxin transport.
almost nothing about at this stage is the nature of Current Opinion in Plant Biology 8, 494–500.
the light-driven signals that coordinate growth and Bolle C. (2004) The role of GRAS proteins in plant signal trans-
developmental events. Perhaps, mapping the long-distance duction and development. Planta 218, 683–692.
communication channels and analysing signalling in a Borthwick H.A. & Hendricks S.B. (1960) Photoperiodism in plants.
time- and tissue-specific manner will provide better reso- Science 132, 1223–1228.
Borthwick H.A., Hendricks S.B., Parker M.W., Toole E.H. & Toole
lution on the complex network of phytochrome-signalling
V.K. (1952) A reversible photoreaction controlling seed germi-
components and greater insight into how light controls nation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
plant development. United States of America 38, 662–666.
Braslavsky S.E., Gartner W. & Schaffner K. (1997) Phytochrome
photoconversion. Plant, Cell & Environment 20, 700–706.
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