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His love language – Mokoena

-N.Kweyama /Ntuli

Delusional Love Series

His Love Language – Mokoena (2023)

Upcoming Titles
Lungile – The Hitman

Delusional Love

The widow of Death – Lioness

The Forbidden Meeting

His Throne – Ruthless

“Mokoena will be the death of me” – Ntokozo

His Love Languange – Mokoena is the first of the Delusional Love series. The story
is pure fiction. None of the characters exist. The Mokoena Clan, however, is the
writer’s piece of imagination, but you are mostly welcomed to turn it to yours


Love has never been an easy thing to find. It is now all about fam, wealth and
other beneficial commodities. Well, in some cases, it is true love but with lots of
unbearable challenges, hence I believe in success and nothing more.

Hi, I am Ntokozo Dladla, a 21 year - old young woman, a law student and a big
picture seer. I am from Witbank in Mpumalanga but I am currently situated in
Soweto, due to Studies. I live in a commune. Well, I am not from those filthy rich
families but we are just rich, or that’s what I think.

My father (Sbusiso Dladla) is an owner of Dladla Inc, a commercial logistics

company that is well known all over the Southern Region, my mom (Nolwandle
Dladla) is a famous fashion designer and my older brother(Sihle Dladla) is an IT
specialist and a part investor in IOS technologies and my younger brother (Thando
Dladla) is an Instagram influencer and there is me… a law student who doesn’t
want be known for her Family’s fam nor wealth and popularity.

Hey, don’t judge me… I hate being identified as the girl who lives through her
parents wealth, hence I moved to Gauteng to start my own life and build myself
my own life, without my parents wealth.

Oops, I think I have spoken a lot. Let me go and ohh… welcome to my life.



I am on my way to the campus from the commune. It is a long way but I prefer
walking, after all I am currently financially in ICU. Yes, it is that bad. I mean, I said
it njena, I hate living off my parent’s money and also, they did cut me off
financially when I decided to go against their will and come to Gauteng. They just
don’t get it… the “being independent” phase. So in order to survive, I had to work
part-time at Sportscene.

Anyways, as I am on my way to class, the most annoying person on earth disturbs

my peaceful walk…

Liyana: Caramel

Me: (sigh) What do you want Liyana?

Liyana: (smirking) Hawu, is that how you greet your Romeo?

Me: (rolling my eyes and attempting to walk away) Argh… I got better things to

Him: (grabbing my arm) that attitude doesn’t suit your sexy-self? (biting his lower
lip) Look at how curvy you are…

Me: (sarcastic) Oh pssh, it’s nothing (serious face) Now can you let go of my arm…
I got a class to attend.

Him: (getting close) You know you can’t resist my charm. Be mine and stop
resisting already.

I just look at him and I then step on his foot so hard and he starts wailing loudly,
letting go of my arm.
Him: (groaning in pain) Ntokozo!!! Ahhh!!!

Me: Next time, it will be more than that and oh, I would rather date a trash can
than you…. Oh wait…what is the difference? Mmh Typical, I know. If you would
excuse me, I have a life to live….

I then walk to class. As I walk, I see people looking at me, especially boys. Argh,
fucken perverts.

One jock: Damn Mamas! You look curvy, sexy and beautiful but you would be
hotter on my side.

I just roll my eyes at him then I just carried on walking, with my ear pods on. Well,
I am wearing a black ripped boyfriend jean, a white long sleeve crop tee that I
printed “Dladla” in bold, a black cap with the Dladla print too (and I rested my
butterfly locs) and I accommodated the look with black and white Air Jordan
sneakers and those side shoulder bags. You see, I am a simple person. Let me go
for my class, bye.



I am done with my classes and I am on my way to work, I didn’t change my

clothes to be honest, after all it is a casual day.

I enter and I find my girls already working. They spot me and they rush to me
angrily. Yeses, where am I going get answers…

Linamandla: Bitch, why didn’t you come last night?

Lungile: Yeah, sakulinda ngathi sizilima…

➢ [Yeah, we waited for you like fools]

Me: O-Kay… Look, I am sorry. I had to pull an all-nighter for the test. Plus, y’all
know that I had soccer practice.

Lina: And you didn’t bother letting us know? Woman, usiditch.ile.

➢ [Woman, you ditched us]

Me: (looking at her blankly) If I told you, would you have let me stay behind?

Her: (blinking fast, knowing very well that I have a point) That’s not the point

Me: Hey… look, I am sorry okay? I will make it up to you guys but not now.

Lungile: We are going out tonight. I am paying this time. Plus we are only left with
two days before closing school.

Lina: And we saying Good bye to Second year of law.

Yes, we are all law students and yes, we live in the same commune with other two

Me: (sigh) okay, now did you cover for me coz you know Patricia dislikes my butt.
Patricia is my manager.

Lina: (proudly) Kanti singobani?

➢ [I mean, what’s my name?]

Me: (laughing) ngiyabonga guys…

➢ [thank you guys]

Lungile: (laughing) don’t mention it babes… we won’t let Patricia move you from
here to Southgate. But you got to start paying us now… at least with your hot
muscular brother’s numbers…konje what is his name?

Lina: (excited) Sihle Dladla… yeses, nigga be having the best looks. Yerrr, your
brothers… even Thando. How old is he konje?

Me: (laughing) 18…

Them: (shocked) Haaaaa!!!!

Me: (whispering) Shssssh!!! You want Patricia to come here now?

Lungile: Sorry but yerrr… your brother lives a lifestyle of a 23 year old, is hulky and
is an influencer and you telling us he is 18… we thought he was older that you…

I just chuckled… see… everyone says this. They think I am the last born.

Lina: Yeses… you parents be having the best sex mos… I mean the results are very
visible. Even you my sister, you be all Curvy… slender with the ass, curves, hips,
tiny tummy, one hourglass body, brackets, beauty and cute baby eyes… the fuck,
your parents had the best sex ever.

We look at her then we burst into laughter… they can be crazy, hey?
Me: (laughing) Hayibo weGirl all I know is, we are all beautiful.

Well, Lina have a one hourglass body but with huge hips and thighs. Lungile is
average size but also has one hourglass body and is very light in complexion.

As we are laughing and chatting, a customer approaches and as usual, they leave
me to attend him. These two are hypocrites… they didn’t even bother to look at
the customer.

I put a smile and I turn to him. He is looking down at his phone as he approaches.
Those rich customers, Mxaaa… they bore me to death with their big demands and
undecided heads.

The guy from Sportscene.

I am at Mall of The South and I decide to go to Sportscene and when I get there, I
find a group of girls laughing which I assume work here. I walk to them while
responding to a message on my phone and when I get there one is left. I read her
name tag and it says Ntokozo.

Ntokozo: (smiling) Good day sir, ngingakusita ngani?

➢ [Good day sir, how can I help you?]

Swati… fascinating…

Me: (serious face) Do you have Redbat Joggers for men?

Her: (smiling) yes, Please follow me…

She then walks to the men’s department. Yeses, this girl is mooi… I don’t wanna
lie. I have to give her credit for that. I think I have seen her somewhere on the
socials but I don’t know where exactly.

She then stops and shows me the joggers. She is too calm and cool… uhm,
something I haven’t seen in years. All I see nowadays are girls coming to me and
asking for selfies, dates and all that shit that happens to famous people.

Her: (serious) These are our only joggers for now. Due to Black Friday sales, we
are out of stock but if you are not satisfied, you can try our branches in Kilarney
Mall, Rosebank and Mall of AFRICA, Hence they are our biggest branches.

Me: Okay.

Her: (smiling) Is there anything else?

Me: Do you have Blue and White Air Jordan sneakers?

Her: I will need you to be more specific… maybe a pic?

I take out my phone, scroll to the pic and I hand her it. She takes it and I see her
white – Grey granite nails. They are long but not too long, something like Almond
shape. They have those designs that are matte color and I can’t help but notice
the index finger. It has some horizontal writing, “Vezi” in cursive. That is one of
the clan names of Dladla. I know it. She then hands me the phone.

Her: (looking around) Uhm… oh, this way please.

She leads the way again to the shoe department and she then starts looking
around to find the shoes. I then notice her strong black eyes. They are too black
to the point where I don’t even see her eye pupil. Her long natural lashes and full
eyebrows are also very black. Her two color lips are doing the most to her face.
She also has a few pimples… those small ones.
Her: Got it… what size sir?

Me: 8

Her: Uhm… let me… Oh… Lungile.

One of the girls that were with her earlier on passes by and she comes to us…

Ntokozo: Lungile… Mr

Me: Mokoena

Lungile then goes blank, her eyes wide and her face turn pink…

Ntokozo: Mr Mokoena here is looking for size 8 of the blue and white AirJordan,
do we have it?


Ntokozo: Lungile…

Lungile: (snapping out of it but still stuttering) Uhmmm… Ye…yes, we have it.
Come help me with looking for it.

Ntokozo: (flashing a perfect Colgate smile) Please excuse us sir…

They then leave with Lungile pulling Ntokozo. Mara yeses, Ntokozo is gorgeous
yhooo. Some parents make perfect kids out here hey… I then take a stroll around
and I see workers here looking at me with shock, lust and envy. Hayi, life yaka ehh

Sho, I am Karabo Leon Mokoena, a 27 year old bachelor and millionaire. I am the
owner of Bakwena Holdings, a major shareholder of mines in the Southern
Region, a qualified accountant and a loner. I live at Sandhurst alone and the rest,
you will have to discover along the way.



I am at the back with Lungile who is all pink and sweaty. Lungile is the light
skinned one so when she is angry, sick, nervous or blushing, she turns pink.

Me: Lungile khuluma, what’s wrong?

➢ [Lungile talk, what’s wrong?]

Her: (stuttering) That g…guy i…is Mr

The door then swings open. Lungile flinches. Well, I am not the one to fear njena.
I don’t know why… Linamandla then enters. She is also acting weird.

Lina: (Breathing heavily) Is that Mokwena or am I dreaming?

Lungile: Yes…

Lina: Pinch me please…

I look at them curious…

Lina: (studying my expression) Don’t tell me you don’t know him

Me: I…UHM…

Them: Ntokozo!!!!

Me: Haa…

Lungile: Don’t you check your Insta kanti?

Me: No, I login when I feel like and that is when I watch reels…

Lina: Don’t you watch the news kerh?

Me: you didn’t have to go there… of course not. You know I don’t.
They all give me the disapproval look. Yeses, this one was a kill.

Me: No, am I wrong for not knowing him?

Lungile: Ntokozo. He is the owner of Bakoena Holdings.

Lina: The multimillionaire company?

Me: So?

They look at me as if I am pathetic. Ehh, aowa… I don’t care vele. Me, knowing
him won’t buy me clothes, nor feed me or give me money to blow on my
favourite things so it is not worth my attention, nor energy.

Me: Me, knowing him won’t benefit me at all so why should I bother?

Lungile: Did you see how hot he is?

Me: Yes he is good looking but still what am I benefiting from that?

Lina: He could wife you friend..

Me: Welele… how many times should I say it… I don’t want a man in my life. I am
doing just fine with being me, alone.

Lungile: Wena uyaFlopp.a yoh…

➢ [You are messing up]

She says that covering her face

I take the box of shoes…

Lina: At least treat him best kerh…

Me: I won’t do that. To me, everyone is a customer, whether advantaged or
disadvantaged or whatever, I will treat you like a customer should be treated,
equally and respectfully. No special treatment… bye.

I then leave them and head to Mr Mokoena.

Me: (smiling) Here are the shoes, please try them on.

He then tries them on. I can’t help but notice his outfit; white G-Star Raw Joggers,
a white G Star Raw Hoodie, , a black G-Star Raw cap and ankle length Mokoena –
Khoza Oreo shade sneakers. He is very light skinned too. His body structure is
hulky, more than Thando and similar to Sihle’s. He also has full bodied legs, like
they fit his body structure. Bluuubluuubluuu

Him: I will take them.

Me: (smiling) Is that all?

Him: Yes

Me: You may proceed to paying by the counter.

Him: Thanks

He then leaves.

Another long day AHEAD of me… Let me finish, chat later.



I am now at home, freshening up for the girls night out with my girls. They are
already waiting for me downstairs. Well, our commune is a double story.

Tonight I going for a black long sleeve bodysuit, black 6 pocket cargo, a black cap
and the shoes I was wearing earlier on. I put on my plum lip gloss and my white
watch and I head downstairs. I find Lina wearing a summer black dress, revealing
her nicely curved body and she tied her afro to a ponytail. Lungile is wearing a
black tight ripped jean, white stomach out and she rested her knotless braids. We
then head out…

We get to the party and we enjoy ourselves. The girls are on the dance floor and
mina I am by the bar, drinking ciders. Well, I actually prefer Red Wine but they
don’t have it. Lina then comes to me…

Her: Can I have a Mojito with vodka?

They bartender hands her the drink and she sits with me…

Her: Why aren’t you dancing?

Me: You know that I don’t love partying and I don’t want attract unnecessary
attention… I could just imagine the headlines on the internet “Dladla Princess
spotted partying wild”

We then laugh. I receive a call…

Me: Let me go take this…

Her: Okay… uzongithola la.

➢ [Okay, you will find me here]

I then head outside to find a quiet spot…

Income Call: Thando


Him: Mamas

Me: Babas…

Him: (laughing) How are you?

Me: NgiyaRyt wena unjani Vezi omncane

➢ [I am alright, how are you Vezi omncane?]

Him: (Laughing) Ohh Wow… ngiyaphila MaMhlophe… usungilahlile vele?

➢ [Oh wow, I am okay MaMhlophe… you have disowned me hey?]

Me: (laughing) Lutho Vezi… kuthi amaClass angibambile ngapha nomsebenzi

➢ [No, not at all… just that lectures got me hold up and work too]

Him: Hey… uyaphusha laph’ eGoli neh

➢ [hey, you working that side hey?]

Me: Yeah… a girl gotta make a living otherwise you starve…

Him: Hayi ngiyakuzwa… ulaphi?

➢ [Nah… I get you. where are you now?]

Me: Endaweni wena?

➢ [somewhere around, what about you?]

Him: Esgodini… uyazi mos… vele bakuditch.ile la ekhaya?

➢ [At home, you know. So mom and dad really disowned you?]

Me: Yeah… mara vele I wanted it to happen.

➢ [Yeah… but that is what I wanted]

Him: Ande baba is very angry

➢ [And baba is very angry]

Me: Babe kumele aphole. Ube funa ngifundze endaweni engena matshuba soh?.
Sorry kepha beyati ukuthi bengito hamba net manje ungipha tizathu tematima
kutdzi ngingabuke emuva.

➢ [Dad needs to chill. He expected me to learn in such a dull place?

Sorry but he knew that eventually I was going to live home but right
now, he is giving me enough reasons to not even look back.]

Him: Haa.ana MaMhlophe.

Me: Thando, let me call you back later on… sharp.


I then head back inside and I find the girls seated by the bar area.

Me: Ladies, I have to leave and love you.

Lina: Haa…

Me: (adjusting my cap to cover my eyes) Yeah… I feel like someone is following
me so better be safe than sorry.

Lungile: Okay, let’s all go.

Me: Nah… you guys stay. I don’t want put your lives at jeopardy

Lina: Okay, at least call us when you get home

Me: I will do.

I gulp on my remaining cider and I head out. I am going to call a cab to pick me up
when I am a bit far. I know how these things work. I walk and I do feel it.
Someone is following me, I am sure of it. Then someone grabs my hand… I stop
and I turn. It is Liyana.

Liyana: Caramel…

Me: (yanking my hand away) Yeses… mxaa!!!

Him: Kanti what should I do to show you that I love you? Kunini?

Me: (taking steps close to him and he moves back) Hang yourself with a wet tissue
in a tomato tree then I will see that you love me.

He goes quiet. I am now livid and I know can even beat him up.

Me: (still stepping close to him) Exactly… You and i know that you only love me for
my body, just like all of them. my body does not define me as a women. You rich
people thing you have a right to have us or do your things whenever you feel like.

Him: Rich people? As far as I know, you are also included.

Me: whoa… what do you mean?

Him: Your parents are rich…

Me: Exactly!!! My parents ,not me. Unlike you, I work for everything I have. You
be spending and wasting your parents’ money while we work for every single
penny of bill. So don’t come here and act all mighty on me with disabled evidence
or facts. And stop with the stalking, I mean it.
I then switch my face to a serious death stare…

Me: If you carry on, you will now get the Dladla princess you always label me as
and it won’t be ni… uhmm. I hope you get that into your thick empty skull.

I then walk away and I leave with the Uber. I hate it when such happens.

I am now at the commune. The girls are still out and so are the boys. I decide to
take a shower, get in my short PJ’s and I login Instagram. I check my notifications
and I see my followers went up so fast. I check my profie and I only have one pic
that I posted and it has over 100k likes…. Wait what’s happening? I then see a
notification saying “we found her” with me, being tagged on it. I click on it…
WHAT THE FUCK!!!! It is a video of me and Mr Mokoena at Sportscene talking. I
quickly go to comment section and these people are say we are dating.
Comments like

➢ They look great together

➢ Is this true? OMG… they look perfect together.
➢ For them to date
➢ Mokoena-Dladla

I just look at the comments and I go to the next post. It is a collage picture of him
and I. he is very hulky here. His body is facing backwards but his face is tilted to
the left. He is shirtless and is wearing a black G STAR RAW CARGO PANTS
JOGGERS, revealing his underwear tape and a G STAR RAW Black cap. His left arm
has a shoulder length tattoo and his muscles are very visible. Judging by the
background, he is at a photoshoot place. The Photo card at the background is also
black. Then there is my pic, where I am wearing a 6 pocket blue cargo, a blue
sports push up bra, white puffy slippers and I tied my butterfly locs to a doughnut
and I am holding my phone. This was an unexpected pic took by Thando when he
was visiting me this side. They must have found it on his page. He commented on
the picture… Mokwena… commented on it. It says….

➢ Mokwena and Dladla

With heart emojis… what the fuck is wrong with him. He could have just
denied it or made it simple and just ignore the post. Welele, awapheleli
lapho… they go on and on and on… I then receive a call from dad. He
definitely wants to scout me. I don’t have energy for that now. I just put my
phone on silence then I retire to my daily death.


It is morning and I am outside Ntokozo’s commune. I decide to knock. If I am not

mistaken it is Lungiswa or something… from yesterday at Sportscene.

Me: Hey, is Ntokozo home?

Her: (turning pink) Uhm… ye…yes… come in.

I get in and she tells me to sit and she will go call her. this commune is actually
nice… everything is nicely spaced out and the interior is lovely. The floor, I could
eat on it. it is very clean…

On the otherside, Lungile knocks in Ntokozo’s door…

Lungile: (whispering loudly though) Ntokozo, wake up… Mokoena is here

Ntokozo: (Still sleepy) I don’t care, tell the person I am at campus…

Lungile: Yeyi… Karabo is here…

Ntokozo then opens her eyes with realization of what her friend said… she rushes
to the door, opens and pulls Lungile in and shuts the door again.

Ntokozo: Lungile uthini?

➢ [Lungile, what did you say?]

Lungile: Mokoena is downstairs… looking for you…

Her: Thana unamanga… maye ngafa

➢ [Tell me you lying… oh my dead]

Lungile: Go freshen up girl… your face is still sleepy and I will go tell Lina about

Without wasting time, Ntokozo rushes to the bathroom to freshen up and Lungile
rushes to Lina’s room. Ntokozo then washes her face, brush her teeth and wears
her white fleece gown, tie her butterfly locs to a doughnut, takes a deep breath
and head downstairs to Karabo. Meanwhile Lungile and Lina wait in Lina’s room in

Resume to Karabo’s POV

As I am seated, Ntokozo comes downstairs with her gown on and White slippers.
She has her hair tied.

Her: Morning.

She says sitting on the couch opposite mine.

Me: Morning, did I disturb you?

Her: (looking at me blankly) Nah, I was preparing for class vele

Me: Okay… about the internet thingy… Ntokozo

Her: I will handle it. everything will be removed by the afternoon…

Me: Why?

Her: What do you mean?

Me: I mean… why can’t we give them what they want?

She then looks super shocked…

Her: Wait… wait… wait… are you saying we should date?

Me: Why not?

Her: Okay Mr Mokwena, you don’t just come to someone’s home at 9 am in the
morning and tell them they should date you…

Me: Not in tha….

Her: Whoa… whoa… whoa… jama kancane ngikutshele. That person is not in that
area. I don’t even fucken know you and you know what she thinks? Men suck…
➢ [Whoa… whoa… whoa… Let me tell you. That person is not in that area. I don’t
even know you and you know what she thinks? Men are waste of time…

She gets up…

Her: (walking upstairs) Close the door behind you.

I can’t help but laugh to myself then got up to leave. I am going to love her. She
doesn’t only come with brains, beauty and great genes but with craziness and
independence. I am falling for her already.



It is now the noon hours and I am in the commune. I don’t have classes today, I
am attending tomorrow then I am done for the year. Yeses, I am so happy.

I have changed to a loose short and a normal size T-shirt. I accommodated the
look with my elastic puff slippers. I decided to tie my locs to a messy bun.

I am seated with Lungile and Lina in my room. The boys are watching soccer with
their friends. Lungile and Lina are seated on my bed, busy with their phones . I am
just lying on the carpet, reading my novel (IQUNGA BY DUDU). It is just a novel
that is very fascinating to be honest.

Lina: Manje bbes, kuhamba njani ngenhlelo zomemulo wakho?

➢ (So bbes, how is the planning going for your 21st Upcoming Ceremony?)

Me: (putting the book down) Eish, a lot is to be done bbes and to be honest, I
don’t even have a theme for it. Khulu(my granny) called

Lungile: What did she say?

They both give me their full attention.

Me: uthe kuyomele ngingene emgonqwenii for a week before umcimbi ngiphinde
futhi ngibe nempelezi ezingu – 4, ezizohhola nami laba abanye.

➢ (She said I have to be isolated for a week before the ceremony and I have to
have 4 girls that are at my age group that will lead the others with me.)

Lina: More like bridesmaids?

Me: (laughing) yeah… but it will be at Bushbuck Ridge, emagcekeni akwaDladla

➢ (Yeah… but it will be at Bushbuck Ridge, at the Dladla homestead.)

Lungile: Mina, count me in ‘cause that Dladla homestead is huge hle and very
nice… not to mention the 5 rondavals that surround the main house…

I laugh…

Lina: I am jealous already. I have never been there phela.

Me: Don’t worry… we will be leaving in 2 weeks from now. You will get to meet
Thando and Sihle in person and the rest of the family.

Lina: Omg… I can’t wait.

Lungile: The theme… I have a suggestion.

Me: I’m all ears.

Her: I was thinking white and gold, yellow.

Me: uhm… go on.

She then presents to me her idea, which is very eye and ear taking. I love it

Me: Okay… okay… we see you.

She laughs…

Her: then the afterparty, you will see how to do it.

Me: we will see that along the way. Guys, I have a match on Wednesday.

Lina: I will be there to support you mina.

Lungile: Count me in too

I laugh and I then go back to reading…

As I am still reading, I get a notification and when I check, it is in Instagram. It says

“Mokoena Leon has tagged you in a post”. He posted my picture and the caption
reads “Mamakhe”. I couldn’t help but scream like I am a mad person. The girls
look at me in shock and worry.

Lungile: Ntokozo yini kanti!!!?

➢ [Ntokozo, what’s wrong?]

I just hand her the phone and they look at it. They then laugh at me.

Me: (angry) uKarabo utongihlanyisa struu!!!!!!!!!!

➢ [ Karabo is going to drive me crazy]

Lungile: (Laughing) Girl… this man loves you

Me: I don’t love him njena!!!!

Lina: (Laughing) I guess you going to have to tell him straight in his eyes.

Lungile: (laughing) Or forever suffer….

Me: (Throwing myself backwards with a pillow covering my face)

Haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Sotho man nokutenda mahlanya!!

➢ [Haaa!!! Sotho man and being crazy]

I swear, Karabo is going to be the death of me. What will my family say when
they see this? I am so glad that he won’t be at my ceremony ‘cause he will ruin
things for me… Argh!!!!!
Lungile: (handing me my phone) mi thatha… your dad is calling….

➢ [Take… your dad is calling]

Me: (sitting up again) What?

I take the phone and I answer the call after a big exhale…

Income call: Baba


ME: Baba

Him: (happy tone) Ngane yami… unjani?

➢ [My child, how are you?]

Me: Ngiyaphila wena unjani baba?

➢ [I’m good and how are you dad?]

Him: Ngiyaphila… ngiyabona ukuInstagram

➢ [I’m good… I see you on Instagram]

Me: Baba, it is not what it looks li…

Him: And I proud of you for dating that Mokwena boy.

Me: Ehhh

Him: I saw your posts and you look great together… make us proud ngane yam
and I hope to see you soon… Love you ngane yam

WAIT… is my dad broken? No, coz the man is not that one I know.

Lina: And?

Me: (LOOKING THROUGH THE WINDOW) he says I would look great with

Lina: see??? We told you. Give him a chance

Lungile: Okunani, Be friends with the poor guy.

➢ [Or at least, be friends with the poor guy]

Me: My life is not lifing (throwing myself back again with the pillow on my face)


Meanwhile at the Mokoena Residence, Karabo is with his friend, Itumelang,


Karabo: Are you sure it is gonna work?

Tumi: Yes… she even saw it. Well, I am sure she went crazy.

Karabo: What do you mean?

Tumi: Well, I have her friend’s contacts and she updated me on her and she is livid
but they are still trying to convince her to date or at least be friends with you.

Karabo: And….
Tumi: Her dad called saying she would look good next to you.

Karabo: You lying?

Tumi: I’m serious

Karabo: now to get her to love me.

Tumi: You really love this Dladla girl nerh?

Karabo: Big time marn… like she got me unexpectedly. Like when I saw her, I just
saw my future with her and our kids and….

Tumi: (laughing) Whoa… you already seeing kids?

Karabo: (chuckling) Yeah… you have no idea. I love this child ntwana.

Tumi: Well said… like a man. My advice to you is bag her ntwana. Use your
Mokoena charm, if not your Khoza charm.

They both laugh…

It is now 20h37 and we are all in the living room, eating. We are having small
chats there and there… I then excused myself. I went to the Bathroom to brush
my teeth, shower and I changed to my PJs and I got in bed. My phone rings…

Income call: Unknown

Me: MaVezi, hello?

Him: Mamakhe.

His voice woke up butterflies in me.

Me: Karabo, ufunani?

➢ What do you want Karabo?

Him: Bengithi ngixolisa ngokuyenzeke ekseni…

➢ [I would like to apologies for what happened earlier on]

Damn… his Zulu… you won’t say he is Sotho…

Me: Okay… it’s fine.

Him: wenzani lapho?

➢ [What are you doing there?]

Me: about to sleep

Him: iza kaphandle .

➢ [Come outside]

Me: Wait… I…
H… he hung up… he hung up on me? Hayi bo… this man is crazy yaz… I then
decided to wear a long PJ, wore my gown and I shuffle downstairs.

Lina: Where are you going?

Me: Fresh air.

I then leave. I get outside and I see him leaning on the car. He then spots me and
a smile immediately appeared. I then go to him.

Me: ufunani… kusebusuku ande kuyabanda hle

➢ [What do you want? It is night time and it is cold]

Him: (smiling) I just missed you…

Me: oh wow… you have seen me now can I go?

Him: (getting close to me) hawu… ungangiyenzi kanje MaMhlophe…

➢ [Hawu… don’t do that MaMhlophe]

Okay, that sent shocks to my body, big time. He then tangles his arms around my
waist, pulling me close to him.

Him: (deep seductive voice) Are you sure you want me to leave?

I just swallow hard, trying not to show my emotions.

Me: You can’t just come he…

He then kisses me and pulls away.

Him: (looking straight into my eyes) I mean it when I say I love you Ntokozo. I
really do.

Me: (looking down) I… uhm, yho…

Voice: Hi sis’ Ntokozo.

It is that child that always greets me and has gone out with me and Lungi to the

Me: (moving away from Karabo and smiling) Hi baby… unjani?

➢ [Hey baby, how are you?]

Her: ngiyaphila… bengithumwe uMa kuSis’ Lina

➢ [I am good. My mom sent me to Sis’ Lina.]

Me: (smiling) ngena phakathi Sthandwa Sami… ukhona.

➢ [Go inside my love… she is there.]

She then skips inside. I turn and I see Karabo chuckling while looking at me.

Him: (still chuckling) Sthandwa Sami?

➢ [My love?]

Me: She is a child bo

Him: (sulking) but I am also a child njena

Me: (laughing) ungaze uquphisane nengani pho?

➢ [Why you competing with the child?]

Him: (laughing) eya

➢ [Yes]

Me: okay…. “sthandwa Sami”

Him: (holding his chest in dramatic effect) ouch… that was so sarcastic…

We then laugh… am I really warming up to him? I don’t know man… I get this
fuzzy feeling when I am with him.

He then opens the back seat door of his BMW i8 and takes out a box of Magnum,
the white almond one, those big white chocolate KitKat’s, Ferraro Roche and a
wrapped box. He then hands them to me.

Him: Well, I know it is not a lot but I didn’t wanna overstep.

I just look at the gifts and my heart melts. These are literally my favourite snacks. I
then hug him and he hugs me back.

Me: (pulling away) Ngiyabonga kakhulu

➢ [Thank you so much]

Him: (smiling) anything for you… let me go, I have to rush somewhere nerh?

He kisses my lips then the top of my head and he leaves. Did I just have my first
kiss? I go in and I find everyone waiting for me. The little girl has left…

Lungile: yeses so many gifts?

Ofentse(one of the boys we leave with) : Yerr… Mokwena is pressuring us

Lesego: (the other boy) : bathi the pressure is getting worser and worser.
We then laugh and we all head to the kitchen counter and they look at me while I
unwrap the box that Karabo gave me. I open it and I feel tears stinging. But I push
them backwards…. I mean, no one has seen me crying so I am not gonna do that…

Lungile: (with glasses) Nchooo….

Lina: (going happy crazy) Yesses… haa… Qoma ntombi… this one is to stay.

➢ Yesses, say yes to the poor guy already… he is to stay]

Lesego: Kanti abakaJoli?

➢ Wait, ain’t they dating?]

We look at him

Him: Yerr… the pressure is already out of this world… Rolex pho? AOWA!!!

Me: I think he is just doing it nje…

Ofentse: let’s check the pay of this on the internet then we will see if he is doing it

Ofentse searches it

Ofentse: (shocked) Guys… Ntokozo… that is a Rolex 18CT Everose gold
and oystersteel. It is R501 755

All of them: (scream) WHAT!!!!!!

Me: Fuck no… I’m taking it back

They shoot the tomato look.

Lungile: uyahlanya Ntokozo?

➢ [Ntokozo, are you crazy?]

Me: What am I gonna do with it… I mean it doesn’t fit my standards… it is huge
And I don’t want it…. I use an Oppo Phone for fuck sake…

Lina: (whispering to Lungile with anger) Hold me… I am about to pass out.

Lesego: uyazihlanyisa Ntokozo… wear the wa….

➢ [You are acting up wena, wear the wa…]

Lina: (screaming) uyahlanya? Woman, that watch shows that he loves you dearly
and wena you want to take it back…. Uryt?!

➢ [Are you fucken crazy? Woman, that watch shows that he loves you dearly
and you want to take it back… Are you alright?!]

I just look at her and we end up having a staring contest. Everyone is even looking
at us.

Ofentse: Look Ntokzin…

I shot a look at him…

Him: I meant Ntokozo, Mokoena loves you… if he didn’t, he wouldn’t have bought
the gift. That man is whipped by you. Ntwana, think of it.

Lesego: Yeah… ngivumelana noOfentse… I mean who in their right mind would
just spend half a million on a woman, for that matter, a woman they don’t love?
Think ntwana, think. I know you got brains.

➢ [Yeah, I totally agree with Ofentse. I mean who in their right mind would just
spend half a million on a woman, a woman they don’t love for that matter?]

Lungile: Ntonto think of it carefully… I know you also love him. As much as you
deny it, Karabo brought the spark in you
Lina: A big one for that matter mntase. If you didn’t feel anything for him, you
wouldn’t have let him stay near your circle nor entertain him…. That’s the
Ntokozo I know.

I look at them then gather my sweets, magnums and my gift and I head upstairs.

Lungile: Ntonto… we sorry.

Ofentse: Nto…

Lesego: Ntwana… we just…

I just shut the door and lock it. I then sit on the bed and I start eating my
magnum. I don’t know hey… I didn’t leave them because nje… I left because I
know they have a point, I just can’t admit it. I have never dated in my life, where
do I start with dating Karabo. Dude, I just had my first kiss like 10 minutes ago.

I take out another magnum and I eat it while looking at the watch. I just don’t
know hey… I mean I don’t even know how to love one in that way… Arggggg….



I am in campus, just attended a class with Lina and Lungile. We are walking to the Café in the

Lina: Woman, you got to give me your wardrobe. You can’t be looking all dashing alone.

Me: (laughing) Ihaba kuphela nje.

➢ Drama

Lungile: No she is telling the truth only sister.

Me: Hayi guys… It is not glam marn

Lina: have you ever heard of Simple but Elegant?

Me: (playing along) Huh… I have

Lungile: That is the definition of Ntokozo Dladla.

Lina: I wonder what will Mokoena say yaz?

Me: Voestek.

➢ Get lost

Me: Guys, we need to prepare… tonight we are leaving for Bush nerh?

Lina: Why ebusuku?

Me: I was assigned to be there are 3am in the morning so night ride it is. Plus when you go to
the bhundus, you don’t leave at daytime

Lina: why?

Lungile: it is the rule. Daytime has bad news that side.

Lina: yho, warn me to not marry a guy from the bhundus…

We all laugh…

Anyways, I am wearing white long sleeve bodycon dress that goes below my knees, Mokoena –
Khoza ankle length Air force shaped sneakers that are blue and have a white lining rubber and I
tied my locs into a high big bun. Since it is a bit chilled, I wore a black fur mesh jacket with
white sleeves. I know, very simple it is but hey...

We get to the Café…

Lina: Hi Ma, can I have a Grapetizer, two Monster drinks and a pack of Maynard’s Wine

Lungile: And I will have a 20rands sour worms, Magnum Death by chocolate and a can of Cocoa

The lady: Okay ngane zam… Anything else?

➢ Okay my kids, anything else?

Lina: Nto?

Me: Ohh… Sawubona Ma…

➢ Ohh… hi Ma.

MaZulu: (smiling) Ahh sukanini madoda… kwavela uDladla ngamane ngajabula.

➢ Ahhh… just as Dladla appears, happiness fills me.

Me: (laughing) hawu kodwa Ma… kuyaphileka khona?

➢ Hawu but Ma… Is everything okay?

MaZulu: Ehhe Mgabadeli… kuyaphileka sizothini?

➢ Yes Mgabadeli… everything is okay. What can we say?

Me: Zinjani ingane? Ngabe loyamuthi usizile?

➢ The kids? Did that medication help though?

Her: Ehhe ngane yami… umane wayishaya wayiqeda iFever… ngiyabonga kakhulu ngane yami.
uNkulunkulu ngathi angakwandisela kukho konke.

➢ Yes my child… you really help beat the fever… I am so grateful my child. I wish God could
extend his blessings onto you.

Me: (smiling) ngiyabonga Sthuli SikaNdaba.

➢ Thank you Sthuli SikaNdaba

MaZulu: (smiling) Kubonge Mina Dladla.

➢ The pleasure is all mine Dladla

Me: awuthi ngingakubambezeli… I would like some Maynard’s Wine duos, One can of Monster
and a bottle of sparkling water.

MaZulu: (smiling back) Coming right up.

She gives us the stuff and we bid our goodbyes. As we are walking, Liyana appears.

Lina: here comes your trouble.

Liyana: hi guys…

Them: hello/ yeah.

Him: Ntokozo… Sacela ukukhuluma nawe.

➢ Ntokozo… can I please have a chat with you?

Me: What for? I thought I made myself clear last time.

Him: Jonga marn… Please hear me out. Give me a chance.

➢ Listen marn… please hear me out. Give me a chance

Me: I don’t have time for bullshit.

Him: (Attempting to touch my hand) Please…

I look at his hands then at him then at the girls. The girls are looking at something behind me
with their eyes wide open.

Voice: Sthandwa Sami.

➢ My love

Shit… It’s him.

Liyana, Lina and Lungile : Sthandwa Sami?

➢ My love?

Karabo: Mgabadeli, soh wangijwayezisa namshende?

➢ Mgabadeli, since when do you hang out with small boys?

I kept on looking at Liyana…

Me: Liyana Nkosi… For the last time, let go of my hand.

Him: I will not do that. I know you feel something for me

Me: (confused) What thing?

Him: (getting close) Feeling of love.

Me: ungazongibhedela wena…

➢ Don’t bullshit with me.

Karabo then heads behind me then pulls me by my waist to him, making Liyana let go of my

Karabo: MaMgabadeli

Me: (smiling) Mokoena.

I don’t know where that smile came from… Trust me.

Him: (looking deep into my eyes) Asambe siye ekhaya.

➢ Let’s go home

I nod while smiling. He then kisses the top of my head. He gives Liyana a smirk then he slightly

Him: (to Lina and Lungile) Ladies…

Them: bye!

As we walk to his car, I see a lot of people looking at us. Some with shock, others with envy and
others in irritation. I don’t blame them… I mean this guy owns a multimillionaire company and
Mina… I got nothing, just the fact that I’m from a rich family. Arg…

Hayibo, how many cars does this guy own? I thought the BMW was the only one, now the
Mercedes GT 63? Hayi, ngeke. He opens the door for me, goes to his side, enter and he kisses
my hand.

Him: You look beautiful Mgabadeli.

Me: Ngiyabonga.

➢ Thank you

Him: Ngiyakuthanda yezwa?

➢ I love you, hear me?

Words fail me. Instead, I resort to nodding. He chuckles then we take off.

Insert #7



It is now 23h08 and we are getting ready to hit the road with the girls. I walk downstairs where I
find them talking with the boys. I am busy with my phone.

“we are on our way” I text Sihle

“okay, you will find us at Bush” he texted back

“okay then” I text.

I then reach the girls. They already packed their bags. Lungile has two suitcases and Lina has
two too. I have one suitcase, a Nike gym bag and a clutch bag with me. The boys look at me as I
head their way.

Ofentse: Are you sure niya emakhaya?

Lesego: Yeah, I mean, these two are really going to emakhaya but you, Ntokozo… are you sure?

We all laugh…

Well, he is saying this because of our outfits. Lina is wearing a green bodycon dress that goes all
the way to her ankles, a jean jacket, puffy high slippers and she has a white headwrap on but
she tied it while leaving her frontal loose. Lungile is wearing a black bodycon dress that has a
slit on the right leg, black slippers, a jean jacket and a blue head wrap… then comes me, with a
Navy blue and flora solid long sleeve maxi cocktail swing dress with pockets that goes halfway
to my ankles, white Mokoena – Khoza sneakers that obtain the shape of an Air Force 1, I tied a
white headwraper around my high ponytail and I wore a blue watch with it.

Me: Girls, we have to leave and I am driving.

Lina: kodwa…
Lungile: Woman, let’s go hle…

Lesego: Let us help you with y’all’s bags.

We all head out and they load the suitcases at the trunk of the creamy grey Polo TSI. It is
Lungile’s car by the way.

Ofentse: (hugging the girls) We will see y’all the coming Saturday.

Lungile: So you will come for the ceremony?

Lesego: Definitely… phela we want to see y’all raising those legs…

We all laugh. They hug me and bid their goodbyes. The girls get in the car, with Lungile
obtaining the front seat while lina occupys the back. She insisted ‘cause she wants to ‘sleep’.
Hayi, I get on the drivers seat, the engine ignates and we take off.


The time is 02h31 and we are still on the road. Lina is long gone to Lala land. Lungile is still up
and we have been singing to the songs playing, maskandi as well. Lungile just gets me guys.

Us: (singing) Lo muntu, lo muntu-u,

Lo muntu, lo muntu-u

Ngihamba naye

Ngihamba naye

Lungile: (singing) you my African queen

You the girl of my dreams

Us: (singing): you a one in a million love

One in a million love

OHH hayi…
We then laugh… we just passed Witbank.

Lungile: I doubt we will make it in time.

Me: Hayi, as long as we have arrived.

Lungile: Let’s take the next stop and buy some gifts… phela we can’t be baring our hands nje.

Me: Yeah plus we can use it as an excuse for being late.

Her: Yess…

We approach Piet Retrief Total garage. I off-ramp and I start by re-filling the petrol tank. I get a
spot to fill. I swear, the way this garage is full ngakhona you wouldn’t say it is night time. The
petrol attendant heads our way.

Him: (smiling) Sawubona Mme.

➢ (Evening, Ma’am)

I look at his name tag and it says Thelo Zuma. Well, I look at them ‘cause I hate to call people by
their profession. It feels wrong.

Me: (smiling) Lotsha Nxamalala… bengisacela ungithelele iFull tank.

➢ (Evening Nxamalala, can I have a full tank refill?)

Him: (flashing a colgate smile) hawu… wavele wangithakazela bakithi.

➢ (Wow, you just had to call out my clan names)

I laugh it off.

Him: (still smiling) It is really rare to find customers greeting us, let alone by our names. So
thank you…

Me: (smiling) Dladla.

Him: (smiling) Mhlophe. Ehm… ngikubekele amavili or…

➢ (Mhlophe. Should I check the tyres for you?)

Me: (smiling) ngingakujabulela lokho

➢ (I would be please if you did)

He does that and Lungile is still on her phone. She seems to be in a call. I sigh and shake Lina

Her: (waking up) Uhmmm….

Me: (laughing) Wake up wena… we have reached our stop.

Her: I think I will skip it.

Me: My sister, this is the last one. I will not stop again plus there is a PnP Liquor here…

Her: (getting up in a flesh) Hayi… you could have said that before yaz.

I laugh…

I pay and tip Thelo and I find a parking spot. We all head out. I head to the trunk of the car,
take my gym bag, take out my white puffy high elastic slippers and wore them. I take my wallet,
lock the car and we head in. As we head in, my phone rings….



ME: Mama

Her: Zinyane… where are you?

Me: We got caught up on the road… why didn’t you warn me that there is traffic at night

Her: (laughing) Haii… aniphangise. Sime ngani.

➢ (Haii… hurry up already. We are waiting on you.)

Me: (laughing) Okay mama…

End of call

We head in with the girls… we got some refreshments, 6 bottles of whiskey for my uncles, 3
packs of Brutal fruits and savannah. We also got folowers for my granny and mom. We got
snacks and cooldrinks. Not to forget the chocolates.

Lina: Guys, we just spent estimated to 5k and y’all act as if it was nothing… where do y’all get
this kind of money?

Lungile: We work girl

Her: but so much money.

We all laugh and open the trunk.

Me: Ohh shit…

Lungile: Damnit, we should have thought things out before buying all these things…

Me: There is no other way…

We look at Lina…

Her: No…

Lungile: We got no choice girl.

We start taking out the suitcases and we load two at the back, plus my gym bag then we start
loading the food and alcohol and the flowers in the trunk of the car. We then head to the

As we are driving,

Lina: (screaming) Oh My God, our song guys!!!!

I increase the volume.

Lina: (singing) Kimi nawe


All of us: (singing along) Hamba

Hamba juba lami, bayok’bona phambili

Me: SEkuphelile mnta kaMama

Mnta kaMama

Lungile: Sekuphelile mnta kaMama

Mnta kaMama

All of us: Hamba

Hamba juba lami, bayok’bona phambili X4

Then the beat drops and we all go crazy….

Lungile: (hands on her head) Yhoo, Yhoo, Yhoo!!!!!!!

I then laugh…

I really love this girls shame.


It is now 4am and we just arrived. The guards open the gate for us and we drive in. the yard is
filled with cars, meaning everyone is here. There are ladies cooking and rushing around in the
yard. We park the car and we head inside.

Lina: (looking around) Are we sure we in the Bhundus? Hayi guys…

Lungile: I told you

Lina: (mouth open) Guys, there is even a tar driveway… the pavement. When y’all were talking
about rondavals, I thought they were gonna be those ones ezindala but yho… the Ndebele
paintings, the cement tables and chairs… hayi Ntokozo.

We walk a distance before reaching the main house.

Lina: Fuck, no!!! (clapping in disbelieve) hayi khona… haaa… this has got to be a joke. This house
is architecture type nje…

Lungile: (laughing) I told you Lina.

Her: Yerrr… there are even pole lights in this yard… how does this yard range?

Me: Well…. It stretches to the lake at the back and the hiil landscapes on the sides.

She stops and has his eyes wide open…

Her: WHAT!!!!

Us: Shhhh….

Then boom… everyone rushes out. GREAT!!!! Thando rushes to me… he then spun me around…

Him: Mamas

Me: Put me down Thando!!!

He carrys on spinning me…

Me: put me down Thandolwethu Dladla!!!!

He does… and everyone is laughing.

Ohh more trouble is coming my way. She is running towards me… I meet her halfway and we

Her: Hayi… nguwe lona?

➢ (Hayi, is this you?)

Me: (laughing) ehhe mzala.

➢ (Yes, cousin)

She lets go and she starts examining me. she then spins me around.

Her: Yeses… Uyaglow.a shame?

➢ (Yeses, you are glowing shame)

Me: (laughing) Hayibo Nosipho, musa ukudlala ngami…

➢ (Hayibo Nosipho, stop playing with me)

Her: Lutho mzala!!! (looking at the car) Hayi, imoto yakho le?

➢ (I’m not cousin!!! Hayi, is this your car?)

Me: Cha mzala ekaLungile.

➢ (No, cuz, it belongs to Lungile)

Her: (looking at Lungile) Hayibo sisi, uzile kanti?

➢ (Wow sister, you came?)

They then share a hug… my mom appears…

Her: (doing the show-off limp walk yamaBhinca) Hawu Dladla…. Mgabadeli

Me: (cheering her) Owagabadela izinkundla zakwaBulawayo….

We then share a long hug. I so missed my nine-month investor…

Her: (spinning me) Hawu… you really took after me… look at the hips and ass…

Sihle: And the big legs…

I rush to him and we do our handshake then I hug my brother… man, I missed him too. Well,
Thando, I did miss but I mean, I forever see him ‘cause he visits me from time to time.

Voice: Hayi, usengikhohliwe mina uZinyane kaYihlo…

➢ (Wow, her father’s heiress has forgotten me)

She has her arms already opened. I run to her armsa and I hug her tight.

Me: Khulu!!!

Her: hayi…

She lets go of me…

Me: Unjani muhleza?

➢ (How are you, beautiful?)

Her: (laughing) Hayi suka… musa ukudlala ngami.

➢ (Oh stop, stop fooling with me)

Lina: Cha gogo, akadlali ngawe…

➢ (No granny, she isn’t)

They all turn to her… khulu opens her arms wider., signaling for her and Lungile to also join in
the hug. They do so and we all share a hug. One thing about Khulu, she never picks. She loves
all of us equally, even the Non-Dladlas. As long as you in the homestead, she will embrace you
and treat you like a Dladla.

Voice: Zinyane lami

Me: (looking at him)

Words fail me. okay let me be honest, I left home in bad terms with him. Where do I even start?

Khulu: (whispering) Iya kuye ngane yami…

➢ (Go to him, my baby)

I look at her then back at dad. He opens his arms and I just hug him. He hugs me tight.

Him: All is in the past zinyane.

Tears stream down… he lets go.

Him: (spinning me around) You have grown marn… and you really took after your mom.

Thando: And her dad’s inner beast…

We all look at him.

Him: What? Iqiniso, have you ever seen her determination and stop – nonsense beast? Yho!!!
(raising his hands in defeat)

We all laugh…

Dad: Awuyeke ukukhuluma uyothath imithwalo yabosisi bakho emotweni… (looking at Lina and
Lungile) ngane zami

➢ (Stop talking too much and go get your sisters’ baggage in the car. My children?)

Them: Sawubona Bab’ Dladla….

➢ (Greetings Mr Dladla)

Mom then hugs them too… A car pulls up…

“Zinyane likaYihlo”

Me: (running to him) Bab’ omncane Sbani!!!

He opens his arms and I jump on him as he spins me around.

Him: Yooh, udla ini engaka? Yeses, uyasinda Zinyane.

➢ (Yooh, what are you feeding yourself? Yeses, you are getting heavier, heiress)

He places me down and I laugh…

Me: Wena udla ini njengoba ubaBuffy kangaka?

➢ (What are you eating ‘cause you getting buffy?)

Him: (laughing) Mxm… unjani kodwa?

➢ (Oh please… how are you, though?)

Me: (laughing) Nawe uyazibonela mos…

➢ (You see it for yourself, though)

I say spinning…

Him: Yeses, usufana noMa wakho marn… (looking at my dad) weeh bhuti, uqinisekile ukuthi
uZinyane owala ekhaya…

➢ (Yeses, you now look exactly like your mom. Hey brother, are you sure that Heiress is a

Dad: Fokof Sbani

➢ (Get lost Sbani)

Ncane: Cha ngiyabuza bhuti ngoba ngathi ngibona umakoti la…

➢ (No brother, I am just asking ‘cause I see a wife here…)

Dad shots a death stare…

Ncane: Hayi bengidlala bhuti…

➢ (Sorry, I was just joking brother)

Everyone laughs. The other doors of the car that ncane came with open…

“Kunini silinde ukubuliswa”

➢ (How long have we been waiting for our hugs too?)

“futhi ngize ngadela bhuti”

➢ (I have even lost hope)

Me: Bab’ omncane…

We share a hug…

Him: (smiling) Hayi marn… Nolwandle?

Mom: Hayibo!!!

He looks at mom…

Him: (laughing) hayi sorry… impazamo. Bengithi nguwe lo.

➢ (Sorry, it was a mistake. I thought it was you for a sec.)

Me: (holding my chest) Ohhh???

Him: (laughing) Ngiyadladla ngane yami…

➢ (I’m joking my child)

Everyone laughs
“hayi umdali shukuthi akafuni ngiyithole le hug shame”

➢ (Hayi… this is a sign from the lord that I shouldn’t offer a hug)

Everyone laughs.

Problem with my family is that, they all want to get the first hug. They forget that I am one and
not divided.

Me: (hugging him) Bab’omdala… ungasho njalo…

➢ (Bab’ omdala, don’t say that)

Him: Hayi angisayifuni…

➢ (Hayi, I no longer want to)

Me: (side eyeing him) Hayi… okay. Vele ngizohamba

➢ (Hayi, okay. I will leave then)

I attempt to leave but he pulls me to him and he hugs me… I laugh

Him: (looking at me) Why do I have to always get the last hug?

Me: (pointing at Ncane Langelihle) Blame him and plus last hugs are the greatest.

Everyone: (eyeing me) Hawu?!

Omdala: Isilwane

➢ (Jealousy)

Thando: (carrying the suitcases)Asinaso isilwane. Sonke siyazi ukuthi the first hug is of the most
special one… which is me.

➢ (We are not jealous, at all. we all know that the first hug is offered to the special one…
which is me)
Everyone: Voestek wena/ hayi suka/ umsangano lowo/ doti lowo

I laugh… I spot my mom, holding my friends… man, they deserve a picture.

Insert 8



It is now around 5h35 and we are all seated by the dining room in the main house. Sihle and
Thando brought in our suitcases and the grocery, along with the alcohol, which everyone is
happy about. Lina got the chance to talk to Sihle and Thando. The children are still asleep in one
of the rooms in the main house.

Dad: so how will this work MaDwala?

Khulu: okumele kwenzeke ukuthi uZinyane uzongena emgonqweni for iviki kanye nentombi
ezingu – 4 azikhethile… okungu Lungile,Lina, Nosipho kanye noSthembiso. Sizobagcoba
ngobomvu bese bayaqala ukuhlala emgonqweni, lapho bazohlala khona balungiselele usuku lo
mcimbi. Bazosina bahlabele kuze lufike le losuku, okunguMgqibelo. Phakathi kweviki, kuzoza
omama bomnhlanga bazobahlola. NgoLwesihlanu, kuyomele kucithwe igazi, inkomo kanye
nembuzi. uZinyane uzofakwa isigaxo, okuyiso isphandla. Umhlwehlwe uzobekwa endaweni
elungile… indawo eyaziwa yimina kanye noMakoti… (Mom bows in respect) NgoMgqibelo
ekuseni, enkathini zezalukhwazi, sizoya emfuleni siyogezi ubomvu… bazobuya bazozilungiselela
ukuqala umcimbi… ohh, ezinye izintombi zizoza zonke ngoLwesihlanu ntambama zizolindela
kuze kuse…. Khona onombuzo?

➢ (Zinyane will be isolated for a week in a rondaval, along with the 4 girls of her choice, who
are Lungile, Lina, Nosipho and Sthembiso. They will be covered with a clay mixture before
their lockdown in the rondaval, which they will be preparing theirselves for the ceremony.
They will practice their dancing and singing until the day of the ceremony, which is on
Saturday. During the week, the reed ladies will come and run a virginity test on the girls. On
Friday, we will have to slaughter, the cow and the goat. Zinyane will have to be installed a
goat skin wrist bracelet, to bond with the ancestors. The satured fats of the lining of the
cow’s belly will be kept in a safe place, that Makoti and I will only know of. On Saturday
morning, in the wee hours, we will head to the river with the girls to remove the clay.
When they come back, they will prepare for the ceremony. And ohh, the other reed girls
will cross night from Friday evening til the morning. Any questions?)

Her: (looking at me) ksasa ngizophuma ngiyofuna okudingakalayo… imvunulo yenu

➢ (Tomorrow I will be out, looking for the needed things for the ceremony. Have you chosen
your attire?)

Me: Ehhe Khulu… siyikhethile. Siyithenge eZuluBeadSA. Sidinga inani la lezintombi


➢ (Yes Khulu, we have chosen it. we actually bought is at ZuluBeadSA. We only need the
number of the girls that will be dancing with us.)

Khulu: Bangu – 73

I look at the girls.

Me: kulungile Khulu…

➢ (Okay khulu)

Khulu: Itheme yenu?

➢ (Your theme?)

Me: White and Gold or White and Yellow.

Khulu: (impressed) ukukhanya kanye nesikhwele…

➢ (Light and Jealousy)

Me: (laughing) Ehhe…

➢ (Yes)

Dad: Afterparty theme?

Bab’omncane Sbani: Kune Afterparty?

➢ (There is an Afterparty?)

The elders: Ehhe Sbani

➢ (Yes Sbani)
I feel like laughing but I contain it.

Khulu: Kulungile ngane yami… hambani niyolala. uSthe uzofika ngabo8. Ngo12 ngizonifaka
esigodlweni mangibuya.

➢ (Okay my child. Go get some rest. Sthembiso will arrive around 8am. At 12am, your
lockdown will be official)

We nod, bid our goodnights and we head to the rondaval next to the cement table and chairs,
which is on the far end of the yard on the right side. We get there…

Lina: Hayi no… la siseRoyal Tlhabeng. iRondaval elinkulu soh? How loaded is this family kanti?

➢ (Hayi no, we are at Royal Tlhabeng here. Such a big rondaval? How loaded is your family?)

Nosipho: Sisi… more like the Kardeshians…

We laugh, take out the sponges and we sleep. No bed for us until Saturday, you heard the old

Insert 9



Yho… what a Thursday morning!!! I am at Thapelo’s house with the clan. We are just chilling
with some drinks and braai.

Thabang: Heyi lona… when are you getting married? We are tired of always burying people.

We laugh…

Tumisho: Bachelors for life lah

Obakeng: For life…

Tumi: For life

Thapelo: ha…

Thabang: (interrupting him and taking away his beer) uhm… not you.

We laugh…

Thapelo: (chuckling) Ngizokushaya wena.

➢ (I will bash you up)

Well, we always talk Zulu and Ndebele because our mother originates from KZN, eHlathuka and
my brothers and I grew up there so we always prefer zulu than Sotho. Tumi is Ndebele so yeah.

Thabang: (laughing and imitating a girl’s voice) sorry big brother…

We laugh…

Tumisho: Karabo?

Me: Hayi, I have retired… I saw a girl

Tumi: You mean a wife…

I look at him. He laughs. The clan is still shocked.

Thabang: (gasping while holding his chest) haaa, you cheating on me?

Me: Voestek wena.

Tumisho: Karabo, are you okay?

I look at him exquisite, with my left brow up.

Tumisho: (feeling my forehead) Hayi… he is sick.

I slap his hand away rom me. They sit on the chairs.

Thapelo: Telll us about her.

Me: (staring into space) Yho…

Flash backs on the day I first saw her, crossing the road at the traffic lights, to sportscene… to
the Campus saga. I then tell them everything.

Obakeng: Can we see her pic at least?

I take out my phone, straight to the gallery and I hand him the phone.

Him: DAMNNN!!!!

They all gather around him.


They hand me back my phone

Tumi: where do you get them???

Me: (chuckling) I actually don’t know but I know I am definitely marrying this one in a year from

Obakeng: I disagree… I can bet 500k on that.

Tumisho: me too

Thapelo: I agree with Obakeng…

Me: Aight, bet. And when I marry her, I want my 500k(s)

They all agree. I get a call.

Income call: Sly



Him: Ruthless, I have found her… she is in Bushbuck Ridge.

Me: Bush?

Him: Yes, she is having her 21st upcoming as a virgin ceremony.

~end of call~

Me: We are head to Bushbuck Ridge Friday night

Them: Why?

Me: uNtokozo uyemula Saturday

➢ (Ntokozo is celebrating 21 years still a virgin)


Them: Whattt?!!

Me: Ehhe…

➢ (Yes)

Obakeng: You telling me that Ntokozo is a virgin?

Tumi: if you score this one, I swear you are the man amongst men.

Thabang: (raising his beer while standing) Bushbuck Ridge it is.

Tumi: (with is whiskey glass) It is

Tumisho: (with his beer) it is

Obakeng: (with his beer) it is

Thapelo: (with his beer) It is

Me: (with my whiskey glass) it is

We do a cheers. I am sure you are shocked with our choice of drinks/ beverages. Well, only
Tumi and I drink whiskey, the rest… yeah.

Insert 10



Kuze lufike lo lusuku!!! Ngemula namhlanje. Kuthi ngigiye kwedlulele. Inhliziyo yami ibunene
kakhulu ngoba ngilincwelisile ibito lakwaDladla futhi ngilihloniphile igceke likababa.

(At long last, this day has arrived. I am celebrating my pureness today. I feel like overly dancing.
My heart is at relief because I have purified the name, “Dladla” and I have respected my
father’s homestead.)

It is now 6 a.m and I am by the river with the other reed girls, along with Lina, Lungile, Nosipho
and Sthembiso. Siyagezi (we are clensing ourselves). According to the culture, we have to
cleanse ourselves by the river and to be honest, I have never been so happy to bathe in very
cold water’cause wow!!! This clay mask on my body is freaken itching.

Lungile: Hayibo sisi, wangena buh phakathi emfuleni soh?

➢ (Hayibo, you just had to enter full bodied in the river?)

Lina: ungaze umbuze futhi… kuthiwe sizisule nje hayi kuthi ufake wonke umzimba emfuleni
obandayo, onomnikazi.

➢ (You could say that again… they said we must wipe ourselves not put our entire bodies on
the river, like there is no snake or like the water is not cold)

Me: (splashing water on my face) kuthiwe akusiyona impoqo ukuba ufake wonke umbzimba
emfuleni, hayi ukuthi asivumelekile sisi.

➢ (They said, it is not compulsory to do so, not that we are not allowed to my sister)

Lina: but who in their right minds with do that at 6 a.m?

Me: (washing my body) me…

They giggle while shaking their heads… uMaMKhwanazi starts a song as we carry on bathing.
The other girls join me by putting their enter bodies in the river.

“Usekhulil’ umntanami’ MaMkhwanazi

“Usekhulil’ umntanami” everyone

“Ngizwa ngishaywa luvalo” MaMkhwanazi

“Ngizwa ngishaywa luvalo” everyone

“Usezodlala abafana”

“Usezodlala abafana” everyone

“Eskoleni” everyone

They carry on…

Lungile: Usufikile ephuphweni lakho sisi… Uyemula

➢ (Finally, you have reached your goal my sister… you 21 and still a virgin)

Me: (giggling while exiting the water) Yhoo, kuze ngifike

➢ (yhoo, at long last)

Her: Loyamhlwehlwe ungalinge uhlephuke tuu!

➢ (That belly lining should not tear up, are we clear?)

Me: Ahh, asithembe uAunty Lwabo akawutholanga.

➢ (Ahh, I really hope Aunt Lwabo doesn’t do anything to it)

We look at each other and we burst into laughter.

MaMkhwanazi: Dladla noTshambo lapho!!!

Us: Shwele Ma…

➢ (Sorry Ma)

The sun is rising, let me head back

It is now the noon hours. The other reed girls are outside dancing and all dressed up. The yard
is already buzzing full. Cars are parked in and out of the yard. I am looking at all of this from the
rondaval we are in. I haven’t left it since we came back from the river, although the girls were
allowed to. I am very glad that imivunulo yethu arrived kahle.

The reed girls are wearing yellow pleated skirts with white sports bra, yellow plain beads (from
head to toe), imbatata and they are carrying yellow umbrellas. Khulu, mom and my aunties
made sure of their attire. We don’t want an off-tune phela. They want unity. Khulu said that it is
not necessary for them to show their boobs. But, They were not allowed to wear uMutsha.

Sthembiso, Lina, Lungile and Nosipho are wearing white pleated skirts, gold and white beads
from head to toe but umutsha(waist beads) is plain white, imbatata and they will be carrying
shields and beaded hand sticks.

I am dressing in the rondaval when khulu and mom come in.

Khulu: Thatha iphofphof yakho… uyifake engalweni yakho yakwaleft.

➢ (Take, put on you PhofPhof. Put it on your left arm)

I take it and I do as told. Mom coms forward with uMqhele kodwa owabesifazane, hayi isicolo.
It is basically like ibangel but it is beaded, gold and white and it has inyembezi(the waterfall
beads) on the forehead.

She firstly ties my faux locs to a very high ponytail, ties a white headwrap around my skull then
takes it and as she attempted to put it over my head, I kneel down… Khulu ululates and the 4
troublesome girls enter and they join Khulu. My mom has this satisfied look on her face. She
puts it over my head, I stand, hug her and I start doing some moves. They ululate even more.

Sihle enters… he is jamstuck. Thando follows… they stand by the door with their mouths

Mom: Valani umnyango!!!

➢ (Close the door!!!!)

They snap out and they enter and close the door.
Khulu: nifuna ini?

➢ (What do you want?)

Thando: DAMNIT!!! MAMAS!!!nguwe loh?!

Me: in the flesh.

He hugs me then he puts the gold and white beaded bangals on my left hand… 7 of them. Sihle
hugs me then he does the same but on my righ hand. You can just imagine how full my wrists
are, but isphandla is making everything look very exceptional.

Him: (kneeling on one knee) Mgabadeli

He is offering me a spear that is beaded in white.

Me: (taking it with pride) Dladla.

The ladies in the room ululate and my granny throws in a few moves… we cheer even more.

Okay, let me move you away from suspense… I am wearing a white pleated short skirt, umutsha
oGold and White, gold and white shoulder to elbow beads, imbatata, the white phofphof that
Khulu gave me, the crown that mama gave me, the white headwrap, ubuhlalo basemlenzeni
okuwhite and gold, the bangals that Thando and Sihle gave me and I am carrying the spear that
Sihle handed me. I also have the white and gold beaded necklace.

Khulu: Lo mkhonto nana, uyowushiya kuBaba wakho. Uma nje ngiqala ingoma yokuqala nje,
uyowuhloma kuyihlo, siyezwana?

➢ (With this spear, you will give it to your dad. As soon as you start with the first song, you
will hand it to him, are we clear?)

Me: Yebo Khulu

Mom: Then when you have done that, your dad will take it as acceptance then uzogiya. When
he is still dancing, you come to me, take the white umbrella and umsila wenkomo…
I look at umsila and it is already beaded on the handle.

Khulu has put umhlwehlwe over my shoulders. I must say, isiphandla esinoboya abude
siyangifanela. The smell, I have gotten used to… I mean, it is not the first time I am wearing it so
yeah. I am on my knees. Lina, Lungile, Nosipho and Sthe are by the door of the rondaval while
the other girls are still dancing.

Khulu: Mgabadeli

Me: Dladla

Her: Siyabonga ngokuziphatha kwakho

➢ (We appreciate you for abstaining for this long)

Me: Dladla

Her: Sowuzophuma manje… umhlwehlwe loyo uzositshela

➢ (We are now going to leave. That belly lining will determine the truth)

Me: Dladla

Her: Sekunguwe namadlozi

➢ (It is now between you and the ancestors)

Me: Dladla

She leaves the room and I am left alone. I take a deep breath and I also head out.

As I go out, the girls start a song and everyone turns their attention to me as the other reed girl
get on one knee and my friends dance with me till we reach the main tent. I swear, I didn’t
expect such a huge number of people. Yes, we have done umemulo before but it was not as full
as this. The two tents were full and other people even sat on the artificial grass around. Others
are seated by the cement chairs and tables.

“ngiyabonga bazali bami” me

“ngiyabonga bazali” all

“ngi’khulise kanzima,

Bheka manje seng’yayibona,

Ngiyay’bon impumelelo” all

We carry on singing as I make my way to my dad… I offer the spear. He takes it will pride. Yho
kodwa uDaddy. (Sigh)

He does his moves and I head to mom and I take umsila and the umbrella.

We have been singing and dancing. People have money shame. My umbrella was taken away
because it was full of money. Around my body nje, I am filled with money and also on the
ground. My aunts kept coming and clearing it but I think they gave up cause yho kunini
besukuma? The reed girls are on their knees and me and my friends do our routine… they then
kneel down too, signaling me to start a song.

Me: (pacing up and down) Lungile Baba

All of us: Sizobekezela



“Heyi kulungile” me, leading

“ kulungile Baba


Kulungile, kulungile”
The drum girls Starts drumming and I start dancing. Nosipho joins along as we had our routine
on this one vele. We carry on. We do amafeshe and the crowd goes wild. The men are blowing
whistling and cheering while women ulululate. They start filling the basin that they put money
on and it is now over flowing. My family… priceless reaction, futhi uKhulu yena…

“Ngizophumelela” me

“ngizo… phumelela,

Ngisey’ntombi nto” everyone

“ngizophumelela” me

We all start dancing…

“Ngizo… phumelela,

Ngisey’ntombi Nto” all

“Ngizovala mathanga” me

“Ngizo…” all

“Ngizo” me

“phumelela, ngisey’ntombi Nto” all

We do our routine with Sthe, Nosipho and Lungile… Lina joins along.

Men stand and start pinning us with money. We get on our knees and I spot Liyana between
the men, pinning money on us. Nxaa… ufunani loh la? He puts a stake of money on the basin
and my auntie takes the basin in the main house and returns with it empty.

As the others dance, an old woman heads to me and pins 200rands notes all over me… As she
was done, I got up and I did the appreciation dance for her. Her face lightens up.

Her: inhlanhla nesibusiso zikwandele ngane yam. Ngathi ungagana ebukhosini ngamakhono
akho obuhholi.

➢ (I wish luck and blessings upon you, my child. I wish for you to marry into a Royal family
with those leadership skills of yours)
Me: (kneeling down with one knee while shaking her hand) Ngiyabonga Ma… kwande impela.

➢ (Thank you so much Ma. Let is expand indeed)

She then hugs me.

Nosipho was given the spear to choose the one to pin money on me next as we sing… I take a
glimpse WTF! Can’t this day get any better?

Me: (whispering to Lina) What is he doing here and how did he know?

Lina: I don’t know… maybe he is a plus one

Lungile: Wait isn’t that Mokoena?

Me: Ehhe

Lina: hayibo… he really loves you hle.

He is heading my way with the spear while giving Liyana a smirk.

Me: (before getting on my knees) I swear, I would have left but I don’t want to cause a scene.

They laugh and I get down on my knees. There are men behind him, 4 of them with bags. He
smiles at me then takes out a R100 note and puts it next to me.

Him: (whispering) Umuhle nkosazane.

➢ You look beautiful, Miss)

He got up before I could respond. I am Very sure these devils heard him, judging by their
smirks… the 4 men then open the bags and take out stakes of money… others were pinning it
on me, while others were emptying the bags on the basin and on the ground. Everyone cheers
as men got up and started doing their dance and women ulululate. Khulu is doing her dance
too. Everyone is just going wild… hands being clapped, whistles being blown and clan name
recycled left right and center. The reed girls are also showing off their asses. Hayi shame, I also
want to dance but they are still pinning me with money. Kanti abaqedi na nabo?

“ Heyi, awusididlu ngan warm” one of the men

Yeses, that voice… Hayi, is can’t be!!!

“zimthand intsizwa” everyone including the crowd

“ngeliny ilanga” the men again

“zihamba naye” everyone

Someone from the crowd: AwuyIhlabe abakuzwa!!!

➢ (Sing my brother, they don’t hear you!!!!)

“Heyi awesidudlu ngan wami” the men again

“Zimthand intsizwa “ everyone

The drum girl begins drumming. Guys this was supposed to be my closing song. Lina, Nosipho,
Sthe and Lina start doing our routine. Cheers are head. Hayi abaqedi laba Mina ngiyasukuma.


“heyi Shona malanga” Thabang

“Shooooooo ona

Shona malanga” everyone

She then got up and joined the girls that were dancing. I seemed like they already had a
routine. They dance…

“heyi awesidudlu ngan wami “ Lungile, taking over while they get on one knee, leaving Nto,
dancing alone.
People then cheer even more. I spot an old lady, by the family’s side, doing some moves.i turn
my attention back to Nto. The way her leg goes up with rhythm… the leg combo moves. Hayi
marn. As I am still looking at her, she does the moving back moves, everyone is ready for it.

“Eshiiiiiii” men, while clapping their hands.

“hayi ayesidudlu mngan wami” Lungile, moving to her friend.

Everyone is now calm. The drums stopped

“zimthand intsizwa “ everyone

“ngeliny ilanga” the girl that gave me a spear, she sings standing too… heading to Nto

“zihamba naye” everyone

“awesidudlu mngan wami” another one, the one from Sportscene.

“Zimthand intsizwa” everyone

“ngelingy ilanga weeh” another one, also join the others.

“Zihamba naye” everyone

They are all around Nto, who is emotional.

“Shona malanga” Nto, closing the song.

My eyes are out… was that her voice? Yeses… I look at Obakeng and Tumi who are jamstruck… I
mean, they still have the money notes that they had to pin on Nto. The girls then hug.

“Nchhooo” everyone.



Mgabadeli, owagabadela izinkundla zakwa Bulawayo.”

One men got up from the family’s side, heading to her. The man is very good looking, and has a
very expensive taste.



Magalel’agoqe okweshongololo “

Everyone ulululate and whistle




He reaches Nto and they share a hug.

Voice: Wena wakwaBulawayo

Everyone: Dladla

Voice: Dwala

Everyone: Dladla

Voice: Mhlophe

Everyone: Dladla

Voice: Mgabadeli

Everyone: Dladla

Her mom: Vezi

Everyone: Dladla

Her mom: Zinyane likaVezi

Ladies ulululate… got up and started singing.

“Mntanami kuyabongwa” her mom


Kuyabongwaaa” everyone

“kubong omncane kubong omdala” her mom

“sekubong oncane kubong omkhulu” everyone

“ngith izandla,

Ziyagezana” the old lady who was dancing

“mntanam” everyone

“Hheee” her mom


Sekubong oncane kubong omkhulu “ everyone

Voice: Lalelani lamagama!!!!

They carry one singing, with the old lady and her mom, leading the song and pinning Nto will
money as well. To be honest, this has got to be the best 21st upcoming ceremony I have been


It is now sunset and I am with the girls in the rondaval. People are outside, eating. Others
changed for the after-party ceremony. The money is at the main house, in my room. My day
and Khulu are counting it and blessing it.

Lina: Haa we Ma… guys I made 6k today… do you know what I can do with it? Girl, thank you for
doing this ceremony shame…
I laugh…

Sthe: hayi njani…. I only made 3k.

Lina: try harder next time

We laugh.

Lungile: cry now… I made 8k

We look at her… she is so happy hle

Nosipho: Oops, I made 12k

All of us: What!!!

Lina: Damnit… I’m no longer in the Top 3.

We laugh and Khulu heads in with mom oalong side.

Khulu: (hands on her waist) hayi, Ntokozo Dladla… ungehlule today.

➢ (Ntokozo Dladla, you have defeated me today)

She claps her hands in disbelief and defeat. I am now worried. I don’t know what I did wrong
cause as far as I know, umhlwehlwe didn’t tear up.

Mom: Zinyane usehlule

➢ (You really proved us wrong)

What if it is the Karabo Internet saga?

Me: Ngenzeni Ma?

➢ (What have I done Ma?)

Khulu: Khuluma nengane yakho Nolwandle…. Ngehluleka

➢ (Talk to your daughter Nolwandle… I have given up)

Mom: Nto… uR230 450?

Me: Ma?

Khulu: solokho kwaba yimi nje… solokho ngiphila, angikaze ngithathe isikhathi esinhaka
ngibhala imali… solokho kwaba yimi, angikaze ngibonge imali engaka. Ngisho nangomemulo
wabomzala bakho, angikaze ngabala imali edlula uR10 000… le ngiyayiqala.

➢ (Ever since I have been alive… Ever since I lived, I have never spent so much time, counting
money. I have never seen so much money in my life. Even in the previous ceremonies, I
have never counted money that exceeds R10 000. This is my first time.)

Mom: Ntokozo, R230 450 wonke?

➢ (Ntokozo, a whole R239 459?)

All of us: What!!?

Me: Mama awudlali ngami

➢ (Mom, you are not fooling me)

Mom: Lutho… buka, leli elomhlolo

➢ (Not at all. This is a day of miracles)

Me and the girls do a little dance.

Khulu: ngiyazixhenya ngani zingane Zam

➢ (I am very proud of you all)

Mom: hayi nginethulela isgcoko…

➢ (I really have to give it to y’all)

We rush to hug them both.

Khulu: (laughing) Okay… okay… okay… go wear something to cover your boobs and go serve the
men outside.

We wear white sports bras and we head to the main house.


I am seated with the clan, talking. I then spot her walking towards the main house with Lungile.
This stead is very modern for a rural house… it is huge, paved, a tar drive way, the sitting areas,
the stretching to the river backyard… the Ndebele paintings on the rondavals… did I mention
the architectured main house and the security system by the gate?

She walks out again with Lungile, carrying a tray with three large plates and Lungile has a tray
with two bottles of whiskey and glasses, along with ice and a two litre sprite. Nto marn… the
gold and white suits her so much… yeses, this girl is mooi. When we talk about uBuhlebendalo,
she takes the trophy. And that lower body… marn, when I tap that…

Thabang: Yeses…

They reach us.

Lungile: Sanibonani

➢ (Greetings)

Nto: (smiling) Ha… lotshani

➢ (Greetings)

The clan: yebo/ sho/Nkosazane

Me: Lungile… Nkosazane

Nto: (smiling) besithi silethe okubambisayo ngaphambi komcimbi olandelayo.

➢ (We thought it would be a respectful gesture to bring y’all something to eat for the time
being, before the following event)
Clan: Siyabonga/ siyabonga ntokazi

Nto: ningathanda ukugeza izandla?

➢ (Would you like to wash your hands?)

We agree… they leave and come back with bows of warm water and dry cloths on their
shoulders. The water has lemons inside. I noticed she removed Umhlwehlwe.

Her: (smiling) Senizosho makukhona enikudzingayo

➢ (Call us if you need anything)

Me: singakhuluma?

➢ (Can we talk?)

We step aside as Lungile takes to bowl from her.

Me: (looking a her) awusemuhle Nkosazane

➢ (You look beautiful, Miss)

Her: ngiyabonga and how did you know about…

Me: The ceremony… I have my ways… MaMhlophe. I got a present for you.

I head in the car and I take out a wrapped box and a paper bag with other wrapped gifts

Her: hawu… it was not necessary

Me: take It as a birthday gift

Her: (taking the gifts from me) ngiyabonga Karabo

She puts the gifts down and she hugs me. I hug her back tightly. She pulls away

“Zinyane!!! Buya sizoqeda phela” the old lady

Her: (giggling) Uhm… that’s my granny… I go to rush.

Me: that’s your granny? She looks young to be a granny

Her: (laughing) I know, right?

Me: (smirking) Too bad she is going to be a great grandmother soon

She chokes on her salavia

Her: (nervous) I got to go… see you later on.

Me: wait before you go, can I take you back to Joburg tomorrow?

Her: uhmm… Karabo

Me: please, zinyane likaYihlo.

She laughs.

Her: So you heard that one

I nod

Her: okay then… you can take me back to Joburg tomorrow. Bye Karabo

She takes the gifts and she heads to the main house. Yeses… her locomotor, it is as if she

Is lazy to walk and that makes her brackets more exceptional. Hayi marn… I look at my shaft
down there… Fuck, what is this girl doing to me?!!

Tumisho: yerr… that is a real woman there.

Thabang: did you see her dance?

Them: (hands on their heads) Yho yho yho yho yho!!!!!

Thapelo: uBuhlebendalo impela

Tumi: Cuff her Khoza

Thapelo: (laughing) or I will cuff her

Me: Voestek… let’s eat so we can head back to the hotel to change for the party.

Tumi: woah, you and Ntokozo are riding back to jozi together?

Me: yes


Tumisho: woah… woah… woah… with which car?

Me: the one we came with.

Thabang: then thina sibuyela ngani?

Me: khandani icebo madoda.

➢ (Make a plan man)

I got up to leave…

Tumisho: Hayi mara Karabo

I turn to look at them. I shot a stare.

Them: Hayi we will/ hayi okay/ sizobona/ nex

Me: Jabula makunjalo madoda.

➢ (I’m glad we are on the same page)


I got to the house and Khulu is waiting for me with mom and Aunt LWwabo. They look at the
gifts with curiousity. I look at them, smile and I start opening the gifts. I open the paper bag first
and I find more wrapped boxes. I one the first one and it has a gold necklace with a heart jew…
my mom and auntie are on thir feet, standing next to me.

Auntie: Damnit, is that pure gold?

Mom: Iyona Lwabo… pure 18ct.

Aunt does a whistle. I look in the jew and it has a picture of me… it is the one on Thando’s page.
In this picture I am wearing a white bodycon dress that goes slightly down my knees, a white
and brown mersh fleece jackets and I tied my Faux loc into a neat ball with flower decorating
pins on the ball. It is when I was in campus, remember? Mom takes it and she looks through the

Her: Yeses, awusemuhle la ngane yam…

➢ (Yeses, you look dashing in this picture my child)

Aunt: (looking at it too) Yeses, wamane wafana noMa wakho.

➢ (Yeses, you became your mom’s splitted image in this picture)

I open the other box and I find a Rolex watch…

Mom: (eyes out) Haibo… iRolex? Zinyane sowaqoma nah?

➢ (Wow… a whole rolex? Heiress, are you dating?)

Me: (laughing) lutho ma.

➢ (Not at all Mom)

Aunt: Hayi… sewashada loh.

➢ (Wow… that means she is married)

Mom: Ziphuma kuphi lezinto?

➢ (Where are this gift from?)

Khulu: Le lashende lakwaMokoena ngikutshele koti. Became nalo la kaphandle.

➢ (They are from that Mokoena boy, Koti. They were standing together outside.)
Mom: Haibo Nto… sowumtholile umaqondana?

➢ (Haibo Nto… Have you found your one and only?)

Me: Cha ma… you know I hate boys.

➢ (No mom… you know I hate boys)

Mom: I give up.

I look in the paper bag and a wrapped big white Kitkat chocolate appears, along with Lindt
collection chocolates. All in white chocolate.

Mom and Aunt: Nchoo….

Me: (screaming) Hayi!!!!

I opened the big box and a pair of Nude puffy high elastic slippers are spotted. They are
Mokoena – khoza ones… OMG!!! I look in the box and I also spot a denim Mokoena – Khoza
cargo and freaken Nike White and Pink Soccer boots!!!

Mom and aunt laugh at me. Guys, I love clothes so much, futhi Mokoena – Khoza branded… I
look at the box and there is a card… my mom snatches it and aunty restrains me.

Me: Mama!!!

“Hope you like them. They are the new collection, make for you alone. Take it as a reward for
keeping yourself pure.

And when I see you on your next soccer match, I hope to see you wearing those boots.

Ngokuzayo ngilibhada kini, ngizobe ngikhipha izinkomo, ngikuyenza owami Mrs N. Mokoena,
noma ngithi Adv. N. Mokoena?

Thatha lokho njengesijeziso sokuthi angisitholanga isimemo.

I love you MaMhlophe”

Aunty: Hayi, why didn’t you invite umkhwenyane?

Me: He is not “Umkhwenyane” plus nje name angimazi

➢ (He is not your son in – law plus I don’t know him.

Mom: Isn’t karabo Sotho?

I shrug.

Khulu: Whuu… nginukelwa uthando

➢ (Whuuu… I smell love.)

Aunt: nginukelwa abashana

➢ (I sense nieces and nephews coming)

Khulu: Yeyi yeyi yeyi… ayikho nje leyo. Ngeke ngizoba uKhokho womuntu ngisasemncane soh.
Hayi ngina 60. Kway’manje ngisazama ukuthola ukuthi kuze kanjani ukuthi gibe ugogo
ngimncane soh.

➢ (Yeyi yeyi yeyi… there is no such. I can’t be a great grandmother. I am still very much young.
Not while I’m in my 60. I am still struggling to understand how I am a grandmother in such
a young age.)

We laugh…

Mom: awuthi ngikugaxhe le necklace entanyeni Zinyane

➢ (Let me help you with that necklace, heiress)

Me: uhm… no

Mom: Ntokozo ngizokushaya

➢ (Ntokozo, I will beat you)

Me: mama, kuyafana ngisayogeza

➢ (Mama, it will make no difference. I still have to go bath)

Her: uzogeza nayo… jika

➢ (You will bath with it on… now turn around)

Me: (mumbling) ha kodwa niyangithengisa la ekhaya.

➢ (Ha but y’all are selling me)

Mom: angikuzwanga


Me: lutho

➢ (Nothing)

Her: ngcono uyazi

➢ (Atleast you know)

Aunt: (laughing) ehhehhee… kwamane kwabaLemon.

➢ (Hehehe… things just went south)

Khulu and aunt laugh… don’t get me wrong nerh, I missed my family but hayi, I can’t wait to go
back to Jozi.
Insert 11



It has been three weeks and no sign of Karabo. To be honest, I am still questioning
how he knew about my celebration. Argh… I don’t wanna lie but I always can’t
help but laugh at how my life has changed in a split of second. Man, I even try
ignoring private numbers too. Yes, the media is still on me since Thando posted a
documentary of my 21st ceremony and also the Sportscene saga. Most questions
are on the scene when him and His bothers were pinning money on me and more.
I can’t even walk without them people greeting, smiling and calling me Mrs

Hayi… Anyways, I am at work, serving a customer. Well, I have been getting a lot
of people requesting to be served by me lately and I also got a raise in my salary. I
am now able to afford two sneakers with the extra money remaining after paying
rent, bills, grocery contribution and pampering too. Patricia has been very friendly
towards me lately and Lina and Lungile also got a raise too.

Me: (smiling) Is there anything else mam?

Her: (smiling widely) No, thank you.

Me: (leading her to the till) Okay, this way then

She follows me and she pays. She is so beautiful, caramel – Chocolate skinned and
has a nice slim body. I don’t want to lie, she is so gorgeous and her fashion taste is
exceptional. She has make up on but more natural look. I don’t love make up but
hers is making me reconsider my decision. She is wearing a white flurry dress and
white block heels.

Her: Thank you… and ohh, he really does love you

Me: Pardon?

Her: Mr Mokoena… he does love you. Anyways, see you around.

She flashes a smile then leaves me all jam stuck. What does she mean? Lina then
heads my way…

Lina: Woo… who is that fine lady?

Me: I don’t know yaz… but she said Karabo loves me

Her: just like that?

Me: yeah…

Her: Ehh… but yena she is Hella fine.

Me: I swear…Karabo is making my life a living hell. Ngapha my parents be nagging

me about him…. Heyi! Heyi… Karabo this… Karabo that… yhooo!!! Is a lot!

Her: Why don’t you just tell him awum’funi kerh?

➢ [why don’t you tell him that you don’t want him kerh?]

Me: easier said than done.

Her: Are you falling for him?

Me: (looking at her) Maybe… a little bit. I am not sure okay?

Her: hey… I ain’t judging. No need to be defensive. Plus nje, we all see it.
Me: Eish… (hands on my forehead) Mara I think he lost interest in me.

Her: Why usho njalo?

➢ [Why you saying that?]

Me: He no longer calls, nor checking up on me as before. Like, he doesn’t care

about me anymore.

Her: Woman, you and i know that’s totally utter rubbish. That guy loves you. I still
can’t get over what he did on your ceremony.

Me: (grabbing my phone and standing) Arghh… I need a monster.

I then head out. I just need to clear my mind. Well, today I am wearing uniform.
(Black leggings with a Sportscene workers T-shirt, my white ankle length Air
Forces and a black cap) I am now at Checkers Hyper, looking for the Monster
Energy Drink. I then take the Monster Assault one and I head to the staff queue. I
pay and I head to the Parking lot. I just find peace in the parking lot. I then sit by
those paving beams and I login on Instagram and I see Karabo is live. I join the live
and he is shirtless and his hair shocked me. He has dreadlocks? Wow. The live has
over 102k watching and 1.1M likes. Yho…

Him: (deep voice) Ehh… (Reading a comment) Ntokozo joined the live… please
add her. Well I am not sure about that to be honest. I think she is busy. But let me

He then sends me a Live request. Without thinking, I accepted it.

Him: MaMhlophe

Me: Hi, unjani?

➢ [Hi, how are you?]

Him: Ngiyaphila wena unjani Mama?

➢ [I’m good what about you?]

Me: (giggling) Ngiyaphila nami

➢ [I’m good too]

Him: Abangikholwa mangithi Mina nawe siyazwana

➢ [They don’t believe me when I say you and me are together]

Me: Hawu… kumele bakukholwe

➢ [Hawu, they have to believe]

He then laughs… I then come across a comment from Alindela saying

~NTOKOZO what does your family say about this and why are you lowkey about
coming from a rich family~

Me: To answer your questions Alindela… my family is actually overjoyed by this

and I am sure you saw Thando’s live with my dad, talking about how they are
happy about my relationship with Mokoena and well, I am not being lowkey… I
actually don’t wanna be labeled as the Rich Dladla girl with my family’s riches. I
prefer to be known for my own riches and show the side that many don’t actually
know in people who come from wealthy families… like Mr Mokwena here, I don’t
know his background story but he made his own name and image. So yeah…

He is now looking at me with amazement. I then see another one… from Zolelwa
➢ Do you work at Sportscene?

Me: (laughing) Yes, I do work at Sportscene and I am proud of it. I mean, a girl has
to make a living regardless of the status.

Karabo: Wow… I feel like they are taking you away from me…

Me: (laughing) weeh… I will then not answer any more questions. Listen, I have to
go back to work, see you later?

Him: Yeah… I will pick you up after work

Me: Okay… bye

Him: (making a half heart hand gesture) bye

Me: (making it too with a smile) Bye…

I then leave the live and head back to work. And when I get there, Patricia is
waiting for me…

Her: Where were you?

Me: Sorry, I was using the restroom

Her: Mmm

I then carry on working.


It is now 17h34 and I am at Mall Of The South, by the parking lot. I am waiting for
Ntokozo. I am wearing a grey Nike Air jogger, white long sleeve T- Shirt and blue
Lacoste Ankle length sneakers. I then wore a roofless cap and I rested my eye
length dreadlocks. I am leaning on the bonnet of the car, waiting for her and she
appears with Lungile and another girl so. She is wearing black leggiings… Damnit…

Lungile: It is rude to stare at one you know?

Me: Ungixolele Lungile… Sanibonani, MaMhlophe…

➢ My apologies Lungile… Hello MaMhlophe

Other girl: Yeses… are you sure you are Sotho coz wow your Zulu is…

I just chuckle.

Me: yes I am Sotho. MaMhlophe?

Ntokozo: Hi

Me: Unjani Heart host?

➢ How are you heart host?

The girls: Ohh..

Ntokozo: (giggling) ngiyaphila wena unjani?

➢ I’m I thanks and yourself?

Me: not okay yaz… I came here excited and I don’t even get a hug

She giggles and she comes close to me and throws her arms around my neck. I
then tangle my arms on her tiny waist. The girls start squirming. Ntokozo is still
hugging me then I notice she is on her toes. Nchoo marn!!! She then pulls away.

Her: Feeling better now?

Me: (Smirking) Umm… my lips are watery

Her: (laughing) Don’t push your stunts now… Lina, Lungi. I will see you guys later

Lina: Enjoy…

Lungile: With every bit in you.

She gives her the look and we leave.

We are now on our way to Soweto and it is getting dark.

Her: let’s buy some ice cream here at McD. I will pay

Me: Why?

Her: Trust me…

Me: Okay… but I am paying…

Her: Haa…

Me: I ain’t letting no woman spend a cent on me now

She then laughs and we get the two McFlurries and she directs me to some Cliff….
NorthCliff. We get there and we get out and sat by the bonnet. Well, technically I
am leaning on the bonnet and she is seated on it. We looking at the Town’s view.
It is around 7pm so we see the city lights and cars and all.

Me: This place is so cool and chill… how did you discover it?

Her: (eating her ice cream) I know right… well, I discovered it when I first got to
Jozi. By that time I didn’t know anyone here nor know anywhere. I was there…
(she says pointing at the Taxi rank in the mall) in a taxi and when I got out, I
looked this side and I told myself I would come here. I just love the view of places
nje. Then when I got here, I found Lina and she told me it was here first time here.
She was from KZN and we instantly bonded. (Taking another bite of her ice-
cream) I then started loving the place.

Me: Wow…

She smiles and then carries on eating her ice cream. I look at her and she is look at
the sky. It is as if it is here first time seeing it.

Me: So why did you leave home?

Her: Studies.

Me: Like for real, why did you leave?

She then looks down at her ice cream than she sighs loudly.

Her: I just wanna make a living of myself, without being called the Dladla Princess.

Me: Why?

Her: Being born into riches is not nice at all. Everything just… it just becomes hard
to live with being constantly reminded that you are from wealth and all. It just
takes away you breathe… slowly… it is like having sleeping paralysis. Akukho
mnandi ukuba eSpotlighting, ukuvika izitha, lokutayo sowugeja mabuleti… That is
not life. Ukupila impilo ongayifuni, kuletha umonakalo in general. Kepha Mina
ngendalo, angithanzi ukulawulwa. Ngiti philela Impilo wami njena…

➢ Being born into riches is not nice at all. Everything just… it just becomes hard
to live with being constantly reminded that you are from wealth and all. It just
takes away your breath… slowly… like having sleeping paralysis. It is not nice
to be at the spotlight, trying to run away from enermies next thing you
ducking bullets… it is just not life plus you being forced to live a life that you
don’t desire can cause damage. But on the contrary, I just don’t like being
controlled. I just live my own life stress-free…

Me: I get you… So how have you been feeling since you got here?
Her: in my 21 years of living, these past two years have been my best and most
free time of living. Yes, they are people who still consider me the rich girl and all
but I just feel relieved from all the stress.

Me: I get you… I get you.

Her: Enough about me…. Tell me the story of Karabo Mokwena…

Me: (chuckling) Well, I don’t have much to say but that I was also like you. I also
left home when I was 16 and I came here to Jozi to live with my mother’s side of
the family. They just knew me and took me for who I am and what I am, not for
what I will be. My mom, she then introduced me to her business partners and she
trained me for 3 years. Then by the age of 19, she handed the company to me. I
then started building another business and in 3 years time, I had it known all over
the world and now a Multi-millionaire company, Bakoena Holdings. With the help
of my mom, I saw the bigger picture to expand and network more into Logistics,
Mine shares and more. That woman did a lot for me.

Her: So your mother is a Mokoena?

Me: No, she is a Khoza. She never got married to dad because of my dad choosing
wealth or her. Dad then raised me, along with my step mother who took me in as
her son… and I had siblings. But dad always wanted me to take over his company
that was a sinking ship so i ran away. My mom and step mother helped each
other in making sure dad doesn’t find me while I was at my weakest.

Her: (looking at me) Wow… now I see where the fluent Zulu is coming from.

Me! (Chuckling) Yeah… but my problem was loving… I just couldn’t love. All the
girls I dated was a matter of having them for image then buying them things so
that they leave me alone. But that changed when I saw you… When I saw you at
Sportscene, I knew you were the one. It was the first time I got nervous because
of a girl. And when you kicked me out of the commune on that day, I knew that
you were definitely the one. Hack, no one ever did that to me before.

Her: (laughing) Wow… forgive me but that day, I was Hella angry, like bruh…
Me: (chuckling) Do you always talk like that?

Her: (laughing) yep… I just prefer being me

Me: (chuckling) Aight. But to be honest, I love you Ntokozo. I really do. I am not
forcing things but I am expressing myself.

Her: (looking at me) Wow… I have had many say that but not as sincere as you
are… I like you Karabo and yes, I will give you a chance.

Me: (looking at her) serious?

Her: (giggling) Yes…

I then stand in-between her legs and I kiss her. Her lips are so soft and cold from
eating the ice cream. I then suckle on her lower lip. The kiss is very intense… her
arms behind my neck and my hands running all over her waistline, hips, thighs
and inner thighs. I then pull out of the kiss…

Me: (looking serious into her eyes) I love you MaMhlophe

Her: (smiling) I love you too Khoza

I laugh and I kiss her again and we hug for the longest time.

She is playing with my dreadlocks while I am busy rubbing her waist. We are
disturbed by an income call… Eish… eish… eish!!!! O batla eng oe?!

Incoming call: Thabang


Me: Monna
➢ My guy

Him: Re emi ka wena

➢ We waiting on you.

Me: I will be there in a few.

Him: sho.


Me: Baby, I have somewhere to be…

Her: Okay, I can take a cab.

Me: Ehh… I will drop you off anever!!!

Her: (giggling) haa… it’s not bad njena.

Me: I am not having any of it. (Gently pushing her in the car by the waist) Let’s go
Sthandwa Sami

We then leave.
Insert 12



It is another day, another week and another stay at home day. I am off today and
the girls are in. I am by my room, tidying up and re-arranging my wardrobe. Well, I
am making space for everything basically. I am also re-doing my room.

I am now done… new, shift, new bedding, new curtains, new arrangement and
new carpet. When I say new, I don’t mean from the shop… I mean I changed
them, not new. I then head downstairs to get my iced water. I then see Lesego
kissing Lungile… what? They are dating? Whoa… I then sing pass them.

Me: (singing without looking at them) I can’t see I’m blind… blind, blind, blind,

They then drift apart. I just take my iced water, a pack of Doritos and a Monster
Energy Drink. Then I head upstairs. Minutes later, I hear moans. Welele, sex is a
disease guys. I then put on some earphones and I start looking at my history
module study pack and a little bit of “I was weak and he proved it by Noluthando
Shezi”. Trust me, I be reading romance books yet know nothing about this. My
favourite song then plays… Always and forever by Mariah the Scientist

Me: (singing along) Seems like I can’t get away from you

Broken heart I made for two

I guess

And it is so confusing

Finding the right ways to express

We in love, it’s a fear

It’s a drug we do I guess

An addiction, we won’t end it.

But baby you should know this

That I aint go

I ain’t blowing on smoke

I mean I have been focused


I keep reading and singing then I feel someone looking at me, it is Karabo Wow...I
immediately laugh.

Him: (walking towards me) why didn’t I head tha voice long ago?

Me: (laughing) wow… how long have you been there?

Him: long enough to hear that voice

I laugh and he kisses me. That shock feeling is back. His lips are so soft and they
taste like Peppermint with sweet oil… I know right? I then pull away…

Me: Why ain’t you at work?

Him- I took a break to come and hang out with my meddie. And I am so
traumatised by the noise from the next room.

Me: (laughing) Hayi labo…

He then comes more closer to me, making me lean back on the bed. He then
kisses me, while balancing with his hands on each side of me. Damn, this man is a
great kisser yho… I then run my hands to his chest and to his back then back to
his Jawlining. He then flips me around, making me sit on him without breaking the
kiss. His arms then run to my butt cheeks and he brushes them up and down. I am
wearing a short, making myself accessable to him. I feel the member down there
rising. I then pull out of the kiss. I look at him and his eyes are bloodshot red and

Me: (smiling) Mr down there is poking me.

Him: Do you blame him?

I laugh and I just lie on him as he tells me about his day at work. I hope I am not
putting myself in danger lah.

Anyways, Mr here decided to take me to McD coz It is my day to cook today at

the commune. Athi no wife of his will cook for anyone else. We are now ordering

Him: (holding my waist) hi, can we have 5 MC Quarter Pound meals... And one
Watermelon McFizzy… baby, wanna add something?
Me: (smiling while holding his hands that are around my waist) One McFlurry and

Cashier: is that all…

Him: yes…

He pays and we get the order and leave. I am busy eating my ice cream while he is
carrying everything and drinking his Fuzz. He then laughs…

Me: (laughing) Hey, what’s funny?

Him: (laughing) the site of you eating ice cream amazes me.

I laugh and we leave… We get to the commune and he puts the food on the
kitchen counter while the gang try so hard to hide their excitement… these one
hle .. we then head outside and he bids his goodbyes and I head back in.

I will have to cut it short today… I am too exhausted.

Insert #13



I am by the office and it is paperwork over paperwork and back-to-back meetings.

I am so missing Ntokozo right now. I feel like seeing her but this company is
sabotaging my plans. The door then swings open… It is Thapelo, my eldest

Thapelo: Monna

➢ Man

Me: somethings never change hey?

Him: Mxm… ujwang?

➢ Mxm… how are you?

Me: I ain’t complaining what about you?

Him: (sitting down) ke grend. Ntwana, when are you gonna visit Dad?

➢ I’m good. Brother, when are you going to visit Dad?

Me: (looking at him) I ain’t doing that

Him: I assume you didn’t hear

Me: (serious) What didn’t I hear?

Him: He is marrying mom…

Me: What?! When and how?!

Him: they tying the knot in 2 months and Mme is moving in with him to

Me: That can not happen…

Him: why?

Me: Have you forgotten what he did? Let me refresh your mind a bit.

Him: mo…

Me: He impregnated mom with 4 kids… me, you, Thabang and Tumiso. He then
left her, devastated. He then left her for another woman, impregnated that
woman with our sisters. He then took away everything she had… every single
penny of bill. He then took us away from mom. He left her for wealt… have you
forgotten? He left mom for royalty for Christ sake!!!

Him: Karabo… there is nothing we can do. Mme o thabile. You can’t be that

➢ Karabo… there is nothing we can do. Mom is happy. You can’t be that

Me: I’m not being greedy… I am protecting her

Him: Then what about her happiness? Huh. Karabo? She is happy with him. We all
know she loves that man more than anything. Now get your shit together and
think of it. Act like a future king not this shit. And she wants to see you tomorrow
evening… fix your behaviour otherwise you will lose lots… including Ntokozo.

He then gets up and leave. Fuck!!!

Insert #14



I am currently by the mall with Thando in Witbank. Well, I came to visit for the
weekend this side and I am expecting to leave later on.

Anyways, Thand and I are done with the purchases of rats and we are heading
back to to the call.



Me: Ma… I need a favour… I need you to distract Sihle while I take the rats to the
guest room.

Her: yini…

Me: Shh… don’t act Sus mom… I don’t want Sihle to find out about this. I wanna
get back at him for making me suffer those severe period pains

Her: (laughing) but that was three years back njena?

Me: I know… I wanna make him feel the pain so bad and Thando is also following.

Her: (Laughing) but Namnam will be here too njena and she doesn’t know about
his phobia of rats

Me: ohh well, that is just the icing on top… the cherry will be a surprise.
Her: (laughing) uDangerous ngane yam…

Me: I learn from the best

We laugh and end of call.

Thando then heads back…

Him: Mara Mamas…

Me: Get in the car…. And head to McD… I want Ice cream

Him: (chuckling) you and ice cream…


It is not evening and we are eating on the dinning table with Namhla and a few of
Thando and Sihle’s friends. It is just warm with family feeling. We are like 12 right
now. Namhla then decide to take the dishes to the kitchen and clear up. I then
text Thando to initiate the plan… little do they know.

Mom: Sihle noThando, go fetch the Charcoal and wood in the storage room
upstairs so that you can braai for later on when y’all are hungry.

Sihle: okay.
They then leave for the storage room. I follow behind. The door of the room is
facing the stair case so it will be easier for me. Sihle enters first and Thando then
close the door and locks it.

Sihle: (shouting) Weeh… Thando vula la…

➢ (Thando, open…)


Him: (shouting) Ntokozo… vulani lo mnango ngaphambi kokuthi ngiwukhahlele.

➢ (Ntokoozo… open this door before I kick it down)

Mom: (from downstair) Weeh Sbusiso… ngizoyishaya ingane yakho kabuhlungu.

Ngiyishayele nokuthi isabe nokutshela!!!

➢ (Heyi Sbusiso… I will beat your son so bad… so bad that he will be afraid to
even tell you!!!)

Sihle: Hawu kodwa Ma!!!!

➢ (But Mom!!!)

Mom: Ungangipheki mfan wami… angivuthwa mina.

➢ (Don’t dare test me)

Me: Remember when you left with the car 3 years ago… when I had those severe
period pains?

Him: angazi ukhuluma ngani… weMa… batshele bavule!!! Ntokozo angidlali


➢ (I have no clue on what you talking about… Mom!!! Tell them to open up!!!
Ntokozo, I aint playing no games)

Me: okay… let me re-jog your mind…. Thando…

I lean on the wall, looking at the stair case. Thando then pushes the remote
control to the cage. Then we hear the loudest scream ever to come out of a man.
Everyone turns their attention to us… looking through the stair rails…

Him: (screaming) Ahhhgh!!!!! Ntokozo vula la!!!!! Maaaaa!!!!

Namhla: (laughing) Hayibo… yakhala kangaka indoda yam… uyenzani Ntokozo

➢ (Hayibo… why is my man crying so loud??? What are you doing to him?)

I just look at her, roll my eyes and turn my attention to the Rat-Phobic child of
Dladla. This girl just gives me chills.

Mom: They put rats in there and Hle is afraid of rats…

They then all laugh… along with his friend.

Sihle: (screaming ) Haa shit!!!!! Bekah leli likhulu njani!!! Ntokozo vula!!!!

➢ (Oh shit!!! Look at how big this one is!!! Ntokozo, open up!!!)

Me: do you remember now?

Him: Yah!!!!

Me: let’s just make sure… what did you do?

Him: hayi fok!!!! Vulani!!!! AHHHHHHH!!! WeMa!!!!!!

Me: oops Wrong answer…

We then heard foot steps from the room… big steps… Thando is on the floor, cry
laughing. Namhla is literally on her knees and his friends … others have tears,
others are holding their stomachs and others are on the floor. Dad is just

Mom: (Laughing) Mvuleleni uzofa uvalo!!!

➢ (Open up already… he will die of fear!!!)

Me: let’s negotiate… I let you out if only you give me 20 000rands…

Him: uyahlanya!!!!

➢ (you are insane!!!)

Me: I guess you are enjoying it in there kerh… maybe a night will do nje

Him: okay fine!!!! Deal

Me: put it on your relationship with Namhla and on your precious car

Him: I swear on my relationship with Namhla and the car…

Me: and I hope you are not bluffing coz I will burn your car Sihle

Him: yess! Now open!!

I signal Thando to open and Sihle runs out and closes the door and leans on it. He
is breathing heavily and he then looks at me.

Me: how did you feel?

Him: (angrily) shit… you damaged my soul

Me: just like those period pains did to me three years ago.
Him: so this is how they feel?

Me: (walking away) nope, not even close. Don’t get too comfy… I still have to
make you feel the physical pain… and ohhh, don’t forget to transfer my money.

I then head downstairs where everyone is dead of laughter.

Mom: Weeh Thando, khipha lawo magundane lapho.

➢ (Thando, take those rats out of here!!!!)

Thando: Kodwa ma…

➢ (But Ma…)

Mom: ithini?

➢ (What did you say?)

Him: lutho.

➢ (Nothing)

I head to the fridge, grab a Red Bull and I get seated on the table with everyone

Landela: (laughing) Waze wayenza into Ntokozo.

➢ (What a thing to do Ntokozo)

Spamandla: how did you pull it off vele?

Me: Secret leyo

Sandile: (laughing) yeses… the first scream caught me off guard shame.
Everyone then laughs

Namhla: (laughing) I still wanna know why uPunishe indoda…

Mom: (laughing) revenge

Her: for what?

Thando: Three years ago… we took dad’s car for a spin without permission and
now Ntokozo usale wanna neEmergency that needed hospital help and there was
not other transport.

Sthembile: Why did you use other cars?

Me: these bimbos took the key that opens the garage ande beyikhiyiwe ngalelo

➢ (These idiots took the key that opens the garage and the other cars were
looked inside on that day)

Landela: wait what was the emergency?

Mom: very severe period pains.

They all look shocked and they laugh…

Spha: just a period pain?

Sihle: never say that… it is more severe that you think… I felt it today emotionally
and physically.

Thando: me too

They all look at him…

Thando: I was punched on my stomach, kicked in the nuts and drained

Sihle: (banging his head on the table) wena ukhala nge2 000 Mina I’m about to
lose 20k.

Me: I’m still coming for you Thando…

Him: (shocked and stuttering) huh… haa…

Everyone laughs….

Dad: Hayi… God gave me great looking kids with brains but baWeak… langu usaba
amagundwane omunye usaba amaSpider hayi… kuze kuncono undodakazi…

➢ (God gave me freat looking kids with brains but with a lot of weakness. This
one fears rats while the other one fears spiders… Wow. The daughter is even

Spha: (looking at me)usaba ini yena?

➢ (what does she fear?)

Sihle: I don’t know

Thando: hayi ningangibeki Mina… I don’t know too

➢ (Ehh, don’t look at me. I don’t know too)

Mom: nami angazi

➢ (Me too)

Dad: hayi…

➢ (Yeah nerh)

Me: name angazi ukuthi ngisaba ini

➢ (I also don’t know my fears)

Everyone laughs… I also laugh. Well, I have always been the cold one after all. We
chat and chat then I ask to be excused as mom follows me to my room.

Her: Sthandwa Sami… uzobuya downstairs angisho?

➢ (My baby… you going to come back downstairs, right?)

Me: yes mom…

She then leaves and I change to joggers and an oversized t-shirts and I head
downstairs to the living room, where I find Ma and Hlahla drinking white wine.

Me: ohh wine… do you have red?

Mom: in the wine cilla.

I then take it and head back to them. I pour myself and I drink it…

Namhla: likuphethe njani iGoli Sisi?

➢ (How is Jo’burg treating you sister?)

I look at her, examining her. This question is definitely from a back place. I see by
her reaction.

Me: okay, I guess.

I have never liked her abit. She seems too dodgy. But for the sake of Sihle, I try.

Her: am how are things going with Karabo?

I just look at her, reading her carefully… Mom looks at me. She knows my fuss is
already burning out.

Mom: (laughing nervously) hey… no fighting girls…

Her: sorry ma… I was just asking… I mean she is my sister in-law…


Me: by only being with Sihle for two weeks, you already giving yourself a title?

Mom: Nto…

Namhla clears her throat and she looks down.

Her: but we are working on it njena? Hence, he introduced to me to the family,


She says the last part with a sly smile.

Me: and doesn’t it click that he also did that with his exes?

Mom: Ntokozo…

Me: No, mama. I am just making conversation with u”Skwiza”, right Skwiza?


Me: let’s not act as if we are friends now… dont get over yourself. Induku enhle
igawulwa ezizweni and currently, I don’t see you, having the qualities of leyo
nduku enhle.

Mom: Ntokozo!!

Me! I’m just saying nje ma angithi sister in-law?

Hlahla: yes…
Me: (getting up) kuyokusiza uphume endabeni zami sis ngoba lokhu okwenzayo
baningi ababekwenza futhi abaphumelelanga.

Her: (smile) Ohh, ngizophumelela mina sisi

Me: (smirk) ngikufisela inhlanhla

I attempt to leave…

Me: And ohh, uma uthola ithuba lokugadla, ungalitshingi… (serious face) ngoba
ngeke usalithole.


Me: (smiling) senizolala kahle.

I take the bottle of red wine and my glass and I head upstair. Let’s see if “Skwiza”
will make it to Wednesday… alive but heart broken or wrists slit.
Insert #15



I am currently on my way to mom’s house in Sandton and trust me, I am so

anxious about this. I can’t even imagine her marrying dad after having 4 kids
already but I guess… I guess I need to accept it. I have been paying careful
attention to what Thapelo said and I am not ready to lose anything, especially

I reach the door and it is opened so I let myself in…

Me: MaKhoza

Her: (rushing to me with a smile) Ntanami

➢ (My child)

She then hugs me

Me: (hugging her back) MaNtshingwayo

Her: (pulling away) Wena sewangilahla nje…

➢ (I see you have abandoned me)

She then walks to the living room and I follow behind then we sit.

Me: (smiling) Lutho Ma…

➢ (Not at all Mom)

Her: (serious) Mlotshwa… ngithemba sowuzwile ngomshado wami noyihlo…

➢ (Mlotshwa… I hope you have heard about your father and I’s wedding)

Me: (serious face) Yeah

Her: I know it doesn’t sit well with you but ngane yami, you need to forgive…

I just chuckle, looking at her.

Her: musa ukuhleka mangikhuluma nawe ngokubalulekile.

➢ (Don’t be laughing when I am talking to you, especially when it is important)

Me: (still chuckling) Angisineki MaBhuvugane… ukuthi ngathi sesikhohlwa

kakhulu. Kodwa asingayilapho.

➢ (I am not MaBhuvange… just that we seem to be forgetting a lot)

Her: Karabo, he is your father and you know you need to follow his steps very

Me: Ngokukhulu ukuyzithoba, angiyowayenza lawo masimba MaKhoza…

angiyobuthatha ubukhosi

➢ (With all due respect, I will not do that bullshit MaKhoza. I won’t take over the

Her: Yilapho uyilahla khona… awubukhethi ubukhosi… uzalwa nabo… Karabo, they
are always consequences to one’s actions.

➢ (That is were you get too confused. You do not choose to be from royalty, you
are born with it. Karabo, they are consequences to one’s actions)

Me: What do you mean?

Her: Rejecting royalty may come with very life affecting impacts… you might lose
everything, ranging from the companies, money, mine shares, your brothers and
even worse, your very loved one, like Ntokozo…

Me: Why do you all keep adding Ntokozo to this? I mean, you haven’t even met

Her: Ngane yami, angilalanga ngamasokisi amanzi. i have once been your age. You
know that mos. Royalty is connected and it revolves around the ancestors. Don’t
ruin your life Leon kaMaKhoza… think of it carefully ngane yami.

I just look at her… thinking of what she just said… i don’t know what to make up
of this.

Her: (smiling) So when am I gonna see my makoti?

Me: (chucking) Soon Ma…

Her: Do you really love her?

Me: (thinking of her) More than anything… you have no idea Ma…

Her: (smiling) I do actually… I have never seen you this in-love. She really is the

Me: I just want to wife her and make her mine officially. Just that I want to do
things accordingly… I mean I am going to be her virginity taker.

She looks at me…

Her: (laughing) Hehehe… so ungitshela ukuthi wena you haven’t been getting
some for 2 months? Wow… this girl got you walking on thin ice. I am already
loving her. Qhubeka.
➢ (Hehehe… so you telling me that you haven’t been getting some for two
months? Wow… this girl got you walking on thin ice. I am already loving her.
go on)

Me: (laughing) Yooh Ma… it is hard especially when I am with her… Khoza gets
extremely excited down there, thinking of what I am goi…

Her: (interrupting) Yeyi… too much info. I am still your mom not your peer…

Me: (laughing) Sorry Ma… to be honest, I support you, with the wedding but if he
breaks your heart again, I will be forced to forget that he is my father.

Her: (laughing) I know and ngiyabonga ngane yam…

➢ (I know and thank you, my child)

We then carry on talking and all…

Insert #16



I am now at home and man I am shit exhausted. Mom called the clan over and we
had a mini braai day. They still on Ntokozo’s 21 ceremony that took over. Hayi, I
doubt we will ever get over that one, FUCK I am still whipped up.

I am done showering. I wore my nightwear, with is a sleep cargo short and

slippers and I head downstairs to grab a can of Heinekeen. I then call MaDladla…
she picks up on the third ring…


Her: (breathing heavily) Mkhathini

Me: MaMhlophe… unjani?

➢ (MaMhlophe, how are you?)

Her: Ngikhathele bo… unjani sthandwa sami?

➢ (Quite exhausted… and how are you, my love?

Me: NgiRyt… wenzani lapho sewuphefumulela phezulu so?

➢ (I am alright. Your breathing rate is very high, what are you doing there?)

Her: Ngisanda kubuya from eKhaya… manje bengisanyuka namaSUITCASE

ngiyaEroomini lami

➢ (I just arrived from home, now I am going up the stairs with my suitcases, to
my room)

Me: Hawu… bengicabange ukuthi uzongiPhonela njena?

➢ (I thought you were going to call so that I can fetch you?)

Her: Khululeka sthandwa… Ngibuyiswe uDaddy.

➢ (Don’t worry my love. Dad brought me back.)

Me: so you fixed things with your dad?

Her: Nope… they automatically fixed themselves… mamela sthandwa, awuthi

ngithi ukuyolala, ngiyasebenza ksasa…

➢ (nope, they automatically fixed themselves. Listen baby, let me finish with
that I am doing and sleep. I have work tomorrow)

Me: Okay Mgabadeli… ulale kahle… ngiyakuthanda yezwa nhliziyo?

➢ (Okay Mgabadeli… goodnight. I love you, okay?)

Her: (giggling) I know. Goodnight Karabo


I can’t just tell her, not now. Where am I gonna start with it futhi… I need to talk
to Itumelang.
Insert #17



New day. New week and an old me. I am at work as per usual and I am with Lina.
Lungie is off today so it is just me and Lina. I am standing with her and we are
catching up…

Lina: Mtase, you haven’t told me about you showing up at 11pm last night… what

Me: work happened ntwana… as you see too.

Her: Are you sure?

Me: Yeah, why?

Her: I am just asking…

Me: Mxm… yazi i am super tired and hungry. I didn’t have enough time to eat this
morning. I only had my pineapple and oat milk smoothie.

Her: (laughing) Let’s go get something to eat… they will cover for us laba…

I smile and we leave. We head to Checker’s Hyper and we get something to eat.
Lina gets fast foods and all and I decide to go for a Pineapple and mixed berries
fruit palate with plain yoghurt and a Monster Zero sugar Taurine Energy drink and
mineral water. We pay and we head back. On our way back, some guy comes to
Lina. The guy looks like Karabo but like a dark version and he has waves instead.
Wait, I am very sure I have seen him somewhere, not sure where though.

The guy: (smiling) Ladies…

I just look at him in shock…

Lina: (pissed off) What do you want Thabang?

Him: (smirking) Hawu, kodwa MaNgwane… sengenzeni?

➢ (But MaNgwane, what have I done?)

Whoa… the voice. Hayi marn? This has to be a prank. I think Karabo tanned his
skin then cut his hair to prank me… I know right? It is crazy… Mize me… I am
hyperventilating… I then rub my eyes then look at him again, then look around.

Lina: Ntokozo, this is Thabang… he is Karabo’s brother.

I told you…. I wasn’t hyperventilating… okay, I know it is the opposite of what I

said but it counts since it involves Karabo

Thabang: (smiling) we meet again, Nkosazane. Umuhle ugcoke imvunulo uphinde

ubemuhle noma ugcoke okwamangisi.

➢ (We meet again, Miss. You look beautiful in your cultural attire and also rock
the modern casual clothing)

The Ceremony!!! That is where I know him from. The one that was leading the
song!!! OMG! These people look great when they are wearing casual.

Me: (smiling) Thank you and likewise.

He then pulls me in for a hug and his aura is a bit lighter than Karabo’s. Now I am
convinced that it is not him, the cologne too. I then pull away.
Income call…

Me: (smiling) Excuse me… I have to take this… Malindz, uzongithola esgodini.
Thabang, it is a pleasure to meet you.

Lina: Okay lovey…

Thabang: Likewise MaVezi…

I then leave and answer the call…

Income Call: Unknown


Me: MaVezi, hello?

Him: I can never get enough of that voice…

Me: (Laughing) Ohh wow… unjani kodwa Mkhathini?

➢ (Ohh wow… how are you Mkhathini?)

Him: Khana ngibaRyt ngoba ngikhuluma nawe sthandwa sami… wena unjani?

➢ (I feel better now since I am talking to you my love. How are you?)

Me: (giggling) Wow… ngiyaphila nami.

➢ (wow… I am also good)

Him: (serious tone) Sthandwa sam, ngizohlula ngizokulanda when you knock off…
I need to show you something.

➢ (My love, I will pick you up after you knock off. I need to show you
Me: I wonder

Him: it is a surprise… ngiyakuthanda yezwa nhliziyo?

➢ (It is a surprise. I love you, okay?)

Me: (giggling) I know. Bye baby.


I hold the phone against my chest after I hung up.

Me: (inside) I love you too Karabo.




I am currently in the office, signing documents and shit. I just got off the call with
Ntokozo and I must say, her voice just lightened my day. I can’t help but smile to
myself as I imagine her perfect smile, big baby eyes and her fluffy lashes….

Voice: Yeses, she got you smiling like an idiot yho and it doesn’t look good at all…

I raise my head and I see Itumelang…

Me: (laughing) ahh Fokof wena…

Him: (laughing) Ngiyadlala

He then sits on the chair opposite me and puts the files on the table…

Him: (laughing) Monna… ngwana ole utshweri sa ruri

➢ (My man, that girl got you whipped, big time)

Me: (chuckling) Yeses monna, hape ke marato fela…

➢ (Yeses my man, I am in-love)

Him: Hawu bari maZulu… afa amabhinca ebona izintombi…

➢ (Zulus say, “The death of bachelors by the sight of virgins)

Me: (laughing) O tomile ankere?

➢ (You starting, you see?)

Him: (laughing) Mara ntwana on a serious note, what happened to Bachelors for
life? Ke Thapelo, Thabang, nou ke wena? Aowa… re hit.ile ground floor serious.

Me: (chuckling) Thina sithi basigudluzile…

➢ (All we say is that… we really hit ground floor)

Him: impela sigudlukile…

➢ (For real)

Well, Itumelang is Tswana-Ndebele. He also has a very fluent tongue when

speaking or communicating Zulu, Ndebele, Swati and Tswana. We prefer speaking
Zulu and Ndebele more than Tswana or Sotho… you know, father issues.

Me: Thola intombi, uzothola why sigudlukile.

➢ (find yourself a woman then you will understand why we hit ground floor)

Him: Mxa… Bachelor life is better. We fuck, drink and no strings attached.

Me: (chuckling) Selikhulumile igwala

➢ (Spoken like a weak man)

Him: hayi eyi Voestek

I laugh it off…

Him: How did the meeting with your mom go yesterday?

Me: (serious face) It was okay… net nje she keeps reminding me of the throne…

Him: What did she say?

Me: She says I know what I have to do otherwise, I will suffer unburiable
Him: Hmmm, Bafo… this is getting too far. You need to listen to them

Me: Weehhh

Him: Karabo, me and you know ukuthi that throne is your birthright. The throne
does not come from your father, but it is passed on to you from your father. It
comes from the ancestors and me and you know that the ancestors are more
than capable to take away everything you love in order for them to make you

I just look at him

Him: Karabo, if you keep on acting like this, you will suffer and it won’t only affect
you but other people you love.

Me: how bad are the after-effects of not taking it?

Him: They are hella bad… we not only talking about riches or materialistic things
but you may lose the one you love the most… not just lose, we talking about
death lah Bafo.

I look at him…

Him: Yes… the ancestors do this to put you in a very tight space. They want you to
be at your weakest, like want you to see them as your only way out.

I just look at him then at the view.

Him: (getting up to leave) Weigh your decisions well Bafo. Mina, I have work to

He then leaves… I then decide to make a phone call….


Him: my long lost son

Me: Mokwena

Him: What do I owe this call?

Me: Ke kopa kopano le wena.

➢ (Can we meet up?)

Him: I am currently in Botswana ngwanake

Me: I don’t mind coming there

Him: This must be serious since it is making you come back this side

Me: I will be that side on Friday…

Him: (laughing) Okay


It is about time I did the right thing before I cause any damage.



I have knocked off and I am on my way to the parking lot to meet Karabo. Lina is
long gone so I can be okay with leaving. I get to the parking lot and I find him
leaning on the bonnet of his BMW i8 and he is so sexy. He is wearing black cargo
pants with a white long sleeve t-shirt with ankle length AirForces. Man, Aunt
Lwabo was telling the truth when she said he is a Greek God.

As I appear, he smiles. I couldn’t help but smile too.

Him: (smiling) Ntokozo…

Wait… wait… what? What did this man just fucken call me?

Me: What the fuck did you just call me?

Him: (clueless) Ntokozo

Me: (breathing heavily) Hayi, ngiyalingwa impela

➢ (I am being tested for real)


Me: (calming down) Okay Karabo Leon Mokoena

Him: (pulling my hand) Wait, why are you calling me by ,my full name?

Me: What? Is there something wrong with that?

Him: You called me Karabo Leon Mokoena

Me: Isn’t it your name?

Him: it is but like…

Me: “But” what Karabo?

Him: Baby

Me: No what was so hard from the start?

Him: (laughing) I knew that was gonna get you.

Me: (angry) Mxm…

Him: Angik’zwanga?

Me: Mxm…

He then starts tickling me.

Me: (laughing) Karabo!!!! Stop!!! Hayi mrn!!!


Me: (still laughing) Okay!!! Okay… okay!!! Sorry!!!

He then finally stops. Yeses, I hate it when he does that. He proceed to biting my
neck, gently though. I squeal.

He pulls me in for a kiss, a deep one for that fact. His lips are cold but I get the
scent of weed with is cologne; best smell ever. Wait… he smokes kanti?

Me: (pulling away) What a warm welcome…

Him: (chuckling) I guess I missed you so much

Me: (Smirking) I know and I missed you kodwa kancane

Him: (pulling me close again) oh really?

Me: (giggling) uhm…

He then kisses me again. He is sucking on my lower lip and that feels good hle. He
then pulls away.

Him: Let’s go…

He then opens the door for me then goes by his side and the engine comes to life
then left.

As we are driving, I notice we are not going to Soweto, instead we heading

towards Sandton. Then I see a sign saying Sandhurst and he off Ramps…. Wait, is
he taking me to his house? In Sandhurst?!!! Aowa…

We get there and he drives in a very big mansion. They are even guards here. The
yard is huge hle… the front of it for sure takes up 5 or 6 houses in Soweto. I know
right? I swear… I am not exaggerating. The lawn here is very green, I think it is
artificial… but it is being watered… hayi I don’t know anymore. The porch here is
so breath taking and the fountain is so huge and perfectly. Can I get a pump
‘cause I am out of breath?!!!

He then parks the car and we get out. He takes my hand and we enter the house.
Shit!!! You got to be kidding me… no, is this man a millionaire or a billionaire?
Yeses… buka, black interior, furniture is spaced out kahle and it is Italian style
furniture in white and grey. Yeses… it is like those houses from Top Biling and the
Real Estate TV shows.

Me: (in my mind) keep your cool, Ntokozo. Don’t give him the satisfication

Him: Welcome to my man cave.

Me: Man cave? More like a Palace.

I lost it, right?! Damnit!!!

He laughs and I just keep roaming my eyes around. Man, this house even has
architecture on the interior. He then leads me to the kitchen. It seems to be the
only room so far with a white interior. The tiles are white, the walls are tiled too
with small white tiles. The door is white too. The countertops are pure black
granite stone and the counters are white… exceptional!!! I sit on the high kitchen
chairs that are white and he then presses those no handle-mirror fridges and it is
so full and so nearly packed.

Him: Would you like anything to drink or eat?

Me: Black berries

Him: (smiling) only?

Me: yes

He smiles and he then hands me the berries. I thank him and I eat the berries. He
is drinking his Heineken, leaning on the counter top by the sink, looking at me.

Me: it is rude to stare, you know?

Him: Sorry, I didn’t realize I was staring

Me: what’s wrong?

Him: Nothing…

Me: Are you sure?

Him: yes… so what do you wanna do?

He is giving me the mischievous look… aowa …

Me: why did you bring me here?

Him: hawu… I thought you would like it

Me: No no no, I don’t like it, I love it… just nje, ngiCurious.

Him: I wanted you to know where I live so that you know where your home is too.
What’s mine is yours Sthandwa Sami…

A smile forms on my face.

Him: yeah… what to do now?

Me: Karabo… Mina I have to work tomorrow and I didn’t even bring my
Nightwear, nor toiletries.

Him: you will use mine.

Me: What?!

Him: Yeah… I mean, you are my wife after all. I will drop you at home tomorrow
morning so you can change…

Me: Hawu kodwa bawo wakhetha ungipha isilima sendoda pho

➢ (Oh god, you just chose to give me an idiot of a man)

Him: (laughing) isilima osithanda ngenhliziyo yakho yonke.

➢ (An idiot that you love whole heartedly)

Me: (laughing) says who?

Him: (holding his chest) Ouch!!!

I look at him and we both burst into laughter. He then walks my way and he sits
on the high kitchen chair next to me. He then holds my hand.

Him: (serious) on a serious note, ngiyakuthanda MaMhlophe, kakhulu futhi

➢ (On a serious note, I love you MaMhlophe, a lot.)

Me: (pouting) I don’t believe you.

Him: (chuckling) Njani manje?

➢ (How so?)

Me: (laughing) kahle.

He laughs…

Him: I want you to meet my parents

Me: Isn’t that too soon?

Him: well, technically, it is not. I mean, I have introduced a lot of friends to


Me: (looking away nervous) Ohh, so I am one of the homies?

Him: (chuckling) nah… not like that (stroking me chin, making me look at him)
wena, ao motswale waka… wena o le garebe laka.

➢ (You… you are not just my friend… you are my woman)

I look at him, blushing like hell.He got up, grabbed my neck gently and he kissed
me. The kiss gets more intense. No, it can’t. I pull away…

Me: (looking down shyly) I need the restroom…

Him: (chuckling) Afterwards, I’m gonna make you mine officially.

I then run upstairs without thinking…

Him: (chuckling) Do you even know where you going? Or where the bathroom is?
Me: (running upstairs) I will get it… I mean, it can not be that far…

I then run up and I start looking for the bathroom. Dude, I am about to piss
myself. I check the rooms on the passage and just as I thought I got it as it was the
last room on the passage, it is not it. I look and I see two other passages. Haaaa!!!
How big is this house? When will I get the bathroom? I then shout…

Me: (shouting) Karabo, where is the restroom kanti? I am dying

He then comes rushing upstairs and he shows me it while laughing. He thinks it is

funny? Anyways, I do my business and as I wash my hands and look at myself on
the mirror, I just burst into laughter. Ntokozo, you better think of excuses to tell
to avoid having intercourse without being Sus about being a virgin. My life hey… I
dry my hands and I head out. As I head downstairs, I heard Karabo, talking…

Him: I don’t have another choice… I have to take the throne…. It is the only way to
avoid disaster…. After the wedding, I will have to send bo malume koDladla…. I
want her by my side…. I will just have to tell her… Thapelo, I sai…

Okay, I have heard enough….

Me: (opening the door) Tell me what?

His eyes then widen in shock…

Him: Monna, re tla boa.

➢ (Man, we will talk.)

He then turns his entire attention to me.

Him: Were you eardroping?

Me: Tell me what Karabo?


Me: You are a prince and you didn’t think of telling me…

Him: I didn’t think it is a big deal ….

Me: Don’t patronize me Karabo!!! It is a big deal. You have royal blood for Christ

Him: Don’t raise your voice on me

ME: Don’t tell me that Leon!!!

He is looking at me as if I am crazy. Nigga is even chuckling.

Me: Hayibo Karabo!!! So all along you busy hiding such big things from me?! Dodi
muni lona?!

➢ (What utter nonsense?!)

Him: Ntokozo

Me: Yini awungithembi?!! Ncono siye…

➢ ( what? Don’t you trust me?! rather we call it quits…)

Him: (serious face) Ntokozo, angisiyona ingane… ungangenzi ngikusukumisele

isandla. If you wanna solve an issue with me, you need to respect me at all times
and I do the same, now sit.

➢ (Ntokozo, I am not a child… Don’t make me raise my hand on you)

I look at him and I sit on the bed while he leans on the mirror table opposite the

Him: Yes, I am from royalty… Tswana kingdom. My roots are at Botswana. I am a

prince but it is a long story. I actually don’t wanna be but situation at hand, I am
forced to take it.

I just look at him blankly. I can’t believe what I have put myself in. This is
ridiculous. I then stare into space. This is becoming too much. That… that was just
a bombshell drop.

Me: Wow…

Him: you may not understand but you will one day. For now, I need you more
than ever. What I witnessed today actually disappointed me. I never knew you
would be like this

Ohh so he is now putting it on me? Wow… let me keep quiet.

Him: I hope it doesn’t happen again. They are civilised ways of solving problems
you know? When you come with anger, you disrespecting me and I hate being

That last part was very intimidating. It came with a beast. He then stands and
comes close to me and bends over Infront of me, facing me.

Him: I need you to be my pillar of strength… I need you to be my light in

darkness… my rose in daisies… my orange in lemons…

Me: (laughing) Orange in lemons? Real smooth.

Him: (laughing) hawu…

Me: I will… I will be your orange in lemons…

Him: Lioness

Me: Ruthless.

We laugh and I hug him while seated and I run my fingertips through his head. I
can’t get over how handsome this person next to me is…
Insert #20



It is around 4 am and Ntokozo has been showering. I am just thinking of how bad I
am with my father… hayi no…. Let me not lie to y’all … I am actually thinking of
the heists I have been doing with my brothers. If Ntokozo reacted the way she did
with just the prince thing, I guess if she finds out about the illegal threads of the
family, she will leave me. Bluuubluuuubluuu

Her: Karabo, may I have the toiletries you went out for last night.

Yeses… she covered herself with a white short towel. Hayi ngeke mfana…
sinyamezela njani Uma beyenza kanje…

(Wow, no marn. How do we be patient with them when they keep dong such
around us?)

Her: Karabo

Her: Karabo!!!

Me: Uhhm… oh… he just… whoa, konje ubuthini?

➢ (uhhm… oh, he just… wait, what were you saying again?)

Her: Toiletries

I then get up and hand her and she walks to the bathroom. Haii…. When the devil
can’t reach you, he will send a virgin that you love so dearly… haii…
She then come out wearing my Navy blue cargo pants with my Navy blue long
sleeve t-shirt (tunked in style), her sneakers, tied her hair to a high ponytail and
she wore one of my roofless caps and she is wearing that Rolex watch I bought
her the other day. Man, she looks so perfect on my clothes… they are not tight
nor too loose. She killed it…

Me: (Smirking and hugging her from behind) yeses… this is the best site ever…

Her: (giggling) I think I will be stealing your clothes more now…

Me: (laughing# What’s mine is yours…

She the laughs… I turn her around to face me…

Me: Ngiyakuthanda yezwa hliziyo?

➢ (I love you, my heart)

Her: uthandwa yimina Mkhathini

➢ (I love you more, Mkhathini)

I then kiss her. She gives in too. My arms tangle around her waist while hers run
on my chest. I then touch her ass and I feel her heart beating faster like she is
nervous. I then move them back to the waist. Yep, I have a virgin with me. I


I am now at work… well, I decided to wear his clothes since he refused to take me
back last night.

Just as I enter, my colleagues look at me with shock. Yes, his clothes are making
me look like those New York baddies plus my beauty just enhanced the outfit. I
know… I just carried on walking to the back so that I can start working. No man, I
don’t like these eyes at all… as I put my things down and check my phone, the
door swings open… Lina and Lungile rush in like mad women. They are so messed
up. Well, I arrived first today so I assumed they ran here. Lungile is tearing up and
Lina is so livid but shaky.

Lina: Ntokozo…

Me: What’s wrong? Did you run from Soweto to Mall Of The South?

Lungile: yho… (hands on her head) Ntoko, uKarabo…

She keeps breaking

Me: What did he do now?

Lina: (breathing heavily) he… he was…

Me: Are y’all gonna talk or…?

Lungile takes out his phone and hands it to me. It is the BBC News… it is a podcast

“Breaking news… Tswana prince, owner of Bakwena Holdings, Karabo Mokwena

was shot down today in the morning outside his house… “

Me: (panicking) No no no no no…

I then rush out, running pass my colleagues with Lina and Lungi behind me. When
I get to the lot, I stop in frustration not know what to do.

Lina: (getting in a car) Come on!!!

We all tum to it and we enter… she tells the driver to take us to the destination…
when did she get time to request?

Anyways, we get there… it is in Sandton… those fancy expensive hospitals… we

rush in, heading upstair. When we get to the waiting room, we find lots of people
there… estimated to 15 and I spot guards too and we see Thabang amongst them.

Me: Sanibonani

➢ (Greetings)

Lina and Lungile: Sanibonani

➢ (Greetings)

Them: yebo/ ngwanake/ hello/ sho/ MaVezi/Dumela/ Ngane yami.

Thabang: Ntokozo

I am honestly holding back tears… I told yall, I don’t want people to see me crying.
I instantly feel weak. Tears are a sign of weakness.

He then rushes to us…

Me: How is he?

Him: The doctors haven’t communicated with us yet. .

Me: Eish…

I say sitting on the edge of chair with my hands on my thighs, facing down. I am
trying so hard not to shake my legs with anxiety. Lina is talking with Thabang and
Lungile is comforting me. Lina then comes back…

Her: Sweety, we are needed at work… we gonna have to leave you here…
I just smile while nodding.

Lungile: (hugging me) He will be fine… have faith.

Words fail me… I just smile, pushing my tears away.

Lina: You know it is not a bad thing to cry?

I just smile it off… they then leave… I completely feel numb. It is as if I didn’t eat…
An average woman then comes to me. She sits next to me…

Her: (smiling) Don’t worry mngani ami… he will be okay. Let’s have faith.

I just smile but tears keep pushing… I then look down again… she then holds my
thigh in reassurance…

Her: it is okay to cry my child. I know how it feels.

I just smile… she then leaves.




It is now 21h30… or 22h00, eish, I honestly don’t know. I didn’t check carefully
and still no sign of the doctors. Thabang and the other brother, who I assume is
Thapelo have been check up on me. But I just kept smiling at them only with
words failing me again and again and again. Lungi and Lina have been ringing me
but I just didn’t have the strength of talking so did my family. I saw his sister who
is the lady from Sportscene the other day. And his father too, who has been
throwing tantrums at the nurses and staff members.

I am still seated here, on the same position but with his sister. She is holding my
hand so tight in reassurance. They are very generous, considering the situation at
hand. Thapelo then comes to us.

Him: (serious face) anything you will need?

Oratile: Energy Drink…

Him: Ntokozo?

Me: I will be okay thanks.

Him: you haven’t consumed anything the entire day… that is not good for your

Oratile: yeah… you need to have something…

Me: Water will do.

He smiles then head out.

Oratile: you really do love him nerh?

Me: You have no idea…

Her: (smiling) he does too… and I see you wearing him today. Don’t even try to
deny it… that cargo he loves it so dearly. It is definitely his

Me: (chuckling) I guess I am bursted

She laughs and I just smile.

Me: is the whole family here?

Her: yes and his friends too.

Me: So they flew from Botswana?

Her: Well, dad did along with The guards… Tumiso flew from Durban and the rest
of us are just around here and I am situated in Rustenburg.

Me: Wow…

Her: it might seem overly dramatic but we take care of our loved ones more than

I just smile…

The doctor then heads to us and everyone rushes to her. She is an old white lady.
I remain seated as everyone rushes to her. I mean, I don’t wanna seem like a
forward person. Like what will I say if they ask me what am I to him? Girlfriend?
Soze ngahlambalaza ibito likaBaba ebukhosini…

(I will never drag my father’s name on mud, especially in royals)

Doc: Mokoena family… Mr Karabo Mokoena is okay. We just took out the bullet
on his shoulder girdle. The shoulder is functional but the blood circulation was
disturbed a bit. But with enough massaging, it will be back to normal.

His dad: When will he be discharged?

Doc: Tomorrow morning as we still monitoring other affected areas and infection.

His mom: Can we see him?

Doc: Yes you can… but he kept on saying Lioness … a pet I assume?

The brothers and his sister all turn to me with smiles and some are laughing…

Tumuso: (laughing) Nope, it is his girlfriend.

I look at them then his parents who are smiling at me… even his father is smiling
at me but not too broadly. I stand up…

Thabang: (laughing) Lioness wakhe… go see him

I hesitate….

His mom: (smiling with tears) Iya kuye ngane yam

➢ (Go see him, my child)

I smile nervously and I follow the doctor.

Thabang: (laughing) Tell him that he is a pain in the ass. .

I smile and I carry on walking. We get to his ward and the doctor opens the door
for me. I bump into Thapelo and another guy. They rush out of the ward…

I enter and I am immediately met by his perfect smile.

Doc: Let me leave you to it …

She says smiling and closing the door. We are now left alone. Seeing him with that
bandage on his shoulder and the drip just broke me. I know how it feels. I walk up
to his side and I sit by the chair next to the bed.

Me: You just had to request for Lioness?

Him: (laughing) I am sure it got you on the edge of unease.

Me: it was worse than that… (he laughs) everyone stared at me and I felt like I
was gonna throw up my heart.

Him: (laughing) I wanted to distract you from the situation at hand so I thought
and thought and then it rang a bell… when she is uneasy, she forgets about her
issues then she focuses on the one putting her at an uncomfy place.

Me: (laughing) Wow…. But are you okay? Does it hurt? Do you need anything?
Should I…..

Him: (Smirking) I want put you in 20 positions in 24 seconds…

My eyes then widen and I adjust my sitting arrangement. Wow… I….uhm….

Him: (laughing) See… I told you. You look very hot when you are unease.

I laugh… he then pats the side of his bed, signaling for me to sit next to him… I do
as requested and he then looks deep into my eyes…
Him: Sthandwa Sami…. I’m okay. It is just minor injury. I know you were worried…

My stomach grumbles… ahhh… the embarrassment.

Him: (touching my tummy while laughing) and you weren’t eating too…

Me: (laughing nervously) not my fault… it is yours Mr.

Him: (laughing) I take full responsibility for that but Sthandwa… I wanna change
that now…

Wait… what does he mean? Then Thapelo enters, along with the brothers only. I
try to get off the bed but he tightens his grip around my waist.

Him: MaDladla, Vezi, Kweyama, Mgabadeli owaGabadela inkundla

zakwaBulawayo… I am nothing without you. Today has taught me that the future
is not promised to anyone. You being here shows and defines Love through thick
and thin, through happiness and sadness. You are one in a kind MaMhlophe.
Angiyona indoda yamagama kodwa ngiyakuthanda MaMhlophe. Ngalokho

Thapelo then hands him a small box… wait is he… no… anything can be in a small
box… he opens it.

Him: (looking deep into my eyes) Shiza likaNdaba… ngenze indoda emadodeni
ungivumele ngithumele abakhongi kini? Iba uMrs Mokoena wami.

➢ (Shiza likaNdaba, make me a man amongst men… allow me to send my uncles

to your home? Be my Mrs Mokoena.)

Me: (tearing up) Ha weMa…. Leon… I… uhm… ye…ye…

Words are failing me again… I just nod countless times…

Him: (chuckling) Mrs Mokwena?

Me: (still crying) Yes… ngiyavuma Mokoena.

➢ (Yes… I accept Mokoena)

He then puts the ring on my finger and he kisses me… deeply. The brothers then
start cheering up and his sister starts ululating. His mom and dad enter too… his
mom ulululating too and his father smiling and showing a proud gesture. Karabo
then pulls away and wipes my tears away with his thumbs…

Him: ngiyakuthanda nhliziyo…

➢ (I love you, my heart)

Me: (smiling) uthandwa yimina Mokoena.

➢ (I love you more Mokoena)

His mom then comes to us and she hugs me so tight… she is tearing up…

Her: (happy tone) ohh… makoti wami… I am so happy

I just flash a Colgate smile while tearing up too. She then hugs Karabo. His sister
then hugs me too, very tight.

Her: Finally I will have someone to call makoti and Sisi

I smile and hug her tighter. Then his father walks up to me and I get to my feet.
Karabo is laughing at me being unease and so are his brothers.
King Mokwena: Ngwanake

➢ (My child)

Me: (looking down)

Don’t judge… I didn’t know what to say. He is a king for crying out loud. I am
panicking but I don’t show it.

Him: Welcome to the Mokoena Family…

He then opens his arms for me to hug him… I am so shocked right now… I feel
tears falling down my cheeks and I hug him.

Me: Ngiyabonga…

Then the brothers hug me too…

Tumiso: Welcome to the Family Ntokozo

Thapelo: welcome to the family MaVezi

Thabang: Ngwana…. Welcome man..

I laugh and he hugs me….

His mom: Hayibo Thabang…

Then one of the friends who is the remaining hugs me…

Him: Welcome marn.

He then laughs and Karabo laughs too …

Karabo: That’s Itumelang, the ride or die partner in crime

Me: Ohh nice to meet you…

Karabo then pulls me to him and he starts rubbing my tummy…

Him: (whispering) We got to make a plan to feed this buddie here.

Itumelang: Are you expecting?

Me: Hay…

Karabo: yes.

What is he saying…. Is he planning on embarrassing me? His mom is laughing so

so hard while the men in the room go shock.

Thabang: Aowa… Waste no time hey?

Karabo: wa tseba mos

➢ (You know)

His mom: he is just playing with you… Ntokozo is not pregnant… not broken.

I then realised what she meant… I then cover my head with my hands in

Me: (louder than I thought) O modimo ame.

➢ (Oh my god)
They all laugh and Karabo keeps rubbing my tummy.I guess tears are not a sign of




It has been two days since the engagement and I was discharged yesterday. The
doctor said I needed someone to be there to help me out and monitor my
recovery and I came to the best decision ever… Ntokozo should be my nurse and
doctor til my recovery… perfect idea, right?

Yes, she lives with me but for now… she hasn’t made a decision in staying with
me so I guess it is temporary. Anyways, I am walking downstairs when I spot her
by the kitchen, cooking. She is wearing a long nude silk skirt and a white shoulder-
off long sleeve top. She also tied a headwrap on her head, a white and green one.
I walk to her and I hug her from behind, kissing her shoulder…

Me: I can get used to this…

Her: (giggling) Not at all… it is just temp…

Me: (laughing) you just had to rub it in?

Her: (turning around to face me) I aim to please…

We then laugh… I then kiss her. Her lips taste like sweet cherry syrub and
blackberries… she then pulls away…

Me: (laughing) someone has been eating my berries…

Her: (laughing) well, your trees outside just kept calling me and I know you know
that I love them…

Me: (laughing) and cherry syrub?

Her: Don’t judge…

Me: (perking her lips) Thank you for the lovely tasting…

I then leave and head to the living room to watch TV…


It is now 7pm and I am done for the day… Karabo has eaten and he went for a
shower. I am just left here, eating Blackberries. Well, I just love them… One of my
childhood fav’s. I am listening to Serial Lover by Kehlani when it hits me that I
haven’t told my family about the engagement… I then decide to Videocall Ma…
she answers on the second ring…


Me: Mama…

She is with everyone… I then show off my left hand… broadcasting the ring. She
then ululates. Sihle and Thando snatch the phone away from her.

Sihle: when did it happened?

Thando: Where did it happen and how?

Me: (laughing) Yesterday… at the hospital and through love…

Sihle: Hehehe… so uMokoena ujika ezulwini and all he thinks of is making you his
officially? Wow…

➢ (hehehe… so Mokoena almost died and all he thinks of is making you his,
officially? Wow)

Dad: Hayi nini… Ngane yam?

He then takes the phone from them and heads to a quiet place…

Dad: Ziyane likaBaba… tell me everything

I explain everything to him… every single detail from Sportscene to the ward…

Dad: Well, I am not surprise by the fact that he is a prince but let me ask you this…

Me: okay?

Him: I know Karabo loves you but now you… do you love him MaVezi?

Me: (smiling unexpected and tearing up) More than anything baba… I love
Mokoena so dearly. (pushing the tears away by looking up) I love him so much
baba… I think I have found my first and…

Him: (Smiling) Last love… I see that you love him my child. I can see by the tears.
You have never cried in front of us nor anyone… I know ngane yam.

Tears just fell down uncontrollable…

Him: If it is this case and no one is forcing you then you have my full support
ngane yam… Ngiyazigxenya ngawe Shandu kaNdaba… You have grown up and
proved that you are one in the kind. You are brave, independent, fearless,
stubborn, very challenging, beautiful and intelligent. Ngane yami, you really did
prove me wrong. I thought you will be a daddy’s girl and forever be dependent on
me and your mom but you proved me wrong, completely. I’m proud of you

Me: (tearing up) Ngiyabonga baba…

Him: okay ngane yam… awuthi ngiyocima lo mlilo olaphakathi… uyamazi?

➢ (let me go calm your mom down… you know her?)

Me: (laughing) Okay baba… Good night…


I then feel his presence again. I turn to face him and he is standing there, looking
at me with the most perfect smile I have ever seen in my life. I am still tearing up.
He then opens his arms for me to hug him. I just throw myself in his embrace… he
is hugging me so tight with reassurance…

Him: Ngiyakuthanda MaMhlophe and I will also do…


Him: And never doubt my love for you, yezwa?

Me: (smiling)

Him: yezwa?

Me: (happy tone) Yebo Mokwena

He then kisses me…




It is now 13h07 and I am at home with Ntokozo. We are cuddling on the long
couch and watching Netflix… just quality time with my woman… just the two of us
with no sex, of course… mara I am telling you, they day I get her, I am gonna make
sure uhlala eWheelch….

Nto: Ucabangani engaka?

➢ (What are you thinking off?)

Me: Lutho… just how blessed I am.

➢ (Nothing, just how blessed I am)

Her: (giggling) I wonder… now stop moving endlessly, you pulling the blanket
away from me.

Me: Is the blanket necessary though?

Her: Yes… it is raining and cold. That shoulder of yours need to be kept warm
otherwise, the pain will make you forget that you are a man…

Me: (laughing) Not you, being micromanaging…

Her: (laughing) Let’s just say… (looking up at me) I am an expert…

Me: (looking down at her) Okay, expert yami… what are we gonna eating for

Her: (thinking) I can make sandwiches or burgers?

Me: Burgers sound nice… but I really wanted a real meal, like usu neDombolo…
➢ (Burgers sound nice, but I really want a real meal, like Tripe and Dumplings.)

Her: (laughing) Hawu…. I mean, do you even have the ingridients?

Me: (rubbing my head) Eish… I don’t even have amaPatties…

Her: (still looking at me with her doddly big eyes) What’s there?

Me: (rubbing my head more) I don’t know yaz… I think we need a grocery trip to
the mall…

Her: (getting up) Okay… let me go and change…

Me: (looking at her) Hawu… why?

Her: (shocked) I can’t go to the stores, wearing leggings and a long sleeve crop
tee… leggings?

Me: Kunani… I mean we are even matching… what’s wrong?

Her: It is literally showing my entire body…

Me: (smirking) I mean… it is not a crime…

Her: (laughing) it is… now let me go and change to something less showing…

Me: (laughing) Okay sthandwa sami…

After a whole 10 minutes, she comes downstairs, wearing a long hugging dress. It
is green and she accommodated the look with her white puffy slippers, those with
an elastic on the ankles. She tied her hair to a ponytail… she is walking to me
while putting on her white fluffly crop jacket…

Her: Okay… im done

Me: (chuckling) Look at how beautiful you are…

I say, standing up and walking to her then I wrap my arms around her waist…

Her: (giggling) You always say that…

Me: Because you are too beautiful… no words can describe how beautiful you

Her: (giggling) Ngiyabonga Mokoena

➢ (Thank you Mokoena)

Me: (kissing her forehead) now shall we go?

Her: (giggling) Okay…

I hold her hand and we leave…


I am at Comaro Mall with Karabo. We are doing grocery shopping. I still can’t
believe this man has been living on takeaways for so long. Anyways, we are at
Food Lovers by the veggie section, I am busy ticking off things I took and those I
am taking…

Me: You know we could have just went to The Glen… Comaro is just an

Him: The Glen is always full… were you gonna be able to handle the looks?

Me: (sigh) Mmm… sounds reasonable… which Ice cream? Tin roof, cookies and
cream or vanilla?

Him: Tin Roof and Cookies and cream.

Me: (smiling) okay…

We take everything that was needed and he pays. He refused to let me pay. We
did stop by at Meat World and at Clicks for my toiletries… I’m about to have the
worse period pain ever. I haven’t told him that I am on my periods and I am not
gonna tell him… we also passed by at PNP for somethings too, including his

We are now at home and I was taking a shower, and I am now dressing. I took out
his Black Joggers, my black oversized hoodie and my white puffy slipers and I head
downstairs… my feet are super cold hey… ohh I forgot to tell y’all, Karabo’s
shoulder is better now… maybe 65% okay. When I get downstairs, he is nowhere
to be found…

Well, I feel tired right now so I will rest abit by the couch and I will cook when I
wake up in an hour or so… I take the blanket and I lay on the long couch




It is now 6pm and Nto has been sleeping. She is really exhausted hey, but I am
worried because her last meal was the breakfast palate.

I head to her and I admire her. She is so sweaty… Nah, she is not those sweaty
types plus it is a cold and rainy day. I shake her awake and she wakes up. Her eyes
are so lazy… I held her forehead and neck, to check her temperature. She is
boiling hot. I remove the blanket from her, carry her upstairs to our room and I
lay her on the bed. I then leave to go get her something to eat and fever pills, a
wet towel with peppermint oil and warm water. I then head up to the room. She
is holding her tummy for dear life. I wake up to her…

Me: Heyy, I brought you something to eat.

Her: (half smile) Thanks but I am not hungry…

Me: Sthandwa sami, you need to eat khona uzokhona ukuphuza amaPill.isi.

➢ (Baby, you need to eat so that you can be able to consume your pills)

She smiles and takes the food and she eats. Not much, just a few spoons of the
cereal. Aowa, don’t judge, I didn’t know what to do in such a short period of time.
I hand her the pills and she drinks them, still holding her stomach. She lies
backwards and I put the wet towel on her forehead…

Me: I will be back, okay?

She smiles and I leave the room. I immediately called Ma…


Her: Ngane yami

➢ (My child)

Me: MaKhoza, I need your help. Ntokozo is have a very terrible fever. What
should I do?

Her: Is she sweaty?

Me: yes

Her: does she have cramps?

Me: I think ‘cause she keeps pressing her stomach so hard.

Her: She is on her periods and she is having the severe cramps

Me: Yhoo…what should I do Mom?

Her: get her a hot water bottle and place it on her stomach. Not directly on her
skin Karabo. Make sure it is seeled Karabo. Get her period pain pills at Dis Chem.
Make sure she is warm… very warm. Socks are compulsory and blankets… avoid
giving her dairy products for now or cold stuff until she is better okay? And get
her amaHeat pads. The only dairy containing product you can get her is a dark
chocolate slab.

Me: Okay.

Her: Make sure she has socks on and the heater is on. She will feel like having cold
water, do not give her… only warm water for her to drink okay?

Me: Okay, thanks Ma

I rush to the kitchen, I turn the kettle on then I pour out the water onto the hot
water bottle. I fix up a bottle too for the warm water then I head upstairs to our
room. I find her kneeling down on the floor, holding her stomach. I rush to her

Me: (helping her get on the bed) Mama, come on let’s get on the bed.

As soon as I got her on the bed, I dress her feet with white warm socks and I lay
her backwards and I put the hot water bottle on her tummy. I make her drink the
water. She was very resistant on that part…

Me: (rubbing her tummy) Sthandwa sami, I will be back, okay?

Her: (In a low tone) Why ungishiya?

➢ (Why are you leaving me?)

Me: (smiling in worry) Baby, I need to get you pills for the cramps…

Her: (blinking her lazy eyes) Okay kerh…

I kiss her tummy and I put back the hot water bottle…

Me: (kissing her forehead) Ngiyakuthanda yezwa nhliziyo?

➢ (I love you, my heartbeat)

She nods and I then rush out… to Dis Chem

Karabo is back with thepills. He rushes in. I so hope he didn’t buy Neurophin
because those pills don’t work, trust me. He then gives me the pills with the
water. These are not Neurophins, I can tell by their two color. Thank God!!!

I drink the pills and he hands me a Dark chocolate… nchoo bakithi, iSthandwa
sami. He left the heater on so it was getting better. He then gets in the bed and
he places me in – between his legs on my back and he starts rubbing my tummy.

Me: Mmm… that’s so nice

I say, enjoying his rubs…

Him: (chuckling) I’m glad you like them…

Me: Thank you sthandwa sami… for everything

Him: (chuckling) No need to thank me MaMhlophe… it is my responsibility to keep

you safe and comfortable…

I look up at him and he kisses me… then he pulls out, still looking at me

Him: Ngiyakuthanda yezwa Nhliziyo?

➢ (I love you, heartbeat)

Me: I know.

Him: Ungalingabazi uthando lwami, yezwa?

➢ (Don’t ever doubt my love for you, okay?)

Me: (giggling) I won’t

He then kisses the top of my head…

Me: Wait… how did you pull all of this like a pro?

Him: (laughi) Ma helped and google

Me: (laughing) They did well hey?

Him: (chuckling) Hahaha… give me some credits already…

Me: (laughing) I will… just a little bit..

He laughs and I fall into a deep sleep in his embrace. I really do appreciate.




I just wake up but my eyes are still shut… I am just thinking of everything; how I
used to hate men, how I use to tell Karabo that I will never be his but here I am…
in his house, his room, his bed, his clothes, his arms… crazy, right? I know but I
guess mom was right.

Anyways, I feel eyes on me so I open my eyes and I find him looking at me with a
smile on his face…

Me: (sleepy voice) It is rude to stare yaz?

Him: (deep morning voice) If staring at my perfect lucky charm is a crime, then I
rather be arrested…

Me: (giggling) wow…

He then kisses my lips…

Him: Good morning MaVezi

Me: (smiling) Morning Mokoena

I then sit up… I didn’t realize that I was in his arms like so so so close. I then put on
my slippers…

Him: Hawu… usuyaphi?

➢ (Where are you going now?)

Me: Emergence freshening

Him: (chuckling) First drawer of the counter in the En-suite has all the
necessarities, okay?

Me: (smiling shyly) Thank you

Without even thinking, I rush in the En-suite and I shut the door quicker than
anything. I feel embarrassed, not because I am on my periods, no. I really
appreciate my periods, but a male figure knows when “My Time Of My Month is”
is just… nope.

Anyways, I decide to bath and I then wear my robe and I head out to the bedroom
and I find him on his phone, busy scrolling. I then decide to walk in his closet and I
take out his Nike black sweatpants, a Black Mokoena – Khoza hoodie with his
initials and I head back to the bathroom with the speed of 150km/per minute.

I come out dressed and he is looking at me with a smirk…

Him: (smirking) You love my clothes nerh?

Me: (sitting next to him) I love the scent of them and they are comfy too

Him: (chuckling) scent, she says.

I just laugh as he pulls me to him and I lay on his chest…

Him: To be honest, I enjoy seeing you wearing my clothes. It just makes me


Me: (laughing) You should also wear mine…

Him: Yho…

Me: (laughing) Haa Karabo

Him: Haa… Nto, imagine a whole me in heels and skirts and crop tops. Have you
even seen how small your tops are? I would suffocate. Your pants are better but I
ain’t wearing your clothes.

Me: (laughing really hard) Haa baby, okay atleast wear my heels for today…

Him: (letting go of me) Hayi, yabona

Me: (pulling him to me) Baby… ngiyakucela. Okay okay, for an hour

He gives me the “NO” look…

Me: I will cuddle you for the rest of the day…

Him: Okay, but for 5 minutes.

Me: 10?

He looks at me with the “NO” look again…

Me: (laughing) Okay 5 minutes then

I then leave for my room and I take out the Pencil platform black heels. 5 inch!!!
Listen, hear me out… such an opportunity comes once in a lifetime so I ain’t
gonna waste it. I wanna treasure every moment. I then head back to the room
and as I enter, he looks at me then my hands then his eyes widen…

Him: Hayi ngeke… is can’t be…

Me: (walking to him) Sthandwa sami… please hle…

Him: Haa… ncamane ngafa.. Ngeke Ntokozo, haa!!! Uyabona kodwa ukuthi
angakanani… yeses. Ngiyakuthanda impela but hawu ngeke.
➢ (Haaa, I would rather die. No way Ntokozo, Haaa!!! Do you see how high they
are? Yeses!!! I love you, for real but never days.)

Me: (laughing) Remember the deal?

He looks at me for a long period of time then he sighs loudly while taking the

Him: (putting on the heels) Hayi kodwa yiAbuse le. Ngizozisola la…

➢ (But this is abuse. I am definitely going to regret this.)

I just kept on laughing…

He is done. I rush to the door and I angle his looks with them on. He gets up and
he walks towards me. He is literally dragging the heels. The sight is so hilarious
but I contain my laughter. I then open the door and he exits the room first, side
eyeing me. We head downstairs and I must say, the struggle was real on the
stairs. He was cursing and shaking.

We are now by the kitchen. He is still on heels. He is leaning forward on the

counter top with his elbows on it. He is drinking water

Me: (trying to sound convincing) Well done. That was a good start.

Him: Good start? Woman, it is the first and last time. I am never doing that again.

I laugh so hard

Him: How do you even walk in these things? Yerr

Me: (laughing) Well, I am used to them and wena they were hard for you because
you not used to them…
Him: Plus they are super small. No offence but woman, what size do you wear
kant? Size 3?

Me: (laughing) Wow… nothing but offence taken and they are size 4, correction.

Him: Hayi unamanga

➢ (You lying)


Our bickering is disturbed by loud laughters and the door swinging open. It is the
Mokoena clan and friends. They notice Karabo on them heels and they stop in
shock. He is give me the “You see” look without looking at them

Itumelang: Damn!!! What’s with the new helper?

Thabang: She is even on heels…

I couldn’t help but laugh

Tumiso: Ngwana kaThabang, how are you?

Me: I’m good thanks and you?

Him: Ke grend… andthen?

Me: Ohh ke Karabo

They all look shocked asf…

Obakeng: Ehh… Karabo?

He looks at me first then looks at them, lazily. They then laugh.

Ndumiso: Yerr, nawe you got the ass man. For a moment, I was convinced that I
have met my future wife.

They all laugh and Karabo fake smiles then changes to serious look…

Karabo: Hahaha, very funny. What do y’all want in my house? I am still spending
quality time with my woman.

Thapelo: Quality time yakho noNgwana kaThabang is very… very… heely.


Me: Bhut’ omdala

Thapelo: Sorry for the intruding but we will come back some other time, okay?
(looking at Karabo) Mme Mokoena, le saleng hantle.

➢ (Goodbye, Mrs Mokoena)

Karabo: Mxm…

Tumiso: (looking at me) Ntate Mokoena?

➢ (Mr Mokoena

Me: hayi… hayi… No. Ngiyala, hayi ngomuntu wami please

➢ (No. not with my man, please)

He laughs

Him: (raising his hands) sorry Lioness

They then leave and Karabo looks at me while pissed asf.

Him: (getting up) I am never doing this again.

He then drags the heels again, heading upstairs. Is this man okay kodwa?

Me: (shouting) You know that you can take the shoes off then walk back, right?

Him: (shouting from upstairs) If I bend over here, chances of me falling are very

Me: (laughing) Hayi I give up… want breakfast?

Him: (rushing to the rails of the stairs and mocking me) I am craving Yoghurt and
Moozile and Blackberries

Me: (laughing) Hahahaha… very funny. Let me do it kerh.

Him: (laughing) don’t forget that smoothy you do best nerh

Me: (laughing) I won’t. Now go freshen up and take off my heels before you break

Him: (rushing up) I love you

Me: (chuckling) Mxm

Hay, let me start with breakfast



Lindiwe (Karabo’s mom)

I am with Lerumo at my house in Sandton. He is by the TV room, watching I don’t

know what and I am showering. I then lotion my body and get in my PJ’s and I
head downstairs.

To be honest, it has been long since I spend time with Lerumo. Like when we got
back to each other, distance was the problem since he still had to serve his
kingdom in Botswana.

Anyways, as I appear, he looks at me with a half smile. I then sit next to him and
he pulls me to sit on him, with my legs on either sides of him, putting him in a
straddling position. I am very sure that my butt cheeks are exposed… I mean I am
wearing the Shorts PJs and t-shirt.

Lerumo: (looking at me in a seductive way ) I can never get used to your body. It is
even hard to tell that it is a body of a woman in her 40s with 4 children.

Me: 5

Him: (laughing) you really are fond of Oratile nerh?

Me: She is my daughter…. Whether blood related or not…

Him: this is why I love you

Me: (laughing)

Him: (looking at me like I am the only thing in his life) you never fail to amuse me
MaKhoza… even after all the things I have done to you, you still love me
unconditionally, independent and very caring.

Me: Well, I guess what’s meant to be will always be bowed to happen.

Him: Ke Yao rata Lindiwe

➢ (I love you Lindiwe)

Me: (laughing) le nna kao rata Mokoena…

➢ (I love you too Mokoena)

Him: Forgive me for what I am about to do to you…

Me: (puzzled) Ehh…

With no time wasted, he attacks me with a deep kiss while rubbing my butt
cheeks. I run my hands on his hulky chest and firm arms…

Sawubona, I am Lindiwe Khoza, a 45 year-old woman… a mother of 4 handsome

boys and 1 beautiful girl. I am a businesswoman and a qualified accountant… and
soon to be a wife and a Queen. I am also a person who is spiritually gifted

It is now the morning wee hours. I am in Lerumo’s arms again. I can feel that he is
awake. I turn to him and as I said, he is awake. He looks at me straight in my eyes
with a half smile. Lerumo is not a person of smiling nje… always serious.

Him: (deep voice) Did I wake you up MaKhoza?

Me: not really… What are you thinking?

Him: I am thinking of us and all the pain I have caused you…

Me: yeah… the pain was very severe shame(laughing)

Him: and I regret everything… everything I have done to you. It got to me when it
started affecting the boys…

Me: (turning to face the window while my back leans on him) It affected Karabo
mostly Lerumo….

Him: that’s why I decided to man up and claim what’s mine and fix everything.
Karabo is the one to step up in the throne when I rest…


Him: Lindiwe, he is the next king of Botswana. If he doesn’t claim it anytime soon,
his life will break apart and the people will suffer as well.


Him: Lindiwe

Me: Lerumo

Him: Why are you quiet?

Me: I know… I knew way before.

Him: onne otseba?

➢ (You knew?)

Me: yes

Him: Wathula?

➢ (And you kept quiet?)


Him: We need to convince him to see it… it is time we tell him about the

Me: We will not do such… he will come around Lerumo. Don’t force it, the
ancestors will lead him to it.
Him: efela the people…

➢ (But the people…)

Me: Lerumo… the people will be fine. Don’t force him nor convince him because
that will lead to a lot more damage….


Me: Lerumo I am serious

Him: Okay… Have you set the wedding date? And the plannings?

Me: I decided to just do a traditional wedding and it will be in two months time.

Him: you don’t want a white wedding?

Me: No….

Him: Why MaMokwena?

Me: have you forgotten ukuthi last time we had it, you left me at the altar?

Him: but I am now here to stay njena….

Me: I know but I have learnt to not trust fully.

Him: ohh… so you also think I might kill you?

Me: Are you?

Him: Of course not!!!

Me: then why would you think I would think such?

Him: it was just an assumption

Me: Respectfully, stop assuming that I think such of you…. If I did, I would have
killed you long back…

Him: ohh Wang tela nou Lindiwe?

➢ (Ohh, so now you disrespecting me ,Lindiwe?

Me: Good night Mokoena….

Ohhh I must have forgotten to say this but we also fight a lot with Mokoena….
Mokoena men also beat women… Thapelo and Tumiso have followed in their
father’s foot steps. I just hope Karaboand Thabang won’t disappoint me….
Insert 27


Lindiwe’s POV….

I am at Casa Bella in Mall of Africa with Ntokozo. We are having a little lunch. I like
her shame… she is simple but elegant. Her presence is so bold and her aura is just
humble but it has that “respect me “ vibes without her knowing. She is wearing a
Black silk skirt that goes half way to her ankles and a White long sleeve t-shirt,
tucked in style. She is wearing white Jordan 4 royalty sneakers and she tied her
braids to high ponytail. She also has bracelets and a necklace on. See what I
mean, she is simple but elegant. Her eyes and face nje, she looks like her mom

Me: Yaz, you look like your mom exactly?

Her: (laughing softly) I get that a lot…

Me: (smiling) your mom was once my designer yaz?

Her: Really?

Me: yes…. I used to go crazy on her designs… and I still do.

Her: wow… she never said yaz.

Me: yeah… anyways, how are things with Karabo?

Her: (flashing a Colgate smile) They are actually great Ma… his shoulder is also
getting there…

Me: (laughing) For sure uyamuGym.isa hey?

Her: (laughing) Lutho Ma… I just had my 21st ceremony and I am not willing to
give it up just yet.

Me: (laughing) So uyamulambisa?

➢ (So you ain’t giving him?)

She nods while giggling.

Me: (shocked) A whole Karabo Mokoena hasn’t tapped it in 4 months?

Her: Yes…

Me: (laughing) Hawu… I now see it when they say love is the key to change

We both laugh…

Me: So I assume ungumuntu othanda iSintu?

➢ (I assume you devoted to tradition?)

Her: I love it to be honest… kakhulukati siAfrica. Abaningi abatholi kutzi why

ngithanda lokhu… (chuckling) if only they knew.

➢ (I love it, mostly African traditions. Others never understand why I am so fond
of it… if only they knew)

Me: I do… I love culture nje… it saved me from a lot of things and my children too.
When I gave birth to Karabo, I had complication after the birth… the western
meds couldn’t help but with African herbs, I got through it… leaving a lot shocked
in my recovery. I was meant to die, I wasn’t even bowled to see another week
after his birth.

Her: (looking down) three years back, I had the most horrible period era of my
life. I was heavy bleed… more than the normal heavy bleeding and maPain
abebuhlungu kazima… kwakuhala kutzi ngidle, ngilale, ngifake okuya
mathumbini… Kwa kuMove.a kwakumatima. Ukungadli kwami kwayenda tindo
matima… isiyezi, ukubaWeak nokuPhefumula. Endlini bathi bangisa esibuedlele
kanti bobhuzi bami bahambe nemoto ande tikiya teGarage tingaphakhatzi
eMotweni. uMa Ke wami waya Engadine wadlanganisa mayeza wokungilapha…
ngila ngoba Uma wangenzela mayeza wokuphola kepha silumo sisabuya
ngetikhatzi sakhona… kusukela lelo langa, ngafuna ngatimisela ekukwatini
ngamaSiko… ngacina sengisebukhosini bobuhlanga…

➢ (I had the most horrible period era of my life. I was heavy bleeding, more than
the usual flow and the pains were unburiable. I couldn’t even sleep, nor eat…
even moving in general, was hard. Me, not be able to eat made things worse,
hence I suffered from weakness, fatique, dizziness and even breathing. When
my family was about me to the hospital, we diacovered tht my brothers took
the car for a spin and in that car was the garage keys. The garage was locked
so we couldn’t get access to the other cars… so my mom went to the garden,
mixed up so herbs and the herbs worked but they kept on coming back but
better than before. From that day, I was so determine to knowing more about
culture, hence I ended up in the reed dance.)

Me: wow… I never thought of it that way.

Her: (smiling) but the good part is that I got revenge on my brothers for what they

We laugh and we eat. I can tell she was raised well by the way she eats and how
orientated she is.

Me: I don’t wanna lie ngane yami but you are fit for Karabo.

Her: (smiling) ngiyabonga Ma

Me: your character is very humble, elegant, respectful and cool. It is as if you are
28 or up…

Her: (smiling) wow… I never thought of that…

She then sips her red wine…

Me: Your dignity and profile is high but you down to earth. And you being
independent… wow. I really love that type of makoti vibes…

She laughs it off.. then we go for shopping. We are at Cotton on and I am looking
athw the skirts here. She then goes to the women’s section and she takes a flurry
polka overlaying skirt that is long, a Nude silk flurry skirt then she takes long
sleeve bodysuit, like 6 of them and she moves on to the cargo section. She takes
one White cargo, a blue one and a grey one. We then head to the dresses. I take
long tight dresses and she goes for the flurry polka dresses. They are tight on the
upper body then flurry from the waist. She takes the black and white one then the
navy blue one but the one that caught me was the nude one. It is solid nude on
the upper body and on the downer body, it is white but with flora designs in

Me: Great taste hey?

Her: (laughing) thank you…

We heading to the heels section

Me: I hope you not buy these because you fear I won’t like you style.

Her: (laughing) Cha Ma, I dress like this vele… a little touch of vintage with

Me: (laughing) ohh… ain’t you taking heels?

Her: oh no… I just don’t see myself in them… what if they don’t suit me?

Me: what? No ways… woman, did you see your chart, they will definitely suit you
now come on…

Her: okay… let’s hope for the best.

We then Go for Nude blocks…. White pencils with a flurry front and Stiletto
heeled court pumps, Red bottom stilettos and puffy slippers. Then we pay and
head out…

Me: Sthandwa Sami… I need to head home now plus I think Karabo misses you

Her: okay ma… and thank you for today, I really enjoyed it.

Me: same here ngane yam…. Hope to do it more…

We hug and go out separate ways. I love my future daughter in-law. She is the



I am about to enter at Karabo’s house but the paper bags are failing me. They are
so heavy. Just as I was about to call out for Karabo, I head something…

Karabo: (Shouting) WTF THABANG?! I ask you to do one thing, one thing and you
flop at it?!!! I ask you to kill Mandla but you fail!!! You are an idiot!!!!1

Thabang: He had so much man power abhuti!!!

Karabo: Man power my foot!!!! They are a lot of ways to kill a dog marn!!!

Tumiso: Karabo, calm down… We will fig….

I can’t believe this!!!! I need to process this… big time. My bag drops… shit!!! My
legs then betray me big time, I can’t move. Then the door opens, it is Karabo… I
look at him as my tears stream down.

Karabo: (trying to hold me) Ntoko…

Me: (moving backwards and pushing his hands away from me) Ungangibambi…

➢ (Don’t touch me)

Him: (still trying to hold my wrists) Nto…

Me: (shouting) Don’t touch me, Karabo!!!

They all head to the door from inside…

Thabang: Ngwana

Me: (jaw dropped) Haa… nawe? Thabang? Tumiso? Thapelo? Itumelang?

Thabang: Ngwana, it is not…

Karabo: (Nervous asf) MaMhlophe… let me explain… it is not what you think it is…

Me: (looking at him shocked) It is not what I think?! Karabo, bheka (looking at
Tumiso) ubhuti wakho uphethe isibhamu and you… you telling me that it is not
what I think it is?! Pathetic

➢ (It is not what I think?! Karabo, look, your brother has a gun and you… you
telling me that it is not what I think it is?! Pathetic)

Oratile: Makoti…

Me: (laugh crying with my jaw dropped while holding my knees) Haa… Nawe
futhi?! Ora… Oratile?!

She then looks down with shame written all over her face… i look at Karabo who
is so nervous and broken, I assume. I feel like I don’t know him. Who is this
person? Scratch that… Who are these people?!

Me: (looking at Karabo) An idiot… ngimi isibanxa la nerh? I can’t…

➢ (An idiot… I am the idiot here? I can’t…)

I turn to leave when Tumiso stops me…

Tumiso: (pointing a gun at me) You ain’t going nowhere.

*Guns being pulled out sounds fill the atmosphere*

Karabo has a gun on his hand too. He is aiming at Tumiso… he is livid as hell. One
thing about Karabo that I have learnt is that he doesn’t take much time to change
his emotions, especially when it comes to what’s his… he is now standing
between me and Tumiso. He pushes me to stand behind him. The rest are super
shocked. I don’t blame them, I mean, blood is thicker than water… there is a
reason why they say that. And in this situation, I am water and Tumiso is the
blood but still, he is protecting water…

Karabo: (looking dead into Tumiso’s eyes) O seke

➢ (Dont even…)

Tumiso: Or what?

Him: (dead serious) Kea u phephetsa

➢ [I dare you]

Tumiso: Karabo, wa hlanya? A ke ke a tloha mona… Ntokozo Knows too much. Re

ka qetella re le teronkong ka yena…

➢ [Karabo, are you crazy? She is not going anywhere. Ntokzo knows too much.
We can end up in prison because of her]

Karabo: Ke mosadi waka Ntokozo. Nke ke ka o dumella wa bua matlakala ka yena

mo pela ka…

➢ [Ntokzo is my wife. I will not allow you to talk shit about her in my presence]

Tumiso: Monna…

➢ [Bro]

Karabo: Tumiso, pele, uena ka tlung ea ka, o phefumoloha moea o tsoanang le oa

ne and you talk shit to me… ke mang ea o fileng tukelo ea ho bua ditshila ka
mosadi wame ibele o mtsupile ka sethunya?

➢ [ Firstly, you in my house, breathing the same air as me and you got the guts
to talk shit to me? Who gave you the right to talk shit about my wife AND

He is so livid right now, but he is trying hard to hide it.

Tumiso: Karabo, o reng?


Karabo: O bua le nna o ntse o ntsupile ka sethunya? Huh Tumiso?

➢ [Since when do you point a gun at me while talking to me? huh, Tumiso?]

Tumiso then lowers his gun while the others are shocked asf. Man, I mean, jaw
dropped. I swear, if I didn’t know these people and I saw all this, I would have
thought that Karabo is older than Tumisho. The way they respect him and the way
he makes others feel inferior?!!!! Worse part is, I don’t even hear anything… I do
understand, just a little.

Karabo: (lowering his gun) O seke oa ntlhompholla mosadi oa ke, oa nkutloa?

Ntokozo ke mosadi wame, o seke wa mo ntlhompholla hape, it applies to all of
you for that matter. we will solve this tomorrow.

[Don’t ever disrespect my wife, do you hear me? Ntokozo is my wife, don’t
ever disrespect her again… same applies to y’all. we will solve this tomorrow]

He then turns to me and reaches out for my hand and without thinking, I hold his.
He picks up the paper bag I droped and we head in…

Him: (chuckling) Ke bona le lebetse hore na ke mang… Lae tseba tsela ea ho tsoa…

[I see you have forgotten who I am… you know the way out]

We then head in. what am I doing kodwa? I could have left this place as soon as I
had the chance but here I am with a man who just pointed a gun at his own
brother… HIS BLOOD… he still even has the gun in his hand…
Anyways, as we enter the house, he closes the door and LOCKS it… Haaa… it is
Chaii ngami yho. I then attempt to walk upstairs but he gently grabs my hand.
Yeses… heartbeart rate went from 0,8 seconds per beat to 0,005 seconds per
beat… I swear, i am not exaggerating… I turn to look at him and he has a smile on
his face… he then hands me the paper bag. I look at him then the bag, then him
then I take the bag and I look down… He then strokes my chin with his hand…

Him: (serious face) I will tell you everything you need to know. Let’s sit…

Me: (smiling) let me go shower first…

I then leave and I head to the main house bathroom and I take a long refreshing
shower. As I shower, tears sting and I just couldn’t push them back. Nkos yam,
what did I get myself into? Is this family the right family to marry into? Is my
safety gurantteed here because even the brothers are after my blood? What have
I done? I should have… I should have followed my gut. I should have just ignored
the whole situatin and I should have stood my ground… Wow, it really does take a
long time to realize that you are weak and very stupid. Well, it took me 4 months
to realize that I am an idiot.

I just finished freshening up. I went to my actual room, not his and I changed to
my long pants PJ’s. I fix up the blankets and I then head downstairs. I find him
seated on the long dining table. He is busy spinning a coin. I walk to the table and
I sat two chairs away from him. He looks at me, puzzled.

Him: I won’t hurt you Ntokozo.

Me: Who said anything about hurting each other?

Him: Then why are you seated over there when there is a chair next to me?

Me: (looking straiht ahead of me) You said you wanted to talk.
Him: (changing his body posture) Where do I even start?

Me: (still looking at the sliding door infront of me) How about you start with you,
being a gangster, if not a gang leader?

He goes mute. I turn to him…

Me: Gangster? Or gang leader?

Him: Ntokozo

Me: I believe the question didn’t require my name in it.

Him: Gang leader

Me: (chuckling while looking back at the sliding room) Wow..

Him: Yes, I am a gang leader and my brothers and Itumelang are involved..

Me: And Oratile.

Him: (rubbing his head) Yes…

I knew Oratile was just too good to be true, but I don’t blame her. Angibange
naye(I don’t have anything on her).

Him: Ntokozo, you need to understand it wasn’t our call. We never had the choi…

Me: What criminal activities do you do?

Him: I don’t thi…

Me: Ngiphendule Karabo…

➢ (Answer me Karabo)

Him: I do not appreciate your tone right now. I hate it

Me: Karabo, skabe wa ntika tumelo.

➢ (Karabo, don’t test my patience)

Him: Rather we talk tomorrow… I will not talk to an indignate person

Me: I am being indignant now? Karabo, you prevaricated me, twice.

Him: I lied, Ntokozo? How? When?

Me: why are you avoiding my question?

Him: to protect you

Me: protect me njani? Should I remind you that you brother wanted to kill me
and still wants to kill me?

Him: (standing) he won’t kill you marn…

Me: He won’t? Karabo, the man pointed the gun at me an hour ago, in your yard.

Him: (turning to me, livid) Didn’t I protect you, Ntokozo? Didn’t I shield you?
Didn’t I fight back? Didn’t I? y’all never see me at all. All my efforts go unnoticed.
Y’all think I am Dogmatic, Deleterious and egregious. And you are the last person
to judge me, undecided as you, insecured as you are, you are the last person to
judge me. You act like you are better, knowing very well what you did to that poor
man. How do you even sleep at night? Me and you know what made you leave
your home, you and your mother know. You are not as holy as you act and you
know it. The disgrace you bring upon….

I then slap him hard across his face. He looks shocked. just like that, I am in tears…
that one hit very hard on me…

Me: (shouting while crying) At least, I sucked up and I changed. I was brave
enough to accept my guilt and I lived with it. I did what you weren’t strong
enough to do.
Him: Who are we fooling? Tell me, who knows In your family, apart from your
mom? Exactly, disgrace is what you bring to them Ntokozo!!!

Me: (eyes out with disbelieve) Wow…

I then take steps back while nodding at him…

Me: I now see it. And Thank You Karabo. Appreciate it…

I then head upstairs. I don’t even look back until I get to my room and I lock the
door. My fighting spirit just left me. Let me just… SLEEP

Insert 29



It is around 3am and I am awake, seated on the floor of my room, looking out the
sliding door leading to the balcony. I have been tossing and turning all night. Sleep
was just not in my favor this time. His words kept ringing in my head and so do
the memories of that night at Hlatshwayos. I always knew it would catch up with
me but… I just didn’t expect it to come this way. This just broke me, big time. Not
to mention the tears that I have released. I told y’all that tears are a sign of
weakness. Didn’t I say it? now look at me, all messed up because of the words of
the man I… i… I love or loved, I’m no longer sure.

I am disturbed by a knock on the door… I just look at the locked door and I look
back at the sliding door. Last night, I packed my suitcases and I also booked an
apartment for the time being. Going back to the commune is just too much for
me plus, that would have been the first place he would go to when looking for me
so I just got myself an apartment at Rosebank with that money Sihle paid me. I
wanna leave at exactly 5am. Let me go shower vele. I got up, took out my toiletry
bag and I head in the bathroom in my room and I took a shower and brushed my

It is 4:46and I am done. I decided to go for Black leggings, black hoodie, Black

puffy elastic slippers and I tied my Butterfly locs to a messy bun. I really do need a
new makeover… my nails are also outgrowing but not that much. I take my purse
and I put it in my hoodie pocket, my two suitcases and I head downstairs. He is by
the kitchen aisle. I have already requested for an Uber. He then looks my way… he
is drinking but not wasted… I just put my suitcases by the door then…
Him: So this is what’s gonna happen njalo when we fight? You leaving?

He says walking towards me…

Me: (walking to the fridge to get water) What were you expecting?

I take a bottle of water and I get a notification. Uber is here. Thank God. I then
walk to my cases. He holds my hand

Him: Ntokozo, I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean any of those things, It was just

Me: If you never meant them, you wouldn’t have said them, nor use them against
me. I have been prejudice everywhere I went but I never counted you as part of
the stats.

Him: Nto…

Me: Let my insecure self leave before I get called a murderer… and ohh, don’t
ever call me or try finding me. Good luck with your life Karabo. And I appreciate
everything you did in my life.

I then leave while he calls out for my name. I get outside and the Uber driver puts
my bags in the trunk and we left. As we by the freeway, I take out my sim card
and I throw it out and I switch off my phone and I sleep.



I am woken up by the sun, shining directly at my eyes. The driver is now outside
the building.

Driver: Mam, we have arrived.

Me: (half smile) Ngiyabonga…

➢ (Thank you)

I got off, take out my lougage from the trunk and I head in the building. When I
get in, I see the receptionist

Her: (Smiling) Good Morning Ma’am

Me: Morining, yes. Good, nope…

She laughs and I chuckle.

Me: (Smiling) Ms Dladla…

Her: Okay ma’am… Room 314. It is in the 9th floor, 7th room from the elevator on
your right.

Me: (smiling) Thank you

I then head towards the elevator. As I am in the elevator, my phone rings… it is

Income Video Call: MaDladla Omkhulu


Me: Mama

Her: Ntokozo, where are you?

Me: Somewhere far away from Karabo, why?

Her: Ntokozo, he sent a letter of Marriage request la Ekhaya…

Me: Ini? Uyahlanya kanti yini uKarabo?! I am not going to marry him.

➢ (What? Has he gone mad?! I am not going to marry him.)

Her: Hawu, sekwenze njani?

➢ (What’s going on now?)

Me: Tell dad to send back the letter or ignore it.

Her: Nto, what is going on?

Me: Mina I still say it, the wedding is off mama… uKarabo, uzobe eshada kodwa
hayi nami.

➢ (I still say it, the wedding is off Mom. Karabo will be getting married but not to

Her: Ntokozo…

Me: Bye bye mama.


I then get to the floor I am located to and I get to my room. I open it with my
access security card and I enter. It is big yona, nicely space and very comfy. The
view is the best. I like it, black and white Italian interior… I then put done my
suitcases and I throw myself on the bed. Yeses, I still have school that is starting in
a week… Argg, my mental health is betraying me… let me start cleaning up the
apartment and disinfecting in


I have been trying to reach Ntokozo the entire day but lutho. I decided to go to
Itumelang. He is the only one who can help me right now. I get to his house and
the securities there let me in, afterall he is technically my brother. I then heard in
the house…

Tumi: Some things never change hey?

Me: Monna, I need a favor.

Him: This seems serious, what’s up?

Me: I need you to track down Ntokozo

Him: What happened now?

Me: Eish, we fought and it got too deep

Him: you mean, you confronted her about that thing, nerh?

Words fail me

Him: Nxaa… I shouldn’t have told you.

He then leads the way to his home office. He then sits by the computer and he
does his thing. He is pissed asf.
Me: She pushed me though

Him: It is not about her being wrong Karabo. I told from the beginning ukuthi
when you committee, the blame is never on the woman, it is on you.

Me: ha…

Him: And judging by this situation, you added fuel on it, am I lying?


Him: Exactly… Karabo, if you carry on like these, you will lose her. I told you, don’t
forget your birth purpose. Slowly but surely, it is happening Monna. And this chick
of yours turned off her phone or lost it, I don’t know.

Me: (going to him) What do you mean?

Him: She disposed her phone or SimCard… why don’t you check her commune or
her parents?

Me: Ntokozo is very smart, she would not go to those places. Plus her brother
called, asking to talk to her since she was unreachable.

He then goes silent for some time…

Him: Do you have her bank account?

Me: Why

Him: It can help us see when she uses it and it will give us the location she is at
when doing that purchase

Me: shit… I don’t have it.

Him: (defeated) Ahhh… kanti don’t you send money to your woman?

Me: Ntokozo is very different Monna. She always declines my offers when it come
to money. She says no all the time when I offer to send her money. The last time I
sent it to her without her knowledge, she sent it back yonke and she changed her

Him: Yho, you woman is indeed smart and very firm.

Me: (retiring on his office couch) You have no idea Monna…

Fok!!! Why can’t women be simple and all go shopping and be housewives?! Hayi




I am at Southgate Mall, doing my hair and nails. This time I decided to do Focx
Locs in natural black. I am too obsessed with locs or maybe because they are the
only styles I can do with my big ass kinky afro. The nails, I decided to go for nude
French, average long with rhinostones.

The lady: Nto, should I put the Dladla writing on the index fingers?

Me: (smiling) Yeah, it slipped my mind.

Her: Cursive black?

Me: I think white will be great this time.

After about 3 hours, I am done with both nails and hair. I pay with the card and I
head to the bank and I withdraw some cash.

I am done with my shopping… Well, I stopped by at Pick n Pay and bought some
grocery. I also went to Game for a few supplements and Dis Chem for my

I am now at my apartment, unpacking the grocery. I helped myself by unpacking

my suitcases early shame. Anyways, I bought some Nandos on my way back so I
will have it with a glass of Dry Red Wine.

A knock on the door is not what I expected… No one knows where I live njena… I
got up, heading to the door. I open and it is Oratile. I pull her in fast and I lock the

Me: How did you know I was here?

Her: Hello to you too Nto…

Me: Sorry, just that…

Her: I tracked you down

Me: how?

Her: Location…

Me: Shit, let me switch it off… I can’t let Karabo find me…

Her: (sitting down) Don’t worry, I did it for you.

Me: (shocked) Ehh… Thanks, I guess.

I sit down too…

Her: Karabo called me this morning and told me what happened and I knew I had
to do something to get him away from you for a while. I figured you needed some
space to digest everything so I blocked every way he could use to track you down.

Me: Thank you Oratile.

Her: Nto, if you don’t mind me asking, what happened?

Me: (looking through the sliding door) He….

I tell her everything that happened last night.

Her: He said all of that?

I nod

Her: I know how it feels. Karabo’s words always hit hard, very hard. It all started
when he lost his…

Me: Lost his what? Oratile?

Her: (nervous) Nto, Karabo had…

Me: (Holding her hand in reassurance) Ora, please don’t keep me in the dark. It
will stay between us.

Her: (looking down) Karabo lost his child Three years back. One of the girls he was
messing around with heard that he was from royalty and she decided to trap him
by not taking the morning pill and she got pregnant. Karabo was overjoyed by
this, more than anything. But when the girl gave birth, they found out it was a
stillborn. That broke him, so much… I mean, the Mokoenas and Khozas don’t mess
around when it comes to their off-springs. 17th of March 2019 was a tragic year
for all of us, especially Karabo.

Me: (smiling) Thank you Oratile, for trusting me with this info. Ngiyabonga.

Her: If you don’t mind me asking again, what happened with that man?

Me: (sitting on the floor with my arms around my knees) Two years ago, I was by
the mall at Witbank when I was kidnapped by a man around his 40s. He was
Hlatshwayo… Menzi Hlatshwayo. He took me to a bush near a rural area. He
wanted to rape me… (chuckling) I was always the one to fight back but on that
day, I lost it. He tore my T-Shirt, exposing my boobs. I grabbed the knife he had
from the ground, aiming for his shoulder but unfortunately, it got in the left side
of his chest. By that time, he was still on top of me. I tried moving but he tried
fighting the pain and he started hitting me. That caused me to kick his nuts then
he rolled. I then took out the knife that I used to stab him and I ran to the car and
I used his phone to call my mom and she arrived. Mind you, I had blood all over
me. Mom told me to not tell anyone about this and she burnt his body and his car
too. She made sure that it was all arshes. I then opted to come to Jozi because
Witbank was suffocating me.

I look at her with tears in my eyes…

Me: I didn’t do it on purpose Ora… I was trying to protect myself… no one would
have believed me because Hlatshwayo was the wolf in a pure white sheep’s skin
Her: (hugging me) Shhh… I understand sisi… I understand.

We sit like this for like 10 minutes or so…

Her: (smiling) Why don’t you go freshen up and I will make us something to eat. I
will sleep over if it makes you okay?

Me: (smiling) Ngiyabonga Ora but I don’t want your brothers worrying about you.
They will end up tracking you .

Her: (laughing) Okay… now go freshen up and I will cook…

Me: (laughing) I bought take outs. They are some on the oven

Her: Okay then… let me go have some then.

I then head to the bathroom.




It has been over a month and I have been at peace. MaKhoza and Ntate Mokoena
had their wedding 2 weeks ago. I didn’t go but I did buy them a gift and Ora took
it to them for me. Yes, she has been checking up on me. We even became closer
than ever. School has been okay but I have been taking midnight classes and
sometimes, online classes. I didn’t quit my job… I still work at Sportscene but I
took a transfer to Rosebank so that I can be close to my apartment. I still haven’t
made contact with Karabo, nor the brothers. My mom wants me home for
uMemulo. My birthday was three weeks ago. I didn’t celebrate it to be honest. It
was just a casual day for me. No one knew about it, only my family did. Oratile
was there on my birthday and she took me for a paint ball shooting, starbucks
treat and shopping. She didn’t know though, she just took it as a casual day, just

Anyways, I am at the apartment, lying on the floor reading a novel (Delusiona

Lovey by Ntokozo Kweyama). I am wearing my grey bike shorts, a grey oversize
Mokoena – Khoza T - Shirt, ankle length white socks and my grey puffy elastic
slippers. As I am reading, the door swings open. It is Ora… well, I gave her the
spare key since she always comes to visit and sleep over. I love this crazy insane
woman. She walks in and sinks herself on the couch opposite me… Dang, she is so

Me: (laughing) Dang woman, you so pale…

Her: I blame your man…

Me: (laughing) what did he do this time around?

Her: He has be piling up paperworks more than ever… (sitting up) I mean, Nto
nami I need a break too…
Me: (sitting up) Mei skati, you gotta do what he says, after all, you are being paid
for that… yes, he is your brother but he pays you.

Her: (getting an idea) Skati… can you talk to him on my….

Me: Aowa Skati. I don’t want anything to do with Karabo

Her: E fela…

Me: Nope, sorry about that one. I mean, I am still hiding from him so no thanks.

Her: (sinking in the couch again) I need a bottle of Red wine straight la…

Yes, we are also Red Wine buddies…

Me: (laughing) All you need right now is a cooling shower and supplement. Then
you go back to work…

Her: (alarmed) Haa.. mara..

Me: (Getting up) It is not up for a debate. You can’t drink during working
hours…you want to give MaKhoza a reason to fly from Botswana to kill me? Now,
get up… I will make you a supplement drink

She gets up sulking and heads to the bathroom… I shake my head in disbelieve
while laughing. I can’t believe this woman. Let me make her protein shake.


A month later, I am still alone. Brutual as it is, I miss her. I really do. I had hope to
see her at Ma’s wedding but she was not there. The moment the MC announced
the ones that couldn’t make it to the wedding, I felt empty same time. I did get
her, through tracking Ora but I haven’t had the guts to see her. I so miss her, I
actually feel like what mom, Thapelo, dad and Tumi warned me about is slowly
coming true. But I still have hope, I will have everything I want with me, very
soon. Ntokozo, I am not sure about her… she is so difficult.


Tumi: Carry on daydreaming, I just brought this files nje.

Me: Okay…

I then let out a big sigh…

Him: (sitting down) What’s wrong… talk to your wife

He then holds my hand… I yank my hand away as we laugh…

Me: (laughing) Wena… kancane kancane, uyavela

➢ (Slowly but surely, you are revealing yourself)

Him: (sitting back while laughing) Hayi Fokof… at least you laughed.

Me: (chuckling) Yeah… I really needed that.

Him: Ntokozo?

Me: Who else?

Him: (chuckle) Your life is a drama, hey?

I just look at him blankly then I look out the glass wall…

Him: Okay… I think you should let go of Ntokozo

Me: (looking at him) I will never do that. I love that girl more than anything Tumi…
I would rather die before leaving her.

Him: Then show it Karabo… go to her, tell her what you told me. Own up to your
mistakes, take responsility, tell her the truth, get her out of the darkness, man up
and take your rightful place and stop acting like a child.

I look at him…

Him: You got the information about her whereabouts, right?

Me: Yeah…

Him: Then why haven’t you right your wrongs?

Me: I just… i…

Him: (Mocking me) I… I… just… Nothing! What happened to you? Where is strong
Karabo… the fearless beast, the confident bull, the Beast… where is Ruthless?

I am speechless. He is right though.

Him: (getting up to leave) Don’t forget… MaKhoza blocked you for these. She says
I must tell you she will unblock you and talk to you when you have fixed things
with Ntokozo. Prove will be a call from you to her, using Ntokozo’s phone. Go fix
your shit… don’t come back here ungaka lungisi izinto noNto…

He then leaves… I got a plan but this rain is gonna ruin it. fuck, I’m doing it. I grab
my car keys, wallet and I head out.



I am still at the apartment. Oratile decided to stay and work from home. She
called Karabo and told him she has classes, which is a total lie. I am currently
seated with her by the kitchen aisle…

Her: (on her phone) Skati, what are we gonna eat?

Me: (Eating cherries) I don’t know yaz… let’s order in. Vele I am super lazy today.

Her: (agreeing gesture) Yeah… how about Spurs?

Me: Ribs, onion rings, chips and burgers?

Her: And red wine

Me: I think it is there or did we finish it?

Her: Let me check

She then gets up and check the wine celler…

Her: It’s there so no, I guess?

Me: yes…

Her: Let me finalize the order then… Skati, haven’t you seen my purse?

Me: I think it is by the living room

Her: Where?

Me: The couch that is by the window…

We then hear loud music… the song is familiar. I know it, it is my favorite…

Her: Who is playing music so loud on a Thursday?

Me: (busy on my phone) Probably the neighbors…

Her: But loud music is prohibited njena?

Me: Rules are there to be broken…


Her: (shouting) Skati… Ntokozo!!!!

Me: Huh!!!?

Her: Come this…

I get up and I head to the living room. I find her standing by the window, blinking

Me: What now? I hope it is valid…

Her: (pointing through the window) Look… look…

Me: (looking at my phone) I don’t have time for this…

She then raises my head with both her hands to look through the window… it is
not clear since it is raining plus there are very dark clouds… Wait…

Me: (blinking rapidly) Wait, isn’t that Karabo’s car?

Her: look closer…

We both lean forward to get a clear vision but still… the rain is hitting the window
so hard, making it unclear. We then rush to the balcony and as we stand by the
rails, it becomes clear…

Her: Ke Karabo… Nto, ke Kara…

I am shocked. There are people with Umberellas, watching him as he sings along
to Want You by Luh Kel and Queen Naija. He is so loud…

Him: It's something stuck inside my mind I just don't understand

told me that you won't ever leave but then you left again
You took my whole heart with a glance
Hold me right in your arms and your hands
Come right here, baby, why is you playin'?
Love when you give me all this romance, oh

It ain't nobody else that have my heart

I was bleeding 'til you healed my scars
You told me you will never go
Hate when we apart
So I think I need to let you know
Without you it's hard

Ora: (CURIOUS) Karabo can sing? Why didn’t i… Ntokozo!!!

I didn’t waste time, I just ran to the door. Ora is running behind me. I even forgot
we had an elevator in this building. I rushed down the stairs… from the 9th floor to
ground floor. I then head out the second exist since it leads straight to the parking

I spot him, on his knee. I run to him, pushing pass everyone on the lot and he gets
up as I jump on to him. He catches me just in time… he is hugging me so tight. I
didn’t realize how much I missed him until this moment and time and I don’t want
him to let go. People around us are cheering for us, some are recording us. Only
Karabo can do this shame. The amount of craziness in the living creature is more
than the optimum level. He then pulls away from the hug but doesn’t put me

Him: (looking deep into my eyes) MaMhlophe… Ngicela ungixolele.

Kwakungeyona inhloso Mamakhe. Bengingaqondile ukuzwisa ubuhlungu MaVezi.

➢ (MaMhlophe, please forgive me. It wasn’t my intentions to do so Mother of

my kids. My intentions were not to cause you pain, MaVezi.)

He then puts me down again and he gets down on one knee again…

Him: (still looking at me) Dwala

Mgabadeli owagabadela inkundla zakwaBulawayo



Wena magalela agoqe njengeShongololo,

I know I have asked you this and you agreed but I feel the
need to ask it again on one knee this time. Ngicela ungixolele ngakho konke
Themba lam. Angiyilutho kaphandle kwakho MaShandu… ngikufuna eduze nami
mihla ngemihla, mzuzu nomzuzu. Ngifuna uhlale uyithemba lam, ekuhleni
sasekubini… ngifuna ube isibani sami e bumnyameni nase kukhanyeni. Ba
moShweshwe bare, “Lerotholi la lerato le ka tlisa leoatle la meokho”…

➢ (… I know I have asked you this before but I feel the need to ask again, on one
knee this time. Please forgive me for all my wrongs, my hope. I am nothing
without you MaShandu. I want you next to me, everyday and every minute. I
want you to always be my hope and faith, in greatness and darkness. I want
you to be my light in darkness and in lightness. Sothos say, “A tear of love can
come with an ocean tears” …)
Many start ululating wildly… judging from the ululating, they are Stothos or
Tswanas. I look around and the crowd is now more than earlier on. I also spot
Tumi, the brothers and other friends of the brothers. Oratile is ululating too…

Him: (dead serious) I know I am a hard person to handle…

Tumiso: (shouting from the crowd) Stubborn too!!!

Tumi: And Crazy!!!

We all laugh…

Him: (chuckling) Yes, I am crazy and stubborn too but Nto, angiyilutho kaphandle
koThando lwakho. That is why I am saying… (he takes out a ring box… another
ring?) Ntokozo Dladla, ngicela ungenze indoda emadodeni ungivumele nithumele
abakhongi emzini kaDladla?

➢ (Yes, I may be cray and stubborn too but Nto, I am nothing without your love.
that is why I am saying… Ntokozo Dladla, can you please make me a man
amongst men and allow me to send negotiators to the Dladla homestead?)

Me: (with tears on my eyes) Ye…Yes.

He takes out the first one then he puts on the new one. He gets up and kisses me
deeply… everyone goes wild again and this time it was worse than before. They
are ululating, whistling, dancing, clapping and some even singing, you wouldn’t
ever say it is raining shame. I can’t help but admire his odd eyes and his wet
eyelashes, eyebrows and his skin. He is so perfect but with imperfections too and
his imperfections are cute though.

Him: (looking deep into my eyes) Ngiyakuthanda nhliziyo

➢ (I love you, heartbeat)

Me: (smiing) Uthandwa yimina Mokoena.

➢ (I love you too, Mokoena)

He then walks me in the building and the brothers, Tumi, the friends and Ora
follow us. Everyone went their separate ways. We then head to my apartment
and we enter and they sit by the covered couches. Man, they are all so wet, hey?

Ora: Can I interest y’all to something, maybe?

Thabang: Coffee please ausi

Tumiso: Whiskey

Thapelo: Me too

Tumi: Me too… wait, do you have it?

Ora: (laughing nervously) Actually, we don’t… only heineken

Thapelo: I rather have coffee

Tumiso: I will have the Heineken

Tumi: Me too

Obakeng: Coffee will do

Thabiso: A bottle of water will do

Mpendulo: Heineken

Ndumiso: Water

Oratile: (to Karabo) Abhuti?

Him: No, thanks. I actually wanna talk with Nto… we will be in the bedroom.
Everyone excluding Obakeng and Thapelo: Wooooo!!!

Vele Obakeng and Thapelo are always the serious ones shame. They are even best
friends. Anyways, Karabo and I head to my bedroom.

We get to the bedroom and he sits on the carpet by the bed and I sit on the bed.
He positions himself to sit in-between my legs, facing outside the sliding door. I
then proceed to playing with his dreadlocks. He then leans backwards, giving me
enough access to his head. I must say, he is looking great, hey. He is wearing
those block scoutch pattern pants. They are lavender purple and black. He wore
them with white Air Jordan 1 White Oreo and a white T-Shirt. The pants are
skinny but not that skinny since he got full bodied legs... let me say they are
trailored. No Jacket.

Me: How are we seated like this when we are so wet, huh?

Him: (chuckling) I actually don’t care yaz… as long as I am with you nje, I am

We laugh then silence…

Me: (giggling) That was really cheesy shame… I still can’t believe you pulled that
stunt, on the rain

Him: (laughing) I just couldn’t sleep another night without fixing things with you
Mama. It was actually very hard, hey?

Me: Yeah, but at least you still knew where I put your socks…

Him: (laughing) I only discovered their location on the wedding day of my


Me: (laughing) Hawu… so you went to work with odd socks?

Him: (chuckling) You don’t know how hard it was without you. It made me realize
that I need you more than ever in my life sthandwa sami. I ain’t willing to lose you
nor let go of you anytime soon. If it means I have to come clean right now, I will
but leaving the dark life is not want I can let go…

Me: (smiling) Shhh, I understand my love. I can’t stand the thought of you doing
all the illegal things but I can try to tolerate it… I can’t get you out of something
you have been doing before I got here, worse, that you do with your brothers.

I then lift his head to face me…

Me: (smiling) Karabo, you need to understand that I am not here to change you. I
am here because I love you, just the way you are Sthandwa sami… No matter how
far our fights go, I will never leave you. Yes, I will need space at times but to leave
you would be the end of me.

him: But the activities I do…

me: Shhh, are you involved in Human trafficking?

Him: Fuck no… I would never do that

Me: Do you kill innocent people?

Him: Why would i?

Me: Do you sell drugs?

Him: I would never do that…

Me: Exactly… so I can tolerate your activities as long as you don’t do the listed

Him: (smiling) Uyangixolela?

➢ (You forgive me?)

Me: (Giggling) I forgave you long ago Karabo. I don’t hold grudges mina.
Him: I am also sorry for bring back memories…

Me: It’s okay. After all, I didn’t do it because I wanted to.

Him: What happened vele on that night?

Me: Long story short, he kidnapped me, took me a bush in Carolina, hit me,
attempted to rape and I defended myself. I didn’t intend on killing him. I just
wanted to distract him but it escalated. I called Mah and she covered everything

Him: Why didn’t you go to the police vele or told your dad?

Me: The man was a wolf in a sheep’s skin so who would have believed me? Plus
dad would have killed his entire family.

Him: I understand… I am sorry again

Me: (smiling) It is water under the bridge but never ever prejudice and criticize
me again nor judge me.

Him: I won’t… I promise. It is not my style vele, just that on that night, I felt left
out on the dark as you never told me this before… but I promise, I will not do it

I smile. He then gets up and he kisses me. He pushes me backwards without

breaking the kiss. He balances himself on the bed with his two hands. His muscles
are flexing and so are the veiny arms. His tattoo arm always gets me. My hands
are running on his arms, then his chest, down his abs and his back. The kiss is
getting intense. He then suckles my neck. This is heaven on earth… he then looks
at my upper body with lust. He then pulls my top upwards but jams on the
breasts. He then leaves trails of wet kisses on my stomach. I want to moan soo
bad but we got people on the living room hle… I instead resort to biting my lower
lip. He then pulls down my shorts with my panties at one go. I then come back to
earth. I am a virgin. I look at him with alert…
Him: (smiling) Relax, I won’t do you any harm. You will still walk out of here a

I am a bit uneasy about….

Me: (in-between my lips) Hmmmmm… Ahhh

I lean backwards, feeling weak asf. Shit… the pleasure. I have never felt anything
like this before hle. It is too… too… I don’t know how to describe it. I can feel his
tongue on my tight lady. He is twirling and gently biting it. fuck… I feel the edge to
pee… I try moving away but he is holding me down, very tight…

Me: (trying to speaking low) Karabo, I want to use the bathroom.

He ignores me and he tightens his grip. The edge gets harder and harder to hold
back. I then release. Shit, I am so embarrassed. I just peed on his face. He carries
on. The second one comes. This man… why is he so calm about this? I peed on
him, for fuck’s sake!!!

This one, I had no control over… he then gets up and kisses my inner thigs and
suckles on them… shit… he goes up to my stomach, then my neck… he suckles is
so bad. I bite my lower lip again, with my eyes closed. What is this man doing to

He then gets to my face. I open my eyes and look at him. He has this danger aura
around him. He touches my face and adrenaline hit 10 sametime.I can never get
used to his touch. It always sends shocks, big time.

Him: (look at me with total lust and with a deep voice) Be careful of the
expressions you make MaMokoena. That lip bite can land you in hospital with a
child in the labour ward…
I gulp on my saliva. He said that in a very threatening tone, phela. He then gets up
and he gives me his hand.

Him: Go freshen up MaMokwena… I will make us coffee, okay?

Me: Okay.

He kisses my lips then he holds my ass…

Him: (looking deep into my eyes) And this lady down there will not be so lucky
next time.

I laugh and I head to the bathroom. I will keep on saying it, I am weak at Karabo’s




I am still at Nto’s apartment. She gave me the clothes that she took from me last.
It is nothing major, just sweatpants, hoodie and slippers. We are all seated in the
living room at her apartment. My brothers also changed to PJs. I assume Ora
bought them. Tumi and Obakeng are the only ones left, the rest said they have to
go get warm.

Tumi: Thanks Ora for the PJs…

Ora: No problem Tumza

Tumiso: Aowa mara Ora, how the hell do you have 5 extra PJs, lying around nje?

Her: (laughing) When you got siblings that can come unannounced anytime, you
make sure of everything. I mean y’all be burging in unannounced and demanding.

We all laugh… then here is a knock on the door. Ntokozo then pops up from
nowhere and looks at Ora. They both look … different.

Ora: No…

Her: Yes…

Ora: (disbelieve) Fuck no…

Thabang: And then? Should we be concerned?

Ora: You get the door, Nto.

Nto: (shocked) Haa… I got it last time njena…

Ora: No, I did.

Nto: No, you didn’t… the last time I was the one to get it futhi we even ordered
Red Wine reme….

They then come to realization that we are here. Nto instantly went mute, like
something took away her voice. Ora is giving Nto that “WTF” look. Wait… they
have been drinking?

Thapelo: Oratile, you drink?

Me: (looking at Nto) Nawe?

Nto: (laughing nervously) I will get the door

Ora: (standing in a flash) I will get it.

They then both rush to the door. They come back holding brown Spurs paperbags
and water while brickling with each other.

Nto: (whispering) We order for the two of us njena…

Ora: (whispering) that is the least of our problems, we can just cook. They know
we drink Skati

Nto: (whispering) Where are they gonna sleep in this small place?

Ora: (whispering) The lounge is there and the extra room…

Nto: (whispering) The drinking part ?

Ora: (whispering) Non-alcoholic…

They then appear…

Ora: (laughing nervously) We didn’t know y’all were coming so we will just cook
Nto’s phone rings… she looks at it then looks back at us. She looks at me, kind of a
“it’s yours” look. I get up and walk to her. She hands me the phone and it is
written MaKhoza… i look at her and she gives me the “I also don’t know” look. I
then excuse myself.


I am by the kitchen with Ora and Thabang. We are cooking and Thabang is just
keeping us company. Karabo has been on the phone for like 30 mins and the
brothers are just having their chats. They are laughing and chatting. It is actually
my first time seeing Thapelo laugh. Thabang is even having red wine but in a
whiskey glass. He has always been the one to hide our secrets.

Ora: O nale maka Thabang…

➢ (You are lying, Thabang…)

Thabang: I’m serious Ora. It has succeeded big time. He is launching it soon

Me: Haa… how can he do that without telling me? I honestly didn’t even know he
had a clothing brand.

Thabang: Ngwana… He planned this before he even met you. He only took serious
steps and more effort when he met you.

Ora: This is gonna be so great… have you seen the cargos?

Me: Woman, it is only my first time hearing about this.

She takes out her phone excitedly and she shows me.
Damnit!!! Wait… what the fuck?!

Me: (shocked) Wait the brand is Mokoena – Khoza? You telling me that he is the
owner of Mokoena – Khoza?

Ora: Yeah.

Me: And he never bothered to tell me that he owns it? I mean, I wear it everytime
and hears me talk about it all this time and he never thought to tell me about

They both look at each other. the brothers heard me, judging by their silence. Oh
Karabo is going to get a piece of my mind today…

Ora then swipes the pic and a photo of Nike Air 1 appears. It is an ankle length
one and it has The Khoza – Mokwena print in cursice bold and the shoe is dyed
and divided into three sections in color. Black, Grey and Oreo shade in front. The
cursive writing is Ombre… white, grey, black and cream white. How does this man
do this?

Thabang: You see, Ngwana? We told you…

Ora: Breath taking…


Karabo then walks in, looking at my phone. He then raises his head in suspection
as he sees us looking at him.

Him: What did I do?

Me: (showing him the photo on the phone) Care to explain?

He then looks at Ora and Thabang

Thabang: we were just showing Ngwana your designs.

Him: You did?

Me: They did…

I then turn around to face him…

Me: (hands on my waist) Why didn’t you tell me you design? No, why didn’t you
tell me you own Mokoena – Khoza?

Him: I didn’t see it necessary sthandwa sami

Me: So all along I have been gossiping with you and telling you how I love the
brand and how I one day wish to meet the own kanti you are the ownwer?


Me: I thought we were gossip buddies, Mokoena.

Everyone laughs.

Him: (tangling his arms on my waist while chuckling) I was going to…

Me: (smiling) I love them… they are amazing and breath taking…

Thabang: That breath taking part is so true…. She almost collapsed looking at
them… voice literally disa….

Oratile pokes him with her elbow and he goes mute… without any waste of time,
Karabo kissed me… so passionate.

Tumiso: Aww… get a room.

We then pull away. I am so shy right now… we heard fidgeting… Thapelo is up on
his feet…

Thapelo: I will be back… I need some sweets…

He then leaves…

Tumiso: And then?

Thabang: Oe ujiwa ke Heart….

➢ (He is suffering from a heartb…)

Oratile pokes him again… this time he chokes on the red wine he is drinking…

Obakeng: I will go check on him…

He also leaves. And then… what’s happening? Hayi maybe ke Stress. I look at Gosi
and he shrugs.




I am sick of all this. This is all madness. I just had to leave because if I stayed
another minute there, I would have collapsed. Just as I am about to enter the car,
I hear someone shouting my name

Obakeng: (heading to me) And then?

Me: (closing the car door and walking to the bonnet) I just needed some air. That
apartment is too crowded for all of us.

Him: Monna, gale Ke go tseba, bua

➢ (Dude, I have known you for a very long time, talk)

Me: (sitting on the bonnet) eish.

Him: (sitting too) is it Karabo?

Me: (sigh) Who else?

Him: is it because of the throne?

Me: Not only that Monna. Karabo has everything that belongs to me from the
throne to Bakwena Holdings to Mokoena – Khoza, Ntokozo too.

Him: (looking at me puzzled) Ntokozo?

Me: Yeah. Ntokozo was supposed to be mine. Ke mo boni pele.

➢ (I saw her first)

Him: Whoa… Monna, ong jwetsa kgore o rata Ntokozo?

➢ (Whoa… Dude, you telling me that you love Ntokozo?)

Me: Big time Monna. Now what makes it worse is that they are getting married.
Next thing, they will be having children.

Him: Ehh. This is bigger than I thought. A whole Thapelo, loves Ntokozo?

I look at him…

Him: (raising his hands) Hade… sorry. Mara I don’t blame you ntwana. That girl is
Hella fine. Mara since when do you have taste of Slenders?

Me: I didn’t know too until I saw her. Mara do we even consider her a slender
with those hips and ass?

Him: (chuckling) yeah nerh. So what is the way forward now? I mean Thapelo o
nale mosadi.

➢ (I mean, Thapelo you have a wife)

Me: A wife I don’t love? Do we even consider her my wife?

Him: Eish… how is that situation vele?

Me: She keeps wanting affection and I don’t entertain it. All I do is fuck her time
to time.

Him: (chuckling) so what are you gonna do?

I look at him then look away again…

Me: A ketse ntjaka… I honestly don’t know, hey. And Ntokozo is not making things
easier for me.

➢ (I don’t know, dude)

Him: how is T. Mokwena hanging though?

Me: it’s now okay. I was able to make is float again. It is generating more income
than before but that spark in my personal life is missing.

Him: (patting my shoulder) You will be okay, dude. You just need to think of a
right plan to make sure your throne and girl are secure.

Me: How though? Because I tried elimating Karabo but it failed. The hospital plan
also failed. What more should I do Obakeng? Mfan ona o nale badimo mo le
tlakoreng la gage

➢ (That boy has the ancestors on his side)

Him: so wena you willing to be defeated by your 27 year old brother? Your
mother’s third born?

I look at him…

Him: there are a lot of ways to getting rid of your rivals Monna. Use your brains

I look at him, getting what he means by what he said.

Hi, I’m Thabang Mokwena. First born of Lindiwe and Lerumo Mokwena. I am a
prince to the Batswana people, owner of a Multi-millionaire company
(T.Mokwena Industrial Inc), a qualified accountant. I am 30 years old and I live in



The brothers are asleep in the next room and I am with Karabo in my room. He is
sound asleep. It is the wee hours and I am craving a glass of red wine. I get out of
bed and leave the bedroom, heading to the kitchen.

The house is empty. I then pour myself a glass of red wine. I am actually trying to
figure out Thapelo’s actions. There is something that tells me that there is more
to this than everyone thinks. After all, behind every quiet man, there are many
skeletons tryna be hidden. I don’t know where to start but I know Ngwana knows
something. He knows, along with Ora but I know Ora won’t tell. She is way loyal
when It comes to secrets…..

Voice: Sleepless?

I look around and I see Tumiso

Me: (smiling) Yeah

Him: (siting by the kitchen chair) What’s on your mind now?

Me: Nothing much, just school and work… Heinekeen?

Him: Yes please

I get him his Heineken and I hand it to him.

Him: (opening it) Thanks… so how is school?

Me: (smiling) Stressing but I can handle it.

Him: You still work at Sportscene?

Me: Yes.

Him: Why do you work when you are engaged to such a rich man?

Me: (laughing) Independency… I hate relying on people. I wanna make my own


Him: But you still at school nje?

Me: It makes no difference. Me, working now, is moulding me for the future.

Him: (nodding) I get you… I get you. Hey, I wanted to say sorry for the other
night… I was…

Me: (smiling) It’s okay. I am stronger than that.

Him: (chuckling) I thought you would be scared of me yaz?

Me: (laughing) I am not easily scared Mina. I am not scared of anything.

Him: Now that’s a lie. Everyone has their fear in life, even dangerous people.

Me: (gulping on my red wine) well, I don’t.

Him: You telling me if someone was carrying a gun and aiming it at you head, you
wouldn’t be scared?

Is this dude okay? I mean, he was pointing a gun at me. Has he forgotten?

Me: Nope, I was taught not to fear easily. At the end of the day one has to die and
that is not me

Him: (laughing) Your confidence

Me: it is not about confidence. It is about self affirmation and knowing yourself.

Him: I get you…

I then black out again. This Thapelo thingy is actually bugging me, big time. I

Tumiso: What are you thinking about?


Him: (snapping his fingers) Nto…

Me: (back to earth) Huh… I’m listening

Him: What are you thinking about?

Me: Nothing…


Me: Actually, I have a question…

Him: (hesitant) Huh?

Me: How is it that Karabo is on next in the throne when Thapelo is there?

Him: (sigh) The throne is not about first borns and all. The ancestors are the ones
to choose who is capable of taking over. At this point, karabo is the chosen one.

Me: which ones do there choose?

Him: Strong, capable of handling issues, leadership skills but mostly, it because
they know he is going to bring change, wealth and happiness to the people. A
great leader is the last man standing.

Me: And Thapelo is okay with all of this?

Him: (gulping his drink) He is… judging by his words.

Me: and his actions?

Him: I don’t know yaz… I mean, who would be okay with being told that what you
thought would be your birthplace is not?

I look at him and I gulp on my drink. He has a point yaz.

Him: (gulping the last bit of his drink) let me go and sleep… good night.

Me: (smiling) Night.

He then leaves. Something is telling me to dig deep into this matter. Karabo may
be taking it lightly but Mina I am taking it heavily. Something inside of me is telling
me to carry on digging. But am I willing to ruin a brotherly bond? Hayi mara what
if I am gonna save someone, maybe Karabo? I am soo confused.


It is 7 am and Nto is not in bed. I get up and I brush my teeth and take a shower. I
am going to have to go to Sandhurst and change to fresh clothes. As I lotion my
body, I see a note on the side drawer.

It reads:

“Don’t worry, I am at work. I have a shift today but I am knocking off at 14h00. I
didn’t wanna disturb you while sleeping.

NB: I washed your clothes and they should be dry when you wake up. They are
by the en-suite bathroom… I love you.

I can’t help but chuckle. I then dress up and I head to the living room. I find
everyone there.

Me: (heading to the fridge) Morning.

Them: Sho/Morning/ Monna/Abhuti/Mokoena

I then take out a bottle of water and I gulp on it. Oratile is making breakfast for

Obakeng: O kae Ntokozo?

Me: At work. Tumi, you coming along?

Him: (getting up) Yeah… ehm, see you all around. Ora?

Ora: bye.

We then head out. As we approach the parking lot…

Tumi: Isn’t Thapelo acting weird to you after your shooting?

Me: Why?

Him: Nah, Ke ya Botsa fela. Nothing much.

➢ (Nah, I am just asking. Nothing much.)

Me: I haven’t been noticing. I mean, I got a woman to be giving my entire

attention to, a company to run, lobolas to pay, a throne to take and a two
wedding to make sure happen.

Him: And a wife to deflower

Me: (chuckling) Voestek Tumeleng…

➢ (Get lost, Tumelang)

Him: We heard the moans last night phela

Me: (chuckling) I was checking if my property wasn’t touched when I wasn’t there

Him: (laughing) So she is still safe?

Me: 100% ntjaka

We laugh as we go our separate ways.

Insert 37



I am now on my way to the office. I did pass at home to change my clothes. This
time I went with black tailored pants, white golf t-shirt, a red and white Mokoena
- Khoza mersh and White and Black Retro Air Jordan sneakers that are ankle
length. I just parked my car and I am heading inside. As I pass by the reception,
the receptionist stops me.

Her: Morning Mr Mokwena…

Me: Morning

Her: Here are yo….

My phone rings…

Incoming call: MaMokwena

Me: MaMhlophe

Her: Mokwena

Me: How is my heartbeat doing?

Her: I’m okay, just missing you so bad

Me: (chuckling) but you were together nje?

Her: I left without getting my kiss…

Me: I can come kiss you then leave.

We both laugh…
Her: I just wanted to check up on you.

Me: Sthandwa sam mara that is my duty nje?

Her: (giggling) I am hijacking it for today

Me: (chuckling) Hayi… ohh, I wanted to talk to you about this before you hear it
from others.

Her: O-Kay

Me: We are all going to Botswana this weekend…

I then leave the receptionist and head to my office.

Her: Niyahamba?

➢ (Y’all are leaving?)

Me: Niy? Sonke, including you. My father summoned all of us.

➢ (We? All of us, including you baby. My father summoned all of us.)

Her: Nami?

➢ (Me too?)

Me: Yes

Her: But Karabo, Weekend is in two days… that is a very short notice…

Me: I am sorry sthandwa sami

Her: Okay, positive side, at least I have Today and Friday to prepare…

Me: Eish… sthandwa sami, we leaving Friday evening.

Her: What?!
She is trying so hard to not be loud… and I feel paic in her voice

Her: Karabo… aowa. What am I going to wear?! What am I gonna bring along?!

Me: hey… calm down baby… everything will okay. Stop thinking about it, okay?
We will do it together.

Her: Karabo kodwa…

Me: Ntokozo, I am serious. You need to be calm. Plus Oratile and Rethabile will be
leaving with us.

Her: Rethabile?

Me: Thapelo’s wife

Her: Eish okay…

Me: Don’t worry… she is very kind. Just like Oratile

Her: Okay

Me: Listen, I gotta go. We will talk later, nerh? I will pass by your apartment
around 15h00 so that we can go do your shopping.

Her: I am paying

Me: Keep on dreaming…

Her: (laughing) We will see.

Me: (chuckling) Okay… Ngiyakuthanda yezwa Nhliziyo?

Her: (giggling) Uthandwa yimina Mokwena.

I chuckle

Let get to work…


It is now around 13h45 and my shift is about to end. Well, it is now boring since I
moved this side and left my girls that side. Bona they call me and check up on me.
I just got off the phone with them. I really do miss them but I will have to see
them next week. I asked for a leave to the manager and he agreed. I used a lousy
excuse about my wedding. He wasn’t shocked because of the video of Karabo,
proposing in the Parking lot, which is trending.

Ohh knock off time!!! I go to the change room and I fix my self by the mirror. I
look okay… I am wearing an acid grey ripped skinny jean, a white long sleeve crop
top and Fila Disruptor Rose colored sneakers.

I take my bag and as I go out of the shop, I tied my Focx locs into a high ponytail.
My collegues say their goodbyes to me and I leave. I head to Checkers Hyper and I
buy a Monster Energy drink and bubblegum. I then Uber home.

The house is empty, I assume Ora is at work or attending. I take a quick shower
and I change my shoes only. I wore my white puffy slippers. I have like 5 puffy
slippers with elastic. I am obsessed with them. I head to the living room and I find
Karabo seated by the couch, drinking a 500ml bottle of Heineken while watching

I walk to him.

Me: Angikuzwanga mawengena

➢ (I didn’t hear you entering)

Him: You were still bathing so I decided to watch TV while waiting for you…
I then lean in for a kiss. He kisses my deeply, while pulling me by my waist to sit
on him. I then pull away.

Me: Let’s go phela…

Him: (chuckling) Yeses… the day Imma tap you…

I laugh as he gives me a piggy back to the door.




I am at Fourways Mall with Karabo. We are look for the perfect gift to bring along
for MaKhoza and Mokoena. I don’t know what to buy, I mean these people are
from royalty

Me: Karabo, what are we gonna buy?

Him: I don’t know… How about a vase?

Me: (stopping and looking at him) A vase? Of all thing, Karabo? A vase?

Him: Haa baby, I don’t know

Me: How about a Set…

Him: What’s that?

Me: For your mom, we could buy her Puffy comfy slippers with MaMokwena
printed on them, a pampering gift set, a watch and Book collection?

Him: (amazed) I swear, it seems like I was listening to my mom, buying a gift…

Me: (laughing) Wow…

Him: (amazed) She will love it Sthandwa sami. You just gave me an idea. When we
come back, I will also add puffy slippers to my clothing brand.

Me: (proud) I mean…

We laugh and we head to The Body Shop for pampering gift set, Foschini for the
Puffy slippers and I also got myself another pair. Karabo insisted I get the Purple
ones this time. As I look around Foschini, I spot a nice pair of heels… they are
Nude Christian Louboutin with red bottom. They are so my style. Their height is
my biggest brag.

Karabo: Try them on.

I try them on and they are doing the most. Fuck!!!! They would look great with
that dress I bought when I went shopping with MaKhoza... the nude flur one. I
smile like a little girl…

Him: (impressed) They look exceptional on you…

Me: (smiling) Ngiyabonga Mokoena

Him: Let’s take them… minus one problem…

I smile and hug him. I love this man shame.

Him: take another pair.

I then spot the white Christian Louboutin with a red bottom too. I try it on and I
rush to him…

Me: This one…

He chuckles as he puts it in the stroller. We move to the dress department and I

fall in love with one dress. It is a Nude Women’s Cocktail Party Dress with a Swing
style from the waist. It is long sleeve and is high neck. It is below my knees, but is
shows my legs those…

Karabo: (hugging me from behing) this one will look good with those Khaki heels…
He says looking at the dress I am looking at.

Me: (laughing) They are not Khaki, they are Nude.

Him: (laughing) My bad. You gonna fit it?

Me: Nope, I already know the perfect size

Him: Okay then

I take the dress and we go to the till. He pays and we head to the book shop…

Him: Aint you gonna buy another dress?

Me: (holding his hand) I already have one at home that I haven’t wore so it will be

Him: Are you sure? You know I don’t mind buying you another one

Me: (laughing) I know but it’s okay…

Him: Okay, Nhliziyo

We then finish off our shopping…




It is Friday evening and we are all by the Private airpot. The jet is ready, we are
waiting for Karabo and Ntokozo. Obakeng and Tumi are tagging along, the
Queen’s request. Ma regards them as family and so do we. Oratile is with
Rethabile, they are looking dashing. Ora is wearing a black hugging dress that
goes all the way to her ankles. It has a slit of whatever you call that one leg
showing style and white pencil heels. Rethabile is wearing a white top and a long
open skirt, tuck in style and red heels. She out did herself as my wife but it still
didn’t hit the love spot, only the “I wanna strip that dress of you” part.

The brothers are wearing suits and their Tuxedo shoes. Obakeng and I have
Tuxedo suits on and Jonathan D shoes on. Well, we are dressed so formal because
of my father. He forbidded us from arriving at Botswana with informal clothes.
They be taking pictures of us and all that shit. So rather we wear them when we
are that side after the day of arrival.

Karabo and Ntokozo have arrived. Karabo is wearing a navy Tuxedo chain detailed
waistcoat, Tuxedo navy blue tailored trousers and he has his Blazer on his hand.
The look looks good with that black shirt of his. He is wearing white Ankle length
Mokoena – Khoza sneakers, those Air Force 1 shaped ones. Damnit, I hate to say
it but he got drip. The brothers cheer at his site. He then opens the door for Ntok

The brothers go mute for a moment and they start whistling. The ladies ululate.

Obakeng: Yeses… Monna, o nyele

➢ (Dude, you are doomed)

Him: Yerr… simple but elegant… talk about a woman


Him: Thapelo


Him: Thapelo

Me: huh… What?

I hear his talking but my mind is at Ntokozo…

She is wearing a Nude Women’s Cocktail Party Dress with a Swing style from the
waist. It is long sleeve and is high neck. It is also below her knees. She
accommodated the look with Nude Christian Louboutin and an anklet, which
looks get on her big legs. She tied her hair into a ball sort of thing, no make up.
Her caramel skin and the dress are not making things easy for me. Karabo is a luck
bastard, but not for long.


We have arrived. Karabo is holding my hand and I am still shorter than him… even
with heels on. Hayi. The Mokwena clan is going wild at the airport. Oratile and
another girl head our way. They are so beautiful… like if only I knew, I would have
bought a bodycon too.

Karabo: Ora… Retha…

Ora: Abuti

Retha: (looking down, showing respect to Karabo) Abuti.

Karabo: Baby, let me greet the brothers.

Me: Okay Mokoena.

He kisses my lips then heads to the Mokoena clan. Damnit, my man outdid
himself but there is something about that suit he is wearing… it is making me
yearn for him, even more.

Ora: (hugging me) Skati… look at you, dressed to kill.

Me: (hugging her) Thank you Skati. You also look stunning. If only I knew, I would
have woren a bodycon too

We laugh…

Ora: Skati, this is Rethabile, Thapelo’s wife… Retha, this is Ntokozo

Her: (offeing a handshake with the most gorgeous smile ever) Nice to finally meet
you, Nto

Me: (hugging her) Likewise…

Ora: Let’s join the Clan…

We laugh and we head to then.

Me: Sanibonani.

➢ (Greetings)

Them: Sphalaphala/ Koti/ Ngwana/ MaDladla/Mfazi kaBafo/ Monhle

Thabang: (hugging me) Ngwana…

I hug him back. He then pulls away from the hug…

Him: (excited) Shapa Turn Around mo…

➢ (Do a spin for me,please?)

I turn around as he holds my hand upwards…

Him: Yho Ngwana… yerrr, you ate and left no crumbes…

Tumiso: Are you done? Phela we are also waiting for our turn to hug Nto too.

Everyone laughs and Karabo gives me the “go ahead” look with a smile.

Tumiso: (hugging me) Shphalaphala sekaBafo.

➢ (My brother’s beauty queen)

I smile and I hug Itumelang, then Obakeng….

Obakeng: (hugging me) You look dashing

Me: (pulling away with a smile) Thank you

I then move on to Thapelo and I hug him.

Thapelo: (pulling away with a smile) Awusemuhle MaVezi

➢ (You look beautiful, MaVezi)

Is he imitating Karabo’s voice?

Me: (smiling) Ngiyabonga Bhuti omdala

➢ (Thank you, big brother)

Okay, that was totally weird. Is he trying to be Karabo? I then move back to the

Karabo: Hawu? I though you were hugging everyone. Why am I discriminated?

We all laugh.

I give him the hug and he hangs on to my waist. His hand is even going places.

Tumiso: Hey, asambeni… it is already 6pm…

We all head inside the Jet. The ladies steal me from Karabo and we get in an
empty “room” on the Jet and we sit there… just the three of us. These heels are
killing me.

Ora: ladies, what can I offer you?

Retha: white wine

Me: (smiling) Red will do for me.

Ora: (smiling) Coming right up…

She then leaves the room…

Retha: You have quite the taste, hey? Who would have thought Vintage – Modern
would work?

Me: (smiling) I try…

Her: I also love Vintage but my husband hates it.

Me: Thapelo?

Her: Yep.

Okay, that’s odd.

Me: Why do you let him tell you what to wear? I mean, it is your chose.

Her: (laughing) It is not that easy Nto…

Me: I get you babes. All I am saying is, you are beautiful. You got the best shaped
body, your melanin clear skin and more. Don’t let him cover all of that because of
his insecurities. Man, have you seen yourself on the mirror?

She laughs…

Me: Woman, you look like a doll from a box.

Her: (laughing) Thank you so much Nto… I needed that.

Me: Im telling you, doll. In that matter, these heels are killing me.

The door then opens…

It is Karabo, followed by Ora who is empty handed.

Karabo: (Heading to me) MaMokoena.

Me: Mokoena

He then kisses me then gets her lowers his height by going lower, more like a
squat. He is taking off my heels and putting on my puffy slippers… the Berge ones.

Him: (looking at me) I figured you needed them.

Me: (smiling) Ngiyabonga Mokoena.

Wait, where is our lougage and the gift? Did…

Him: (Kissing my hand) Relax, everything is in. Don’t worry.

Me: (smiling) Okay.

He then get up and kisses me.

Him: Ngiyakuthanda yezwa, nhliziyo?

Me: Uthandwa yimina Mokoena

He kisses my forehead then he leaves. Man, his brakets are making the trousers
look so perfect… his walk, in general. He has folded his shirt sleeve til the elbows.
His veiny arms, the tattoos on the left arm and that Rolex watch are making those
arms pop. This man is hulky, the shift is revealing his muscles. He did cut off his
dreadlocks and did curls and the curls are making him more attractive. The trim…

Ora: Ntokozo, stop drowling

Me: Huh?

Ora: You drowling

Me: (Tryna hide it) Psssh, no, I am not drowling.

Retha: (laughing) You are…

Me: Is it that obvious?

Ora: Woman, you so bad at hiding it.

Me: But do you blame me though?

Ora: Hayi… life is unfair.

We look at her, curious

Her: How does God give me hot brothers? Couldn’t one of them be non-related
to me? These men are just Greek Gods

Retha and I laugh.

Me: If only you see my brothers… I also felt that way but mina I felt like they were
over shading me

Ora: (getting excited) Yooh!!! The Dladla brothers!!! My favourite is… that
influencer one…

Me: Thando…

Her: (hands on her head) Yeses!!! Thando Dladla, the hulky Greek God… skin clear
as glass, style on point, tall muscular, very visible abs… full bodied legs and a dic….

Me: (stopping her while laughing) Whoa… whoa…. He is still my brother.

Retha: Mara very Thando is fucken hot… how old is he? 23 or 24?

Me: he just turned 19.

Them: (eyes out) What?!!!!!

Me: Did I say something wrong?

Oh, Thando is gonna regret making me look like the young one

Ora: You lying?

Retha: Woman, your brother is living a lifestyle of a 23 year old…

Me: (laughing) I get that a lot…

Retha: I actually thought you were the last born.

Okay, I am now determined to choke Thandlwethu Dladla.

Ora: (clapping in disbelief) Hayi ngeke… is cant be. Ngeke impela

Retha and I laugh as she is at the edge of crying…

Me: (moving to her couch) Don’t cry Skati. Kanti you loved him kanje?

Her: Yhooo… he was my crush.

Me: Don’t cry.

Retha then joins us in the hug…

Retha: Skati, 3 years is not a huge gab plus you seem younger than him.

Okay, we are promoting a Sugar mama – Ben 10 situationship here, but ‘cause of
the situations at hand, I will let it slide. I mean, he is still my brother.

Me: True, I agree with Retha boo. I can give you his tenz and you call talk to him
to get closure.

Her: (getting excited) Really?

This woman is a drama queen hle… a drama queen I love to death.




I am woken up by Retha, who is applying make – up on herself.

Her: Nto, we have arrived.

Me: Uhm… what time is it?

Her: 23: 04

Me: (stretching myself) Where are the others?

Her: Ora went in with the Brothers, including Tumi and Obakeng.

Me: Okay.

I wear my heels quick and I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth again and we
head out. Retha heads out first then I follow her.

Camera people are by the gate, luckily. They are taking pictures of us.

Shit!!! What is it with this family and having gigantic houses?!

This palace is gigantic. I don’t know how to even explain it. It is a palace but it is
huger than a regular palace. The yard is buzzing with people. As we pass them,
they bow down. Men get down on one knee and women get down on both knees
until we enter the palace.

As we enter, we are met by Oratile by the door.

Her: Women, why did y’all take so long?

Retha: She was still asleep and I had to re - apply.

Me: (smiling) Sorry. Where did Karabo put the gift?

Her: Ohh, he said I must give it to you. You will take it to his mom. He has already
given his dad one.

Me: How do I do it?

Her: First, you bow down…

She explain everything and I must say, it is such a procedure…

Me: Okay…

The girls leave and after about 10 minutes of rehearsal, I head to the long huge
door. It opens and I spot Karabo seated next to his father on the left and Tumiso
next to him. MaKhoza is seated next to the king on the right. Sitting next to her is
Thapelo then Thabang. The girls are kneeling down on the right side of the room.
Obakeng and Tumi are seated on the couch that is place on the left side of the
room. The room is big and there are stairs and the Mokoenas are seated on the
platform above them. I thought it was family only nje? Why are they more than
50 people in this room?

The door man took the gift from me. They will be the ones to bring it in once the
king accepts my request. Here goes nothing.

Me: (with pride and confidence) BaKoena ba ha Monaheng

Mokoena wa ha Monaheng

Maila ho ngwathelwa,

Motho ya se jeng segwanthwana sa maobane

Ya jang polokwe kaofela ha e tla re ha a eja ho thehe meriti

The ladies in the room start ululating. MaKhoza is very impressed and so is the
king. The brothers are shocked.

Me (Continuing) E menyane ya diotlwana

Ke motho wa Nkopane le Mohlomi,

Ke motho wa ha Monaheng

BaKoena ba ha Modibedi

Mokoena wa ha Modibedi

Wa hahlana tse pedi tsa mamonyane wa.

mahlatsi guguthana la mamodibedi motho wa ho hlapa le

mohwehadi ledibohong,

Motho wa Sikiri sa Namahadi motho wa matswe motho wa ha


The women cheer even more. I am still look down, taking each step with pride,
cautiousness and confidence.

One woman: (cheering) Retsha le teletshe le gradibe le.

➢ (Listen and listen carefully to what this young lady is saying)

Another one: Phaaswa

Then they ulululate even more

Me: Bakoena ba ha Phaaswa

Phaaswa Manaila
Mathole Mathibane

Maila kobjwana

ke Mokoena,

Mohlakoana wa Maila Ngoathela,

A sajeng poloko ya Maobane.

Mokoena Koena wa meetse magolo wa rope lakgomo lee motho,

Wa seboloane Mokoena wago tshanga pele ongwa lesetla,

Wa go sala morago ongwa bodu, motho wa go tswa tlase Mokgoba ko



Everyone: (cheering for me to carry on) Kapa



Aowa I want to talk but these people want me to carry on and I am running out of
clan names. I don’t know all of them!!!

Me: (getting close to the stair platform)Mokoena Mathole mabathi akwile

Wantshana Serote,

Thlare la moriana watala lere gele oma leboa lerobega nkari

lenelwa kemetsi apula,
Rebaga Mathibanyana,

Reboa Shakoaneng,

Kgomo lemotho gophalang?

I said that with a shrugging gesture. I don’t know why but that inner me is taking
control of me. I then reach where I was told to stop and I then get on my knees

Me: Gophala motho gobane motho gabaje kgomo illelateng,

wametsi magolo,

Malala akitika Maetela Mangwe


I bow my head, kneeling down infront of the king.

Me: Kgosi yaBakwena

Kgosi ya Morafe waTlhabeng

I present myself as Ntokozo Dladla. Ake na madi aboKgosi. Ke tla ka ho ye

kokobetsa, kere Mokoena.

➢ (King of Botswana,
King of the people of Tlhabeng,
I present myself as Ntokozo Dladla. I am not from royalty and I come with
humbleness, Mokoena.)
Don’t judge my Tswana or Sotho. I am just speaking.

Everyone: Mokoena!!!

These people are giving me strength right now.

Me: Ke tla Ke tsweri Mpho e ya Kgosigadi, MaMokoena wabobedi.

➢ (I come bearing a gift for the Queen, Mrs Mokoena II.)

The ladies in the room ululate. Then silence…

King: Re Yao ho amogela Mosetsane wahaDladla… I accept your request.

➢ (Warm welcome to you, Ms Dladla. I accept your request.)

The door man brings the gift in…

King: Kgosigadi?

➢ (Queen?)

Her: Dladla

Me: Kgosigadi yaBaKwena

Kgosigadi ya Morafe waTlhabeng

Palesa e hlomilweng pelang metsi a phallwang e nnko e monate

Ke tla ke tsweri Mpho… Ke ya tshepa otlo ye rata ebele o tlo ye dumela

➢ (Queen of Botswana,
Queen of the people of Tlhabeng,
I come bearing a gift… I hope you like it and accept it)
The door man hands it to Ora and Ora hands it to her and she goes back.
MaKhoza looks at it opening it. I am so nervous right now.

Her: (overjoyed) Ke ya ye dumela ebele Ke ya ye rata.

➢ (I accept it and I love it.)

She stands up and heads to me. The brothers stand as well. Everyone else does
the same and the king stands too.

MaMokoena: Dladla



Shandu kaNdaba




Mgabadeli owaGabadela inkundla zakwaBulawayo

Everyone ululate.

She then reaches me

Her: Magalela agoqe njengeShongololo

Shiza likaNdaba
Welcome to Royal Tlhabeng and welcome to the family.

She then signals me to stand and look at her. She then hugs me while everyone

Her: (whispering on my ear) You did well ngane yam… I am proud of you and
thank you for coming.

Me: Thank you Ma.

She pulls away and the king heads my way. I look down but MaKhoza signals me
to look up.

King: Welcome to Royal Tlhabeng

He offers a handshake and I shake his hand while bowing

King: Morafe waTlhabeng, ona Ke Mosestane wahaDladla, Ntokozo Dladla. Ke

mosade wa moyeta phele walona olatelang, Karabo Leon Mokoena.

➢ (People of Royal Tlhabeng, this is MiSS Dladla, Ntokozo Dladla. She is the
future wife of your next in line leader, Karabo Leon Mokoena.)

They all ululate.

Wait, did he just introduce me to the whole world as Karabo’s wife? Hayibo,
kshuthi no turning back.

The princes then head my way, with Tumiso leading the way. They handshake me
while saying welcome to the family.

Then Karabo is the last one. Ora signals me to not look him directly in the eyes.
Him: (handshaking me) My wife.

Me: Mokoena.

He then hugs me. The cameras go wild. He then to kisses me. Is this permitted in
the palace?

He stands by my side and hug Retha then Oratile then I handshake Obakeng and
Tumi. I think it is picture time… I never knew palace life was like this.

(Mme Mokwena on the left side of Mokoena, followed by Thapelo, Thabang and
Obakeng. Then on the King’s side is Karabo, followed by Tumiso then Tumi.) I was
told to knee down in front of the king and Queen, facing the camera man. Ora is
on my right side and Retha on my left. This is an achievement for real.




I am by the kitchen with Oratile and Retha. We are washing the mountain of
dishes. We just had dinner. I am washing them, Ora is rinsing and drying and
Retha is wiping and packing them. We are busy chatting…

Retha: (so overjoyed) Girl, you were so dreamy… the confidence you had when
saying the clan names, the power, the pride, you voice…. Girl!!!

Ora: Skati, the walk… every step she took was powerful. It had a story on its own
hle… it gave me goosebumps!!!

I laugh

Retha: wena! The hand gestures went along with everything, perfectly.

Me: (laughing) Yooh, I was nervous. No offense, those people are shit scary and
very serious. I almost peed myself when I was walking in. And what was it with
you and selling me out?

Ora: (laughing) Your voice had so much power so we wanted more

We all laugh.

Retha: How did you even know the clan names so fast?

Me: The Mokoena Praises are common babe, after all, they are Southern Sotho
Bakwenas, Sotho Bakwenas and Batswana Mokoena.
Her: Hayi shame, you outdid yourself girl. I love that part of the Queen… when
you said, “O palesa e hlomilweng pelang metsi a phallwang e nnko e monate”

Ora: (going crazy) Yhooo!!! I felt that one hle

Retha: What is your highlight of the day?

Me: To be honest, every event that took place today was a highlight in my life.

Them: Nchooo!!!

We all laugh then my phone vibrates. I dry my hands on the apron I am wearing
and I take my phone out if the apron’s pocket and I check it.

It is an Insta Notification, a tag. I click it and it is a post by Karabo. He posted it 9

minutes ago. It is an edited video of me. From me getting off the Jet, to me
entering the palace while talking to Retha and Ora. To me entering the Parliament
of the Royals, saying the Mokoena Clan names.) He added the an instrument track
of I do – Amanda Black… it is going along with what I am saying very well, to me
talking to the King and Queen, to getting a hug from the Queen and handshakes
from the King and Princes and Princesses, to me kissing him and the picture of the
Royals and me. The caption says, “MaMokoena wa morafe waTlhabeng”. The
video has ove 30k likes already, in 10 minutes…

I go to the comment section and the comments are a total confidence boast….

➢ Her voice when saying the Clan names

➢ The power in her voice
➢ Her outfit brightened the room… #Vintage – Modern.
➢ Her steps with those heels told their own story
➢ Future Queen of Batswana

One of the comments got me on my tears. It says:

➢ The lady is a true definition of a Role model. She is from a very wealthy
family but she never brags about it. She works at Sportscene, imagine, a lady
from so much wealth working at Sportscene? Shockin, right? Considering
that most of you brag about being rich. She did what many couldn’t do.

Instead of depending on her family’s wealth and fam, she chose to fin out
for herself and make her own. Along the process she meets Mokoena but
still she never bragged about it… instead she stayed humble and down to
earth, regardless of his man’s fam and status. This woman here has a lot to
brag about , like her beauty, her brainsand intelligence, her wisdom, her
status, her family, her husband and more but she chooses to be down to
We never knew the Dladla’s had a daughter… we only saw her in pictures on
her brother’s account. When we all discovered her account, it had only one
picture. She accepts herself and her situation. She is also donates food and
clothes to orphanages, using her money but have you ever heard of that?
No, because she is down to earht, unlike many of you who take pictures of
you, doing that, trying to act all saint.
She is the true definition of independence. Wherever she goes, her presence
is felt, her kindness and her dignity are also felt, strongly.
Her husband is also a definition of private, independent, hardworking and
self reliant. He is a true role model too.
I hope many could look up to this wonderful couple in all angles and
The kingdom of Royal Tlhabeng is still safe and will be secured and kept the
same in the future. Bless the King and Queen and the Future King and Queen


This comment has over 10k likes. I find myself tearing up. The girls rush to me and
they hug me. I assume they saw the comment too. I never thought my actions
were noted and inspiring to others. God has really blessed me. As they hug me,
the Queen walks in. I am no longer calling her MaKhoza, she is Queen from now
on. She heads to us and she joins in on the hug.

Her: You deserve everything you have ngane yam.

I pull out of the hug and I wipe my tears

Her: (holding my hands) Ngane yam, we are the lucky ones here. You have
brought so much change to this family more that you think. You never intended
on changing anything but with your presence, your aura, you did.And we are
thankful for that. You are a strong lady Nto. A person your age wouldn’t have
been able to handle any of what you going through successful as you did. Don’t
ever questions your place in this family, okay?

I nod repeatedly… She then holds Retha’s hand in reassurance and Ora and she
hugs us all. She pulls out of the hug.

Her: (holding her tears) Now go and fix up something for the men in this house…

We laugh as she leaves.

Ora: Mei Skati, you are in

Retha: Phakathi shiqi

➢ (Directly inside)

We laugh…

There is something about how Retha said that, that made us laugh so hard. She
used the Sesotho ascent…
we put whiskey glasses on the trays, 12 whiskey glasses (six on each tray) and one
bottle of whiskey on each tray. I was given the task of carrying Water and a cloth
for them to wash their hands.

Anyways, we head to the dining room. The table there is long. It caters for up to
15 people. I then start by the King, then his brother and the other elderly men in
the room then I get to the brothers. I was told to start by Karabo then Thapelo
then Tumiso then Thabang and Tumi and Obakeng. Ora and Retha have left me. I
then ask to be excused. Karabo is looking at me with lust, yezwa? He is dying of
not touching me for 3 whole hours. I head to the kitchen and I find the girls watch
my video that is currently going viral.

Retha: Skati, your video is making hits. It is now at 100k likes. People are
supporting you and Karabo on your marriage

Me: (laughing) Hayi…

Ora: this one saids “Greek God for Doll beautiful lady”

Retha: this one says “Prince Karabo had to just take away our Swati Crush”

I can’t help but laugh…

I then feel firm hands on my waist. I know it’s him. His Cologneis all it takes for me
to know it’s him. I then place my hands on top of his. They are so veiny. He folded
his shirt until his elbows again. The ladies look at us in envy and excitement.

Karabo: (kissing my neck) it is 03h34, why ain’t you asleep yet?

I didn’t even notice. I thought it was around 00h00… Time this side is hard to tell
at night, hey?

Me: (giggling) I was just finishing up.

Him: (to Ora and Retha) Ladies, this Mama here is gonna have to say her
goodnights to y’all. Retha, Thapelo is upstairs, looking for you.

Retha: (smiling and leaving) Ohh, okay. Good night ladies. Abhuti…

Me: Night

Ora: Night

Me: Mei Skati, sleep tight

Her: Sweet dream Skati. Abuti?

Karabo: Rati… Mama, let’s go.

We then head upstairs. This house is big, yoh.

Just as I thought we were getting to the room, it is another passage, leading to

another staircase. Aowa, I am dying mina. Phela I still have heels on. I hold on to
the stair rails as we go up to the third floor of the palace… we walk and again,
another staircase… hayi

Me: Yerr, kanti what is it with Bakoena people and having gigantic houses with
many passages?

Shit… That was my mind rushing to my mind.

Him: (laughing) we almost there

Me: That is what you said when we approached the second staircase.

Him: (laughing) I am serious now. Our room is at the same floor as Thapelo’s and
Tumiso’s and Obakeng

Me: Eish…
We then get to the floor with white Italian style. It is bright and it is giving Operah
Winfren’s house. As we walk, we hear moans. Karabo acts like he heard nothing
and I also ignore it. We then get to our room.

He opens the door for me and I enter and he follows. I sit on the bed and I take of
my heels, while he leans on the door, facing me.

Me: Yeses, the heels were killing me.

Him: Why didn’t you wear the puffy slippers?

Me: Haa, that would be total disrespect plus I didn’t know the room we were
allocated in.

Him: Why didn’t you come to me and ask me?

Me: You were busy plus I didn’t wanna beseen as that wife that depends on her
husband in everything.

He laughs and he heads to me, he is walking with motion. Man, those Tuxedo
Trouser and waistcoat are driving me crazy. His veiny arms and the tattoos too,
the curls and the trim are making him more attractive. His walk… I am drowling

Just as I snap out of it, he is right next to me. He is still standing. The next thing I
know, he grabs my neck gently, making me face him. I look up at him and that
dangerous seductive look is back. The neck grab is not making things easiler.
Oratile and Retha were telling the true, he is a Greek god. His long fluttering
eyelashes, his eyebrows, his odd eyes, his pink lips, his light skin… this man… who
ever that did his hair, outdid themselves, the trimming is making him look like Luh
Kel. The 270 degree cut and fade curls…


Him: That dress looks great on you.


Him: I never knew that I knew The Mokoena Clan Names

Me: (smiling) I tried…

Him: When we said them with that walk of yours and confidence, I got turned on

Damnit, that feeling is back. The butterflies and shocks…

Me: (trying to change the subject) I am craving ice cream

Him: (smirking) You craving Ice cream?

I nod and he lower himself to a squat position.

Him: (with a deep voice) don’t you ever crave me?

I choke on my saliva, causing me to cough badly.

Me: You bold, very bold.

He chucklies then he puts his hands on my thighs.

Him: Don’t make me make you answer my question Mme Mokwena…

The deepness of his voice and the way he said that sent serious shocks down my

Him: Well, (running his hands up my thighs) I always crave you, especially when
you are angry at me or scolding me.
Me: Uhm… i… err…

His left hand is now in my inner thighs.

Him: (looking at me) I’m listening

Me: (after gathering my strength) I always crave you Karabo, when you are
driving, when you are crazy, when you are serious, when you are laughing, when
you are angry, when you are eating, when you touching me… I always crave you

He looks at me with a smirk on his face…

He then kissed me. As much as I am scared, I give in. The kiss gets super intense.
He then pushes me gently to lie backwards and he gets on top of me while
balancing with his right hand. He then brings back his left hand and he holds my
neck with it, tilting my head so that he can get enough access to my neck. He then
starts suckling my neck so hard. He then bites me gently while suckling. He does
that and he then pulls back. He looks at me with lust, undressing me with his eyes.

He then pushes my dress upwards, flipping it, exposing my lower body. He then
kisses me again. His left hand disappears between our bodies. Seconds later…

Me: (moaning) Mmh…

His hand is rubbing my cookie down there. Damn it feels great. He then picks up
his pace and rubs it faster. I wanna moan but I resort to biting my lip. He is looking
at me as I feel all this pleasure.

Him: (deep voice) Tough girl?

He then goes down. He takes off my panties…

Me: (moaning loudly) Ahhhh… uhm!

I am grabing the sheets of the bed. He twirls his tongue…

Me: (moaning loudly) UHMMM!!!

He is going deeper. My soul is at the edge of leaving my body.

It the electric feling from my spine is back and I wanna release. I try moving away
but he pulls me back. I try again and this time he raises his head and looks straight
into my eyes

Him: (very very deep voice) Uh.uh, na stal. Kante o dira bang?

➢ (Uh.uh, stay still. What are you doing now?)

Yho!!! That sent butterflies everywhere in my body. That statement had a

SePitori in it.

Me: (Weak asf) Sorry Mokwena…

He then carries on. This time, it gets very tense… I feel bloated…I wanna release
so bad…

Me: (moaning loudly) Karabo…

My legs then shake uncontrolleable. He is still holding me down, tight nokwenza.

He carries on eating me for dear life. The third one is coming. Just as I was about
to release, he stop and he kisses me. The kiss is very intense. He takes the ice on
the ice bowl and he eats it then he goes down on me again. The coldness of the
ice is making me yearn for him even more. He then rubs it on my lady. The feeling
is back… I wanna release so bad.

He then stopes and he kisses me again, his hand rubbing my pussy again. He is
playing with my enterance and I am moan very loud. He is now looking at me, still
playing with my entrance. I then release…

Me: (moaning loudly) Karabo… Ahhh, Mmmm…

Him: Fuck, you are so wet. Wish I could eat you now.

I kiss him and he kisses me back. I run my hands on his chest and abs…

Me: (looking at him) Thatha ubuntombi bami Mokoena

➢ (Tak my virginity Mokoena)

He looks at me with a smirk…

Him: I would but I want your first time to be very memorable MaMhlophe

Me: (frustrated) Fuck.

Him: (Kissing me) Don’t worry, we got all the time in the world sthandwa sami,

Me: Okay

Him: Ngiyakuthanda yezwa, Nhliziyo?

Me: Uthandwa yimina Mokwena. Let me go have a shower.

Him: Should I join you?

me: (LAUGHING) You wish…

I then head to in the ensuite and I shower…




It is now around 13h07 and i am on my way to the kitchen. I don’t know if I am

overly dressed but I doubt.

I am wearing a pink long sleeve Redbat bodysuit and I twinned it with my white
polka overlayed Mesh skirt. I tied two headwraps on my head, a pink and white
one. I love headwrap combos… I decided to wear my white puffy slippers with
elastic. Simple, I know.

As I head to the second stair cases that lead downstairs, I bump into Thapelo… he
is wearing black tailored trousers, a white G Star Raw T-Shirt, Grey Mokoena –
Khoza sneakers.

Him: MaMhlophe

Me: Bhuti

➢ (Brother)

Him: You look beautiful

Me: (laughing) Weeh… ngiyabonga

Him: (chuckling) You did well yesterday… Proud of you

Me: Ngiyabonga Bhuti


His eyes, I can never get used to. They pierce your soul yho… plus he is like 10
years older than me… As much as I don’t say it, he scares me, hey?
Me: (LOOKING DOWN) if you would excuse me…

Him: No problem… See you around…

He then leaves, heading upstairs. I carry on with my journey to the kitchen. I get
there and I find the ladies there… doing absolutely nothing.

Retha: (smiling) The lady of the moment.

Me: (laughing) Weeh… sanibonani

➢ (Afternoon)

Them: Skati

Ora: How did you sleep boo?

Me: (Smiling) I slept great thanks and yourselves?

Ora: Like a baby

Retha: (smiling) Very great

She did…. After the way Thapelo made her moan his name last night, she did get
more ease. I am happy for her shame… she deserves it yho.

Me: (smirking at Retha) You sure did mei skati

She laughs and I turn to Ora…

Me: Wena, why are you so overjoyed?

She gives me the “guess” look with a smirk…

Me: (eyes out) Thando?

Her: (blushing) yes… we were chating from the wee hours. He even called me.

Me: (overjoyed) You lying?

Her: Buka…

➢ (Look)

She shows me and Retha their chats and call length. Thando is even the first one
to make the move. This message….

Me: (pissed) He just had to get me involved nje… this is total crap. Athi “Is Nto
around, I have been trying to reach her all-day but voicemail”. Mzuzu he didn’t
even call me nor message me… idiot this one.

They laugh…

Tumiso then enters, looking all dashing. I can never get used to how he looks very
identical to Karabo.

He is wearing a black Cargo Joger, a Nike customized Cream white sweater, those
black caps with chains on them and Mokoena – Khoza three colored sneakers.
Kanti, did we miss the dresscode with these women or…

Tumiso: (holding his phone) Everyone ko LeKhotlweng

➢ (Everyone to the court)

Lekhotla is the Court room, the room where issues are stated and solved.
We all head to to room. Oratile enters first, then Retha, followed by me. Everyone
is here… we were the ony ones not present. We then kneel down infront of the
king and queen…

Oratile: Kgosi leKgosigadi le Bakoena.

➢ (King, King and Bakoena)

Retha: Kgosi le kgosigadi

➢ (King and Queen)

Me: (looking down) Kgosi… Kgosigadi le Bakoena.

They all nod and we then go to our situated chairs on the table. I am sitting
opposite Thapelo. Retha is on my right, opposite Tumiso and Oratile is on my left,
opposite Karabo.

I can’t see what he is wearing because of the table but he has white Mokoena –
Khoza customized T-Shirt, a chain and his watch. His tattoos on his left arm are
showing. They are continuous. He is looking at me. I look down. Tumi and
Obakeng are also seated by the table.

King: Thank you all for coming today. Discussion will be based on Karabo and
Ntokozo’s marriage.

What? I don’t like being discussed hle. I am shaking already, trying to hide my
anxiety. Ora notice then she holds my knee with reassurance. I don’t know what I
would do without this woman. She is the sister I never had. All the brothers are
looking at the king.

King: As you all know, royal is royal. If it was though ancient times, it wouldn’t be
allowed for a commoner to marry into royalty…
Now I am labeled as a commoner? Wow…

King: But your mom and I changed that the moment we got married

He says that holding the Queen’s hand.

King: We came to the decision with your mom and the elders that the wedding
will go on.

The brothers sight in relieve. Karabo is smiling at me. kanti, bonke bebaminyile?

King: Kgosigadi will take over from where I left

Queen: Ngane zam, it was a long way but once the elders say “yes” no one can
say no. The ancestors have chosen Karabo to be the leader of the throne,
alongside Ntokozo as the queen. She was born to be the queen. There is nothing
you can do stop that. Thapelo is the heir of the Bakoenas but he was not meant to

She then looks at Thapelo, trying to hide anger.

Her: There is nothing that can be done. The elders have spoken. Let’s not brew
war in the family because it will not only affect the family, but it will also affect
Morafe waTlhabeng and also your lives as individuals.

She then looks at everyone.

Her: I am very disappointed in some of you. Y’all are my kids, you are siblings,
including Obakeng and Tumi. You all are my children, whether blood related or
not. But when I discovered the hatred you have on each other, the envy, greed
and all the betrayal, I felt sick to the stomach.
She looks at everyone with disgust written all of her face.

Her: (continuing) the ones that are suppose to guide you to light, guide you to
darkness. Tongues filled with lies, mouths that encourage evil deeds, legs that
lead you to darkness, hands with blood of your own, the very hands that push the
knife deeper into your back instead of helping, eyes filled with lust, hearts that
hold envy and grudges… hearts that are hard as stone and minds that want all
that isn’t yours, minds that poisoned to hate on your own and want their all…
what happened to all of you?

Everyone goes silent.

The brothers are looking down but feel Thapelo’s eyes on me. They are piercing
my soul. I think I have found the one that hates Karabo to the core but still acts all

Queen: (with rage) Obakeng… Thapelo… Tumiso…. Itumelang… Thabang…

Karabo… what happened to y’all?

I am disturbed by how she says Obakeng and Thapelo. She says it with so much
rage, power and hurt.

Something inside of me wants to talks to bad. It is burning me. What’s

happenening to me? My eyes then land on Thapelo.

He is look at me and I return the favor. I am looking at him, dead in his eyes. My
breathing is changing, very bad. I try to not show it. I try backing down from the
staring contest but i get this weird vision. My ears are ringing... I can’t even hear
the Queen speaking. My eyesight goes blank… the vision comes back.

It is a picture of Thapelo, beating up a woman… I don’t see the woman’s face but
he is pulling her hair. I can’t even make up of what Thapelo is saying in the vision
and the woman is the vision is wearing a white mermaid shaped dress with a little
mshweshwere pattern by the end of it… bluuubluuubluuu…

Retha: (shaking me) Nto…

Me: (snaping) Huh?

I look at her…

Her: Are you okay?

Me: (Stuttering) Ye… Yeah, I’m okay.

King: Nto, is it okay if we send uncles to your family next weekend?

Me: (faking a smiling) Mokoena.

He smiles and he dismisses the meeting.

Me: (looking down) Kgosi, Kgosigadi le BaKwena, can I be excused?

King: No problem…

The queen is still puzzled by my behavior and so is Karabo.

I then got up and I walk out. I am on my way to our room. I don’t know what’s
happening to me but that vision has to be a serious message. I mean I don’t
normally get visions daylight, only when I am asleep. I am really worried, but
keened to getting to the bottom of this…… bluuubluubluuubluuu…

Karabo: (holding me) kwenze njani?

➢ (What’s wrong?)
Me: (smiling) I’m okay… just needed to release the excitement.

Him: (hugging me) Here you go again… hiding things from me.

Me: (giggling) I’m not… I am serious.

Him: (looking at me while holding my waist) Are you sure?

Me: (giggling) Yes…

My heart instantly breaks as I fear what will happen to us if he finds out that I am
keeping secrets from him again… that involves his entire family.

Him: (holding me in worry) Hey, hey, hey, Khuluma nami sthandwa sami

➢ (Hey… hey… hey… talk to me, my love)

He then wipes my eyes. I didn’t notice that I was crying. I cover it up with a smile.

Me: I just can’t believe how lucky I am… it is just overwhelming.

He smiles and hugs me very tight. Forgive me Karabo.




It is our final day at Botswana. We are leaving in an hour or so. Ntokozo is still
bathing. I have a feeling she is hiding something from me. She has been acting
weird since the meeting that took place yesterday. She does want to tell me but
she then gets that “I can’t” look, like she is scared and we all know that Nto
doesn’t not fear nothing.

She is done with freshening up. I am also done.

I am wearing a red and black Chinos pencil check joggers, a black Short sleeve T-
Shirt, revealing my muscles and Tattoes and Jordan 4 Retro White Oreo sneakers.
I wore a black chained cap with the outfit.

Nto then comes out, wearing those Tutu splitted long dresses that are overlayed.
You see those ones that look like ballroom dresses? Yeah. It is long sleeved and it
is in black. It is Chris Dior… I know it very well. She wore it with Christian
Loubourtin White heels with a red bottom. She tied her hair into a big doughnut
and decorated it with white hair pins with flower decorations on it. She is by the
mirror putting on her clear lip gloss. She doesn’t like it glossy I don’t know why.

Her: (turning to me) How do I look?


Damnit, that spilt is releaving her leg when she walks. I have never seen a woman
to pull up a black dress like a model and more.

Her: Karabo???

Me: (snapping out of it) Uhmm.

Her: (laughing) How do I look?

I stand up and walk to her. I then look at her, from the head to toe, undressing
her with my eyes…

Me: (bitting my lower lip) yeses, no words can explain how beautiful you are… but
actions can…

Her: (laughing) Don’t be mischevious Karabo

She perks my lips and she gathers the suitcases. Yes, suitcases. She was nervous
and didn’t know what to pack so she took a two full suitcase for only three days.

I help her, take the suitcases, open the door for her and we head downstairs.
Today she is more relaxed that yesterday. We get to the main living room of the
house and we find everyone there excluding Thapelo and Retha. They all look at
us, more attention is turned to my wife.

Mom: (flashing a Colgate smile) Makoti, awusemuhle marn… come give me a hug.

➢ (My daughter in – law, you look beautiful… come give me a hug.

She giggles and hugs my mom. She then makes Ntokozo do a turn around while
my brothers, Ora and dad look at them.

Thabang: Ngwana, you taking my spot light

Nto: (laughing) Askies, Ngwana

She then bows at dad…

Her: Kgosi
➢ (King)

Dad: (smiling) Ngwanake…

➢ (My child)

Dad then opens his arms, signaling for her to hug him. She looks at me and I smile
at her. She can be nervous for izinto ezingekho umkami but I love seeing her
uneasy. She becomes very attractive.

She hugs dad and she then blacks out. Mom holds her in time. We all get up in

Mom: hlalani phansi!!!

➢ (Sit down!!!)

As much as I wanna go to her, I obey mom. Everyone is staring at her with panic.
Mom does something to her then she wakes up…

Nto: (Panicking) Retha… she is in trouble…

She is talking really fast… I can’t make up what she said next.

Next thing, she is on her feet with mom and they both running up the stairs. We
all follow behind them… they are really fast. How does one run so fast in heels?
They are rushing to Thapelo’s room. Mom then kicks the door open. Nto doesn’t
get in… she stops at the door then goes numb. We rush to them, to get a clear

WTF?!!!! Mah is on the floor in the room… Thapelo is holding a knife, Retha is on
the floor. Her white dress stained red by blood. She is lying on a pool of blood, her
blood. Ma looks at us…
Her: (tears in her eyes) No pulse… She is long gone.

Oratile: (fighting Tumi and Tumiso) ntlohele Itumelang!!! Rethabile!!!! Mei Skati,
tsoha!!!! Rethabile!!!

➢ (Let go of me Itumelang!!! Rethabile!!! Mei skati, wake up!!! Rethabile!!!)

I look at Ntokozo, who has tears on her eyes… I hold her tight as she retires to her
knees… she then cries hard in my embrace. She is not screaming though.

Obakeng: No… No… No… Thabang!!!

Thabang punched Thapelo, causing him to drop on the floor…

Thabang: (kicking him) Fuck you Thapelo!!!! Fuck you!!!

Obakeng pushes Thabang away form Thapelo…

Obakeng: (restraining Thabang) Whoa… it’s okay Monna…

Thabang: (fighting to free himself) O thoko mo le lapeng le Thapelo… A curse!!!

(pushing Obakeng off him) Ntlohele, sethoto ke wena!!! Grow up, marn!!! Grow
the fuck up!!!

➢ (You are a curse in this family, Thapelo… a curse!!! Let go of me, you idiot!!!
Grow up, marn!!! Grow the fuck up!!!)

He then storms off.

My dad walks to my mom and he comforts her while looking at Thapelo with
disgust… Nto is still crying.

How did she know this would happen?

She tries pushing me away while crying but I hold her tighter. She punches my
chest and I stomach each and every punch as it land on me with power and
emotions. I then hug her tighter…

Her: (crying) why isn’t she brething Karabo? She has a life to live… why did she
give up? Why isn’t she fighting? Why? Why did she give up on her child? She
could have fought for her unborn child… why?

Everyone turn their heads to us. I am looking at her. That was a big bomb drop…
Tumiso is livid…

Me: (still uging her) Nto, what do you mean?

She sighs while crying…

Her: (crying even more) Mbuyise, Karabo… Mbuyise!!!

➢ (Bring her back, Karabo… Bring her back!!!

I am livid…

I try taking out my gun from my waist but Tumi stops me…

Him: Monna… e seng pela le lapa…

➢ (No, man. Don’t… not in the presence of the family)

This bastard is luck for now. He will pay for making my wife feel guilty like this.


I regret it. I shouldn’t have done that. I need her. I love her. She can’t just leave
me like that.

Her, laying on her pool of blood with so many holes, play rewind every second.
The mortuary people took her body around the evening.

It is now around 20h00 and we are at the Royal court room, ko lekhotleng.
Everyone is seated, I just told them what happened or what I made up so that I
could defend myself.

Dad: Okay, Thapelo has told the story…

I am seated opposite Ntokozo and Oratile in on her left side. The right seat is
empty. It used to be her seat.

Ntokozo is looking deep into my eyes with rage all over her face. I look down. I
have always been the one to hold eye contact but now, I can’t…

Thabang: Papa, we all know that what Thapelo is saying is a pure lie. Retha’s body
had tons of holes in it and he was the one with the knife…

King: Ntokozo is the only one who saw what happened because she is the first
one to open the door. Rather she speak

Mme: let’s give Nto some time, she is still traumatised.

King: Okay, let’s resume this meeting tomorrow…

I feel relieved… gives me enough time to make sure she doesn’t talk…
Nto: I will talk.

They look at her with shock as she sits up, elbow on the table. She is still wearing
the dress she was wearing earlier on…

Her: Izolo during the meeting, I zoned out. That was because I had a vision and it
involved Thapelo beating up a woman. The lady’s face in the vision was blurr but
the lady was wearing a white mermaid shaped dress enendwangu esishweswe,
the very same dress that we found Rethabile in today… I ain’t trying to stir up
trouble but we all saw Thapelo holding the knife, meaning he killed her,

Me: That’s a lie

Her: (interrupting me) Studying Rethabile for the past 3 days, she was always
jumpy, always covered with Make-up even in areas where make-up shouldn’t be
and she covered her body extremely cautiously. When we arrived on Friday, she
went in the jet to wake me up and re-apply make-up. I noticed she applied
concealor on her wrists and neck. Women know that concealor does more
coverage than anything else and stats prove that when a man gets agreesive with
a woman, he grabs the wrists or the neck, proving that Rethabile was trying to
cover up her bruises. She also didn’t wear clothes that were revealing, even if it
meant showing a portion. She also showed so many insecurity gestures. (looking
at Ora) Remember when Karabo called for her, telling her that Thapelo has been
looking for her? She literally left everything unattended to. She started being
unease and she left with fear written all over her face. The poor woman couldn’t
even stand eye contact with Thapelo, nor being in a room with him. All this points
out that Thapelo was a history of beating up Rethabile…

Me: No, that’s a…

Her: (interrupting me again) And abusing her, mentally, physically and

Me: (trying to cover up) Now, that’s a pure lie. Why would I hit the love of my
life? I married her nje

Her: You never loved Rethabile. You used her as a chess pon to impress your
father, thinking he will hand you the throne.

Me: if that was the case, why did Retha agree?

Her: (chuckling in disbelief) Agree? Rethabile had no choice. She was mad in love
with you, no, scratch that, she was obsessed with you. You used that to your

Shit… she is unfolding everything.

Her: Retha then later discovered that you don’t love her. She felt that you were
using her for feasting your hunger, sexually, which was true. She saw that you
were using her body to release stress, frustration neNkanuko yakho. She resorted
to filing a divorce against you but when you found out about that, you
manipulated her…

Me: No… no… no…

Her: and you used your violent language against her, or should I say, your only
way that you believe is used to discipline a woman?

Tumiso: Whoa… Nto… uthi…

➢ (Whoa, Nto. What are you s…)

Her: (interrupting him) Today, she told you that she was gonna tell your parents
about everything you did to her. She was gonna come clean. She threatened to
tell Karabo about your secret desires that you have on his WIFE… and she was
gonna leave you, for good, but you lost it and you hit her, every punch and kick,
she seeked mercy…
Everything is flooding back… her helpless cries…

Her: You then took the knife that was on the plate… she kept begging you for
mercy, kept begging you for mercy, but none of that made any difference. You
then stopped after she blurted out that she was carrying your heir.

Me: (tearing up) I loved her so much… I didn’t intend to do it… I loved….

Her: (angry) Oh bullshit, you didn’t love her. If you did, you would have noticed
her 5 months baby bump. If you did, you would have known about the 3
miscariages you caused her. If you did, you would have known that her mother
passed on a year ago. For fuck sakes, you hit her that night she returned from her
trip from the funeral in Mafikeng, INSINUATING that she was cheating on you. If
you did love her, you wouldn’t have abused her.If you did, you would have not
slept with your hoes every fucken night. If you did, she would have been here
with us, right now. If you loved her as you claim to right now, you would have let
her go the first time she wanted to leave you rather than suffocating her for 7
whole fucken years marn…

My voice falls me…

Obakeng: Hey, those are serious accusation you throwing.

Her: (still looking at me) Says the man who adds fuel to the fire that Thapelo has
against Karabo.

Everyone turns to Obakeng, who is so embarrassed right now. They are all lost but
Mme looks proud for some reason…

Ntokozo: (looking at Obakeng) You poisoned Thapelo’s mind into thinking the
throne is his, that Bakwena holdings is his, that Karabo’s Architectured mansion
was his, that everything Karabo has was his and that I belonged to him.
Everyone has the disbelief look.

Karabo… I no longer see. I am now face – to – face with Ruthless. Thabang is so

entertained and Tumiso, I can’t read his expressions. Itumelang has the “exactly”
look. Oratile is livid

Ntokozo: (still looking at Obakeng) Deny it so that I can reveal all your stunts…

Obakeng looks nervous asf. He is even sweating.

Me: That’s….

Nto: Jama kancane wena, ngiyabuya kuwe. (looking at Obakeng) Okay, let me just
spill the hot beans…

➢ (You, shut the fuck up. I am still coming back to you. okay, let me just spill the
hot beans…)

Her: (still calm but serious face) Obakeng is the reason why Thapelo is jealous of
Karabo. The day of that stunt Karabo pulled outside my apartment, Thapelo
stormed out when Karabo and I were embracing each other… as for me
discovering that he was the owner of Mokoena – Khoza, oratile and the brothers
were there.

My brothers then look devoted into listening to her.

Her: Thapelo was being suffocated by jealousy. Instead of Obakeng being a good
friend to Thapelo and tell him the right thing to do, he encourages Thapelo to kill
Karabo. Mara, let’s back it up abit. Y’all remember Karabo’s shooting…

Noo… this is gonna make my family abandon me.

Her: I was at Karabo’s the night before. Thapelo hired people to keep tags on
Karabo. He knew he was followed but didn’t expect Thapelo to be behind it.
Thapelo then called Karabo that night, knowing very well that I am with Karabo
and he was also well aware that I don’t know about Karabo coming from royalty.
He kept bringing up the issues and asking obvious questions, that would make
Karabo blurt out that he is from a royal family and that he is a prince so that I
could hear everything. We broke into a fight that night, which was supposed to
break us apart but Karabo stood his ground and solved it. The following morning,
his spys reported to him that I was leaving with Karabo. They were also so
generous with the description of what I was wearing, which matched Karabo’s
favourite outfit. That, instantly brought a thought that Karabo deflowered me,
which made him livid asf, causing him to take matters into hand. He waited for
Karabo to return alone then he initiated the shooting, aiming to kill him but
ngeshwa nangebadi, it hit Karabo’s shoulder. He was awaiting a call, saying
Karabo is dead but instead, he got a call saying Karabo is hospitalize. Pissed asf as
he was, he called Obakeng. That is where Obakeng enters. Obakeng here, told
Thapelo that it was the perfect opportunity to finish Karabo off. This one, (looking
at me) as stupid as he is, he attempted that.

This girl is… I never knew… I never thought she would figure it out…

Her: Oratile, remember on that day Thapelo came and offered to get us
something to eat?

Ora: (livid) Yes

Her: That was when he tried to do it, along with his partner in crime but Karabo
woke up. When the doc called us in, who did we find in the ward?

Tumiso: Thapelo and Obakeng

Her: as I entered, Thapelo handed Obakeng something then next thing, Obakeng
and him rush out without even greeting.
I look at my mom and dad. Dad is listening to this with cautiousness and Mom has
a smirk on her face…

Me: Papa…

Dad: Shut it Thapelo… I’m still listening. Ntokozo, go on

Nto: (nodding with respect) Mokoena. On the day I went out with MaMokoena to
Casa Bella, that night I broke into a fight with Karabo, Thapelo was sitting next to
the CCTV screen. He saw me coming then…

Thabang: (chuckling) He then asked me why I didn’t kill MaHlubi… telling Karabo

Tumi: He should punish Thabang and take him out of the gang. He also kept
throwing questions after question after question, know very well that it will drive
him crazy asf…

Her: (smiling) Exactly… he also tipped Tumi about my secret, the one

Ora: The one about that man?

Me: Yes, he knew Tumi is very loyal to Karabo and he wouldn’t keep such a secret.
Tumi then told Karabo. But he told him to not confront me until it was confirmed
but because Karabo was very angry that night, it blurted and caused the fight to
separate us, (Pointing at me) just like he wanted.

Thabang: (laughing) Then you call him a brother? Mxa!!

Me: But that doesn’t mean I killed Retha or that I wanna kill Karabo

Tumiso: WTF are you saying? Are you even hearing yourself? Can you taste what
you saying? She is the one who led us to your room, where we found Retha
lifeless and all the evidence she presented, e supa wena. Worse, she even have

➢ (It points at you)

Karabo’s expressions are not readable, which is stressing me even more. Obakeng
is even seated next to him.

Nto: (looking at me straight in my eyes) you really played your cards very well,
very well, so good that everyone never thought much about it. You can fool
everyone, but you won’t fool me…

Me: (standing up and banging the table) you won’t get away with this…

Everyone is on the feet, including Karabo. Mme looks concerned.

Ntokozo then stands up slowly.

Her: The truth will always get away with everything…

ME: (SHOUTING) At least I am not a murderer

Karabo is being restrained by Tumi

Her: (smirking) it takes a qualified on to see an amateur one.

I will not recover from that line…

Her: (leaning on the table with her fists) You can never break me Thapelo.

Me: (shouting) Fuck, this is your fault….

She then slaps me, very hard across my face. The danger in her eyes is creepy. The
fact that she doesn’t even show fear is very scary. Man, she is even calm as hell

Oratile: (trying to hold her) Whoa Nto, calm down

Her: I never shot Karabo… I didnt stab Retha to death… don’t try your emotional
games on me… angisi uRethabile mina. I don’t fear shit.

I am jam stuck.

Karabo: (trying to at calm) Obakeng, ntlo re le…

➢ (Let go of me Obakeng)

Her: (serious face) I am warning you Thapelo, fuck me up again… I dare you. I so
fucken dare you… (serious face) and I swear, you will see why your brother calls
me Lioness.

She then puts her hands in the pockets of her dress…

Her: (leaving the room) Uzithela ukuthi silala ngamaSokisi amanzi lona… heheh,

➢ (He thinks we idiots, imbecile.)

She then leaves.




Ntokozo just left the room with the entire family jam stuck. Silence hits the room
as only breathing rates are doing the talking and Ntokozo’s heels outside the

Lindiwe: (laughing and claping her hands in disbelief) Hehehe…

Lerumo is looking at Thapelo with defeat written on his face, elbows on the table,
hands locked together and covering his mouth, and his eyes filled with lack of
hope, hatred, defeat and disguist.

Lindiwe: (chuckling in disbelief, looking at Lerumo) angithi bowuthi amadoda

abonisa ubuTswana, angisho? Boys have lesser issues than girls, isn’t it? (standing
up) Mina kerh, thatha iLess issues yakho. Ngikhiphe, nje mina.

➢ (Isn’t it that you said men show the “Tswana-ness”? boys have lesser issues
than girls, isn’t it? Take then, take your “Less issues”. Count me out.)

She leaves the room.

As she closes the door, Karabo jumps onto Thapelo with rage. Both of them land
on the ground, with Karabo ontop of Thapelo. Thapelo is receiving punches after
punches. He can’t even defend himself as to the speed that the punches are
coming in and their strength.

Obakeng and Tumiso try to pull Karabo away but instead, Obakeng gets one
punch, right under his chin. He moves away as he trys to stomach the punch that
caused him to bite his tongue so hard. Tumiso pulls Karabo away, successfully as
he slaps him back to his senses. Thabang is looking at this carefree. He is even
humming Player – Tinashe ft. Chris Brown. He keeps on humming the “Tonight is
the Game changer” part.

Lerumo is still in deep thought and Oratile is acting as if she is carefree but seems
bothered. Tumi is staring at Lerumo, he knows better than to stop Karabo from
fighting, Obakeng learnt that in a brutal way. Tumi then walks to Karabo, who is
restrained by Tumiso. He pushes him towards the door.

Karabo: (in a low tone) I just wanna talk to him…

Tumi: (Restraining him) you and I know that you gonna beat him up again.

Karabo: (pushing) Nah, I wanna just talk with him.

Tumi: (looking at Thapelo before leaving with Karabo) He doesn’t deserve your
energy Karabo. Let’s go.

The two then leave the room. Oratile stands up…

Her: (looking at her father) I warned you about this but you tossed me aside. Look
at what you have done. Hope you enjoyed it… (nodding in respect) Mokoena

She then leaves the room. Tumiso is just looking at Thapelo. Obakeng is trying to
help him up. He is even coughing out blood. His face is just re-arranged.

Lerumo: (on his feet) Make sure he leaves this palace today. I don’t wanna see
him here ever again. He will only come back when we discuss his actions… leave
before the end of today, Thapelo. You and Obakeng are prohibited from stepping
foot in this palace again. You wouldn’t want to be executed.

He then leaves too

Thabang: (laughing) Mokoena… (getting up) let me go and check on Ngwana

Tumiso: Nkemele…

➢ (Wait for me)

He looks at Thapelo and Obakeng, picks up Karabo’s cap then he leaves with


Ntokozo is in Thapelo’s room. She is on her knees, wiping Rethabile’s blood from
the floor. She is in deep thought as she scrubs of the blood. She is still on that
black dress.

The room is dark, she didn’t switch on the lights. Tears are streaming down her
cheeks, her eyes swollen, nose redish, cheeks redish too. She is almost done when
she hears voices approaching… it is Karabo and Tumi

Karabo: Ntwana, Ntokozo o kae?

➢ (dude, where the hell is Ntokozo?)

Tumi: I don’t know

Karabo: We have been looking for her for so long. We checked out the entire
house monna, she is not there.

Tumi: Let check

Karabo: Itumelang, we did check this area…

Tumi: We didn’t check Thapelo’s room though…

They then open the door…

Karabo rushed to Ntokozo and hugs her. Her tears are just rolling down her
cheeks and she is numb. He then carried her in his arms, bridal style to their
room, with Tumi following.

Tumi: (leaving) I will alert everyone that we found her

Karabo: Sure…

Karabo enters the room and he puts Nto on the bed…

It is already 00h47 so he locks the door and he kneels next to Ntokozo.

Karabo: Sthandwa sami, forgive me. This is allmy fault. I shouldn’t have brought
you here.


Karabo: (burying his face on top of Nto’s dress by the thighs) I am sorry Mama. I
really messed out your mind, if you ever decide to leave me, I will understand…

Nto: (snaping out of it) Don’t ever say the shit you just said to me, Karabo.

Karabo: (looking at her)

Nto: (smiling) I will never leave you Karabo… ever. My home is in your arms. I
meant it when I said I am not going anywhere this time. I am here to stay. I will be
okay, yezwa?

Karabo: (concerned) Are you sure?

Her: (smiling) Yes. Now let me go take a shower.

She gets up and heads to the en-suite bathroom.


I am currently done with showering. I just need something to take me away from
this world, just for a few hours. I need to escape reality right now and I also don’t
wanna see myself in this place anymore. I am looking at myself by the mirror in
the en-suite. I can’t believe I am insecure of my body kanje. Well, me wearing
vintage-modern was because of insecurities. I wrap the white towel around my
boobs. It is short, way short. It is exposing my thighs. Shit, I forgot to take my PJ’s
and they are in the room, where Karab is. I look around for a robe or something
that gives me full coverage, weeeh… nothing.

Hayi, I just head out of the en-suite. He is seated by the edge of the bed, looking
at every move I take. I head to the wardrobe and I start taking out my PJ’s and
socks. The weather is chilled this side at night. As I turn around, I step on
something… it is his foot. He is inches away from me. I look at him… his eyes are
smaller than usual and bloodshot red. He is undressing me with hs eyes… I look
down, fridgeting with my hands because I droped my PJs and I am nervous…

Him: (stroking my chin gently) Have they ever told you how beautiful you are?

I am just looking at him. He then does the “neck garbbing” thing and my stomach

Him: (deep seductive voice) I am craving you…

I look at him and he then part my lower lip from my upper lip with his thumb.
That just got me more tingles… he then perks my lips.

Him: (Perking my lips again)

Me: I want you in me, Karabo.

He looks at me with a smirk, kisses me then he gets close to my ear…

Him: (whispering) let’s play future indicators… the future teller says Karabo
Mokoena is gonna put your legs over his shoulder, suck your pussy, have you
screaming his name, his tongue deep in your tight pure pussy, make you cum
fucken hard, flip you over, slide his dick in your tight pussy, fuck the shit out of
you for the entire 5 months he waited, snatch your soul with his dick, tap every
corner of your pussy, ask you whose pussy it is and you screaming it’s his.

He then moves his head backwards, looking at me. I am shocked. I feel a liquid
done there and it then sinks in that I am not even wearing underwears. I cross my
legs, shyly. He notices that I am hiding something. He then kisses me,
passionately, his hands running on my waist, causing butterfly party in my
stomach. His lips are cold and they taste like spearmint, I love it. I then give in and
I run my hands on his chests then behind his neck. I am on my tiptoes. He then
moves me and he gently places me on the bed. My towel then unravels, exposing
my entire body. He pulls away from the kiss and looks at my body. I instantly went

Him: (with lust) fuck…

He then kissed my lips again. This time he suckles my bottom lips, causing more
butterfly parties on my body and my cookie. He takes off his T-Shirt and he kisses
me again. He is now kissing my jaw lining. He then tilts my neck and he sucks it
while biting. I am definitely gonna have hickeys over hickeys. I still have the
hickeys from that time… I am biting my lower lip, trying to push back my moans. I
just ca….

Me: (moaning) Ahh… shit…

He is giving my boobs a life. He is playing with one while kissing and sucking the
other one. I swear, the way I am moans, is shocking… my morals and values went
on a serious stay-cation. He then comes back to my lips, suckle on them while
rubbing the top of my cookie. Yeses, the pleasure and excitement is too much…
my breathing has changed…

Me: (moaning in-between the kiss) Haa… fuck, Leon.

That just drove him crazy because he is now suckling on my lower lip more than
before. I am brought back to life by a sharp pain on my cookie. He has inserted his

Him: (looking at me) Relax MaMokoena

Haaaa, the pain!!! It is unburiable. He then inserts two, including the first one.

Me: (grabbing the sheets) ahh!!!

Him: (breathing heavily) Your hymen is so thick and warm… shiitt.

This man is crazy. He is busy telling me about my hymen and shit while I suffer. I
can feel his eyes on me. He is looking at me. I am telling you, Karabo is going to
kill me. I feel liquid coming… I try moving away but he pulls me down. I try again…

Him: (holding me down while fingering me) Ha.uh, mama.

Yho, this man is gonna kill me, struu. My legs then shake uncontrolleable… he
increased the pace of his fingers as my legs continue to shake uncontrolleable.
The pleasure is too much… he then takeS his fingers out…

Me: (shaking) haaa… Leon!!!

He then puts my legs over his shoulders and boom…

Me: (moaning) Mhhhm!!! Fuck!

I hit weak point. His tongue tirls and turns as he sucks me. Atleast there is
something nice about sex.

He then puts his tongue deeper, causing me to feel very weak. It’s like he is taking
my soul… my legs shake again… he hold me down and carries on sucking me… as
my legs stop shaking, he comes up again and he kisses me. I run my hands on his
bare chest. It is so firm and muscular. His skin is so smooth. He pulls away from
the kiss and he inserts his finger down there. I still feel the pain but I hide it. His
lips then parts slowly…

Him: (looking at me with his eyes bloodshot red) You are ready for me.

He takes off his pants. He is left with his briefs. He then takes them off too…

Haaa!!! No ways!!! There is no ways that is coming in me. Damnit, he is big,

haa!!! He is gonna kill me mos?! What does this man eat kanti? It is at this
moment that I knew I fucked up.

He gets on the bed and he pushes my legs backwards as he looks at me… I move
upwards a bit. I don’t think I am ready… I also cross my legs…

Him: (pulling me to him) Ungasabi Mama, uzomujwayela. (deep voice) why don’t
you be a good girl and open those legs for me.)

➢ (Don’t be afraid Mama. You will get used to him. Why don’t you be a good girl
and open those legs for me.)
That hit the spot.

I slowly uncross my legs as he also paths them with his hand. He gets close to me
and I close my eyes. The anticipation is killing me… yerr,

Me: (moaning) Ahhh… Mmh

He is drawing circles with his member on my entrance. It is so good hle.

Me: (eyes wide open) Uhmmm!!!

The pain!!!! Yho ha.ah!!!

He is trying to insert his member. He tries again but dololo… I make eye contact
with him…

Me: (tears at the corners of my eyes) Uhmmmmm!!!!

I feel like I am breaking apart down there. It is burning. Karabo is still pushing it all

Me: (flinching in pain, eyes closed) Uhmmm…

He then moves out then in again, repeatedly. He is picking up his pace and I can’t
take it. Haa, people are hypocrites. Y’all be teeling us that sex is nice, where?!

Me: (moaning in pain) Uhmmm… slow down Karabo

Him: (groaning) I can’t…. you so tight… and warm…

He says that stroking me while rubing the top on my pussy… the tears are by the
corners of my eyes… if this is sex, I don’t want it. ngigcinile.
The devil then picks up his pace, my ass slapping on him as the sound of our deed
fills the room, along with my screams. I am kinda feeling that pleasure now.

Me: (moaning loudly) Haa… fuck…

Him: (groaning) Shit… you so warm…

He is going deeper and deeper. I can’t take it anymore, the pleasure is serious…

Me: (screaming) Please …. Slow… down…

Him: (groaning) I can’t…. I can’t….. fuck.

He then goes deeper and faster than before, I scream…

Him: Whose pussy is this?

Me: (words failing me) It’s yo….ur…..s

I try uttering the words but the pleasure overpowers me. He goes in more

Me: (screaming) Karabo!!!!!

Me: (screaming) It’s yours!!!!!! This pussy is… yo…urs!!!

I scream louder as he picks up his pace


He turns me over, very fast. Chest down, ass up, legs partly opened… he is behind
me. I then feel his hands on my back. He is pushing my stomach even lower until
it is low enough. He then slides in without a warning. I bite the pillow next to me.
He strokes even hard. The room is filled by my screams.

He is gonna break my cervix. He spanks me, going in full force. He gets more
aggressive. He then pulls my hair.

Me: (screaming) Haaaa Karabo!!!!!

He is no longer fucking me, he is thrusting me. He spanks my ass with his other
hands. That feeling… that feeling is gathering again… I hold the sheet as he let’s go
of my hair. I hold on to the sheets as I brace the feeling. Another electrifying
feeling hit me…

Me: (screaming) Arhhh!!! Fuck!!!

I curl my toes, pulling away from him but he pulls my ass back to him and he goes
deeper. He thrusts me throughout me releasing. An out of this world feeling
strikes me. It is just too unreal. It fills me same time. He grabs my left arm and
puts it on my back. I feel warmth in my cookie. He is breathing hevily…

Him: (groaning) Fuck….

I try to collect myself but my knees are wiggling… he then groans loudly, strokes
me two more times before letting me go. As I collapse, he pulls me back and he
slides in, strokes two more times, he is filling me.

Is he crazy?! We are not using any protectionand he knows very well that my
body rejects the morning aftr pill, but still!!! He has the guts to ejaculate in me?!
He is holding me very tight. After like 4 mins or so, he lays next to me. I collapse
on his chest…
Him: (kissing my forehead) Fuck, woman you are fucken warm and tight. Very

Me: (smiling) Why did you ejaculate in me, Karabo Leon Mokoena?

Him: (chuckling) ‘cause it is nice being in you.

Me: I’m being serious Karabo.

Him: I will get you the morning pill, sthandwa sami

Me: (moving from his chest) Mxa, I am no longer having sex with you.

He then got on top of me, looking at me.

Me: Get off me Karabo

He then tickles me. Mara is this man crazy or what? No, I have evaluated it, he is
indeed crazy. I just broke my flower and he knows I am still in pain but he still
resort to tickling me. Perfect! I told you that he wants to kill me.

Him: Ngiyabonga kakhulu MaMokoena ngesipho ongiphe sona namhlanje…

I smile at him

Him: (looking at me) Ngiyakuthanda, ezwa Nhliziyo?

Me: (smiling) Uthandwa yimina Mkhathini…

He kisses me…

Me: (screaming) OH MY GOD!!!!

He is in me… Back to square on!!!




Last night was too unreal guys. I am finally deflowered, by the man I love more
than anything nor anyone. This morning, my legs were super weak… I had some
problems peeing too. It burns when I do and when I walk, I get pains. It is as if
something cut me down there. I told MaKhoza about it and she told me that I
might have a tear. She was so happy to hear that we did it. To be honest, I was
ashamed to even tell her. She gave me an ointment and some Femine pills for
down there. Anyways, today we are leaving. The king ordered us to leave and he
will handle the rest. Plus I have an examination to study for. The lobola
negotiations will still be handled this Saturday.

I am currently on my way to the living room. Everyone is waiting for me. Thapelo
and Obakeng are not leaving with us… I am wearing a black Mingli Tengda high
low skirt, twinned with a long white sleeve bodysuit and my White Christian
Lourboutin heels. I tied half my locs into a high ponytail and I rested them.

As I walk downstairs, history repeats itself. I look at him. He tied his dreadlocks
and his faces has bruises and fresh wounds.

Him: (blocking my way) Nto, can we talk?

I look at him blankly

Him: Look, I am sorr…

Me: Suka endleleni yami, Thapelo.

➢ (Move out of my way Thapelo)

Him: Nto, I come in peace…

Me: Na o katla ka masepa, o nkase o ndire nex

➢ (Even if you come wiith shit, you won’t do me no harm)

Him: Nto…

Me: Awufuni ukusuka?

➢ (You don’t want to move?)

Him: Ngimamele…

➢ (Hear me out)

I look at him with disbelieve

Him: I know I fucked up Nto. But I also deserve a second chance… if not with the
family, with you then.

Me: Suka Thapelo…

➢ (Move Thapelo)

Him: (holding my hand) Nto, what is it that Karabo has that I don’t have? Tell me, I
will change.

I laugh in disbelieve.

Me: (yanking my hand from him) Thapelo, for the last time, move…

Him: ngiyakucel…

➢ (Pleas…)

I give him a death stare and he moves away, slowly… I step down and I stand on
the step he is on. I am still looking forward…
Me: (serious) I chose Karabo over all of them… I still choose him and I will still
choose him in the future. You can’t compete what you don’t compare… get that
into your thick skull.

I then carry on walking…

Let me not express my anger right now…

I get downstairs and I find everyone there. I greet and we all bid our goodbyes. I
am walking with Ora, who is wearing a Christian Dior splitted black dress. She
looks stunning in it. I then hold her tight as I see tears in her eyes.

“Forgive me, for all I have wronged in life my lord” Retha’s last words.

We have arrived in SA. Tumiso and Thabang are meeting up with the rest of the
gang, Tumi drove Oratile home and I am with Karabo in my apartment.

I changed to my home shorts, which are my shortest of all my shorts and a White
cami top.

Karabo is still wearing his clothes but he is shirtless. I walk to the couch to seat
with him but he pulls me to him, making me sit on top of him. We are in the
straddling position.

He looks deep into my eyes, his hands rubbing my butt checks. I am also looking
at him, with my hands on his muscular collarbone. There is silence in the room, no
words, no communication, just us looking at each other. He is using the triangle
method on me, he is looking at my left eye then right then the lips, causing me to
focus on his pink lips… they are breath taking. I am then feel his hands going

He is unbuttoning my shorts while looking straight into my eyes. He then slips his
hand in my underwear, he then rubs my cookie… my breathing rate instantly
changed. I am breathing heavily, still looking at him. He then inserts his fingerings.
I still feel pain because of the tear but I don’t want him to stop. I want to help him
release his tension. I know he is not okay.

Me: (breaking eye contact as he picks up the pace) Uhmmm…

Him: (deep voice) Ngibeke MaMokoena.

➢ (Look at me, MaMokoena.)

That… my stomach… yho.

Me: (moaning loudly) Ahaaa… Karabo

Him: (picking up his pace) Ngibeke Mama

➢ (Look at me Mama)

I reluctantly obey his instructions. He is looking at me, with lust and satisfication
as I suffer, yearning for him to be in me.

Me: (moaning) I want you… in me…

That made him lose it, big time. He flips me over to lie on the couch, very fast. He
is now ontop of me, kissing me for dear life and fingering me like it is the last time
he is having me. Yes, I know these things now. I am proud to say that I am sex
I then reach a leg shaking orgasm. I am so wet right now. He doesn’t waste time,
he takes off my shorts. The shorts are too tight kimi so it is hard to take it out but
Mr here, flips me over and he pulls the short off me, aggressively, turning me on
even more.

He doesn’t flip me back, I am still facing down. Without warning me, he enters
me. He pulls me up by my waist and he puts a pillow under me, by my stomach…
disadvantages of having a small core. He then makes me lay ontop of it and he
starts thrusting me. No muffing or slow pace nyana? Hayi… he then thrusts me so

Me: (screaming) Haa… Karabo!!!

He carries on… he is going in deeper and faster… my screams and the sound of my
ass clapping on him fills the room…

Me: (screaming louder) Haaa Karabo… Mana!!!!

➢ (Karabo… wait!!!)

He then goes harder then he releases in me… he then flips me over. Now the
pillow is under my back. He holds up my right leg and he thrust me again.

Me: (screaming) Karabo!!! Yehlisa!!!

Nah, he is tearing me again.

He continues… I then move backwards but he pulls me back. I try agin but instead,
he lifts me up and pins me to the wall.
He lifts my right leg by my thigh and he thrusts me. I feel bloated… warm liquid is
all I feel in me… the sound of our deed is very loud.

He then pulls me to the bathroom. He then makes me lean on the bathroom sink,
next to the mirror. Ass exposed, boobs on the countertop…

Him: (pointing at the mirror) Keep your eyes on that… don’t dare close them…

He says with a deep voice. The commanding and dominance is making me yearn
for him more. It just turns me on… he then thrusts me harder than before.

I am trying my best to keep my eyes on the mirror but I can’t. The pleasure is over
powering me. My head then retires on the counter top…

him: Plus one.

What does he mean? No!!!!

He then pulls me to the bedroom, throws me on the back. He flips me over to

face down. He then does what he did lastnight, ass up, chest down and he thrusts
hard and fast. He pulls my left arm backwards along with my right arm. He holds
the two of them with one hand and the other one is grabbing my ass hard. I feel a
very warm liquid shot in me and he groans loud, scratch that, he roars loudly like
a lion. I collapse as I feel so much pleasure. A very severe leg shaking orgasm hits

This time he is still holding me towards him, with him still in me. The leg orgasm
stops and he thrust me three times and he pulls out.

I then collapse on the bed. He flips me over to face him and he kisses me, very
passionately. I kiss him back with my hands on his back. He is sucking my lower
lip. He then pulls away from the kiss…

Him: (looking deep into my eyes with a smile) Ngiyakuthanda yzwa, nhliziyo?
Me: uthandwa yimina Mokoena.

He lies next to me, signaling for me to get on top of him. I climb on him and I lie
ontop of him. He covers us with the duvet. I am listening to his heartbeat.

Him: (rubbing my back) I wanna get another tattoo yaz?

Me: (rubbing his chest) another one?

Him: Yeah

Me: Where?

Him: I wanna extend the shoulder length one up my neck and half side of my
chest and back

Me: Awusabi iPain?

Him: (laughing) Hawu… it is not that painful MaMokoena

Me: Is it safe though?

Him: (laughing) Stop stressing, it is safe

Me: Yooh… okay Mokoena. If it makes you happy, I will support you.

Him: (kissing the top of my head) Ngiyakuthanda MaMokoena

Me: (smiling) nami ngiyakuthanda Sthandwa sami

The tattoo is not a bad idea yaz? I love it actually.

Him: Manje ubuya nini ekhaya?

➢ (When are you coming back home?

Me: After the wedding

Him: Haa, why?

Me: ufuna ekhaya bathi ngidlala amaFAT AND SET?

➢ (You want my family to said that I am cohibitting?)

Him: (laughing) what are you doing right now?

Me: I am pleasing my husband… asiFat and Set

Him: (laughing) Hayi… qhubeka uzikhohlise kerh Mama

➢ (Hayi, carry on fooling yourself mama)

Me: (laughing) ungangiqali phela otherwise uzogcina ukungithola until umshado


➢ (Don’t start with me otherwise it will be the last time you get it from me until
the wedding day)

Him: Haa… sorry kerh Mama

Me: (laughing) Weeh… I finally know your weakness.

We laugh and I eventually zone off to dream land.




It has been two weeks now and I am at home in Witbank. Lobola negotiations are
taking place today.

I am so nervous hle. Knowing my uncles, they might even be unreal with the
situation. Bab’ omncane noMdala, I know they will do me right.

My dad, I actually don’t know right now. After seeing what happened in the
palace, he is afraid to marry me into the “murderous” royal family.

Anyways, I am by my room upstairs with my cousin, Nosihle. She and I gelled very
well compare to my other cousins. The others just hate me because my life turned
out better than it was supposed to… their words not mine.

Nosihle made me wear a blue Swati cocktail swing dress that goes below my
knees, half way to my ankles, a blue Swati Headwrap too. She tied it like uMqhele
then let my Locs loose. She also insisted that I wear heels so I went for white
Christian Dior heels that Mom bought. I also have a small blanket over my
shoulders… a white one to be specific. To be honest, I look dashing. All thanks to
my experienced cousin.

Me: (looking at myself on the mirror) Yerr… a smash.

Her: (laughing) AHH… I wasn’t gonna let you give those witches outside

Me: Labo… why baso vele?

Her: (fixing her dress) Those bitches think they deserve everything. They also did
this to me when I was getting married.

Me: Mina bazoshelela ngami.

➢ (They would be very unfortunate if they try me.)

Her: (laughing) Buka… we are really for war phela.

I laugh…

Nosihle has always been the one to not tolerate nonsense. I mean on her wedding
day, she slapped the shit out of Sami, one of the jealous cousins.

Just as she tells me about her marriage to her husband, Sanky Masuku, we heard
shouting from the gate. We look out the window and we see 6 men… Tumiso is
amongst the men. These must be the Mokoenas. They are all on their knees.
Thando enters, stuttering Nosihle

Him: (firming the whole thing) Sorry but I was assigned to do this… to keep as a
memory plus for my Dladla page.

I just roll my eyes at him then turn back my attention to the Mokoenas

The elderest: (calling out the Clan praise names) Dladla


Shiza likaNdaba

Shandu kaNdaba



Mgabadeli owaGabadela ngamane amaDoda

Retla rele ba ha Mokoena,

Retla ka ho ye kokobetsa
Mosimane wa Rona o boni Palesa ehomilweng pele amatsi

Ha phalalang


Re kopa Palesa ehlabileng le go tlakanisa malapa a Mokoenas le Dladla.


No response… eyy, what’s happening?

After about 5 to 10 minutes of these men kneeling down outside the blazing hot
sun, Aunt Lwabo heads to the gate. She stand there and look at them. They then
take out a big stake of money.

Auntie takes it and she finally opens the gate using the remote. They then walk in.
Tumiso has always been the fashion goat of the Mokoenas.

He is wearing Black and white Tailored Chinos, a white T-Shirt, a black and white
blazer that is showing off his Buffy-ness and customized Mokoena – Khoza black
and purple sneakers. Today he is showing off his 360° waves. One thing that
makes Tumiso be feared, respected and attractive to others neh, is his pride.
Tumiso hardly smiles in public let alone laugh… mara as you get to know him, you
will see he is a softie, just like Karabo. They are literally the same, personality and
looks… just that Karabo is more lighter… he is the lightest in the family.

Thando: (looking at me) Damnit my sister, how do you resist these people… yerr,
these family has hotties only yho…

Me: (laughing) Mxm…

Him: but on a serious note, I am happy for you Mamas… you outside yourself,
He then hugs me and Nosihle joins too.

Him: (hugging the both of us as if we are younger than him) My two sisters are
grown Hey?

Him: Ohh, Ora told me to tell you to relax…. Everything will go well. She will arrive
around 23h00 due to the delay of submissions.

Me: ungibongele kuMuntu wakho

➢ (Thank your woman for me)

Him: (laughing) nami niyobe Ningilungisela ukuthi ngiyomLobola…

➢ (I will also be paying bridal costs for her, soon)

We laugh as he leaves… him and Ora are now official. He is literally obsessed with
the girl.


The Mokoenas have arrived at the Dladla household in Witbank. They are now in
the living room with the Dladla clan. The house is buzzing but ordered at the same
time. Mpho yabadimo, the king’s great uncles will be leading the negotiations as
the patron of the Mokoenas.

Him: Dladla, size ngokuhle kodwa… sizoqeda ekade sikuqalile. Indodana yethu
ubone imbali eqakazayo Engadine yakho. We come, asking to take it, and look
after it. Ngalokho, thina singoMokoena, sibone ukuthi siyenze izinto ngendlela

➢ (Dladla, we come with pureness but we are here to finish what we started.
Our son has spotted an eye – catching flower in your garden. So as
Mokoenas, we saw that we have to do things according to the proper

He looks at Tumiso and Tumiso then takes out two bottles of expensive brandy
and 2 000rands in notes, he then puts them on the table while kneeling down on
one knee.

The Dladla’s look at each other and Nkosenye, Ntokozo’s bab’ omncane talks…

Him: Siyani amukela kwaDladla…

➢ (we welcome you to the house of Dladla)

Mpho yabadimo: Dladla… sizocela ukungena odabeni lwanamuhla

➢ (Dladla, can we please get straight to the issue at hand?)

Nkosenye: La ekhaya, sinezimbali eziningi… awuthi sinibitele bona, nikete yenu.

➢ (We have tons of eye – catching flowers. Let us call them for you so that you
can choose yours)
Aunt Lwabo then leaves…

Minutes later, she comes back with 5 girls with blankets covering their heads.

The Mokoenas look at Tumiso, signaling him to choose. He carefully observes the

The first girl’s legs are noted by Tumiso, and they are too small to be Ntokozo’s.
The second one is seated in a way that is very different from Ntokozo’s style, I
mean, it is such a difficult way of sitting for a person with brackets so second girl
is a no.

The third girl seems taller so it is not her. The fourth one has the resemblance of
Ntokozo but her left hand is sticking out, revealing her wedding ring which is not
like the one Karabo bought Ntokozo. He then studies the fifth one. The Locs are
showing, her sitting style, her height, her skin and the Christian Dior heels… he
then instantly knows that it is his sister in-law. He picks her. Aunt Lwabo then
removes the blanket from the girl and it is really Ntokozo.

Nkosenye: is this the flower?

Mpho yabadimo: Yebo Dladla…

Lwabo takes the girls back to their room and the men talk…

Ntokozo’s dad: that flower is one of the rarest flowers in the world. She is worth

Mpho: Yebo… that is why we are willing to take it…

Nkosenye : 15 cows, one costing R14 000. Excluding the fur bulls.

The Mokoenas look at each other in shock

Setsaba(the king’s oldest brother): Eyy, can we negotiate on a fair price
atleast?We only have 8 cows…

The Dladlas laugh in disbelief with Ntokozo’s dad, Sbusiso livid.

Sbusiso: 8 cows? Ningaoidlala ngathi la. My daughter is worth more than 15 cows.
She is a law student, at her final year, beautiful, intelligent, independent, very
brave too. How many times has she shown her worth to you all?

The Mokoenas go mute.

Sbusiso: let alone the fact that she is pure, a virgin itself. She has never dated
before… your son, being the first love of her life. (Looking at Tumiso) You know
this. She is even very young… 21 years old… she could have been traveling, doing
her things but instead, she chose to stay with your son. If it wasn’t for her, Karabo
wouldn’t have gone back home, to his father’s . (Looking at Mpho) We know this.
If it wasn’t for her, Karabo wouldn’t have taken the decision to take over the
throne. If it wasn’t for her, ngabe Karabo is long dead. She has sacrificed a lot for
your family, more than any of you would have. And you telling us about 8 cows?

Bab’ncane Langelihle: (agreeing with Dladla) uyishaye ‘skhonkhosini Bafo

➢ (Is there one, brother)

The others also agree. The Mokoenas look at each other…

Mpho: Can we discuss this first?

They then head outside, leaving the Dladla’s inside.

Tshepo (the king’s youngest brother): Aowa Bakoena, this is daylight Robbery.
Nkase re ntse tshelete ekana for mosade…. Nkane a nyala ko hae.

➢ (No way, Bakoena. This is daylight robbery. We won’t take out so much
money for a woman… Karabo would rather take a wife from Botswana.)

Litsatsi: Ke EMA leTshepo moe.

➢ (I agree with Tsepo on that one.)

Neo: Le bua matshela Lona… A ne le motlwile Dladla?

➢ (That’s bullshit you talking. Didn’t y’all hear Dladla?)

Tshepo: A se di kgane TSA Rona tseo… Ke yena odidirileng… eseng Ka Lena la


➢ (That is none of our business. She brought that to herself. Not on the name

Neo: (agueing with Tshepo) Wa tsenywa?! Karabo ase Karabo Ntokozo a seo. If
Karabo can’t have Ntokozo, what reason will make him rule? A ne le motlwile
MaKhoza le tsatse le le?

➢ (Are you crazy?! Karabo is not Karabo without Ntokozo. If Karabo can’t have
Ntokozo, what reason will make him rule? Didn’t y’all hear MaKhoza that
other day?)

Litsatsi: MaKhoza a tsebe selo… Ke go…

➢ (Makhoza knows nothing. Just that…)

Tumiso: (interrupting) Weng phephetsa ne Litsatsi?

➢ (You are testing me, Litsatsi?)

Everyone looks at him in shock.

Tumiso has always had the straightforward vibe. He doesn’t tolerate shit at all…
one of the many similarities between him and Karabo.

Tumiso: Don’t ever talk about my family like that… nor my brother’s wife in that
manner. First of all, you don’t know nothing about this family. You are only here
because we needed negotiaters. Otherwise, you don’t belong to the Mokoena
clan. Tshepo, wena how many divorces have you had in the past 5 years and you
have the gut to open that mouth of yours? Wena Litsatsi, you are the last one to
be talking… I can’t even believe you said that… you took your decision to marry a
wife from Botswana, right? Now look at you, being hit by that wife every fucken
day and you have the guts to say that? Sies marn, le tswabisa detlong marn.

➢ (Sies marn, you should be ashamed of yourselves)

The Mokoenas look shocked at everything said by this young man.

Tumiso: This is what we gonna do… we going to go back in and pay whatever
price the Dladlas want because all they said, I know, I have seen and I have proof.
Yeses, le tletsi ka masepa lona… Karabo o le fele more 800k but all you want to do
is to make money out of that. Sies marn…

➢ (Yeses, you full of shit. Karabo gave y’all more than 800k but all you want to
do is to make money out of that. Sies)

He walks to the entrance of the house again and he looks back.

Him: What are you waiting for? Tsenang before I put bullets in your brains…

They then walk in very nervous and they get seated…

Mpho: Dladla, we willing to hear the price again.

Dladla: (smiling) 15 cows with one costing 14 000rands, excluding the two fur

Mpho: Ohh

Tumiso: Dladla, we came to a conclusion that we gonna pay things like this…

They all look at him shocked and very attentively

Tumiso: 15 000rands for one cow multiply by 40 cows = R600 000

15 000rands multiply by 2 bulls for her pureness = R30 000

9 000rands for one female cow for her mother = R 9 000

15 000rands for the bull, represented to the father = R 15 000

9 000rands for the reed dance proof for her pureness = R9 000

Two female cows to bless her womb in expanding the Mokoena clan

= R18 000

4 goats for family and ancestral bonding of the two families

= R12 000

All together, it is estimated to R693 000, excluding the gifts that will be brought
later on…

They all look at him with shock and amazement. The Mokoenas don’t even dare
to protest. The Dladlas smile…
Insert 48



I am by the room with Mah and Nosi. Anticipation is killing me. They have been
talking for 2 or more hours and still no ululating…

Me: Mah, ngcela uyongibekela ngale tuu… I wanna know how it is going

➢ (Mom, please go check for me how things are going that side. I want to know
how it is going)

Her: (hugging me) you know I can’t do that my baby… mamela, Musa
ukuzikhathaza ngaloludzaba… kuto Lunga. Themba babe wakho.

➢ (Listen, stop stressing yourself out. Everything will go as planned. Have faith in
your dad)

Me: Kepha Mah… what if…

➢ (But mom, what if…)

Her: (huggin me tight while laughing) Awusathukanga kangaka… Nosi, iza sesi.

➢ (You are so nervous… Nosi, come here my baby)

Nosi comes and she hugs her too…

Mah: Yambona Nosi, she knows how it feels… she has been through this. Wena
ukhala nge2 hours, Nosi waited for 2 weeks to feel relieved.

Nosi: (laughing) Yoh sesi wami… the anticipation is the hardest part of it… it is like
there is a huge lump on your throat… ungaWorry… kuto hamba kahle… themba
mdzali wetulu nomhlaba…
➢ (… Don’t worry. Everything will go accordingly. Just trust in God, the maker of
heven and earth.)

Mah: Exactly… look at how y’all grew up so fast… now I have to let go of my two

Well, Nosi calls my mom Mamcane… meaning Nosi’s mom is my mom’s older

She considers Nosi like her child. My mom can not be choosy at all. She loves you
unconditionally, whether blood related or not. She is very kind and loving.
Sometimes it worries me because in this world, people take advantage of the kind

Anyways, we are disturbed by the ulululating of Aunt Lwabo. I then sigh in


Mah: (looking at me) See… we told you to not worry…

Nosi: (trying so hard to hide her excitement from Ma) Mntase…

Mah: (leaving) Let’s go to the living room to join them.

Me: we will be there…

She leaves and Nosi starts jumping around, holding me…

Her: Bitch, you are officially someone’s wife… a Queen futhi

Me: (laughing) I can’t believe it too.

We then head to the living room, where we find everyone celebrating. Everyone
that was outside is now inside. Ladies ulululating, men dancing and calling out our
clan names… handshakes are exchanged too.
I knew the house was packed with people but I didn’t think it would be this
packed… like there are over 30 of family members here…. Excluding the

As I move to the Mokoenas, Thando starts taking videos and pictures of me. The
Mokoenas hug me and Tumiso as usually makes fun of me…

Tumiso: AHH yeses, nawe… ampuri sithatha omunye umuntu until I saw your
penguin legs.

➢ (Yeses, you… we almost chose the wrong one until I saw your penguin legs)

I laugh as I elbow his stomach…

Him: (laughing) Ngiyadlala Makoti wethu… come give me a hug.

➢ (I’m joking Makoti. Come give me a hug.)

I then hug him.

Yeses, the height difference… even with heels on.

I then spot my jealous cousins staring at me as Tumiso holds on to my shoulder.

Nosi: (smiling nervously) Excuse me guys abit but can I steal you for a bit Nto?

Me: Ohh okay Nosi, Tumiso, I will be back… do you need anything?

Him: Actually, I am still heading out. I need to meet up with the rest of the
brothers and get the necessities for tonight.

Me: Okay kerh… call me when you have arrived… I need to discuss something
important with you

Him: does it threaten your life?

Me: Nah…
Him: Okay kerh, we will talk.

Me: Sharp…

I then head to the kitchen, following Nosi.

When I get there, I find Samu and my other cousins waiting….

Samu: (fake smiling) Congrats boo

I look at her blankly.

Her: So that guy, is he single?

Me: How am I supposed to know?

Her: Hawu… I mean, at least hook your cousin up

I just chuckle.

Her: Ohh come on… just imagine us being married to one family

Me: That won’t happen

Her: Ntokozo… don’t you…

Me: I don’t…. I don’t wanna be anywhere near you. Now if you would excuse me…

I attempt to walk away

Her: See, she thinks everything is for her. She forgets that it is a must for her to
help us up too… we are her cousins.
Nokholo(other cuzion): I wouldn’t be surprise if she also wants him… I mean we
all know ukuthi uyafeba lo… that how she got Karabo.

Okay, I have heard enough. I really did try to tolerate their nonsense for Mom’s


Still at the Dladla household… in the kitchen.

Ntokozo slaps Nokholo so hard across her face that everyone hears it and head to
the kitchen, even the Mokoenas.

Ntokozo has her hand on Nokholo’s neck, straddling her on the counter top.
Nokholo has fear written on her face. The aura around Ntokozo screams danger,
anger and rage.

Samu: (unaware of the presents of the parents) Ntokozo, you have to put us on
the map too… you owe us that one otherwise we will ruin your wedding so bad…

Ntokozo: (looking at Samu while tightening her grip on Nokholo) I dare you… try

MaDladla: Ohh thina siyanithatha, siniyenze abantu kanti Nina niyenza lokhu

➢ (Ohh, we take you in, make you people and you… you do this to Ntokozo?)

Samu then gets shocked at the fact that everyone heard her.

Nokholo: (coughing) Nt…

Ntokozo: This is what’s gonna happen…wena Samu, you will pack your shit…
everything then you will go back to Bushbuck Ridge.
Samu: (fear) No…no…no… he will killl me…

Ntokozo: Wena, (at Nokholo) you will do the same…

She lets go of Nokholo while she coughs so bad, grasping for air.

Samu: (on her knees) No hle Ntokozo… he will kill me.

Ntokzo: (looking at her as if she is inferior) I don’t care… funny how y’all got so full
of yourselves, forgeting you live under my charity and basic needs and wants. You
being here, wasn’t a chose made by my parents. I felt sorry for y’all when you
were not having things you needed as girls and my cousins. My parents warned
me but I fought for you to stay here. But now, y’all are old enough to fin for
yourselves so leave…

Samu: Nto… I will die… please

Ntokozo: knowing the old me, the kind me, the girl that took y’all in, the girl that
thought you would change and had hope you will take her as your sister, she
would have had mercy and let you stay right now…

Samu: (interrupting while crying) Nto… I do take you as my sister. I know that girl
is still in yo…

Ntokozo: But you destroyed her and created this monster. Today, she was there
but you destroyed the little portion of hope she had for you when you insulted
her and ruined her reputation Infront of her in-laws… Go pack your stuff… I am
taking you to Bushbuck Ridge.

Samu: (crying loudly) Ntonto!!!

Ntokozo: (looking at Nokholo) Wena, go back to your father…

Her: he hates me
Nto: I don’t care… see how to strive for yourself. I also did… angithi y’all thought
my life was easy… that me being independent was just luck and it is easy? Let’s
see if your words were true.

She then leaves the room, leaving everyone jam stuck. Her mother follows her
behind and Nosi too.

They get to Samu and Nokholo’s room and they find her packing their clothes…

MaDladla: Nunu, don’t you think you are now exaggerating?

She keeps packing… Nosi helps her, leaving MaDladla shocked.

MaDladla: Hayibo… what’s wrong with y’all?

Ntokozo: MaDladla… you don’t know exaggeration… this is just small, compared
to everything they did to us.

Nosi: I second her lapho

MaDladla: Nto it is not that bad.

Ntokozo: it is not that bad? Ma, you have no idea of the hell I went through with
these ungrateful imbeciles. Ma, the house is packed with people. She has the guts
to disrespect me kithi? And you saying that? Ma, my reputation to my in-laws is
all red now.

She is now finished with the suitcases. Samu and Nokholo then rock on the door.

Ntokozo: Thathani amasakane enu, let’s go…

➢ (Take your trash… let’s go.)

Samu: (at MaDladla) Ma…

Ntokozo: I don’t have the entire day… I have guest to entertain and a husband
that is on his way here.

Sihle then comes with Thando…

Sihle: Nto… this is just too unnecessary

She is still looking at Samu and Nokholo, who are pushing their cases out of the

Sihle: Nto… Ma… Nosi

Nosi: Yeyi… they deserve it.

Sihle: Deserve? Nto, what happened to you?

Ntokozo: (looking at him with rage) Life happened… independence happened. But
what do you know about it? You still live on your parents’ money and house.

She walks out with Nosi, following the girls. They get to the car and the drive off
to Bushbuck Ridge.



We are currently in Bushbuck Ridge.

We decided to take a break and park aside of the road. It is a very empty road,
with a garage about 3KM away.. Samu and Nokholo are looking at us with defeat
in their eyes.

Samu: Yaz, I always thought y’all had life easy. You had everything you needed
and wanted, rich parents and architecture mansions. It was unfair… why couldn’t
it be me? I was supposed to be you Ntokozo, iZinyane likaDladla. Now promoted
to Queen of Botswana. When I heard you getting married to Karabo, I instantly
knew I couldn’t beat you anymore. I started wanting to destroy your life so bad.
Like why do you have to be so big? So lucky? Why not me?

I look at her blankly.

I felt disgusted same time.

Samu: (charging to me with my gun) if I can’t have it, you won’t either…

Nosi: No no no no no Samu

Nokholo: Dubula le nja Sisi wami…

➢ (Shoot this dog, siter)

I am still not shaken about this. To be honest, I am scared but I still struggle to
show fear on my face or in particular.
She points the gun at my stomach. I then wrestle her to the ground, kicking the
gun away from her. Nosihle tries taking the gun but Nokholo beats her to it.
Nokholo then kicks Nosi on her stomach, causing her to fall. Samu then holds me
tight to her on the ground….

Samu: (shouting) Shoot!!!!

At this point my front body is exposed to Nokholo, meaning if she shoots, I might
not survive. I then fight myself off Samu then the gun fires.


I am with my brothers, looking for the bulls that are needed alive and the goats.
Thapelo is also with us. Nto told me to forgive… he won’t do it again, so did mom.
I trust those two women with my whole life, but him, I don’t.

We purchase the livestock, the veggies and other necessarities for the night
ahead of us. It is the slaughter night, meaning my siblings and I will be officially
introduced to the Dladla ancestors and will wait for their approval of the wedding.
We are by the parking lot, about to leave when I receive a call… my wife is already
missing me?


ME: Sthandwa Sami

Voice: Karabo… we need your help… something Terrible happened.

The girl’s voice is shaky… I stop at the realisation of what she said. My brothers
stop too

Me: Who is this and where is Ntokozo?

The girl: Look, I sent you the location… please hurry…


I look at the location… Bushbuck Ridge…

Me: (rushing to the car) We need to head to Bush… Ntokozo is in danger…

They all rush to their cars and we speed of to Bush with them following my car.

I get to the location and I spot Sihle’s car… I drive there and I head to the car.
When I get there, I find Ntokozo on the ground and another girl too. They are on a
pool of blood. I rush to Ntoko…

My brothers head to me and they help me get her up… Then she moves…

Her: Karabo

Me: Sthandwa Sami

Her: put me down

Me: but…

Her: put me down!!!

I do as she says. She stands on her feet. Andthen?

Thapelo: Karabo?!

Me: keng?
➢ (What?)

Him: I think we have a problem here…

Ntokozo rushes to the car… and I head to Thapelo and the brothers.

Thapelo: The girl is dead…

Tumiso: And judging by her gun wound, she was shot.

Thabang: This girl here, Nosi says Nto and the girl wrestled to the ground

Tumi: Nah… the shit was a direct shot, not indirect. Someone shot the girl….
Aiming to kill one of them.

They all look at this Nosihle girl

Her: (looking at us) No… it’s not me. Nokholo did it

Ntokozo: (banging the door of the car) Shit!!!!

We all look at her as she walks to us.

Ntokozo: Nokholo did this. We need to find her before she frames everything at
me. The gun is gone and it has my fingerprints on it and it is Sihle’s.

Me: What happened?

Her: Can I explain everything to y’all later? Right now, I am still thinking of this
whole thing

I nod.

Thapelo: What’s the plan?

Nto: (looking at this shot girl with her hands on her head) I don’t know yaz…

Nosihle: let’s bury her body and go look for this bitch.

Nto: (biting her lower lip) Too risky… they will easily find her body and the fingers
will be pointing at me and you since the Dladla clan and Mokoenas saw us leaving
with her.

Tumiso: There is only one way…

Nto: Burn her body, to ashes

Thabang: But still, she will be missing to others…

Me: AHH.uh… unless we use the suicide method.

Nto: Too risky too. This woman already has a gun hole, with everything pointing
at me and Sihle. And Nosihle.

Thapelo: What we gonna do kerh?

Nto: (sigh) You gonna have to bruise me and Nosihle.

Everyone including Nosihle: What?!

Ntokozo: We gonna make it look like Samu and Nokholo hit us and tried to kill us.
And we acted on self defence.

Thabang: how?

Nto: The gun Nokholo has right now has Samu’s fingerprints, hers and mine but
more of hers because she still is holding the gun, right?

We still shocked…

Her: (sigh) We gonna frame them. Angithi masiphuma endlini everyone saw that I
was angry and so was Samu. So we going to have to make it seem like they got
angry and they attacked me and Nosihle. That camera (she says pointing at the
camera on the garage) if it is functional, it will show what happened… that Samu
is the one that had the gun first. The need to temper with it won’t be necessary
because all the points, show that Nokholo and Samu were attempting to kill us.
We just have to cut it at the part where Nosihle calls. They will be an investigation
for sure so I have an inside guy at Oagies Police station so it will seem like Nosihle
was calling the cops then you. We just have be bruised so bad so that it will look
like they wanted to kill us… the cuting of the CCTV footage will look like Nokholo
was trying to hide evidence . Nokholo has a history of having depression so we
will have to track her down and make her go crazy like bring up events that
traumatized her. It will disturb her, making her get admitted to the mental
institution and that is where I will finish her off because I know she will try doing
something to my family.

Wow… as I thought I was the biggest gangster kanti I am fooling myself.

Thabang: Ngwana, uliGangster wena…

Tumi: But now, what are we gonna do with the ceremony? Won’t it affect it?

Ntokozo: It will… we will need to postpone it for a week or so. The ancestors are
not angry about it because it was bowed to happen. They protected me from
dying but now, us slaughtering is a no go for now. To them, we are disrespecting
them but saying they are blood suckers. We need to see a healer to cleanse first
before we slaughter because Mina I currently have blood on my hands…

Me: what are we gonna say to the family?

Ntokozo: me and Nosi will have to go back home with all this bloody clothes,
making sure they see us in them so that if the investigation occurs, it will seem
like it happened kwangempela.

Nosi: But the gun has your fingerprints…

Me: it will seem like I was trying to get the gun away from Samu… self defense.

Tumi: how are we gonna track that girl kodwa?

Me: I will have to involve Ora in this…

Me: No

Tumiso: I refuse too

Ntokozo: Oratile is the only one with the skills of tracking down one in minutes…
we don’t have time people…

Me: Tumi is there, mos?

Her: (looking at me blankly) which Tumi? The one that struggled to find my

Tumi: (gasp) I forgive you.

We look at each other with the brothers.

Her: it is either that or I go to jail.


Her: Now, I need someone to fracture my left arm.

Me: is it necessary though?

Tumiso: Yeah… I mean we could just fake medical records.

Tumi: Medical records are nowadays easy to detect if they are real or not Tumiso

Me: But…

We then argue with the brothers then we hear a scream…

We look around and we see Nto and Nosihle at the trunk of my car. We rush to
them and we find Nosihle holding her nose, bleeding..
Her: Ntokozo!!!

Ntokozo: (hugging her while laughing) Askies bedo… but I didn’t even punch you
that much.

Her: (Shouting) You bitch… do you know how painful your punch is?!

Nto laughs…

Thapelo: And then?

Nosihle: I asked this bitch to punch me kancane and yena she goes full force.

Me and Tumiso: (at once) Y’all are twisted yho…

I notice Nto’s left arm is not okay…

Me: (looking at her) You ended up doing it yourself?

Her: Yebo…

I laugh as I hug her.

Me: Atleast you did it otherwise I would have regretted it.

Her: amagwala

➢ (Cowards)

Tumi: I hope I am not counted on the stats.

Thapelo: Me too

Me: Nami
➢ (Me too)

Her: Nonke…

➢ (All of you)

Them: Haa!!!!

Me: okay enough… let’s head to the house… it is getting late.

Tumi: Sihle’s car?

Me: One has to drive it…. The one with no car ride…

Nosi: I will…

Thapelo: Noo Noo no lady… you are gonna ride with me. Your nose needs

Tumi: Haa… three is a crowd Thapelo

Thapelo: Then minus yourself ntwana… I got a lady to attend to.

Thabang: (laughing) First, it was Karabo at the ceremony. Now it’s you. I swear
y’all are…

Tumi and Tumisho: Snakes

We all laugh… and we head off. Big brother is eyeing out. At least he got over my



Everything went as planned. Everything now points at Nokholo. Ora tracked her
down and Thapelo has started driving her crazy. Ora has been this side from last
week. The slaughtering has been postponed to the coming Saturday, giving me
and The brothers and the girls(Nosihle and Ora) time to do the cleansing.

We are currently in Matsulu in Mpumalnga. The healer brought us here to cleanse

ourselves. He is very strong, I can tell. I had to tell my mom about what happened,
after all she is my partner in crime.

We are by the waterfall there, wearing white clothes. I am wearing a white

oversize cocktail swing dress, ibhayi lamaSwati and I am barefooted. The brothers
including Tumi are wearing white sweatpants and are shirtless. Nosi and Ora are
also wearing white dresses and Headwrap. I am the only one wearing the Bhayi,
the healer’s instructions. After all, I have the gift of seeing visions.

The healer: (kneeling down next to the river) Mokoena, ngenani kuqala…

➢ (Mokoena, enter first)

They all enter with Ora… he starts the ritual. He calls out their clan names and he
starts pleading with the ancestors. He then instructs them to get out of the water
after about 5 mins.

He calls apon Tumi and Nosi. He does the same with them .

He then tells me to go in but by the side where the water is falling. I look at
Karabo then he assures me. I enter…
The healer: Makhehla noGogo… Dladla… Mgabadeli… Kweyama… Dwala…
nginilethela ingane yenu Namhla izobonga ngokusindisa impilo yakhe. Ixolise
ngesenzo sakhe…

Next thing I know, I land on my knees in the water…


We are by the river at Masulu. We are all looking at Ntokozo who is on her knees,
in the river… water falling on her…

Me: (looking at Nosi) Andthen, asimkhipheni

➢ (Let’s take her out)

Nosi: Nah… she is having an ancestral summony. The ancestors are talking
through her.

Eyy… she has a calling kanti? I thought it was the dreams Mina.

Her: (roaring) thokoza mkhulu… ngithokoza manizile…

The healer: Thokoza

Her: Thina boDladla sithi busiseka

The healer: Thokoza khehla

Her: Ubumnyama buhlehlile

The healer: Thokoza

Her: Awuqhubeke umshado

The healer: Thokoza

Her: Ningasilibali

The healer: Thokoza muntu omdala

Her: Phephethela okuhle Kimi nokukhanya

The healer: Thokoza siyanizwa Makhehla

Her: Thokoza

Him: Siyasizwa isikhalo senu. Ngeke sinikhohlwe

Her: Thokoza

Him: Siyabonga

Her: Dladla

Him: Mgabadeli

Her: gedla elikhulu

Him: thula moya nibhekise emalwandle

Her: Thokoza.

She then let out the loudest roar ever… she is rubbing her hands together. After
some time, she stops…

The healer: Phuma Ke emanzini

➢ (Get out of the water)

She then comes out.

I know the situation is serious but damn, this woman looks Hella fine boh… that
dress is doing wonders to her hips and thighs… Nosi and Ora are wrapped in
Nosi: (handing a towel to Nto) Uyafuna?

➢ (You want?)

Nto: (serious) Nah… ngiRyt.

➢ (Nah, I’m okay)

Nosi: Okay…

The healer: (standing) Sesiqedile… ningaqhubeka ngokuhlaba

➢ (We are done. You can carry on with the slaughtering)

We all nod.

Nto: Thokoza Mamba

Healer: Thokoza Mina ngane yami.

She then leads the way to the car. She is so serious. I know her… she is just tense
and the last time she was like this, she knew Retha would pass on.

Tumi: okay… re ya KwaDladla?

➢ (Okay, we headed to the Dladlas?)

Me: Yeah… siyohlangana khona. We will then head out for lunch sonke.

➢ (Yeah… we will meet there. we will then head out for lunch together)

Thapelo: Including the girls?

Me: Yeah

Tumiso: Excluding the parents right?

Me: sho
Thabang: fede…

We then head into our cars. Nto is in Sihle’s Black GTI, Nosi is with Thapelo,
Thabang is with Tumiso and Tumi is with Ora. The healer stays needby so he said
he is okay.


I get in the car and I speed off, leaving everyone behind.

I just feel too tense after that cleansing. Bab’ Mamba told me that it will happen
but it will go away after 7 days. It may also include Nose bleeding, severe
headache, my body can ache so bad and swollen feet. Sometimes, I am not even
sleep on my own. It can make me be cold towards strangers and find it hard to
laugh/receive humour.

Apparently, I have invited the ancestors for the wedding so their presence will be
heavy on me and those of the family with spiritual gifts.

Anyways, I am play khulula inhliziyo – Ntencane on my way home eWitbank. I

love umaskandi Mina guys, it just talks to me and heals me.

I have arrived at home. The securities open the gate for me and as I park, Karabo
drives in with his ManHart GTI 290, followed by Tumi with his BMW i8 then
Tumiso with his GTI r7 then Thapelo with his BMW M3. They park too and we all
get out of the cars. The house is still buzzing because the slaughtering is

Nosi: Awuthi ngiyogeza

➢ (Let me go and freshen up)

Me: Okay Sthandwa Sami… ngizokulangela maduze.

➢ (Okay boo. I will follow you in a few)

Karabo then hugs me from behind and I instantly feel better. I can never get used
to his touch boh. He then kisses me.

Him: (looking deep into my eyes) uRyt?

➢ (Are you okay?)

Me: (smiling) Yeah, ngiRyt… sizokhuluma ngayo

➢ (Yeah, I’m okay. We will talk about it)

Him:Okay, MaMokwena

I smile and I ask to be excused. It is funny how I show these people so much
respect while I hate being submissive… hayi, amaDoda.



It is now the noon times and we have freshened up with my brothers. We are
waiting for the girls as we sit with Dladla and Sihle.

To be honest, I was very nervous but he is not that bad. He seems dangerous
though… he has that aura around him… the dark world one.

Just as we are chatting, Ora heads downstairs with Nosi. They are wearing
dresses… Ora is wearing a straight cut Yellow dress and sandals and Nosi is
wearing a flora summer dress, a red one with sandals too. They come to us and
the greet Dladla and Sihle.

Tumi: After a whole 2 hours of waiting…

Ora: (laughing) Says the man who takes 1hour 30 mins to get ready.

We all laugh…

Dladla: Nizoma kerh ngoNtokozo… ufana noMah wakhe

➢ (Y’all will wait when it comes to Ntokozo. She took after her Mom with taking

Sihle: they take decades to finish

We laugh… then she appears.

She is wearing a Black long sleeve bodycon dress that reaches her ankles but has
knee length slits on both sides and her white puffy slippers. She tied her Locs to a
messy bun. She is carrying her phone.

Her: (smiling) Sorry for the wait…

Tumiso: Yho hayi Makoti usilindisile yho… ngize sengineHigh blood pressure
because I haven’t eaten

➢ (Yho Makoti, you made us wait for too long. I even developed a high blood
pressure because of a long time hungry)

Tumi: (sigh) Oh modimo wame… do you mean Sugar Diabetes

➢ (OH MY GOD… do you mean Sugar Diabetes?)

Tumiso looks at him puzzled …

Tumiso: One and the same thing… let’s go people …

We then laugh… Nosi is even dead…

Nto: (pulling us up) Okay…. Asambeni before uMr High Blood Pressure equleka…

➢ (Okay, let’s go before Mr High Blood Pressure collapse)

Tumiso: NgiSerious njalo

➢ (I am serious)

Nto: (laughing) Yes Tumiso, you are correct. Tumi is an idiot

Tumi: Ehhh…

We then head out , laughing… hayi no.

We decided on going to Lakeside Mall in Benoni. We arrive here at around 13h00

and we are still at the queue at Checkers. We have like three trolleys with us.

Thapelo: Mara Nto… so much food?

Tumiso: Monna… o kae pheta

➢ (Dude, you can say that again)

Nosi: (laughing) Hehehe… y’all don’t know the Dladla clan nerh?

Nto: My family is huge in numbers guys… more are still coming.

Thabang: Kanti how many people are you expecting from your family?

Nto: (ticking off from the list) Roughly estimated to 75 lapho

Everyone’s jaws drop, including me and excluding Nto and Nosi

Ora: Hayibo… kanti nizala njani Kini?

Nto: (laughing) Well my sister, the Dladla clan has more girls…

Nosi: We get married and the clan expanding, making bonds with the other

We are still puzzled.

Nto: (sigh) That means, when we get married, the family marrying us is counted
as part of us… like, we got Masuku family

Nosi: Mbele

Nto: Makhabane
Nosi: Mavimbela

Nto: Mathibela

Nosi: Khumalo, Mthethwa

Nto: Zuma, Ntuli and Mhlongos too

Tumi: Yeses

Thapelo: Y’all be getting married mos

Nto: I mean, have you seen us?

Nosi: Plus Ubukhosi bomhlanga is where our sisters and cousins got their

Thabang: So banithola nimatshitshi?

➢ (So you get married still pure?)

Me: (Smirking, looking at her) Yebo… the fresh, tight and warm ones futhi

Nto looks at me, giving me the “keep quiet” look…

Thabang: Serious?

Me: Yho mfana, they come scr….

She then throws the bag of lettuce towards me and I catch it.

Her: Thank you Karabo for the false evidence…

Me: (laughing my ass out) Or am I lying?

Her: I dare you to say anything again…

Me: (laughing) But you know I am right…

Her: We will see that in two weeks

The brothers look at me, trying hard to hide their laughs…

Me: Haa uyongicintsha?

➢ (Haa, you starving me?)

Her: I warned you…

Me: Haa MaMokwena

Her: best way to punish a man is to abstain

Me: Nto… Sthandwa Sami… yilaba not me… baby, ungayenzi kanje

➢ (Nto… My love… Its these ones, not me. Baby, don’t do this.)

Her: (blowing a kiss at me) I love you…

She winks and she heads to the till. My brothers including Tumi laugh at me so
hard. Nosi and Ora are laughing too.

Ora: (patting my shoulder) never mess with your wife.

I push the trolley and the others push the other ones too…

We on our way back. We did get something to eat at Casa Bella but we had to
rush back because it was getting dark and The Dladlas slaughter at night.

I am by the fire with all the men in the yard. We just slaughtered two cows and
two goats. Nto is with the Reed girls, singing and dancing inside. They are just
amazing to look at, especially Nto. I had the chance to see her dance and she
knows her thing. She is a senior there, more like a leader. We can hear them from
here… they are singing.

Nto: (singing) Yeyi, musungiyathela

Them: (backing her) Gxamalaz’ ubheke… Gxamalaz’ ubheke

It goes on and on. Nto’s voice has always been music to my ears and medicine to
my heart. This woman knows how to sing bruh!!! They all go mute as she sings a
verse. Next thing we heard is umsindo wokugida. They all go wild…

One of the girl: (cheering) MaMhlophe!!!!

Ora: (cheering) Uyishaye ‘skhonkhosini !!!!

I assume she is the one ogidayo. I so bad wanna see. Sihle reads my mind …

Him: (getting up) Asithi ukuthi Sbali

➢ (Come on brother in – law)

I get up and we walk inside the house, heading to the girls’ room.

Him: (laughing) You so bad wanna see her, nerh?

Me: (chuckling) Doda, uyangiBlame.a?

Him: (laughing) I don’t!! I know the anticipation plus yena uyayishaya into yakhe.
She is very proud of her culture.

Me: (chuckling) that one, I will not disagree on

We laugh and we entire the room and we see her standing, leading the group.
The others are seated down on the floor, including Ora. Nto is wearing a Black
short bodycon dress with long sleeves. She has her beads on and
amaKhahlakhahla. She is even has Imbhadada zakhe on. I am surprised her hair is
still tied up into a neat bun.

Her: (singing) Ubongiphatha kahle bayangisabawel abanye

Them: (backing her) Phatha kahle bayangisabawel abanye

Nosi then takes over in leading the song as Nto starts dancing. Sihle and I have our
jaws dropped.

Him: I knew she can dance but not this good….

Me: (stuttering) I… Yho… yeses.

I don’t wanna lie… I want her so bad right now. She carries on dancing then she
does that Vosho kinda thing, followed by the leg combos.

Girls: (cheering) Hawu hawu hawu … sukanini madoda.

Others are ulululating, others are praising her using her clan praises. She then
does that “Lahla umlenze” thing, driving the girls crazy.

Girls: (cheering) Ashiii!!!!

Others are now on their feet.

Nto: (firm walk while pacing up and down) Bongiphatha kahle bayangisabawel

Them: (backing her) Phatha kahle bayangisabawel abanye!!!

They then wrap the song up.

Ora: (joining Nto) Nkosi, balibulele izwe lobaba

The girls go wild

Them: (backing her) Balibulele izwe lobaba

Ora signals Nto to lead it

Nto: Yeyi, sebelibulele izwe lobaba

Them: Balibulele izwe lobaba

Ora then dances. Hayibo… my sister knew this all along?

Sihle: Hawu, Mokwena wawuthuleleni ungasho ukuthi unoSisi okhona ukuSina?

Me: Yeyi Ndoda, I am shocked as you right now…

The girls go mute as Nto sings a verse

Her: Yeyi yeyi mana kancane ngalothando

Yeyi sekuquma amaDivorce

Her and Ora: Hayi bona balibulele izwe lobaba

Girls: balibulele izwe lobaba

Ora and Nto then do a routine yokusina. The girls go wild again, twice as the last

When did they get time to do such a great routine. They do it for like 4 minutes or
so then they do the “Lahla umlenze “ thing followed by the Vosho, causing the
girls to scramble around wildly. They close it off and they take a break. Nosi points
at us and Nto spots us.

She laughs at the fact that my jaw is dropped, and Ora too. Sihle and I walk in. The
girls look at us.

Silence hit the room.

Girls are drowling and have their eyes out. I mean, how would you react in seeing
two handsome hulky men with fam and wealth walk pass you? Exactly.

I walk to Nto and she laughs at me. Like I am that shocked people.

Me: Ntokozo Dladla

Her: (laughing) what? Don’t…

Me: MaMokwena

Her: (laughing even hard) Mokwena….

Me: Wow… mfazi wami.

She laughs even more. Everyone is still looking at us

Me: (pulling her for a hug) Umfazi wami ukhona ukuSina kanje and Mina angazi

Her: (smiling) kusase k’ncane lokhu mnyeni wami

Me: hawu kodwa Dwala, Mhlophe, ngaze ngabusiseka ngazitholela wena?

She giggles and I pull her in for a kiss. People then start cheering.

Ora: (shouting) Awww, get a room Nina malove Birds.

Thando: (to Ora) Or we could get ours…

Ora play punches him in the stomach and everyone laugh. I even forgot about
these people but if I could kiss her again in front of people, I would, a million
times. I want everyone to know that she is mine, alone and I am hers too. I hate
chancers too, that is why. She pulls away and we walk out of the room while the
girls carry on.




Everything has been covered. I am wearing isiphandla by the way, reason, I don’t
know. I am as puzzled as you are because I know I wasn’t supposed to have it on
mara sizothini?

Anyways, I left with the brothers for Botswana first. We stayed at the Royal Palace
for a week and we headed back to Jozi. I was told to not have intimacy with
Karabo until the wedding day, which is in two weeks.

I know right? Who the hell plans a DAMN royal wedding, two of them in TWO
WEEKS?!!! But the King has spoken and I can’t oppose it. So today I am going to
the Wedding Boutique at Sandton for the dress fitting.

I am going with Lina and Lungile. I didn’t wanna go with my mom because I want
my dress to be a surprise to everyone. Nosi is also targing along. I am currently
wearing a Nude short bodycon dress that reveals my thighs, white waist length
fleece cotton jacket, nude and white ankle length Air Jordans and I tied my
combed my kinky afro to a messy afro bun. I accommodated the look with a nude
watch, a gold necklace, a white clutch bag and a white hair band.

As I head out of the apartment…

Income call: Lina


Me: I am on my way…

Her: That is what you said an hour ago Nto…

Me: Traffic jam ntwana

Her: Okay, you will find me with Lungi and Nosi at Christian Dior then?

Me: No problem.


WELL, Nosi met them when we were at Witbank during the slaughtering
ceremony. Of course my bitches came through for me as always. Anyways, let me
head out….

I am with the girls now. We are at Christian Dior at Sandton…

Lina: Uze ngani?

Me: One of Karabo’s cars…

Nosi: GTI?

Me: Manhart 290?

Lina and lungi have their jaws dropped… wow…

Lungi: Bitch, we going for a spin…

Me: (laughing) Of Course…

We enter at the boutique and we are met by a worker there…

Lady: (smiling) Good day ladies, Thabi at your service… how can I help you?
Me: (Smiling at her) Hey Thabi… I am looking for a wedding dress yazi

Thabi: (colgate smile) Please come this side ma’am. Ladies, you may take seats

The girls: Okay, thanks babes…

She leads me to a sort of desk nton nton. I take a seat and she does too.

Her: Okay, ma’am. I am going to do a survey on what you want your dress to be

Me: (smiling) Oh okay… long sleeve, maxi and ball room type.

Her: Colour?

Me: White will do

Her: Glamorous or…

Me: Simple but all eyes on me.

Her: (smiling) Budget?

Me: Budget is not a problem

Her: (smiling) I think I have a few in mind… please follow me.

I follow her and she takes me to a huge room full of dresses, all colours. She then
takes out one and tells me to try it on. I do and I head to the girls. They all look at
me as I look at myself in the mirror. They are so jam stuck…

Lina: Babes, you look great…


I look at myself again. I don’t see what they are saying.

Thabi: this is Viniodress Beaded… it is on of our limited editions la ekhaya…

Lungi: This doesn’t seem like you Nto… Yes, it is great but it is not giving Ntokozo.
Even your wardrobe beats this big time

Me: I agree with you. This is not what I want

Thabi: Okay, let’s try another one

We head back and she gives me the dress.

I wear it and she makes my hair more messy but in a glam way and she puts those
white hair pins with flowers.

I head out and this time, they all get on their feet. I also love it hey? Nosi and Lina
are emotional freaks so they are in tears. Lungi is looking at me with satisfication.
I get on the stand next to the mirror and I look at myself. Is this me? fuck no?!!!
Damn, I look breath-taking. Tears then sting my eyes.

Thabi: Well, this is the Royal Blue Viniodress, Vintage in style, long sleeve Beaded.
It has an open back with a fully tiered skirt bottom. Beads used are ivory beads. It
is an off – shoulder. Incases of uncomfortability with the open back, you can zip it
up with the zip. I know you said white but when you told me your theme would
be Royal Blue, I thought this one will be great on you. Price is R65 071.

Me: (wiping my tears away) I will take it Thabi. I love it and thank you so much

Her: (overly joyed) let me fix up the paper work.

She then leaves. The girls rush to me and they hug my tight as they breakdown.
They pull away. I wanted to be the only one wearing White since the theme was
set to be Royal blue but this dress just changed my mind.
Nosi: (still crying) I know I have been here but it feels like I am re - living it through
you. I’m proud of you MaMhlophe.

Me: (bowing respectfully) MaMasuku

Lina: (crying) I am so proud of you Nto…

Lungi: (crying) I still can’t believe the trio’s “I don’t need a man in my life” is now
on her way to getting married

We all laugh and I turn to the mirror again

Me: (holding back my tears) Yeah nerh, I still can’t believe it too. I guess the old
lady knew…

Nosi: She always knows.

We all look at each other then we burst into laughter. I take off the dress and I
paid, using Karabo’s card of course. He demanded that I use it. It was a very
heated argument but he smooth talked me into this one with his Mokoena-Khoza

Anyways, we are now at Louis Vuitton. The girls are looking for their shoes too as
my bridesmaids. My maid of honor is Nosi, of course, but if bekuya ngami, Ora
would have taken the position manje she just had to be part of the Mokoena

I am by the Christian Louboutin section and I spot the perfect heel. It is a white
minimalist point toe court pump high heel. The girls got their shoes and I pay.

We head to Spur for a lunch nyana… we order and the waiter brought the
refreshments… Lina and Lungile ordered champayne, Nosi ordered White wine
and I ordered Sweet Rose Red Wine.

Lina: So how are things with Mokoena?

Me: They are great… yes, obstacles are there but they not that bad.

Lina: Okay…

Lungi: Have you done the… you know

Lina and Nosi laughed

Me: (smiling shyly) Y…yes

They get all excited. This people are just weird.

Lina: (clapping her hands like a toddler) Baby had her first ziki ziki hay hay

Me: (laughing) Ssshhh

Nosi: (Laughing) How was it?

Me: (looking away shyly) I ain’t gonna discuss my man’s dick with y’all

Lungi: Oh please… tell us

Me: (sipping my wine) Just know that on that night, my morals and values left me

Lungi: Was it passionate?

Lina: Or was it rough?

Me: (laughing awkwardly WHILE RUBBING MY FOREHEAD) Both

Lina: what?!

Lungi: Bitch, you lying?!

Nosi: Get out out here!?

I nod while laughing…

Lina: You serious?

Me: Yeah…

Lungi: Damnit, didn’t you get a tear?!

Me: I did babes… Mr Mokoena got carried away and he thrust me…

Lina: Bitch, how big is he kanti?

Me: (sipping my wine while singing) I want a big boy

Give me a big boy!!

They get puzzled at first then they realize what I meant. Then their eyes widen…

Nosi: No ways…

Me: Yes way… now I will not further discuss my man’s dick with y’all. I shall not
provide anymore evidence to a non-existing courtcase. Client – Lawyer

Lungi: Konje Adv. Mokoena

Me: (laughing) Nailed it!!!

We then laugh…




It is 1am in the wee hours. I am disturbed by a phone call. I answer the call
without looking at it.


Me: MaMhlophe, hello?

Him: (deep voice) Don’t you mean MaMokwena?

Me: Haiii… I forgot.

Him: (commanding voice) Vula umnyango Mama…

➢ (Open the door Mama)


Mara guys, uKarabo uyangihlupha yaz. I get out of bed, get my white silk robe and
my sleeping puffies and I shuffle to the door. I unlock the door and here he is,
wearing all black and a black cap, creating a shadow on his eyes. He has his hands
on his pockets, one of his habits. He is standing still, looking at me.

Me: Karabo, kuyabanda… ufaka amakhaza

He smiles and he enters. I close the door and as I turn around, I bump into his firm
chest. I look up at him and here he is, his pink lips, light skin, looking down at me.
He is now cornering me with both his hands on each side of me. I then take off his
cap and his curls… they look so fresh, you wouldn’t even say he was wearing a
Me: ubuya kuphi?

➢ (Where are you from?)

Him: Uyazi Mama

➢ (You know, Mama)

As I assumed….

He was with his brothers, doing their second job. When he is from this job of his, I
don’t dare go in bed with him because he will thrust the hell out of me so I always
come up with excuses. The temptations are too much to resist but I try hard not
to fall for them.

Him: (very deep voice) I want you MaMokoena… I wanna be in you.

See what I mean? This is so hard for me to resist…

Me: (low voice) Karabo, you know we have to abstain.

Him: (getting close to me) Are you sure?

Words fall me. I feel like my lust for him is failing me… he then perks my lips then
lets go again…

Him: (deep voice) Uhmm… (perk again) I asked a question Mama? (perk) are you
sure? (perk)

Me: Karabo, you can’t do this to me… not kanje.

Him: (looking through my eyes) Mama, ngibuke…

➢ (Mama, look at me)

No guys… haa, this man. I look at him…

Him: (looking at my eyes) Mama

Me: Karabo

Him: (stroking my chin) Ngizifuna phakathi kwakho.

➢ (I want to be in you)

Me: (breathing heavily) Mokoena… that is impossible…

Him: (very deep voice) Are you sure?

Before I could say futher, he lifts me up and he puts me on the countertop and he
kisses me. I guess he won this time.


I just got back from the heist and I am with Ntokozo. I want her so bad. I have
never wanted her so much.

As I kiss her, she is undressing me. I then lead her to the bedroom. I lay her on the
bed without breaking the kiss. I attempt to slide my hand in her panties but she
turns me over, sitting ontop of me. She then breaks the kiss. She is taking off her
robe then she kisses me. I attempt to hold her waist but she holds my hands
down on the bed.

Her: (whispering between our kiss) Relax Ruthless, my turn to be in charge.

She kisses my lips then she bites my neck gently. She is leaving hickeys on my
neck then she takes off my T-Shirt and she kisses my chest, going down to me.
She takes out my manhood and she takes rubbing it up and down then she twirls
her tongue on the tip… Damnit!!!! The pleasure…

Me: (groaning) Ohh shiitt… fuck…

The warmth of her wet mouth gets me twisted.I look at her juicy lips as they go
up and down my dick. I put my hands behind my head laying on the pillows.
Damnit, this girl is good… she picks up her pace…

Me: (groaning deeper) Shittt…

She then goes deep throat as I put my hand behind her head. She goes even

Me: (groaning) Fuck!!!

She goes deeper than before and shots hit. She then kisses me again. I kiss her
with lust and craving. I then hold her butt checks, brushing and grabing them. Her
breathing has changed. I flip her over and I kiss her. I run my hands in her panties
and I rub her cookie. I grasp abit with lust controlling me


I insert my fingers in her. I go straight to fast fingering.

Her: (screaming while biting her lip) Uhmm, Fuck!!!! Ahh, Karabo!!!
I carry on, faster. I can feel her pilling up but I go more faster. I want to see her
suffer with the leg shaking orgasm. Speaking of it, here it comes.

Her: (screaming) uhmmmmm!!!!!

I then pull out as she shakes uncontrollable. I then bite her neck, leaving hickeys
on top of hickeys. She is still having the shaking orgasm.

Her: (screaming very loudly) Uhmmm, fuck!!!!!

She stops and I then kiss her breasts. I leave hickeys on them, big ones. Then I
enter her. She is always warm and tight, I wonder how.

Her: (moaning) Mhmmm

Today, I feel like releasing so much.


Me: (screaming) Karabo wait!!!!

Karabo is thrusting me like it is his last time. He has me on my side, leg up. He is
going to tear me up again, no doubt.

Me: (screaming) Karabo whoa!!! Haaa!!! I can’t!!! wait!!!!

He then goes deeper, causing me to scream even louder. He is looking at me. I
told y’all…

He then picks me up and he pushes me towards the wall, leg up and he fucks me
hard again. I can’t breathe kahle…. Haii… it is… tooo much… but I also don’t want
it to stop. He then hits the deep spot.

Me: (screaming) Ahhhh!!!!!!!!

He keeps on groaning with his deep voice. I no longer feel my legs. He then pulls
me by my hair on to the back, doggy style. He slides in and he thrusts me…

Me: (screaming) Shit!!! Wait!!!

He thrusts deeper, harder and fast. The sound of my ass claping on him is
powerful. He flips me again, putting me on missionary. He thrust me again. I feel
so bloated. This time he is going deeper and harder but not faster. He is looking
straight into my eyes. I try keeping up but his strokes betray me…

Me: (shaking uncontrollable) Mmmmmmmh!!!!

He then hits the spot again and he doesn’t move. He stay inside of me as I shake…

Me: (bitting my lip very hard) Uhmmm!!!!!

After minutes, I stop shaking. He hasn’t pulled out. I feel electrified. I open my
eyes and he is looking at me with a smirk. This man…

Him: (smirking) hey

Me: Really, why are you still in me, Mr Mokoena?

Him: I enjoy being in you

Me: I am not on the pill njalo

Him: So?

Me: chances of me getting pregnant are high Mokoena

Him: What’s wrong with you being pregnant?

I look at him speechless. I try moving him away from me but he overpowers me
and attacks my weakness… neck grabbing

Him: (deep seductive voice) Mama, you bowed to be pregnant one day. So what’s
the difference? Huh?

Me: (speechless) I…uhm… Uhm…

Him: (biting his lower lip) I wouldn’t mind having a mini you, mama

Damnit… this man is good, so good.

Me: but please pull out until after the wedding

He flips me over to sit on him, while covering me with the duvet. I lay on him as
he smuggles me in his arms.

Him: (kissing the top of my head) I will do no such thing.

Me: but Kara…

Him: It is not up for debate.

Me: (sigh) Uhm…

Him: Ngiyakuthanda yezwa Nhliziyo?

Me: Uthandwa yimina Mokoena




I am seated in the living room with Karabo. He is watching the TV while massaging
my feet and I am busy on my phone. I am texting my mom about the catering
thingy and she said she will handle it.

Income call: Ora


Her: Mei Skati, ojwang?

➢ (Sweety, how are you?)

Karabo looks at me while taking a sip of his Heineken

Me: Hey Skati, ke Ryt wena ojwang?

➢ (Hey love, I’m okay and you?)

Her: Ke grend… sheba, everything is set as you wanted. I just want to confirm if I
should add a carpet that leads to the altar or not.)

➢ (I’m good… Look, everything is set as you wanted. I just want to confirm if I
should add a carpet that leads to the altar or not.)

Me: Yeah…

Her: Royal blue?

Me: No… a lot of things are in Royal Blue. Let’s make it white.

Her: Uhm… I like it.

Me: the chairs should be

Her: Acrylic crystal clear ghost chairs.

Me: Tables should be

Her: Acrylic clear tables covered with Royal blue flower patterned tablecloths,
Navy blue napkins, dark galaxy theme in venue, lighting provided on that day will
be candles, floating in water filled cylinder glasses, silver ornaments on the tables,
powder blue Modern high ceiling crystal chandeliers between the diagonal placed
tables… Woman, I got it all covered

Me: (laughing) I guess I have been siging that a lot.

Her: (laughing) Yooh, kunini? Don’t worry, I have everything under control… trust

Me: Okay my love…

Her: on Monday we will be having cake tasting okay?

Me: (chuckling) I want ice cream cake…

Karabo turns to me, very quick. He is luck his neck didn’t crack. He sits up while
giving me the “WHAT?!”

Whooo hle, I so wonder what ice cream ever did to him ‘cause wow, this man
doesn’t love ice cream. Ohh scratch that, he hates ice cream to the core!!!

But let’s pull his leg abit…

Ora: Serious?

Me: Yes… I want the Cookies and cream ice cream cake with layers of tinroof ice
cream, vanillia, frech vanillia…
Karabo is busy pulling me, trying to stop me.

Me: And Oreo Flavoured one

Karabo gags…

Ora: You wanna kill Karabo?

Me: He is gonna be strong… it is either he eats the cake or he can forget getting
some from me…

Ora laughs and Karabo tambles on me…


I am on a call with Nto and there is chaos there.


As I listen to them, Nto is screaming…

Her: (scream laughing) Karabo ah.a… my phone!!!

Karabo: No ways in hell that I am eating ice cream Mama!!! If it means I have to
tickle you till you change your mind, I will

Nto: (laughing uncontrollable) Karabo!!!! Ahhh!!! The phone!!!


Nto: (laughing uncontrollable) HAYI!!! OKAY…OKAY… OKAY… I WAS KIDDING!!!


Karabo: Bet?
Nto: (laughing) I bet on our marriage.

Him: (chuckling) Ohh okay.. take

They fidget abit…

Nto: (still laughing) Sorry about that Skado…

Me: (laughing) Love nerh…

Her: (LAUGHING) Love, No. Your brother, totally a yes.

Karabo: (at the background) Ngizokuphinda Mama

➢ (Want me to do it again, mama?)

Her: (laughing) Ngizokuluma this time.

➢ (This time I will bite you)

Karabo then laughs and I laugh too…

Me: Hayi… let me head inside kerh… we will talk skado

Her: Okay Mei skati



I head inside the venue. It has a dark interior, black to be specific. It is so huge. I
think it could fit over 3 000 guests, 800 tables and the 8 high ceiling chandeliers
and 3 000 chairs and still have a platform for the Dladlas, the Mokwenas, close
friends and the bridal groom platform. As I enter, I am met by a man in his late
Him: (smiling) Good day ma’am. Welcome to Royal Gala, Leon at your service.

Reminds me of Karabo’s nickname… funny, hey?

Me: (smiling) Hi Leon, Oratile here. I actually called earlier on regarding the Royal

Him: the one scheduled for next Saturday?

Me: Yes… I was told to come down here by Biancia for venue checking and
discussions too.

Him: (nodding) Okay, ma’am…

Me: Oratile

Him: Oratile, let me give you the tour.

He takes me on a tour around. This place is stunning. It matches Nto’s chose on its
own. The garden, or should I say the Villa at the back is quite huge and perfect for
picture taking, the pool for the night after party, after the groom and bride
leaves…. Bluubluuubluuu…

Leon: (Stoping) This here could be the picture taking area, there…

He says pointing at a beautiful bright garden that is big too, fenced and has white

Him: That could be the altar. It is not too big but it is enough to cater for 700
people and less.

Me: Okay… enough for family, close friends and all the royal kingdoms…

Leon: (looking at me curious) Royal kingdoms?

Me: (laughing) Ohh, it is a Royal wedding. The future king of Botswana is getting

He goes mute and shocked…

Him: (stuttering) Whoa… I thought you were joking.

Me: (laughing) Nope… the Reception will be inside but the bride and groom have
their own idea for it.

Him: Okay, go on…

Me: The theme is strictly Royal Blue and a touch of white.

Him: (impressed) Rare request but impressive. Go on…

Me: She wants like an Alaska winter theme with a bit of summer. The tables and
chairs will be diagonally placed.

We walk back in the venue and we are by the door.

Me: From the door to that platform will be a white carpet. Tables on my left will
be diagonally tilted from the forward right to the downwards left and the ones on
the right will go from the forward left to the downwards right.

Leon: Okay…

Me: in between the the last two tables next to the door, let’s name them Table
799 and 800, will be Blue high ceiling acrylic chandeliers… then the next will be
positioned between table 775 and 776…. The third ones in between the 750 and
751 ones… all the way to table 200. From there, the pattern of tables change,
forming a sort of hemisphere shape…

Him: (nodding) Okay…

Me: then table 101 will be the end of the hemisphere shape. From there onwards
til table 1 and 2, the tables will be placed on the sides, leaving the middle empty.

Him: I assume the empty space will be the dance stage?

Me: Yes… then the bridal platform will be there ontop.

I say pointing at the far end of the Gala room, where the steps are.

Him: (nodding) Then the tables?

Me: The tables are Acrylic clear tables and the chairs too. Table 800 to 200 will be
plain Royal blue table cloth, From Table 200 to 1 will be Royal Blue Tablecloths
with flower patterns, rose 3D patterns.

Him: The chairs will be covered too?

Me: No, they won’t be because they have a white siting cushion on them.

Him: Okay… napkins nyana?

Me: (laughing) Definetely… Navy blue napkins… and silver roll up chinese
ornaments. And ohh the lighting will be Candles in water filled glasses…

Him: Uhmm… I can already see the picture.

Me: the menus will be Sky Blue and white. They will also be those wedding gift
boxes on the tables.

Him: White and Silver wedding gift boxes will be a very great combo

Me: I like that. The dark interior is perfect too.

Him: So Table 800 to 201 are normal guest?

Me: Yes

Him: then Table 200 to 101, are Royal kingdoms?

Me: Yes

Him: Then the remain are the family and close friends?

Me: Yes… 50 on the left and 50 on the right

Him: Okay… I get it now. So the cake… how big is it?

Me: (laughing nervously) 6

Him: Ohh, 6 layers… it can fit…

Me: 6 cakes…

Him: (eyes out) Yerrr…

Me: Everyone is gonna be served phela. One is gonna have 5 layers, two will have
4 layers, two will have 3 layers and one will be a small on for décor.

He looks at me stunt. Hey, 3 000 guests are many guys and we wanna cater for
everyone. We don’t wanna be trending for being a stingy family.

Him: Okay…

Me: You need to make sure that the white carpet area is always clear, okay? And
food will be served to people so book enough staff, we will pay. The security will
be strengthened by the Mokoena for that day…

Him: The bridal platform?

Me: Don’t worry about it, It is a surprise for everyone.

Him: The budget?

Me: I will transfer it in the evening… please make it, happen Leon. I am putting my
trust in you, don’t disappoint me. I will pop up on Thursday and Friday night to
check on everything

Him: okay then…

I then leave… I still have a lot to do. Thank god Karabo was kind enough to give
me days off ‘cause the pressure… hayi ngeke… Let me go and finalize a few things
with the stylist and the Suits…

Hi, I am Oratile Mokoena, a 23 year old young lady. I leave in Centurion alone and
I am a Journalist student. I am the last born of the Mokoenas by the way. Join me
in the journey of my complex life.




It has been three days since we came back from Royal Tlhabeng and things have
been greater than ever. Yes, I hardly see Nto these days but I don’t blame her.
Planning two royal weddings in a period of two weeks is very stressing. Well, my
company has been doing perfect with Tumi securing the deals with our Forgein
clients from UK, Washington DC, Paris and Chille. I am only left with one bag that
can bring in Billions into the company, Preshnee. He is tough one to please but I
know it will work out well. Just as I am thinking, a knock on the office door…


Me: Come in

She then enters, wearing a White and Black long sleeve Maxi Cocktail dress that is
high and low and goes below her knees with White Mokoena-Khoza ankle length
sneakers and she tied her Locs into a neat bun and decorated it. She has this big
smile when entering. I can’t help but smile too… her smile is a disease bafethu.

Her: (walking to me) Mokoena

She then kisses me and she sits on my lap.

Me: Mama, unjani?

➢ (How are you mama?)

Her: (smiling) I’m okay… wena unjani Sthandwa sam?

Me: Ngiyaphila mama… what brings you here?

Her: (smiling) I wanted to see you since I hardly ever see you these days.

Me: I understand Sthandwa Sami… forgive me for the pressure the family put on

Her: Hey, there pressure, I love it… it is gonna help me so much… I mean, I will be
writing my finals with a ring on my finger and a title

Me: Ring… that means nothing. If bekuya ngami, ngabe ngikhipha inhliziyo yami
ngiyibophela kuwe.

➢ (Ring, that means nothing. If it were up to me, I would have taken out my
heart and tie it around you’re your finger)

She smiles shyly…

Me: Ngiyakuthanda MaMhlophe…. Kakhulu futhi

Her: Uthandwa yimina Khoza.

I then pull her in for a kiss. And I pull out.

Her: How is the company going?

Me: It is doing perfect but I really wanna secure a bag with this client Yana

Her: Preshnee?

Me: (chuckling) Yeah.

Her: speaking of him… after you pitched your idea to me last night, I came to
realize something.

Me: Go on…
She stands and walks to the other side of the table.

Her: Baby, Preshnee is looking for an idea that will bring him more money and
success. Have you thought of the Xulu X File?

Me: What is that?

Her: (smiling) Allow me to put you in a business lecture.

Her: Xulu X file is a file that comes with CICA.

Me: Charity, Investments, Clearance Advantage?

Her: Yes. Let’s not forget that Mr Preshnee has a bad reputation of fraud, money
laundarying and more. Your pitch had everything excluding Clearance and Charity

Me: How so?

Her: If y’all could take a portion on the money invested by Preshnee and donated
to schools and disadvantaged people of the communities in the Botswana,
Lesotho, Swaziland and South Africa, it will be seen as Mr Preshnee, being a good
person. Hit two birds with one stone.

Me: Clearance and charity.

Her: (smiling) Exactly… and ohh, your mining investments.

Me: What’s wrong with them?

Her: Baby, you can’t invest in gold and diamond alone. that is too risky, hence
they are high in demand with a ton on market. Have you tried Platinum?

Me: Platinum is not that easy to supply.

Her: Says who?

She takes out a phone and she shows me a Business Article.

“Is Platinum reliable?”

Her: (reading) Platinum is the most looked down and underestimated natural
resource. People think it is hard to supply, but little do they know of the heaven it
gives in a once of purchase. Platinum is a mineral worth million in only 500g.
When it is paid off, it brings in more income worth 10 purchases of gold. Platinum
is high in demand with a very little market…


Her: (turning to me) When they say it is low in demand, that is a lie. It is a strategy
they use because when the market is low,

Me: The higher the demand

Her: Nailed it. So my point is, try it too. It will be worth it.

Yeses, I really am blessed.

Her: (sitting on my lap) Take it into consideration Mokoena.

Me: (looking at her while holding her waist) I don’t need to consider it, I see it.
Ngiyabonga Mkami

She smiles as I pull her in for a kiss.

Her: (smirk) You can thank me properly later.

Me: (chuckling) I knew you are an addict

Her: (laughing) Oh wow…

Her phone then rings… she puts it on speaker…


Her: Mama

MaDladla: Vezi lami elincane… unjani

Her: Ngiyaphila wena unjani MaDladla?

MaDladla: Ngiyaphila… Nunu, cartering is covered. Bathi they will arrive on Friday.
I am calling regarding the guests… aboMama beSonto…

Nto: Don’t worry Ma… it is covered. They can come, I don’t mind. They should
expect invitations before the end of today…. The invitation will have their seat
number that will be needed on Saturday and Sunday, okay?

MaDladla: Okay ngane yami.

Nto: Ma, did you and Dad get your outfits?

MaDladla: We did ngane yami… your dad has been drowling over his outfit…

Nto: (laughing) okay mama… we will talk kerh…. Bye

MaDladla: okay ngane yam….


She then looks at me. Like people, this lady on top of my lap is gonna be my wife…
I can’t believe it, hey? Flash backs on our first time meeting at Sportscene, when
she threw me out of the commune, the ice cream date, her first kiss which I didn’t
know about…. Everything is coming back and it is making me love her even more.

Her: Karabo

Me: Mhm?
Her: You and your brothers should tell Ora when you are free…

Me: Ohh okay… I will consult with the clan kerh…

Her: perfect… (kissing me) Sthandwa Sami, I have to leave and love you… got a
few things to finalize.

Me: haaa… so soon?

Her: (laughing) I told you… I was checking on you, not staying.

Me: (chuckling) Wow… I’m coming over tonight

Her: there is no way that is gonna happen… we abstaining and you and I know
that when you there, that is broken…

Me: Do you blame me though?

Her: (laughing) Don’t come…. Plus Ora is having a sleepover so don’t…

Me: (laughing) hayi so you were tricking me all along?

Her: (leaving) bye Sthandwa Sami

Me: hey, you looking beautiful Mama

Her: (blowing a kiss) Thank you Mr Mokoena…. You look dashing too in those
Graphic Chino pants… love them. Not sure of the t-shirt

Me: (holding my chest dramatically) Ouch

Her: (laughing) that is why I am gonna be yours… colour coordinates be my


She then leaves with her, doing her perfect walk. I so love this woman.

The door then swings open. It’s Tumi

Him: Hey, I just bumped into Makoti… Wait, what the fuck are you wearing?
Okay, WTF kanti? I am jamstuck

Him: Black and white graphic Chino tailored pants and a Dark grey T-shirt? What
the hell were you thinking bruh?

Me: I…uhm…

Him: Colour coordinates Karabo… Colour coordinates bruh…

Me: Eish

Him: I swear, this wedding has to pass soon so that Ntokozo can leave with you
permanent… I know she will bring change with the dresscode.

He says that leaving. I know y’all might be thinking he is over exagarating but
Tumi has this kinky on fashion. He loves clothes so much and “respects them”. He
hates being Clothe teased.

Me: (shouting) Ehh Joe… what did you come here for kanti?

Him: (leaving) Nxa, I no longer want to talk to you… you can’t be wearing such
kak… nah, man.

Me: there goes a man’s ego…

He closes the door behind him. It’s not that bad hle.



It is around the evening hours and I am by NorthCliff hill. I am seated on top of

the bonnet. Well, I took Karabo’s car and he offered to give it to me since he
bought a new one. It is nothing much, just a black ManHart GTI 290 with black
shiny rams… kinda dropped.It is manly but I really needed the car.

Anyways, as I take a bite of my McFlurry, everything sinks in. I am marrying a

man, that doesn’t trust me with his secrets. One of them being the baby one. It
still bothers me, a lot. Like why can’t he tell me that he lost a child? Doesn’t he
trust me? What am I doing wrong? Or am I not worth the truth? Hayi, I just don’t
know. I wonder how would he feel if he finds out that Oratile has been training
me with protecting myself. She started training me two months back… after that
huge fight I had with Karabo. I now have gun skills and more that I won’t mention.
Let’s hope he will come clean soon or I won’t take it well at all…

My mind switch to something else. The night I was with him, on this very same
spot. Past 11 months since I met him flashback. From the Sportscene thingy, to
the internet attack, the Ice cream dates, the smiles, fights, tears, killings… just like
that, I am crying. I can’t believe it. In my 21 years of living, I have never shedded
tears like I did in the past 11 months. I have never been this brave, I have never
been this happier, I have never been this heartbroken and I have never been so in
love before like in the past 11 months. 11 months ago, I was just a commoner,
look at me now. I am about to marry a Millionaire on the road to becoming a
Billionaire, who is also a prince of a country, has a very successful brand, a
millionaire company, various businesses too, and there is me…. A last year law
student with nothing in her name, soon to be a Queen of a country… funny hey? I
already have a plan for my future, which I am about to start after I get my final
and last results that determines my future in law.

Yes, I have been saving up but it is just a lousy R350 000… not enough to start my
own law firm. I think I need to get an internship very fast…. I need experience,
money and the degree. Bluuubluuuubluuu

IncomeCall: Mokoena

Me: Sthandwa Sami

Him: (serious tone) Ukuphi?

➢ (Where are you?)

Me: NorthCliff hill, why?

Him: Nto, go to my house now. Don’t make any stops until you in my yard, okay?

Me: Karabo…

Him: Ntokozo, do as I say. You going to go in that car and drive to my house,
straight to my house, not your apartment. Siyazwana?

➢ (Are we clear?)


Him: Are we clear?

Me: okay Mokoena


He hung up on me? Wow… let me drive to his house.

I am now at Karabo’s house. The guards just let me in. I park and head inside.
When I open the door, I find Oratile, Lina, Lungile and Nosi seated by the kitchen
aisle. I head to them.

Me: Sanibonani

Them: Hey/ Mei Skati/ Lovey/ Sthandwa

Me: And then?

Ora: we were fetched by the clan and brought here.

Lungile: I was also shocked when Tumiso fetched me.

Shit…. That means Karabo went to my apartment and didn’t get me there and I
said I will be there… shit.

Me: Did they say anything?

Nosi: they said we should not go out until they come back and they tighted
security in here.

I know it involves their wrong dealings but I won’t raise it because the girls don’t
know…. Only Ora and I know this.

Nosi doesn’t know… she thinks they just helped us out that day at Bush kphela.
Lina is too quiet for the person she is. I turn to her…

Me: wena, why uthulile?

➢ (Why are you so quiet?)

Her: (smiling) I’m just tired babes…

Me: Mmh. Okay

As if that is convincing.

Hayi, she will talk when she is ready. I am really thirsty hey? I head in the kitchen,
fill the jar with water and I gulp it down but bit – by – bit until I am finished.

I am not in the mood to assure these women that everything is okay but I have to.

Me: Ladies, I think you need rest…. Go sleep, everything will be alright.
Nosi: I am not tired.

Me: Look at your red lazy eyes boo. Y’all have been up for far too long. Go have a
rest, I will check on the Clan. If anything comes up, I will tell y’all.

They hesitate but I stand my ground and they give in. They head upstairs bonke
and I am left alone in the kitchen.

I sit on the high kitchen chair with my hands on my face. This is too much on me. I
already have problems of my own and now this? My wedding yona?

Hayi… I head to the wine cellar and I pull out one bottle of red wine…. Dry red
wine and one champagne glass. I pour myself and I gulp on it. In a matter of
minutes, the bottle is almost empty. I check the time and it is 00h39. Why am I
not reacting to this red wine? I check it… wow, Non-alcoholic. How didn’t I see
this one?

I head back to the wine cellar and I take the real red wine and I drink it. As I take
my second glass, I hear cars pulling over.

They then enter, Tumiso leading the way, followed by Tumi, Karabo and the rest.
They all look at me. I take a sip of my red wine while look at them. I can’t read
Karabo’s expression.

Them: Makoti/Ngwana/MaMhlophe/Owethu

I just look at them…

Me: Sanibona.

Tumiso looks around

Me: She is upstairs, sleeping

Tumiso: (smiling) Thank you Makoti

I just smile.

Karabo looks at me then the stairs.

I gulp on my remaining wine, put my hands in the pockets of the dress and I head
upstairs as he follows. I get to the bedroom and I enter. He enters and locks the
door as I sit on the bed. He leans on the mirror table, hands in his pockets and
ankles crossed. He is looking at me.


Him: Mama

I can tell he is trying to be calm

Me: Can we not talk about it? Please

He looks at me shocked.

Me: I don’t wanna heard it until tomorrow morning… I am too exhausted.

He gives me the one eyebrow up look. I stand and head to the bathroom and take
a shower. I am honestly not in the mood of fighting him, not today.



I am woken up by the sun, kissing my face. I open my eyes and I scan the room. I
am still in his house. Argh!!!

Why am I so moody? I then spot him seated on the couch in the room, looking at
me. I sit up and look at him.

Silence again…

Me: Morning

Him: Morning MaMhlophe… ulale njani?

Me: the bed felt empty so I don’t actually know….

Him: forgive me for that Mama…


Him: I got something to tell you Nto… promise to stay calm.

Me: (hesitant) O-Kay.

He stands and heads to me. I take my legs out of the bed and I sit up straight
while he kneels in between my legs. He has this fear in his eyes… I have never
seen him this fearful.

Him: Mama, I… I… I had a child before.

Ohh that is what he wants to tell me?

Him: I lost her after her mom gave birth to her. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t
know how you were gonna take it. I have been trying to heal from that incident… I
am sorry I didn’t tell you soon …

Me: (holding his face) Sthandwa Sami, I knew about this long ago. I didn’t wanna
say it because I t wasn’t my place to and not my story to tell. I actually didn’t like
the idea of you hiding such from me…

He looks down.

Me: (making him look at me) But I am honoured by what you just did. I appreciate
your honesty Sthandwa Sami.

Him: I feel like I could have done more to save her…

Me: Hey, don’t do that to yourself. It was out of your hands Sthandwa Sami. You
couldn’t do anything because there was nothing to be done to save her. You have
to set your heart free because uvimbela ingane izinto phambili. She will always be
with you, yes, but Musa ukuyenza izinto zibendzima for ingane Karabo… You need
to set her free Karabo… that’s all she is asking for Sthandwa Sami. She is happy
where she is but a portion of her is sad that you always sad Babakhe. Khulula
ingane Khoza…

He looks at me with tears. I get off the bed and I kneel next to him and pull him in
for a hug, a tight one. He is crying, so hard. I can tell this was hard and heavy on
him. I can’t help but cry too but I am holding back my snobs. As I am hugging him,
I am praying inside of me. The load he is feeling, it is too much for me but I am
willing to help him.

He then pulls away… I wipe my tears before he sees me.

Me: (holding his face) It is okay Karabo… kuzolunga Sthandwa Sami. I am here for
you, never doubt my love for you yezwa?

Him: (smiling) Ngiyabonga kakhulu MaMhlophe

I nod and I hug him again.

We are downstairs with the clan and the ladies. Lungi and Tumiso left though. We
just had cake tasting and it is covered. All that is left is the guys to get their suits.
My maid of honour is Nosi and the Best man is Tumi as I assumed. It is chilly
outside so I decided to wear a Green Long sleeve bodycon dress that goes half
way to my ankles. It has side slits and V-Chest area. I wore it with my white high
puff elastic slippers and I tied my afro to a bun.

I am with everyone downstairs by the dinning table.

Thapelo: So Makoti, what are your current plans since you have two months till
you finish your law studies?

Me: I haven’t set the perfect plan but I will tell when it comes together.

He nods. I ain’t gonna tell my plans to everyone. Aowa, I believe in Actions Mina
not words. Lina is better than yesterday.

Thapelo: Lina?

Lina: Ohh, I am planning of internship for now then take over my father’s

Karabo: Mazibuko Intel?

Her: Yes…
Thapelo: okay… that’s a great idea

She smiles. I am proud of my girl. She is growing more than ever. Karabo is staring
at me… hayi mara indoda yami bakwethu.

Ora: Girls, singahamba?

➢ (Girls, can we go?)

Nosi: yeah… I’m don…

Thapelo: niya kuphi?

➢ (Where are y’all going?)

Ora: Shopping

Thapelo: okay…

He then gives Nosi his black bank card…. Nosi looks at it. I know she wants to
reject it but I give her the “just take it” look. She sighs and takes it. Thabang kisses
Lina’s forehead. Karabo looks at me.

He stands and I stand too.

Karabo: Nizimthola kaphandle.

➢ (Y’all will get her outside)

He says wrapping his arms around my waist from behind while walking me out.
We get out and he turns me around to face him.

Him: (looking deep into my eyes) Mama, can’t you stay?

Me: (giggling) No ways…

Him: ngiykucela

➢ (I’m begging you)

Me: Hayi Sthandwa Sami… I still need to finalize things for the wedding….
Including the guest list.

Him: guest list?

Me: yeah

Him: good luck with that… do you need more money?

Is this man crazy? He gave me a bank chip with more than a million bucks and he
still wants to add on?

Me: (laughing) Hayibo Mokoena… the money is okay… I still have tons of it.

Him: Are you sure?

Me: (smiling) Yebo Sthandwa Sami.

He then kisses me, deep one. The girls disturb us…

Ora: Yeses…. Safela ukubaSingle.

➢ (Here’s to the suffering of being single)

We laugh. No like, the way she said it. The broken Zulu…

Him: (kissing my forehead) Ngiyakuthanda yezwa hliziyo

Me: uthandwa yimina Mokwena.

He let’s go and the Clan is now by the door, looking at us.

Ora gets in her white BMW M3, Nosi gets in the Black BMW M4 (Thapelo’s other
car), Lina gets in Thabang’s Red BMW i8 and I get in Karabo’s black BMW i8. It is
the same as Thabang’s but its interior is customized, blue lining in everything. yes,
this family is a family of BMWs. Their first cars were BMWs so yeah.

We then head out with Ora leading the way. We kinda made a Reving competition
which drove the boys crazy. We head to Fourways Mall. Freeway is always my
favourite part of driving this beast.

We get to Fourways and I park last as always… phela I need to make sure they are
okay first. As we head in, I am met by the smell of Caramel… uhmmm… my

Lina: Hey, that driving was awesome.

Nosi: You could say that again my sister.

Lina: I mean… did you see Ntokozo’s driving? Yeses…

Ora: (laughing) That one person that drives like they are been chased by cops for
hijacking and like they don’t care about their life.

Everyone points at me.

Me: (shocked) Haaa…

They all laugh at me.

Me: it is not my fault that people drive like they have a phobia of the road.

Nosi: (laughing) where are we heading to?

Ora: Victoria’s secrets

Lina: hayibo….

Ora: we got to get the perfect swim wear for the pool party yakusasa.

Me: hayibo, there is a pool party tomorrow?

Ora: Yebo… suggested by your man and planned by me.

Nosi: yeses, you be planning these events. Don’t you get tired my sister?

Ora: (laughing) I don’t get tired when money is involved.

They laugh…

Me: I don’t know if it is the perfect time for this but I want a Caramel Frapacinno
with whipped cream on top

They all look at me and laugh…

Lina: why am I not surprised?

I laugh as she hugs me. And what was that about?

Nosi: I also want a Caramel Làte guys…

Ora: i guess to Starbucks…

Us: Yes Ma’am

We all laugh… mara we are disaster hle.

Nosi: Mara guys… siPark.e kude hle… look, we are still at The Cape Of Union

Me: Let’s go hle ladies, I want to eat already.

Lungile: Woman, you just ate.

Nosi: Ate? She drank two plates of food.

Me: (frustrated) Guys hle, can we do less of the talking and more of the walking.

They laugh.

Nxa, I leav them behind and head to the food court, with then calling out my

We are now at the Food Court, by Burger King. It is not that full.

Lina: Woman, are you crazy?

Me: Yes, I am hungry so my brain is non functional.

They laugh…

Me: (before ordering) Y’all gonna order or not?

Them: Nah/ no, thanks/ I’m full

Me: Okay, suit yourselves.

Me: (Ordering) Hi, can I have two King Gomaz Mustard Jackie meals, one 7up
drink, one Pepsi drink, your vegan salad with extra feta cheese and your cone ice

Lungile: Haibo sisi, you just ate.

Me: So?

Lungile: (Hands in the air) I GIVE UP!

Nosi: Nto…
Me: Yeyi, stop judging me. I said I am hungry.

They look at me with disbelief.

I then pay.

We are now done with the swim wear shopping. We are headed to the cars. I am
done eating, only left with the Pepsi, icecream and Salad. I dunk the ice cream in
the Pepsi cup, lose the cup and shake it while eating the cone. They all look at me,

Ora: Haibo Ntokozo, that is so unhealthy… you do know that you still have a dress
to make sure fits.

Me: (Drinking the Ice – Pepsi)I know.

Ora: I give it…

Me: Mm okay.

They stop and look at me with shock.

Me: People, I only ate two burgers and fries and bluh bluh bluh bluh bluh. So? I
was hungry.


Me: Now let’s go.

They carry on standing.

Me: (walking out of the mall, to the car) Okay, y’all will just follow me when you
done acting foolish.
Ehh… not Today.

Insert 57



I am now at home, with Karabo. We are by the kitchen aisle and I am busy
munching on my leftover Salad. The clan left and so did the guys.

Karabo: (concerned) Baby, is that nice?

Since I am still chewing, I just fork out a small portion and I feed him. He chews a
bit then he swallows. I must say, it was really hard for him to swallow.

Him: (disgusted face) Yeses, that tastes awful baby. It is super cheesy.

Me: (after swallowing) Wow… dala ngikubona ukuthi you don’t know nice things. I
saw it with the color co – ordinations.

He gets up and heads to the fridge

Him: (chuckling) Hahaha… very funny. That thing is not nice, at all. (heading back)
That is total torture.

He heads to the utensil’s drawer, draws a spoon and he sits opposite me.

Me: (looking at him as he opens the Yoghurt container) Baby… you eating

Him: (looking at me blankly) Yeah, so?

Me: (concerned) Baby, you don’t love yoghurts, at all.

Him: Well, I am craving for it

Me: (chuckling and clapping my hands with disbelief) Hehehe… Metlolo e rata

➢ (Miracles love people)

Him: (trying to feed me) Taste baby.

Me: (moving backwards while seated) Yhiii, no… uh – hu. No thanks

Him: hawu? It is just yoghurt

Me: Nope. I’m good. Trust me, I’m good.

Him: Haa baby… one spoon.

Me: (looking at him with concern) That doesn’t smell pleasing at all.

He laughs…

Me: Baby, can you get me the oat meal smoothy in the fridge?

He puts the yoghurt down and heads to the fridge. I pick the yoghurt up, smell it
and it smells off. I look at its expiring date. Oh shit!!!

Me: Baby…

Him: (still looking for the smoothy) Uhm?

Me: What’s the date today?

Him: (still looking) The 26th of October, why?

Me: Your yoghurt…

Him: (still looking) Don’t tell me you ate it

Me: (laughing in disbelief) I wouldn’t comsumer it… especially now that I know it
is expired.

Him: (looking at me with shock while holding my smoothy)

Me: (laughing) Baby…

Him: (walking to me) Don’t joke like this mama

Me: (chuckling) I ain’t joking.

He puts the smoothy on the countertop and he inspects the yoghurt while I sip on
my smoothy.

Him: (eyes out) 13th of September?!

Me: (laughing) Baby, you gonna die.

Him: (looking at me) Ahh,ah

Me: (still laughing) I guess your love for yoghurts betrayed you so soon…

Him: (looking at me dead serious) It is not funny

Me: (still laughing) Ohh no, it isn’t. considering that fact that you may not make
you through the night.

He then rushes out, while pulling his slippers.

Me: (sitting up) Where are you going?

Him: (rushing out) I am going to the pharmacy to get something for this.

Seconds later, I hear the car’s engineer ignate.

Me: (sitting down still laughing) Yeah nerh, Yoghurts!!!

He then rushes in again, rushing to me.

Him: On second thoughts…

He then carries me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Me: (shouting) Karabo, put me down!!!

Him: (rushing out) We are about to do that “wherever you go, I follow” so why
not start it now, huh?

Me: (kicking and punching him)Karabo!!!

Him: Wherever I go, you come.

Me: I didn’t say eat that yoghurt njena!!!

We are now outside, still running.

Him: (running) It makes no difference mama…

Me: (giving up) Not fair!!! Wait, where is the car?

Him: (still running past the fountain) Outside

Me: You ran from outside till the house?

Him: Yep…

Me: Why didn’t you just go?

Him: (running out towards the gate) The car was too cold with out you.

Me: Mxm!!!
We get to the gate and the guards are looking at us.

Me: (waving) Sanibonanai boBaba.

Them: Yebo ndodakazi/ yebo ngane yam.

We also by the car…

Me: Imbecile.

He laughs, open the passenger seat door, places me gently on the seat, puts a
seatbelt over me and he closes the door. He heads to his side, gets in, buckle up,
lock the doors and we head off.

Me: Results of ukuhhala…

He laughs. Mxa!!! I could be watching watching the Word cup… I mean, it is the
finals. It is fucken Manchest verse France!!! Mxa!!!



Only two days left until Karabo and Nto Tie the knot. I have accepted defeat and
now I have moved on.

We are by Karabo’s house, having a pool party as the sibling-family. The girls have
been swimming but Nto is still inside. She is still dressing up, I think. I then spot
Nosi. I don’t wanna lie but Dladla girls are mooi yho. She is caramel coloured,
slender but curvy and she is average in height… a bit taller than Nto. She is
wearing those one piece bikinis and it is so perfect on her. I couldn’t help but
think of what we did last night. She told me she was going through a divorce. Her
husband is still in denial of it. I will have to take matters to hand… I want this
woman, by my side.

Just then Nto appears. She is wearing two piece bikini… a bra and a panty type
with a transparent silk cloth around her tiny waist, covering her lower body. Her
body is all shaped out like it is carved from a Model Margazin. She plaited her afro
into mini kinky twists, with her hair. They are neck length.

She seems shy though. Karabo looks at her then the sliding door and he goes
inside with her following behind.


I am on my way to the bedroom with Karabo behind me. I enter and he enters
too, close the door and locks it. He looks at me. I can’t read his expression… he is
just blank. I sit on the bed and he leans on the dressing table with his ankles

Me: And then?

Him: You gotta change that MaMokoena… it is exposing a lot of my assets

Me: ini? Hayibo Karabo… everyone is dressed freely and comfy, and when I do it,
it is wrong? How?

Him: Nto… ushadile. Did you see what you are wearing?

Me: hee Karabo… it is a pool party… what was I supposed to wear? Cargo pants
and a hoodie? Plus, we are only family.

Him: Angeke ngiziphinde MaMokoena.

➢ (I won’t repeat myself.)

Me: Nami Angeke ngiyikhiphe lento.

➢ (I also won’t take this swimsuit off)

He shoots a death stare at me. At this point, it does nothing to me.

Him: Ntokozo

Me: (standing up) Nxa… njalo nje kumele ngizwe ngawe… why? Is it because
ukhiphe iLobola ekhaya? Hayi, nami I have a life… stop changing me “cause I also

Him: Ntokozo

Me: (heading to the door) Nxa… umuntu amane akuqede neMood.

➢ (Nxa, I even lost my mood.)

I unlock the door and I head to the kitchen… Red wine. I need Red Wine. I find a
bottle and I pour myself a glass and I gulp on it. I swear, this man is turning me
into an alcoholic. He then comes downstairs. He meets my sight and he stops. He
looks at me and he heads to the pool area… hayi, I no longer feel like having that
pool party. Let me go and sleep.

Highlight insert 59

The Mokoena – Dladla wedding.


Love? I think we all now know the definition of it… it is quite obvious. Ntokozo
and Karabo are the definition of love. Regardless of their ups and downs, they
made it. The blood, sweat, screams, tears and hardwork was worth it, hence they
tie down the knot today. I just didn’t think they will ever get to this point in life… I
guess they are truly made for each other.

We are currently at the venue and it is looks spectacular. We are still waiting for
the bride and her maids.

The Mokoena clan is looking dashing… Thapelo, Tumiso and Thabang are wearing
black Tuxedo suits with a white Tuxedo waistcoat. They have Tuxedo black and
white shoes on. Thapelo rested his dreadlocks 360degrees, Thabang still has his
waves and Tumiso did a fade and cut on. Tumi is wearing a black Tuxedo suit with
a black waistcoat. He has Jonathin D shoes on. He did a cut and trim on his short

Then the man of the moment… he is wearing a Navy blue Tuxedo tailored pants,
Mokoena – Khoza ankle length white sneakers (Air Force shaped), a Navy blue
waistcoat, a black customized Mokoena – Khoza Shirt and no blazer on. He did a
trim fade cut and defined his eye length curls. The Mokoena clan, they are so
dreamy hle.

Then there is Oratile… the princess of the clan. She is wearing a Royal blue
patterned mermaid dress, she is wearing it with Royal blue Stillettos and she did
an installation of a wet look frontal. She is looking dashing, hey?
Then the King and Queen… the King is wearing a Blue Tuxedo chinos and a blue
blazer. He twinned them with Tuxedo shoes. His waves are very defined. He is
also carrying his Kingly cane. Then the Queen is wearing a royal blue patterned
mermaid dress… same design as Oratile’s. She is wearing it with Navy blue
Stilettos. She did a neat lower bun hairstyle with her hair. The Mokoenas out did

Then the Dladlas… Sihle and Thando have Royal blue Tuxedo suits with a touch of
SESHWESHWE material by the colar and the ends. Sihle is wearing White Airforces
and Thando has blue Airforces on. Sihle did a cut and fade on his hair and Thando
did a 270degree and short dreadlocks. Thando also has an eyebrow piercing on
his left eye.

Then Mrs Dladla… she is wearing a maxi cocktail dress that is longsleeve. It is solid
Royal blue and it goes half way to the ankles. It has a touch of the Seshweshwe
material at the ends. She wore it with navy blue block court minimalist heels. She
combed her afro to a big high puff and decorated it with white pins. Mr Dladla has
a royal blue patterend customized Tuxedo suit on. It has a pattern of
Isishweshwe. He also has Blue Tuxedo customized shoes on. He did a trim fade
cut with a touch of dye.

If it wasn’t for one, knowing both the families, I would have said they were

Anyways, everyone other than the Mokoenas and the Dladlas are wearing white.
The theme said so… but I can’t wait to see the reception. Ohh, the camera people
are also here… reporters, journalists, kings and queens, business men and
women, famous people and more… I swear I saw Cici and Amanda Black or maybe
I was just illusinating… probably.

I am currently with the girls. We are all dressed up, just waiting for Ntokozo. Well,
we are all wearing off shoulder Royal blue bodysuits and we twinned then with
solid white long Tutu over layed skirts. I swear, one would think we wearing
ballroom dresses.The skirts have slits on the left leg from the thigh to the ankle
and we wore royal blue minimalist Christian Dior heels.

We are all ready… hairstyles? We did frontal installments. Mina is kinky afro, Lina
has the 6 inch Brazilian, Lungile went for a curly one and Nosipho is also here.
Well, she went for a straight 6 inch one too.

Everything is done, all we are doing is waiting for Ntokozo to come downs stairs…

Me: Guys, where is Bab’ Dladla? He is needed

Lina: I am not sure yaz... kanti wasn’t he supposed to meet Ntokozo by the altar?

Lungile: No… he has to pray for her la bese embusise…

Me: (TAKING OUT MY PHONE) Eish let me call him…

Leon then enters… he is the organizer for all this.

Him: Girls, You need to to get ready to leave fast…

The door swings open again… it is Bab’ Dladla

Dladla: Sorry for being late… I thought I was meeting her by the altar…

Me: It’s okay bab’ omkhulu

Leon: Where is the lady of the mome…

Everyone’s eyes then go wide.

Silence in the room.

Here she is… she looks so dreamy hle.

She is wearing a Royal Blue Viniodress, Vintage in style, long sleeve Beaded. It has
an open back with a fully tiered skirt bottom. Beads used are ivory beads. It is off
shoulder. It is ballroom shaped dress… those Cinderalla type of dresses but with
extra layers. The sleeves of the dress have ivory beads from the shoulder till the
palms. I swear, they look like they are attached to her skin. The ends of the dress
got lining of ivory beads and pattern design. The veil is Royal blue too. It is waist
length and the ends of it has pattern that are on the dress. The white Christian
Dior Minimalist court heel is visible when she walks. Her make up is really natural.
It is simple but popping. She did Faux locks and she tied them into a big high bun
and decorated it with white and blue pins. She is so dreamy hle. She is holding
white and blue artificial flowers… not surprising coz she is allegic to flowers.

She get down and everyone is already in tears, excluding her dad… yep, he is very
strong kerh uBab’ mkhulu.

Leon: Damnit, now I see why this man is marrying you… he is one lucky man hey?

We all look at him… he shrugs.

Him: What I am being honest?

We all laugh… Dladla goes to Nto and he hugs her.

Anyways, I wont say all coz it is just family stuff. We are done praying and we are

I am standing next to her… just like that… after 11 months of wanting to do this,
finally I am about to do it. I don’t wanna lie, she out did herself… she really does
have the best taste in fashion yho… I am not even sure if I am standing next to
Ntokozo or an angel.

Pastor: Today, we are gathered here by the love of two birds… Ntokozo and
Karabo. As I want to get to the vow part, I want to extract from the bible…

Yeses… can’t this just jump already. I want to kiss her already. I need her.

Pastor: Therefore I want to ask everyone in here, is there anyone who objects the
union of the two… if there is, speak up right now or forever be silent.


Yeah, they know. I would put a bullet on their head.

Pastor: if there isn’t, I would like to proceed to the vows… Ms Dladla, I would like
for you to take the ring and repeat after me.

She takes the ring…

Pastor: Karabo Mokoena

Her: Karabo Mokoena.

Pastor: With this ring…

Her: With this ring

Pastor: I propose my love for you

Her: I propose my love for you

Pastor: My committement to you

Her: My committeement to you

Pastor: My life to you

Her: My life to you

Pastor: With this ring, I promise to be with you

Her: With this ring, I promise to be with you

Pastor: Eternal

Her: Eternal

Pastor: Where you go, I will follow

Her: (Laughing) Where you go, I will follow

Pastor: Through thick and thin

Her: Through thick and thin

Pastor: Through happiness and sadness

Her: Through happinesss and sadness

Pastor: Through sickness and health

Her: Through sickness and health

Pastor: Rich or poor

Her: Rich or poor

Pastor: I give myself to you, as your wife, your sister, your mother and as your
best friend

Tumi: Haa… whoa moruti… not best friend that is my place.

We all laugh… marn, I really needed him to break the ice.

Ntokozo: (tearing up) I give myself to you as your wife, sister, mother and Tumi’s
role too.

We all laugh again. marn, this day is getting greater and greater.

Pastor: Till death do us apart

Her: Till death do us apart

The pastor tells me to repeat after him but I refused… I already heard it so I got it.

Me: (putting the ring on her finger) With this ring, I propose my love for you, my
committement to you and my life to you. With this ring, I promise to be with you
eternal… Where you go, I follow, through thick and thin, through happiness and
sadness, sickness and health, rich or poor. I give myself to you, as your husband,
your brother, your father and as your bestfriend. Till death do us apart.

I then kiss her hand. People then do that “Nchoo” thingy.

Pastor: Karabo Mokoena, do you take Ntokozo Dladla as your lawfully wedded…

Me: (quicker that I imagined) I do.

Everyone laugh…

Pastor: Ntokozo Dladla, do you take Karabo Mokoena as your lawfully wedded

Her: (tearing up) I do.

Pastor: Mokoena, remove the veil from your wife…

I do as told… damnit!!! Wow… she is… is so… wow.

Pastor: Mokoena, you may k….

Without wasting time, I kissed her. I can tell she is shy but she gave in. The kiss is
so deep. Everyone is cheering for us. I am even holding her waist.

Thabang: (cheering) Mokoena!

Everyone: (cheering too) Mokoena!!!

I pull away and I look at her. She looks down shyly.

Tumi: Mokoena waPhaaswa!!!

Everyone: (cheering) Kapa!!!!

We couldn’t help but laugh to ourselves.

Me: Ngiyakuthanda MaMokoena

Her: (blushing) Uthandwa yimina Mokoena

We then kiss and we head to the venue.


We are all by the venue… the reception to be more specific. I don’t want to like
but Oratile did the most here… perfection is all I see. Just what I wanted and
The white carpet, the winter Aliska theme, the dark interior, the floor plan, the
chandelier and everything blended very well.

I am currently seated with Karabo by the platform… the MC of the wedding was
non other than the Partner in crime… Itumelang.

Tumi: Dumelang…

Everyne respond.

Him: I would like to thank you all for coming, from the Zulu kingdom, Sotho
Kingdom, VhaVenda kingdom, Xhosa kingdom, Amampondo kingdom, Swati
kingdom to Mlambo kingdom to the families, guest, celebrities, business people
and more for celebrate with us the tying down of the knot of Mr AND Mrs
Mokoena. (looking at Karabo) Eish… amane awa amaBachelor…

Everyone laugh…

Him: (Holding his head) Eish, we indeed hit ground floor.

They laugh even more.

Him: (chuckling) But anyways, I’m proud of you boi… very proud of you. But let’s
be honest, those who grew up with us or knew us would support me when I say, I
don’t believe it. I mean, we used to love skirts so much… sorry Ngwana
kaThabang but I had to say it…

I couldn’t help but laughs… and so does everyone.

Him: But hey, I know believe in change. Who would have thought though? But
without wasting time, I would like to call upon the Brother of the bride, Sihle…
(walking back to the mic) Ohh, for those who don’t know, I am the partner in
crime of the groom.

Everyone laugh and clap… Sihle then approaches.

Sihle: Uhmm. (turning to look at me) Yeses… my sister, does he ever tell you how
beautiful you are?

I smile and Karabo chuckles.

He then puts his hand on my thigh.

Him: No like… on a serious note, does he?

Me: (laughing) Yes…

Him: That is better because he really scored one on you. (turning to everyone)
Sanibonani… I am Sihle Dladla, the brother of that fine lady over there. Well, I am
not a man of many words but today, I am forced to. Not that I am bragging or
something but that lady over there is the most perfect being in my life. When I
say Perfect, I don’t mean the perfect on black and white but I mean perfect with
limited imperfections. Reason why I say so is because she is so knid, so
independent, beauty from the inside and out. Yes, she is hot headed, risk taker,
stubborn asf (everyone laughs), very honest… brutally honest.

I laugh…

Him: Mina, I am the oldest ekhaya but I always knew I had two mothers… her and
Mrs Dladla. Of all my siblings, you would swear she was the elderest mentally. She
always predicted what would happen. She… she… she was always analytical. One
would say she knew everything but damn, she is so stubborn hle… (everyone
laughs) she is very vengeful too… I remember when she trapped me with rats,
locked me in a room filled with them because she was paying revenge for the
insult I made about her period cramps…

OMG!!! Everyone is laughing, including this one next to me.

Him: (chuckling) Man, I paid 20k for my freedom(everyone laughs more) but hey?
All I will say is(looking at Karabo) make an honest woman of my sister, Mokoena.
She is my everything… (looking at me) MaMhlophe, well done. You really proved
me wrong zinyane likaDwala. If anything happens, call me… I will not hesitate…

I laugh… he then bows his head with respect.

Him: Mgabadeli

Me: (on my feet) Vezi

We then hug. Everyone cheers for us.

Him: (hugging me) Ngiyakuthanda sisi wami

Me: Ngiyakuthanda bhuti wami.

We pull away and he seats as I do the same.

Tumi: Wow… that was… (side eyeing Karabo) Eish… double check your actions….
Coz hehehe, sounds like someone with be sleeping with one eye opened.

Oh wow… we all laugh. This man is hilarious.

Tumi: Anyways, I would love to call upon MaDladla and MaMokoena to come say
their words. And ohh, starters are to be served everyone.

Ma and MaMokoena stand and ladies bow their heads. They both hug then they
take the mic…

Ma: Sanibonani

maMokeona: Dumelang.

Ma: Sibulisa ngesihle sithi Mokoena.

Everyone: Mokoena!!!

MaMokoena: Dladla!

Everyone: Dladla!!!

They then turn to us…

Ma: Ngane yam… zinyane likaNyazitha… vezi lami elincane, sawubona

Me: Mhlophe

Ma: Mkhwenyane… ndoadana yami… sawubona

Karabo: Dladla.

Ma: I am so proud of you, ngane zami. You have no idea how happy I am. Seeing
you together is a blessing to me. I mean look at you two…

We smile shyly… more like I did.

Ma: Ngane zami, this chapter of your lives is big and very joyful. You see it comes
with smiles?
We nod.

Ma: Tears will be there. Where there is happiness, there will be sadness. Your
love for each other will be tested, big time. Your loyalty for each other, will be
tested, your trust for each other, will be tested. Where there is love,

MaMokoena: There is hatred.

Ma: Exactly… in marriage, you don’t let others ruin you. You stick together no
matter what. Never show others that you have challenges. Most of the broken
marriages right now, they are broken because of the third person. Never let
others be in your marriage. The rings are with you both… they symbolize that
niTwo kulomshado. Ntokozo, ngane yami, I know you… please forever respect
Mokoena. Do not raise your voice at him… respect him at all cost and always
reconcile with him before decision making. No secrets… no lies… no dishonesty.

MaMokoena: Do y’all know what the abbreviation LOVE stands for?


Her: L – Loyalty

O – Obedience

V – Victory

E – Eternal

Those are the steps you took as a couple now you have the last one to proof…
eternal life together. Above all, Karabo, awumshayi owesifazane. Awusukumisi
nokusisukumisa… same applies to you Ntokozo. Ngane zami, the journey is still far
from over, afterall, we do have the future queen of Tlhabeng. All I say is, stick
together and remember, no one is perfect… there are always imperfections, just
like Sihle said… siyanithanda sinoMama wenu and we are proud of you all.
Everyone cheers and claps..

One: Mokoena!

Everyone: Mokoena!!!

We stand as we hug them. and we seat.

Tumi: WOW… Those were really wise words… hope you took notes. Now we going
to have the King of Tlhabeng and the Owner of Dladla Inc, come say a few to their

Dad and Mokoena then head to us. Man and women bow their heads and the two

Mokoena: Kgotsong… I would like to thank everyone here today… really do

appreciate it all.

Dad: Sibulise…

They both turn to us.

Mokoena: To be honest, I never thought this day will ever come. Karabo Leon
Mokoena? You, getting married? Aowa… wonders really work, hey?

He chuckles…

Mokoena: (turning to my dad and handshaking him) Dladla, I wanna say we, as
the Mokoenas, are grateful for gifting us your daughter. We thank you for raising
such a respectful lady with morals. Thank you for raising a tough and honest lady
like her.

Dad: (handshaking) Mokoena.

The reports go wild with the cameras and so does everyone. They are ululating,
clapping and cheering.

Mokoena: Thank you for raising a queen… the queen of Morafe waBaTSWANA…
Morafe waTlhabeng.

The ladies start to ululate again… more than before.


They both have their heads up with pride and a strong eye contact. Well, that is
my dad… he will never be intimidated by another living being.

Dad: Karabo… one mistake is equal to one head.

Everyone laugh. Well, if only they knew he was fucken serious.

Dad: I wish you all the best… Zinyane lami?

Me: Dladla

Him: Uyakuthanda ubaba yezwa?

I nod. He opens his arms and I stand and hug him.

Him: (pulling away) I will always be there for you, yezwa?

I nod… Mokoena signals for a hug and I hug him…

Him: (pulling away) Welcome to the family MaMokoena

I nod… they then proceed to handshaking Karabo. The people then go wild again…
some a clapping, some are calling out praises, some are ululating and others are

Well, it is now around 6pm and everyone has spoken. The brothers spoke, Oratile
spoke, Lungile and Lina spoke, Nosi spoke, members of the royal families spoke
and others too. Karabo is the one speaking now…

Karabo: Greetings… well, I would like to appreciate everyone of you who came
today. It really means a lot to us. Uhm… where do I even start?

The DJ then plays soft instrumental music… wait… it sounds like Dandelion by
Tevin Campbell but it is in instrument. It is low, allowing him to talk.

Him: (chuckling while looking at me) The love of my life, my only one,
MaMokoena wami… the past year with you was the best year of my life. Yes, we
had our ups and downs, which were mostly brought by me (chuckling)

Everyone laugh too…

Him: (serious) But you stood by me, no matter how bad it was nor painful it was,
for that, I am very grateful. You saved my life without having the intentions of
doing so. You made me realize a lot that I didn’t know. You gave me your all… you
are so pure, you are my pillar of strength MaMokoena. I love you sthandwa sami
so much futhi… and always know that I will. Yes, it won’t be an easy journey but
with you, I am willing to sail into it. O le rato la pilo yaka, o palesa ya ka. There is
no one else for me. Keo rata, le rato la ka. Forever and always.

I got up, head to him and I kiss him.

Tumi: Yerr, get a room lover birds.

We then pull apart.

Tumi: Moving on to the last speaker… the lady of the moment, Lioness… Mrs

Everyone cheers as I walk to the mic. I stand there and I scan the room. I then
recall all the moments we had…

Me: (chuckling) A year? Uhm, quite questionable. It actually feels like a week.
Ntokozo Dladla… who is she? Many may be wondering who she is… well, she was
a girl who disliked men. Reason behind that is still unknown… mainly because she
doesn’t even know why but many would say she was a man of her own. She was
fearless and had the audacity of a man. Her inner self made her family call her
Zinyane likaYihlo… She did actually take a lot from her father, in cases of her
innerself such as her Feistiness, determination, ruling and leadership skills, her
never ending hope, hardworking self and in most cases, her bravery. Many feared
that one day her bravery would get her lost… well, it did. Her bravery got her lost
(looking at Karabo) in his embrace.

Everyone: Nchoo…

Me: (Looking at Karabo) I am forever grateful for the day you came to Sportscene.
I am forever grateful for the day you came to the commune… and I am grateful
for what you said on internet the following day(chuckling) yes, it got me crazy for
days and days, to the point where I thought, damn, I think going to the mental
institution would drive him away.

Everyone laughs.

Me: But I am more grateful for not giving up on me. And today, I want to say,
ngiyabonga Mokoena, for everything you have done for me, for loving me with all
my flows and for who I am. I love you, Karaba … and I will always do so. Ngizibeka
phambi kwakho nginguNtokozo Mokoena… (looking at everyone) Allow me to re –
introduce myself… standing before you is Ntokozo Mokoena, wife of Karabo Leon
Mokoena… one and only wife… (looking at me) wait, am I the only wife?

Everyone laugh…

Him: (Laughing) Yebo mama.

Me: And last one, right?

Him: (dead of laughter) Yes

Me: (laughing) Ohh, safe. I just wanted to make sure… I am Ntokozo Mokoena,
one and only wife of Karabo Leon Mokoena and with that say, I would like to say…
the mother of his children

Everyone’s eyes widen and MaMokoena and MaDladla clap their hands. No, I
didn’t tell them but they knew. I look at Karabo, who is confused. He walks to me.

Him: Mama, don’t joke like this

Me: (giggling) I am not joking Mokoena…

Him: (eyes out) Ntokozo

Me: Karabo

Him: You serious?

Me: Yes.

Him: We are expecting.

I nod wihile tears stream down.

Him: (excitedly) We gonna have a baby.

Me: Whoa… baby? No. babies, yes.

Him: What? What do you mean?

Me: we baked triplets silly.

His eyes widen and everyone is now on their feet. They are cheering and clapping.
The family comes close. Karabo then attacks me with a kiss. People go wild… I
give in and I kiss him back… he pulls away.

Him: Ngiyakuthanda mama… I am so grateful… I really am…

He then hugs me more tighter. I hug him back. Tears are streaming down. Yeses,
these children are messing me up.

Tumi: Hayi no… Mokoena, you waste no time

We all laugh and he pulls away.

Him: (whispering) Ngiyabonga sthandwa sami…

Me: Mokoena.
Tumi: Hayi… before we all eat, I would like to ask all of us to raise our glasses.

We all do.

Him: No no no no no… non – alcoholic for you will do.

Me: Haa…

Him: Not up for debat.

Hawu, my horror life of being pregnant begins.

Tumi: let’s stand.

Everyone stand…

Him: Our first sip is to new begins for our newly weds…

Everyone: To our newly weds.

We all drink.

Tumi: To friendship

Everyone: To friendship

We all drink

Tumi: To prosperity to their family

Everyone: To prosperity to their family

We all drink

Tumi: To their journey as parents

Everyone: To parenthood

Tumi: To Tumi being replaced.

We laugh and we drink.

Tumi: With that said, everyone can eat and feel free… DJ, do your things.

The DJ plays Love Portion by Mafikizolo. I then head to my girls while Karabo is on
the phone call.

Nosihle: Woman, why didn’t you tell us?

Oratile: Yeah… why?

Lina: Woman, you did it again… not telling us.

Me: (laughing) I wanted it to be a surprise coz I knew one of you bozoz would
have told the clan.

They all laugh…

Lina: (hugging me with joy) congrats mama bear

Me: (hugging her) thank you boo

Ora: (hugging me) the mama of a bear

Me: (hugging her) bear? No… bears? Yes

They all confused until it clips

Lungile: twins?

Me: triplets

They all zone out…

Nosi: Damnit… Mokoena’s dick is gold mos

We all laugh… we carry on talking until Karabo hugs me from behind. The ladies

Karabo: ladies…

Them: hey

Him: Amma have to steal this mama from y’all

Ora: weeh… (smirking) gonna be making more babies

Me: (laughing) haa…

Him: wa tseba…

➢ (You know)

Me: haa... I ain’t no baby maker machine

They all laugh. Karabo and I then left. My new chapter of my life unlocked.


Two months later…


Man, it had only been two months and already I feel heavy. I am 4 months
pregnant but I look like I am 6 months pregnant. I’m always craving weird things
like cheese and apple smoothies or Avocado and peanut butter spread toast. I
know… my hips are bigger, my legs are swollen and I literally walk like a penguin.
The only thing that is great about my pregnancy is the glow up I got and that my
nose is still in perfect shape. Although I got a double nose ring piercing. Karabo
didn’t love it but I got it done and he now loves it. And ohh, I am forever lazy but I
am grateful to have Karabo to help me.

Anyways, I am lying on the couch, having cashew nuts dipped in mayonaise

watching Teen Titans… I know, hear me out.

Karabo: (walking in from work) Ahhh mama.

He puts his bags down then he comes to me. He lowers himself infront of me…
fake kneeling.

Him: (kissing me) Unjani mama?

Me: (kissing him back) I’m heavy and you?

He laughs and he folds his shirt till his elbows.

Him: (chuckling) I’m just missing you.

Me: Nchoo marn… well, I didn’t but (pointing at my belly) they did.

Him: (chuckling with rubbing my belly) phela aboMokoena laba… abafana bami

Me: (side eyeing him) Who said they are boys?

Him: Hawu

Me: I want girls

Him: (smirking) weren’t you the one saying you want boys just two weeks back?

Me: (realizing I did) Ohh that’s not the point… I want girls

Him: (laughing) you see… I told you that this Nut – mayonnaise thing is not good
for you…

Me: don’t start with my food tuu!

Him: but mama…

Me: Karabo

Him: kodwa…

I shot a death stare.

Him: (getting up while raising his hands on the air) haii

See… I don’t even know why I am getting so annoyed right now. These babies
really wanna end my marriage stru!!! Chaos approaches.

Tumiso: Mxm… lona le masepa.

➢ (Mxm, y’all are shit)

He is walking in angry… followed by the rest of the clan. Ahh… just the peson I
want to see.

Ora: (walking to me) Mama bear.

Me: Mei skat.

The rest of the clan: Mama bear/ Ngwana/ Mfazi wethu

Me: Hello

They walk to the kitchen. Oratile settles on the couch with me.

Her: Damn woman, you look like you are about to pop.

Me: (sitting up) Eish… sizothini. I asked god for my daily bread and he gave me
one big loaf of bread and three baking buns.

She laughs…

Her: Yeses… god really blessed you.

Me: Overly blessed me, you meant.

Her: So how i…

We then hear commotion from the kitchen aisle. We stand and head there. Don’t
even ask… you know that it took time!

Tumiso: WTF?! You let Mahlubi go?! Just like that?!

He says that smashing the plates and glasses on the wall. The rest are just
standing there. Karabo spots me and he then proceed to pulling me to him… to
stand behind him.

Ora: What are you on about Tumiso?

They all look at her. Tumiso now has his elbows on the counter.

Thabang: MaHlubi is back Ora…

Me: (moving away from Karabo’s back) Wait… do you mean MaHlubi Twala?

They all look at me, puzzled.

Me: I opposed a question… is it MaHlubi Twala?


Me: Ngiphenduleni!!!

Tumiso: Yeah…

Me: (getting angry) What are you associating with MaHlubi?


Me: I won’t repeat myself…

Thapelo: Makoti, we don’t want to get you in this.

Me: I am already in it… we are where we are today because of y’all and keeping
secrets from me. Now talk.
Thapelo: MaHubi is keened to destroy us. He stole 2 million rands from our

Me: What did you do to MaHlubi… because I know… he never strikes unless
provoked. Now talk.

They all look at Karabo…

Karabo: He wanted you as his woman but when he heard that we got married, he

Me: Wait… wait… wait… you telling me that it also involves me and y’all were
never gonna tell me?


Me: Ningangihlanyisi nina… I am talking with a room of men now answer me!!!

I said that banging the countertop that is granite. They get stuttered.

Me: (Shouting) I am tired of all these secrets. I am done. Yeyi, I am fed up. This is
total bullshit. Do you know what you just got yourself into? Do you?

Tumiso: We are Mokoenas, nothing with hap….

Me: (cutting his talk) but 2 million is gone.

Tumiso: it is nothing.

Me: it is nothing? Tumisho ithi… (I act like I’m tasting something in my mouth)

He does so…
Me: Do you fuck taste the shit you just said? Do you fucken hear yourself right
now? 2 million is nothing? (walking slowly towards him) That money could help a
lot to people in Botswana… that money could have been donated to schools, that
money could have been used to buy school uniform for needy children, that
money could have fed over 100 000 families and you telling me it is nothing?

He moves backwards while Karabo restrains me.

Tumiso: Eish, sorry, I wasn’t thinking

Me: Yeah… next time, be smart

Silence in the room. You see this family nerh, I will so murder them plus for sure I
will get a minumun sentence ‘cause I am pregnant so I might blame it on the
mood swings… so I will start with Karabo Leon Mokoena


We have been in this kitchen for like 30 minutes without talking. My brothers look
terrified of Ntokozo. I swear, the pregnancy is really making her very emotional
but lah, it is making her very livid.

Thabang: So what are we gonna…

Ntokozo: Oh shut the fuck up… I’m thinking.

Yeses… the look on their faces. They look at me… I just raised my hands, signaling
“don’t involve me”

Ntokozo: What were you gonna do with all this?

Everyone look at Tumiso

Tumiso: We were going to cut a deal naye.

Ntokozo: Y’all are dumber than I thought. You know what you did but you still
want to cut a deal? Are you crazy or just pretending?


Me: There is only one way out of all this.

Thapelo: No… no… no… there is already too much blood on our hands.

Me: There is no other choice Thapelo

Thapelo: No, the blood is too much.

Ntokozo: So Rethabile’s blood was not too much?

Shit. Everyone’s jaw drops. Thapelo’s eyes are wide open. Ntokozo then moves
from the counter.

Her: Huh? Now, don’t talk shit right now. killing Mahlubi is the only way out
otherwise we will be burying members of this family every weekend and sorry, I
will not die for you all nor sacrifice my babies for y’all!!!


Her: Now what y’all will do is find Mahlubi and bring me his head!!! Are we clear?

Her: Are! We! Clear!?

Everyone: Yeah/ sho/ okay/ yes.

Her: (looking at me) Where are my dunked wings?

Me: Huh?

Her: Karabo, I asked you for dunked wings when you came back from work.

I look at Ora. She signals me to just agree.

Me: Ohh, khululeka sthandwa sami… Tumi is coming with them.

Her: (smiling) Ngiyabonga Mokoena.

Me: (pulling her for a hug) Anything for you Mama.

Her: (pulling away) Let me go sleep a bit. You will find me upstairs.

Me: Okay mama.

She then leaves and heads upstairs.

Thapelo: What wings manje?

Me: Don’t even ask, I am just as confused as you are.

Oratile: (laughing) Hormones are messing her up so she forgets easily… so in

future cases, always remember to agree nje.

Thabang: Yeses, kill me if I ever think of having a child.

Me: (leaning on the wall) Eish.

They all laugh at me…

It has been an hour and we are all still in the kitchen. We are seated by the high
kitchen chairs by the aisle. We head footsteps heading our way…

Ntokozo: (angrily) Karabo, where is that bitch?!

We all look at her puzzled.

Me: (on my feet) Sthandwa sami, ubani manje?

Her: Tumi… where is he with my food?!

I look at my brothers and they all look nervous.

Thabang: Ngwana, he is on his way… just that drive thru was packed but he is on
his way…

Ora: Ye… yes, he just called and told us that he is on his way.

Me: Yeah sthandwa sami… ungaWorry, when he gets here, I will bring it first thing

Her: Coz I am going to sleep, put them in the Fridge so that they don’t get cold.

I look at them again. they so want to laugh.

ME: Okay BABY, NGIZOYENZA NJALO YEZWA… Now go sleep nerh?

Her: okay.

She then leaves. I turn around and they all laugh. I join in too. We then hear
Tumi’s car…
Tumiso: Whoa… Did we actually ask Tumi to buy the wings?

Everyone: Yhoo…

He enters. Everyone then rushes to him…

Him: And then? La dwadla mo rara soh… we ralang?

➢ (and then? The heavy breathing… what’s wrong?)

Thabang: Listen ntwana, you got to go get dunked wings right now.

Him: Why?

Me: Ntwana, wa nyiwa… Ntokozo o batla de dunked wings and we forgot to tell
you… she thinks you buying them.).

➢ (My man, it’s going down. Ntokozo wants dunked wings and we forgot to tell
you. She thinks you buying them.)

Him: (walking toward the fridge)Aowa… la ntla netsa lona.

➢ (Y’all are crazy)

Ntokozo: (shouting from upstairs) Karabo, tell Tumi that if he doesn’t arrive in the
next ten minutes with my wings, I will slaughter him or shoot his ball off… his

Tumi then turns to us with fear in his eyes.

Thabang: let me go buy them then…

Thapelo: She said Tumi so…

Tumi then walks out fast.

Tumiso: Hhebana

Me: And then?! O ya kao?!

➢ (And then?! Where are you going?!

Him: My life and balls are in danger right now… and you asking me that?

Me: She wasn’t serious nje

Him: Did you hear her tone? I aint ready to lose…

Thabang: (running with Tumi, heading to the car) I am going…

Tumiso: I think I shoul…

Me: (rushing the lock the door) I’m not letting y’all leave me with her alone.

Thapelo: Ahh monna she is your wife, not ours.

Me: Hayi no… what happened to Mfazi wethu?

Tumiso: Ohh, she is Mfazi wethu makuthande wena?

Me: Haa marn… please don’t leave me alone.

Oratile: Hayi… nna kopa ho tsamaya.

➢ (Hayi, let me leave)

Me: O ya kae?

➢ (Where are you going?)

Her: My house.

Me: Aowa… no one is leaving here until Tumi comes back.

Ora: Haa abhuti… I have work to finish

Me: I don’t care… I will give you a day off…

Her: Two…
Me: Wa ntlanya…

➢ (You crazy)

Ntokozo: Karabo, I am going to kill you for this!!!!

Me: (whispering) Yho… I will make them it a week if you go keep her company.

Ora: (on her way upstair, overjoyed) Mei skat!!! Guess who is in the building?!

I sigh in relieve as we go seat on the chairs. Just as we sit…

Ora: (Shouthing) 2 big mac large meals too!!!!

Nto: (shouting) And McFlurry!!!!

I sigh with defeat and I call Tumi… I tell him what to buy. He was fucken pissed,

Tumiso: (chuckling) Yeah nerh, o mbone nkere ke batla bana.

➢ (Here me say I want children)

Thapelo: (chuckling) same here boi.

Me: o sare ngwana… o mpone kere ke kebatla kuku

➢ (You still saying “a child”… hear me say I want p***y)

They all laugh.

Thapelo: But she is seems happy with her pregnancy regardless of it making her
more brutal and meaner.
Me: Yeah… mara the things she eat.

Tumiso: (laughing) it can’t be that bad though.

Me: (looking at him) ehh… Cashew nuts dipped in mayonnaise is not that bad?
Not to mention her avocado and peanutbutter sandwich with feta cheese and
apple smoothies.

Thapelo: shit… now that doesn’t sound okay.

Tumiso: (gaging) aowa… that is gross.

Thapelo: but that is all on you Mr and your penis…

Me: Ha ma…

Ntokozo then walks downstairs with Oratile behind her. She heads to the kitchen
drawer and she takes out a knife. She puts it on the countertop. She takes out the
butcher knife, match sticks, spirit and a wooden pin. She puts them on the
counter then she sits next to all these things.

Her: (settling on the chair) Now, tell me, where is hell Itumelang Molapo?

Me: He.. he is coming.

Her: kunini elokhe eComing. I want to eat right now so if he doesn’t arrive, I am
going to go crazy and one will have to die or I burn this house down…

My brothers look at her unbothered.

Her: (with a deadly voice) with y’all inside

Thapelo: Ha…

Me: Sthandwa sami… he is on hi…

Oh thank goodness they are back. I unlock the door and they enter.

Tumi: (unaware of Ntokozo’s presence) Uyabona wena Karabo… next time, when
you decide to make babies, make them knowing that you are alone. Did you know
that I had to go buy burgers when I was already by the gate… nxa, nale Wife
yakho… she should know her…

He then sees her…

Tumi: (nervous) she should know her beauty and that we love and will do
anything for her. Mfazi wethu…

Ntokozo: Yah Itumelang…

Tumi stand still as he sees the things ontop of the counter next to Ntokozo.

Ntokozo: I am so fucken hungry right now… give me the food.

He gives her the food and Thabang enters. Ntokozo takes out a burger then she
dips it in mayonnaise and she starts eating. Everyone is looking at her with
concern, especially Tumiso, who is sitting next to her. She then heads to the
fridge, takes out a jar of honey and she starts dipping the wings in it. Tumiso then

Ntokozo: Are you good?

Tumiso: I should be asking you that yaz koti…

Her: (focusing on her food) well, I am carrying over 4 kg, my legs are swollen and
painful, it is hard to walk, fuck I walk like a penguin, my clothes no longer fit me, I
am forever tired, my ass is growing fat, the thighs and hips too, my boobs hurts so
bad, im always hungry and I only sleep in on position all night so I am fine.
Whoa… that was a lot of honesty.

Tumiso: Dang… that’s hard.

Her: (earing her wings) yeah… wena, wassup?

Yaz, these two are having a convo as if we are not there.

Tumiso: eish… where do I start?

Nto: (offering a wing) want some?

Tumiso looks at her, smiles and takes one.

Tumiso: thanks koti.

Nto: you should try dipping it in honey… trust me, it is nice.

He hesitates but he does are advised and he takes a bit. We are looking at him
with full blast concern.

Him: (dipping more) uhh… this is actually nicer than I thought.

Nto: told you… so what were you gonna say?

Tumiso: well, I met this girl three weeks ago. She is so fine and is very kind
hearted. She is a zulu.

Nto: (smirking) wooo… Tumiso is eyeing…

Tumiso: (chuckling) haa koti… well, we started dating a week ago but like
something happened.

Nto: what happened?

Him: we went out by then things excalated. A kiss turned into a round. Now, she
is avoiding me.

Nto: ohh…

Him: (looking at her) so that is all you gonna say?

Nto; (laughing) hawu… nah, it is quite obvious. The girl is embarrassed because
she assumes you will take her as a slut or that she has no morals… like she opens
her legs for every men.

Him: but why

Nto: when you love one, everything you do, you want it to be perfect to them.
you want to always be perfect to them… that is why they say, change is brought
by the one you truly love.

Tumiso: now I get you… but that is not how I see her nje.

Nto: well, that is what she thinks.

Tumiso: (raising his third hot wing) love, nerh?

Nto: (raising her sixth wing) pregnancy, nerh?

They then toast. We are all just looking at them.

Nto: (looking at us) are you all gonna stand there or you gonna eat with us?

I sit and she offers me a wing… I take one and others follow my lead. We are now
all seated together, eating wings.

Nto: I am sorry guys… for putting you in a tough space like this. I am really sorry.
Just that, pregnancy is overwhelming…

Thapelo: nah… we understand Mfazi wethu…

Thabang: Yeah… no need to apologies.

Ora: Yah skado… I know it is hard but it aint your fault.

Tumi: I wonder whose fault is it.

They all look at me.

Me: Haa… Blame her for being hard to resist.

They all laugh.

Nto: Thanks guys… just that I don’t know what to do. I feel useless and sometimes
I feel like a burden.

I stand and walk to her. I hug her so tight.

Me: never say that again, nor think of it. you are my precious dime. You helpedme
out a lot now it is my duty to always be there for you… you are my responsibility…
you are my one and only wife and the mother of my babies. I will always be there
for you. never be afraid to ask nor command.

Her: (tearing up) ngiyabonga sthandwa sami…

Everyone joins the hug and she cries more. I already feel bad for getting her
pregnant but I don’t too because she is gonna make me a father… I know, I am a
jork but you will understand one day.

Insert 61



I am at home, lazing around nje. I am busy walking around, doctor’s orders. I was
told to exercise more or atleast take a walk around the house, so that is what I am
doing. Although it is hard, I mean, it is for the best. Oh, I am also due in like 3-4
weeks from now. yes, I am a little nervous but I really want to get these babies
out of me already.

Karabo is somewhere in this house but I don’t know where exactly. Ohh,
newsflash, I am now moved to the bedroom downstairs… Dr Mokoena’s orders.
Technically, we both moved downstairs.

Anyways, as I head upstairs, I head some noises from one of the guestrooms. I
enter and WTF?!!!

Him: Baby…

I am just shocked. Tears then stream down…

Him: Baby, you were not meant to see it

Me: (crying) This is so…

The next thing I know I am breaking down. He then catches me in time. He is

hushing me. Man, these babies… I can’t hle.

Me: (snobs) How did you do this alone hle?

Him: (still hugging me) I just felt like doing it… it was meant to be a surprise for

Me: I am so grateful Mokoena. I love it so much.

He then kisses me. Man, the down area is jumping excitedly. Well, I am forever in
the mood for… you know. I then spot something.

Me: (laughing) Versace baby blankets?

Him: Hawu… I had to

Me: (laughing) Wow… Karabo kodwa? And why are they blue? Where is pink

Him: I feel it in me… they are boys.

I just laugh my ass out.

This room is so nice though. It has a power blue interior, white acrylic
chandeliers, white fleece carpet… those snow like carpets, three powder blue
creeds… big ones and chest drawers and walk in closets.

Me: (smiling) Wanna give me a tour?

Him: (reaching for my hand) With pleasure my lady.

Wooo shame… my husband…

Anyways, he gives me a tour. First stop was on the drawers. They are three
chester drawers.

The first one got baby socks, baby beanies and caps…

Me: (shocked) Chained caps Karabo?

Him: (chuckling) Phela they are Mokoenas… they need to be the best.

I just laugh at him.

We head to the second drawer and it has babby blankets… VERSACE. I was caught
by the Versace Barocco padded blanket… it is white and has a touch of gold –
caramel there. It looks great though. The drawer also has baby cosmetics. I must
say, I’m impressed.

Him: (Walking to the walk-in closet) If you want to add on, you can sthandwa sami

Me: Wait, you haven’t showed me the third drawer.

Him: it is empty mama.

Me: (walking to it) I was to see the interior…

Him: (rushing to block me) Whoa… there is nothing in the mama.

Me: Move Karabo… I want to see for myself.

Him: You don’t trust me?

Me: I do babakhe… but it won’t change I want to see it. Now move hle.

Him: Mama.

Me: (gently pushing him away) Suka tuu.

I open the drawer.

Me: You got to me kidding me Karabo…

Him: (laughing nervously) Eish… it is not that bad though.

Me: Karabo, Versace everything…

Him: Eish
Me: Karabo, Versace caps… versace scarfed teddy bears?!

Him: Mara mnkami… they are Mokoenas.

Me: You got to be kidding me… are you aware that these will be smaller than
them in two years? No useful to them.

Him: (stretching his head) I think it is better if you don’t get the closet tour until
you are calm.

Me: (realizing) Karabo!!!

Him: Mama, they are my kids. I want them to have this coz I never had it when I
was young.

Me: I also do but let it be the last time hle. I don’t want them being spoiled. I want
them to be able to adapt to any situation. I want them to learn how to fin for
themselves and see that the world is not about riches.

Him: (hugging me) I get it mama… I am sorry. I will stop then.

I hug him back then we head in the walk in closet.

When I get in, I see little Mokoena – Khoza sneakers… different kinds. I also see
little high elastic puff slippers. I look around and I also see Mokoena – Khoza
Onesie and babygrow. I see little gowns, Mokoena – Khoza baby sweatpants,
don’t get me started on those tiny hoodies. I also see little dresses. They are like
mine… wait.

Me: (holding the dresses) am I imagining things or are these dresses are
duplicates of all my dresses and skirts?

Him: (chuckling) Yeah… I wanted it to be special to you. I always heard you saying
you want to dress like them so yeah.
I just look at him with amaze…

Me: You never stop amazing me…

Him: (hugging me from behind) what can I say baby… I just want you happy, at all

I smile and he then rubs my belly. Just as he is rubbing it, he lifts it upwards
kancane and boom, the relief.

Me: (resting my head on his chest) Mmm… now that feels good.

Him: (laughing) Yeah?

Me: Uhm… when last did I feel so light.

Him: Damn baby, this is heavy… I never thought you carry so much weight.

Me: (laughing) You have no idea.

He then let go after a few minutes. I then spot some strollers. They are double
strollers and single strollers. They are also the three set strollers… I never knew
they existed. We then head downstairs to the lounge.


It is the wee hours and I am by the kitchen with Tumi.

Tumi: How is Makoti though?

Me: Well, apart from her scouting me everytime, she is doing great.

Him: (chuckling) Hai, your fault but pregnancy got her looking exceptional.
Me: Too much ntwana… I mean the body nje… it is so perfect, her skin, her eyes.

Him: (laughing) and the nose piercing too.

Me: (chuckling) Waqala ankere?

➢ (You starting?)

Him: But yena she is stunning hey? I have never seen a pregnant woman looking
so gorgeous in my life… I mean the belly is still maintaining the one hourglass

Me: I am shocked too…

Him: But man, you are a man indeed… three in one go?!

I laugh…

Him: Yeses… y’all be working out

Me: (laughing) Haa.ah AWUKAHLE!!!

➢ (Stop!!!)

Ntokozo then pops up. She doesn’t seem okay… we look at her with concern…

Me: Sthandwa sami

Her: (Looking down her legs) my water…

I look down her legs… shit!!!


Tumi and Karabo are driving Ntokozo to the hospital. Karabo is the one driving
and Tumi is trying his best to calm the angry Ntokozo, while googling in his phone

Karabo: How is she there?

Tumi: She is…

Ntokozo: (SCREAMING) Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

Tumi: (screaming too) AHHHH!!!!!!! Karabo, hurry up… this person is gonna
dislocate my HAAAAANDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Karabo: Eish… baby, hold on…

Nto: Shut the fuck up and drive Karabo!!!!!

Karabo instantly went mute and he drove faster, while poor Itumelang suffers.

Karabo:Dude, what are you busy with there?

Tumi: I am searching on Tips to convince a pregnant woman who is about to go to

labor to let go of my HAAAAND!!!

Karabo: Great… great idea. Don’t forget to search on how to Abstain without
really abstain.

Tumi: I sure will.

Quoting Ntokozo’s words… “Stupid imbeciles”

They are by the hospital. Karabo booked a special ward for Ntokozo. The rest of
the family has arrived, even the Dladlas. Ntokozo is in the labor ward with Karabo,
MaMokoena and MaDladla.

They are waiting for the doctor to attend to them.

Well, Ntokozo is throwing tantrums…

Ntokozo: (pacing up and down in pain) Uphinde ungibone ngithi ngilala nawe.

➢ (Hear me say I want to have sex with you, ever again.)

Karabo: Haa…

Ntokozo: (trying to bare the pain) And after this, we will be using protection…
condoms will be used.

Karabo: Ngeke kwenzeke lokho… angiyofaka iRubber mina.

➢ (Never days… I won’t be putting on rubbers)

Ntokozo: (Heading to Karabo angrily) Yeyi…yeyi…yeyi!!! Ungangihlanyisi Leon!!!

Ungangibhemi mina!!!

➢ (… Don’t drive me crazy Leon!!! Don’t test me!!!)

MaMokoena and MaDladla then intervene…

MaMokoena: Haii… makoti, calm down. He didn’t mean that… he was joking.

Karabo: No, I wasn’t.

Ntokozo: (throwing a glass jug at Karabo) Oh you!!! ngizokubulala wena!!!!!

➢ (Oh you!!! I am going to kill you!!!)

Karabo then ducks it while laughing.

The two mothers also step aside as Ntokozo throws a hail of the glasses and
things to Karabo’s direction.

As the two ladies watch from the end of the room,

Lindiwe: Hayi, do you think they will ever stop?

Nolwandle: Wee, I doubt. I mean Karabo is making it worse.

Lindiwe: Yho and Nto is very angry shame… Did you hear when he called him by
his second name?

Nolwandle: (laughing) Hayi suka… it is just the pains and the babies destructing

They look at the two as Ntokozo chases Karabo around the room.

Nolwandle: Is it me or his intentions are to destruct Ntokozo from paying

attention to the pains?

Lindiwe: (laughing) I think so too. Hayi but time is gone hey? We gonna be

Nolwandle: At the age of 45

Lindiwe: These kids are aging us so fast kodwa…

Nolwandle: Look at her with that belly… yeses, it is big yoh.

Lindiwe: Very big… but pregnancy treated her well physically.

Nolwandle: Yah nerh… I can’t wait to laugh when they get sleepless nights

They both look at each other then burst into laughter.

The doctor then enters. She looks at the mess on the floor then she heads to
Ntokozo and Karabo…
Dr: Mrs Mokoena… Mr Mokoena. Sorry for the wait. Can you get on the bed?

Ntokozo then gets on the bed with the help of Karabo. The doctor spreads her

Dr: Well, luckily, you are ready Mrs Mokoena.

Nto: Can you stop talking and get these babies out of me already?!

The doctor laughs. I guess she knows that it is not her talking.

The nurses enter then they take Nto to the labor room. Everyone follows.


Nto: (Screaming) AHHHH!!!!!!!

Dr: Give me your biggest push Mrs Mokoena… you are almost there

Me: (holding her hand) Mama, one left…

Nto: (pushing harder) AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dr: Last one mama…

Nto: AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cries fill the room.

Dr: Well done Mother of Three!!! Mr Mokoena, can you do the honor?
I then head to the doctor… she hands me the cutter and I cut off the umbilical

Dr: Congratulation Mr Mokoena… it was successful and here are your babies…

She hands me the babies… two to me and one to Nto. I check the babies…

Dr: (smiling) You got two boys and one girl.

I look at Nto and I head to her. I kiss her…

Me: (overjoyed) Thank you so much MaMhlophe… ngiyabonga kakhulu sthandwa


Her: (smiling) Kubonge mina Mokoena.

I kiss her again and the family barges in, along with Tumi, Lina and Lungile.
Nosihle is also there. Ma and MaDladla literally grab the kids away from us and
Thando rushes to get the last one on my arms.

They are all by the kids. And us, we are invisible.

Nto: (talking to me) Are we invisible?

Me: (shrugging) Clearly…

We then look at them in shock… even Tumi is busy with the babies. Don’t get me
started on Dladla and Mokoena.

Lina and Lungile then head to us.

Lina: (excited) Bitch, you are a mother…

Nto: (laughing) Well… at least one acknowledged me…

Lungile: Bitch, a mother of three?

Lina: Sickkkk!!!!

They all laugh…

Me: Hello… I’m there too.

Lungile: Sorry, we are programmed to notice Ntokozo only…

I laugh…

Lina: Payback for the parking lot trick, remember it Mr Mokoena?

We all laugh… then Tumi comes to me.

Tumi: (smiling) Mfazi wethu…

➢ (Our wife)

Nto: (laughing) Partner in crime yakhe.

Tumi: (hugging her while she is seated) Hawu… siyabonga ntokazi.

➢ (We are grateful, young lady)

Her: (giggling) Kubonge mina.

➢ (Pleasure)

Tumi: (handshaking me) Heyi, finally I become the rich cool uncle.

Me: (chuckling) Haa… monna.

Lina: (mumbling) Rich, yes… Cool, no.

We all look at her.

I look at Nto and she is indeed thinking of what I am thinking.

Nto: So Tumi, awusakhuzi umngani wakho ukuthi ayeke ukungimoshela izingane?

➢ (So Tumi, why didn’t you reprimand your friend from wanting to spoil my
babies rotten?)

Tumi: (laughing) Ngikhuzile kodwa lutho.

➢ (I did but weeh)

Lina: (chuckling) Hehe… as if he is good.

Tumi: Do we have a problem?

Lina: No we don’t shame… we don’t. But let’s face it, you ain’t it.

Tumi: says the girl that is forever childish.

I look at Nto and she is enjoying this.

Lina: Haa… childish?

Tumi: Yeah… why talk in riddles?

Lina: I ain’t… you just being bitchy.

Tumi: Bitchier spots bitchy

Lina: Oh fuck off Itumelang.

Tumi: (Mumbling) You never say that when we fucking

Nto: (realizing) Ohhh…

Everyone in the room is looking at the two.

Nto: (laughing) Yeses… are y’all done fighting because I really need to feed my

Lina: (storming off) Nto, we will talk… Nosihle, let’s go.

Tumi: (following her) Nosihle, stay.

Lina: Nosihle.

Nosihle then looks at me and Nto.

Nto: Ohh you two, don’t be involving Nosihle in your matters.

Thapelo: Yeah… plus me and my baby got places to be.

We all look at him then Nosihle.

Nto: when did that happen?

Thapelo: When you were heavily pregnant

Nto: Shit… these babies be making me miss out on a lot hey?

Me: (hugging her) A lot.

Her: (looking at me) And you knew?

Me: Yep

Her: (shocked) I thought we were gossip buddies

Me: (chuckling) Sorry Mama.

Her: (looking away angrily) Mxa.

Everyone then laugh. The family heads to us… congratulate us.


I am done feeding my babies. They are now asleep and I also cleaned up. Well,
the hospital environment is adaptable but I just don’t like it. My babies are also all
cleaned up. Karabo is seated on the chair next to the bed, inbetween my legs. It is
still painful but I can bare it. I am busy running my fingertips on his hair.

Him: (rubbing my thighs) Mama

Me: Uhm?

Him: (looking at them) we haven’t named the little ones


Him: What are we gonna name them?

I stand and I walk to my babies. I look at them rest peacefully.

Me: (touching the first boy) Larona (Touching the second boy) Warona

I then look at my little duplicate.

Me: (carrying her) This one will be…

Karabo: (hugging me from behind) Onalerona… Dad’s little girl.

Me: (smiling) You really did read my mind.

He chuckles then kisses me.

I can’t believe it, I am a mother. Time really does fly. 09 June, most precious day
of my life.

Insert 62



It has been 11 months since I gave birth to my bundles and yeses, what a period?!
Yeses, these babies be crying all night long, crying their lungs out. Yho, ngathi
bebaCompet.a but hey, I enjoyed everything. I even went back to gym… I mean, I
had to lose the baby weight before we went to Botswana.

The family had some ritual for the babies and me too. My little ones have red
ancestral strings on both legs and hands, for protection. I also have red ancestral
strings tied on my right leg and right hand.

Karabo insisted that we go for an ice cream date with the babies. So I am bathing
Ona. He bathed the boys.

Him: Mama

Me: uhm?

Him: (walking to me) want me to take over there?

Yeses, this man right here… Breathe – taking!!!!

He is wearing a power blue Nike Multi Logo Joggers, white long sleeve Mokoena –
Khoza T-Shirt and Nike Airforce 1 white and Turqoise shaded. He accommodated
the look with a Rolex two toned 28 oystersteel and silver watch and added a
chain, he defined his curls and to finish up the look, he sprayed on his VIP 212

Him: (stroking my chin) No need to drawl baby, I’m yours.

He then perks my lips.

After that, he looks deep into my eyes. He looks at my left eye then the right one
then down my lips. That always drives me crazy. I just kiss him. His hands then run
down to my waist then my ass, enabling me to move mine to his chest then to the
back of his neck… I then pull away. His eyes are small as fuck.

Me: (smiling) Babakhe, please finish off ngoOna so that I can go freshen up. And
ohh, her clothes are on the bed, nerh?

Him: (serious) Okay mama.

I smile.

Him: Ngiyakuthanda yezwa, nhliziyo?

Me: (smiling) Uthandwa yimina Mokoena.

It is funny how it never changes. One of the things I love about him…

I then head to the bedroom to get myself ready.

I am now done.

I decided to match my little girl since the boys decided to match with their father.
So I am wearing an acid green denim cargo with a long sleeve light green crop tee.
I wore olive green double slosh Nike Air Force 1 that is of ankle length. Well, I had
a frontal installment of a straight hair lower back length in the black shade. I went
for a white watch and I finished it all with my Bad Girl VIP 212 Roses and Pedals
perfume and a clear gloss.

I then head downstairs and I find Karabo seated with MaMokoena and Mokoena…
when did they get here?
Me: Ma…

MaMokoena: Mntana wami…

She then hugs me. I proceed to greeting Mokoena

Me: Kgosii

Him: Makoti…

Me: kuyaphileka?

➢ (Are you good?)

Ma: (smiling) yebo ngane yam…

➢ (Yes, my child)

Me: (smiling) ngiyajabula ukuzwa lokho… can I get you anything to eat or to

Mokoena: (smiling) Whiskey will do ngane yam.

Me: (smiling) Ma?

Her: Uhm… let me help you lapha eKitchen.

Me: (looking at Karabo) Baba wabo?

Him: (looking straight into my eyes) Water.

I then head to the kitchen, following MaMokoena.

Her: How are my grandchildren doing?

Me: (smiling) Bakahle bona kodwa their cries…

Ma: (laughing) Yhoo… I know that pain shame. Futhi babangu-3

Me: (laughing) Yho bayaCompet.a shame. From seeking our attentions to who
cries the most.

She laughs so bad.

Me: (putting the whiskey on the tray) mara Ona is quiet shame… compared to the

Ma: (looking at me) She is her mother’s child indeed.

I then laugh.

I put the water bottle and two glasses with ice and I take it to the men. I then
head back to the kitchen.

Karabo is giving me a so bad vibe right now. He is trying to hide it but it is

defeating him. The look he gave me… I know it, I remember it. I will never forget
this look. It is the look he gave me when we broke into that big fight… the one
that was about me killing that man.

Anyways, I get to the kitchen… I am drinking water with MaMokoena, who is

drinking white wine.

Ma: Are you still breastfeeding?

Me: (taking a sip of the water) Cha Ma… I stopped when they were 5 months.

Ma: Oh okay… good. My baby, wha…

We then hear the cries from upstairs. We head there and as I assumed, Warona
was crying. I pick him up and I rock him while Ma plays with Ona and Larona.

Warona then quiet down. I put him next to his siblings and Ma plays with them.
She is paying more attention to Ona. She picks her up and inspects her back.
Her: Is this her birthmark or a scar?

Me: It is her birthmark.

Her: such a big one?

Me: (nodding) She got it from me.

Her: You have it too?

I just turn around, raise my t – shirt, revealing my birthmark that is by my back.

She comes close and touches it. She then let it go. I pull down my t – shirt and
turn around.

Her: Ntokozo…

Me: Ma?

Her: That is not your birthmark… you got that scar.

Me: what do you mean?

She then rushes to the boys and she checks them too. She then sees Larona’s
birthmark that is on his chest… she then freeze.

Her: (turning to me) Ntokozo, something will happen. Prepare yourself now. Ona
is you Nto. Baby, I need to take the babies for a month. I am leaving with them

Me: Ma ngeke… I can’t live without my babies…. I will not allo…

Her: it is either that or you lose them for good my baby… understand. You know
what you did. Bab’ Hlatshwayo… Palesa… Samu… Nokholo.

Me: how did you…

Her: I know everything. I know you were protecting your family and marriage but I
need to stop lequnga.

I always read the book Iqunga by Dudu. It talks about a generational curse. I
thought it was made up. I never thought it is true nor it would happen to me? This
is not good. Wait…

Me: ma, manje sizothini kuKarabo?

➢ Ma, what will I say to Karabo?)

Her: you need to come clean about the other ones.

Me: no… no… no… no… no…

HER: (INTERUPTING ME) you have no other choice….

Me: (Whispering) Ma uzongibulala uKarabo… he will kill me.

➢ (Karabo will kill me Ma. He will kill me.

Her: Angeke

➢ (He won’t.)

Me: Ma awumazi makadiniwe…

➢ (Ma, you don’t know him when he is angry.)

Her: He will be okay…

Me: (pacing up and down with my hands on my head) Yho…

Her: Ntokozo… get it together. You are stronger than that. Now listen and listen
to me very carefully, whatever that happens from here on, do not leave him. Be
strong and don’t let your emotions get to you, okay?
I just nod.

Her: Are we clear?

Me: (biting my bottom lip) Yebo Ma.

Her: Now help me pack up for the babies.

I will just have to do it… I mean, what will go wrong? The fuck?! The nigga is angry
as in now! He always said that he will be the death of me and… and I think today,
he will be.

It is around 21h00 and The Mokoenas just left with the kids.

I am by the dining room with Karabo. I am seated on the separate couch. He is so

quiet… I mean, we haven’t even said a word to each other. He is even busy with
his phone. Okay…

Me: Karabo…

That came out more like a whisper.

Him: (still looking down his phone) Uhm?

He heard that?

Me: Can we talk?

Him: Are we not talking right now?


Me: Can we like talk… like serious talk.

Him: (still on his phone) I have nothing to say to you.

Me: At least listen to me.


Him: Talk

Me: just leave it…

Him: Ok.

The fuck?!

Me: Why are you being the way you are right now? Why are you acting bitchy?

Fuck, I let my mouth run before I could think that one.

Him: (looking at me) Acting bitchy?

Me: Yeah

Kanti what is wrong with my mouth?! Ahhh!!!

Anyways, he puts down his phone then walks to me, pulled the coffee table
closer to me and he sits, cornering me by putting my legs in-between his. He is
looking at me, straight into my eyes… I am also not gonna give up.
Him: (serious) Acting bitchy?

Me: (looking him straight on his eyes) Yes Karabo… what do you call that? I asked
to talk to you and…

Him: (serious but calm) Didn’t I just say talk?

Me: yes but would you have spoken if I gave you the same attitude?


Me: would you have spoken if I gave you that shitty attitude you gave me and


Me: I asked to talk to you… I want to explain myself…

Him: (livid but calm) Explain what? That you are a killer… you gave away with my

Me: (dropping my head)

Him: Or ukuthi uyangifebela?

➢ (Or that you are cheating on me?)

I raise my head in a flash, looking at him. Shit, my neck…

Me: Ngiyenzani?

➢ (What did I do?)

Him: Uyangifebela

➢ (You cheating on me)

Me: Nobani? Futhi ngithi ngikwenzelani lokho?

➢ (With who exactly? And why would I do that?)

Him: (turning faces) Mahlubi

Me: Ini?

➢ (What?!!)

He is just looking at me.

Me: Mahlubi? Ngiyalingwa lah… ngiyahlanya yini mina ukuthi ngize ngiyofeba
nesitha sami?

➢ (Mahlubi? I am being tested… Am I crazy to the point that I sleep with my


He is… blank

Me: ngiyahlanya yini mina Karabo?!

➢ (Am I crazy Karabo?)


Me: Ngiyahlanya nah?!!!!

➢ (Am I fucken crazy?!!!)

Him: Yeyi… yeyi… yeyi… ungazongiphakamisela izwi mina.

➢ (Yeyi… yeyi… yeyi… Don’t raise your voice on me)

I just cover my face with my hands.

I can’t believe this. This man in front of me is driving me crazy… who does he think
he is to say such about me? What happened to Karabo?

Him: yini le engaka engingakwenzeli yona?

➢ (What am I not doing right for you?)

I raise my head. But my eyes are still down.

Him: ngibheke mangikhuluma nawe

➢ (Look at me when I’m talking to you)

I raise them.

Him: ngiphendule

➢ (Answer my question.)

Me: I will not answer a question that doesn’t make sense.

Him: Ntokozo, I will ask you… uyagifebela noMahlubi?

➢ (… Are you cheating on me with Mahlubi?)

Me: no, Karabo. How can I even do that when I have a family?

He looks at me.

He is so disgusted. I just stood up and went to the kitchen. He follows behind. I

get there, pull out a bottle of Red Wine and I open it. I take out a glass and I start
drinking it. He is leaning on the countertop with his hands in his pockets. I carry
on drinking.

Me: Yaz… ever since I got to this marriage… ever since I met you, I have
stomached a lot from you. I loved you for who you are… I was always there for
you, and I never judged you.
I drink again

Me: Now that it is my turn, you are all judgmental… why? To add on that, it is
even lies…

Him: lies kuphi?

➢ (What lies?)

Me: (raising my voice) those are lies, Karabo.

Him: how are they lies when there are pictures of you coming from his house?!!!!

Me: ask me why I was there!!!!! ask me!!!

Him: it is clear Ntokozo…. Stop with this shit!

Me: I am not capable of cheating… I am not like you Karabo!!!!

Him: (confused) what?

Me: You thought I wouldn’t know?!!

Him: (walking to me)

Me: Yesss!!! Cheater nguwe!!!

He is now inches away from me…

Him: (angry) What did you just call me?

Me: (firm) A fucken cheater!!!

Him: Ntokozo…

Me: What? You thought I wouldn’t find out about you messing with your ex… or
should I say Palesa?!

Him: Ntokozo…
Me: You… you… you must have really enjoyed being with her nerh? No, scratch
that… you enjoyed being in her. You fucken betrayed me Karabo. How does it
feel? Well, I also enjoyed it when Mahlubi was in me.

I then hit the floor.

Him: You did what noMahlubi?

I am still in shock. I am just looking at him as livid as he is. He proceeds to pulling

me up to stand by my hair…

Me: (screaming) AHHH!!! Karabo, uyangilimaza!!!!

Him: (strangling me) Uyenzeni?

Me: I fucked him… so good.

Him: Ntokozo

Me: (laughing to hide pain) He was so good with it futhi….

A slap on my cheek wakes me up fully and as I try looking at him, a hail of slaps
and punches head my way. I tried freeing myself from him but he pulls me to the
living room and he throws me on the couch.

Him: (livid) WHAT THE FUCK NTOKOZO?! How can you?

Me: (trying not to cry) How can i? Karabo, you are the one who betrayed me first.
You slept with Palesa, not once, not twice but more than that. You ruined my
reputation kwifebe zakho. You pushed me into killing her!!! You then proceeded
to sleeping with Amanda, your PA KARABO!!!! Your PA???!!!! Karabo, you hurt me
more than ev….

Him: Don’t you think I was also hurt?!!!! You were messing will Mahlubi next thing
you pregnant… how do I know theses are my babies?!!!

I look at him with shock, tears streaming down.

Me: The fuck Karabo?!!!! Larona and Warona look like you Karabo!!!! They are a
split image of you, you fool!!!!! Why would you even think I was messing with
Mahlubi?!!!! If I was, why did he suddenly disappear?!!!!

Him: Angithi sekakudlile wamosheka kuye?!!!

Me: (tears streaming down) Fuck you Karabo!!!! Hhave uyinja marn!!!!

He then draws a gun from his waist. He points it at me. I then stutter. I am legit
crying right now, with my hands on the air but I am looking at him.

Him: (breaking voice) Don’t you think I am breaking Ntokozo? That my wife is
being fucked by another guy if not guys?!

Me: (building courage) Yazini, I am tired of this Karabo… I will not let you
demolish my name like that. I am no cheater mina… I never fucked anyone else
mina. I stuck to my vows, I kept my promise, unlike you.

He then pulls back the trigger disk…

Me: (looking at him) I don’t care what you believe but mina I went to Mahlubi’s
that night to try finish him off since you couldn’t. I was not going to risk the lives
of my babies. I killed Palesa because she threatened to go to the media, tell them
about all of our dealings and that you sexually harass her if I don’t divorce you.
Believe what you believe… I am tired mina. Kill me if you have to, I don’t care!!!
“cause all I did was for you and this family!!!!

He is still point the gun at me.

I just stood up, looked at him and I head upstairs… why ain’t I scared that he
might shoot me?

Well, I don’t care… the punches were enough torture so the gun would be the
easy way out of all of this.

I get to the guestroom, went straight inside the en suite and I sit on the chair next
to the mirror. I look at myself. MaMokoena’s words keep on ringing in my head. I
then undress… I look at every single part of my body… the bruises, the marks are
so visible. My neck has strangling marks. I never thought I would be here one

Let me go and shower… I swear, if this is going to be my life then I don’t want it.

Insert 63



It is around 3 am and I haven’t spoken to Nto. I don’t even know if I should do it

now or give her a bit of space. It is hardly even a year since we got married and I
have lost it? I won’t even be urprise if she leaves me… it is too much for her but
that won’t happen. I am not willing to lose her, not at all.

Anyways, I slept in the guest room since she kicked be out of the main. I have
been tossing and turning, hoping to get sleep but it is not happening. I guess the
old man was right when he said I shouldn’t go to sleep when I’m in bad terms
with my wife…

Anyways, I am on my way to the kitchen to get some water then I will go to Nto…
wait, she is by the couch in the lounge. She is wearing her PJs and has ear pods

I look at her, sleeping peacefully. She is so beautiful… she is my precious gift, my

wife, the mother of my heirs and heiress. She is my everything.

What will happen to me if I lose her? Why do I keep hurting her?

As I rub her cheek, she wakes up. She sits up same time and moves away from

Me: Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.


Me: (sitting on the coffee table) Sthandwa sa…

She gets up to leave but I hold her hand. She looks at me then the hand…

Me: You do know that does not work on me right? (standing) Please hear me out.

She rolls her eyes. I hate it when she does that.

She then sits and I do the same.

Me: Nto… I don’t know what got over me earlier on but I am sorry. I am sorry
Mama. I really didn’t mean to be aggressive towards you.

Her: I am not your punching bag mina Karabo.

Me: You are not sthandwa sami… I regret it.

Her: Are you done?

Me: Don’t be like that baby

As she stands, her back gets exposed. I hold her waist as her back is facing me.

Me: Nto… who did you get this?

Her: What will that benefit you?

Me: Ntokozo, I asked you a question

Her: (sigh)

I move the top upwards a bit and she is purple… these are old bruises.

Me: Take it off

Her: (looking at me with shock) What?

Me: The top and pants.

Her: I am literally in the living room Karabo.

Me: It is only the two of us and I know every inch of your body so off Ntokozo.

She sighs and she takes of her PJ pants first. The fuck?


I am with Karabo in the living room. I am taking off my PJs as per instruction.

As I take off the PJ top, he get livid. The vein on his forehead pops out.

Him: (still seated) Who did this to you?


Him: Ntokozo, I will ask you one last time… and don’t fuck around with me. Who
did this to you?

Me: (looking down) Mahlubi.

He is boiling right now. His face says it all. He is hungry for blood now.

Me: (still looking down) The day i was at Mahlubi’s house, I never walked in there
as you assumed. He ordered for me to be kidnapped. He wanted to take me to
Cairo so that you won’t find me and he can have me all to himself. He then
proceeded to forcing himself onto me. I had to fight with him but there was no
point. He overpowered me and… and…
He stands up and hugs me tight. Tears stream down in his embrace. As much as
he is the one who caused me this pain, I still feel safe in his arms.

Me: (crying) I didn’t Karabo… I would never do that to you, to us… I never slept
with Mahlubi nor killed him.

Him: (hugging me tighter) Its okay mama. But next time tell me such please.

I just nod.


I am wih Nto in our room, rubbing her back and cuddling her. She just fell asleep. I
am thinking of what she just told me and I am boiling, livid, angry but most of all, I
am hungry for blood. I think people are forgetting who I am….

Income Call: Amanda

Argh, what does she want now.

Anyways, I rest Ntokozo on the pillow, cover her with the blanket and I leave the


Her: Baby…


Her: Karabo…

Me: Talk

Her: I am outside.
Me: what?

Her: I am by the door. Open phela My Captain.

Me: leave…

Her: But…


Voice: Who is that?

When did she get here?

Me: Thapelo

Her: (walking downstairs while yearning) Mm okay… let me get a glass of milk.

Me: (stopping her) no… my love, I will get it for you.

Her: (walking back to the room) okay.

She then leaves. That is a relief. Let me get rid of that one by the way.

I am by the door talking to her.

Her: (getting close to me) I have a surprise for you.

Me: Get out, Amanda

Her: (undoing her coat) Are you sure about that?


Her: (kissing me) are you sure my captain?

She then kisses me. We walk to the cough and she gets on top of me. She takes
out my manhood and she rides me.

Her: (screaming) Ahh Karabo!!! Yesss!

Me: (groaning) uhh… fuck.

As she is still riding me, I see her.

Me: No… no… no… no…


I am looking at him with a knife on my hand, blood gashing everywhere. I look at

him as he is frightened.

Me: (wiping the blood on my left hand) I warned you, Karabo. Today, you really
stepped on my tail.

He is looking at me. He then pushes Amanda’s body… no, he takes out his
manhood from her then she throws her aside. He has blood all over and this
bitch’s body is still shaking. She then takes her last breath.

Karabo: (getting up) Nto…

Me: (walking to the kitchen aisle to drink red wine) Clean up your shit.

I then take out a bottle of wine and I gulp on it. He is looking at me.

Me: what? Wanna hit me for killing your skank?


Me: (laughing) or you just going to kill me?


Me: (finishing up the rest of the wine) yeah nerh? What happened to you,


Me: (walking to him) why do you always have to hurt me? Why? Why do I have to
kill for you? Why should I always have to shred a tear for you? Am I not enough?
Did I not give you everything I can? My pureness, the babies… my all? Can’t you
acknowledge that?

Him: Nto…

Me: Clean up… it is your mess.


Me: (heading upstairs) I’m leaving.

Him: but you said and promised that you won’t?

Me: Not this time. (Walking upstairs) I will not stay with a man that doesn’t value
me… nor cheat on me.

Insert 64



Here I am, looking at this man seated next to me. He has his hands on his face,
head bowed down…

Me: Karabo ngiphendule.

➢ (Answer me Karabo)


Me: Why should I always be the one to always stomach your shit? Why is it that I
always have to forgive and forget?


Me: This is becoming very toxic. Everything… and trust me I will not raise my
children in such a toxic environment…

Him: (raising his head) What do you mean?

Me: I think we should take time apart…

Him: No

Me: I am not asking you Karabo. We need time apart, meaning between me and
you, it is timeout. Just until you get your things together.

He looks at me as if he has seen a ghost.

Me: (getting up) For now, I will have to go to Tlhabeng… I need to be with my
babies and fulfill my duties…
I then take my suitcases and leave.

I am currently on my way to Botswana.

I couldn’t take a flight because of my fear of heights so I am driving there. It is

now 23h03 and I have been on the road for approximately 6 hours and I am about
to drive for another 3-4 hours.

Anyways, as I drive, flashbacks of all my actions becloud me. I mean, I won’t

justify the kills I have done nor organized but it was worth it…

Nah, what happened to Ntokozo?! Where did that brave, strong, independent
and fearless young lady go? What happened to me? I have become very soft…
verysoft… so soft… and it is so bad because I now have babies to protect at all cost
and a company to start. I just…


I have been trying to get ahold of Ntokozo from last night and her phone goes
straight to voicemail. I tried calling mom but she says she hasn’t arrived that side.
I tried everyone but no luck. Tracking her car is pointless since…

Incomecall: Tumi

Me: Tumi

Him: Open BBC News channel now…

Me: Eish…

Him: Do it marn!!!

He says that in a very emotional voice. And he seems to be driving or racing

somewhere because the background tells it all. I am starting to get worried
because Tumi doesn’t usually speed up.

Ehh… I just open the channel.



Me: No… no… no… no… no…


Tumi: She is at Midrand Hospital. I will inform the brothers and we will meet you


Karabo grabs his car keys and he heads out. With his BMW I8, he speeds off to
Midrand Hospital.
On the meanwhile, Tumi and the brothers also speed off to the hospital. The
freeway is chaotic with the clan’s cars as they all speed and overtake everycar on
the way.

Not to mention the chaos made by the Dladlas on the M3, also heading to the
hospital. Not forgetting the girls (Lina, Lungile, Oratile and Nosihle) too, heading
to the hospital from Tumisho’s house.

Everyone arrives and they all run inside with the clan and Karabo running faster.
They enter the hospital and chaos fills the admin…

Karabo: (livid and worried) heyi… Ntokozo Mokoena.

The front desk lady: Sir, how can I help you?

Karabo: We looking for Ntokozo Mokoena

Lady: Please wait over there

Tumisho: (livid) Yeyyi… listen here, we want to know about Ntokozo… now talk.

Lady: Sir, sit.

Karabo: (raging with anger but trying hard to be calm) Lady, I am trying really hard
to be civil right now… where. Is. Ntokozo. Mokoena.


Lungile: (Charging to her) Lady, don’t fucken test me right now… or I will fuck you
up big time. I can make your life miserable in a matter of seconds… kill your kids…
expose you to the entire world with your sex tape and make sure that no
company hires you ever… I can end you. Now you will tell us where Ntokozo is if
you want to keep your goddamn job.

Lady: (fear on her face) she is in ward 12 in Section B of the second building.
They all then rush there…

As their arrival, they are met by the site of Ntokozo seated upright but with a
bandage on her right shoulder. She is being attended to by the doctor. They all
rush to her.


Whoa… yeses, they are all here… everyone. They all rush to me and Karabo hugs
me tight. And at this moment, I feel so relieved. I just hug him back tight while
inhaling his perfect cologne. He then pulls back.

Him: Sthandwa sami…

I just look up to him.

He has so much worry displayed on his face. I just pull him in for a hug again.
Currently, he needs it more than I do.

As I am hugging Karabo, I look at everyone… Mom, dad, Sihle and Thando, the
clan, the girls… Lina is crying. Gosh, my friend is so soft hearted.

I call her over, let go of Karabo, stand up and I hug her. She then releases
everything… she is in so much pain. The girls then come over and we hug with
Lina in the center.

After a few minutes, we pull apart and I then hug my brothers and head to the
clan. They all hug me. After a few minutes, I let go and I hug my mom. She also
cries in my embrace.

Mom: (crying) I thought I would los…

Me: (hugging her tighter) SHhhhh… you won’t lose me MaDladla… I am not going
anywhere nor dying. Don’t ever think of such mama.


Me: Okay?

She nods and let go.

I head to my dad and he hugs me tight. How I hate this man right now?!

I finally feel like the old Ntokozo. I already know the truth.

Me: (Smirk) Ngiyabonga Dladla.

Him: (Smirk) Zinyane lami.

Yeses… I can’t believe this. I turn to everyone else.

Me: Can y’all go home now? But my request is for the clan to stay behind along
with Oratile.

Mom: but…

Me: (shooting a death stare) Ma.

They all leave. I scan the remaining ones for 5 minutes…

Me: I was shot.

Them: (realizing my statement) What!!!!

Karabo: Ini?!!!

Me: Before the accident, I was shot. The accident was caused by the numbness of
my hand, the one with the bandage. Someone shot me.
They are all silent… I can tell they want me to continue.

Me: And you won’t believe who did it?

Tumisho and Oratile: Mahlubi?

Me and Tumi: Dladla

Everyone’s eyes are wide open…

Karabo: (shaking his head in denial) What?!

Me: He is the one that ordered for my shout out. He wants me dead.

Tumisho: But why?

Tumi: Money and that she got married to the Mokoenas.

Thapelo: money? Isn’t he rich?

Thabang: Plus, why didn’t he target us for money? I mean, Nto doesn’t have that
much money mos…

Karabo turns to Thabang while Oratile and I look down… avoiding anyone’s eyes…
the partner in crime too is at non-ease.

Tumisho: Wait, why are y’all avoiding eye contact?

Thapelo: (realizing) No… how much does she have kanti?

Karabo: Enough to start a company and by the Rolex Mens Daylona combined
with the Rolex Ladies Datejust 28 Oystersteel…
I steal a glance of them and they are still okay with it. I hope my stupid husband
doesn’t add on…

Him: And the Rolex Datejust 41 – 18CT everose gold and oystersteel two lone

What the fuck?!!! He exposed the exact amount on my bank accounts.

They all turn to me with their eyes wide open. I pray they don’t ask where I got
the money because I will not answer. I can’t have them knowing that I did one
heist… or two… or more… but that is not the point man…

Thabang: Ngwana, you telling me you have over 20 million on your bank

Me: (smiling awkwardly while looking down) UHM… Yeah

Karabo: Nah, she got over 30 million .

I shoot a death stare and he shots a smirk and a wink.

Thapelo: Where do you get all this money?

Karabo: (looking at me) Yes… tell us Mama. Where?

Oh, I am hating him right now.

Me: (serious) I do heists. Mainly on Cash – in – Transit heists.

Thabang claps his hands in disbelieve.

Karabo: Don’t forget the hijackings you have been doing with Oratile.
Me: (turning to him with rage) Why don’t you tell them about Amanda, at the

Tumi: (covering up for his friend) Okay… okay… let’s not forget the aim of us being

Me: (looking at them) Thought as much.

He is so at unease. He really pushed me.

Me: So that is the issue. He probably heard from mom that I built a Law Firm a
few months back, so he put two and two together.

Thabang: (shocked) Mehlolo errata batho… a what?

➢ (Miracles love people… a what?)

Me: Y’all didn’t expect me to just stay at home and only have my degree just nje,

Tumisho: Well, i…

Thapelo: Thing is…

Thabang: Nah, like…

Tumi: Like…

Me: Haibo?! You should all be ashamed of yourselves marn.

Tumisho: Ngwana…

Me: Ngwana ya masepa…

They look at Karabo with pity…

Me: Oh, don’t look at him… he won’t save your arses.

Oratile: D***heads.

They all look down. Nxaa… they really zero me.

Me: Point is… I know he isn’t working alone. And until I know, I will not rest so…
(looking at Karabo) Sthandwa sami… I will have to get my dimes back this side
because they are only save with us. The rest of you have to act as if you know
nothing okay?

Then: sho/ clear/ yeah/ okay.

Me: (looking outside the ward window) All I know is, this is going to be the
longest battle and toughest.


Insert 65



4 years later…

Well, a lot has happened in these past years. Good thing is that the triplets have
grown and they are now 5 years. The boys are still troublesome while the girl is…
being the opposite of a child. She is 5 but you would swear she is 10. She is a split
image of her mother and the boys look exactly like their father. Warona took the
voice of his uncle Tumisho, husky and deep while Larona is just his father…

Moving on… the two parents have fixed their marriage and Karabo has stopped is
stupid ways… specifically the cheating. Ntokozo now owns Mgabadeli Law Firm…
on of the top 2 outstanding and well- known law firms in Africa, with 111
branches across the country. She also happened to also have shares in different
mines in Africa. She has been fulfilling her Queenly duties to Royal Tlhabeng,
hence she has been building more schools, clinics and fixing the infrastructure,
not to forget that she also sponsors many children in their studies.

Karabo has also been receiving more success. Bakoena Holdings has over 1000
branches worldwide and now aiming to be a billionaire company. His clothing
brand is also very popular now… he even opened shops for it across South Africa.

Tumisho has opened his company that blow up faster than ever… Phaaswa Digital
Facility that is operates in IT related issues. Sihle is now in charge of Dladla Inc and
Thando has started afresh in England. He has been that side for 3 years now…
enrolled in Oxford University under Medicine.
Mr Dladla has moved to New Zealand with his wife 2 years ago after Ntokozo
threatened to kill him.

Lina has unfortunately lost her life while giving birth to Tumi’s baby girl, Zoey. She
was buried a year ago and Thapelo and Nosihle tied the knot 6 months back and
Nto and Karabo have moved to a very huge mansion in Sandhurst!!! Yho, that
house is a mall, big as Fourways mall!!! Plus that hilly backyard that leads to the
lake that they own. Some people are lucky, hey?


Me: Larona!!! Ona!!! Warona!!! Hurry up phela. Or else we will be late for school.

Silence… haibo.

Me: Don’t make me count now!!!


Me: (hand on my waist) 5… 4… 3… 2…

Then chaos heads my way. They run down the stairs. Then they come to me but
they look dull.

Me: (hugging them) Hey, what’s wrong and where is your brother?

Warona: (Sulking) Mama, Larona is sick… we don’t want to go to school.

Me: What’s wrong with him?

Warona: He has stomach pains.

Ona: (sigh) Tummy bug… that is what he meant Mama.

Well, yeah… Ona is… yeah… i… the young version of me.

Me: Well, let’s go check on him then.

I head upstairs with them, to Larona’s room.

As we enter, I am met by Larona in bed. I head to him and I sit on his bed.

Me: What’s wrong pumpkin?

Larona: (Cough) I am coming up with a cold.

I feel his forehead and neck… nothing.

Me: But you seem fine… Wait, (turning to the two trouble makers behind me)
didn’t you say that your brother has a tummy bug?

Warona: Well, I… WE… uhm…

Ona: well, mama… he does have flu and the tummy bug… and…

Larona: And his toe is twisted.

Ona: (look aside) That’s wassup…

Me: Okay… spill it out.

Larona: (getting up) Mama, we are tired. We have been at school since January.

Me: (giving him the blank look) Well, that is how school operates Pumpkin.

Him: even on school holidays…

Me: Well, that is…

Ona: Shhh… mama. Hear our cries when we cry.

Did I mention that she is 5 but behaves like a 10 year old?

Warona: Mama, we have to go through 7 hours at school… Monday to Friday then

have football classes…

Larona: And skating classes…

Ona: And dance classes… (turning to Warona) and ohh, we go through 5 hours at
school, not 7.

Me: (looking at them while trying so hard to not laugh) Didn’t y’all ask for those
extra curriculum activities?

They look at each other then shake their heads at once… (one of their triplet

All at once: That is not the point woman.

Also their triplet habits: talking all at once.

My life nerh… one moment I am their mom, the next, I am woman… sometimes, I
am sweetheart and sometimes I am twinney… I know, I also sometimes laugh at
how these children always attack me.

Me: (trying to get up) Okay, that’s it. Y’all will go to your rooms, change to your
school uniform and we will head to school. Not up for debat… now, g…

I then find myself on Larona’s bed… on my back, with them on top of me.

Ona: Twinney, please.

Warona: Only for today.

Larona: Please Lioness.

Ohh yeah, I forgot to put that one on the list.

Me: what will your father say?

Larona: Simple… we will tell him I was sick.

Me: But now you have no proof. Your father is not dumb Lala.

Warona: that is where Ona enters.

Ona: I will just have to hit papa’s weakness.

Larona: The daddy’s little girl spot.

Me: Do y’all always have it all covered like this? ‘cause wow, I am starting to think
you also trap me like this.

Ona: What can we say?

All at once: it is a triplet thingy.

I’m not sure if it is my side or Karabo’s side showing nor influencing them right

Larona: Mama… please? Please beauty.

Me: (Sigh in defeat) What do y’all want to do today?

Them: (bumping up and down excitedly) Yes!!!

They then do their handshakes…

Me: (GETTING UP) okay… now, go change.

Larona bends me over and he kisses my cheek. And they all run off. Such a
charmer… but that was definitely their father’s side influencing.

Hayi, let me do their beds.

I am done doing their beds and tidying their rooms. They sleep in different rooms
afterall we don’t want them to depend on each other. Well, they do sometimes
all sneak to Lala’s room and sleep there, with them, cuddling Ona.

The boys are wearing Mokoena – Khoza black sweatpants with white long sleeve
Mokoena – Khoza T-Shirts (the V-Shaped neck ones) along with their Mokoena –
Khoza ankle length Airforce shaped blue sneakers and they finished the look with
their Roofless white Mokoena – Khoza caps. They both loosened their eye length
dreadlocks. Well, these kids have long hair hle…

They are seated by the high kitchen chairs while Ona and I wore matching outfits
too. We wearing Mokoena – Khoza black bomber cargo pants along with black
long sleeve T – shirts (tuck in style), Mokoena – Khoza ankle length white Airforce
shaped sneakers and I tied her hair to a big afro bun while I installed my black
arse length straightened lace frontal that is black in shade… just a little bit touch
of foundation on my face and I went for a clear gloss.

Me: is everyone ready?

They nod…

Me: now, where to?

Larona: (Heading to the car) to Leon’s office…

Me: Larona… what did I say about you, calling your dad by his name?

Him: Well, how will he know?

Me: Larona…

Him: What Leon doesn’t know, won’t hurt him.

They all head to the Mercedes GT 63…

Me: (thinking out loud) these kids will age me.

I already see myself aging in my 20s… Hayi… I laugh to myself then I head out. I
still say it, Karabo Leon Mokoena really rubbed off on his kids.

Insert 66



I am in my office, doing some paperwork. I just want to go to my family already

and spend time with them. It is around 14h53… the kids are probably now at
home so let me just do it.

As I pack up, the door swings open…

Ona: (running to me) Papa!!!

➢ (Dad!!!)

Tumi: Well, surprise surprise…

I get down on one knee and I open my arms for her.

She the dives on my arms as I lift her up. Warona then enters hopping and he
takes a seat…

Him: Papa…

Me: yes, boy… ojwang?

➢ (How are you boy?

Him: (Flashing a colgate smile) fresh as always…

He is the most quiet one…

Him: Uncle Tumza…

Tumi: hey boy…

They do their hand shake.

I just chuckle… then enters Larona.

He is always the mastermind of all the wrongs they do… but he is matured. It is
very frightening that he looks exactly like me, even the walk and the way he seats

Larona: Ruthless… Uncle Tumza

Tumi: (shocked) Ehh?

Me: (chuckling) he calls me that.

They do their handshake too…

Yes, he calls me that. I have been trying to get him to stop but he always gets his
way out…

Me: (chuckling) Cube…

Him: (sitting on the couch by the window) how are you Pops?

Me: (putting Ona down) I’m great and you Champ?

Him: (smiling) Perfect…

Me: (looking at Tumi) Don’t say it

Tumi: (raising his hands) Hayi… the little you is really rubbing off on Cube

Me: (attempting to answer)

Ona: Papa, mama is coming…

Me: y’all left your mom behind?

Larona: Lioness will pop up in 3… 2… 1…

He then points at the door and there she is… busy on her phone. She then puts it
away and she looks at the kids…

Tumi: Damn, you look so tired.

Lioness gives Tumi the “You have no idea” look…

Her: Weeh Karabo, ngizoyishaya ingane yakho. Ngiyishaya kakhulu. Ngiyishayele

nokuthi isabe ukutshela ukuthi ngiyibonyile.

➢ (Karabo, I will beat your child, so hard. So hard that he fears to even tell you
that I hit him.)

Tumi: (shocked) Whoa…

I have my eyes out. She never threatens to hit the babies so this is serous.

She walks in stands next to me, places a kiss on my lips and looks at me.

Me: (sarcastic) Should I call the social workers?

Tumi laughs…

Her: (looking dead serious) It is not funny.

Me: (chuckling) Sorry… (looking at Larona) what is it now?

Tumi: (playing with the kids) he tried setting the house on fire again?

Her: mall – way surf…

Tumi and I: (confussed) mall – way surf?

Her: the mall chase…

We then burst into laughter…

Her: it is not funny…

Me: (still laughing) sorry mama…

Tumi: (still laughing) sorry Lioness

Larona: (smirking) Mama, the mall chase is to help you maintain that hourglass
body… isn’t it that you always say that you want to gym so we helping you…

Nto: (stuttering) uhm… i…

This child… I look at Tumi who is about to explode with laughter

Warona: plus, how do you think you were maintaining those hips? I mean, wom…

Ona pokes him…

Warona: I mean Mama… you got to always have that shape.

Nto: i… huh… OM…

Ona: It is the easiest way that we came up with to help you so consider this as a

All at once: Token of appreciation for 9 months comfy walking bed.

Tumi is stuttered by their talking at once hobby.

Warona: and an apology for the mood swings

Larona: (kissing Nto’s hand) and a way of saving your money.

When did he get here?

Anyways, they all smirk. Nto just raise her hands and she seats on the couch.
Basically, throws herself on it. She is going to hate me for what I am about to do.

Tumi: (leaving) ayi… you really rubbed off on Nto’s babies Leon.

Me: Eish… you can say that again monna.


Me: Okay everyone… let’s head to the mall.

Nto: (lazily) yes… that’s a good…

Nto: (alert) Wait what?

She gets up…

Her: What?

Me: we heading to the mall.

Her: wait… let me back it up a bit, maybe you didn’t hear me. (Saying it slowly…
word for word)I am from the mall and you want me to go back there?

Me: baby, I wasn’t there nje mina…

She then swirl on the couch.

Her: (mumbling) kodwa… Mokoena wena uyangizonda…

➢ (Mokoena, you hating on me)

Me: (smirking) Ahhhh Mokoena…

Her eyes open very fast…

Me: (mocking her) Mokoena… I can’t… mana kancane… mokoena uyangilimaza…


She got up very fast…

Her: kids… race to papa’s car… first to arrive gets to be treated to anything they
want, no matter the price.

They all run out of the office. Nto looks at me with disbelief as I laugh.

Her: Leon… what the fuck?!

Me: (chuckling) I love it when you call me Leon… reminds me of how you scream
it when we doing it.

Her: (eyes wide open) Karabo marn… don’t ever do that.

I pull her closer by her waist. I then kiss her.

The kiss is too intense. I suckle on her lower lip and I kiss her neck while sucking
on it, leaving hickeys.

Her: (whispering) Mokoena…

Me: (whispering back) want me to stop?

Me: (kissing her neck) mama, should I stop?

Her: (breathing heavily) no…

I run my hands on her breasts and I gently grab her neck.

Me: (smirking) let’s go Mama… the kids are waiting.

She looks at me.

Her eyes are so lazy, now I am satisfied with making her suffer. Before she could
say anything, I gently grab her waist from behind and we walk out like that.

Me: (whispering to her ear while I spank her arse) That is the punishment for
making me sleep with a borner last night.

Her: why do I always have to suffer kodwa?

Me: (laughing at her) indoda eqhotho kumele iqondise igwegwe…

➢ (A real man must enforce order)

Her: (stopping) baby, I told you… don’t be saying igweigwe… you know how I feel
about amagwegwe ami…

Me: (laughing) oh shoot… sorry mama.

Her: it is not funny…

Me: (kissing her neck) sorry MaMokoena… ngiyaxolisa Mama.


I kiss her neck again…

Her: Okay… now stop with the neck kisses… you making me more horny.
I laugh as we get in the car and we all drive off to Mall of Africa.

It is now passed 21h00 and I just tucked in the kids. Well, I must say, the mall
chase really knocked them off.

As I enter our room, I activate the soundproof system and I switch on the
monitors, just in case of emergency.

I hear shower water running, meaning she is showering. I take off my clothes and
I enter the en-suite. She is still enjoying the shower.

I enter and as I enter, I hug her from behind.

Her: (giggling) ungene nini lah?

➢ (When did you get in here?)

Me: (running my hands on her perfect figure) long enough to enjoy the site of my
wife naked…

She giggles and I run my hands on her hips and thighs while admiring every single
part of her. I move my hands to her breasts and I squeeze and rub them.

As I do so, her head retires on my chest. She is challenging me. I can tell by her,
biting her bottom lip, containing her moaning. I then bathe her and I bathe
myself. It is just filled with sexual sensation.

I dry her body and she just attacks me with a deep kiss. I give in and I kiss her
back. I drop her towel and I push her towards the bed and I lay her on her back
without breaking the kiss.


Me: (screaming) Leon!!! Ah fuck!!!

He is thrusting me… I try pushing away from him but he keeps on pulling me back.
He is on beast mode… scratch that… Ruthless mode.

Me: (screaming) fuck!!! Leon ima!!!ahhh!!!

He keeps on thrusting me… deep, hard but a bit fast.

He then switched positions… the devil mode, chest down, arse up and knees on
the edge of the bed. I swear, he is really going to tear me up again. Ehh, yes, I
opted for stitching after birth so I am back to normal…

I am lying on top of him, full body. He covered us with a duvet and he is currently
rubbing my back. I am just listening to his heartbeat.

Him: Mama…

Me: uhm?

Him: I think it is time to give the triplets a sibling…

Me: (looking at him) what?

Him: (pushing my hair behind my ear) yeah… I mean they are old now.

Me: Karabo, how can you ask me that? You know very well that I almost didn’t
make it out of that labor ward. And plus the triplets are only 5 years old.
Him: I know baby but the case will differ… you won’t be carrying triplets.

Me: let me back it up a bit… you are aware that I own a company now and I am
also raise three kids… and now you want to have another child and how do you
know that it won’t be sets?

Him: MaMokoena, one more kuphela?

Me: Karabo Leon Mokoena… no.

Him: (stopping the back rub) phela mawuthi No uyangala…

I look at him then I get off of him.

Me: (adjusting my pillow) angaz Karabo.

➢ (I don’t know, Karabo)

Him: manje why usukile?

➢ (Now, why did you move?)

Me: ‘cause I want to think kahle.

Him: buya phezulu.

➢ (Come back)


Him: mama


Him: MaMokoena.

Me: (climbing on him) eish.

I then lay on him as he continues with rubbing my back

Him: yicabange mama…

➢ (Think of it Mama)

Me: As if I have a choice.

Tears are threatening.

I know Karabo… once he does this, he has already decided for me. For sure I am
even pregnant by now. Don’t get me wrong nerh, I really want to get another
baby but I know that I will definitely get sets, not a child. And I almost didn’t make
it out alive in that labor ward and he know. I ain’t ready for that again. I am 26
years old and I run a company, how am I going to take care of more than three
kids? For fuck sake, I still have my Queenly duties hle!!!!

Him: baby, are you okay?

Me: yeah

Him: baby you are crying.


Him: MaMokoena.

I look at him.

Me: Mokoena, I really want another child but not now sthandwa sami. I am not
ready for the labor experience again… please let’s wait a bit. Ngiyakuncenga

He looks concerned. He then hugs me tighter while still on that position.

Him: kulungile Lioness…

He said that with a deep seductive voice.

Me: Don’t do that…

Him: (chuckling) Hawu… what did I do?

Me: (looking at him) the voice thingy… you know what it does to me.

Him: (laughing) Unapologetic.

Me: (smirk) Bet I can make you call out that name in a different tone.

Him: (smirk) I would like to see you try.

I love a challenge… I then go down on him, gentle grab his manhood and I suck it.


God bless this woman!!!

I am laying on the bed, hands behind my head, facing the ceiling while looking at
her juice lips curve on my manhood. She is sucking me like I am something very
tasty. Man, she has never sucked me for this long. She then goes deep throat… I
blush her hair and she goes deeper. Fuck! I am groaning and cursing. I just don’t
want to say Lioness and lose the be….

Me: (groaning in a deep voice) Fuck…

She does that slow fast motion thing…

Me: (groaning) Fuck Lioness

Fuck, I lost. She carries on while a smirk curves on her lips. I think she has taken
control far too long. I then pull her to kiss me then I flip her over, putting me on
top of her.

Me: (looking at her eyes) I love you Lioness.

Her: (holding my cheek) I love you Mokoena.

I kiss her palm. She said that with so much assurance. She is in this with me

I then play with her down there. She moans while I finger her. She is so warm and
tight… you wouldn’t say she gave birth. I wonder how she does it.

Her: (moaning loudly) Arhhh!!

She moans as I enter her.

I then pick up my pace. She is now screaming as I pound her. I am not making love
to her but I am fucking her. She is screaming as she is pulling me closer, pushing
me away, holding her hair, letting it go… she just doesn’t know what so do. She
then holds me back.

Her: (screaming) Fuck… Leon!!!

I pound her even more. Her screams fill the room. I then go for deep strokes.

Her: (digging her nails on my back) Arhh shit!!!! Leon…

This is about to be the longest night between me and my Lioness.

Insert 67



Well, what a morning to kick start a day.

Anyways, I just arrived at the office and trust me, I really want to be at home with
my family marn but you know, duty calls.

I am busy signing some paperwork when the door swings open.

“Woman” ora

Me: whoa…

Her: did you open your phone nje today?

Me: No and hello to you too.

Her: you trending…

Me: What is it now?

She hands me the laptop.

Me: (reading the headlines) Tragedy hits Tlhabeng as the Queen of Royal
Thabeng, Lindiwe Khoza reported dead in the early…

I immediately stop…
Ora: (continuing) hours of the morning, cause of death is food poisoning. Will
Prince Karabo Mokoena take the throne with his wife, Ntokozo Mokoena?


As I approach her office…

Nto: (screaming in anger) Fuckkkk!!!!

We quickly rush in her office.

We find Ora shocked and as we scan the room, a broken vase is spotted. I guess
she heard.

She is standing, hands on the desk and face filled with agony and anger. I have
never seen her this angry… never in my life.

The clan is so quiet… they know better.

Her: (breathing heavily) this is going too far Karabo.

Ora: (turning to us with rage) I agree. Y’all need to do something now.

Thapelo: Oratile, we have done all we can but …

Ora: But what? Huh? But what abhuti?

Tumisho: Young lady, I suggest you watch your tone.


This room is getting tenser and tenser every minute.

I am still shocked that she has not said anything after that statement.
Tumi: Lioness

She is still looking at me, with rage.

Tumi: way forward?


Her: Am I supposed to always be the one to do all this by myself?


Her: didn’t I tell you to get rid of Mahlubi?


Her: didn’t I?

Silence …

Her: okay this is what’s going to happen… we will all go to Botswana, right this
second, after the funeral y’all will go sit and relax as you were and I will go handle
everything ‘like I always do’.

She then takes her car keys, phone and wallet then she leaves us in her office. We
all look at each other.

Tumisho: this won’t end well.

Thabang: That is an understatement

Ora: (leaving us too) y’all talk and show no action argh…


Me: leave her… she is still in pain.

Tumi: so we going to let her find him vele or…

Me: we will have to low-key look out for her

They all look at me…

Insert 68



It is the night of the funeral of Queen Mokoena II. The Mokoenas seem to be
strong in all of this. The king is at the palace. He is not allowed to be here. The
Mokoena clan is maintaining the serious face, as usual. We just didn’t expect
Thabang (The last born in boys) to be so serious tonight. Usually, he is
surroundered by a lighter aura around him. Karabo, he has always been the
serious one. You would swear he is the oldest.

Oratile is in the arms of Thando, shedding heavy tears. Ntokozo?? She is just
numb. She is look at everything that is happening, trying so hard to be there for
everyone but you could see she is drained. The kids were also forbidden from
coming too.


We are now at the palace, family only. The guest left. We are seated by the long
table, silently. I am seated opposite Ntokozo, who is seated next to Thando.

Warona and Ona then head in, straight to Nto…

Warona: Mama, I’m hungry

Nto: (smiling) What do you want to have my love?

Him: Burger…

Ona: Homemade… just like you always do them.

Nto: (chuckling) Where is your brother?

Ona: He is in his room.

Wawa: Puberty got him early.

Nto looks very concern. To be honest, I am too. It is really not like him. Mind you,
everyone is look at them.

Nto: (smiling) Okay babies… go to the playroom and I will call you when your
burgers are ready, okay?

They then skip off to the play room.

Nto: Please excuse me.

She then walks away. I decide to follow behind.


I get to Laraona’s room and I find him on the bed.

He is sitting on the edge of it, facing down.

I knock and I enter.

Me: Cube

He just looks at me. His eyes are puffy. I kneel next to him.

Me: (holding his cheek) Hey… hey… hey… what’s wrong baby?

Him: (serious look) Mama, you may hide it form Wawa and Ona but I know. I am
not dumb.

I look at him, speechless.

Him: (Tearing up) Mama, I know gogo is no more. I saw it. She told me.

Wait, what?

Me: She told you nana?

Him: (tearing up) The night she died, she came to me and she touched my chest in
a dream. She said she was leaving on a train. She was even dressed like an angel
I pull him to my embrace and he crys his lungs out. Oh my heart just shattered
into pieces. I hate to see my babies hurt. I mean, no parent would like to see their
child cry, nor hurt.

Me: (flinching in pain) Ummm…

He is biting my collarbone area. He is feeling a lot of pain. I now feel it. He is going
through a lot.

Me: Lala, scream if it means you have to. Scream baby, I am here.


“AHHHHHHhhhhhh!!!!!!” voice

That is definitely Larona. We all rush upstairs, to his room.

When we get there, we find Nto hugging Lala tightly. She is kneeling down. She
also has tears on her eyes.

Nto: She gave it to him.

We are all confused.

Dad nods and heads out.

I am now with Nto in our room.

I made the burgers for the kids’cause I didn’t want to strain her with all the shit
she is going through. We also tucked them in bed. Ntokozo is from the shower.
She is lotioning her body.

Me: Sthandwa sami

Her: Mmh?

Me: How is he taking it?

Her: (Coming to sit next to me) He… he is not taking it okay. Especially since your
mom handed him her gift.

Me: Wait what?

Her: Yeah. He said he dreamt of Ma, the night she passed on. In the dream, she
was touching his chest and she told him she was leaving. She got on the train and
she left.

Me: Baby, I don’t think it is the gift only he got.

Her: What do you mean?


Her: Karabo?

I look at her.

Her: (realizing) No… no… no… no…

She got up, headed for the door and exited the room. I follow behind.

She is headed to Cube’s room. She opens it carefully, as I stand by the door with
my hands in my pocket.
She carefully unbuttons Cube’s PJ top, revealing his chest. She looks and sees it.
She froze for a minute then she buttons up Cube’s top again and puts the blanket
over him.

She turns to me, shocked asf.

We back in our room, on the bed, cuddling.

Her: He really is you, Mokoena.

Me: (chuckling) Yeah…

Her: Karabo, my baby is hurting so much. I have never seen him so emotional
before. I think I need to book him an appointment with a therapist ‘cause what he
is dealing with is big.


If only she knew how much guilt I feel for all this. If only she knew how I wish to
take away all the pain they are are feeling.

Her: And I know you are also hurting.


Her: (facing me) always know that I am there for you, no matter what.

I look at her and I kiss her.

Me: I know mama. Ngiyakuthanda yezwa nhliziyo?

Her: Uthandwa yimina Mokoena.

Insert 69



It has been a week since we left Botswana.

The king announced his retirement, meaning Karabo and I have to step up. I don’t
want to lie but I am nervous.

My babies are at Tumisho’s house. He insisted on taking them for a few days, just
to help them distress abit and to also give us some time.

I really didn’t see the use of it but the therapist suggested that Larona gets new
activities to do.

It is around 23h00 and I am on my way to our bedroom. As I enter…

Me: Karabo…. No….no…no… please don’t do it. Sthandwa sami, please don’t do

He just looks at me.

Me: Mokoena, ngiyakucela… cabangela izingane zakho. Ngiyakucela.

➢ (Mokoena, please… Think of the kids. Please.)

Him: I have nothing left to give mama

Me: That’s not true… you have everything to give. Baby, please put it down.
Please Karabo.

Him: (with teary eyes) You are just saying that, Ntokozo.
Me: (walking towards him) Mokoena.

He puts his finger on the trigger.

Me: (kneeling down) Ohh Karabo… you can’t do this to me. Can we for once thing
of the kids? Can we think of the clan? Can we think of Larona? Can we think of
you and i?


Me: (tearing up) Karabo, you promised me to always be there. You said we are in
this forever. What happened to that? What happened to Ruthless?

He slowly lowers the gun.

I stand up, get to him, take the gun away, throw it under the bed and I hug him
tightly. He is crying his heart out, while grabing and squeezing my waist. The pain I
am feeling right now is nothing compared to the pain I feel emotionally.

I kneel down in between his legs, cupping his face.

Me: Karabo

He looks down.

Me: face up

He lefts his face

Me: look at me

He does.

Me: You are Karabo Leon Mokoena. You don’t point a gun at your head but you
pump bullets to those that cause harm to your family. You never bow to anyone,
they bow to you. You never lose a battle…

He is coming back, slowly, but surely.

Me: … let alone a battle you haven’t started to fight. You are Ruthless. You bow to
no man.

He is back.

Me: (our foreheads entwine) You are Karabo Leon Mokoena. You worked hard for
all of this. Karabo would have just let everything go but Ruthless… Ruthless would
have fought till the last bit of him. Ruthless would have thought of his kids, his
wife and family.

His eyes say a lot.

Me: When you take that throne, you won’t take it as Karabo Leon Mokoena, son
of Lerumo Mokoena but as Ruthless Mokoena, the son of Lindiwe Khoza and
husband on Ntokozo Mokoena.

He is fully back.

Me: You are Ruthless… you don’t fear, you don’t lose and you don’t back do…
The sound of my panties ripping fills the room, as he digs his fingers on my skin.

TOXIC LOVE kerh sana!!!




I am by the dining room, livid as fuck. Ntokozo took my bike and ngapha Thabang
is still out there, no updates…

Thapelo: (livid) Tumiso, Thabang has been gone for long now… ngiyekeleni
ngiyenze lento…

➢ (… Let me go and finish this off)

Tumiso: No Thapelo!!!!!

Tumi: Tumiso… don’t you think it is best we let him do it…

Tumiso: No Tumi…

Him: Then we have no choice.

He looks at me.

Tumiso: No Itumelang, Karabo onale masepa and you know what that will lead

Him: I think that is what we need now Tumiso… MaHlubi needs an atomic bomb
to fight against him and Ruthless is the total definition of it…

Tumiso: No Itumelang!!!!! Things will be worse

Tumi: How? Because Ruthless will kill Mahlubi… clean job as always…

Tumiso: No…

Thapelo: But I opted first!!!

Tumisho: No

Thapelo then kicks the coffee table with frustration.

Tumi: down to two options… It is either Ruthless or Oratile… choose because

Thabang’s life is at risk here…

Tumiso looks at me then Oratile, who is so out of here… then he looks back at me
and signals for me to go…

Me: About damn time… yeses…

I gather my guns and I head for the door…. The door then swings open… it is

Me: (Frustrated) Yeses!!! You just had to ruin my opportunity nerh?

Thabang: Wait… why are you here? Ain’t you that side?

Me: (puzzled) What do you mean?

Him: Aowa… MaHlubi o shwile…

➢ (Mahlubi is dead)

Me: You killed him?

Him: mang? Nna? I thought one of you did it njena…

➢ (Who? Me? I thought one of you did it…)

I look at Tumiso and Thapelo and Tumi and they are puzzled too… Oratile has a
smirk on her face…
Me: (turning to her) You did it?

Her: eng?

➢ (What?)

Me: (serious face) Oratile

Her: Aowa abhuti… I did nothing…

Me: I will ask for the last time… ARE YOU BEHIND THIS?

Her: No… I am ser…

Me: (pointing at her) Oratile… don’t make me ask again…

Thapelo: keng jwale?

➢ (What’s wrong now?)

Me: botsa ausi wahho…

➢ (Ask you damn sister)

Her: I swear abhuti… ka la Mme, I didn’t do it…

➢ (I swear on mom’s grave, brother. I didn’t do it)

Me: then why were you smiling?

Her: Coz I always wanted MaHlubi dead.

Tumisho: if none of us here killed Mahlubi, then who did?

They are look at me…

Tumi: Ruthless, o kae Mme waOna?

➢ (Ruthless, where is Ona’s mom?)

Me: (hands on my face) Shit!!!

The door swings open and she enters, wearing a Black Revealing Bodycon dress
with those Black knee length boot heels. She did those wet look curls.

She then hands me the keys.

Her: Thank you.


Thapelo: You did it?

Her: Yes

Us: What?!

Tumisho: Lioness

Her: (looking at us) I told y’all that I was going to do it.

Tumi: But why?

Her: Cause y’all were too slow and I promised


It is now around 23h00 and I just finished showering. I lotioned my body, wore my
PJs and I go check on my dimes. They are all fast asleep.

As I enter our bedroom, I find Karabo leaning on the dressing table. He is shirtless
and is wearing his night grey sweatpants.
I walk to him and I hold him, with my hands travelling to his neck. He is just
looking at me.

Me: Sthandwa sami


Me: What’s the problem?


Me: Khuluma nami Mokoena

➢ (Talk to me, Mokoena)

He just looks at me.

Him: Why did you kill Mahlubi?

I untangle my hands and I move away.

Me: ‘cause I can

Him: Mama wabo, I am not joking around. Why?

Me: ‘cause y’all failed to. I did it because I couldn’t afford to bury another family
member. I killed him because he brought pain to my dimes. I did it because he
caused a lot of damage to Cube. I did it because I was protecting my family. I did it
because I was sending a message that no one messes with my family and gets
away with it, just like that. I did it for MaMokoena.


Me: (looking at him with tears) I told you that she will not die in vein. Nobody
messes with my family and goes untouchable, let alone my dimes.
I just push pass him, but he grabs my arm, aggressively. I look at him and I no
longer see him, the man I married is no longer there. All I see is Ruthless.

Me: Karabo, let go…

He grabs it even tighter.

Me: (flinching in pain) Karabo uyamngilimaza.

➢ (Karabo, you hurting me)

I am trying so hard to not be loud. I don’t want to wake up my dimes. It would be

very selfish of me to expose them to such.

Me: (screaming while biting my lower lip) Uhmm!

I am trying had to compress the screams by biting my lower lip. I am on the floor,
looking at him while holding my right cheek.

Silence in the room.

He heads to me and he pulls me to the bathroom. I try finding something to hold

on to but nothing is at reach.

He starts kicking me numerous times and all I did is compress my screams and
protect my upper body. He then kicks my arms so hard.

Me: (trying to not be loud) Ngiyaxolisa Mokoena… I am sorry Karabo.

He carries on kicking me.

Me: (scream) Karabo!!!

“What you love will be the end of you baby. Always know that Zinyane”

Those were Khulu’s last words. Now I know what she meant.

Insert 71



Sandile: Manje sizoyenza njani?

➢ (What are we going to do now, brother?

Smanga: What’s there to do Sandile?

Vika: Kodwa bhuti?

➢ (But brother?)

A glass then smashes against the wall.


The brothers are now shocked the reaction of their brother.

“Fuck Mokoena!!!”

Vuma: Bhuti, indlela phambili ithini?

➢ (Brother, what’s the way forward?)

“We will seek revenge.”

Vika: But how?

“We will kill them one – by – one. First, the young one… Cube to be specific. Then
his father, this brothers and the dear hot wife. He will be last”

Smanga: Are you crazy?! Lioness is a no go. She belongs to us.

“She is the one who pulled the trigger!!”

Sandile: But she could wipe us out within seconds bhuti.

Vika: Seconds? Nigga she could kill us in mini seconds!!!

Vuma: We will still have the clan to revenge us as well.

Vika: You idiot!!! When I said ‘us’ I mean the entire Clan

Vuma: Fuck…

“Y’all are idiots… we will go there, and revenge uBafo.”


“are we clear?!”

Everyone: Yes/ sho/ Beast.

“Mxa… niyeke ukuziphathisa kwamadilozi. Amavaka!”

➢ (Mxa… Stop acting like women. Cowards!)

Mahlubi will not die in vein. I, Siyasanga Sbusiso Twala will revenge you Bhuti. Iso

➢ (… An eye for an eye!)

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