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E.E.E.F.M. Professor
I ____/____/____

 Leia atentamente o TEXT a seguir e responda corretamente:

Kerry’s blog
Hi! My name’s Kerry, and I want to tell you about my work. I’m a teacher,
but I don’t work at a secondary school and I don’t teach young students. I teach
older students. My students are 20 to 40 years old and they come to me to learn
English. They want to use English when they work or for holidays. I love my job,
but it isn’t easy! My students have jobs too, and I teach them after work. There are
15 students in my class. We start lessons at 6.00 in the evening and finish at 9.30.
We have a break at about 7.30 and then we have a drink of tea or coffee. It’s very late when I get home, and
I’m quite tired. In the class, I teach my students about grammar, and they learn a lot of new words in
English. I ask questions and they answer. They speak in English in the class and they do some homework for
the next lesson. Sometimes they do exercises and sometimes they read books. They like to watch English
films and listen to English music at home. I like my students! We talk about TV, sports and work. My job is
really interesting. They speak good English now too. If you want to learn English, come to my school! It’s
very good!
Work - Trabalho Students - Evening - Noite Grammar - Exercises - Talk - Conversar
Teacher - Alunos Finish - Gramática Exercícios TV - Televisão
Professor(a) Learn - Aprender Terminar Words - Palavras Read - Ler Sports - Esportes
Secondary English - Inglês Break - Pausa Ask - Perguntar Books - Livros Good - Bom
school - Escola Holidays - Férias Drink - Bebida Answer - Watch - Assistir Learn - Aprender
secundária Love - Amar Late - Tarde Responder Films - Filmes School - Escola
Young - Jovens Easy - Fácil Tired - Homework - Listen - Ouvir
Older - Mais Jobs - Empregos Cansado(a) Tarefa de casa Music - Música
velhos Lessons - Aulas Like - Gostar

1. De acordo com o TEXT que você acabou de ler, marque T (TRUE – VERDADEIRO) ou F (FALSE –
FALSO) e corrija as alternativas falsas.

( ) Kerry teaches at a secondary school. ( ) Her students are mainly older students.
( ) They come to learn English for their work or holidays.
( ) The classes start in the evening. ( ) The students only learn grammar in class.

2. Complete as lacunas adequadamente de acordo com o TEXT:

a) They start lessons at ______________ in the ________________.

b) Kerry works at a _________________________.
c) The students like to watch ___________________ and listen to __________________ at home.
d) Kerry`s _______________ are __________________ years old.
e) The students want to use _________________ when they _____________ or for _________________.

3. Em nossas aulas expliquei o significado das TRANSPARENT WORDS, palavras que têm a escrita
parecida ou semelhante ao Português e têm o mesmo significado em Inglês.

4. Associe a segunda coluna com a primeira de acordo com o texto:

(1) Qual é o nome da pessoa que está compartilhando sobre seu trabalho?
(2) Quantos alunos há na classe de Kerry?
(3) A que horas começam e terminam as aulas de Kerry?
(4) O que os alunos de Kerry gostam de fazer em casa para praticar inglês?
(5) Segundo Kerry, como é o seu trabalho?

( ) Kerry's job is demanding but rewarding.

( ) Kerry teaches 15 students in her class.
( ) Kerry's students enjoy watching English films and listening to English music at home.
( ) Kerry's lessons start at 6.00 in the evening and finish at 9.30.
( ) Kerry.

5. Dê respostas curtas para as perguntas a seguir, de acordo com o texto:

a) Is Kerry a teacher? b) Is Kerry`s job interesting?

___________________________ _____________________________
c) Are the students young? d) Is it a public school?
_____________________________ _____________________________
e) Is Kerry`s job easy? ________________________________

6 – Complete com o SIMPLE PRESENT do Verb to be.

a) Mary ___________ my best friend. b) John and Cindy _________ classmates.

c) Peter __________ my brother. d) You __________ a good student.
e) They __________ in the classroom.

7 - Complete com a negative form do verb to be.

a) He ______________ a girl. b) I ____________ a teacher.

c) You _____________ a student. d) We _____________ from London.
e) They _________ cats.

8 – Agora complete com o verb to be na interrogative form.

a) _________ she your teacher? b) _________ he my mother?

c) _________ this boy a student? d) _________ these girls in the room?
e) _________ the cat at home?

9 – Dê respostas curtas (short answers) para as perguntas a seguir:

a) Am I at school? b) Are they from Brazil?

______________________________ __________________________________
c) Is he my best friend? d) Is Jane my teacher?
______________________________ __________________________________
e) Are you students?

10 – Coloque as palavras na ordem correta para formar frases afirmativas.

a) a / is / dentist. / aunt / My ________________________________

b) house. / The / in / is / the / cat ________________________________
c) at / not / school. / they / are ________________________________
d) a / actor. / You / talented / are ________________________________
e) teacher. / next / are / the / We / to ________________________________

Good Lucky!!!
E.E.E.F.M. Professor
I ____/____/____

 Leia atentamente o TEXT a seguir e responda corretamente:

Kerry’s blog
Hi! My name’s Kerry, and I want to tell you about my work. I’m a
teacher, but I don’t work at a secondary school and I don’t teach young
students. I teach older students. My students are 20 to 40 years old and they
come to me to learn English. They want to use English when they work or for
holidays. I love my job, but it isn’t easy! My students have jobs too, and I
teach them after work. There are 15 students in my class. We start lessons at
6.00 in the evening and finish at 9.30. We have a break at about 7.30 and then
we have a drink of tea or coffee. It’s very late when I get home, and I’m quite tired. In the class, I teach my
students about grammar, and they learn a lot of new words in English. I ask questions and they answer. They
speak in English in the class and they do some homework for the next lesson. Sometimes they do exercises
and sometimes they read books. They like to watch English films and listen to English music at home. I like
my students! We talk about TV, sports and work. My job is really interesting. They speak good English now
too. If you want to learn English, come to my school! It’s very good!
Work - Trabalho Students - Lessons - Aulas Grammar - Exercises - TV - Televisão
Teacher - Alunos Evening - Noite Gramática Exercícios Sports -
Professor(a) Learn - Finish - Words - Read - Ler Esportes
Secondary Aprender Terminar Palavras Books - Livros Good - Bom
school - Escola English - Inglês Break - Pausa Ask - Perguntar Watch - Assistir Learn -
secundária Holidays - Drink - Bebida Answer - Films - Filmes Aprender
Young - Jovens Férias Late - Tarde Responder Listen - Ouvir School - Escola
Older - Mais Love - Amar Tired - Homework - Music - Música
velhos Easy - Fácil Cansado(a) Tarefa de casa Like - Gostar
Jobs - Empregos Talk - Conversar

1. Complete as lacunas adequadamente de acordo com o TEXT:

a) They start lessons at ______________ in the ________________.

b) Kerry works at a _________________________.
c) The students like to watch ___________________ and listen to __________________ at home.
d) Kerry`s _______________ are __________________ years old.
e) The students want to use _________________ when they _____________ or for _________________.

2. Em nossas aulas expliquei o significado das TRANSPARENT WORDS, palavras que têm a escrita
parecida ou semelhante ao Português e têm o mesmo significado em Inglês.


3. De acordo com o TEXT que você acabou de ler, marque T (TRUE – VERDADEIRO) ou F (FALSE –
FALSO) e corrija as alternativas falsas.

( ) Kerry teaches at a secondary school. ( ) Her students are mainly older students.
( ) The classes start in the evening. ( ) The students only learn grammar in class.
( ) They come to learn English for their work or holidays.

4. Dê respostas curtas para as perguntas a seguir, de acordo com o texto:

a) Is Kerry a doctor? ___________________ b) Is Kerry`s job boring? __________________

c) Are the students old? d) Is it a private school?
_____________________________ _____________________________
e) Is Kerry`s job easy? ________________________________

5 - Associe a segunda coluna com a primeira de acordo com o texto:

(1) Segundo Kerry, como é o seu trabalho?

(2) O que os alunos de Kerry gostam de fazer em casa para praticar inglês?
(3) A que horas começam e terminam as aulas de Kerry?
(4) Quantos alunos há na classe de Kerry?
(5) Qual é o nome da pessoa que está compartilhando sobre seu trabalho?

( ) Kerry's job is demanding but rewarding.

( ) Kerry teaches 15 students in her class.
( ) Kerry's students enjoy watching English films and listening to English music at home.
( ) Kerry's lessons start at 6.00 in the evening and finish at 9.30.
( ) Kerry.

6 – Coloque as palavras na ordem correta para formar frases afirmativas.

a) a / is / dentist. / aunt / My ________________________________

b) house. / The / in / is / the / cat ________________________________
c) at / not / school. / they / are ________________________________
d) a / actor. / You / talented / are ________________________________
e) teacher. / next / are / the / We / to ________________________________

7 - Complete com a negative form do verb to be.

a) He ______________ a girl. b) I ____________ a teacher.

c) You _____________ a student. d) We _____________ from London.
e) They _________ cats.

8 – Dê respostas curtas (short answers) para as perguntas a seguir:

a) Am I at home? b) Are they from Brazil?

______________________________ __________________________________
c) Is he my bestfriend? d) Is Jane my teacher?
______________________________ __________________________________
e) Are you students?

9 - Agora complete com o verb to be na interrogative form.

a) _________ I your teacher? b) _________ she my mother?

c) _________ these boys students? d) _________ this girl in the room?
e) _________ we at home?

10 – Complete com o SIMPLE PRESENT do Verb to be.

a) They ___________ my best friend. b) John and Cindy _________ classmates.

c) He __________ my brother. d) She __________ a good student.
e) I __________ in the classroom.

Good Lucky!!!
E.E.E.F.M. Professor
I ____/____/____

 Leia atentamente o TEXT a seguir e responda corretamente:

Kerry’s blog
Hi! My name’s Kerry, and I want to tell you about my work. I’m a
teacher, but I don’t work at a secondary school and I don’t teach young
students. I teach older students. My students are 20 to 40 years old and they
come to me to learn English. They want to use English when they work or
for holidays. I love my job, but it isn’t easy! My students have jobs too, and
I teach them after work. There are 15 students in my class. We start lessons
at 6.00 in the evening and finish at 9.30. We have a break at about 7.30 and
then we have a drink of tea or coffee. It’s very late when I get home, and I’m quite tired. In the class, I teach
my students about grammar, and they learn a lot of new words in English. I ask questions and they answer.
They speak in English in the class and they do some homework for the next lesson. Sometimes they do
exercises and sometimes they read books. They like to watch English films and listen to English music at
home. I like my students! We talk about TV, sports and work. My job is really interesting. They speak good
English now too. If you want to learn English, come to my school! It’s very good!
Work - Trabalho Students - Lessons - Aulas Grammar - Exercises - TV - Televisão
Teacher - Alunos Evening - Noite Gramática Exercícios Sports -
Professor(a) Learn - Finish - Words - Read - Ler Esportes
Secondary Aprender Terminar Palavras Books - Livros Good - Bom
school - Escola English - Inglês Break - Pausa Ask - Perguntar Watch - Assistir Learn -
secundária Holidays - Drink - Bebida Answer - Films - Filmes Aprender
Young - Jovens Férias Late - Tarde Responder Listen - Ouvir School - Escola
Older - Mais Love - Amar Tired - Homework - Music - Música
velhos Easy - Fácil Cansado(a) Tarefa de casa Like - Gostar
Jobs - Empregos Talk - Conversar

1. Associe a segunda coluna com a primeira de acordo com o texto:

(1) Segundo Kerry, como é o seu trabalho?

(2) O que os alunos de Kerry gostam de fazer em casa para praticar inglês?
(3) A que horas começam e terminam as aulas de Kerry?
(4) Quantos alunos há na classe de Kerry?
(5) Qual é o nome da pessoa que está compartilhando sobre seu trabalho?

( ) Kerry's job is demanding but rewarding.

( ) Kerry teaches 15 students in her class.
( ) Kerry's students enjoy watching English films and listening to English music at home.
( ) Kerry's lessons start at 6.00 in the evening and finish at 9.30.
( ) Kerry.

2. Em nossas aulas expliquei o significado das TRANSPARENT WORDS, palavras que têm a escrita
parecida ou semelhante ao Português e têm o mesmo significado em Inglês.

3. De acordo com o TEXT que você acabou de ler, marque T (TRUE – VERDADEIRO) ou F (FALSE –
FALSO) e corrija as alternativas falsas.

( ) Kerry teaches at a secondary school. ( ) Her students are mainly older students.
( ) The classes start in the evening. ( ) The students only learn grammar in class.
( ) They come to learn English for their work or holidays.

4. Dê respostas curtas para as perguntas a seguir, de acordo com o texto:

a) Is Kerry a doctor? b) Is Kerry`s job boring?

___________________________ _____________________________
c) Are the students old? d) Is it a private school?
_____________________________ _____________________________
e) Is Kerry`s job easy? ________________________________

5 - Complete as lacunas adequadamente de acordo com o TEXT:

a) They start lessons at ______________ in the ________________.

b) Kerry works at a _________________________.
c) The students like to watch ___________________ and listen to __________________ at home.
d) Kerry`s _______________ are __________________ years old.
e) The students want to use _________________ when they _____________ or for _________________.

6 – Complete com o SIMPLE PRESENT do Verb to be.

a) They ___________ my best friend. b) John and Cindy _________ classmates.

c) He __________ my brother. d) She __________ a good student.
e) I __________ in the classroom.

7 – Coloque as palavras na ordem correta para formar frases afirmativas.

a) teacher. / next / are / the / We / to ________________________________

b) a / actor. / You / talented / are ________________________________
c) at / not / school. / they / are ________________________________
d) house. / The / in / is / the / cat ________________________________
e) a / is / dentist. / aunt / My ________________________________

8 – Complete com a negative form do verb to be.

a) We ______________ boyes. b) She ____________ a teacher.

c) You _____________ students. d) I _____________ from London.
e) It _________ a cat.

9 - Agora complete com o verb to be na interrogative form.

a) _________ he your teacher? b) _________ he my father?

c) _________ that girl a student? d) _________ the babies in the room?
e) _________ you at home?

10 – Dê respostas curtas (short answers) para as perguntas a seguir:

a) Are you a student? b) Are you at home?

______________________________ __________________________________
c) Is he from Brazil? d) Are we best friends?
______________________________ __________________________________
e) Is Luís Carlos your teacher?

Good Lucky!!!

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