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Cambridge Primary Path Level 2

Study Guide, Unit 7

Unit Vocabulary
1 cook 9 lentil 17 broken
2 exercise 10 lock 18 cable
3 go to the park 11 marble 19 fix
4 play baseball 12 pyramid 20 instructions
5 play video games 13 toothpaste 21 robot
6 watch movies 14 ancient 22 speak
7 date 15 invent
8 key 16 responsibility

Vocabulary Review

1 Unscramble and write the words.

a b c

ilnetl clko etad


d e f

eyk remalb dimyrpa

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Cambridge Primary Path Level 2

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

cook exercise go to the park play baseball
play video games watch movies

a I like to exercise at the gym.

b I have a new game console. Let’s !

c Here’s a bat and a ball. Let’s !

d I’m hungry. Let’s something.

e I don’t watch TV, but I do like to on

rainy days.

f It’s a warm, sunny day. Let’s and play at

the playground.

Grammar in Context

Past Simple Irregular Verbs: Affirmative and Negative

3 Complete the sentences.


a My mom didn’t fly ✗ (fly) kites when she was young.

b My grandma ✓ (eat) dates when she was young.

c I ✗ (draw) pictures when I was a baby.

d My brother ✓ (ride) his bike yesterday.

e My sister ✗ (do) her homework last night.

f I ✓(have) pizza for lunch yesterday.

g I ✓(go) on vacation last month.

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Cambridge Primary Path Level 2
Past Simple Irregular Verbs: Wh- Questions

4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

left rode went What
Where Who Why wrote

a Why did you write that story?

b I it because I thought my friends would like to read my story.

c did you leave your shoes?

d I’m not sure. I think I them in the kitchen.

e did you go to school with?

f I to school with my older sister.

g did you do at the park?

h I my bike.

5 Circle the correct words.

a What did you say / said?

b Where / Who watched the movie with you?

c What / Why did you do last summer?

d Where did your brother went / go?

e I ate / eat all the strawberries yesterday.

f My mom didn’t went / go to work yesterday.

g My sister didn’t / not ride her bike this morning.

h I fly / flew my kite last weekend.

Final Grade: / 30

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Cambridge Primary Path Level 2

1 4
b lock b wrote
c date c Where
d key d left
e marble e Who
f pyramid f went
g What
h rode
b play video games
c play baseball 5
d cook b Who
e watch movies c What
f go to the park d go
e ate
f go
b ate
g didn’t
c didn’t draw
h flew
d rode
e didn’t do
f had
g went

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Cambridge Primary Path Level 2

7 Big Question: Why is free time important?

Reading Improve Your

Vocabulary Grammar Oracy Skill Phonics Strategies Writing Speaking Mission
Key Words 1: go Past Simple Speaking wh and ph Summarizing Changing Verbs Deciding What to Do
to the park, play Irregular Verbs: Clearly at the phone, Making to Show Time: in Your Free Time
video games, Affirmative and Right Pace white, Text-to-Self I am eating. Key Words: watch
watch movies, Negative Cue Cards: elephants Connections I usually eat a videos online, play
play baseball, Ancient Egyptians 14 Can you small breakfast. the piano, swim, go
cook, exercise went swimming. speak more I ate a big fishing, climb trees,
Key Words 2: Children didn’t slowly? breakfast. collect insects
pyramid, date, have any 15 Can you
responsibilities. Key Language:
lentil, lock, key, speak up?
What do you want
toothpaste, Past Simple to do on (Saturday
marble Irregular Verbs: morning/afternoon/
Key Words 3: Wh- Questions evening/night)?
invent, Why did you draw Let’s (play baseball).
responsibility, a picture? Good idea!
ancient Who did Brad put Where do you want
on the shelf? to do that?
Key Words 4:
robot, speak, What did you How about at the
instructions, fix, say? (park)?
broken, cable Where did Brad Sounds good.
leave the toys? What do we need?
We need (a bat, a
ball, and a baseball
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