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== No 120764 —", OFFICIAL LOG BOOK Names of masters, Certificate of Endorsement number issued hy MPA Name and address of the regisiered owner or of the registered mana; ng owner; or ofthe ship's husband or manager ate and place at which log book opened Date and place at which log book closed Delivered to the Director of Marine mp Received by the DIRECTOR OF MARINE MARITIME AND PORT AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE, This Official Log Book is published for and on behalf of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore ("MPA") for use in every ship registered in Singapore. All rights reserved, MPA disclaims all claims for damages, actual, anticipated or consequential, economic or otherwise from the use of this publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the MPA, Note: The requirements for delivery of an official log book to the Director of Marine are set out in Section 89(3) of the Merchant Shipping Act (1996) Revisedreviewed Api 2016 24 LIST OF CREW Rafeese ate Name of seaman Capacity ey made Ip arate geomeat 31 RETURNS AND ENTRIES OF BIRTH AND DEATHS, ‘A master of @ ship is required to make retuns of births and deaths on board his ship and returns of the death of any person ‘employed in the ship who dies outside the Republic of Singapore. ‘The return shall be made at the first opportunity of any (@) birth of a child in the ship; oF (b) death in the ship, including any death in the ship's boat or liferatt; or (©) a person being Tost irom the ship, a ship’s boat or liferatt; or (2) of a death wherever occurring outside the Republic of Singapore of any person employed in the ship. ‘This return should be made in accordance with the schedule stated in the Deaths) Regulation 1996, The master should also, if required at that time, give an account of (a) any moneys due to the deceased seaman, (b) any deductions from his wages and 4c) any property left on board jerchant Shipping (Returns of Births and. BIRTHS, ae | ieeorat Names (fay) Fathert G ‘aside ana longi and suman of sex ~ inh ase hi ing aru ey ncaa of ten TIF the hdl eg, paula rhage aio mnst oo bo given wiles Tr ate Jolt request given im wine, Of We Women and Ue ‘eon acknowledging hme to be the faher."e writen roquest mist be laced to the ftur of irs er. DEATH Place of death or loss itn an Tonge sVatsea) Daicot death" ose [Name and sursame of deceased (and. if rmarrigd woman, aiden sure it ko) aac oft | Occupation rake Lafknown)orage | "or profession Usual residence a IN THE OFFICIAL LOG BOOK ‘The master is also required to record substantially the same information in the official log book. He should also therefore, as soon as practicable, after the occurrence, make the necessary entzies below. The master is also required to enter in the narrative section of the log the circumstances of death and if death occurred as a result of any person being lost from a ship, or the ship’s boat or liferat, the efforts which were made to rescue the deceased person as well as other relevant pariculars, including @ statement that the deceased next-of-kin (giving name and address) has been notified. When making entries in the log book as to “cause of death”, terms such as “suicide” or “missing” should be avoided and more specific terms such as “gunshot wound in head” or “missing at sea believed killed or drowned used instead, If the master is in any doubt about any entries in the official log book he should get in touch with the Authority, Mercantile Marine Office, Shipping Division (see Note above) ete eee ‘Port at which Tithe of officer fikeranior | riamimaie | wwhom urn ‘Maiden ura orsurame e it a me, suranve ad ina ae sua rerdence wher a nae Signature of master. {see Note above) Cause of death ors (Cond by sor Siermeot | Poaacwiicn | Tie o fcr ‘Nationality. ‘the ship's doctor or other medical ee amember of ‘return is made | to whom retum is, rartoner whee pose) a there nd dae mnie ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 Regulation II-1/15" Openings in watertight bulkheads in passenger ships (This regulation applies to ships constructed on afer I February 1992 however: paragraph 6.5 applies to ships consiructed before I February 1992) 65 In ships constructed before 1 February 1992, doors which do not comply with paragraphs 6.1 10 64 shall be closed before the voyage commences, and shall be kept closed during navigation; the time of opening such doors in port and of closing them before the ship leaves port shall be entered in the official log book. Watertight doors which do not comply with paragraphs 6.1 to 64 SIN Date Time Opening/Ciosing Remarks ° Roters to Regulations in force, prior to SOLAS Amendments adopted by Resolution MSC.216(82) on § December 2006 which ‘came into force on 1 January 2009, which are applicable to ships consirueted before 1 January 2009, Reviseireviewed: | April 2016 94 ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 ‘Regulation I-1/15* Openings in watertight bulkheads in passenger ships (This regulation applies to ships constructed on or after I February 1992 but before I January 2009) Sliding watertight doors fited betwoen bunkers in the between-decks below the bulkhead deck may sometimes be open ‘at sea for the purpose of trimmaing coal. The opening and closing of these doors shal be recorded in the official log book. ‘Watertight doors fitted between bunkers in the between-decks SiN Date Time Opening/Closing Remarks * Refers to Regulations in force, prior to SOLAS Amendments adopted by Resolution MSC.216(82) on 8 December 2006 which ‘came into force on 1 January 2009, which are applicable to ships constructed before 1 January 2009. Revisadineviewed: | Apeil2016 ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 ‘Regulation 1-1/2, Prevention and control of water ingress, etc. 6 Watertight doors fitted in watertight bulkheads dividing cargo between deck spaces in accordance with regulation 13.9.1 shall be closed before the voyage commences and shall be kept closed during navigation; the time of opening such doors in port and of closing them before the ship leaves port shall be entered in the official log book. (Rey -1/15.10.2*) Watertight doors in watertight bulkheads dividing cargo between deck spaces SIN Date Time Opening/Closing Remarks prior to SOLAS Amendments adopied by Resolution MSC.216(82) on 8 December 2006 which icable to ships constructed before I January 2009. * Refers to Regulations in fore ‘eame into force on 1 January 2009, whieh are ap; Revisedreviewed: | Apel 2016 ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 Regulation 11-1/22 Prevention and control of water ingress, etc. 13 time of opening (if permissible under these regu (Reg M-1/15.11) 1s) shall be recorded in the official log book, Removal/Replacement of portable plates watertight doors Hinged doors, portable plates, sidescuttles, gengway, cargo and bunkering ports and other openings, which are required by these regulations 10 be kept closed during navigation, shall be closed before the ship leaves port. The time of closing and the SiN Date Time Opening/Closing Remarks. ** Refers to Regulations in force. prior to SOLAS Amendments adopted by Resolution MSC.216(82) on 8 December 2006 which came into force on 1 January 2009, which are applicable to ships constructed before 1 January 2009. Resisedpevewed: | April 2016 ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 Regulation I1-1/17 Openings in the shell plating of passenger ships below the margin line 3.3.2 The time of opening such sidescuttes in port and of closing and locking them before the ship leaves port shall be entered in the official log book. Opening and closing and locking of sidescuttles SIN Date Time Remarks Revisereviewed: | Apri 2016 ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 Regulation 11-1/22 Prevention and control of water ingress, ete, 14 Where in a between-decks, the sills of any of the sidescutes referred to in regulation 15.3.2 are below a line drawn, parallel to the bulkhead deck at side and having its lowest point 1.4 m plus 2.5% of the breadth of the ship above the water ‘when the ship departs from any port, all the sidescuttes in that between-decks shall be closed watertight and locked before the ship leaves port, and they shall net be opened before the ship arrives at the next port, In the application of this paragraph the appropriate allowance for fresh water may be made when applicable. -1___ The time of opening such sidescuttles in port and of closing and locking them before the ship leaves port shall bbe entered in the official log book. (Reg I-1/17:3.3.2*) Closing and locking of sidescuttles in spaces where cargo is carried SIN Date Time Remarks * Refers to Regulations in force, prior to SOLAS Amendments adopted by Resolution MSC.216(82) on 8 December 2006 which ‘came into force on | January 2009, which are applicable to ships constructed before 1 January 2009, Revicedreviewed: 1 Apri 2016 16 cargo is cartied in spaces referred 10 ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 Regulation 1-1/2 Prevention and control of water ingress, etc. regulation 15.5.2, the sidescuttles and their deadlights shall be closed watertight and locked before the cargo is shipped and such closing and locking shall be recorded in the official log book. (Reg -1/17.6.3") Closing and locking of sidescuttles in spaces where cargo is carried SiN Date Time Remarks. * Refers to Regulations in force, prior to SOLAS Amendments adopted by Resolution MSC.216(82) on 8 December 2006 which ‘came into force on 1 Janary 2009, which are applicable to ships constructed before | January 2009. Revisedreviewed: {April 2016 u ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 Regulation 11-1/20-1* Closure of cargo loading doors (This regulation applies to all passenger ships constructed before I January 2009), 5 The master shall ensure, before the ship proceeds on any voyage, that an entry inthe official log book, xs required in regulation 25, is made of the time of the last closing of the doors specified in paragraph 2 and the time of aay opening of particular doors in aceorciance with paragraph 3. Last closing of cargo loading doors, bow visors, weathertight ramps, ete and any opening of same. SiN Date Time Remarks * Refers to Regulations in force, prior to SOLAS Amendments adopted by Resolution MSC.216(82) on & December 2006 which ccame into force on 1 January 2009, which are applicable to ships constructed before 1 January 2009, Rovscdreviowel: 1 April 2016 ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 Regulation I1-1/23 Special requirements for ro-ro passenger ships 5 The master shall ensuge, before the ship Ieaves the berth on any voyage, that an entry inthe official log book, as required by regulation 22.13, is made of the time of the last closing of the accesses referred to in paragraph 3. (Reg H-1/20-2.1.6) Last closing of vehicle ramps and other access to spaces below bulkhead deck SiN Date Time Remarks * Refers to Regulations in force, prior to SOLAS Amendments adopted by Resolution MSC.216(82) on 8 December 2006 which ‘came into force on | January 2009, which are applicable to ships constructed before | January 2009. Reviedeviowe 1 Api 2016 ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 Regulation 11-1/21 Periodical operation and inspection of watertight doors, etc, in passenger ships 4 A secord ofall drills and inspections required by this regulation shall le entered inthe official lag hook with an explicit recond of any defects which may be disclosed. Drills for the operating of watertight doors, sidescuttles, valves and closing mechanisms of suppers, ash-chutes and rubbish-chutes, ete. Inspections of watertight doors, all mechanisms and indicators connected therewith, all valves in relation to ‘watertightness of a compartment and damage control crass connections, ete, (Reg 1-1/25.3%) SIN Date Time Remarks/Defects * Refers to Regulations in force, prior to SOLAS Amendments adopted by Resolution MSC.216(82) on 8 December 2006 which ‘came into foree on 1 January 2009, which are applicable to ships constructed before 1 January 2009, Revisedevewe: 1 April 2016 4 ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 Regulation 11-1/24 Prevention and control of water ingress, etc. in cargo ships 3 ‘Watertight doors or ramps fitted internally to subdivide large cargo spaces shall be closed before the voyage commences ‘and shall be kept closed during navigation; the time of opening such doors in port and of closing them before the ship leaves port shall be entered in the official log book, (Reg -1/25-9.44) Opening of watertight doors or ramps in port and closing them before leaving port SIN Date Time Opening/Closing Remarks * Refers to Regulations in force, prior to SOLAS Amendments adopted by Resolution MSC.216(82) on 8 December 2006 which came into force on I January 2009, which are applicable to ships constructed before | January 2009. Revisedreviewed: 1 Api 2010 15 ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 Regulation 11-2/20 Protection of vehicle, special category and ro-ro spaces 6 Fire extinction 6.1 Fixed fire-extinguishing systems 6.14 — When fixed pressure water-spraying systems ae fitted, in view of the serious loss of stability Which could arise due to lange quantitcs of water secumalating on the deck or decks during the operation ofthe fixed pressure water-spraying system, the following arrangements shall be provided: -1.2 im ro-ro passenger ships, discharge valves for scuppers, fitted with positive meuns of closing operable from a Position above the bulkhead deck in accordance with the requirement ofthe Intemational Convention on Load Lines in force, shall be kept open while the ships are at sea; -1.2.2 any operation of valves referred to in paragraph be recorded in the official log book Operation of discharge valves for scuppers in ro-r0 passenger ships SiN Date Time Opening/Closing Remarks: Roviscdrevewed: 1 Api 2016 5 Records ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 Regulation 11/19 Emergency training and drills 161 ‘The date when musters are held, details of abandon ship drilis and fire drills, enclosed space entry and rescue drills, deills of other life-saving appliances and on board training shall be recorded in the official log books, Lf a full muster, dill or training session is not held at the appointed time, an entry shall be made in the official log book stating the circumstances and the extent of the muster, dill or training session held, ‘Abandon ships drills and musters, fire drills, enclosed space entry and rescue drills, drills of other life-saving appliances and on-board training SiN Date Time Drillsion board training Remarks Revisedreviowo: | Api! 2016 17 ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 Regulation 111/20 Operational readiness, maintenance and inspections 7 Monthly inspections 7.2. Inspection of the life-saving appliances, including lifeboat equipment, shall be carried out monthly using the checklist required by regulation 36.1 to ensure that they are complete and in good order. A report of the inspection shall be entered in the official log book. Inspection of life-saving appliances, including lifeboat equipment SIN Date Time Life-saving appliances Remarks Revisedreviewed: 1 Api 2016 14 ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 ‘Regulation 111/20 Operational readiness, maintenance and inspections 6 Weekly inspections ‘The following tests and inspections sball be euried out weekly and a report of the inspection shall be entered in the “official log book: 1 all survival craft, rescue boats and launching appliances shall be visually inspected to ensure that they ae ready for use, The inspection shall include, but isnot limited to, the condition of hooks, their attachment to the lifeboat and the on-load release gear being properly and completely reset; 2 —_allengines in lifeboats and rescue boats shall be run for a total period of not less than 3 min, provided the ambient temperature is above the minimum temperature required for starting and running the engine. During this period of time, it should be demonstrated that the gear box and gear box train are engaging satisfactorily. Ifthe special characeristies of an ‘outbosrd motor fitted toa rescue boat would not allow it be run other than with its propeller submerged fora period of 3 min, ‘suitable water supply may be provided. In special cases, the Director may waive this requirement for ships constructed before | July 1986; 3 fifeboats, except free-fall lifeboats, on cargo ships shall be moved from their stowed position, without any persons on board, (0 the extent necessary to demonsirute satisfactory operation of launching appliances, if weather and sea A the general emergency alarm shall be tested. Inspection of life-saving appliances, including lifeboat equipment SIN Date Time Life-saving appliances Remarks Revisedreiewed: | April 2016 ‘system, Any such reason shall be recorded in the ships’ official log book. ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 Regulation V/10 Ships’ Routeing A ship shall use a mandatory ships’ routeing system adopted by the Organization as required for its category or cargo carried aad in accordance with the relevant provisions in Torce unless there are compelling reasons not to use a particular ships’ routeing SiN Date Time Reason for not using a particular ships’ routeing system Revisedeviewed: | Api 2016 3 19 ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 Regulation V/14 ships’ manning On all ships, to ensure effective crew performance in safety matters, a working language shall be established and recorded in the ship's official log book. The company, as defined in regulation IX/1, or the master, 28 appropriate, shall determine the appropriate working language. Each seafarer shall be required to understand and, where appropriate, give orders and instructions ‘nto report back in that language. If the working language is not an official language of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly, all plans and lists required to be posted shall include a translation into the working language, Record working language SiN Date Working language Remarks Revisedreviewed: 1 Apri 2016 20 ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 Regulati All ships engaged on international voyages shall Keep on board @ record of navigational activities and incidents which are of importance to safety of navigation and which must contain sufficient detail to restore a complete record of the voyage, taking {nto account the recommendations adopted by the Organization.* When such information is not maintained in the ship's official log book, it shall be niintained in another form approved by the Director. * Refer to Resolution A.916(22) ~ Guideline for the recording of events related to navigation Record of navigational activities A. Before commencing voyages 8. During the voyage C. On special events SIN | Date Time __| 0. When ship at anchor orn port Navigational activities Revisadreviowed: 1 April 2016 21 ENTRIES REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SOLAS 74 ‘Regulation V/33 Distress messages: obligations and procedures 1 ‘The master ofa ship at sea which is in a position to be able to provide assistance, on receiving a signal from any source that persons are in distress at sea, is bound to proceed with all speed to their assistance, if possible informing them or the search and rescue servive that the ship is doing so. Ifthe ship receiving the distress alert is unable or, in the special circumstances of the case, considers it unreasonable or unnecessary to proceed to their assistance, the master must enter in the official log book the reason for failing 10 proceed to the assistance of the persons in distress, taking info account the recommendation of the Organization to inform the appropriate search and rescue service accordingly. Reason for failing to proceed to the assistance of persons in distress at sea SIN Date Time __| Reason for faling to proceed to the assistance of persons in distress at sea Revizedneviewed | Api 2016 2A RECORDS OF INSPECTIONS CARRIED OUT ON SUPPLIES OF FOOD A! SECTION 70 OF THE MERCHAN (CHAP.I79) ‘ares and Ranks of Sionane of Dazat mes and an anit pation of Suposat Dacor | Siena ae, enon main the ocean Water ty, | ea mang a ENTRIES RELATING TO SHIPS IN RESPECT OF WHICH A LOAD LINE CERTIFICATE HAS BEEN ISSUED. (Patt lll of the Schedule of the Merchant Shipping (Official Log Books) Regulations 1896 LOAD LINE, DEPTH OF LOADING, Etc. POSITIONS OF THE DECK LINE AND LOAD LINES * 35(b), Part Ill of The Schedule Freehoard from Deck Line Load Line Fg cena mn gO (GI aevraceeonaart ori act pare RSE (8) Summer .. mm (S) Upper edge of line through centre of disc. Winter... ceseeeses mim QW) 20s inti mtn below (S) ‘Winter North } Atlantic mim (WA) ses eeeeeseeseeseeseseene es nt below (S) (it assigned) Allowance for fresh water for all the above freeboards:~ ar EMnaNTe seen ra HR “The upper edge of the deck line from which these freeboards are measured is. | | ole] o|o |S | om “ts Sa aa Se Rae | Bae NOTE — Masters of ships engaged on a Home-Thade Voyage are only required to record the particulars stated in columns 1108 and 15 o 17, * See Notes on page 19. naa /ATES OF DEPARTURE FROM AND ARRIVAL AT EACH DOCK. WHARF. HARBOUR OR OTHER PLACE WITH THE DRAUGHT OF WATER AND FREEBOARD UPON EVERY OCCASION OF THE SHIP PROCEEDING TO SEA (Parl of fhe Schedule ofthe Merchant Sipping (Oe Log Books) Regulaon 1888 ee sree | ae Dec mt om | So a st Dik Wart Hor oa | eee | coe anal vote Pose source | ages | steppes ios" | ee ol os”) a as as o OFFICIAL LOG Due and] Pace ofthe Occurence Howrette | “arcisoten y tate Occur ‘Longa ase eof at tres requir by Section 89, Merchant Shipping Act dhegany ate

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