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Lucid Dreaming + Shifting Guide

All credits go to @charmedreincarnation & @themanifestingbrat on tumblr

Lucid dreaming is one of my favorite subconscious exploration activities I love to indulge in. I love the brain,
and anything revolving around neurology, psychology, and dreaming so it makes sense I’ve been fascinated with
lucid dreaming since I first accidentally did it when I was 10. This is just going to be a basic introduction
because it’s such a complex and versatile topic. If I were to explore and write about everything I know, and get
into details with everything I wrote, I’d be here for days :)! Again, this is just a basic intro, and use this to maybe
find what you need, do some extra research if you feel called to something, and start exploring babes!

Lucid dreaming is a state of consciousness in which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming and can
sometimes control the content of their dreams. It is a fascinating and mysterious phenomenon that has
intrigued scientists, philosophers, and artists for centuries. In this mega guide, we will explore the history
and psychology of lucid dreaming, as well as various methods and tips on how to achieve this state.
Part 1: What is Lucid Dreaming?
Lucid dreaming is a state of consciousness that occurs during sleep. It is characterized by a heightened sense of
self-awareness and the ability to control the content of one's dreams. During a lucid dream, the dreamer is fully
conscious and aware that they are dreaming. They can often manipulate the dream environment and interact with
dream characters as if they were real. Lucid dreaming can be a fun and exciting experience, but it can also be used
for personal growth and self-discovery.

Part 2: The History and Psychology of Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming has been known to humans for centuries. The first written records of lucid dreaming date back to
ancient Tibetan Buddhism. Tibetan monks used lucid dreaming as a spiritual practice to achieve enlightenment.
In the 19th century, French philosopher, Rene Descartes, was the first to write about lucid dreaming in a western
context. He believed that the ability to control one's dreams was evidence of the mind's power over the body.
In the 20th century, lucid dreaming gained more attention from scientists and psychologists. In the 1970s,
researcher Keith Hearne became the first person to demonstrate the existence of lucid dreaming through
scientific experiments. Since then, numerous studies have been conducted on lucid dreaming, exploring its
potential for psychological healing, creative inspiration, and personal growth.
From a psychological perspective, lucid dreaming can be seen as a way to access the unconscious mind. Dreams
are often a reflection of our deepest fears, desires, and thoughts. By becoming aware of our dreams and
controlling their content, we can gain insight into our own psyche and work through unresolved issues.

Part 3: REM Sleep

REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is a stage of sleep characterized by rapid and random eye movements, increased
brain activity, and muscle paralysis. It is the stage of sleep when most dreaming occurs.
During REM sleep, the brain is highly active, and the body is in a state of temporary paralysis. This is thought to
be a protective mechanism to prevent us from acting out our dreams physically and injuring ourselves or others.
Lucid dreaming is most likely to occur during REM sleep because this is when the brain is most active, and we are
more likely to become aware of the dream state. There is a theory that lucid dreaming occurs when the prefrontal
cortex (the part of the brain responsible for decision-making and self-awareness) becomes active during REM
sleep, allowing us to recognize that we are in a dream state. So, by increasing our awareness and ability to
recognize that we are dreaming, REM sleep can help us lucid dream.

The key to lucid dreaming is understanding your REM cycle. You enter REM about 4 times during the night,
provided that you are getting enough sleep. First cycle occurs after 90 minutes of sleep. During REM sleep, your
brain is especially active, and you enter into a dream state. You’ll usually find yourself in a vivid dream, and if
you’re alert enough, you may be able to become conscious or aware enough to control the dream.

To increase the chances of lucid dreaming, you’ll need to improve your REM sleep. One way to do this is by
getting enough sleep each night (at least 7 hours) and avoiding stimulants such as caffeine that can disrupt your
sleep cycle. Also, develop a bedtime routine that helps your mind and body relax as you get ready for bed.
In addition to these basics, there are some specific techniques you can use to become lucid during your
dreams. For example, you can try Reality Checks. These are simple tests you can do in the waking world to
check if you’re dreaming, such as reading a text or looking at your hands. If you perform the same check
while dreaming, you may become aware that you’re dreaming, helping you achieve lucidity. Additionally, you
can perform the Wake Back to Bed (WBTB) technique, which involves intentionally awakening from REM
sleep and attempting to visualize or remember dreams before attempting to return to sleep. This helps your
brain stay alert as you drift off to sleep. Finally, try keeping a dream journal. Recording dreams every morning
after you wake up can help improve your memory of dreams and increase your chances of becoming lucid in

Part 4: How to Lucid Dream

There are many methods and techniques for inducing lucid dreams. Here are some of the most popular:

☁ Reality check - This involves regularly checking to see if you are dreaming. Throughout the day, ask yourself,
"Am I dreaming?" and perform a simple reality check, like counting your fingers or trying to push your finger
through your palm. If you make this a habit, it will carry over into your dreams, and you will be more likely to
recognize when you are dreaming.

☁ Dream journaling - Keeping a dream journal can help you become more aware of your dreams and improve
your dream recall. Write down your dreams as soon as you wake up, even if they don't seem important. Over time,
you may notice recurring patterns or themes in your dreams, which can help you become more aware of when you
are dreaming.

☁ Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) - This technique involves setting an intention to have a lucid
dream before you go to sleep or after 5 hours of sleep. Repeat a phrase like "I will have a lucid dream tonight" or
“I will remember I am dreaming” and you can visualize a scene where you become aware in a dream. This will
help your subconscious mind recognize when you are dreaming and increase your chances of becoming lucid.

☁ Wake Back To Bed (WBTB) - This technique involves waking up after several hours of sleep and then going
back to bed with the intention of having a lucid dream. Set an alarm for 4-6 hours after you go to bed, then get up
for 20-30 minutes before going back to sleep. During this time, read about lucid dreaming or perform reality
checks to help increase your awareness.

Part 5: Other Methods & Techniques

☁ Anchor Technique - This technique involves choosing an anchor, which is a simple and consistent sensation
that you can focus on during the day and in your dreams. Some examples of anchors are the feeling of your breath,
the sensation of your feet on the ground, or the sound of a specific word or phrase. By regularly focusing on your
anchor during the day, you will increase your awareness in your dreams and be more likely to recognize when you
are dreaming.

☁ Focus Induced Lucid Dream (FILD) - This technique involves performing a repetitive physical motion with
your fingers while falling asleep. The idea is to keep your mind focused on the sensation of your fingers, which
will help you maintain consciousness as your body falls asleep. Once you enter a dream state, you can use your
increased awareness to recognize that you are dreaming.It is best to do this after about 6 hours of sleep.

☁ Impossible Movement Practice (IMP) - This technique involves practicing movements that are physically
impossible in the waking world, such as levitation or flying. By repeatedly practicing these movements in the
waking world, you will increase the likelihood of performing them in your dreams. When you perform an
impossible movement in a dream, you will become aware that you are dreaming and can take control of the

☁ Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (SILD) - This technique involves focusing on your senses while falling asleep.
Specifically, you should focus on any visual, auditory, or physical sensations that you experience as you fall asleep.
Once you enter a dream state, these sensations will carry over into your dream and help you recognize that you are
dreaming. This is my personal fave that has brought me the most success.

☁ Visual Induction of Lucid Dreams (VILD) - This technique involves visualizing a specific scene that includes a
reality check and looping it before falling asleep. You can do this when you awake in the middle of the night or if
you are doing WBTB. As you’re looping the scene, increase the intensity and detail in first person. If you find your
thoughts drifting, simply go back to looping the scene. Eventually, you will find yourself in a dream and the reality
check will make you lucid.

☁ Counting Technique - This technique involves counting either as you fall asleep or during a dream. When
counting as you fall asleep, you should focus on the sensation of the numbers as you repeat them in your mind.
When counting during a dream, you should count your fingers or any other object in the dream. The act of
counting can help increase your awareness and lead to lucid dreaming.

☁ “Charm Method” - This is not an established method as far as I'm concerned but I have also used this! Got to
bed realistically around 10pm-12am but anytime works. Set an alarm for 4-6 hours later when rem sleep is
activated and use an alarm you have created during that time. Instead of using a normal alarm, use a recording of
your voice that says something along the lines of “I am dreaming,” “This is a dream,” or “y/n its me, this is a
dream.” This should be heard while you're dreaming and since it’s your voice you should become lucid. You’ll
probably have to experiment with what volume isn't too loud or too quiet but I found this to be a very effective

☁ Sleep Paralysis - You can induce sleep paralysis before bed or during your REM cycle. Get into a comfortable
position, laying on your back is most common to easily induce it, and do not move. You may feel the urge to itch
or change positions but ignore doing so as it is your body checking to see if you are still awake. You can swallow
if you need to, it will not affect your progress. Your body might do one last check before falling asleep.
Sometimes, it will be a strong itch, a sharp pain, or a really strong urge to turn over, don’t worry, this will only last
a few seconds or minutes before your body completely falls asleep. Once you induce sleep paralysis, you can shift
your dr instantly, enter the void, or visualize a dream scene and immediately start lucid dreaming.

Part 6: Sleep Paralysis & Lucid Dreaming

Sleep paralysis is a common, yet misunderstood phenomenon that can be used to induce lucid dreaming. It is a
naturally occurring state of the body where a person is technically awake, yet unable to move any voluntary
muscles. This happens when the mind is transitioning between wakefulness and sleep, as its ‘sleep-wake’
transition mechanisms are disrupted. During this state, a person may experience vivid hallucinations, intense
dreams and feelings of an intruder in the room.
Sleep paralysis can be classified into two main types. The first is hypnagogic sleep paralysis, which occurs when
falling asleep. The second kind, known as hypnopompic sleep paralysis, tends to occur when the person is waking
up. Both types of sleep paralysis can last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes.

In order to use sleep paralysis as a means of lucid dreaming, it is important to understand the basics of the
phenomenon. Firstly, before attempting to induce sleep paralysis, it is important to practice relaxation techniques
such as deep breathing or mindfulness. Secondly, it is also recommended to have a routine prior to sleep, such as
reading or writing in a journal. This helps to ensure that a person reaches the optimal state of relaxation when
entering a period of sleep paralysis.
Once the basics are understood, the actual process of inducing sleep paralysis can vary. It can take 15 minutes up
to an hour of staying still. One way of doing this is by keeping your body completely still while completely
relaxed, which helps to create the conditions for sleep paralysis to occur. This method works best when done in a
dark, silent and comfortable room. You can also do meditations that focus on relaxing the body, like Yoga Nidra.
Alternatively, another technique that can be used to induce sleep paralysis is to focus on a single object in the
room and allow the body to gradually drift off into a state of relaxation. I also like to visualize or create scenarios
that keep my mind awake to distract me from focusing on time and my body.
Using these techniques, one can achieve lucid dreaming through controlled sleep paralysis. During periods of
sleep paralysis, the mind is more open, thus allowing one to direct their thoughts and enter the world of lucid
dreaming. This allows a person to experience vivid lucid dreaming scenarios with full control and enhanced
awareness. Because of this Sleep paralysis is an incredibly powerful natural phenomenon that can be utilized as an
effective tool for lucid dreaming. While it requires some practice, it can be a great way to explore altered states of
consciousness, induce vivid dreams and ultimately have a unique and interesting experience.

Part 7: Another Dream Technique

Before you go to bed, write down your intention to lucid dream. Spend some time visualizing what you want to do
during the lucid dream. Focus on the positive intentions that you have for the dream and imagine the dream
unfolding in your mind. It’s important to maintain this positive mindset even when you’re falling asleep, so that
your subconscious can be open to welcoming these ideas.
Once you become aware that you are dreaming, try to put yourself in control of the dream. Dream control
techniques include spinning, rubbing your hands together, looking down at yourself and even flying. By
experimenting with these techniques, you can shape your dream and be in control of the events that take place.

Part 8: You are in a Lucid Dream

Once you’ve successfully achieved awareness in your dream, it is important to stay calm and to stabilize your
dream to remain lucid. Beginners typically get excited and want to immediately start manipulating the dream or
shout, “I AM DREAMING!” at their dream characters. Doing this can collapse the dream and cause you to wake
up. To remain calm, you can take a few deep breaths and perform one or more reality checks (you can also do
these checks while awake) Here are a few below:
1. Calmly repeating affirmations like, “I am dreaming,” “I am lucid,” “I am aware that I’m dreaming.”
2. Counting your fingers. You will never have 10 fingers in a dream.
3. Pushing your finger through your hand. Usually, it’ll go straight through!
4. Pinching your nose and checking if you are breathing. If you can still breathe through your nose, you’re
5. Checking a clock or reading text. Clocks or text will constantly change.
6. Looking at a mirror. If it doesn’t look normal…you’re dreaming.
These reality checks can also help make your dream more vivid and you more lucid. However, if you feel your
dream losing clarity or you’re losing lucidity, you can do the following:
1. Rub your hands together like you’re plotting an evil plan.
2. Command your subconscious by saying, “I want clarity!” or “Make this dream more vivid!”
3. Look at your hands and study them.
4. Do some math.
5. Spin around. Doing this can help you achieve various things like changing dream scenes, get clarity, or go
into pure consciousness. Try it and see what happens!

Part 9: Shifting and Lucid Dreaming

Step 1: Set Your Intention
Before going to bed, set your intention to reality shift through lucid dreaming. You can do this by repeating a
mantra, such as, "I will shift my consciousness to another reality through lucid dreaming." Visualize yourself
successfully shifting your consciousness to another reality and hold this intention in your mind as you fall asleep.
Step 2: Enter Lucid Dreaming State
Once you are in a dream, you can use your lucid dreaming skills to become aware that you are dreaming. You may
feel a sudden sense of clarity, or notice that something unusual is happening in the dream. Once you realize that
you are in a dream, take a moment to stabilize the dream by focusing on your senses or performing a reality check.
Look around you and notice the details of the dream world. Touch objects in the dream and pay attention to their
texture and temperature. This will help you remain in the dream and maintain your awareness.
Step 3: Visualize Your Desired Reality
Once you have stabilized the dream, focus your attention on the reality you want to shift to. Visualize the world
you want to enter, and imagine yourself being fully immersed in this new reality. Use all of your senses to imagine
what it would feel like to be in this new reality. The more vivid and detailed your visualization, the more likely you
are to successfully shift your consciousness.

Step 4: Shift Your Consciousness

To shift your consciousness to the desired reality, you can try a few different techniques. One common technique
is to visualize a portal or doorway that will take you to the new reality. You can also try spinning in a circle or
jumping through a window to shift to the new reality. It's important to remain focused on your intention and
maintain your belief that you can shift your consciousness.

Part 10: How to enter the void state/pure consciousness

☁ Focus on Sensations: When you become lucid in your dream, focus on your senses. Pay attention to the
sensations that you are experiencing, such as the feeling of the ground beneath your feet or the sound of the wind
blowing. As you focus on these sensations, allow yourself to sink deeper into a state of pure awareness.

☁ Let Go of the Dream Content: Once you are stabilized in the dream, let go of any specific dream content or
goals. Instead, focus on experiencing the dream without any attachment or judgment. Allow the dream to unfold
naturally without trying to control it.

☁ Manipulate Your Dream: You can go into a door, mirror, or even create a portal to enter the void. You can also
have your dream characters, guides, or subconscious create a way for you. This may take practice and will need
strong intention as you might end up entering a new dream scene.

☁ Use Mantras: You can use a mantra to help you enter the void state with lucid dreaming. Repeat a phrase such
as "I am pure awareness" or "I am one with the void" to yourself as you focus on the sensation of pure awareness.
This can help to anchor your awareness in the present moment and deepen your experience of the void state.

☁ Practice Meditation: Regular meditation practice can also help you to enter the void state with lucid dreaming.
Use meditation techniques such as mindfulness or breath awareness to develop your ability to focus your
attention and stay present in the moment.

☁ Visualize the Void: Before you go to sleep, visualize yourself in a state of pure awareness. Imagine a void or a
space of emptiness and allow yourself to sink deeper into that state. This can help to prepare your mind for
entering the void state with lucid dreaming.

☁ Practice Regularly: Entering the void state with lucid dreaming takes practice and patience. Set aside time each
day to practice lucid dreaming and working towards entering the void state. With regular practice, you will be
able to enter the void state more easily and experience the benefits of this deep meditative state.

Part 11: Resetting an intention and applying it to lucid dreaming

We set intentions everyday and we all know what they are but it’s overcomplicated when we try to apply it to
desires we think are above us. Reprogramming how you view and apply intentions can not only help with
lucid dreaming, but your manifestations in general!

1. Anytime you want to do something mundane, set an intention. Before you shower, set an intention to go
shower and then do it. If you drop something, set an intention to pick it up then pick it up, if you want to
go to your kitchens, set an intention to go to your kitchen then go to your kitchen, etc.
2. Then build your way up, set an intention to see a specific color car, or the traffic light that’s usually red
when you go driving will be green, or set an intention to wake up at a specific time in the middle of the
night. Then build your way up until you’re confident in setting an intention and automatically receiving
your desires. It worked wonders for me in not only conceptualizing the concept of intention, but also
building my faith in mine. It’s such a fun and simple way to reprogram your mind and recognize how
powerful we are!

Part 12: Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming

Astral projection and lucid dreaming are two techniques commonly used to explore the world of the subconscious
mind. But what exactly are these practices, and how can they be used together?
Astral projection is a process whereby the consciousness of an individual temporarily leaves their physical body
and is able to explore the astral plane, which is a non-physical realm beyond the reach of physical senses. This can
be experienced in a number of ways, including through dreams and out-of-body experiences. This may seem
irrelevant to manifesting or the void state, but you can use astral projection for outer lot world exploration, and
not to mention the void state and reality shifting!

By combining astral projection and lucid dreaming, it becomes possible to use lucid dreaming to explore the
astral plane, thus potentially deepening and expanding one’s understanding of the subconscious world. This can
be done by setting an intention to astral projection during a lucid dream, or by simply being aware of the
possibility of astral projection during a lucid dream. When combining the two practices, it is important to be
mindful of one’s intentions. It is helpful to have a clear idea of what one wants to experience on the astral plane,
otherwise it can be easy to get distracted by the many unknown experiences that can appear on the astral plane.
Additionally, it is important to remember to stay grounded and centered during both astral projection and lucid
dreaming, so that one is able to come back to their physical body when they are finished.

Now, let’s get started with the steps.

1. Assuming you wake up in a lucid dream using one of the steps above…Get comfortable and relax. Lay
down somewhere comfortable and focus on relaxing all of your muscles, from head to toe.

2. Visualize your goal. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a surreal place or ask yourself a question
such as “Where am I?” The visuals and answers will form the dreamscape for your astral projection.

3. Focus on your breathing. Take slow deep breaths and focus on each inhale and exhale while re-affirming
your intention to astral project.

4. Feel the energy. Picture a bright light energy rising from your body, making you feel lighter and freer.
This will help you to enter a lucid dream state more easily.

5. Trust yourself and let go. After a few minutes of visualizing and breathing, you should start to feel the
dream energy coming into your body. Allow yourself to let go and be taken away by the dreamscape
6. Once you’ve astral projection you can intend to astral project into your dr or the void, or you can call upon
your spirit guides or help you on your journey, and ask them to do it for you. Anyone for that matter <3

Part 11: Conclusion and Helpful Subliminals

That’s it! I hope this tutorial gave you an understanding of how to use lucid dreaming and how to use it for
various endeavors! Lucid dreaming is an exciting way to explore your subconscious and other spiritual activities,
and there can be a lot of layers to it so this of course is just an intro! Find what resonates with you, do some
additional research if you feel inclined to, (without over consuming) and we hope you have fun with this journey!
Lucid dreaming is one of the more accepted spiritual endeavors so there’s plenty of research available for you on
the internet! Here are some of our favorite subliminals and other helpful videos if you like to use them, to help
you get started. Not that you need them whatsoever <3!

Maya/Charm’s recommendations:
☆{轮回}༄Eleutheriae Fili_曼珠沙華༄☆’s “Celestial Goddess’s Gift of Dreamland” Subliminal 😻
Cloudparty’s Lucid Dreaming “Shift Portal” Subliminal
Endless Summer’s “Shift Through Lucid Dreaming” Subliminal
Kira ミズキ's domain’s “Land of Dreams” Subliminal
Binaural Nutrition’s “GALANTAMINE” Frequency 😻
Leviathan’s “Shift Through a Lucid Dream” Subliminal
🪐 𝙉𝙚𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 🛸’s “𝗡 𝗘𝗕 𝗨 𝗟𝗢 𝗨 𝗦 𝗠 𝗜𝗡 𝗗 : 𝙗 𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝚍𝚒 𝚟𝚒 𝚗 𝚎 𝘗𝘖 𝘊𝘒 𝘌𝘛 𝘋 𝘐𝘔 𝘌𝘕 𝘚𝘐𝘖 𝘕 S & 𝙜 𝙖𝙡𝙖𝙭 y 𝙝𝙤𝙢 𝙚𝙨”
Eye Of The Future’s “Dɾҽαɱɯαɭƙҽɾ” Subliminal

Sierra/Themanifestingbrat’s recommendations:
Melody Pond’s “Shifting Hypnosis”
Ethereal daydreamer subliminals’s “˚。⋆ shift reality instantly subliminal ~ very powerful ⋆。˚”
Reya Singh’s “Shift Instantly” Subliminal
Kira ミズキ's domain’s “Sleep Paralysis” Subliminal

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