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0 Opening
2.1.0 The meeting started with a short prayer said by Eld. Benjamin Bentum at about 2:37pm.

3.0 Exhortation

4.0. Previous Minutes

4.1.1 After the previous minutes was read, it was accepted as the true copy, but there were
corrections and ommisions as follows
a. District Women’s Leader and Secretary names have been ommitted from the attendance.

b. Elder Aikins Amoako has absented himself from meeting for more than three (3) months
without permission was always recorded as permission.

4.1.2 Hence, the District was directed by the House to meet Elder Aikins Amoako together with
the District Women’s Leader and Secretary for not attending Presbytery meeting and then
brief the House as such.

5.0 Matters Arising

5.1 Area Pastor Annual Support
5.1.1 The program was held successfully in the various Local Assemblies; proceedings was sent
to Area

6.0 Agenda
6.1. Monthly Progress report
6.1.1 The Chairman distributed Monthly Progress Report to the House (various Local
Assemblies) for monthly report on each Locals. He further notify the House that, through
that the District will have knowledge on individual problems and activities which will
bring progress if dealt with.

6.1.2 The House agreed to act accordingly.

6.2 GPCC Week

6.2.1 The Chairman informed the House about GPCC week Celebration which is schedulled for
Monday, 3rd – Sunday, 9th October, 2022. He further made it known that, the said program
will be held Zonally at The Church of Pentecost throughout the evening and climax in our
various Local Assemblies on Sunday.

6.2.2 The House agreed to act accordingly.

6.3 Distrist Pastor Annual Support

6.3.1 The Chairman reminded and informed the House about the District Pastor Annual Support
scheduled for Sunday, 30th October, 2022.

6.3.2 The House agreed to hold one week evening program from Monday, 24 th – Friday, 28th
October, 2022 and climax on Sunday, 30th October, 2022 in our various Local Assemblies.
Proceeds on Sunday should be brought to the District Finance Committee.

6.4 District Mission House Project

6.4.1 The Chairman reminded the House about the Mission House Project. He made it light to
the House that, the project is left with some few touches for its completion, hence required
for one Sunday, 16th October, 2022 to go through the various Local Assemblies to generate
funds for such course.

6.4.2 The House agreed that the Chairman together with District Finance Committee to do so but
it should be done in two different week since going through the various Locals on one
Sunday will be difficult.

7.0 other matters

7.1 Elder James Teye informed the House about one brother called Hamfred Annoh who was a
Deacon from his previous District, hence suggested if he should be accepted as such.

RESPONSE: The House urged Elder James Teye for a transfer letter from the brother.

7.2 Elder Ishmael Larbi reminded the Hous about the Woman the District owed regarding to
the roofing of the District Mission House and also, the lettter from the General
Headquarters concerning the Janaury Tithes which has not been paid.

7.3 Elder Nicholas Tackie for the Loan agreement between the House and the firm of which
the Loan was taken from.

8.0 closing
In the absence of any other matter to be treated, Elder Ishmael Larbi moved for the closure
of the meeting and was seconded by Elder Robert Amui. Elder Emmanuel Armah said the
closing by at about 6:21pm. Benediction by Elder Robert Tetteh.

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