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MES – MTC Master Course Edt 01 / Rev 10/ Date 1.04.


Change of Command (Take over command)

- A prudent master, prior to join ship, should check ship’s update information available
on internet.
- On arriving at his ship, should have a ready checklist of things to do on joining.
Nowadays we have the company’s standard of checklist for “change over command of
Master “as per company S.M. M.
‐ Note the condition of the visible exterior of the vessel, including draft marks, load line,
mooring lines, etc.,
‐ Note the standard of rigging and maintenance of accommodation ladder (or) gangway
and its accessories, which is the first hint to the general standard of the operation of the
‐ Note the crew member’s performance and awareness of ISPS on sighting access control
‐ Note the standard of maintenance of decks and visible LSA / FFE.
‐ Observe cleanliness standard and crew living standard
‐ Take the delivery from the off going master of all official documents (Ship’s certificates
and crews’ documents, etc.,) and sight them all.
‐ Obtain the combination number of the ship safe and all associated keys from off going
‐ Check and count controlled substances.
‐ Count ship’s cash and verify with all accounts.
‐ Note account reporting system and ship cash request system.
‐ Note name and address of PIC from Charterer and Owner.
‐ Note communication/ reporting system and confirm any formality reports necessary to
send to next port agent.
‐ Note any special instruction and current circular from charterer and owner.
‐ Sight classification and P & I documentation in the master’s custody.
‐ Note any deficiency and non-conformity required to verify.
‐ Make an official Log Book entry recording that change of command done (at date/ time/
port or place) with delivery all certificates and documents, ROB (FO, DO, FW), Visual
condition of vessel at the time of command change and sign it jointly with off going
‐ Enter his name, COC type and number (in the boxes on the front cover of the official
Log Book.). As per SSP, if Master is SSO, enter his name on SSP.
‐ Add his reference number in the list of the crew, name and capacity in (the list of the
crew and Report of character in OLB.
‐ Enter his particular on the list of crew on the AOA.
‐ Before sailing, receive familiarization training in accordance with STCW.
‐ Sight his personnel (life-jacket, etc.,).
‐ Inspect the master list and ensure that it is updated.
‐ Read the relevant clause of C/P (or) B/L.
‐ Note any owner’s or charterer’s voy instruction.
‐ Consult C/E on the condition of the machinery and bunker fuel and lube oil situation to
ensure safety surplus of fuel required by C/P addition to normal passage requirement.


MES – MTC Master Course Edt 01 / Rev 10/ Date 1.04.2024

‐ Consult C/O on situation with stability, cargo, ballast, flash water, stores and
maintenance of the ship.
‐ Examine (with 2/O) the passage plan for the next leg of the voyage.
‐ Check all required charts and nautical publications.
‐ Check that all crew are onboard as required by SMD.
‐ Write and update standing orders.
‐ Exercise due diligence to ensure that vessel is seaworthy at the start of the voyage.
‐ Make full inspection of the ship as soon as practicable.

“ Handing over command to a successor “

Before relinquishing command and leaving the ship the master should :
‐ Ensure that he has signed each completed page of oil Record Book, GRB, GMDSS
radio log, OLB, CRB if any, ISPS Log. Check Log book (and so on).
‐ Bring his account with owner (or) manager up to date.
‐ Count all ship’s monies.
‐ Write handover note to a succeeding master.
‐ Have all documents in order.
‐ Make the hand over in person to the succeeding master.
‐ Make entry in the narrative section of the OLB recording that he has delivered to his
successor the documents relating to the ship and its crew and then sign jointly with
on-going master.


MES – MTC Master Course Edt 01 / Rev 10/ Date 1.04.2024

Master’s Standing Orders and Master’s Night Orders

Master’s Standing Orders

The standing orders are a set of guidelines to ensure safe ship navigation and operations
whether at sea or at port.
These set of guidelines by the Master encompass a very wide array of aspects of navigation
and rules of conduct for the officers.
Standing orders are in-force and to be followed at all times the ship is at sea, at port or at
anchor by the officer on duty and are duly signed by every officer on board, making them
liable to adhere to the orders.
As per ISM code (SMS) – Master’s responsibility and authority, Company Navigation Policy
& Procedure, Bridge Procedure Guide.

Master’s Night Orders

The night orders are a supplement to the standing orders that come into force as the
Master proceeds to take rest during the night.
The standing orders are in force at all times whereas the night orders add specific points to
the withstanding standing orders. The Master writes the night orders every night, with
specific regard pertaining to the existing state of the weather, sea and traffic.
These are generally handwritten, and read these orders carefully duly signed by every OOW.
The Master is liable for the entire ship and putting that trust onto the officers is a very big
deal. The following is an example of the Master’s Night Orders:

Master Night Order

- At Sea – From:_____________ To:_________________


- At anchor: _____Anchorage – awaiting for Pilot/berth

– Shelter for bad weather
- Drifting:_______position

- Voyage No. __________

- Date and Time________
Routing Special Cases
- To comply COLREG and other Regs - Inform ETA
- Follow the laid courses - Reporting at required point
- Check and plot positions at required intervals. - Anti piracy measure at Pirate prone
- Keep proper look out and comply with ROR. - Heavy weather precaution
- Any advice for watch keeping and navigation - Any special measure as required
- Don’t hesitate to use Nav equipment - Any preparations before
- Anchor watch proceeding to pilot station
- Call master any time if in doubt - Call master at desire position

- To read and sign by each Officer on watch

- Sign by master


MES – MTC Master Course Edt 01 / Rev 10/ Date 1.04.2024


The Flag State is the State whose flag the vessel is entitled to fly. And also Flag State is the
country in which the ship is registered, and which has the jurisdiction over the ship and over
the certification of the vessel, Master and crew.

On the course of his command, Master must comply the contract of employment with the ship
owners and also the maritime legislation of the Flag State Administration.

The Master and Flag State related by the certificate of the vessel and certificate of Master.

Although the certificates of the ship are issued by the classification society on behalf of the
Flag State, the responsibility and authority for these certificates in only remain on the Flag
State. So, during his command, master should verify the vessel certificates are in order and sign
jointly with other master recording delivery of all certificates and documents in the OLB (as
per Myanmar Merchant Shipping Act section 118).

The master needs to ensure that expire date of the certificate and when the next survey or
inspection in due.

A master holding certificate of competency issued by his own national government, he must
have the knowledge of his national maritime legislation.

According to STCW 95 Regulation “Recognition of Certificate” I /10, the seafarer who present
the recognition for the certificate issued under the provision of Regulation II / 2. III / 2 (or) III
/ 3 (or) VII / 1, for the management level, they must have the appropriate knowledge of the
maritime legislation of the Administration relevant to their functions.

And furthermore, the Flag State requires the master to enter into Article of Agreement with the
crew. (MMSA 27).

‐ To maintain the discipline onboard as per law of Flag State. (MMSA 99)

‐ To assume responsibility for the safety of cargo, safety of navigation and safety of
passenger if any.

‐ To render assistance in saving of life and property at sea. (MMSA 245-P)

‐ To assume full responsibility of navigation of vessel.

‐ To properly and accurately keep all log books. (MMSA 128)

‐ To keep all vessel documents in his custody.

‐ To make all report according to the law and regulation of the flag state. (MMSA –
245-O, 246 )

‐ To cooperate in flag state investigation, especially if there is casualty accident


‐ All of fats aforesaid are the relationship between the Master and Flag State.


MES – MTC Master Course Edt 01 / Rev 10/ Date 1.04.2024


Pilot is merely an advisor to master, without having command, navigational control or
charge of vessel;
1. Pilot's duty is restricted to advising master of local conditions affecting safe navigation;
2. Master has full responsibility for navigation and manoeuvring of his ship during all acts
of pilotage.
Master should:
3. follow pilot’s advice unless that advice will endanger ship;
4. see that ship's navigation is monitored as if there were no pilot on board;
5. insist that pilot takes all reasonable precautions;
6. ensure that officers, helmsmen, etc. attend to pilot's requests with efficiency and
7. instruct OOW that he has charge of vessel whilst under pilotage, unless specifically
informed otherwise by master;
8. always state his opinion to pilot on important matters of navigation and manoeuvring;
9. warn pilot if pilot is taking or proposing to take any action of which master disapproves.
The master should interfere in pilotage:
10. when pilot is incapable through illness, drink or drugs, or when pilot gives orders to
helmsman which would, if carried out, result in breach of law.

In which waterway do pilots have extraordinary responsibility and powers? ( I 26)

In the Panama Canal,
where ships come under the navigational control of a Panama Canal pilot from the time they
enter the canal. (A Panama Canal Authority Marine Directive provides that "The pilot shall
have control of the navigation and movement of the assigned vessel”.)

Information to Long River Passage Pilot

- Self-introduction
- Ship particular
- Pilot card
- Ship manoeurving characteristic
- Present ship controlled status (heading, RPM, speed, etc.,)
- Confirm manoeuvring plan and berthing plan
- Confirm any navigation hazard and special precaution required to be taken
- Allowable Maximum sea speed RPM
- Required notice time
- Minimum bridge team member
- Means of contact to master if not on bridge
- Ask Pilot exchange plan, procedure and schedule
- Confirm fwd anchor station standby time
- Any other special required information


MES – MTC Master Course Edt 01 / Rev 10/ Date 1.04.2024

Master / Pilot information exchange (According to IMO Res A.960(23)

(1) Preparation of a completed standard pilot card
(2) Provision of information on rate of turn at different speed, turning circles, stopping
distance and, if available, other appropriate data
(3) General agreement on plans and procedures, including contingency plans, for the
intended passage
(4) Discussion of special conditions, e.g. weather, depth of water, tidal currents and
marine traffic, to be expected on the passage
(5) Discussion of any unusual ship handling characteristics, machinery difficulties,
navigational equipment problems or crew limitations that could affect the ship’s
operation, handling or safe manoeuvring
(6) Information on berthing arrangements the use, characteristics and number of tugs, and
mooring boats and other external facilities
(7) Information on mooring arrangements
(8) Confirmation of the language to be used on the bridge and external parties

Master’s Galley Inspection

When conducting galley inspection, master should inspect the followings:

- General cleanliness
- Food stowage system for daily consume
- Food’s expire date
- Pest control measure
- Food comminuter
- Cooking oil collecting and control measure
- Other garbage collecting and control measure
- Cool water-hot water system
- Water filtering condition
- Exhaust fan
- Galley fire fighting appliances and system
- Deep fat fryer fire fighting system
- Separate air conditioning system
- Temperature and condition of meat room, fish room and vegetable room
- Cold rooms alarm system
- Cleanliness and condition of Dry store room
- Food safety plan
- Galley stuff’s hygiene
- Master has to make sure that the food and drinking water provided must be nutritional
value and good quality.


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