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Quotation Proposal for Mr.

Noor from Appopoleis for E-commerce Store Development for

Date: June 22, 2024
Mr. Noor
[Client's Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]
[Our Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

Dear Mr. Noor,

Thank you for considering Appopoleis as your technology partner for developing an e-commerce
store for your pharmacy. We are excited about the opportunity to work with you and provide a
robust, user-friendly platform that will enhance your business operations and drive growth. Below
is a detailed proposal highlighting key aspects of the project and the benefits of partnering with

Project Scope and Features

1. User Management:
 Customer Registration and Login: Secure and easy registration and login processes.
 User Profiles: Detailed profiles with order history, favorite products, and personal
 Role-Based Access Control: Different access levels for customers, staff, and administrators.
 Customer Support Integration: Direct communication channels for customer inquiries and
2. Inventory Management:
 Real-Time Inventory Tracking: Automatic updates to inventory levels as products are sold
or restocked.
 Stock Alerts: Notifications for low stock levels to ensure timely restocking.
 Batch and Expiry Date Management: Tracking batches and expiration dates to manage
inventory efficiently.
 Product Categorization: Organize products into categories for easy navigation and
3. Order Management within 5kms Radius:
 Order Placement: Easy and intuitive process for customers to place orders.
 Order Tracking: Real-time tracking of orders from placement to delivery.
 Delivery Management: Efficient management of deliveries within a 5km radius to ensure
timely fulfillment.
 Automated Notifications: SMS and email notifications for order confirmations, dispatch,
and delivery updates.

Benefits of the Web Application

1. Increase Customer Base:
 Enhanced Online Presence: A professional and user-friendly e-commerce store will attract
more customers.
 SEO Optimization: Improved search engine ranking to drive organic traffic to your store.
 Marketing Tools: Integration of marketing tools like email campaigns, promotions, and
discounts to engage customers.
2. Generate More Revenue:
 Convenience: Provide customers with the convenience of ordering medicines online,
increasing sales.
 Upselling and Cross-Selling: Recommendations for related products to increase average
order value.
 Customer Loyalty Programs: Reward programs to retain customers and encourage repeat
3. Technical Partnership and Maintenance:
 Dedicated Support: Appopoleis will be your tech partner, providing continuous support and
 Regular Updates: Ensuring your platform is up-to-date with the latest features and security
 Performance Monitoring: Ongoing monitoring and optimization to ensure the platform
runs smoothly.
 1-Year Maintenance Contract: Comprehensive maintenance services for one year,
ensuring any technical issues are promptly addressed.
Cost Breakdown for E-commerce Store Development for Pharmacy
1. Initial Development Costs

Item Description
User Management Development of user registration, login, profile
Module management, and customer support features
Inventory Management Development of real-time inventory tracking, stock alerts,
Module and batch management features
Order Management Development of order placement, tracking, delivery
Module management within a 5km radius
SEO Optimization Search engine optimization to drive organic traffic 3,000
Testing & Quality Comprehensive testing to ensure a bug-free and smooth 10,000
Item Description
Assurance user experience
Deployment & Setup Deployment of the web application on a hosting platform 10,000
Subtotal 58,000

2. Maintenance Costs (1-Year Contract)

Item Description
Technical Support Dedicated technical support for any issues and queries
Regular Updates Ensuring the platform is up-to-date with the latest features and
Performance security enhancements
Monitoring Ongoing monitoring and optimization to ensure smooth
Bug Fixes and platform performance
Patches Timely resolution of any bugs or issues
Subtotal 40,000

3. Additional Costs

Item Description Cost (INR)

Hosting Services Hosting services for the e-commerce platform 10,000
Domain Registration Domain name registration for one year 1500
Payment Gateway Integration with payment gateways for online
Integration transactions
Subtotal 26,500

Total Cost

Item Description Cost (INR)

Initial Development Costs 58,000
Maintenance Costs (1-Year) 40,000
Additional Costs 26,500
Grand Total 1,24,500
Discount 50% 62,250

Payment Schedule:
1. Initial Payment: 20% upfront to commence the project (12,450 INR)
2. Mid-Project Payment: 40% upon completion of the core modules (24,900 INR)
3. Final Payment: 40% upon project delivery and deployment (24,900 INR)

We trust this breakdown provides a clear picture of the project costs. Should you have any queries
or require further details, please do not hesitate to contact us.
[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

Note: This proposal is valid for 30 days from the date of issuance.

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