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The Plant Journal (2003) 33, 875–885

Phytochrome control of flowering is temperature sensitive

and correlates with expression of the floral integrator FT
Karen J. Halliday1,, Michael G. Salter2, Elin Thingnaes2,y and Garry C. Whitelam2
School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol, Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UG, UK, and
Biology Department, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK

Received 18 October 2002; revised 27 November 2002; accepted 9 December 2002.

For correspondence (e-mail
Present address: Department of Horticulture and Crop Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway, PO Box 5022, N-1432 Ås, Norway.

In Arabidopsis flowering is accelerated by reduced red:far-red (R:FR) ratio which signals the presence of
neighbouring vegetation. Hastened flowering is one component of the shade-avoidance syndrome of
responses, which alter many aspects of development in response to the threat of potential competition.
Of the red/far-red-absorbing photoreceptors it is phyB that plays the most prominent role in shade-avoid-
ance, although other related phytochromes act redundantly with phyB. It is well established that the phyB
mutant has a constitutively early flowering phenotype. However, we have shown that the early flowering
phenotype of phyB is temperature-dependent. We have established that this temperature-sensitive flower-
ing response defines a pathway that appears to be independent of the autonomous-FLC pathway. Further-
more, we have demonstrated that the phytochromes control the expression of the floral promoter FT. We
have also shown that other phyB-controlled responses, including petiole elongation, are not sensitive to
the same temperature change. This suggests that discrete pathways control flowering and petiole elonga-
tion, components of the shade-avoidance response. This work provides an insight into the phytochrome
and temperature interactions that maintain flowering control.

Keywords: phytochrome, temperature, flowering, Arabidopsis, phyB, phyE.

The onset of flowering in plants is often determined by the floral repressor though it appears to do so in a FRI-inde-
interaction of environmental cues with endogenous devel- pendent manner (Ratcliffe et al., 2001; Scortecci et al., 2001).
opmental signals. Temperature and light signals are FLC is also controlled by genes that act in the autonomous
amongst the most important and well-characterised envir- pathway and so represents an important convergence point
onmental factors that regulate flowering time (Samach and for flowering pathways (Michaels and Amasino, 2001;
Coupland, 2000; Simpson and Dean, 2002; Simpson et al., Sheldon et al., 1999). Downstream targets for FLC are the
1999). In particular, changes in day length and exposure to floral integrators FT and SOC1/AGL20 (Lee et al., 2000;
extended periods of cold temperature, both of which are Rouse et al., 2002).
predictable and reliable indicators of seasonal progression, Like temperature, photoperiod is recognised as a major
control floral transition in many plants. In Arabidopsis, the environmental determinant of flowering time in many
acceleration of flowering following an extensive period of plants. The acceleration of flowering by long days (LDs)
cold treatment (vernalization) is observed in many ecotypes in Arabidopsis involves the interaction of photoreceptors,
and can be mapped as monogenic trait, with a vernalization principally cryptochrome 2 (cry2) and phytochrome A
requirement conferred by dominant alleles of the FRI gene (phyA), with the endogenous circadian oscillator (Yanovsky
(see Johanson et al., 2000). The product of the FRI gene and Kay, 2002). These light-signalling pathways converge
promotes the accumulation of FLC, a MADS box transcrip- at the circadian-regulated transcriptional regulator CO,
tion factor that acts as a floral repressor (e.g. Michaels and providing a mechanism for the photoperiodic regulation
Amasino, 1999). A related gene, FLM/MAF1 also acts as a of flowering in Arabidopsis (Suarez-Lopez et al., 2001;

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876 Karen J. Halliday et al.

Yanovsky and Kay, 2002). CO has been shown to be a or phyB deficiency can correct the late flowering of several
positive regulator of FT and SOC1 (Samach et al., 2000; induced mutations in components of the autonomous path-
Yanovsky and Kay, 2002). Indeed, the levels of FT and SOC1 way that confer a vernalization requirement (Bagnall, 1993;
mRNA appear to be determined by a balance of CO and FLC Halliday et al., 1994). As the normal function of these
activity (Hepworth et al., 2002; Samach et al., 2000). Thus, autonomous pathway components is to limit the expres-
FT and SOC1 represent important integration points sion of FLC (e.g. Sheldon et al., 1999) and the induced
between temperature- and light-signalling pathways. mutations have elevated FLC expression, it is possible that
In addition to photoperiod, other light signals also have a phytochromes may also control FLC levels.
marked effect of flowering time. Light quality, specifically In the present study, we have investigated the roles of
the relative proportions of red and far-red light (R:FR ratio), different phytochromes and the interaction between phy-
provides a powerful signal that regulates both vegetative tochrome status and ambient temperature in the regula-
development and the transition to flowering. The light tion of the transition to flowering. Using mutants that are
reflected from green vegetation is attenuated in the blue null for single or multiple phytochromes, we reveal an
and red regions, but relatively rich in the green and far-red important role for temperature in phytochrome-regulated
regions. This alteration in R:FR ratio is detected by the flowering. We demonstrate that the flowering time gene
reversibly photochromic red/far-red-absorbing phyto- FT is regulated by the phytochromes. Furthermore, we
chromes and in many plants leads to the initiation of a show that other phytochrome responses are not subject
syndrome of responses called shade avoidance (Smith and to the same temperature control. This suggests the phyto-
Whitelam, 1997). Shade-avoidance responses include chromes have evolved different mechanisms to regulate
increased stem and petiole elongation and the acceleration specific responses.
of the transition to flowering. In rosette plants, such as
Arabidopsis, acceleration of the onset of flowering is per-
haps the most dramatic response to low R:FR ratio signals Results
(e.g. Bagnall, 1993; Halliday et al., 1994). The precocious
flowering induced by exposure to low R:FR ratio light, has
The early flowering phenotype of the phyB mutant is
possible fitness implications, as it may increase the like-
temperature dependent
lihood of survival to reproduction under the otherwise
unfavourable conditions of vegetational shade (Botto and It is now well established that phyB plays a major role in the
Smith, 2002; Donohue et al., 2001; Dudley and Schmitt, perception of alterations in R:FR ratio, a sensitive means of
1995). detecting the presence of potential competitors. Low R:FR
Of the five phytochromes in Arabidopsis, at least three light ratio triggers the shade-avoidance syndrome of
(phyB, phyD and phyE) play a role in the perception of the responses which includes increased petiole and internode
R:FR ratio signal and the initiation of shade-avoidance elongation, reduced apical dominance and early flowering
responses (see Whitelam et al., 1998). From the physiolo- (e.g. Devlin et al., 1996; Halliday et al., 1994). This syndrome
gical analysis of null mutants, it is apparent that phyB is the of responses is thought to confer competitive advantage
principal photoreceptor involved in R:FR ratio signal per- when resources are limited.
ception. Thus, compared with wild-type plants phyB Consistent with previous reports, we found that when
mutants are constitutively elongated and early flowering grown under a constant temperature of 228C, the phyB
and display attenuated responses to low R:FR ratio. mutant displayed a constitutive elongated petiole and early
Mutants that are null for either phyD or phyE have less flowering phenotype. Under short-day (SD) growth condi-
obvious phenotypes, although their deficiency is far more tions (8-h photoperiods), phyB mutants flowered with about
evident when phyB is also absent (Aukerman et al., 1997; 10 fewer rosette leaves than wild-type plants (Figure 1).
Devlin et al., 1998; 1999). Thus, phyBphyD and phyBphyE However, quite remarkably the early flowering phenotype
double mutants are more elongated, earlier flowering than of phyB was completely abolished when plants were grown
monogenic phyB mutants. These observations suggest that at the slightly lower temperature of 168C (Figures 1 and 2).
phyD and phyE contribute to control of the shade-avoid- Wild-type plants flowered slightly later at 168C compared
ance response. with 228C, producing more than four additional leaves. The
Relatively little is known about the genes that act down- phyA mutant behaved in a similar manner to wild-type
stream of the phytochromes in the low R:FR ratio-induced plants under both temperature regimes. However, the
acceleration of flowering. Phytochrome B-deficiency has 68C difference in temperature had a huge impact on phyB
been reported to regulate expression of the floral meristem mutants, which produced 16 more leaves at bolting under
identity gene LFY, independent of CO and FT, suggesting the cooler conditions than phyB mutants grown at 228C.
that the pathway is separate from the photoperiodic path- Similar temperature-dependent effects on flowering time
way (Blázquez and Weigel, 1999). The low R:FR ratio signal, were observed in the phyAphyB double mutant. Whilst

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Phytochrome regulation of FT 877

Figure 1. The effect of temperature on flowering time of wild type, phyA, Figure 3. Flowering time of wild type, phyA, phyB, phyAphyB, phyAphyB-
phyB, phyAphyB, phyAphyBphyD, and phyAphyBphyDphyE mutants. Flow- phyD, and phyAphyBphyDphyE mutants grown in long days. Flowering time
ering time was measured as the number of primary rosette leaves produced was measured as the number of primary rosette leaves produced at bolting
at bolting in plants grown in 8-h photoperiods (photon irradiance, 400– in plants grown at 168C (1) in 16-h photoperiods, photon irradiance, 400–
700 nm, 180 mmol m2 sec1) at 228C (1) or 168C (1). Standard errors are 700 nm, 180 mmol m2 sec1. Standard errors are shown.
shown. Nomenclature: A ¼ phyA, B ¼ phyB, D ¼ phyD and E ¼ phyE
null mutations.

Table 1 The effects of temperature on the wild-type response to

phyAphyB flowered slightly earlier than the monogenic
low R:FR ratio light
phyB mutant under all test conditions, growth at 168C
invoked a delay in flowering of a similar magnitude to Number of rosette leaves at flowering
the monogenic phyB mutant. These data suggest that under
our experimental conditions, whilst the effects of the phyA Temperature (8C) High R:FR ratio Low R:FR ratio
mutation on flowering were largely independent of tem-
22 6.90  0.29 5.60  0.22
perature, the impact of the phyB mutation on flowering 16 10.00  0.56 6.80  0.25
time was strongly dependent on the ambient temperature.
To establish if these effects were specific to plants grown Rosette leaf number was counted at flowering time for plants
under SD conditions we tested whether the phyB mutant grown in high or low R:FR ratio light at 228C (1) or 168C (1).
Standard errors are shown.
retained its early flowering phenotype following growth
under long days (LDs: 16-h photoperiods) at 168C (Figure 3).
We observed that flowering was also delayed in phyB under flowering response of wild-type plants to R:FR ratio is also
LDs at 168C. In fact, phyB mutants flowered slightly later temperature-dependent. The data in Table 1 show that
than the wild type under these conditions. Thus, it appears wild-type seedlings grown under low R:FR ratio at 168C
that the early flowering phenotype of phyB is temperature- display a classical acceleration of flowering. These results
dependent and this conditional phenotype operates under suggest that although the phyB-mediated flowering
different photoperiodic conditions. response to shade may be perturbed at 168C other phyto-
Although growth at 168C abolished the early flowering of chromes are capable of fully compensating for the apparent
phyB, the elongated petiole phenotype was still evident in loss of phyB action under these conditions.
phyB mutants grown at this temperature (Figure 2). This
indicates that the effects imposed by a change in tempera-
PhyE severely delays flowering in the
ture on phyB-mediated flowering responses are not
phyAphyBphyD mutant
observed for this phyB-controlled elongation response.
Thus, these different facets of phyB action may represent The effects of growth temperature on the flowering phe-
different branches of the phyB-signalling network. notype were particularly striking in the phyAphyBphyD
As phyB plays a predominant role in R:FR ratio percep- triple mutant. In line with previous reports, when grown
tion and the initiation of shade avoidance, the observation under short days at 228C the phyAphyBphyD mutant was
that the flowering time phenotype of the phyB mutant is very early flowering, producing only approximately nine
temperature-conditional raises the question whether the leaves at bolting (Figure 1). In comparison, wild-type plants
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878 Karen J. Halliday et al.

Figure 4. Immunoblots of phytochrome protein levels in wild-type and

phyAphyBphyD mutant seedlings. Bands were detected by monoclonal
antibodies selective for phyC and phyE. Protein extracts were made from
12-day-old seedlings grown in 8-h photoperiods at 228C (1) or 168C (1).
Figure 2. Phenotypes of wild type and phyB mutant in 168C short days.
Plants were grown for 78 days in 168C (1), 8-h photoperiods, photon
irradiance, 400–700 nm, 180 mmol m2 sec1.

flowered with approximately 35 leaves under the same approximately 16 leaves, 25 fewer leaves than phyAphyB-
conditions. However, when grown under identical photo- phyD (Figure 1). In LDs, phyAphyBphyDphyE flowered with
periods, but at 168C, the phyAphyBphyD mutant flowered approximately 5 leaves, that is, 19 fewer leaves than the
with approximately 40 rosette leaves, a similar leaf number phyAphyBphyD mutant (Figure 3). Thus, the absence of
to the wild type. Thus, a change of just 68C completely phyE substantially reduced the effects of temperature on
abolished the extreme early flowering phenotype of the flowering in phyAphyBphyD. These data suggest that in
phyAphyBphyD mutant. These data suggest a possible role phyAphyBphyD the delay in flowering observed following
for phyA and phyD, in addition to phyB, in the temperature- growth at 168C is largely mediated by phyE, and therefore
regulated control of flowering. Substantial delays in flower- suggest a role for phyE in the temperature-dependent
ing for plants grown at 168C compared with plants grown at control of flowering.
228C were also observed for phyAphyBphyD mutants It was a possibility that the comparatively late-flowering
grown under LDs (Figure 3). Indeed, like phyB, the phyA- phenotype of phyAphyBphyD plants grown at 168C was a
phyBphyD mutant flowered slightly later than the wild type consequence of elevated phyE and/or phyC levels. This was
under these conditions. tested by Western blot analysis. Figure 4 shows that for
When grown at 168C the phyAphyBphyDphyE mutant both phyC and phyE, protein levels were very similar in
flowered considerably earlier than the phyAphyBphyD wild-type and phyAphyBphyD mutant seedlings. Previous
mutant. In SDs, the quadruple mutant flowered with work showed that phyC levels were reduced in a phyB

Figure 5.
(a) Phenotypes of the wild type and phyAphyBphyD triple mutant grown in 22 or 168C.
(b) Total leaf number (rosette þ axillary) of 168C-grown wild type and phyAphyBphyD mutant.
All plants were grown in 8-h photoperiods (photon irradiance, 400–700 nm, 180 mmol m2 sec1), at 228C (1) or 168C (1). Standard errors are shown.

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Phytochrome regulation of FT 879

mutant background (Hirschfield et al., 1998). In our experi- Expression levels of CO were slightly elevated in the phyB
ments, phyC levels are similar in phyAphyBphyD mutant mutant relative to the wild type and phyAphyBphyD under
and wild-type seedlings. This suggests that the effect of 22 or 168C. However, this relatively small increase in CO
phyB deficiency on phyC levels is overcome when phyA mRNA did not correlate with accelerated flowering in phyB
and phyD are removed in addition to phyB. Figure 4 also and so is unlikely to be significant. For the vernalization-
shows that phyC and phyE protein levels were identical in responsive genes FLC and FLM, expression levels were low
extracts from phyAphyBphyD mutant seedlings grown at in all genotypes at both temperatures. This suggests that
either 16 or 228C. These data suggest that the delayed FLC and FLM expression does not change in response to
flowering of the phyAphyBphyD triple mutant grown at changes in ambient temperature or reduced phytochrome
168C, mediated by phyE, may be a result of down-stream status. As the floral integrator SOC1 is a convergence point
signalling events. for the photoperiod and autonomous pathways, we wanted
The extraordinary plasticity of the flowering response in to check whether it was also a target for phytochrome.
the phyAphyBphyD mutant is accompanied by equally SOC1 was expressed to a similar low level in the wild type
dramatic changes in the vegetative phenotype (Figure 5a). and the phytochrome mutants at 168C. Under 228C levels
The prolonged vegetative phase of phyAphyBphyD ob- were slightly, but sequentially elevated in the phyB and
served in plants grown at 168C was characterised by a loss phyAphyBphyD mutants, respectively. These modest rises
of apical dominance and the consequent development of in SOC1 expression correlate with the degree of early
numerous axillary rosette leaves, which formed in a basal– flowering observed in the mutants. Therefore, it is possible
apical direction. This is typical of development during that SOC1 levels contribute to the early flowering pheno-
prolonged vegetative growth and is seen in several late- type at 228C. The most impressive temperature-dependent
flowering mutants, e.g. fca and fwa (Page et al., 1999; Soppe response to phytochrome status was observed in FT tran-
et al., 2000). The first of the axillary leaves was visible to the script levels, where for plants grown at 228C transcript
eye in both wild-type plants and phyAphyBphyD mutants abundance was 20-fold higher in phyB and 40-fold higher
between days 52 and 57, approximately half way through in phyAphyBphyD, compared with the wild type. These
the vegetative phase. However, the phyAphyBphyD vege- changes in FT expression correlate with the phyB and
tative period was so long that total leaf number (rosette þ phyAphyBphyD early flowering phenotypes providing
axillary leaves) at flowering time was far in excess of the indirect evidence that phyB, and other phytochromes, delay
wild type (Figure 5a,b). Indeed, the mature adult phenotype flowering through repression of FT expression at 228C. This
of the phyAphyBphyD mutant was quite striking, with contrasts with the situation seen for plants grown at 168C,
plants becoming quite bushy in appearance. where FT transcript levels were generally lower and more
The development of axillary leaf primordia is thought to similar among the different genotypes. Thus, at 168C the
be under the control of auxin. Indeed, rapid lateral shoot observed repression of FT expression may have occurred
development in the axr1, max1 and max2 mutants (Stirn- as a direct consequence of temperature. Alternatively, FT
berg et al., 1999; 2002) provides genetic evidence that auxin transcription may have been repressed by photoreceptor
negatively regulates this process. This appears to be the action in the wild-type and mutant plants. Our results
case for phyAphyBphyD as we were able to completely suggest such a role for phyE. When grown at 168C, the
inhibit axillary shoot development by exogenously apply- early flowering phyAphyBphyDphyE quadruple mutant had
ing synthetic auxin (data not shown). sixfold higher levels of FT expression than phyAphyBphyD
(Figure 7). Hence, there is a positive correlation bet-
ween phyE loss, acceleration of flowering, and FT levels.
The phytochromes regulate FT levels
This provides indirect evidence that at 168C phyE inhibits
The signalling pathways via which the phytochromes con- flowering in the phyAphyBphyD mutant via repression of
trol flowering in the shade-avoidance pathway are not yet FT.
known. We were therefore interested in establishing if the
floral integrators FT and SOC1 were regulated by the phy-
PhyB and phyD control the rate of vegetative
tochromes and temperature in this response. We also
wanted to ascertain whether the phytochromes signalled
through the CO-dependent photoperiodic pathway, or In wild-type seedlings, development through the juvenile
through the FLM/FLC branches of the temperature-sensitive phase, during which the first four leaves are formed, is
pathway. These components of the flowering pathways are slow. Thereafter, leaves are produced at an increasing
controlled mainly at a transcriptional level, we therefore rate until approximately two-thirds of the way through
used quantitative PCR to measure transcript levels in the vegetative phase when leaf production slows prior
22-day-old wild-type, phyB and phyAphyBphyD seedlings to bolt emergence (Figure 8). Although the overall rate
grown either at 22 or 168C (Figure 6). of development is slower in plants grown at the cooler

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880 Karen J. Halliday et al.

Figure 7. Expression levels of FT in phyAphyBphyDphyE relative to phyA-

phyBphyD at 168C. Plants were harvested at 22 days, and expression levels
were measured by quantitative PCR. All plants were grown at 168C (1) in
8-h photoperiods, photon irradiance, 400–700 nm, 180 mmol m2 sec1.

Figure 6. Expression levels of the flowering genes FLC, FLM, CO, SOC1 Figure 8. Rosette leaf production rate in wild type, phyA, phyB, phyAphyB,
and FT. phyAphyBphyD, and phyAphyBphyDphyE mutants.
Gene expression was determined for phyB and phyAphyBphyD relative Rosette leaf number was counted at time intervals (days) until flowering
to WT levels. Seedlings were grown for 22 days at 228C (1) or 168C (1) time in plants grown in 8-h photoperiods (photon irradiance, 400–700 nm,
and transcript levels were measured by quantitative PCR. All plants 180 mmol m2 sec1), at either 228C (1) or 168C (1). Standard errors are
were grown in 8-h photoperiods, photon irradiance, 400–700 nm, 180 mmol shown. Nomenclature: A ¼ phyA; B ¼ phyB; D ¼ phyD and E ¼ phyE
m2 sec1. null mutations.

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Phytochrome regulation of FT 881

temperatures, this pattern of development is consistent for appears to act independently of the autonomous-FLC path-
plants grown in 22 or 168C. way.
In accordance with previous observations (Mazzella In the natural environment it is the explicit role of the
et al., 2001) we demonstrate that loss of phyB significantly phytochromes to adjust the plants developmental pro-
slowed the rate of rosette leaf production (Figure 8). In gramme to maximise reproductive success in response
addition, we have demonstrated that this effect was not to changes in the local environment. The phytochromes
dependent on temperature as phyB mutants produced can regulate flowering, elongation growth and apical dom-
rosette leaves more slowly than the wild type when grown inance in response to the R:FR ratio of ambient light. This
at either 22 or 168C (Figure 8). However, when phyB was complex of responses, which comprise components of the
grown at the cooler temperature its leaf production rate shade-avoidance response, enables the plant to adjust its
markedly accelerated just prior to bolting. It was as a result developmental programme in response to potential com-
of this final burst of rapid development, prior to bolting, that petitors. Of the phytochromes, it is phyB that exerts the
the otherwise slowly developing phyB mutant flowered greatest control on flowering, although phyA, phyD and
with a similar number of leaves as the wild type. The phyE each contribute to varying extents (Devlin et al., 1998;
phyAphyB double mutant produced leaves at an identical 1999; Halliday et al., 1994).
rate to the phyB mutant. This and the lack of a phyA mutant We have shown that the much reported early flowering
phenotype in this respect suggest that phyA does not phenotype of the phyB mutant is temperature conditional.
contribute significantly to the control of leaf production rate. The dramatic acceleration in flowering observed in phyB at
When compared with wild-type plants, leaf production 228C was completely abolished at 168C where the phyB
was also slowed in the phyAphyBphyD mutant following mutant flowered at a similar time as the wild type. Compar-
growth at either 22 or 168C (Figure 8). However, growth at able observations were also made for the phyAphyBphyD
168C revealed a role for phyD in the control of leaf formation triple mutant, which flowered very early at 228C, but with a
rate. At the cooler temperature, the phyAphyBphyD mutant similar number of rosette leaves as the wild type at 168C. In
exhibited a reduced rate of development throughout the contrast, the elongated petiole phenotype of phyB and
vegetative phase. This, coupled with the abolition of the phyAphyBphyD was observed in plants grown at either
early flowering phenotype of phyAphyBphyD means that 22 or 168C. This suggests that control of this aspect of
these mutants flowered extremely late (at 90 days) at 168C. the shade-avoidance phenotype is independent of tempera-
In a similar fashion to plants grown at 228C, phyAphyBphyD ture, consistent with the notion that discrete pathways
mutants grown at 168C produced leaves at the same rate as control the elongation and flowering components of the
phyB and phyAphyB, but just for the first half of the vege- shade-avoidance response.
tative phase. During the second half of the vegetative phase Little is known of how the phytochromes control flower-
the rate of leaf production in the triple mutant was slower ing in context with the established flowering pathways. By
than that of the phyB and phyAphyB mutants. Indeed, focussing on key components and integrators of the flower-
although phyB and phyAphyBphyD flowered with a similar ing network, we have gained valuable insights into how the
number of primary rosette leaves, phyAphyBphyD flow- phytochromes influence flowering. For many genes that
ered some approximately 17 days later than phyB. This regulate flowering their activity strongly correlates with
delayed development must be due to the action of the their levels of expression. One such gene is FLC, an impor-
phyD mutation acting to repress leaf production rate in tant vernalization-responsive gene and floral integrator
the second half of the vegetative phase. As the phyAphyB- (Simpson and Dean, 2002).
phyDphyE quadruple mutant produced leaves at an even Earlier work by Bagnall (1993) demonstrated that either
slower rate than the phyAphyBphyD mutant, this reveals vernalization or reduced R:FR ratio conditions could abolish
redundant actions of phyA and/or phyE in control of leaf the late-flowering phenotype of the autonomous pathway
formation. mutants fca, and fve. Furthermore, a low temperature treat-
ment could eliminate the response to light quality, suggest-
ing one or more convergence points for these signalling
pathways. As FLC is an important common component of
As the reproductive success of the plant hinges on the the vernalization and autonomous pathways it was possi-
decision of when to flower, it is no surprise that the flower- ble that FLC was also an integration point for phytochrome-
ing-signalling network is intricate. However, even though signalling (Michaels and Amasino, 1999; 2001; Sheldon
this developmental decision is subject to a high level of et al., 1999). Furthermore, as vernalization results in the
control, these pathways converge at common components: reduction of FLC mRNA, it was possible that FLC may also
the key regulators of flowering (Simpson and Dean, 2002). be subject to control by persistent changes in ambient
We have shown that the phytochrome-controlled flowering temperature. Another potential target for phytochrome
pathway is subject to temperature regulation and that it action in this response was FLM, which appears to regulate

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882 Karen J. Halliday et al.

flowering independently of the autonomous-FLC pathway data do not support a prominent role for SOC1 in this
(Ratcliffe et al., 2001; Scortecci et al., 2001). response, although they do not eliminate a post-transcrip-
Our results showed the differential affects on flowering at tional role. In contrast, FT expression was greatly enhanced
22 and 168C in phyB and phyAphyBphyD did not result from in phyB and phyAphyBphyD at 228C. Relative to the wild
changes in FLC or FLM expression. FLC and FLM transcript type, FT levels were 19-fold higher in phyB and 40-fold
levels were low in all genotypes at 22 and 168C. These data higher in phyAphyBphyD. This rise in FT transcript corre-
suggest that FLC and FLM expression do not contribute to lates with the observed early flowering phenotypes of the
this phytochrome-controlled flowering response. In sup- mutants. Previous work has demonstrated that FT mRNA
port of these findings, we have recently shown that FLC accumulation correlates with early flowering (Kardailsky
levels do not respond to changes in R:FR ratio (data not et al., 1999; Kobayashi et al., 1999). Thus, our data suggest
shown). Thus, it appears that this temperature-sensitive that the early flowering of these phytochrome mutants
phytochrome flowering pathway defines a pathway that under 228C is due, at least in part, to reduced FT repression.
acts independently of the autonomous-FLC pathways. When the ambient temperature was reduced to 168C, the
CO is an important link between the circadian clock phyB and phyAphyBphyD mutants no longer flowered
and light, promoting flowering in inductive photoperiods early and FT expression was low. Loss of phyE accelerated
(Putterill et al., 1995; Suarez-Lopez et al., 2001; Yanovsky both phyAphyBphyD mutant flowering and triggered an
and Kay, 2002). Under LDs the peak of CO expression is elevation in FT transcript. This demonstrates that the sup-
broader than under SDs with the highest levels of CO pression of FT at cooler temperatures was not solely due to
mRNA coinciding with dawn and dusk (Suarez-Lopez et al., the effects of temperature, as FT repression was relieved by
2001). This photoperiodic adjustment of CO mRNA, which loss of phyE. These data provide evidence in support of a
results from the coincidence of light and the circadian role for FT in the temperature-dependent induction of flow-
phase, is important for induction of flowering under LDs ering mediated by the phytochromes. Our observations are
(Yanovsky and Kay, 2002). Growth in photoperiods with interesting in context with the recent findings that cry2
incandescent light extensions revealed a role for phyA controls flowering, at least partly, by the repression of phyB
in controlling the waveform and levels of CO mRNA action (Mockler et al., 1999). As cry2 regulates FT expres-
(Yanovsky and Kay, 2002). We therefore wanted to establish sion in a CO-dependent fashion, it is quite conceivable that
if there were differences in CO expression in our tempera- these photoreceptor pathways converge at CO and/or FT.
ture-sensitive phytochrome mutants. Our data indicate that The early flowering phenotypes of the phyB and phyA-
whilst CO transcript levels were slightly elevated in phyB, phyBphyD mutants when grown at 228C suggests that
they were similar in phyAphyBphyD mutant and wild-type phyB, and to a lesser extent phyA and phyD, antagonise
seedlings under 22 and 168C. Furthermore, the moderately flowering promoted by warm temperatures. This appears
raised CO mRNA levels observed in phyB did not correlate to occur, at least partly, via repression of FT. Under cooler
with the flowering behaviour of the mutant. These observa- temperatures, the phyB and phyAphyBphyD mutants are
tions suggest that this temperature-sensitive phytochrome no longer early flowering and FT expression is low. Thus, at
pathway does not operate via control of CO transcription. 168C, in these genetic backgrounds, the phyB mutation had
However, our data do not exclude the possibility that CO no impact on flowering. As removal of phyA and phyD in
has a post-transcriptional role in these flowering pathways. addition to phyB did not alter flowering this suggests that
Indeed, such a role is proposed in the phyA- and cry2- phyA and phyD are either inactive at 168C, or they have a
mediated photoperiodic flowering response (Yanovsky functional requirement for phyB and/or each other in this
and Kay, 2002). response. The removal of phyE in addition to phyA, phyB
The myriad of pathways that control flowering time and and phyD relieves the repression of FT and accelerates
flower meristem identity converge on floral integrators flowering. Furthermore, the delayed flowering imposed
such as FT and SOC1/AGL20 (see Simpson and Dean, by phyE in the phyAphyBphyD mutant was not simply a
2002). Indeed, both FT and SOC1 are common targets for result of altered phyE or phyC levels, as levels were iden-
the automomous-FLC and the photoperiodic pathways tical in the triple mutant at 16 and 228C. These data reveal a
(Lee et al., 2000; Rouse et al., 2002; Samach et al., 2000; new and potentially important role for phyE signalling in
Yanovsky and Kay, 2002). Recently, the mechanism via the control of flowering at 168C, conditions where phyB is
which the automomous-FLC and the photoperiodic-CO less active. They are also in keeping with our observations
pathways control SOC1 has been demonstrated (Hepworth that wild-type plants grown at 168C show a normal accel-
et al., 2002). We set out to test whether SOC1 and/or FT erated flowering response to low red/far-red ratio light.
were also targets for the temperature-controlled phyto- Further analysis will establish whether other phytochromes
chrome-mediated flowering pathway. In our experiments, in addition to phyE have a role in this temperature-regu-
SOC1 expression was elevated 3- and 4.4-fold in the phyB lated response. These findings provide an environmental
and phyAphyBphyD mutants, respectively, at 228C. These context for ‘redundant’ actions of the phytochromes in the

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Phytochrome regulation of FT 883

control of flowering. It appears that at 228C phyB is the gies that have evolved in phytochrome-signalling path-
major regulator of low R:FR ratio-induced flowering, whilst ways controlling different responses.
at lower temperatures, phyE has the greater role. This type
of accommodative behaviour exhibited by the phyto- Experimental procedures
chromes is not unusual in pathways that have been subject
to strong selection pressure, such as flowering (Stearns,
2002). Plant material and growth conditions
A reduction in ambient growth temperature is accompa- All the experiments described were performed with Arabidopsis
nied by a slowing of plant development. However, we have Heynh, ecotype La-er. The phytochrome mutant alleles used were
demonstrated that phytochromes also regulate develop- phyA-2 (Whitelam et al., 1993), phyB-1 (Koornneef et al., 1980),
phyD-1 (Aukerman et al., 1997) and phyE (Devlin et al., 1998). As
mental rate, but between 16 and 228C this effect is inde-
the phyD-1 mutation is a naturally occurring allele found in the Ws
pendent of temperature. In agreement with previous ecotype, near-isogenic La-er phyD-1 mutant lines were created by
observations (Mazzella et al., 2001), we showed that a lack introgression of the phyD-1 mutation into the La-er ecotype as
of phyB slowed the rate of leaf production, suggesting a described by Aukerman et al. (1997).
prominent role for phyB in this respect. At 228C roles for In all experiments seeds were sown on 0.8% Lehle medium
(Lehle Seeds, Round Rok, TX), and stratified in darkness at 48C
additional phytochromes were not apparent, as flowering
for 5 days before transfer to different photoperiods or continuous
was so rapid in plants lacking multiple phytochromes. At white light (for high/low R:FR ratio experiments) at 228C (1) or
168C, the loss of the early flowering phenotype in mutants 168C (1). After a further 5 days, uniform seedlings were trans-
null for phyB allowed us to establish a role for phyD in planted to 5 cm  5 cm  5 cm pots containing a 3 : 1 compost–
regulating the rate of leaf production. The removal of phyD horticultural silver–sand mix. In photoperiod experiments, plants
were grown at either 228C (1) or 168C (1) under short days
slowed leaf production rate in the phyAphyB mutant back-
(8 h : 16 h light:dark cycles), or long days (16 h : 8 h light:dark). In
ground, but only in the second half of the vegetative phase. high/low R:FR ratio experiments, seedlings were also grown at
Indeed, the reduced rate of vegetative development either 228C (1) or 168C (1). R:FR ratio treatments began after
imposed by the phyD mutation in the phyAphyB back- 1 day of adaptation. Light was provided by Osram (Osram Ltd., St.
ground was sufficient to delay flowering by a further Helens, UK) L65/80 W/30 warm white fluorescent tubes, photon
irradiance 400–700 nm, 180 mmol m2 sec1. Light conditions for
20 days. These data reveal roles for phyB and phyD in
plants grown under continuous light were as follows: high R:FR
the control of growth rate where they operate in overlap- ratio at 228C (1), R:FR ratio ¼ 6.1, photon irradiance 400–700 nm,
ping phases of the vegetative development. The even more 91 mmol m2 sec1; at 168C (1), R:FR ratio ¼ 5.8, photon irradi-
slowly growing phyAphyBphyDphyE quadruple mutant ance 400–700 nm, 99 mmol m2 sec1; low R:FR ratio at 228C (1),
revealed minor roles for either phyA and/or phyE in this R:FR ratio ¼ 0.11, photon irradiance 400–700 nm, 92 mmol
m2 sec1, at 168C (1), R:FR ratio ¼ 0.12, photon irradiance
regulation. This represents the first evidence that the phy-
400–700 nm, 99 mmol m2 sec1.
tochromes act collectively to regulate the rate at which
development proceeds.
Plant growth assays
For plants grown under short-day photoperiods, rosette leaf
Conclusion counts were carried out twice a week. Leaves were counted only
when the petiole was visible to the naked eye. Flowering time was
Analysis of mutants null for one or more phytochrome recorded as primary rosette leaf number at inflorescence produc-
species under different ambient growth temperatures has tion. Rosette leaves were distinguished from axillary leaves on the
revealed that the phyB monogenic mutant early flowering basis of morphological differences.
phenotype is temperature dependent. Moreover, we have
demonstrated that at the cooler temperature of 168C phyE Protein extraction and immunoblotting
has a prominent role in the regulation of flowering. This Proteins were extracted as described previously by Devlin et al.
temperature-sensitive flowering pathway appears to oper- (1992). After resolution on 8% SDS–polyacrylamide gels, proteins
ate independently of the autonomous-FLC pathway. We were electroblotted to an Imobilon-P polyvinylidene difluoride
have correlative data that suggest this newly defined ther- membrane (Millipore Corp., Bedford, MA). Membranes were
probed with the following monoclonal antibodies: C1 and C13,
mosensory pathway functions at least partly through the
specific for phyC (Somers et al., 1991); and 2C1, which is selective
regulation of FT. Thus, FT appears to be an important for phyD (Hirschfield et al., 1998). Protein bands were visualized by
integration point for the photoperiod, the autonomous- secondary incubation with horseradish peroxidase–anti-mouse
FLC and the phytochrome-regulated flowering pathways. immunoglobulin antibodies and chemiluminescence (Amersham
Not all the phytochrome-mediated responses are subject to International, Bucks., UK).
temperature modification. Within the same temperature
range (16–228C) phytochrome control of leaf elongation Quantitative RT-PCR
and rosette leaf-formation rate was not substantially Plants were grown under short-day conditions and RNA samples
altered. This provides an insight into the divergent strate- were prepared from shoot tissue harvested 22 days post-germina-

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884 Karen J. Halliday et al.

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