G-lie-Living-in-the-IT-Era-Syllabus 2

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Republic of the Philippines


Biliran Biliran
Telefax No. (053)-500-9045
(Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular No. 1-B dated June 21, 20017)


Bachelor of Elementary Education
First Semester SY 2021- 2022

I. Course No. : GEE-LIE

II. Course Title : Living in The IT Era
III. Pre-requisite : None
IV. Co-requisite : None
V. Credit Units : 3 units
VI. Time Allotment : 3hrs/week, 54 hrs/semester

Prepared: Reviewed:

Instructor Chairman, Syllabi Review Committee Chairperson, School of Teacher Education Dean, School of Teacher
Date: ____________ Date: ______________ Biliran Campus Education
Date: _________________ Date: __________________



Vice President for Academic Affairs
Date: _____________

Brgy. San Isidro, Biliran, Biliran, Philippines 6566

Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
Website: www.bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Email: bilcam@bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Facebook: www.facebook.com/WowBiPSU

A state university leading in research and innovation for human empowerment and societal development.


To advance the university through innovative human resource, responsive research, sustainable production and demand – driven extension services.


The Biliran Province State University is committed to providing quality education through its strategic direction, “Weave of Worthiness: a 5-year Development
Plan”, by developing globally competitive graduates and intensifying instruction, research and innovation, extension and production services in compliance
with statutory and regulatory requirement by ensuring customer satisfaction that leads to the continual improvement of the quality management system.


1. To develop educators responsive to the educational needs of the Philippines society imbued with sincerity for service to bring about the holistic
development of the learners.
2. To develop teachers in basic education by providing advanced professional and academic training basically designed to the potentials and
capabilities of Biliranon and the people of Northwestern Leyte (for confirmation)


Brilliance, Innovation, Progress, Service, & Utility

Brgy. San Isidro, Biliran, Biliran, Philippines 6566

Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
Website: www.bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Email: bilcam@bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Facebook: www.facebook.com/WowBiPSU

Institutional Outcome Program Outcome P,L,O Course Outcomes

CO1. Developed and produced learners that value

1. Graduates who create proposals, thesis or projects
L the learning and understanding methods of
based on scholarly practice.
theories and concept of web content management.
CO2. Produced learners with the capability to
Leading in Research and develop a websites that apply developmental skills
Innovation and security measurements in web content
2. Graduates who develop communication materials
through the application of communication-related L
theories, models, principles and practices.
CO3. Produced learners with the capability skills to
develop websites using design theories of methods
and user experience.
3. Graduates who make use and ensure value-free
information in different formats and platforms. CO4. Produced learners that had the capability
Human Empowerment used search engine optimization for on and off
4. Graduates who exemplifies management skills in the page content and web analytics reporting.
publication process.

5. Graduates who design communication and media plan CO5. Develop and produced learners that enable
in an organization. to developed web content management and
content writing over different platform on social
Societal Development 6. Graduates who ensure media literacy in communities. O media forums, news article, video channel, and
blogs. with the capability to manage and maintain
7. Graduates who produce materials including videos, websites using custom management system or
audio and Philippine Historical Culture and Heritage. O web content management platforms.

I= Introductory E= Enabling D=Demonstrative

Brgy. San Isidro, Biliran, Biliran, Philippines 6566

Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
Website: www.bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Email: bilcam@bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Facebook: www.facebook.com/WowBiPSU

Web content management is a methodological process of theories, concept, principles, development, and management implementation of
developing websites for content articles, news, blogging, videos, graph and figures publishable for user viewing. With this subject we will able to learn and
understand the basic theories, principles, concept, development, security application, design, usability, search engine optimization, website management
and maintenance, and client management of web content management system and platform.


Course Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Learning

Week Topics Assessment Tasks Remarks
Outcomes Outcomes Activities Resources

1 CO1 The Generations and Lesson 1: Understan- Learners shall able to  Mind mapping of  LMS-Moodle
Rise of Information ding Information learn and understood to emerging  Internet
Technology Era Technology what is information technologies that Connection
technology. could help our  Paper
day-to-day lives (White/Yellow
 Article critiquing Paper)
 Pencil
 Ballpen
Lesson 2: Personal, Learners shall able to  Mind mapping of  Mobile
Social, Education, learn, understood, and the use  Laptop/Desktop
and Governmental apply information technology in
Benefits of Informat- technology to government,
ion Technology government, education, education,
social, and policies. social, and
 Article critiquing

Learners shall able to  Mind mapping of

Lesson 3: The Impact learn and understand the the impact of
of Information impact of technology and information
Technology on our application on our day-to-

Brgy. San Isidro, Biliran, Biliran, Philippines 6566

Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
Website: www.bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Email: bilcam@bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Facebook: www.facebook.com/WowBiPSU
Daily Lives day lives. technology to the
society on their
day-to-day lives
 Article critiquing

2 CO2 The Internet Lesson 1: Learners shall able to  Paper Critiquing  LMS-Moodle
Understanding learn and understand  Internet
Internet Technology what is the used, how to Connection
used, and apply internet  Paper
technology on day to day (White/Yellow
basis of an individual or Paper)
to the society.  Pencil
 Ballpen
2 Lesson 2: Dark and Learners shall able to  Paper Critiquing  Mobile
Light Side of Internet learn and understand the
 Laptop/Desktop
Technology dark and light side of
using and applying
internet technology

2 Lesson 3: Future of Learners shall able to  Paper Critiquing

the Internet learn and understand the
future of internet on
individual and society as
a user.


3 CO3 Emerging Lesson 1: Artificial Learners shall able to  Paper Critiquing  LMS-Moodle
Technologies Intelligence (AI) learn and understand  Internet
what A.I. is. Connection
 Paper
Learners shall able to  Paper Critiquing (White/Yellow
4 Lesson 2: Machine learn and understand Paper)
Learning (ML) what Machine Learning  Pencil
is.  Paper Critiquing  Ballpen

Brgy. San Isidro, Biliran, Biliran, Philippines 6566

Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
Website: www.bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Email: bilcam@bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Facebook: www.facebook.com/WowBiPSU
5 Lesson 3: Virtual  Mobile
Reality (VR) and Learners shall able to  Laptop/Desktop
Augmented Reality learn and understand
(AR) what VR & AR is.
 Paper Critiquing
6 Lesson 4: Internet of Learners shall able to
Things (IoT) learn and understand
what Internet of Things
(IoT) is.
 Paper Critiquing
7 Lesson 5: Block Learners shall able to
Chain learn and understand
what Blockchain is.
 Paper Critiquing
8 Lesson 6: Cyber Learners shall able to
Security learn and understand
what Cyber Security is.
 Paper Critiquing
9 Lesson 7: Fintech Learners shall able to
learn and understand
what Fintech is.
 Paper Critiquing
10 Lesson 8: 5G Learners shall able to
Network learn and understand
what 5 Network is.
 Paper Critiquing
11 Lesson 9: Voice Learners shall able to
Assistance and learn and understand
Robotics Technology what Voice Assistance
and Robotics Technology

 Paper Critiquing
12 Lesson 10: Predictive Learners shall able to
Analysis learn and understand

Brgy. San Isidro, Biliran, Biliran, Philippines 6566

Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
Website: www.bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Email: bilcam@bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Facebook: www.facebook.com/WowBiPSU
what Predictive Analysis

13 CO4 Law Related to Lesson 1: Republic Learners shall able to  Mind Mapping  LMS-Moodle
Information Act No. 11293 learn and understand the  Paper Critiquing  Internet
Technology Used and concept and implanting Connection
Application guide of RA 11293.  Paper
14 Lesson 2: Republic Learners shall able to Paper)
Act No. 11032 learn and understand the  Mind Mapping  Pencil
concept and implanting  Paper Critiquing  Ballpen
guide of RA 11032.  Mobile
 Laptop/Desktop
15 Lesson 3: Republic Learners shall able to
Act. No. 10844 learn and understand the  Mind Mapping
concept and implanting  Paper Critiquing
guide of RA 10844.

16 Lesson 4: Republic Learners shall able to

Act. No. 10173 learn and understand the
 Mind Mapping
concept and implanting
 Paper Critiquing
guide of RA 10173.

17 Lesson 5: Republic Learners shall able to

Act. No. 10055 learn and understand the
concept and implanting  Mind Mapping
guide of RA 10055.  Paper Critiquing


X. References

Brgy. San Isidro, Biliran, Biliran, Philippines 6566

Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
Website: www.bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Email: bilcam@bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Facebook: www.facebook.com/WowBiPSU
Demchuk A., Lytvyn V., Vysotska V., Dilai M. (2020) Methods and Means of Web Content Personalization for Commercial Information Products Distribution.
In: Lytvynenko V., Babichev S., Wójcik W., Vynokurova O., Vyshemyrskaya S., Radetskaya S. (eds) Lecture Notes in Computational Intelligence and
Decision Making. ISDMCI 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1020. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-26474-1_24

Barker, D. (2016). Web Content Management. O’Reilly Media, Inc., Gravenstein Highway Nort, Sebastopol, California

Rosenthal, A. & Eckhard, N. (2016). Writing, Directing, and Producing Documentary Films and Digital Videos | 5th Edition. Southern Illinois University Press

XI. Suggested Readings

Wilson, L.S. (2017). WordPress – Web Design for Dummies | 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, https://www.wiley.com
Messenlehner, B. & Coleman, J. (2018). Building Web Apps with WordPress | WordPress as an Application Framework. O’Reilly Media, Inc., Gravenstein
Highway North, Sebastopol, https://www.oreilly.com

Handley, A. & Chapman, C.C. (2016). How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars that Engage Customers and Ignite your Business.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

Wilson, L.S. (2019). WorPress – All-in-One for Dummies | 4th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey, https://www.wiley.com

Rice, J. & McKernan, B. (2016). Creating Digital Content. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

XII. Course Requirements

1. Compilation of activity, analysis, and application (hardcopy)

XIII. Grading Criteria

1. Attendance/Participation (Online, Offline, or Blended) - 5%

Brgy. San Isidro, Biliran, Biliran, Philippines 6566

Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
Website: www.bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Email: bilcam@bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Facebook: www.facebook.com/WowBiPSU
2. Performance Tasks - 40%
Activity (10%)
Analysis (10%)
Abstraction ( 5%)
Application (15%)

3. Course Summative Assessments (Major Exam) - 40%

Mid-Term Exam (20%)
Final Exam (20%)

4. Project - 15%
TOTAL 100%
XIV. Classroom Policies (Lifted from Student Handbook).
Maybe augmented by online etiquette for the case of online or blended learning modalities.

1. A student must be punctual and regular in his/her class attendance (e.g., online synchronous sessions and similar activities). An absence is justifiable
if caused by illness or other grave reasons and must be accompanied by an excuse letter noted by the immediate superior or by a physician if absence
was due to a medical condition.
2. Students should strive for academic excellence.
3. All course requirements are to be submitted promptly and complied.
XV. Consultation Hours

Every Wednesday, 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM.

XVI. Additional Requirements

Submit a hard copy of compilation of activity, analysis, abstraction, application, mid-term exam, final exam, and the final project at the end of the semester.

Brgy. San Isidro, Biliran, Biliran, Philippines 6566

Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
Website: www.bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Email: bilcam@bipsu.edu.ph ‫ ן‬Facebook: www.facebook.com/WowBiPSU

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