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Test 9 Yolla Yolla is the Aboriginal name for a seabird which makes a unique migratory journey each year between Tasmania and Alaska and Japan. Every November the yolla retum to Tasmania to hatch their young in rookeries bounded by the pure white sands of the isolated Bass Strait islands. Parent birds feed the fledglings with krill scooped from the crystal blue waters during their spectacular evening flight. To see thousands of yolla wheeling through the cleanest air in the world is one of the most exhilarating experiences you could have. Harvesting yolla remains an important social and cultural activity for Tasmanian Aborigines, continuing a tradition maintained from time 1, The Aborigines of Tasmania regard the yolla as important because A. there are three million of them. B of their long migratory journey each year. C they have rookeries on the Bass Strait islands. D__ harvesting ofyolla provides opportunities for cultural activity. The word ‘birding’ refers to A collecting yolla. B acultural meeting. C prudent management. D flying between islands, ‘The word ‘unique’ means A. very long. B spectacular, having no equal, D quite outstanding. immemorial. The five-week birding season i | historically the time when Aboriginal families from across all Tasmania gather together to work, socialise, speak their language, practise they ‘customs and build their vision of the future. Eighteen million yolla breed in Tasmania annually, The harvest of less than 300000 birds is controlled by the prudent management of the Aboriginal community, which has kept the yolla population flourishing for thousands of years. Yolla is a native food product exclusive to Tasmania, The meat is available skinned, or traditionally plucked and salted B food found on the white island sands, € the remains of skinned and plucked birds. D food provided by the Tasmanian Aborigines. 6, From the information provided it can be assumed that yolla harvesting A. is strictly controlled B_ is too difficult to manage. C will last only a few years. D_ has little commercial value. 2. Yolla harvesting is important because it A combines social and commercial activities. B means Aborigines have to speak their own language. C provides Aborigines with an important food supply. D_ is the only industry for the Aborigines living on the Bass Strait islands. 8. According to the information, yolla harvesting, ‘occurs in early November, also occurs in Alaska and Japan. wipes out a large proportion of the flock existed before white settlement it) Australia. vou> Test 10 The Empty House don’t know how I'm going to say this next bit | don’t want to. | can’t. | will though. My stomach heaves, my throat hurts. My head is going round and round, but I'll say it. | will get it down even if | die writing it Madame Weiss was out in the street. Two policemen were pulling her along by the hair to make her go with them. She was weeping She was calling for help. | saw families coming out of the buildings to watch: my friends, their brothers and sisters. They followed their parents without a word. Silence. Just silence to drown out the noise Madame Weiss was making And then I saw Father and Mother, carrying a suitcase, with two policemen, one on each side of them. | saw them raise their heads and look at my window. | saw they had seen me, and they saw that | had seen them. Madame Bianchotti pressed her hand tighter and tighter against my mouth to muffle any sound | might make. Father and Mother went away with the others, surrounded by policemen. Within ten minutes there wasn't a Jew left in our little neighbourhood except me. Well that’s it. I've said it. Now I can die. Only | don’t want to. Mother's eyes turned toward me. | suppose Ill see those eyes, those figure for the rest of my life. 1. The narrator felt he was going to die because A Madame Bianchotti had her hand tightly over his mouth. B of his grief caused by the family's separation. C he had a sickness that would result in death. D_ the police were going to capture him. 2. Within ten minutes of the police leaving the neighbourhood A. it was deserted B_ there was one Jew left C there were no Jews left. D_ there was only Madame Bianchotti left 3. When the narrator uses the phrase ‘silence to drown out the noise’ he is suggesting that A the police were acting secretly. B someone had their hand over the narrator's mouth. C sometimes silence can seem more frightening than sound. D_ the onlookers’ silence showed their lack of interest in the situation. 4, Madame Weiss appealed for help from A. the two policemen. B_ Madame Bianchotti Cher brothers and sisters. D__ anyone in the neighbourhood. 5. The most likely reason that no-one helped the Jews was because A_ everyone believed the police were doing the right thing, B they didn’t like the way Madame Weiss was screaming, C they were afraid they might get taken away too. D the Jews were being difficult and uncooperative. 6, The narrator’s parents departed without saying goodbye because A. they did not want the police to suspect that they had a child, B_ Madame Bianchotti had kept the family apart. the journey had not been well planned. D_ the police would not allow it, Tests © 15 ai ctolan)| Aphanasy Once upon a time and far away n old Russia there was a great and rich trading city called Nizhny Novgorod. It sat on the banks of the mighty river Volga, and every year the merchants sent their wooden ships to trade at towns and cities near and far. But, far beyond the farthest city they had reached, lay a land where no-one had ever been. India. The merchants had heard tales of wonder and magic about this faraway land, but they had heard too that it was a land of a thousand gods and demons, and they were a little afraid to sail to such a far and terrible place. So one day they called together all the townspeople. They gathered in the bazaar ang everyone talked and argued until at last old Nikitin, the most daring of the merchants, said, ‘I have a son, young Aphanasy, who is bold and cheerful and wise beyond his years And best of all, he is lucky. Since | am too old to go myself, let us send Aphanasy to India The Russian merchants wanted to go to India to A. see the gods and demons. B hear tales of wonder and magic. C find new towns with which to trade. D_ because the people in Russia argued. The phrase ‘wise beyond his years’ tells the reader that Aphanasy A was a wise old man. B knew more than most people his age. € would be smarter when he was older. D had taken many years to become wise. Nikitin would not go to India because he A. didn’t have a ship. B was getting too old. C was afraid of demons. D didn’t know how to get there. 4. The merchants gathered in a ‘bazaar’ which isa 5. The townspeople had a meeting to A talk and argue B send their ships off to trade. C choose someone to find India D_ listen to tales of wonder and magic. After the meeting, it is most likely that Aphanasy refused to go to India, argued with his father. sat on the banks of the Volga. Prepared to sail for unknown lands. ‘daring’ person is one who would argue a lot. do foolish things. g0 on adventures, be very successful x cOm>> gam> a-ts) an V4 The Bilbies neBilbies An Exciting New Musical for Kids X I ee . Wilby and Silby Bilby Gaza Galah Bettina Bunny The Fairy Princess \ Performed by Maria Cauchi Bote Original cast member of The Phantom of the Opera Family Fun at affordable prices! Child. $10 ea Adults $14 ea Family pass $38 “4 people (Max 2 Adults) (No Booking Fee) ‘Special Discounts for Groups of 10 or more . pening January 1996 grim Theatre City ff £2.Pit St iy (1 Mint walk tom Town Hal Staton) ‘to Dt Jan Toes 190 10am 82909 Parramatta Town Hall mae Ge tty Thearcal Procuctons PO Box 3072 Puy NSW 2312 ‘Bookings Ph: (02) 809 0006 or (02) 807 6367 1. Children most likely to enjoy the show, The Bilbies, would be about A 2yearsold. C 12 years old. B Syearsold, D 16 years old. 2. A ‘cast member’ is one of the 8. A audience, C opera. B writers. D_ actors 3. At Parramatta Town Hall there was one performance. were two performances. were three performances. were five performances. paou> Tests @ 17 4, At the Pilgrim Theatre there were at least A 2 performances. B_ 19 performances C 21 performances. D 34 performances. 5. If a group of twelve children went to see The Bilbies they would A have special seats. B get seats at a cheaper rate. C be charged at family prices. D__ need to make a phone booking. 6. If it was decided to include a snake in the show a suitable name would be A Sonia. B Maria. C Blackie. D_Dilby. 7 Which of the following statements are true? | A Maria Cauchi has been The | Fairy Princess in The Bilbies for many years. B Parramatta Town Hall is one minute from Town Hall Station. C There is no booking fee for phone bookings to see The Bilbies D A family of five would have to pay $38 to see The Bilbies. A ‘guest appearance’ is A only included when available. B a brief appearance by a famous person. C the most important part in the musical. D_anon-speaking part in a stage show. the guest is Tropical Island Holiday Program 3y at the Tropical Island Resort. al er activ Wedne ne studies the WEDNESDAY ACTIVITY program. = JOGGSING—meet others and jog through our Free Beach Office bal VITA-PAR cour ria 8. m m TENNIS CLINIC—Serve (Experienced) Free Ocean Tennis Court 00 am-10 GROUP GOLF CLINIC (Reservation Golf shop] $12.00 __Practice Course [9:30am ~ WINDSURFING—Free lessons Free Ask Ext 622 Boar $10.00 through operator 0 am 7 RUKURUKULEVU BICYCLE TOUR $12.00 Beach Office SNORKELLING FOR BEGINNERS Free Beach Office PLAYING GOLF WITH INSTRUCTOR $12.00 Practice Course KABA ISLAND HIKING - | 1/2 hr $7.00 Beach Office FIJIAN ART DEMONSTRATION Free Held in front of the Shopping Arcade SNORKELLNG SAFARI—a guided trip (Please $6.00 Beach office make reservations] 1 hr 17.00 am PUTTING COMPETITION Free Golf Shop 11.30am BAY CRUISING— (min 4 paxl 1 hr $7.00 Beach office 1Znoon AQUA AEROBICS Free __Takali Pool 1.00 pm SCUBA DIVING LESSONS Free Takali Pool 1.30 pm BAY CRUISING— [min 4 pax) 1 hr $7.00 Beach Office 2.00 pm BEACH CRICKET Fun Game Free Lagoon Lawn 3.00 pm BAY CRUISING—[min 1 pax) 1 hr $7.00 Beach Office 3.00 pm ENGLISH CROQUET GAME Free Lagoon Lawn 4.0 pm FUN BOWLING TOURNAMENT $6.00 Bowling Green 4,00 pm VOLLEYBALL GAME Free Near Beach Office 4.00 pm GYM WORKOUT $5.00 Gymnasium 4,00 pm PETANQUE GAME Free Lagoon Beachfront 4.30 pm FUN TENNIS TOURNAMENT | hr $5.50 Ocean Tennis Court 5.30 pm SUNSET BAY CRUISE~|!in 4 pax) | hr $7.00 __ Beach Office NIGHT FISHING—your chance at bottom fishing $27.50 Ask Ext 822 through within the Yanuca Bay. 3 hr Operator TORCH LIGHTING Free Lagoon Lawn POOL TABLE COMPETITION $2.00 Games Room MOVIE—Children Quiet Room Adults Games Room 1. If Jessica decides to participate in four cost-free activities she could choose A. Beach Cricket, Volleyball, Fun Tennis Tournament and Movie, B Windsurfing Lesson, English Croquet, Torch Lighting and Bingo. C Jogging, Rukurukulevu Bicycle Tour, Volleyball Game and Children’s Movie. D Tennis Clinic, Morning Fijian Art Demonstration, Bench Cricket and Torch Lighting 2. The word ‘tournament’ means a A tour ic B fair. D lesson, competition. 3. If Jessica goes on the Kaba Island Hike she could follow that activity with A Aqua Aerobics. B the Snorkelling Safari C the Putting Competition D the morning Fijian Art Demonstration. 4. If Jessica decides to take part in two activities that involve competition she could choose Scuba Diving and Poo! Table Competition. Windsurfing and Beach Cricket Jogging and Golf Clinic. Putting and Bowling. com> 5. Jessica can spend $20 on Activities. She could participate in A. Group Golf Clinic, Kaba Island Hiking and Bay Cruising. B Playing Golf with the Instructor, Gym Workout and Sunset Bay Cruise. C Rukurukulevu Bicycle Tour, Snorkelling Safari and Fun Tennis Competition. D Windsurfing with Board Hire, Sunset Bay Cruise and Pool Table Competition. 6. From the program of activities provided it can be deduced that the sun sets at about A 5.30 pm C 6.15pm B 6.00 pm D 6.30pm 7. If Jessica cannot go on the Bay Cruise at 11.30 am she could go again at A 12 noon C 3.00pm B 2.00 pm D 6.30pm 8, If Jessica decides to go on the Snorkelling Safari she should make a reservation. contact the operator on Extension 822. reserve a place by contacting the guide meet the group at the Beach Oifice at 10 am. coup Test 14 Dadakulaci Chances are you will encounter a dadakulaci during your Fijian idyll. Dadakulaci are sea snakes, known in English as yellow-lipped sea kraits. Laticcada colubrina, to give them their correct scientific name, are quite common in Fiji waters, No-one should be upset at encountering one of these handsome creatures, They are generally placid and will avoid humans wherever possible. Dadakulaci are predators that feed primarily on eels. They track their prey down following odour trails and kill them by injecting potent venom, As well as killing the victims it starts a digestive process from within. Feeding seems a rather risky activity as large fish bones may | be voided through the body wall! Dadakulaci are amphibious rather than totally marine. They come ashore to rest after hunting continued sts #19 forays and to lay their eggs. They are usually very timid and tend to roost away from human habitation. White they are extremely mild mannered, there are some myths associated with them that need dispelling. Many people believe that these snakes cannot open their mouths sufficiently to penetrate human skin, that they have rear mounted fangs and are not poisonous anyway. All three of the above are incorrect. Like all snakes dadakulaci can disarticulate their jaws and do so when they strike. They can open them so that they are one hundred and eighty degrees apart. The fangs are front mounted, like their better-known terrestrial relatives, the cobras. Finally, sea snake venom is one of the most potent in the animal kingdom. 1. The dadakulaci is closely related to the A eel. B_ cobra. € Laticcada colubrina. D_yellow-lipped sea krait. 2. The article would most likely be found in a A science text. B_ medical journal C tourist magazine. D_ newspaper report. 3. Dadakulaci catch their prey by A. following scent trails. B__ being very aggressive. lying in wait upon the sand. D attacking without hesitation. ‘4, The writer is trying to make the reader A fear the snake. B praise the snake. C respect the snake. D_ avoid the snake. come up onto the sand to So how did these myths arise? Dadakulac\ are placid in the extreme. If they are tempted tg bite they may choose to withhold their venorn Finally they have small venom stocks and i they have recently hunted they may haye depleted their reservoirs. Whatever the reason, if you don’t tease these lovely snakes, they will happily stay out of your way. Look but don't touch is an excellent motto here. 6. Dadakulaci can best be described as A cowardly. B_ peaceful. C nervous. D cruel. 2. Humans are unlikely to die from Dadakulaci bite because they A. cannot puncture human skin. B have small reserves of venom. C cannot open their mouths very wide. D prefer to avoid places where humans g0. 8. Which one of the following statements about Dadakulaci is true? A Dadakulaci can die from swallowing fish bones. B_ Dadakulaci fangs are found at the front of the mouth, C Dadakulaci poison every time they strike, D_ Dadakulaci are 100% marine animals. Ilive all alone \n 2 deep house on Winter S On my roof of green grass All As snug ina With my Tom Bon: Tom Bone, as you lie the On your pillow of hair What grave thoughts do you keep? Tom You’ Sleep, darling, sleep. he day footsteps pass Do you walk about? All the solemn hours through down just like yo And sleep the night out. know soon enough Test 15 Tom Bone wal f-spiders craw s beat 4. and t ed me at its head s. I hold. ald, the owls rise rifting night skies ys, Nonsense and Stuff! Tom Bone says ‘I live all alone’ because he A B c D The mole’s A B c D has no wife. has been buried. lives in a house of mud walls. prefers the company of animals. 8. ‘beat’ refers to the noise he makes, his usual path, a heartbeat his defeat Tests @ 21 The ‘solemn hours’ are A. during the night B__ when people pass by. C whenever Tom Bone wants to sleep. D_ when Tom Bone answers questions. Tom Bone’s ‘pillow of hair’ is ‘A acushion used as a pillow. B any soft place for resting his head. C the hair remaining from his corpse D an old-fashioned hair-filled pillow. ‘Tom Bone won't reveal his ‘grave thoughts’ because A. they are all nonsense. B_ heis unable to speak. Che doesn’t want to wake us up. D_ we will all know them when we die. Tom Bone says he has a ‘deep house’ because it A has a large cellar. B_ is under the ground. Cis deep in a dark forest. D_ has been set well back from the street From the tone of the poem it seems most likely that Tom Bone has been in his home for Aa few days. B several weeks C many years. D_ centuries. Tom Bone A wants to find a new place to sleep. B is quite contented with his home C doesn’t like people walking by. D_ is frightened of wolf-spiders Bo Test 16 Sideswipe k review by Clare Renner Rieereet remar Carmichael, Clare Sideswipe Random House 1995 $9.95 People work out whether or not they want to read a novel by using all sorts of different cues—the cover illustration, the blurb on the back, the length of the book and the size of the print. More and more, however, | am seeing books which give mixed messages about their intended readership and Clare Carmichael’s latest novel, Sideswipe, is one of them. Gregory Roger's cover illustration reflects the sinister nature of the plot and the blurb indicates intense family drama’ dealing with adult concepts. Yet the wide print and the large spacing between thelines are more appropriate to a junior primary school novel. Setting aside this confusion, however, the story itself is likely to appeal to t enjoy murder mysteries with the murder rather than mysteries. Ed Wyatt is a of patent Sideswipe. When heis founddead, electro in his office, everyone accident. Even his child admit he could be very carele Stuart, Ed’s old partner, ste interest in the kid’s mother and any plans Ed might have left regarding Sideswipe that Ash becomes suspicious. When all t authorities refuse to take him seriously Ash decides to take the matter into assumes it showing an ad is own hands. An improbable ending does not altogether spoil what is otherwise rtaining read. 1. According to the review, Sideswipe will be enjoyed most by A computer specialists B junior primary school readers, C teenagers who enjoy murder stories, D_ mature young adults who read mysteries, 2. The reviewer believes that the large print A_ will make the book more attractive, B will encourage the wrong age group to buy the book. C is appropriate for books dealing with adult subjects, D_ will help people work out if they want to buy the book 3. The reviewer was least impressed with the ending. large print. subject matter, cover illustration, pomp ‘Excel Yoars §-6 Selective Schools and Scholarship Reading Tests 22 4. A ‘blurb’ is A a book review. B a ccover illustration C an intense family drama. D a brief description of the story 5. This review was most likely written for A the author. B book publishers and designers. C children interested in mysteries. D adults purchasing books for young readers, 6. Ed Wyatt's children become suspicious of Stuart when A. they discover Ed has been electrocuted. B _theauthoritiesbeginseriousinvestigations. € Ash begins to investigate his father’s death, D Stuart becomes children’s mother. interested in the

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