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Cambridge Primary Path Level 2

Home-School Connection: Monthly Blasts

1 What’s in my neighborhood?

•• As you walk or drive around town, have your child identify buildings and say
who works in them.

Vocabulary: jobs, buildings

Language: What is that building? Who works in (the hospital)?

•• Hide a ball, and encourage your child to look for it. Give them clues when they
are close (e.g. hot) or far away (cold). Have them describe the location of the
ball when they find it.

Vocabulary: behind, between, in front of

Language: Where is the ball? It’s (behind) the chair.

2 Why are celebrations important?

•• Help your child to plan their next birthday party. Encourage them to name the
things that they should have at the party, who they will invite, and what games
they will play.

Vocabulary: birthday party items

Language: Who is going to come? What are you going to eat? What games are
you going to play?

•• Help your child to make an invitation for the birthday party they have planned
above. Be sure to include the time and the place.

Vocabulary: birthday party invitation

Language: What day is the party? What time will the party start? Where will
the party be?

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2019 Level 2 Home-School Connection: Monthly Blasts
Cambridge Primary Path Level 2

3 Why is food important?

•• With your child, make a list of all the fruits and vegetables you have eaten in
the last two weeks. Use a dictionary or look online for any words they don’t
know. Explain which one is your favorite, and ask if it is your child’s favorite, too.

Vocabulary: fruits, vegetables

Language: What fruits do we eat? What vegetables do we eat? My favorite

fruit is (a banana). What is your favorite?

•• Think of a fruit or a vegetable for every color of the rainbow. Use a dictionary
or look online for any words your child doesn’t know. See how many you can
think of for each color.

Vocabulary: colors, fruits, vegetables

Language: What are the colors of the rainbow? What fruit starts with r? What
vegetable starts with o?

•• Open the door of your refrigerator for 30 seconds, and then close it. See how
many items in the refrigerator you and your child can recall. Use a dictionary or
look online for any words they don’t know.

Vocabulary: food, drinks

Language: What food is in the refrigerator? What’s your favorite food in the

4 How does our planet change?

•• With your child, look at some photos from when they were younger. Ask them
to describe the photos using was and were. For example: I was short. You were
happy. We were at the beach.

Vocabulary: locations, emotions

Language: Where were you/we? What were you like then? How did you feel?

•• With your child, draw a picture of a volcano. Encourage them to describe and
draw what happens when a volcano erupts. Have them name the features and
processes that they know.

Vocabulary: volcano features

Language: What happens next? What is this part of a volcano called?

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2019 Level 2 Home-School Connection: Monthly Blasts
Cambridge Primary Path Level 2

5 What is music?

•• Play some of your favorite music to your child. Do they like it? Can they name
any of the instruments? Then, give your child drawing materials, and have them
draw what the music makes them think of.

Vocabulary: musical instruments

Language: Do you like this music? What instrument is playing now? What does
the music make you think of?

•• Walk around your house, and encourage your child to tell you who the different
objects you see belong to. For example: The backpack is mine. The wallet/purse
is yours.

Vocabulary: household items

Language: Whose (backpack) is this? Whose (keys) are these?

6 What do we know about dinosaurs?

•• With your child, do an online image search for dinosaurs. Ask if your child can
recognize whether the dinosaurs are carnivores or herbivores. Then, ask what
dinosaur is their favorite and why.

Vocabulary: dinosaurs

Language: Is this dinosaur a carnivore or herbivore? Which dinosaur is your

favorite? Why is it your favorite?

•• Encourage your child to tell you three things you both did yesterday. If
necessary, help them by asking them to use the verbs work, play, and paint.

Vocabulary: everyday activities

Language: What did you do yesterday? What did you work on at school? Did
you play any games? Did you paint during art class?

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2019 Level 2 Home-School Connection: Monthly Blasts
Cambridge Primary Path Level 2

7 Why is free time important?

•• Look through some photos of your last family day out or vacation. Encourage
your child to think about the food you ate and the activities you did as a family.
Use a dictionary or look online for any words they don’t know.

Vocabulary: leisure activities

Language: Where did we go? What did we eat? What did we do?

•• Talk to your child about the last party they went to. Ask them what games they
played and what food they ate. Use a dictionary or look online for any words
they don’t know.

Vocabulary: games, food

Language: What games did you play? What did you eat?

8 What is a hero?

•• Look through some of your child’s books and toys. Ask them to show you
examples of heroes and tell you why they are heroes. Encourage them to use
words like generous, caring, smart, etc. Use a dictionary or look online for any
words they don’t know.

Vocabulary: personal traits

Language: What makes this character a hero? What are they like?

•• Design a superhero with your child. Encourage your child to tell you why the
character is a hero. Use a dictionary or look online for any words they don’t

Vocabulary: personal traits and abilities

Language: What abilities/powers does our superhero have?

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2019 Level 2 Home-School Connection: Monthly Blasts
Cambridge Primary Path Level 2

9 How do inventions change our lives?

•• Make a list of everyday inventions, such as the World Wide Web, the light bulb,
television, etc. With your child, guess when they were invented and by whom.
Spend some time online trying to find out the answers.

Vocabulary: appliances, everyday technology

Language: When was (television) invented? Who invented the (light bulb)?

•• Have your child make rules for the household appliances or objects and
everyday activities. Have them use should and shouldn’t.

Vocabulary: should, shouldn’t, household objects

Language: What should you do with the (toaster)? What shouldn’t you do with
the (oven)?

•• Have your child ask you permission for anything they want to do for the next
five minutes. Encourage your child to use May I …? and Can I … ? Flip a coin to
decide whether you give them permission or not (i.e., heads = yes, tails = no).

Vocabulary: activities

Language: Yes, you may (eat a sandwich). No, you can’t (watch television).

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2019 Level 2 Home-School Connection: Monthly Blasts

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