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NIM : 08040222115

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Jombang, 21 February 2004, was born into the world, a boy named Muhammad Baharudin
Yusuf Hidayatulloh. Yeah, that’s me, usually called by people “Bahar”. A boy who loved blue.
Maybe some people know me as a introvert boy, but yeah is actually good statement, but in my
character as a introvert person, I have so many talents. I like and can do some sports, like
badminton, olley ball, football, and running. Since I was a toodler I had a dream become athlete,
because of that when I was in elementary school in SDN Jombatan 1, I play sports a lot. When I
was a Junior High School in SMPN 1 Kesamben, I do the same, sports again.
When I was 16 years old, my parents send me to pesantren Darul Ulum in Jombang, and send to
SMA Unggulan Darul Ulum 1, they said I must life independent, and I can did like their
espectation. My life in senior high school is going so well, I can join to school selection
Olympiad of Astronomy and other fun event at my school that’s can upgrade my skill in science
and public speaking a lot.
After senior high scholl I study at Uni..ersitas Islam Sunan Ampel, study program Accountancy.
And here I am now, an introvert boy who became a new student of UINSA. And I will always
upgrade my skills and doing hobbies here and in other place to reach my new dream.

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