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FOIA Request (9/21/23): Parksley Police Roster

FOIA Request (9/21/23): Parksley Police Roster

ME Me <> I love this, baby. Thank you. On Tue, Apr 25, 2023, 12:05 PM Patrick Wilson (via Google Docs) < April 26

PP Parksley Police <> to Me <> 8:51 AM

Subject: Re: FOIA Request (9/21/23): Parksley Police Roster

From: Town Parksley <>
Date: 9/22/2023, 8:51 AM
To: Alice Minium <>

Good Morning,
We only have 1 officer for the Town of Parksley.
Name: Greer, Bryan, Keith
Badge No: 60
Rank: Chief
Division: Town of Parksley
Date of Hire: 04/17/2017
Salary FY23: 53855.10
OT FY23: 14785.53

Best regard,

On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 4:54 PM Alice Minium <> wrote:

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Clerk's Office
Town of Parksley

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1 of 1 9/22/2023, 1:08 PM

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