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Genes and Behavior

An Understanding of Molecular Genetics and Heritability Is Highlights

Essential to the Study of Human Behavior
The Understanding of the Structure and Function of the
Genome Is Evolving
Genes Are Arranged on Chromosomes

The Relationship Between Genotype and Phenotype Is Often
ll behaviors are shaped by the interplay
Complex of genes and the environment. The most ste-
reotypic behaviors of simple animals are influ-
Genes Are Conserved Through Evolution
enced by the environment, while the highly evolved
Genetic Regulation of Behavior Can Be Studied in Animal behaviors of humans are constrained by innate proper-
ties specified by genes. Genes do not control behavior
A Transcriptional Oscillator Regulates Circadian Rhythm directly, but the RNAs and proteins encoded by genes
in Flies, Mice, and Humans act at different times and at many levels to affect the
Natural Variation in a Protein Kinase Regulates Activity brain. Genes specify the developmental programs that
in Flies and Honeybees assemble the brain and are essential to the properties
Neuropeptide Receptors Regulate the Social Behaviors of of neurons, glia, and synapses that allow neuronal cir-
Several Species cuits to function. Genes that are stably inherited over
Studies of Human Genetic Syndromes Have Provided generations create the machinery by which new expe-
Initial Insights into the Underpinnings of Social riences can change the brain during learning.
Behavior In this chapter, we ask how genes contribute to
Brain Disorders in Humans Result From Interactions behavior. We begin with an overview of the evidence
Between Genes and the Environment that genes do influence behavior, and then review
Rare Neurodevelopmental Syndromes Provide Insights basic principles of molecular biology and genetic
Into the Biology of Social Behavior, Perception, and transmission. We then provide examples of the way
Cognition that genetic influences on behavior have been docu-
Psychiatric Disorders Involve Multigenic Traits mented. A deep understanding of the ways that genes
Advances in Autism Spectrum Disorder Genetics regulate behavior has emerged from studies of worms,
Highlight the Role of Rare and De Novo Mutations in flies, and mice, animals whose genomes are accessible
Neurodevelopmental Disorders to experimental manipulation. Many persuasive links
Identification of Genes for Schizophrenia Highlights the between genes and human behavior have emerged
Interplay of Rare and Common Risk Variants from the analysis of human brain development and
Perspectives on the Genetic Bases of Neuropsychiatric function. Despite the formidable challenges inherent in
Disorders studying complex traits in humans, recent progress has

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Chapter 2 / Genes and Behavior  27

begun to reveal the genetic risk factors in neurodevel- methods of gene discovery that are now leading to
opmental and psychiatric syndromes such as autism, the systematic, reliable identification of specific varia-
schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder, offering another tions in DNA sequence and structure that contribute to
important avenue to clarify the relationship between human psychiatric and neurological phenotypes.
genes, brain, and behavior.

The Understanding of the Structure and

An Understanding of Molecular Genetics and Function of the Genome Is Evolving
Heritability Is Essential to the Study of
Human Behavior The related fields of molecular biology and transmis-
sion genetics are central to our modern understanding
Many human psychiatric disorders and neurological of genes. Here we summarize some key ideas in these
diseases have a genetic component. The relatives of a fields; a glossary at the end of the chapter defines com-
patient are more likely than the general population to monly used terms.
have the disease. The extent to which genetic factors Genes are made of DNA, and it is DNA that is
account for traits in a population is called heritability. passed on from one generation to the next. In most
The strongest case for heritability is based on twin stud- circumstances, exact copies of each gene are provided
ies, first used by Francis Galton in 1883. Identical twins to all cells in an organism as well as to succeeding
develop from a single fertilized egg that splits into two generations through DNA replication. The rare excep-
soon after fertilization; such monozygotic twins share tions to this general rule—new (de novo) mutations
all genes. In contrast, fraternal twins develop from two that are introduced into the DNA of either germline or
different fertilized eggs; these dizygotic twins, like somatic cells and that play an important role in disease
normal siblings, share on average half their genetic risk—are discussed later. DNA is made of two strands,
information. Systematic comparisons over many years each of which has a deoxyribose-phosphate backbone
have shown that identical twins tend to be more simi- attached to a series of four subunits: the nucleotides
lar (concordant) for neurological and psychiatric traits adenine (A), guanine (G), thymine (T), and cytosine
than fraternal twins, providing evidence of a heritable (C). The two strands are paired so that an A on one
component of these traits (Figure 2–1A). strand is always paired with a T on the complemen-
In a variation of the twin study model, the tary strand, and a G with a C (Figure 2–2). This com-
Minnesota Twin Study examined identical twins that plementarity ensures accurate copying of DNA during
were separated early in life and raised in different DNA replication and drives transcription of DNA into
households. Despite sometimes great differences in lengths of RNA called transcripts. Given that nearly all
their environment, twins shared predispositions for of the genome is double-stranded, bases or base pairs
the same psychiatric disorders and even tended to are used interchangeably as a unit of measurement. A
share personality traits, like extraversion. This study segment of the genome encompassing a thousand base
provides considerable evidence that genetic variation pairs is referred to as 1 kilobase (1 kb) or 1 kilobase
contributes to normal human differences, not just to pair (1 kbp), whereas a million base pairs are referred
disease states. to as 1 megabase (1 Mb) or 1 megabase pairs (1 Mbp).
Heritability for human diseases and behavioral RNA differs from DNA in that it is single-stranded, has
traits is usually substantially less than 100%, demon- a ribose rather than a deoxyribose backbone, and uses
strating that the environment is an important factor in the nucleoside base uridine (U) in the place of thymine.
acquiring diseases or traits. Estimates of heritability for In the human genome, approximately 20,000 genes
many neurological, psychiatric, and behavioral traits encode protein products, which are generated by trans-
from twin studies are around 50%, but heritability can lation of the linear messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence
be higher or lower for particular traits (Figure 2–1B). into a linear polypeptide (protein) sequence composed
Although studies of identical twins and other kinships of amino acids. A typical protein-coding gene consists
provide support for the idea that human behavior has a of a coding region, which is translated into the protein,
hereditary component, they do not tell us which genes and noncoding regions (Figure 2–3). The coding region
are important, let alone how specific genes influence is usually arranged in small coding segments called
behavior. These questions are addressed by studies in exons, which are separated by noncoding stretches
experimental animals in which genetic and environ- called introns. The introns are deleted from the mRNA
mental factors are strictly controlled and by modern before its translation into protein.

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28  Part I / Overall Perspective

Monozygotic twins
Dizygotic twins
Concordance for disorder





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Genes Relationship to
shared schizophrenic individual

None (general
population) 1%
(third-degree First cousin 2%
Uncle/aunt 2%

25% Nephew/niece 4%
relatives) Grandchild 5%

Half sibling 6%

Parent 6%

50% Sibling 9%
relatives) Child 13%

Dizygotic twin 17%

100% Monozygotic twin 48%

0 10 20 30 40 50
Lifetime risk of developing schizophrenia (%)

Figure 2–1 Familial risk of psychiatric disorders provides B. The risk of developing schizophrenia is greater in close rela-
evidence of heritability. tives of a schizophrenic patient. Like dizygotic twins, parents
A. Correlations between monozygotic twins for psychiatric dis- and children, as well as brothers and sisters, share 50% of their
orders are considerably greater than those between dizygotic genetic material. If only a single gene accounted for schizophre-
twins. Monozygotic twins share nearly all genes and have a nia, the risk should be the same for parents, siblings, children,
high (but not 100%) risk of sharing the disease state. Dizygotic and dizygotic twins of patients. The variation between family
twins share 50% of their genetic material. A score of zero rep- members shows that more complex genetic and environmental
resents no correlation (the average result for two random peo- factors are in play. (Adapted, with permission, from Gottesman II.
ple), whereas a score of 1.0 represents a perfect correlation. 1991.)
(Adapted from McGue and Bouchard 1998.)

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Chapter 2 / Genes and Behavior  29

Building blocks of DNA DNA strand

Sugar Base Nucleotide
phosphate 5′ 3′
+ G
Phosphate Sugar

Double-stranded DNA DNA double helix

3′ 5′ 3′ 5′
G C G C 3′ Hydrogen
Cytosine bond Guanine 5′
Sugar-phosphate O H N
C G backbone G C

G C C G Thymine Adenine
T A A phosphate H C N H N N
5′ 3′ 5′ 3′ 5′ 3′

base pairs

Figure 2–2 Structure of DNA. Four different nucleotide bases, assembled on a sugar phosphate backbone in the double-stranded
adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G), are DNA helix. (Adapted from Alberts et al. 2002.)

Many functional RNA transcripts do not encode be bound by other proteins, including transcription
proteins. In fact, in the human genome, over 40,000 factors, to regulate gene expression. These sequence
noncoding transcripts have been characterized as motifs include promoters, enhancers, silencers, and
compared with approximately 20,000 protein-coding insulators, which together allow accurate expression
genes. Such genes include ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) of the RNA in the right cells at the right time. Pro-
and transfer RNAs (tRNAs), essential components of moters are typically found close to the beginning of
the machinery for mRNA translation. Additional non- the region to be transcribed; enhancers, silencers,
coding RNAs (ncRNA) include long noncoding RNAs and insulators may reside at a distance from the
(lncRNAs), arbitrarily defined as longer than 200 bp in gene being regulated. Each type of cell has a unique
length, that do not encode proteins but can have roles complement of DNA-binding proteins that interact
in gene regulation; small noncoding RNAs of several with promoters and other regulatory sequences to
types, including small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs), that regulate gene expression and the resulting cellular
guide mRNA splicing; and microRNAs (miRNAs) that properties.
pair with complementary sequences in specific mRNAs The brain expresses a greater number of genes
to inhibit their translation. than any other organ in the body, and within the
Each cell in the body contains the DNA for every brain, diverse populations of neurons express differ-
gene but only expresses a specific subset of the genes ent groups of genes. The selective gene expression
as RNAs. The part of the gene that is transcribed into controlled by promoters, other regulatory sequences,
RNA is flanked by noncoding DNA regions that may and the DNA-binding proteins that interact with them

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30  Part I / Overall Perspective

A Gene structure

Start Stop
5′ untranslated 3′ untranslated
region region


Exon Intron Intron Exon


B Transcription


C Splicing


Start Stop

D Translation


Figure 2–3 Gene structure and expression. C. Splicing removes introns from the immature transcript and
A. A gene consists of coding regions (exons) separated by ligates the exons into a mature messenger RNA (mRNA),
noncoding regions (introns). Its transcription is regulated by which is exported from the nucleus of the cell.
noncoding regions such as promoters and enhancers that are D. Translation of the mature mRNA produces a protein product.
frequently found near the beginning of the gene.
B. Transcription leads to production of a primary single-stranded
RNA transcript that includes both exons and introns.

permits a fixed number of genes to generate a vastly Genes Are Arranged on Chromosomes
larger number of neuronal cell types and connections
The genes in a cell are arranged in an orderly fashion
in the brain.
on long, linear stretches of DNA called chromosomes.
Although genes specify the initial development
Each gene in the human genome is reproducibly
and properties of the nervous system, the experience
located at a characteristic position (locus) on a specific
of an individual and the resulting activity in specific
chromosome, and this genetic “address” can be used
neural circuits can itself alter the expression of genes.
to associate biological traits with a gene’s effects. Most
In this way, environmental influences are incorporated
multicellular animals (including worms, fruit flies,
into the structure and function of neural circuits. Some
and mice, as well as humans) are diploid; every somatic
of the principal goals of genetic studies are to unravel
cell carries two complete sets of chromosomes, one
the ways that individual genes affect biological pro-
from the mother and the other from the father.
cesses, the ways that networks of genes influence each
Humans have about 20,000 genes but only 46
other’s activity, and the ways that genes interact with
chromosomes: 22 pairs of autosomes (chromosomes
the environment.

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Chapter 2 / Genes and Behavior  31

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 Y X

Figure 2–4 A map of normal human chromosomes at dark regions allow chromosomes to be distinguished from one
metaphase illustrates the distinctive morphology of each another. (Adapted, with permission, from Watson, Tooze, and
chromosome. Characteristic sizes and characteristic light and Kurtz 1983.)

that are present in both males and females) and two through mitochondria, cytoplasmic organelles that carry
sex chromosomes (two X chromosomes in females, out metabolic processes. Mitochondria in all children
one X and one Y chromosome in males) (Figure 2–4). come from the ovum and therefore are transmitted
Each parent supplies one copy of each autosome from the mother to the child. Certain human disorders,
to the diploid offspring. Each parent also supplies including some neuromuscular degenerative diseases,
one X chromosome to female (XX) offspring, but some forms of intellectual disability, and some forms
XY males inherit their single X chromosome from of deafness, are caused by mutations in the mitochon-
their mothers and their single Y chromosome from drial DNA.
their fathers. Sex-linked inheritance was discovered
in fruit flies by Thomas Hunt Morgan in 1910. This
pattern of sex-linked inheritance associated with the The Relationship Between Genotype and
single X chromosome has been highly significant Phenotype Is Often Complex
in human genetic studies, where certain X-linked
genetic diseases are commonly observed only in The two copies of a particular autosomal gene in
males but are genetically transmitted from mothers an individual are called alleles. If the two alleles are
to their sons. identical, the individual is said to be homozygous at
In addition to the genes on chromosomes, a very that locus. If the alleles vary because of mutations,
small number of an organism’s genes are transmitted the individual is heterozygous at that locus. Males

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32  Part I / Overall Perspective

are hemizygous for genes on the X chromosome. A polymorphisms), which generally have small individual
population can have a large number of alleles of a effects on biology and behavior, and rare variants,
gene; for example, a single gene that affects human which may have larger biological effects (Box 2–1).
eye color, called OCA2, can have alleles that encode While these categorizations are useful generalizations,
shades of blue, green, hazel, or brown. Because of there are nonetheless important cases in which com-
this variation, it is important to distinguish the gen- mon polymorphisms carry large disease risks; a com-
otype of an organism (its genetic makeup) and the mon variation in the APOE gene, present in 16% of the
phenotype (its appearance). In the broad sense, a gen- population, results in a four-fold increase in the risk of
otype is the entire set of alleles forming the genome late-onset Alzheimer disease.
of an individual; in the narrow sense, it is the spe-
cific alleles of one gene. By contrast, a phenotype is
a description of a whole organism, and is a result of Genes Are Conserved Through Evolution
the expression of the organism’s genotype in a par-
ticular environment. The nearly complete nucleotide sequence of the human
If a mutant phenotype is expressed only when genome was reported in 2001, and the complete nucle-
both alleles of a gene are mutated, the resulting pheno- otide sequences of many animal genomes have also
type is called recessive. This can occur if individuals are been decoded. Comparisons between these genomes
homozygous for the mutant allele or if they are carry- lead to a surprising conclusion: the unique human spe-
ing a different damaging allele in a given gene on each cies did not result from the invention of unique new
of their chromosomes (so-called compound heterozy- human genes.
gote). Recessive mutations usually result from loss or Humans and chimpanzees are profoundly differ-
reduction of a functional protein. Recessive inheritance ent in their biology and behavior, yet they share 99%
of mutant traits is commonly observed in humans and of their protein-coding genes. Moreover, most of the
experimental animals. approximately 20,000 genes in humans are also pre-
If a mutant phenotype results from a combination sent in other mammals, such as mice, and over half of
of one mutant and one wild-type allele, the pheno- all human genes are very similar to genes in inverte-
typic trait and mutant allele are said to be dominant. brates such as worms and flies (Figure 2–5). The con-
Some mutations are dominant because 50% of the clusion from this surprising discovery is that ancient
gene product is not enough for a normal phenotype genes that humans share with other animals are regu-
(haploinsufficiency). Other dominant mutations lead lated in new ways to produce novel human properties,
to the production of an abnormal protein or to the like the capacity to generate complex thoughts and
expression of the wild-type gene product at an inap- language.
propriate time or place; if this acts antagonistically Because of this conservation of genes throughout
to the normal protein product, it is called a dominant evolution, insights from studies of one animal can
negative mutation. often be applied to other animals with related genes,
The difference between genotype and pheno- an important fact as animal experiments are often pos-
type is evident when considering the consequences sible when experiments on humans are not. For exam-
of having one normal (wild-type) allele and one ple, a gene from a mouse that encodes an amino acid
mutant allele of the same gene. Recent progress in sequence similar to a human gene usually has a similar
gene discovery in a range of neurodevelopmental function to the orthologous human gene.
disorders, including autism and epilepsy, has dem- Approximately one-half of the human genes have
onstrated that the human genome is more sensitive functions that have been demonstrated or inferred
to haploinsufficiency than previously appreciated. from orthologous genes in other organisms (Figure 2–6).
However, while the complete inactivation of both A set of genes shared by humans, flies, and even uni-
copies of a gene typically has a reliable effect, the cellular yeasts encodes the proteins for intermediary
severity and manifestation of haploinsufficiency metabolism; synthesis of DNA, RNA, and protein; cell
vary to a greater degree from individual to indi- division; and cytoskeletal structures, protein transport,
vidual, a phenomenon known as variable, partial, or and secretion.
incomplete penetrance. The evolution from single-cell organisms to mul-
Genetic variations that disturb development, ticellular animals was accompanied by an expan-
cell function, or behavior in humans fall on a con- sion of genes concerned with intercellular signaling
tinuum between common alleles (also referred to as and gene regulation. The genomes of multicellular

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Chapter 2 / Genes and Behavior  33

Box 2–1 Mutation: The Origin of Genetic Diversity

Although DNA replication generally is carried out with In humans, point mutations occur at a low sponta-
high fidelity, spontaneous errors called mutations do neous rate in oocytes and sperm, leading to mutations
occur. Mutations can result from damage to the purine present in the child but not in either parent, called
and pyrimidine bases in DNA, mistakes during the de novo mutations. Each generation, between 70 and
DNA replication process, and recombinations that occur 90 single base changes are introduced into the entire
during meiosis. genome (approximately 3 billion base pairs), of which
Changes in a single DNA base (also called a point one, on average, will cause a missense or nonsense
mutation) within a coding region fall into five general mutation in a protein-coding gene. The number of de
categories: novo point mutations is increased in the children of
older fathers, whereas the frequency of larger chromo-
1. A silent mutation changes a base but does not result some abnormalities is increased in the children of older
in an obvious change in the encoded protein. mothers.
2. A missense mutation is a point mutation that results With the sequencing of the human genome in 2001
in one amino acid in a protein being substituted for and increasingly high-resolution methods to detect
another; increasingly these are being categorized genetic variation, it is also now clear that point muta-
using both informatics and empirical evidence into tions are not the only differences in sequence between
at least two subclasses: mutations that are damag- humans. Certain sequences may be missing or repeated
ing to protein function and those that may be func- several times on a chromosome, and thus can have
tionally neutral. different numbers of copies in different individuals.
3. A nonsense mutation, where a codon (a triplet of When such variations encompass more than 1000 base
nucleotides) within the coding region specifying pairs, they are called copy number variations (CNVs).
a specific amino acid is replaced by a stop codon, Changes in more than a single base and less than 1000
resulting in a shortened (truncated) protein product. base pairs are referred to as insertion/deletions (indels).
4. A canonical splice site mutation changes a nucleotide The contribution of any genetic variation to a disease
that specifies the exon/intron boundary. or syndrome may be referred to as simple (or Mendelian)
5. A frameshift mutation, in which small insertions or or complex. In general, a simple or Mendelian mutation is
deletions of nucleotides change the reading frame, one that is sufficient to confer a phenotype without addi-
leading to the production of a truncated or abnor- tional genetic risks. This does not imply that everyone
mal protein. with the mutation will show exactly the same phenotype.
However, there is typically a highly reliable relation-
In the current literature, mutations falling into the ship between a specific disease allele and a phenotype,
latter four categories (including damaging missense one that approaches a one-to-one relationship (as seen in
mutations) are often referred to as likely gene disrupting sickle cell anemia or Huntington disease).
(LGD) mutations. In contrast, a complex genetic disorder is one in
The frequency of mutations greatly increases when which genetic risk factors change the probability of a
the organism is exposed to chemical mutagens or ion- disease but are not fully causal. This genetic contribution
izing radiation during experimental genetic studies. may involve rare mutations, common polymorphisms, or
Chemical mutagens tend to induce point mutations both, and is typically quite heterogeneous, with multiple
involving changes in a single DNA base pair or the dele- different genes and alleles having the capacity to increase
tion of a few base pairs. Ionizing radiation can induce risk or play a protective role. Most complex disorders also
large insertions, deletions, or translocations. involve a contribution from the environment.

animals, such as worms, flies, mice, and humans, typi- more different DNA-binding proteins that regulate the
cally encode thousands of transmembrane receptors, expression of other genes.
many more than are present in unicellular organisms. Many of the transmembrane receptors and DNA-
These transmembrane receptors are used in cell-to-cell binding proteins in humans are related to specific
communication in development, in signaling between orthologous genes in other vertebrates and inverte-
neurons, and as sensors of environmental stimuli. The brates. By enumerating the shared genetic heritage
genome of a multicellular animal also encodes 1,000 or of the animals, we can infer that the basic molecular

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34  Part I / Overall Perspective

Humans between mammalian genes and their invertebrate

(<1%) counterparts most often result from gene duplica-
Vertebrate Eukaryotes and tion in mammals or subtle changes in gene expression
only (22%)
prokaryotes (21%) and function, rather than the creation of entirely new

Genetic Regulation of Behavior Can Be Studied

in Animal Models

Because of the evolutionary conservation between

human and animal genes, studies in animal models
of the relationships between the genes, proteins, and
Vertebrate and
invertebrate neural circuits that underlie behavior are likely to yield
animals (24%) insight into these relationships in humans. Two impor-
Animals and other tant strategies have been applied with great success in
eukaryotes (32%) the study of gene function.
(1%) In classical genetic analysis, organisms are first sub-
jected to mutagenesis with a chemical or irradiation
Figure 2–5 Most human genes are related to genes in
other species. Less than 1% of human genes are specific to
that induces random mutations and then screened for
humans; other genes may be shared by all living things, by heritable changes that affect the behavior of interest,
all eukaryotes, by animals only, or by vertebrate animals only. say, sleep. This approach does not impose a bias as
(Adapted, with permission, from Lander et al. 2001. Copyright to the kind of gene involved; it is a random search of
© 2001 Springer Nature.) all possible mutations that cause detectable changes.
Genetic tracing of heritable changes allows the identi-
pathways for neuronal development, neurotransmis- fication of the individual genes that are altered in the
sion, electrical excitability, and gene expression were mutant organism. Thus the pathway of discovery in
present in the common ancestor of worms, flies, mice, classical genetics moves from phenotype to genotype,
and humans. Moreover, studies of animal and human from organism to gene. In reverse genetics, a specific
genes have demonstrated that the most important gene of interest is targeted for alteration, a genetically
genes in the human brain are those that are most con- modified animal is produced, and the animals with
served throughout animal phylogeny. Differences these altered genes are studied. This strategy is both
focused and biased—one begins with a specific gene—
Nucleic acid
and the pathway of discovery moves from genotype to
binding (14%) phenotype, from gene to organism.
These two experimental strategies and their more
subtle variations form the basis of experimental genetics.
Gene manipulation by classical and reverse genetics is
Molecular conducted in experimental animals, not in humans.
function transduction
unknown (16%)
(42%) A Transcriptional Oscillator Regulates Circadian
Rhythm in Flies, Mice, and Humans
The first large-scale studies of the influence of genes
on behavior were initiated by Seymour Benzer and his
Enzymes colleagues around 1970. They used random mutagen-
esis and classical genetic analysis to identify mutations
Transporters and that affected learned and innate behaviors in the fruit
Other ion channels (4%) fly Drosophila melanogaster: circadian (daily) rhythms,
various Cell structure
(5%) and adhesion courtship behavior, movement, visual perception, and
memory (Box 2–2 and Box 2–3). These induced muta-
Figure 2–6 The predicted molecular functions of 26,383 tions have had an immense influence on our under-
human genes. (Adapted, with permission, from Venter et al. 2001.) standing of the role of genes in behavior.

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Box 2–2 Generating Mutations in Experimental Animals

Random Mutagenesis in Flies of mice. This technique has been used to generate muta-
tions in various genes crucial to development or func-
Genetic analysis of behavior in the fruit fly (Drosophila) is tion in the nervous system.
carried out on flies in which individual genes have been
mutated. Mutations can be made by chemical mutagene- Restricting Gene Knockout and Regulating
sis or by insertional mutagenesis, strategies that can affect
Transgenic Expression
any gene in the genome. Similar random mutagenesis
strategies are used to create mutations in the nematode To improve the utility of gene knockout technology,
worm Caenorhabditis elegans, zebra fish, and mice. methods have been developed that restrict deletions
Chemical mutagenesis, for example with ethyl to cells in a specific tissue or at specific points in an
methanesulfonate (EMS), typically creates random point animal’s development. One method of regional restriction
mutations in genes. Insertional mutagenesis occurs exploits the Cre/loxP system. The Cre/loxP system is a site-
when mobile DNA sequences called transposable elements specific recombination system, derived from the P1 phage,
randomly insert themselves into other genes. in which the phage enzyme Cre recombinase catalyzes
The most widely used transposable elements in Dros- recombination between 34 bp loxP recognition sequences,
ophila are the P elements. P elements may be modified to which are normally not present in animal genomes.
carry genetic markers for eye color, which makes them easy The loxP sequences can be inserted into the genome
to track in genetic crosses, and they may also be modified of embryonic stem cells by homologous recombination
to alter expression of the gene into which they are inserted. such that they flank one or more exons of a gene of
To cause P element transposition, Drosophila strains interest (called a floxed gene). When the stem cells are
that carry P elements are crossed to those that do not. injected into an embryo, one can eventually breed a mouse
This genetic cross leads to destabilization and transpo- in which the gene of interest is floxed and still functional
sition of the P elements in the resulting offspring. The in all cells of the animal.
mobilization of the P element causes its transposition A second line of transgenic mice can then be gener-
into a new location in a random gene. ated that expresses Cre recombinase under the control of
a neural promoter sequence that is normally expressed
Targeted Mutagenesis in Mice in a restricted brain region. By crossing the Cre trans-
genic line of mice with the line of mice with the floxed
Advances in molecular manipulation of mammalian
gene of interest, the gene will only be deleted in those
genes have permitted precise replacement of a known
cells that express the Cre transgene.
normal gene with a mutant version. The process of gen-
In the example shown in Figure 2–8A, the gene
erating a strain of mutant mice involves two separate
encoding the NR1 (or GluN1) subunit of the N-methyl-
manipulations. A gene on a chromosome is replaced
d-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor has been flanked
by homologous recombination in a special cell line
with loxP elements and then crossed with a mouse line
known as embryonic stem cells, and the modified cell
expressing Cre recombinase under control of the CaMKII
line is incorporated into the germ cell population of the
promoter, which normally is expressed in forebrain neu-
embryo (Figure 2–7).
rons. In this particular line, expression was fortuitously
The gene of interest must first be cloned. The gene
limited to the CA1 region of the hippocampus, result-
is mutated, and a selectable marker, usually a drug-
ing in selective deletion of the NR1 subunit in this brain
resistance gene, is then introduced into the mutated
region (Figure 2–8B). Because the CaMKII promoter only
fragment. The altered gene is then introduced into
activates gene transcription postnatally, early develop-
embryonic stem cells, and clones of cells that incorpo-
mental changes are minimized by this strategy.
rate the altered gene are isolated. DNA samples of each
In addition to regional restriction of gene expres-
clone are tested to identify a clone in which the mutated
sion, control over the timing of gene expression gives the
gene has been integrated into the homologous (normal)
investigator an additional degree of flexibility and can
site, rather than some other random site.
exclude the possibility that any abnormality observed
When a suitable clone has been identified, the cells
in the phenotype of the mature animal is the result of a
are injected into a mouse embryo at the blastocyst stage
developmental defect produced by the transgene. This
(3 to 4 days after fertilization), when the embryo con-
can be done in mice by constructing a gene that can be
sists of approximately 100 cells. These embryos are then
turned on or off with a drug.
reintroduced into a female that has been hormonally
One starts by creating two lines of mice. Line 1 car-
prepared for implantation and allowed to come to term.
ries a particular transgene that is under control of the
The resulting embryos are chimeric mixtures between
promoter tetO, which is ordinarily found only in bac-
the stem cell line and the host embryo.
teria. This promoter cannot by itself turn on the gene; it
Embryonic stem cells in the mouse have the capabil-
needs to be activated by a specific transcriptional regu-
ity of participating in all aspects of development, includ-
lator. Thus the second line of mice expresses a second
ing the germline. The injected cells can become germ
transgene that encodes a hybrid transcription factor,
cells and pass on the altered gene to future generations

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Box 2–2 Generating Mutations in Experimental Animals (continued)

A ES cells growing B
in tissue culture

Remove early embryo

from pregnant mouse
Introduce a DNA
fragment containing
Altered version of altered gene into
target gene many cells
constructed by
genetic engineering
Let each cell grow to
form a colony
Inject ES cells
into early

Implant embryo formed

partly with ES cells
Test for the rare into foster mother
colony in which the
DNA fragment has
replaced one copy of
the normal gene


ES cells with one copy of target

gene replaced by mutant gene

Test somatic cells of offspring

for presence of altered gene
and breed selected mice to test
for gene in germ-line cells
Figure 2–7 Creating mutant mice strains.
(Adapted from Alberts et al. 2002.)
A. Creating mouse stem cells with specific
targeted mutations.
B. Using altered embryonic stem (ES) cells to Transgenic mouse with
create genetically modified mice. one copy of target gene
replaced by altered gene
in germ line

the tetracycline transactivator (tTA), which recognizes Altering Gene Function by RNA Interference
and binds to the tetO promoter. Expression of tTA can and CRISPR
be placed under the control of a promoter in the mouse
genome that normally drives gene transcription in only Finally, genes can be inactivated by targeting them
specific classes of neurons or specific brain regions. with modern molecular tools. One such method is
When the two lines of mice are mated, some of the RNA interference, which takes advantage of the fact
offspring will carry both transgenes. In these mice, the that most double-stranded RNAs in eukaryotic cells
tTA binds to the tetO promoter and activates the down- are routinely destroyed; the whole RNA is destroyed
stream transgene. What makes the tTA transcription fac- even if only part of it is double-stranded. By introduc-
tor particularly useful is that it becomes inactivated when ing a short RNA sequence that artificially causes a
it binds certain antibiotics, such as tetracycline, allow- selected mRNA to become double-stranded, research-
ing transgene expression to be regulated by administer- ers can activate this process to reduce the mRNA levels
ing antibiotics to mice. One can also generate mice that for specific genes.
express a mutant form of tTA called reverse tTA (rtTA). Another experimental tool is CRISPR, a method
This transactivator will not bind to tetO unless the animal in which components of a bacterial immune system
is fed doxycycline. In this case, the transgene is always are deployed in nonbacterial cells to directly attack a
turned off unless the drug is given (Figure 2–9). selected DNA sequence. To target a gene with CRISPR,

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A Regional restriction of gene expression
loxP NR1 subunit loxP Cre

CA3 loxP NR1 subunit loxP CA3

Transgenic mouse line 1: Transgenic mouse line 2:

Homozygous for floxed gene Cre is controlled by the CaMKIIα promoter;
encoding the NR1 subunit of Cre recombinase is expressed at sufficient
the NMDA glutamate receptors levels selectively in CA1 cells

In the CA1 region Cre recombinase

removes genes flanked by lox sites CA1 neuron

loxP NR1 subunit loxP



Recombination does not occur in the CA3 neuron

cells of the rest of the mouse because
Cre recombinase is not expressed

loxP NR1 subunit loxP

B Action of Cre recombinase is restricted to CA1 region receptors
Wild type Mutant




Figure 2–8 The Cre/loxP system for gene knockout in recombinase transgene, the floxed gene will be deleted by
selective regions. Cre-mediated loxP recombination only in cell type(s) in which
A. A line of mice is bred in which the gene encoding the the promoter driving Cre expression is active.
NR1 subunit of the NMDA receptor has been flanked by loxP B. In situ hybridization is used to detect mRNA for the NR1
genetic elements (transgenic mouse line 1). These so-called subunit in hippocampal slices from wild-type and mutant
“floxed NR1” mice are then crossed with a second line of mice that contain two floxed NR1 alleles and express Cre
mice in which a transgene coding for Cre recombinase is recombinase under the control of the CaMKIIa promoter.
placed under the control of a transcriptional promoter spe- In the mutant mice, expression of the mRNA for NR1 (dark
cific to a cell type or a tissue type (transgenic mouse line 2). staining) is greatly reduced in the CA1 region of the hip-
In this example, the promoter from the CaMKIIa gene is pocampus but remains normal in CA3 and the dentate gyrus
used to drive expression of the Cre gene. In progeny that (DG). (Reproduced, with permission, from Tsien, Huerta, and
are homozygous for the floxed gene and that carry the Cre Tonegawa 1996.)

Kandel-Ch02_0026-0055.indd 37 20/01/21 11:12 AM

Box 2–2 Generating Mutations in Experimental Animals (continued)

a bacterial protein (typically but not always a protein precision to the extent that they are now being considered
called CAS9) is produced together with an engineered for repair of hereditary mutations in people with severe
guide RNA that has sequence similarity with the tar- inherited genetic diseases.
get gene. The CAS9-guide RNA complex seeks out and RNA interference and CRISPR have great potential
cleaves the target sequence in the genome of the cell of to increase the power of genetic analysis because they
interest. That initial cleavage can induce point mutations, can be used on any species in which DNA or RNA can
insertions, and deletions at that site, and can also facili- be delivered to cells, including animals that are not now
tate desired recombination or genetic replacement events. used in classical genetic analysis, such as long-lived
CRISPR tools are increasing in their sophistication and birds, fish, and even primates.

Temporal restriction of gene expression

CaMK II-Asp286
CaMKII promoter tTA tetO

Transgenic mouse line 1: Transgenic mouse line 2:

tTA is expressed in mutant form of CaMKII is under
forebrain neurons control of tetO promoter, which is
inactive without bound tTA



tTA protein is made and activates
tetO promoter, leading to transcription
of mutant CaMK II-Asp286

Abnormal LTP CaMKII-Asp286

Doxycycline tTA

Mouse is fed doxycycline:

binding of doxycycline to tTA blocks
activation of tetO promoter by tTA tetO
and transcription of mutant
CaMK II-Asp286 is shut off

LTP returns to normal


Figure 2–9 The tetracycline system for temporal and the offspring express the tTA protein in a pattern
spatial regulation of transgene expression. Two independ- restricted to the forebrain. When the tTA protein binds
ent lines of transgenic mice are bred. One line expresses, to tetO, it will activate transcription of the downstream
under the control of the CaMKIIa promoter, the tetracycline gene of interest. Tetracycline (or doxycycline) given to the
transactivator (tTA), an engineered protein incorporating a offspring binds to the tTA protein and causes a conforma-
bacterial transcription factor that recognizes the bacterial tional change that leads to the unbinding of the protein
tetO operon. The second line contains a transgene of from tetO, blocking transgene expression. In this manner,
interest—here encoding a constitutively active form of mice will express CaMKII–Asp286 in the forebrain, and
CaMKII (CaMKII–Asp286) that makes the kinase persistently this expression can be turned off by administering
active in the absence of Ca2+—whose expression is under doxycycline to the mice. (Reproduced, with permission,
control of tetO. When these two lines are mated, from Mayford et al. 1996.)

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Box 2–3 Introducing Transgenes in Flies and Mice

Genes can be experimentally introduced in mice by expression of DNA. The transgene’s presence is con-
injecting DNA into the nucleus of newly fertilized eggs firmed by testing a sample of DNA from the injected
(Figure 2–10). In some of the injected eggs, the new gene, animals.
or transgene, is incorporated into a random site on one A similar approach is used in flies. The DNA
of the chromosomes. Because the embryo is at the one- to be injected is cloned into a transposable element
cell stage, the incorporated gene is replicated and ends (P element). When injected into the embryo, the DNA
up in all (or nearly all) of the animal’s cells, including becomes inserted into the DNA of germ cell nuclei.
the germline. P elements can be engineered to express genes at specific
Gene incorporation is illustrated with a coat color times and in specific cells. Transgenes may be wild-type
marker gene rescued by injecting a gene for pigment genes that restore function to a mutant or designer genes
production into an egg obtained from an albino strain. that alter the expression of other genes or code for a spe-
Mice with patches of pigmented fur indicate successful cifically altered protein.

Mouse Drosophila

Fertilized egg 50 µm 500 µm Early embryo

Microinject the gene of Microinject the gene of

interest as linear DNA interest flanked by
into pronucleus transposable element
DNA sequences
into posterior pole

Embryo Embryo
Introduce several
such embryos into Primordial germ cells
Figure 2–10 Generating transgenic mice a pseudopregnant
and flies. Here the gene injected into mouse
Some of the flies that
the mouse causes a change in coat color, develop from these embryos
while the gene injected into the fly causes carry the gene of interest
in their germ cells
a change in eye color. In some transgenic
animals of both species, the DNA is Birth
inserted at different chromosomal sites in
different cells (see illustration at bottom).
(Adapted from Alberts et al. 2002.)

Mice expressing the

gene are bred to test for Flies are bred to test
the gene in germ cells for the gene in germ cells

Transgenic mouse Transgenic Drosophila

Tandemly arranged copies of the gene Single copy of the gene is inserted
are inserted randomly into one randomly into one chromosome
chromosome in each cell in each cell
gene gene gene gene gene

Tandem array of genes Transposable element DNA ends

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40  Part I / Overall Perspective

We have a particularly complete picture of the the question back one step—what makes PER cycle?
genetic basis of the circadian control of behavior. An The answer to this question required the discovery of
animal’s circadian rhythm couples certain behaviors additional clock genes, which were discovered in flies
to a 24-hour cycle linked to the rising and setting of and also in mice.
the sun. The core of circadian regulation is an intrin- Emboldened by the success of the fly circadian
sic biological clock that oscillates over a 24-hour cycle. rhythm screens, Joseph Takahashi began similar but
Because of the intrinsic periodicity of the clock, circa- far more labor-intensive genetic screens in mice in
dian behavior persists even in the absence of light or the 1990s. He screened hundreds of mutant mice for
other environmental influences. the rare individuals with alterations in their circadian
The circadian clock can be reset, such that changes locomotion period and found a single gene mutation
in the day-night cycle eventually result in a matching that he called clock. When mice homozygous for the
shift in the intrinsic oscillator, a phenomenon famil- clock mutation are transferred to darkness, they initially
iar to any traveler recovering from jet lag. The clock experience extremely long circadian periods and later
is reset by light-driven signals transmitted by the eye a complete loss of circadian rhythmicity (Figure 2–12).
to the brain. Finally, the clock drives effector pathways The clock gene therefore appears to regulate two funda-
for specific behaviors, such as sleep and locomotion. mental properties of the circadian rhythm: the length
Benzer’s group searched through thousands of of the circadian period and the persistence of rhyth-
mutant flies to look for rare flies that failed to fol- micity in the absence of sensory input. These proper-
low circadian rhythms because of mutations in the ties are conceptually identical to the properties of the
genes that direct circadian oscillation. From this work per gene in flies.
emerged the first insight into the molecular machinery The mouse clock gene, like the per gene in flies,
of the circadian clock. Mutations in the period, or per, encodes a transcriptional regulator whose activity
gene affected all circadian behaviors generated by the oscillates through the day. The mouse CLOCK and
fly’s internal clock. fly PER proteins also shared a domain called a PAS
Interestingly, per mutations could change the cir- domain, characteristic of a subset of transcriptional
cadian clock in several ways (Figure 2–11). Arrhythmic regulators. This observation suggests that the same
per mutant flies, which exhibited no discernible intrin- molecular mechanism—oscillation of PAS-domain
sic rhythms in any behavior, lacked all function of the transcriptional regulation—controls circadian rhythm
per gene, so per is essential for rhythmic behavior. Per in flies and mice.
mutations that maintained some function of the gene More significantly, parallel studies of flies and
resulted in abnormal rhythms. Long-day alleles produced mice showed that similar groups of transcriptional
28-hour behavioral cycles, whereas short-day alleles pro- regulators affect the circadian clock in both animals.
duced a 19-hour cycle. Thus per is not just an essential After the mouse clock gene was cloned, a fly circadian
piece of the clock, it is actually a timekeeper whose activ- rhythm gene was cloned and found to be even more
ity can change the rate at which the clock runs. closely related to mouse clock, than was per. In a differ-
The per mutant has no major adverse effects other ent study, a mouse gene similar to fly per was identified
than the change in circadian behavior. This observa- and inactivated by reverse genetics. The mutant mouse
tion is important because prior to the discovery of per had a circadian rhythm defect, like fly per mutants. In
many had questioned whether there could be true other words, both flies and mice use both clock and per
“behavior genes” that were not required for the physi- genes to control their circadian rhythms. A group of
ological needs of an animal. Per does seem to be such a genes, not one gene, are conserved regulators of the
“behavior gene.” circadian clock.
How does per keep time? The protein product PER Characterization of these genes has led to an
is a transcriptional regulator that affects the expression understanding of the molecular mechanisms of circa-
of other genes. Levels of PER are regulated throughout dian rhythm and a dramatic demonstration of the sim-
the day. Early in the morning, PER and its mRNA are ilarity of these mechanisms in flies and mice. In both
low. Over the course of the day, the PER mRNA and flies and mice, the CLOCK protein is a transcriptional
protein accumulate, reaching peak levels after dusk activator. Together with a partner protein, it controls
and during the night. The levels then decrease, fall- the transcription of genes that determine behaviors
ing before the next dawn. These observations provide such as locomotor activity levels. CLOCK and its
an answer to the circadian rhythm puzzle—a central partner also stimulate the transcription of the per
regulator appears and disappears throughout the day. gene. However, PER protein represses CLOCK’s abil-
But they are also unsatisfying because they only push ity to stimulate per gene expression, so as PER protein

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Chapter 2 / Genes and Behavior  41


24 hours

Short-day mutant

19 hours

Long-day mutant

28 hours

Arrhythmic mutant

Normal Long-day

30 30
Flies emerging from pupal cases per hour

20 20

10 10

0 0

Short-day Arrhythmic
60 30

40 20

20 10

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Days Days

Figure 2–11 A single gene governs the circadian rhythms of under infrared light. Thick segments in the record indicate
behaviors in Drosophila. Mutations in the period, or per, gene activity.
affect all circadian behaviors regulated by the fly’s internal clock. B. Normal adult fly populations emerge from their pupal
(Reproduced, with permission, from Konopka and Benzer 1971.) cases in cyclic fashion, even in constant darkness. The
A. Locomotor rhythms in normal Drosophila and three strains plots show the number of flies (in each of four populations)
of per mutants: short-day, long-day, and arrhythmic. Flies were emerging per hour over a 4-day period of constant darkness.
shifted from a cycle of 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark The arrhythmic mutant population emerges without any
into continuous darkness, and activity was then monitored discernible rhythm.

accumulates, per transcription falls (Figure 2–13). The The molecular properties of per, clock, and related genes
24-hour cycle comes about because the accumulation generate all properties essential for circadian rhythm.
and activation of PER protein is delayed by many
hours after the transcription of per, a result of PER 1. The transcription of circadian rhythm genes var-
phosphorylation, PER instability, and interactions ies with the 24-hour cycle: PER activity is high at
with other cycling proteins. night; CLOCK activity is high during the day.

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42  Part I / Overall Perspective

Wild-type The detailed elucidation of this molecular clock

0 mechanism was recognized by the 2017 Nobel Prize
L/ D
in Physiology or Medicine, awarded to Jeffrey Hall,
Michael Rosbash, and Michael Young.
The same genetic network controls circadian rhythm

in humans. People with advanced sleep-phase syndrome
40 have short 20-day cycles and an extreme early-to-bed,
D early-to-rise “morning lark” phenotype. Louis Ptáček
and Ying-hui Fu found that these individuals have muta-
Clock / + tions in a human per gene. These results demonstrate that
L/ D
genes for behavior are conserved from insects to humans.
Advanced sleep-phase syndrome is discussed in the
chapter on sleep (Chapter 44).

Natural Variation in a Protein Kinase Regulates

40 LP Activity in Flies and Honeybees
In the genetic studies of circadian rhythm described
earlier, random mutagenesis was used to identify
Clock / clock
genes of interest in a biological process. All normal
L/ D individuals have functional copies of per, clock, and the
related genes; only after mutagenesis were different
alleles generated. Another, more subtle question about

the role of genes in behavior is to ask which genetic
changes may be responsible for behavioral variation
40 D among normal individuals. Work by Marla Sokolowski
and her colleagues led to the identification of the first
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Time (hours)
gene associated with variation in behavior among nor-
mal individuals in a species.
Figure 2–12 Circadian rhythm regulation by the clock gene Larvae of Drosophila vary in activity level and loco-
in mice. The records show periods of locomotor activity by motion. Some larvae, called rovers, move over long dis-
three animals: wild-type, heterozygous, and homozygous. All tances (Figure 2–14). Others, called sitters, are relatively
animals were kept on a light-dark (L/D) cycle of 12 hours for
the first 7 days, then transferred to constant darkness (D). They stationary. Drosophila larvae isolated from the wild can
later were exposed to a 6-hour light period (LP) to reset the be either rovers or sitters, indicating that these are natu-
rhythm. The circadian rhythm for the wild-type mouse has a ral variations and not laboratory-induced mutations.
period of 23.1 hours. The period for the heterozygous These traits are heritable; rover parents have rover off-
clock/+ mouse is 24.9 hours. The homozygous clock/clock mice spring and sitter parents have sitter offspring.
experience a complete loss of circadian rhythmicity on transfer
to constant darkness and transiently express a rhythm of Sokolowski used crosses between different wild
28.4 hours after the light period. (Reproduced, with permission, flies to investigate the genetic differences between
from Takahashi, Pinto, and Vitaterna. 1994. Copyright © 1994 AAAS.) rover and sitter larvae. These crosses showed that
the difference between rover and sitter larvae lies in
a single major gene, the for (forager) locus. The for
2. The circadian rhythm genes are transcription gene encodes a signal transduction enzyme, a pro-
factors that affect each other’s mRNA level, gen- tein kinase activated by the cellular metabolite cGMP
erating the oscillations. CLOCK activates per tran- (cyclic guanosine 3′,5′-monophosphate). Thus this nat-
scription and PER represses CLOCK function. ural variation in behavior arises from altered regula-
3. The circadian rhythm genes also control the tran- tion of signal transduction pathways. Many neuronal
scription of other genes that in turn affect many functions are regulated by protein kinases such as
downstream responses. For example, in flies, the the cGMP-dependent kinase encoded by the for gene.
neuropeptide gene pdf controls locomotor activity Molecules such as protein kinases are particularly
levels. significant at transforming short-term neural signals
4. The oscillation of these genes can be reset by into long-term changes in the property of a neuron or
light. circuit.

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Chapter 2 / Genes and Behavior  43

Gene and mRNA Protein PER/TIM

promoter complex

PER and TIM proteins are Ribosome
synthesized in the cytoplasm
(inactive, active)
Transcription of PER
per and tim genes

PER proteins are

unstable, but PER/TIM
complexes are stable

Repression by
complexes 12
is lost


6 18
PER/TIM dimers
0 enter the nucleus
and repress
transcription of
Dawn per and tim genes

Without stabilization
provided by TIM,
PER is degraded

Light activates cryptochrome,

which destroys TIM protein

Figure 2–13 Molecular events that drive circadian rhythm. kinases. When PER binds to TIM, PER is protected from deg-
The genes that control the circadian clock are regulated by two radation. As CLOCK drives more and more per and tim expres-
nuclear proteins, PER and TIM. These proteins slowly accumu- sion, enough PER and TIM eventually accumulate that the two
late and then bind to one another to form dimers. Once they can bind and stabilize each other, at which point they enter
form dimers, they enter the nucleus and shut off the expres- the nucleus where their own transcription is repressed. As a
sion of circadian genes including their own. They do so by inhib- result, per and tim mRNA levels fall; thereafter, PER and TIM
iting CLOCK and CYCLE, which stimulate the transcription of protein levels fall and CLOCK can (once again) drive expression
per and tim genes. of per and tim mRNA. During daylight, TIM protein is degraded
PER protein is highly unstable; most of it is degraded so quickly by signaling pathways that are regulated by light (including
that it never has a chance to repress CLOCK-dependent per cryptochrome), so PER/TIM complexes form only at night. The
transcription. The degradation of PER is regulated by at least CLOCK protein induces PER and TIM expression but is inhib-
two different phosphorylation events by different protein ited by PER and TIM proteins.

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44  Part I / Overall Perspective

Between-patch foraging
Sitters Rovers

60 Sitters

Number of individuals
Within-patch foraging
Sitters Rovers 40




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Foraging trail length (cm)

Figure 2–14 Foraging behavior of Drosophila melanogaster than sitter larvae. On agar alone, rover and sitter larvae move
rover and sitter larvae differs while feasting on patches of about equally.
yeast. (Reproduced, with permission, from Sokolowski. 2001. B. While foraging within a patch of food, rovers have longer trail
Copyright © 2001 Springer Nature.) lengths than sitters (trail lengths were measured over a period
A. Rover-type larvae move from patch to patch, whereas sitter- of 5 minutes).
type larvae stay put on a single patch for a long time. When This difference in foraging behavior maps to a single protein
foraging within a single patch, rover larvae move about more kinase gene, for, which varies in activity in different fly larvae.

Why would variability in signaling enzymes be difference illustrates how an important regulatory
preserved in wild populations of Drosophila, which gene can be recruited to different behavioral strategies
typically include both rovers and sitters? The answer is in different species.
that variations in the environment create pressure for
balanced selection for alternative behaviors. Crowded Neuropeptide Receptors Regulate the Social
environments favor the rover larva, which is more Behaviors of Several Species
effective at moving to new, unexploited food sources
in advance of competitors, whereas sparse environ- Many aspects of behavior are associated with an animal’s
ments favor the sitter larva, which exploits the current social interactions with other animals. Social behaviors
source more thoroughly. are highly variable between species, yet have a large
The for gene is also found in honeybees. Honey- innate component within a species that is controlled
bees exhibit different behaviors at different stages of genetically. A simple form of social behavior has been
their life; in general, young bees are nurses, while older analyzed in the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans.
bees become foragers that leave the hive. The for gene These animals live in soil and eat bacteria.
is expressed at high levels in the brains of active forag- Different wild-type strains exhibit profound differ-
ing honeybees and at low levels in the younger and ences in feeding behavior. Animals from the standard
more stationary nurse bees. Activation of cGMP sign- laboratory strain are solitary, dispersing across a lawn
aling in young bees can cause them to enter the forager of bacterial food and failing to interact with each other.
stage prematurely; this change could be induced by an Other strains have a social feeding pattern, joining
environmental stimulus or the bee’s advancing age. large feeding groups of dozens or hundreds of animals
Thus the same gene controls variation in a behav- (Figure 2–15). The difference between these strains is
ior in two different insects, but in different ways. In genetic, as both feeding patterns are stably inherited.
the fruit fly, variations in the behavior are expressed The difference between social and solitary worms
in different individuals, whereas in the honeybee, they is caused by a single amino acid substitution in a single
are expressed in one individual at different ages. The gene, a member of a large family of genes involved in

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Chapter 2 / Genes and Behavior  45

Figure 2–15 Feeding behavior of the roundworm Caeno- individuals mass together to feed. The difference is explained
rhabditis elegans depends on the level of activity of the by a single amino acid substitution in the neuropeptide receptor
gene coding for a neuropeptide receptor. In one strain, indi- gene. (Reproduced, with permission, from De Bono and
vidual worms graze in isolation (left), whereas in another strain, Bargmann 1998.)

signaling between neurons. This gene, npr-1, encodes a and do not engage in paternal behavior. The difference
neuropeptide receptor. Neuropeptides have long been between the behaviors of males in these species corre-
appreciated for their roles in coordinating behaviors lates with differences in the expression of the V1a class
across networks of neurons. For example, a neuropep- of vasopressin receptors in the brain. In prairie voles,
tide hormone of the marine snail Aplysia stimulates a V1a vasopressin receptors are expressed at high levels
complex set of movements and behavior patterns asso- in a specific brain region, the ventral pallidum (Figure
ciated with a single behavior, egg laying. Mammalian 2–16). In montane voles, the levels are much lower in this
neuropeptides have been implicated in feeding behav- region, although high in other brain regions.
ior, sleep, pain, and many other behaviors and physi- The importance of oxytocin and vasopressin and
ological processes. The existence of a mutation in the their receptors has been confirmed and extended by
neuropeptide receptor that alters social behavior sug- reverse genetic studies in mice, which are easier than
gests that this kind of signaling molecule is important voles to manipulate genetically. Introducing the V1a
both for generating the behavior and for generating vasopressin receptor gene from prairie voles into male
the variation between individuals. mice, which behave more like montane voles, increases
Neuropeptide receptors have also been implicated the expression of the V1a vasopressin receptor in the
in the regulation of mammalian social behavior. The ventral pallidum and increases the affiliative behavior of
neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin stimulate the male mice toward females. Thus differences between
mammalian affiliative behaviors such as pair bonding species in the pattern of expression of the vasopressin
and parental bonding with offspring. In mice, oxytocin receptor can contribute to differences in social behaviors.
is required for social recognition, the ability to iden- The analysis of vasopressin receptors in different
tify a familiar individual. Oxytocin and vasopressin rodents provides insight into the mechanisms by which
have been studied in depth in prairie voles, rodents genes and behaviors can change during evolution. Thus
that form lasting pairs to raise their young. Oxytocin evolutionary changes in the pattern of expression of the
released in the brain of female prairie voles during V1a vasopressin receptor in the ventral forebrain have
mating stimulates pair-bond formation. Likewise, altered the activity of a neural circuit, linking the func-
vasopressin released in the brain of male prairie voles tion of the ventral forebrain to the function of the vaso-
during mating stimulates pair-bond formation and pressin-secreting neurons that are activated by mating.
paternal behavior. As a result, social behaviors are altered.
The extent of pair-bonding varies substantially The importance of oxytocin and vasopressin in
between mammalian species. Male prairie voles form human social behavior is not known, but the central
long-lasting pair-bonds with females and help them role of pair-bonding and pup rearing in mammalian
raise their offspring and are described as monogamous, species suggests that these molecules might play a role
but the closely related male montane voles breed widely in our species as well.

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46  Part I / Overall Perspective

A Montane vole (nonmonogamous) B Prairie vole (monogamous)



Vasopressin Social Vasopressin Social

recognition recognition
pathway pathway

Reward Reward
pathway pathway
Ventral pallidum Ventral pallidum

Figure 2–16 Distribution of vasopressin receptors (V1a) in two B. Expression is high in the ventral pallidum of the monoga-
closely related rodent species. (Adapted, with permission, from mous prairie vole. Expression of the receptor in the ventral pal-
Young et al. 2001. Copyright © 2001 Academic Press.) lidum allows vasopressin to link the social recognition pathway
A. Receptor expression is high in the lateral septum (LS) but to the reward pathway.
low in the ventral pallidum (VP) in the montane vole, which
does not form pair bonds.

Studies of Human Genetic Syndromes developmental delay can be prevented by a low-pro-

Have Provided Initial Insights Into the tein diet. The molecular and genetic analysis of gene
Underpinnings of Social Behavior function in PKU has led to dramatic improvements in
the life of affected individuals. Since the early 1960s,
Brain Disorders in Humans Result From the United States has instituted mandatory testing
Interactions Between Genes and the Environment for PKU in newborns. Identifying children with the
genetic disorder and modifying their diet before the
The first gene discovered for a neurological disease in disease appears prevents many aspects of the disorder.
humans clearly illustrates the interaction of genes and Later chapters of this book describe many exam-
environment in determining cognitive and behavioral ples of single-gene traits that, like PKU, have led to
phenotypes. Phenylketonuria (PKU), described by AsbØrn insights into brain function and dysfunction. Certain
FØlling in Norway in 1934, affects one in 15,000 children themes have emerged from these studies. For example,
and results in severe impairment of cognitive function. a number of rare neurodegenerative disorders such as
Children with this disease have two abnormal Huntington disease and spinocerebellar ataxia result
copies of the PKU gene that codes for phenylalanine from the pathological, dominant expansion of gluta-
hydroxylase, the enzyme that converts the amino acid mate residues within proteins. The discovery of these
phenylalanine to tyrosine. The mutation is recessive polyglutamine repeat disorders highlighted the dan-
and heterozygous carrier individuals have no symp- ger to the brain of unfolded and aggregated proteins.
toms. Children who lack normal function in both cop- The discovery that epileptic seizures can be caused by
ies of the gene accumulate high blood concentrations a variety of mutations in ion channels led to the reali-
of phenylalanine from dietary proteins, which in turn zation that these disorders are primarily disorders of
leads to the production of toxic metabolites that inter- neuronal excitability.
fere with neuronal function. The specific biochemical
processes by which phenylalanine adversely affects Rare Neurodevelopmental Syndromes Provide
the brain are still not understood. Insights Into the Biology of Social Behavior,
The PKU phenotype (intellectual disability) results Perception, and Cognition
from the interaction of the genotype (the homozy-
gous pku mutation) and the environment (the diet). Neurological and developmental disorders that mani-
The treatment for PKU is thus simple and effective: fest themselves in childhood have illuminated the

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Chapter 2 / Genes and Behavior  47

importance and complexity of genetics in human brain in Williams syndrome conferred substantial risk for
function. Early evidence that genes affect specific cog- autism spectrum disorder in an individual. However,
nitive and behavioral circuitry emerged from studies of in these cases, it was rare duplications (one excess copy
a rare genetic condition known as Williams syndrome. of the region), and not deletions, that dramatically
Individuals with this disorder typically exhibit normal increased the risk for social disability. These findings,
language as well as extreme sociability; early in devel- that losses and gains in the identical set of genes may
opment, they lack the reticence children typically have lead to contrasting social phenotypes (while both typi-
in the presence of strangers. At the same time, they are cally lead to intellectual disability), further support the
profoundly impaired in spatial processing, show over- notion that domains of cognitive and behavioral func-
all intellectual disability, and have very high rates of tioning are separable but may share important molecu-
anxiety (but rarely social anxiety disorder). lar mechanisms.
The patterns of impairments in Williams syn- Fragile X syndrome is another neurodevelopmen-
drome, as compared with for example autism spec- tal disorder of childhood that provides insight into the
trum disorders, suggest that language and social skills genetics of cognitive function; unlike Williams syn-
can be separated from some other brain functions. drome, it has been mapped to a single gene on the X
Brain areas concerned with language are impaired in chromosome. Fragile X syndrome varies in its pres-
children with autism but are active or accentuated in entation. Affected children may have intellectual dis-
Williams syndrome. By contrast, general and spatial ability, poor social cognition, high social anxiety, and
intelligence is more impaired in Williams syndrome repetitive behavior; about 30% of boys with fragile X
than in about half of all children with autism spectrum syndrome meet diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum
disorder. disorder. Fragile X syndrome is also associated with a
Williams syndrome is caused by a heterozygous broader range of traits, including physical characteris-
deletion of the chromosome region 7q11.23, most often tics such as an elongated face and protruding ears.
encompassing about 1.5 Mb and 27 genes. The simplest Fragile X syndrome has been shown to result from
interpretation of this defect is that the level of expres- mutations that reduce expression of a gene called frag-
sion of the genes within the interval is reduced because ile X mental retardation protein (FMRP). Because the
there is only one copy instead of two of each gene in gene falls on the X chromosome, males lose all expres-
the region. The precise genes in the interval that influ- sion of the gene when their one copy is mutated. FMRP
ence social communication and spatial processing are protein regulates the translation of mRNAs into pro-
not yet known, but they are of great interest because of teins in neurons, in a process that is itself regulated
their potential to provide insight into the genetic regu- by neuronal activity. Regulated translation in neurons
lation of human behavior. is an important component of the synaptic plasticity
A more recent discovery in studies of autism spec- required for learning. The fragile X defect at the level
trum disorders has further highlighted the complex of translation thus cascades up to affect neuronal func-
relationship between genetic variation and social and tion, learning, and higher-order cognitive processes.
intellectual functioning first illuminated by Williams Interestingly, a large proportion of the other genes
syndrome. Within about the past decade, advances in associated with increased risk for autism spectrum
genomic technology have allowed for high-throughput disorder as well as schizophrenia are regulated by the
methods to screen the genome for variations in chro- FMRP protein.
mosomal structure, and at much higher resolution Another Mendelian disorder whose genetic basis
than was allowed by the light microscope (see Box 2–1). is well understood is Rett syndrome (discussed in
Seminal studies in 2007 and 2008 demonstrated that detail in Chapter 62). Rett syndrome is an X-linked,
individuals with autism spectrum disorder carry new progressive neurodevelopmental disorder and one
(de novo) copy number variations much more often of the most common causes of intellectual disability
than unaffected individuals. These findings led to in females. The disorder is almost always confined
some of the first discoveries of specific genomic inter- to females because canonical Rett mutations are very
vals contributing to common forms of the syndrome often lethal in the developing male embryo, which has
(ie, autism spectrum disorder without evidence of syn- a single X chromosome. Affected girls develop typi-
dromal features, also known as idiopathic or nonsyndro- cally until they are 6 to 18 months of age, when they
mic autism spectrum disorder). fail to acquire speech, show regression in intellectual
In 2011, two simultaneous large-scale studies of de functioning, and display compulsive, uncontrolled
novo copy number variations in a very well-characterized hand wringing instead of purposeful hand movement.
cohort found that precisely the same region deleted In addition, girls with Rett syndrome often show a

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48  Part I / Overall Perspective

period of markedly impaired social interaction that larger patient pool, pointing to general therapeutic
may be indistinguishable from autism spectrum dis- avenues. Similarly, pursuit of the pathophysiological
order, although it is thought that social functioning is mechanisms underlying Rett, fragile X, and other neu-
largely preserved in later life. Huda Zoghbi and her rodevelopmental disorders has already led to some of
colleagues found that the major cause of this syndrome the first attempts at rational drug development in psy-
results from mutations in the methyl CpG binding pro- chiatric syndromes.
tein 2 (MeCP2) gene. Methylation of specific CpG In the remainder of this chapter, we expand the
sequences in DNA alters expression of nearby genes, discussion of the genetics of two complex neurodevel-
and one of the established functions of MeCP2 is that it opmental and psychiatric phenotypes: autism spec-
binds methylated DNA as part of a process that regu- trum disorders and schizophrenia. Compared to the
lates mRNA transcription. rare Mendelian examples discussed earlier, the genet-
Rare syndromes have also offered some of the first ics of common forms of these conditions are indeed
insights into the genetic substrates of schizophrenia more diverse, varied, and heterogeneous, involving
(Chapter 60). For example, as first described by Robert many different genes in different individuals as well
Shprintzen and colleagues in 1978, deletions of chromo- as multiple risk genes conferring liability in combina-
some 22q11 lead to a wide range of physical and behav- tions. Moreover, for both diagnoses, while the support
ioral symptoms, including psychosis, now often referred for a genetic contribution is substantial, there is also
to as velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS), DiGeorge syn- compelling evidence for a contribution from environ-
drome, or 22q11 deletion syndrome. The initial descrip- mental factors.
tions by Shprintzen were met with some skepticism as Progress in understanding these disorders came
a result of the extremely broad range of phenotypes from the combination of rapidly advancing genomic
associated with the identical deletion. It is now widely technologies and statistical methods, a culture of
appreciated that the 22q11 deletion is the most common open data sharing, and the consolidation of very large
chromosomal abnormality associated with schizophre- patient cohorts providing adequate power to detect
nia and childhood-onset schizophrenia. Moreover, chro- very rare highly penetrant alleles as well as com-
mosomal losses of the identical region have been found mon genetic variants carrying small increments of
to be associated with large individual risks for autism. risk. Importantly, recent successes in understanding
To date, the specific genes within the region responsible both syndromes have provided a solid foundation for
for the psychiatric phenotype(s) have not been defini- the pursuit of their biological consequences and the
tively established. Moreover, recent evidence from the molecular, cellular, and circuit-level pathophysiology
autism literature suggests that it is likely that a combi- conveyed by these genetic risk factors.
nation of multiple genes within this interval, each con-
ferring relatively small individual effects, is responsible Advances in Autism Spectrum Disorder Genetics
for the social disability phenotype. Highlight the Role of Rare and De Novo Mutations
in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Psychiatric Disorders Involve Multigenic Traits Autism spectrum disorders are a collection of develop-
mental syndromes of varying severity affecting approx-
As mentioned earlier, single-gene syndromes are imately 2% to 3% of the population and characterized
rare compared to the total burden of neurodegenera- by impairment in reciprocal social communication as
tive and psychiatric disease. Consequently, one might well as stereotyped interests and repetitive behaviors.
question the rationale for studying rare disorders if There is a significant male predominance; on average,
they represent just a fraction of the total disease bur- three times as many boys as girls are affected. The
den. The reason is that rare conditions can provide clinical symptoms of autism spectrum disorders, by
insight into the biological processes involved in more definition, emerge in the first 3 years of life, although
common, complex forms of a disease. For example, highly reliable differences between affected and unaf-
among the prominent successes of human genetics has fected children are very often identifiable within the
been the discovery of rare genetic variants that lead to first months of life.
early-onset Alzheimer disease or Parkinson disease. There is considerable phenotypic variability
Individuals with these severe rare variants represent between those affected, leading to the development
a tiny subset of all individuals with these conditions, of the quite broad diagnostic classification of autism
but the identification of rare disease variants uncov- spectrum disorders. In addition, affected individu-
ered cellular processes that are also disrupted in the als have a higher frequency of seizures and cognitive

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Chapter 2 / Genes and Behavior  49

problems than the general population and often have bipolar disorder, have found that many of the same
serious impairments in adaptive functioning. How- regions increase the risk for these conditions as well.
ever, many autistic individuals are not as profoundly Moreover, studies of individuals ascertained by gen-
affected and lead highly successful lives. otype (eg, 16p11.2 deletions and duplications) have
Autism has a very strong heritable component (see found a wide variety of associated behavioral pheno-
Figure 2–1A), which is likely to account for its being types, ranging from specific language impairment to
among the first genetically complex neuropsychiatric intellectual disability to schizophrenia. This “one-to-
syndromes to yield to modern gene discovery tools many” phenomenon presents important challenges to
and methods. Autism spectrum disorder has broader illuminating specific pathophysiological mechanisms
significance because it provides insight into behaviors in psychiatric illness and to conceptualizing the steps
that are quintessentially human: language, complex from gene discovery to therapies.
intelligence, and interpersonal interactions. Impor- The widespread and replicable findings that de
tantly, the fact that the defects in social communication novo rare CNVs increase the risk for autism spectrum
seen in autism spectrum disorders can coexist with disorder and other developmental disorders imme-
normal intelligence and typical functioning in other diately raised the question of whether rare de novo
domains suggests that the brain is to some degree mutations in single genes might carry similar risks.
modular with distinct cognitive functions that can Indeed, the development of technology for low-cost,
vary independently. high-throughput DNA sequencing, initially focused on
While syndromic forms of autism spectrum disor- the coding portion of the genome, led to the identifica-
der account for a small fraction of all cases, the first tion of an excess of de novo mutations deemed likely
findings in more common so-called “idiopathic” or to disrupt gene function (LGD mutations) in affected
“nonsyndromic” forms of the disorder also demon- individuals. The repeated occurrence of these muta-
strated a role for rare mutations carrying large bio- tions in close proximity among unrelated individuals
logical effects. For example, in 2003, the sequencing of has now been exploited as a means to identify specific
genes within a region on the X chromosome deleted in risk genes for autism spectrum disorders.
a very small number of females with autistic features Large-scale studies of de novo mutations in autism
led to the discovery of rare, loss-of-function mutations spectrum disorders have now identified more than
in the gene neuroligin 4X (NLGN4X), a gene encoding a 100 associated genes, with about 45 of these reaching
synaptic adhesion molecule in excitatory neurons and the highest confidence level of statistical significance.
found in several affected male family members. Soon These genes have a wide range of known functions,
thereafter, a linkage analysis of a large pedigree with but analyses reveal a statistically significant overrepre-
intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder sentation of genes involved in synaptic formation and
showed that affected family members all carried a loss- function, and in regulation of transcription. Moreover,
of-function NLGN4X mutation. there are a greater than expected number of risk genes
De novo submicroscopic deletions and duplica- that encode RNAs that are targets of fragile X mental
tions in chromosomal structure may dramatically retardation protein and/or proteins that are active in
increase an individual’s risk for autism spectrum early brain development.
disorder. These copy number variations (CNVs)
cluster in specific regions of the genome, identifying
Identification of Genes for Schizophrenia
specific risk intervals. The earliest reports using this
Highlights the Interplay of Rare and
approach showed that the de novo CNVs at chromo-
Common Risk Variants
some 16p11.2, although present in only about 0.5% to
1% of affected individuals, carried substantial (greater Schizophrenia affects about 1% of all young adults,
than 10-fold) risk of autism spectrum disorder. Subse- causing a pattern of thought disorders and emotional
quent studies have now identified a dozen or more de withdrawal that profoundly impairs life. It is strongly
novo CNVs that carry risk, including at chromosomes heritable (see Figure 2–1B) and also has a strong envi-
16p11.2, 1q21, 15q11-13, and 3q29; deletions at 22q11, ronmental component that is associated with stress on
22q13 (deleting the gene SHANK3), and 2p16 (deleting a developing fetus. Children born just after the Dutch
the gene NXRN1); and de novo duplications of 7q11.23 Hunger Winter famine of World War II had a greatly
(the Williams syndrome region). increased risk of schizophrenia many years later, and
Interestingly, although these CNVs carry large children whose mothers were infected with the rubella
risks for autism spectrum disorder, studies of other virus during pregnancy in the 1960s pandemic were
psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia and also at considerably increased risk.

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50  Part I / Overall Perspective

Genes, as well as the environment, contribute to evidence has pointed to the involvement of a region
schizophrenia. As with autism, the sequencing of called the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in
the human genome, the development of inexpensive schizophrenia risk. Accordingly, the MHC region has
methods for genome-wide genotyping of common the strongest GWAS signal of any part of the human
variants and detection of CNVs, and the consolida- genome in the schizophrenia cohort. Detailed studies
tion of very large patient cohorts have all resulted in a made possible by the very large number of patients in
transformation in the genetics of schizophrenia. First, the cohort resolved this robust risk association signal
essentially in parallel with the findings in autism spec- in the MHC region into three different loci (and likely
trum disorders noted earlier, rare and de novo CNVs three different genes). Among these three loci, one
began to be implicated in the risk for schizophrenia by gene, encoding the complement C4 factor, has a strong
the early 2000s. A small percentage of cases are associ- and definable effect on disease risk. Steven McCarroll
ated with chromosomal abnormalities that carry large and his colleagues showed that the complement C4
risks, including, for example, deletions at chromo- locus represents a natural case of CNV, that healthy
some 22q11. These chromosomal abnormalities over- individuals vary substantially in the number of copies
lap entirely, or nearly so, with those loci implicated of the gene they have, and that the level of expression
in autism spectrum disorders, but the distribution of of the C4A allele correlates with increasing schizophre-
risk among deletions and duplications at these loci nia risk. Subsequent follow-up studies showed that
does not appear to be identical. For instance, although mice with knockouts of the C4 gene had a deficit in
duplications and deletions of the 16p11.2 region are synaptic pruning during development, suggesting the
both associated with autism spectrum disorders and hypothesis that excess C4A in humans might cause
schizophrenia, duplications of the region are more excessive synaptic pruning, a process that has long
likely to lead to schizophrenia, whereas deletions are been of interest in the schizophrenia literature.
more likely to be seen with autism spectrum disorders This finding represents an important demonstra-
and intellectual disability. tion of the ability to link genomics to a possible bio-
With regard to schizophrenia, the most impor- logical mechanism for increased disease risk. Even
tant development of the last decade and a half has so, an individual with the highest-risk C4 haplotype
been the emergence of common variant genome-wide who did not have a family history of schizophrenia
association studies (GWASs). In contrast to studies of would on average increase from having a 1% chance
hypothesis-driven candidate genes described earlier, of being affected to approximately a 1.3% chance of
genome-wide association relies on assaying polymor- being affected as a result of this allele. To get a sense
phisms at every gene in the genome simultaneously. of scale, having a first-degree relative with schizo-
This hypothesis-free approach, when used with well- phrenia results in an approximately 10-fold increase
powered cohorts and appropriate correction for mul- in risk. This promising start and its limits reflect the
tiple comparisons, has proven to be a highly reliable challenges that geneticists and neurobiologists now
and reproducible strategy for identifying common risk face in moving from successful common variant gene
alleles in common disorders across all of medicine. discovery to the elaboration of the specific mecha-
GWASs involving nearly 40,000 cases and 113,000 nisms leading to human pathology.
controls have resulted in the identification of 108 risk In addition to identifying numerous specific risk
loci for schizophrenia. The effects attributable to any loci, GWASs in schizophrenia have repeatedly found
individual genetic variant in this set have been quite that the small individual effects of many common
modest, typically accounting for a less than 25% alleles add up to increase risk. These results provide
increase in risk. Moreover, many of the genetic poly- an additional, powerful avenue to study genotype-
morphisms assayed in GWASs map to regions outside phenotype relationships in aggregate. Indeed, it is
of the coding segment of the genome. Consequently, already clear that the number of risk alleles that an
although 108 risk loci have been identified, it is not yet individual carries can have a significant (and addi-
entirely clear which genes correspond to all of these tive) impact on the risk of developing the disorder. For
risk variants. In some cases, the variations mapped instance, those in the top decile for a so-called poly-
sufficiently close to a single gene that such a relation- genic risk score—a summary statistic relating to the
ship could be reasonably inferred; in other cases, this overall amount of additive genetic risk an individual
remains to be determined. carries—are at 8- to 20-fold increased risk compared
The genes implicated in schizophrenia risk provide to the general population. Although the biology of
a starting point for determining the biology under- the cumulative effect is not yet known, the observa-
lying the disorder. For example, since the late 1990s, tion nonetheless sets the stage for studying a series

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Chapter 2 / Genes and Behavior  51

of interesting questions related to disease trajectory and hew to categorical diagnostic criteria, it is nonetheless
treatment response and will almost certainly reinvigor- a formidable conceptual challenge to consider how the
ate studies combining neuroimaing and genomics. These field will trace these effects and arrive at new thera-
latter types of investigations, similar to early efforts at peutic strategies.
common variant discovery, have suffered from poor In addition, it is worthwhile noting that for many
reliability due to the inherent limitations of studying other psychiatric conditions that have not yet seen the
selected, biologically plausible candidate genes. type of progress noted earlier, the calculus is straight-
Finally, high-throughput sequencing methods, simi- forward: greater investment and larger sample sizes
lar to those employed in autism spectrum disorders, will lead to greater insight. For example, recent stud-
have begun to yield results in schizophrenia as well. ies of de novo mutations in Tourette syndrome and
Specifically, exome sequencing in search of rare and de obsessive-compulsive disorder clearly demonstrate
novo risk alleles has been pursued with some success. that the rate-limiting factor for the identification of high
However, such studies require much larger cohorts to confidence risk genes is the availability for sequencing
identify statistically significant risks for LGD muta- of parent-child trios. In a similar vein, GWAS studies
tions compared to autism spectrum disorders, sug- of major depression have only very recently reached
gesting that the overall effect size of these types of sample sizes adequate to confirm statistically signifi-
variations is likely to be substantially less in schizo- cant associated common variants. These studies have
phrenia. To date, these investigations have identified a included hundreds of thousands of individuals and,
handful of risk genes and implicated key neurobiologi- not surprisingly, have identified risk alleles carrying
cal pathways. In particular, recent exome studies have very small individual effects.
pointed to the importance of the molecules within the This last point highlights the idea that one size
activity-regulated cytoskeleton (ARC) complex, as does not fit all for the genomics of behavioral, devel-
well as the gene set domain containing 1A (SETDIA), as opmental, and psychiatric disorders. From the inves-
relevant for schizophrenia pathogenesis. tigations of model systems, to the illumination of rare
Mendelian disorders, to the disentangling of both
common and rare variants contributing to common
Perspectives on the Genetic Bases of disorders, the tools and opportunities available today
Neuropsychiatric Disorders are unprecedented. The coming years should see deep
insights into the biology of psychiatric and neurode-
Genes affect many aspects of behavior. There are velopmental disorders, and perhaps therapies with the
remarkable similarities in personality traits and psychi- potential to help patients and their families.
atric illnesses in human twins, even those raised sepa-
rately. Domestic and laboratory animals can be bred
for particular, stable behavioral traits; and increasingly, Highlights
the contributions of a wide range of genetic variations
for neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders are 1. Rare genetic syndromes such as fragile X syn-
being discovered. drome, Rett syndrome, and Williams syndrome
A series of parallel advances have ushered in an have provided important insights into the molec-
era of remarkable opportunity to understand the ular mechanisms of complex human behaviors.
relationship between genes, brain, and behavior. The Moreover, while considerable work remains to be
armamentarium available to manipulate and study done, the study of these syndromes has already
model systems has been revolutionized. At the same challenged the notion that associated cognitive
time, progress in defining the genetic risk factors for and behavioral deficits are immutable and has
human neuropsychiatric disorders has advanced con- demonstrated the utility of a wide range of model
siderably. Although the field remains in an early stage systems in illuminating conserved biological
in this process, multiple examples of the value of suc- mechanisms.
cessful gene discovery, and its application to deep bio- 2. The sequencing of the human genome, the devel-
logical understanding, have emerged. opment of high-throughput genomic assays, and
Among the many striking findings from recent simultaneous computing and methodological
genetic studies of neurodevelopmental and psychi- advances have led to a profound change in the
atric conditions is the overlap in genetic risks across understanding of the genetics of human behav-
a wide range of diagnostic boundaries. While it may ior and psychiatric illness. Several paradigmatic
not come as much of a surprise that biology does not disorders, including schizophrenia and autism,

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52  Part I / Overall Perspective

have seen dramatic progress, leading to the Centromere. Chromosomes contain a compact region
identification of dozens of definitive risk genes known as a centromere, where sister chromatids (the
and chromosomal regions. two exact copies of each chromosome that are formed
3. The maturation of the field of psychiatric genetics after replication) are joined.
and genomics over the past decade has revealed Cloning. The process of generating sufficient copies of a
the frailty of testing pre-specified candidate genes. particular piece of DNA to allow it to be sequenced or
These types of studies have now been supplanted studied in some other way.
by genome-wide scans of both common and rare Complementary DNA (cDNA). A DNA sequence made
alleles. Coupled with rigorous statistical frame- from a messenger RNA molecule, using an enzyme
works and consensus statistical thresholds, these called reverse transcriptase. cDNAs can be used experi-
are yielding highly reliable and reproducible mentally to determine the sequence of messenger
results. RNAs after their introns (non–protein-coding sections)
4. At present, the cumulative evidence suggests that have been spliced out.
the full range of genetic variations underlies com- Conservation of genes. Genes that are present in two
plex behavioral syndromes, including common distinct species are said to be conserved, and the two
and rare, transmitted and de novo, germline and genes from the different species are called orthologous
somatic, and sequence and chromosomal struc- genes. Conservation can be detected by measuring the
tural variation. However, the relative contribu- similarity of the two sequences at the base (RNA or
tions of these various types of genetic changes DNA) or amino acid (protein) level. The more simi-
vary for a given disorder. larities there are, the more highly conserved the two
5. A striking finding from recent advances in the sequences.
genetics of human behavior has been the over- Copy number variation (CNV). A deletion or duplication
lap of genetic risks for syndromes with distinct of a limited genetic region that results in an individual
symptoms and natural histories. Understanding having more or fewer than the usual two copies of
how and why an identical mutation may lead to some genes. Copy number variations are observed in
highly diverse phenotypic outcomes in differ- some neurological and psychiatric disorders.
ent individuals will be a major challenge for the CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindro-
future. mic Repeats). An enzyme-RNA system in which the
6. Findings across common psychiatric disorders enzyme cleaves target sequences that match an RNA
point to extremely high rates of genetic hetero- guide; the RNA guide can be engineered to recognize
geneity. This, coupled with the biological pleiot- a desired gene or sequences within a cell for mutation.
ropy of the risk genes that have been identified to Euchromatin. The gene-rich regions of a genome (see
date, as well as the dynamism and complexity of also heterochromatin).
human brain development, all point to important Eukaryote. An organism with cells that have a com-
challenges ahead in moving from an understand- plex internal structure, including a nucleus. Animals,
ing of risk genes to an understanding of behav- plants, and fungi are all eukaryotes.
ior. Similarly, at present, an important distinction Genome. The complete DNA sequence of an organism.
can be made between illuminating the biology of Genotype. The set of genes that an individual carries;
risk genes and unraveling the pathophysiology of usually refers to the particular pair of alleles (alterna-
behavioral syndromes. tive forms of a gene) that a person has at a given region
of the genome.
Haplotype. A particular combination of alleles (alter-
Glossary1 native forms of genes) or sequence variations that
are closely linked—that is, are likely to be inherited
Allele. Humans carry two sets of chromosomes, one together—on the same chromosome.
from each parent. Equivalent genes in the two sets Heterochromatin. Compact, gene-poor regions of a
might be different, for example, because of single genome, which are enriched in simple sequence repeats.
nucleotide polymorphisms. An allele is one of the two Introns and exons. Genes are transcribed as continuous
(or more) forms of a particular gene. sequences, but only some segments of the resulting mes-
senger RNA molecules contain information that encodes
a protein product. These segments are called exons. The
regions between exons are known as introns and are
Based on Bork P, Copley R. 2001. Genome speak. Nature 409:815. spliced from the RNA before the product is made.

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Chapter 2 / Genes and Behavior  53

Long and short arms. The regions on either side of the Translation. The process of using a messenger RNA
centromere are known as arms. As the centromere is sequence to synthesize a protein. The messenger RNA
not in the center of the chromosome, one arm is longer serves as a template on which transfer RNA molecules,
than the other. carrying amino acids, are lined up. The amino acids
Messenger RNA (mRNA). Proteins are not synthesized are then linked together to form a protein chain.
directly from genomic DNA. Instead, an RNA tem-
plate (a precursor mRNA) is constructed from the
sequence of the gene. This RNA is then processed in
various ways, including splicing. Spliced RNAs des-
tined to become templates for protein synthesis are
known as mRNAs.
Mutation. An alteration in a genome compared to some
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reference state. Mutations do not always have harmful Cornelia I. Bargmann
effects. T. Conrad Gilliam
Phenotype. The observable properties and physical
characteristics of an organism.
Polymorphism. A region of the genome that varies
between individual members of a population. To be
called a polymorphism, a variant should be present in Selected Reading
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Prokaryote. A single-celled organism with a simple 2002. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th ed. New York: Gar-
internal structure and no nucleus. Bacteria and archae- land Publishing. Also searchable at http://www.ncbi
bacteria are prokaryotes.
Proteome. The complete set of proteins encoded by the Allada R, Emery P, Takahashi JS, Rosbash M. 2001. Stopping
time: the genetics of fly and mouse circadian clocks. Annu
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Restriction endonuclease. An enzyme that cleaves DNA neering using CRISPR/Cas systems. Science 339:819–823.
at a particular short sequence. Different types of restric- Griffiths AJF, Gelbart WM, Miller JH, Lewontin RC. 1999.
tion endonuclease cleave at different sequences. Modern Genetic Analysis. New York: Freeman. Also search-
RNA interference (RNAi). A method for reducing the able at
function of a specific gene by introducing into a cell db=Books.
International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium. 2001.
small RNAs with complementarity to the targeted
Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome.
mRNA. Pairing of the mRNA with the small RNA
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Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). A polymorphism Charpentier E. 2012. A programmable dual-RNA-guided
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Splicing. The process that removes introns (noncod- Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, OMIM. McKusick-
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