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6 Aqueous Humor Dynamics and

Intraocular Pressure Elevation


Summary the lens, cornea, and avascular tissues of the anterior

chamber angle and to flush away their metabolic waste
A primary function of the production and circulation of aqueous products. Other functions include transport of neurotrans-
humor is the maintenance of IOP at a healthy and stable level. mitters, stabilization of the ocular structure, and regulation
When IOP becomes elevated, as seen in ocular hypertension, of the homeostasis of ocular tissues. The circulation of
primary open-angle glaucoma, and various syndromes described aqueous humor also provides the mechanism for removal
in this chapter, it is always accompanied by a reduction in of inflammatory cells and mediators under some pathologi-
outflow facility. Changes in uveoscleral outflow are not cal conditions, and it enables drugs to be distributed to the
consistent among the various syndromes. Uveoscleral outflow
is reduced with aging, ocular hypertension, and exfoliation
different ocular structures.
syndrome, unchanged in pigment dispersion syndrome Aqueous humor is produced in a series of steps (Fig. 6-2),
accompanied by elevated IOP, and may be increased in severe starting with a copious amount of blood flowing through
glaucoma. Aqueous flow is increased in glaucomatocyclitic crisis, the core of the ciliary processes. Plasma from the blood
and unchanged in all other conditions in which IOP is increased. moves by ultrafiltration into the tissue spaces of the ciliary
It is clear that each of these conditions associated with elevated process stroma, a process involving the flow of water and
IOP produces distinctive changes in aqueous humor dynamics. water-soluble substances across the capillary endothelium
Tailoring a treatment to target the specific abnormality is a in response to a hydrostatic pressure gradient.1 Next,
logical approach in the management of ocular hypertension and anions, cations, and other substances are actively trans-
ported across the nonpigmented ciliary epithelial cells and
deposited into the clefts between cells. The ions create a
hyperosmotic environment and subsequent diffusion of
Introduction water into the intercellular spaces. The intercellular spaces
are closed by tight junctions at the apical end and opened
A fine balance between the production, circulation, and to the posterior chamber at the basal end, a design that
drainage of ocular aqueous humor (aqueous humor directs the flow of fluid into the posterior chamber. Nutri-
dynamics) is essential to maintain intraocular pressure ents and other substances necessary for the survival of the
(IOP) at a steady-state level, provide nutritive support to avascular ocular tissues are added by diffusion to this fluid
avascular ocular tissues, and keep the shape of the globe as it courses through the anterior chamber. Additionally,
constant. Parameters of aqueous humor dynamics include some solutes such as iodopyracet, p-aminohippurate, and
the rate of aqueous humor production, the facility of prostaglandins are removed from the aqueous humor by the
trabecular outflow (outflow facility, the inverse of outflow ciliary epithelium itself.2,3
resistance), the rate of fluid drainage through the uveoscle- The rate of aqueous flow is relatively constant, with little
ral outflow pathway, and the pressure in the episcleral veins physiological need for variation. A true regulatory mecha-
(Fig. 6-1). When one or more of these parameters is altered nism to control the flow rate has not been found. There is a
and the balance between inflow and outflow is disturbed, predictable rhythm of aqueous flow throughout a 24-hour
various pathological conditions affecting IOP can result. day (Table 6-1). In healthy humans, aqueous flow is highest
Elevated IOP is usually attributed to an increase in resist- in the late morning and lowest in the middle of the night.
ance to outflow but other factors may be involved. Under- The flow rate at night during sleep is only 43% of the rate
standing the complex mechanisms that regulate aqueous in the morning after awakening.4 Daytime aqueous flow
humor circulation is essential for better management of averages about 2.9 µL/min in young healthy humans and
glaucoma. To that end, this chapter explores aqueous 2.2 µL/min in those over 80 years of age.5 During one’s
humor dynamics in healthy eyes and in various syndromes lifetime, the rate of aqueous flow slows at a rate of about
affecting IOP. 2.4% per decade.5
The mechanisms regulating the circadian rhythm of
aqueous flow have been elusive. A series of clinical studies6
Aqueous Humor Dynamics in the has found that aqueous flow is stimulated by β-adrenergic
Healthy Human Eye agonists including epinephrine, norepinephrine, terbuta-
line, and isoproterenol. Corticosteroids appear to augment
the catecholamine effect.7 Melatonin might be involved in
the nocturnal nadir of aqueous flow.8 Inconsistent with
Ocular aqueous humor is produced continuously by the these findings are other studies reporting that subjects
ciliary processes of the ciliary body to supply nutrients to treated with topical epinephrine had reduced rather than

48 SECTION 2 • Pathogenesis

Trabecular meshwork Cornea 11 increased aqueous flow9 and patients with surgical adrena-
Schlemm’s canal
lectomy who completely lacked circulating epinephrine had
Anterior normal rhythms of aqueous flow.10 A mixture of various
Collector channel chamber
hormonal factors of varying concentrations may be only a
5 Iris 11 3
Episcleral vein part of the complex formula needed to regulate the circa-
4 dian rhythm of aqueous flow.
Lymphatic vessel 6 The rate of aqueous production by the ciliary processes
10 11 cannot be measured in the living eye but it can be estimated
Lens by monitoring the movement of fluid through the anterior
6 9 chamber (aqueous flow). In a clinical research setting,
7 Ciliary Ciliary aqueous flow is measured by the method known as fluoro-
8 muscle processes photometry (Fig. 6-3).11 First, multiple drops of fluorescein
Emissarial canal are applied topically to the cornea to establish a corneal
6 depot. Over a period of several hours, fluorescein from the
Choroid cornea diffuses into the anterior chamber, mixes with
aqueous humor, and begins to drain through the anterior
chamber angle. With a fluorophotometer, the fluorescein
concentrations in the cornea and anterior chamber are
7 Choroidal blood vessel Vitreous cavity
2 measured periodically for several hours. The log of the fluo-
rescein concentrations is plotted over time. The total fluo-
Figure 6-1 Aqueous humor dynamics. Aqueous humor that is rescein mass in the anterior segment is the product of the
secreted into the posterior chamber (1) flows across the vitreous cavity
(2) or through the pupil into the anterior chamber (3). Fluid circulates fluorescein concentrations in the cornea and anterior
around the anterior chamber and eventually drains into the anterior chamber and their respective volumes. The aqueous flow
chamber angle (4). Aqueous humor drains from the anterior chamber rate is calculated by the mass of fluorescein lost from the
angle via two routes, the trabecular meshwork, Schlemm’s canal, col- cornea and anterior chamber over time, divided by
lector channels and episcleral veins (5), or the uveoscleral outflow
route. The latter route starts with the ciliary muscle. From there, fluid
the average concentration in the anterior chamber during
may flow in many directions, including: across the sclera (6), within the the time interval.6
supraciliary and suprachoroidal spaces (7), through emissarial canals Fluorophotometry is a very well-established method with
(8), into uveal vessels (9) and vortex veins (not drawn), and possibly good reproducibility12 but four important limitations and
into ciliary processes (10) where it could be secreted again. Lymphatic assumptions associated with this technique require
vessels, recently identified in the uvea, also may contribute to ocular
fluid dynamics. (Redrawn with permission, from Figures 1 and 3 of Toris consideration:
CB. Aqueous humor dynamics I, measurement methods and animal 1. Diffusion of fluorescein into the iris, limbal vessels, and
studies. The eye’s aqueous humor. In: Mortimer M. Civan, ed. Current
topics in membranes, Vol. 62. Elsevier: San Diego; 2008; 193–229.) tear film is assumed.6,13 It also is assumed that the diffu-
sion rate remains undisturbed during an experimental
manipulation. It is difficult to measure aqueous flow in
eyes with uveitis because of the increased permeability

Posterior chamber

ciliary epithelium
Ciliary process
ciliary epithelium
Solute pump

Osmotic Water and

water flux solute flow
Tight Solute pump

Ciliary body Blood flow

Figure 6-2 Aqueous humor production. Aqueous humor is produced in a series of steps. An ultrafiltrate of blood that flows through the ciliary process
moves across the leaky capillaries into the core of the process (ultrafiltration). Solute and fluid from the core are actively transported via solute pumps
into the intercellular spaces of the nonpigmented epithelium (secretion). An osmotic gradient draws water into the intercellular space. Water and solute
diffuse in the direction opposite the tight junction at the apical end, and into the posterior chamber. The figure on the right is an enlargement of the
intercellular spaces between two nonpigmented ciliary epithelial cells.
6 • Aqueous Humor Dynamics and Intraocular Pressure Elevation 49

Table 6-1 Average Values of Aqueous Humor Dynamics in Healthy Humans

Parameter Mean Value Comments Method of Select References
IOP (mmHg) 18.7 ± 0.7 (OD day) Lower at night (supine) Tonometry Perlman et al. 200787
16⋅6 ± 0.6 (OD night)
15⋅7 ± 0.5 (day) Higher at night (seated) Tonometry Liu et al. 200388
17⋅4 ± 0.6 (night)
20.0 ± 0.3 (day) Higher at night (supine) Liu et al. 200388
21.3 ± 0.4 (night)
13⋅9 ± 0.3 (day) No change at night (seated) Tonometry Sit et al. 200725
13⋅2 ± 0.4 (night)
19.3 ± 0.4 (day) Lower at night (supine) Sit et al. 200725
18.1 ± 0.3 (night)
Aqueous flow (µL/min) 3⋅0 ± 0.8 (morning) Slower at night Fluorophotometry Brubaker 1991; Brubaker 19985,6
2.7 ± 0.6 (afternoon)
1.3 ± 0.4 (night)
2.9 ± 0.9 (young) Slower with aging Fluorophotometry Toris et al. 199920
2.4 ± 0.6 (old)
Outflow facility (µL/min/ 0⋅28 ± 0.01 (young) Lower with aging Tonography Gaasterland et al. 197823
mmHg) 0.19 ± 0.01 (old)
0.21 ± 0.10 (young) No change with aging Fluorophotometry Toris et al. 199920
0.25 ± 0.10 (old)
0.29 ± 0.02 (day) Lower at night Tonography Sit et al. 200725
0.25 ± 0.01 (night)
0.23 ± 0.01 (day) Lower at night Tonography Liu et al. 201124
0.19 ± 0.01 (night)
Episcleral venous pressure 10⋅1 ± 1.3 No change with aging Various methods Zeimer 198927
(mmHg) 8⋅8 ± 2.0 (seated) Higher in the supine position Venomanometry Sultan et al. 200389
9⋅5 ± 1.9 (supine)
6.3 ± 0.4 (young adult) Video recording enhancement Venomanometry Sit et al. 201133
10.2 ± 0.2 (day) Higher at night in the supine Venomanometry Fan et al. in press90
11.2 ± 0.2 (night) position compared to daytime
in the seated position
Uveoscleral outflow (µl/ 1.52 ± 0.81 (young) Slower with aging Calculation Toris et al. 199920
min) 1.10 ± 0.81 (old)
1.38 ± 0.44 (day, old) Slower at night, several different Calculation Liu et al. 201124
0.07 ± 0.13 (night, old) calculations reported

of the blood–aqueous barrier and the change in diffu- TRABECULAR OUTFLOW

sion rate of fluorescein.14
2. The distribution of fluorescein throughout the anterior Once in the anterior chamber, aqueous humor drains
chamber and cornea is uniform. Nonuniformity of fluo- through the anterior chamber angle by passive flow via one
rescein may occur in some conditions such as kerato- of two pathways (see Fig. 6-1). The trabecular outflow
conus. In these eyes, measurements of fluorescein pathway is illustrated in Figure 6-4. The uveal meshwork is
concentration over time could be more variable, and a forward extension of the ciliary muscle consisting of large
consequently the accuracy of the aqueous flow determi- overlapping holes and flattened sheets which branch and
nation would be poor. interconnect in multiple planes. The middle layer, the cor-
3. The back flow of tracer from the anterior chamber into neoscleral meshwork, includes several perforated sheets of
the posterior chamber is blocked by the lens–iris barrier.15 connective tissue extending between the scleral spur and
The accuracy of fluorophotometry is diminished if the Schwalbe’s line. The openings in these sheets are small and
lens–iris barrier is missing or compromised such as in do not overlap. The sheets are interconnected by tissue
pseudophakia, a dilated pupil, or a previous iridotomy or strands and endothelial cells. The juxtacanalicular mesh-
iridectomy. work, lying adjacent to the inner wall of Schlemm’s
4. Several hours of fluorophotometric scans taken at inter- canal, contains collagen, glycosaminoglycans, glycopro-
vals of at least 30 minutes are required to determine a teins, fibroblasts, and endothelial-like cells. Elastic fibers
reasonably accurate aqueous flow rate in humans.6 also are present that may provide support for the inner wall
Rapid and brief changes in aqueous flow in humans of Schlemm’s canal. This meshwork contains very narrow,
cannot be detected by fluorophotometry. irregular openings. Experimental evidence and theoretical
50 SECTION 2 • Pathogenesis

Cornea Anterior chamber Cornea

1. Administer fluorescein 4. Administer 7. Calculate Sclera

to the cornea aqueous flow outflow facility
2 suppressant.
Wait for IOP Fa1 – Fa2 Uveal meshwork
C= Corneoscleral Juxtacanalicular
4 to drop IOP1 – IOP2
loge fluorescein concentration

meshwork meshwork
6 Intrascleral
2. Determine 5. Determine
aqueous aqueous vein
flow (Fa1) flow (Fa2) Collector
10 channel
Slope = A Schlemm’s
12 6. Measure IOP2 canal
Inner wall
14 Slope = A Scleral spur
16 Equilibrium Slope = B Anterior chamber Ciliary muscle
3. Measure IOP1 Nonequilibrium
Figure 6-4 Trabecular outflow route. In the anterior chamber angle,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 aqueous humor percolates through the uveal and corneoscleral mesh-
Time (hours) work, juxtacanalicular connective tissue, and endothelial lining of
Schlemm’s canal (inner wall) before reaching the lumen of the canal.
Figure 6-3 Fluorescein decay curves used to determine aqueous flow Fluid in Schlemm’s canal is drained by 25–35 collector channels into
and outflow facility. Plotted are curves of fluorescein concentration in aqueous veins and episcleral veins before entering the systemic circu-
the cornea and anterior chamber over time. Steps 1 and 2 are used to lation (veins not drawn). (From Figure 2 of Toris CB. Aqueous humor
measure aqueous flow. Steps 1–7 are needed to determine outflow dynamics I, measurement methods and animal studies. The eye’s aqueous
facility. (1) Fluorescein drops are applied to the eye. (2) Starting 4–8 humor. In: Mortimer M. Civan, ed. Current topics in membranes, Vol. 62.
hours later, the cornea and anterior chamber fluorescein concentra- Elsevier: San Diego; 2008, 193–229.)
tions are measured at 45–60-minute intervals for several hours using a
fluorophotometer. The disappearance rates of fluorescein from the
cornea and anterior chamber are the decay slope A. Aqueous flow is the ciliary muscle contracts, this region is mechanically
calculated from the equilibrium data when the cornea and anterior
chamber decay curves are parallel and the volumes of the cornea and
deformed in such a way as to open up the spaces in the
anterior chamber remain constant (Fa1). If one wishes to determine trabecular meshwork and dilate Schlemm’s canal, thus
outflow facility, the experiment continues by (3) measuring intraocular decreasing the resistance to fluid flow. Trabecular cells
pressure (IOP1) then (4) administering an aqueous flow suppressant, actively change shape, altering the geometry of the open
such as a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. Aqueous flow suppressants will spaces in the meshwork, and they modulate extracellular
change the slope of the curve, after a period of nonequilibrium, to a
new slope, slope B. (5) The post-treatment aqueous flow rate (Fa2) is matrix turnover which fills or empties the spaces in the
determined by fluorophotometry and (6) IOP is measured again (IOP2). juxtacanalicular connective tissue.19
(7) Outflow facility (C) is calculated as the ratio of the change in flow Outflow facility in healthy human eyes ranges between
(Fa1 minus Fa2) to change in IOP (IOP1 minus IOP2). 0.1 and 0.4 µL/min/mmHg.20–23 Recent studies report that
outflow facility is less at night than during the day.24,25 By
tonography or perfusion of enucleated human cadaver
predictions indicate that normal aqueous humor outflow eyes, trabecular outflow resistance increased with aging.18
resistance resides in the inner wall region of Schlemm’s However, when measured by fluorophotometry in healthy
canal.16,17 This region is composed of an endothelial layer, humans on no known prescription drugs, no age-related
its basement membrane, and the adjacent juxtacanalicular changes in outflow facility were observed.20
(cribriform, subendothelial) connective tissue. The presence Critical evaluation of published studies of outflow facility
of micron-size pores in the inner wall endothelium explains requires an understanding of the methods by which this
why this endothelium has one of the highest hydraulic con- parameter is accessed. Tonography and fluorophotometry
ductivities in the body, comparable only to that of fenes- are the two methods used in clinical studies. Two or four
trated endothelia. The endothelium allows passage of minutes of tonography measures a reduction in IOP from
microparticles 200–500 nm in size. Some outflow resist- application of a standard weight placed on the eye of a
ance is generated by the funneling of aqueous humor into supine subject. A corresponding change in aqueous flow, to
the pores of the inner wall endothelium.17 Another pathway, account for the IOP change, is obtained from the Frieden-
composed of the open spaces in the juxtacanalicular con- wald Tables.26 Outflow facility is the ratio of the change in
nective tissue creates an insignificant fraction of outflow flow to change in IOP. Tonographic outflow facility includes
resistance, unless extracellular matrix material fills the trabecular outflow facility, uveoscleral outflow facility (con-
spaces. Interestingly, the amount of extracellular matrix sidered to be small), and pseudofacility (also considered to
material in the juxtacanalicular tissue increases with aging, be small) in the measurement. Another factor, ocular rigid-
thus providing an explanation for the apparent reduction ity (a measure of the stiffness of the eye), affects the meas-
in outflow facility in older subjects.18 urement of IOP during tonography. A fluorophotometric
Other factors affecting trabecular outflow resistance are method (see Fig. 6-3) measures rather than assumes an
ciliary muscle tone and trabecular cell function. The ciliary aqueous flow change with an IOP change. The changes in
muscle is connected to the juxtacanalicular region and IOP and aqueous flow are induced by administering an
inner wall endothelium of the trabecular meshwork. When aqueous flow suppressant such as acetazolamide,
6 • Aqueous Humor Dynamics and Intraocular Pressure Elevation 51

dorzolamide, or timolol. The fluorophotometric method

avoids pseudofacility and ocular rigidity but the measure-
ment takes several hours to complete and is more variable
than tonography. Neither method works well in ocular nor-
motensive volunteers who do not have much change in IOP
during the assessment.


Aqueous humor traversing the trabecular meshwork even-
tually drains into the episcleral veins. In healthy humans
the pressure in the episcleral veins ranges from 7 to
14 mmHg,27 with values between 9 and 10 mmHg being
reported most often (see Table 6-1). There does not appear
to be a correlation between episcleral venous pressure and
age.28 Episcleral venous pressure increases from 1 to
9 mmHg by changing body position from seated to supine
and this in turn increases IOP directly. When body position
does not change, episcleral venous pressure is relatively
stable. A change in episcleral venous pressure of 0.8 mmHg
corresponds to a change in IOP of 1 mmHg. The 24-hour
variations in IOP parallel the 24-hour variations in episcle-
ral venous pressure.29 In addition to postural changes, other
factors affect episcleral venous pressure including inhala-
tion of O2,30 application of cold temperature,31 and vasoac-
tive drugs.32
Measurement of episcleral venous pressure in human
subjects is usually made with a commercially available ven-
omanometer (Eyetech, Morton Grove, IL) attached to a slit
lamp (Fig. 6-5). The membrane at the tip of the device is Figure 6-5 Venomanometry. An episcleral venomanometer (blue
placed on the conjunctiva near the limbus. Episcleral veins arrow) is mounted on a simple Haag Streit slit lamp. With the aid of
underlying the conjunctiva are identified with the aid of the the binoculars on the slit lamp, the lighted membrane (red arrow) is
slit lamp biomicroscope. By turning the dial on the side of positioned on a vessel near the limbus. The silver dial (green arrow)
the device, the pressure within the membrane tip is raised is used to increase the pressure behind the membrane until the
vessel collapses. The reading on the dial is considered episcleral venous
until the appropriate vessel collapses. This pressure is con- pressure (mmHg).
sidered episcleral venous pressure. The procedure requires
a cooperative, unmoving subject and a clear conjunctiva to
allow an unobstructed view of an appropriate vessel. Iden- Drainage of fluid through the uvea is sometimes described
tification and visualization of an appropriate vessel can be as ‘unconventional outflow’ because it seeps through tissue
difficult. The method has been improved recently by the rather than flows through channels, or ‘pressure-
addition of a video monitor to the venomanometer that independent outflow’ because it does not depend on IOP to
allows one to photograph the vessels and later to determine the same extent as trabecular outflow. It should be clarified
the image and corresponding pressure in which the vessel that some pressure dependence is required of all flow.
begins to collapse.33 It still remains unclear as to which Although very small, there is a pressure gradient for flow
stage of collapse (beginning, half or total collapse) is the from the anterior chamber into the supraciliary and supra-
real episcleral venous pressure. choroidal spaces. Studies of monkeys have shown that
uveoscleral outflow changes little at IOPs in the normal to
high range (11–35 mmHg).35 A change in IOP apparently
has little effect on the pressure gradient between the ante-
Drainage of aqueous humor from the anterior chamber rior chamber and the suprachoroidal space. When IOP is
other than through the trabecular meshwork is called uveo- well below normal (4 mmHg), uveoscleral outflow does
scleral outflow. Unlike the trabecular outflow pathway, the become pressure-dependent.36
uveoscleral outflow pathway does not contain recognizable Uveoscleral outflow in healthy subjects 20–30 years of
channels and vessels. Instead, fluid seeps through the ante- age is reported to be in the range of 25–57% of total
rior face of the ciliary muscle and other tissues in and aqueous flow.20,37,38 As one ages, uveoscleral outflow gradu-
around the uvea. In 1965, Anders Bill34 observed that large ally slows.20 One study of 104 healthy subjects divided into
tracers, as markers of bulk flow, exited the anterior chamber two age groups found that the group 20–30 years of age
through the ciliary muscle and out through the sclera into had uveoscleral outflow rates that were 54% of total
the extraocular tissues and ultimately into the lymphatic aqueous flow whereas the group over 60 years of age had
system. Normally, most constituents of aqueous flow prob- significantly slower uveoscleral outflow rates that were 45%
ably do not traverse the sclera but instead are absorbed into of total aqueous flow. Even in the older subjects, uveoscleral
the suprachoroidal space and choroidal vessels. outflow was substantially greater than what was first
52 SECTION 2 • Pathogenesis

reported in the original pivotal human study.39 In that damage to the optic nerve and visual field loss. The glauco-
classic study, uveoscleral outflow was measured using a matous damage often can be arrested or diminished by
radioactive tracer perfused just prior to enucleation. Several adequate lowering of IOP. When compared with healthy
hours later, the enucleated eyes were analyzed for radioac- age-matched subjects, aqueous flow in patients with
tivity. In the two nonglaucomatous eyes that had received primary open-angle glaucoma was found to be normal
no ocular drug for 48 hours prior to the study, uveoscleral during the day but significantly elevated at night.42 This
outflow was 4% and 14% of total drainage. Three decades nocturnal aqueous flow effect is small and not sufficient to
later we have learned that uveoscleral outflow in humans explain the elevated IOP. The major contributing factor for
is substantially greater than once thought. the elevated IOP in primary open-angle glaucoma, and most
Of all the parameters of aqueous humor dynamics, uveo- other glaucomas accompanied by ocular hypertension for
scleral outflow is the most difficult to determine in a clinical that matter, appears to be increased resistance to fluid flow
setting. It cannot be measured directly but it is calculated through the trabecular meshwork. This was reported in
from the modified Goldmann equation: 1951,21 1961,43 and again in 199542 using tonography as
the method of measurement. There is little known about
Fu = Fa − C(IOP − Pev ) uveoscleral outflow in patients with primary open-angle
glaucoma other than a small study44 of 14 patients with
Aqueous flow (Fa), outflow facility (C), IOP, and episcleral IOPs uncontrolled on maximally tolerated medical therapy.
venous pressure (Pev) are measured and uveoscleral outflow In that study, it was found that uveoscleral outflow was sub-
(Fu) is calculated mathematically. Inherent variability stantially elevated as much as 80% of total outflow in
with this method is great and reproducibility is fair. severely glaucomatous eyes, compared to 37% in contralat-
Improved techniques are sorely needed to advance our eral eyes with less severe glaucoma. Outflow facility when
understanding of uveoscleral outflow in the healthy and measured by the fluorophotometric method was very low in
diseased human eye. these patients on multiple medications (0.02 µL/min/
mmHg)44 compared to a separate study20 of healthy subjects
(0.25 µL/min/mmHg) on no known prescription drug. A
Aqueous Humor Dynamics in summary of aqueous humor dynamics in patients with
primary open-angle glaucoma is found in Table 6.2.
Clinical Syndromes Affecting Systemic and ocular medications may have contributed
Intraocular Pressure to this large difference in uveoscleral outflow between
studies but another possibility exists. The aqueous humor
Clinical syndromes associated with IOP elevations may not may have been redirected from the trabecular meshwork,
lead to glaucoma but glaucomatous damage is often the an area of abnormally high resistance, to the uvea, a region
result. The pressure elevations are usually attributed to an where flow is less dependent on IOP. In support of this idea
imbalance in aqueous humor dynamics. The source of the is a study45 of untreated monkeys with experimentally
problem is attributed to changes often in trabecular outflow, induced unilateral glaucoma from laser burns to the trabec-
occasionally in uveoscleral outflow, and rarely in aqueous ular meshwork to establish a stable chronic elevation in
flow. Following is a review of syndromes associated with an IOP.46 Outflow facility was significantly reduced in the
elevation in IOP for which aqueous humor dynamics have hypertensive eyes (0.06 µL/min/mmHg) when compared
been measured. Related conditions associated with ocular with the contralateral healthy eyes (0.16 µL/min/mmHg).
normotension are included for comparison. In the absence of drugs that might alter uveoscleral drain-
age, the hypertensive eyes also demonstrated elevated uveo-
OCULAR HYPERTENSION scleral outflow (2.25 µL/min) when compared to the
contralateral control eyes (1.05 µL/min).45 These clinical
Ocular hypertension is the condition in which the IOP is and animal studies suggest that, in ocular hypertension41
elevated above what is considered normal but the eye and the initial stages of glaucoma, uveoscleral outflow and
remains healthy with no pathologic optic nerve cupping outflow facility are below normal. As the disease progresses,
and visual field defects. The IOP is considered abnormal trabecular outflow facility continues to decline while the
when it is at least 21 mmHg, which is two standard devia- facility of uveoscleral outflow remains constant (pressure
tions above the mean in several population-based studies.40 independent). When trabecular outflow facility is reduced
When patients with ocular hypertension are compared to a critical level, aqueous humor is redirected from the
with age-matched healthy volunteers with ocular normo- trabecular to the uveal pathway.
tension, aqueous flow is within the normal range5,41 but Morphological and biochemical changes in the tissues of
both outflow facility21,41 and uveoscleral outflow41 are sig- the drainage pathways help to explain the increased resist-
nificantly reduced. The elevated IOP in ocular hypertension ance in the trabecular outflow pathway in patients with
can be explained by pathologic changes in both outflow glaucoma. Within the trabecular meshwork of glaucoma-
pathways (Table 6-2). tous specimens, endothelial cell numbers are decreased47
yet basement membrane is thickened, suggesting increased
cellular activity. Plaques consisting of clusters of material
appear in the corneoscleral beams and juxtacanalicular
Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) is a disease involving meshwork. These plaques appear to be derived from elastic-
disturbance of the structural or functional integrity of the like fibers that make up a subendothelial tendon sheath.
eye leading to elevated IOP accompanied by progressive The increased thickness of the sheath of the elastic fibers
6 • Aqueous Humor Dynamics and Intraocular Pressure Elevation 53

Table 6-2 Aqueous Humor Dynamics in Syndromes Associated with Ocular Hypertension and Related Conditions
Associated with Ocular Normotension
Syndrome IOP Fa C Pev Fu
Ocular hypertension ↑ ↔ 5,41,78
↓ 21,41,78
↔ 41
Primary open-angle glaucoma ↑ ↔day and ↑night42 ↓21,42,44 ↑44
(on maximally tolerated medical therapy)
Normal-tension glaucoma ↔ ↔61 ↔61
PDS with normal IOP ↔ ↔63,64 ↔63,64 ↔64 ↔64
PDS with ocular hypertension ↑ ↔63,64 ↓63,64 ↔64 ↔64
XFS with normal IOP ↔ ↔68,70 ↔68,70 ↔70 ↓70
XFS with ocular hypertension ↑ ↔70 ↓70 ↔70 ↓70
Glaucomatocyclitic crisis ↑ ↑75,84,86 ↓21,72–76
Fuch’s heterochromic iridocyclitis ↔ ↓14 ↔14

Superscripted numbers indicate key citations. Arrows indicate values greater than (↑), unchanged from (↔) or less than (↓) healthy age-matched subjects. C,
outflow facility; Fa, aqueous flow; Fu, uveoscleral outflow; IOP, intraocular pressure; Pev, episcleral venous pressure.

and connecting fibrils reduces the intertrabecular spaces ‘normal’ range. Ten patients with normotension glaucoma
and narrows the flow pathways to the inner wall endothe- had no change in daytime IOP, aqueous flow or outflow
lium. The presence of plaques also increases with aging but facility, or nighttime aqueous flow when compared to 10
the total amount of this material is greater in eyes with age-matched healthy controls (see Table 6-2).61 The primary
POAG.48 Alteration of the extracellular matrix components difference in patients with normal-tension glaucoma is
that are produced and maintained by trabecular meshwork increased variability of nighttime blood pressure62 and noc-
cells has been found. Collagen abnormalities in POAG turnal hypotension that may reduce the optic nerve head
include fragmentation, altered orientation, and abnormal blood flow to an unhealthy level.52 Fluctuations in ocular
spacing. Fibronectin49 is deposited in the subendothelial perfusion pressure cause episodes of ischemia during which
region of Schlemm’s canal. Expression of myocilin and time the optic nerve head is at great risk of permanent
the amount of αB-crystalline, a small stress protein, is damage. These events are not detectable on routine clinical
increased in the trabecular meshwork of some glaucoma- examination and are independent of aqueous humor
tous eyes.50 The interaction of the extracellular matrix com- dynamics.
ponents with proteins such as cochlin51 may lead to the
formation of deposits that obstruct the outflow pathway. PIGMENT DISPERSION SYNDROME
Clearly many complex changes within the trabecular mesh-
work contribute to increased outflow resistance in glauco- Pigment dispersion syndrome is a condition in which fric-
matous eyes. tion between the posterior surface of the iris making contact
It should be mentioned that factors other than aqueous with the anterior zonules of the lens releases pigment and
humor drainage may be involved in the elevated IOP and cells from the iris, debris that is flushed into the anterior
optic neuropathy in primary open-angle glaucoma. It has chamber and the trabecular meshwork where it may
been reported that blood pressure decreases52 and habitual become trapped in the drainage pathway. Patients with
IOP increases at night,53–56 both factors reported to increase pigment dispersion syndrome have deeper anterior cham-
the risk of glaucomatous damage to the retina. Addition- bers than normal which predisposes them to the condi-
ally, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure may be involved in tion.63 When pigment dispersion syndrome is not
glaucoma pathophysiology. CSF pressure is decreased in accompanied by ocular hypertension, aqueous humor
primary open-angle glaucoma57,58 resulting in a large trans- inflow and outflow are normal. When pigment dispersion is
laminar pressure difference (the difference between IOP and accompanied by ocular hypertension, outflow facility
CSF pressure), and greater stress on the optic nerve. On the is reduced63 but uveoscleral outflow remains normal.64 This
other hand, the CSF pressure is high in ocular hyperten- is distinctly different from ocular hypertension without
sion59 (compared to controls), the translaminar pressure pigment dispersion syndrome, in which both uveoscleral
difference is relatively normal and glaucomatous optic outflow and outflow facility are reduced (see Table 6-2).41
nerve damage is not detected.60
Exfoliation syndrome is characterized by white deposits on
Normotension glaucoma is defined as cupping and visual the anterior capsule of the lens and tissues of the ciliary
field loss characteristic of glaucoma despite IOPs within the body, iris, cornea, and trabecular meshwork.65 Exfoliation
54 SECTION 2 • Pathogenesis

syndrome tends to convert into exfoliation glaucoma mainly unilateral Fuchs’ uveitis syndrome and normal IOP
in elderly patients. This is because there is age-related (17 mmHg) no change was found in outflow facility but the
narrowing of the outflow pathways to the inner wall of permeability of the blood–aqueous barrier was increased
Schlemm’s canal66 and build-up of extracellular material when compared with the unaffected contralateral eye.14
and other debris. This material is easily flushed from the When fluorescein was applied to both eyes to measure
trabecular meshwork in young persons, but becomes trapped aqueous flow, there was 7% greater clearance of fluorescein
in the trabecular meshwork of older persons. When in the affected eye, which may have been caused by increased
exfoliative material becomes trapped in sufficient quantity diffusion of fluorescein. Differences in the diffusion rate of
near the endothelial cells of the trabecular meshwork and fluorescein may be interpreted as differences in aqueous
Schlemm’s canal, it causes degradation of the tissues and flow that may not be real. Nevertheless, the authors sug-
further obstruction of the aqueous humor outflow path- gested that aqueous flow could be lower in eyes with Fuchs’
ways. The amount of trapped material has been positively uveitis syndrome (see Table 6-2). In agreement with this, a
correlated with increasing IOP and the presence of study36 in monkeys with experimental iridocyclitis found
glaucoma.67 hypotony associated with a reduction in aqueous flow and
Distinct changes in aqueous humor dynamics have been an increase in uveoscleral outflow.
found in exfoliation syndrome. When comparing the
affected eye of 18 untreated patients with unilateral exfolia- GLAUCOMATOCYCLITIC CRISIS
tion syndrome and ocular normotension with its contralat-
eral unaffected eye,68 there was no difference in mean IOP
(14 mmHg and 12 mmHg, respectively), aqueous flow A condition with recurrent episodes of markedly elevated
rate (2.4 µL/min in both eyes) and outflow facility IOP usually ranging between 40 and 60 mmHg accompa-
(0.15 µL/min/mmHg and 0.19 µL/min/mmHg, respec- nied by anterior chamber inflammation is called glaucoma-
tively). When exfoliation syndrome was accompanied by tocyclitic crisis or Posner–Schlossman syndrome.71 It
ocular hypertension69 (mean IOP of 32 mmHg in the appears that the cause of the elevated IOP is a reduction
affected eye and 18 mmHg in the unaffected eye, n = 10), of outflow facility (see Table 6-2).72 During the interval
aqueous flow and outflow facility were significantly lower between attacks, outflow facility returns to normal or
in the affected eye (2.02 µL/min and 0.07 µL/min/mmHg, slightly increases compared to the contralateral healthy
respectively) than the unaffected eye (2.38 µL/min and eye.21,73–75 One study76 found reduced outflow facility in
0.15 µL/min/mmHg, respectively). The lower rate of both the affected and healthy eye in six of 11 patients. It
aqueous flow was originally thought to be due to damage has been proposed that the inflammation is mediated by
to the ciliary epithelia from the disease process.69 However, prostaglandins. Prostaglandin E has been found in higher
later it was thought that the lower aqueous flow was the concentration in the aqueous humor of patients during but
result of insufficient time for washout of the timolol that not between attacks.77 Evidence against this theory is found
had been used to treat the affected eye.6 In a more recent in studies78–83 reporting topical prostaglandins increase,
study70 aqueous humor dynamics in 40 patients with exfo- rather than decrease outflow facility, which would contrib-
liation syndrome with and without ocular hypertension ute to a reduction, not an increase, in IOP.
were compared to a group of 40 age- and IOP-matched Two studies75,84 have reported that an increase in aqueous
patients without exfoliation syndrome. Aqueous flow was flow contributed to the elevated IOP in glaucomatocyclitic
not different between groups (2.05 ± 0.73 in the exfoliation crisis. To complicate matters, three studies21,74,85 that evalu-
group and 2.23 ± 0.61 µL/min in the control group) but ated this parameter did not find an aqueous flow increase.
uveoscleral outflow was significantly (p < 0.0001) lower in All of these studies were conducted decades ago when fluor-
the group with exfoliation syndrome (0.11 ± 0.69 versus ophotometry was not available and aqueous flow was deter-
0.78 ± 0.81 µL/min, respectively). When these subjects mined in an indirect manner using the Goldmann equation.
were divided by IOP and not exfoliation syndrome, the Uveoscleral outflow was not considered in the calculation
patients with ocular hypertension had reduced outflow and episcleral venous pressure was assumed to be normal.
facility compared to the ocular normotensive controls. It Later, when fluorophotometry was used to measure aqueous
was concluded that the reduced outflow facility was IOP- flow,86 the clearance rate of fluorescein was found to be
dependent and unrelated to the exfoliation syndrome. The reduced, suggesting that aqueous flow was increased during
reduced uveoscleral outflow was dependent on the presence an attack. However, measurement of intracameral fluores-
of exfoliation syndrome and unrelated to IOP. These effects cein may have been fraught with errors from the presence
on aqueous humor dynamics are distinctly different from of proteins and flare in the anterior chamber.12 Taking this
those found in ocular hypertension and in pigment disper- into consideration, it is unlikely that hypersecretion con-
sion syndrome (see Table 6-2). tributes to the elevated IOP in glaucomatocyclitic crisis.72


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