Year 5-6 Selective Schools and Scholarship Reading Tests - 6

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it was a worrying time for the air-sea rescue team from Provence in southern France. Three divers had gone missing and the chances that they were still alive were bad. With Henri Cosquer on board, the rescue boat motored along the coast to the area where the divers had disappeared, and anchored alongside some limestone cliffs. Beneath the surface, Cosquer explained, was a cave—his own private cave, which he had discovered six years before, and which he had been exploring ever since. The cave was one of the most dangerous he had ever seen, which was one Teason why he never told anyone about it. He suspected that the divers had accidentally found the entrance, and come to grief in the narrow passages beyond. 1. Cosquer returned to the underwater cave because ‘A. divers had entered without permission. B_ he had to reveal his secret to the world. © he had knowledge of the search area. D_he was in charge of the rescue boat 2. The cave was dangerous because it was close to cliffs and pitch black covered in silt and had narrow passages. unexplored and a long way off the coast. underwater and had a narrow entrance, ‘disorientated’ diver is one who has become confused about his position. started to feel a sense of panic. run short of air. become lost. oAe>> oAED> Nitsiar-}| Underwater Cave Cosquer and the rescue team put on their | diving equipment and entered the tiny opening, little more than a metre high. Inside, pitch | black had it not been for their torches, was a | long narrow passage. Clouds of silt were stirred up by the divers’ flippers as they passed, and the team quickly became disorientated. But | Cosquer knew where he was going | Soon, as he expected, they found the bodi the three missing divers. Now that his cave ha been discovered and a tragedy had occurred Cosquer knew that the authorities would seal its entrance off to prevent further accidents But before they did he knew the cave's other secret would have to be shared with the rest of the world. The authorities would seal off the cave because it A created problems for rescue teams. B_ contained a dangerous secret C was unsafe for some divers. D_ had been discovered. 5. The most likely reason the divers died in the cave was because they had A_ not taken torches B lost their sense of direction. C taken an insufficient supply of air. D_ not notified the rescue patrol of their location. 6. The rescue team could trust Cosquer to lead them because he A. knew the secret of the cave was the personal owner of the cave. C had explored the cave on many occasions D_ had permission from the authorities to enter the cave. = Tests @ 49) Throw Away World DONT WORRY HONG! MA-PLEASE DONT THROW THAT ITO ONLY ONE BAG! BAG IN THE BIN—WE COULD UGE (T AGAIN-HELP THE ENVIRONMENT! OEY PONT ‘s H tHAVE TO START PREPARING THE FOOD oY One Yara eane ore) rao eo eo _ FOR YOUR UNCLE S BIRTHDAY I! eg V JUST SOME FERTILIZER ) / OH—SORRY DAD! ! ead MeL! FOR OUR POT PLANTS! BUT Ie WE USED OUR WAS THAT FOOD SCRAPS TO MAKE COMPOST, IT WOULD BE CHEAPER THAN BUYING THAT STUFF! COMPOST FROM FOOD acRAPS? OIRTY AND OMELLYIT Excel Years 5-6 Sele © Selective Schools and Scholarship Reading Tests @ 50 |. ‘This is the first page of a comic story. The story will most likely concentrate on issues of A_ recycling. B_ growing up. C race relations. D_ family disputes. 2, The comic is most likely intended for readers who A enjoy gardening. B_ have smelly homes. C live ina foreign country. D_ have not considered conservation issues. The second panel (first panel, second line) is intended to show A how noisy some suburbs are. B that many people argue about plastic bags. € how most people do not care about the environment. D that if everyone threw away one bag then lots of bags would get thrown away. Many people do not think about the effects of their actions because they A are too busy gardening. B._ think they do not have the time. € spend most of their time earning a living. D believe it is really someone else’s problem. Tosts @ 51 When Hung notices a bad smells she thinks itis A compost. B fertilizer. € decaying food scraps. D__ odours coming from her father. From the comic strip information the person who is most informed is A Hung. B_ Hung’s father. C Hung’s mother. D_ Hung’s uncle. A ‘throw away world’ is an environment where A. there is no recycling. B a bag of fertilizer is cheap. C allot of food has to be thrown out. D all plastic bags are used more than once. For Hung, compost is better than fertilizer because it A. isnot as smelly. B_ is not brought into the house. C does not require a trip to the store. D_ provides a way of recycling food scraps. Traction Steam Engine he Fowler single cylinder traction engine were first in about 1859 and made oversea! were imported to Australia. They did the heavy duty work in earth-moving and timber snigging in Bilpin, in the Blue Mountains, the early 1900s to about 192 The machines had a single cylinder s piston which turned the drive wheels or, when This could be disconnected, a wire winch done quickly and the winch was used for most power-using jobs The machine, nigh back wheels, was stow to move and would only go at a limited speed of up to 20 kph but did have two forward and one reverse gears with its 2 metre The fuel used in Bilpin was probably wood which, when lit, took up to one hour to heat the engine before steam pressure would work the piston. The fire could be damped down 1. The main advantage of the Fowler Steam Engine was its A. size. C pulling power: B_ speed. D_ reverse gearing. 2. A ‘winch’ is a device for getting fuel hoisting loads. starting engines. producing steam. vau> 3. {fa fire is ‘damped down’ it is A reduced to a slow burn, B soaked with water. C affected by steam D__allowed to go out 4, The Fowler Steam Engine was about A 2 metres long. € 6 metres long, B 4 metres long. D8 metres long, Fowler Single Cylinder Traction Engine that the restart night but the ling powe the gearing of the driving w inch were the real power in those days. In Bilpin the Fowler Steam Engine was used for about A 150years. B 100 years. D 70 years. 20 years. A disadvantage of the Fowler Steam Engine was A. that it had to be pulled by horses. B the time it took to get it started C an inadequate fuel supply. D_ thatit only had one use. From the information provided it appe2" the users of the Fowler Steam Engine would find it A readily manoeuvrable. B very economical and easy to handle C generally best used in a_stationa! position. D_ quick in taking loads from one site '° another. ‘Excel Years 6-6 Solective Schools and Scholarship Reading Tests @ 52 Nit a7 Merchant of Death them. But how? Was there * sudden chill breeze had broken the calm of | d turn to for help? The — the night. She folded her arms across her eemed endless. And she had no chest and pulled the cloak tighter around a nagging feeling of dread that jn the darkness, in the blackness of her fears, y took root in her mind. ould bring tragedy, even death, a resolution slov 0, would be in peril for her life. ng the reality that she could not on a thin cloak, slipped tout into the garden, where she first sought d slowly along the paths knew so well, taking in the t by day were pungent but by h and delicate. She was eaves and flower heads being y the clear dew sparkling in the ‘ah sat on the wooden bench It was suddenly and up at the sl darker, with big heavy clouds beginning to pile up, scudding across the ink-blue starry sky. She looked down again, cupping her chin in her hands, elbows propped on her knees. Well, you're on your own now, Sarah thought No-one to help you. She shivered a little, fora 3. To Sarah the garden could be described as a place to A find contentment B sort out her problems C think about her past D_ enjoy the pleasures of nature. Sarah could not sleep because she was A feeling agitated B feeling saddened C feeling irritated D feeling aggravated. “Scudding’ clouds are clouds that are A. large and fluffy like soap suds. B_ expanding across the sky, C gusting along D billowing. 4, To seek ‘refuge’ is to want A. safety. B_ freedom. relaxation D_ accommodation. Ul Tests @ 53 —————<— t— =? SA oinsear ibe 8. Sarah Rona a Sit AA hhad been in the garden once before Seale Bey. B_ had been in the garden many times was in the garden for the first time 6. By the end of the extract Sarah has D_ had be n in the garden on two other A not found a solution to her worries. occasions. B decided to go in out of the dark. C become tired and ready for bed 9. ‘The most likely reason for Sarah to cup her D_ realised what she should do. chin in her hands and prop her elbows on her knees was to 7. When first entering the garden Sarah became Roo testhier ead aware of the A strange smells and the wind B darkness and the dew on the plants B avoid getting too wet C get some protection from the cold D provide a comfortable position thinking. C smell of the herbs and the dew on the leaves, D__scudding clouds and the increasing cold of the night Actas Buying a Microwave Oven Nikki is going to help her p NEC NEC 20 litre mechanical micron with 750 W power output, 5 power levels, 30 minute dual speed timer. cy $275 put, 3 yam detrost, hold hid safet ‘and boomerang turntable, Samsung 26 ire mechenicl Panasonic 23 ttre microwave with 1000 W power output with 900.W power utpet 9 power levels, and pre-programmed eo instant cook. 2 year warranty wots prompting dpa, Stage Excel Years 6-6 Selective Schools and Scholarship Reading Tests ® a 1. If the family’s only concern was for the largest capacity microwave oven they would choose the A NEC. B Samsung. © sanyo. D Panasonic le word ‘warranty’ refers to the expected working life of the equipment Conditions under which the oven can be used. Tength of time the owner should use the en before buying a new one. mufacturer’s undertaking to accept they would consider or Samsung. 0 or Samsung. ic or Sanyo. wanted a microwave oven with available power output they information provided the with the most features is From the information provided, the four microwave ovens can be most readily compared on facts relating to A price. B power levels. C memory stages, D_ warranty period. From the information provided it is most likely Panasonic consider a unique selling feature of their microwave oven to be A its capacity. B a child safety lock C the 3-stage memory. D_ the word-prompting display. If the family required a microwave oven that had a capacity of more than 25 litres and had a 3-stage memory they would buy A NEC. B_ Samsung. C Sanyo. D Panasonic. The word ‘function’ (Sanyo) is closest in meaning to A task B feature. Cheater. D_ occasion CityRail Automatic Gates Automatic Gates Gates? How do | use the Automa’ The automatic gates are designed to work v the magnetic stripe tickets. If you get on or off ata station with automatic gates you must use them to enter or exit. If you have a wheelchair or disability, bulky lugg or a pram, please show your ticket to the attendant to have the wide gate opened Just line up the arrow on your ticket with the arrow on the slot 1, Automatic Gates A are designed to be used with magnetic stripe tickets. B can be used readily by people with wheelchairs. € are available only for entering stations. D_ are at all railway stations. A A ‘valid’ ticket is one that has not been cancelled. B been used once only. C been used several times, D_ been kept in good condition. 3. Which of the following statements is true? A Automatic gate tickets are Teturned to the user. B Stations with automatic gates have always no other exit Tickets may not work if they are exposed to heat. D_ Tickets can be fed into the slot in any way. e correct use of the automatic keep your ticket in good conditio If your ticket is still valid it will be returned to you before you pass through the exit. Keep any bags, parcels, etc. close to your body. 4. People with parcels should A not use the stations B look for a wide, open gate. C show their ticket to the attendant D_ hold their parcels close to their body If passengers using the automatic gates do ot get their tickets back it means that they A. are about to begin their last trip. B_ have had their ticket confiscated. C have not paid the correct fare D_ have completed a journey The purpose of the diagrams A explain a complicated process. B help people who cannot read. C show how simple automatic gates are D_ encourage people not to carry too much luggage. Excel Yoars 6-6 Selective Schools and ‘Scholarship Reading Tests @ 56 Test 47 Macavity: the Mystery Cat a Mystery Cat: he's called the Hidden Paw For he’s the master criminal who can dely the Law. bafflement of Scotland Yard, the Flying Squad’s despair For when they reach the scene of crime—Macavity’s not there! Macavity. Macavity, there's no-one like Macavity, He's broken every human law, he breaks the law of gravity His powers of levitation would make a fakir stare And when you reach the scene of crime—Mac y's not there! You may seek him in the basement, you may look up in the air But | tell you onc once again—Macavity’s not there! Macavity’s a ginger cat, he’s very tall and thin; You would know him if you saw him for his eyes are sunken in. His brow is deeply lined with thought, his head is highly domed; His coat is dusty neglect, his whiskers are uncombed. He sways his head from side to side with movement like a snake And when you think he’s half asleep, he's always wide awake. | Macavity, Macavity there's no-one like Macavity, For he's a fiend in feline shape, a monster of depravity. You may meet him in the by-street, you may see him in the square: But when a crime’s discovered, then Macavity’s not there! 1. Macavity could be best described as a 5. Macavity ‘breaks the law of gravity’; this is A clumsy thief. meant to show how B practical pet A. Macavity seems to do the impossible C cunning feline. B_ quickly Macavity can escape. D playful prankster. C easy it is to break most laws. a D_ inefficient the police are 2. Macavity’s special ability is his ability to A look dangerous. 6. Macavity's attitude towards Scotland Yard, B pretend to be asleep. or the Flying Squad, could be best described C hide in the basement. as D_be nowhere near the crime scene. A secretive, C insulting, B taunting, D cruel }. Macavity is, most likely, A aspoiltcat. C a cared-for cat 7. For Scotland Yard and the Flying Squad B acuddly cat. D an independent cat catching Macavity is i . A. extremely frustrating, A ‘fakir’ isa B_ of little importance. specialist member of the police force. C difficult and dull ‘beggar who does mystical tricks. D criminal who cheats his victims. person who is not truthful, life threatening. goa> iets) | a Academy of Clown o Academy fe | lly The Comprehensive Eight-Week Clowning Course will concentrate on the discovery and development of the Clown Character that is latent (and secretly familiar in all of us. We will be trying to discover the feeling of ‘Clown’ through exercises in play, rela sensitivity and perception will be a practical outing to a popular weekend ve Sydney (yet to be announced) he last of the eight classes will consist of: Character development, costuming, — make-up, personality and presentation; * Skills training in juggling, magic, balancing, unicycling and balloon 7 animation: * Improvisation—the art of freeing the self to express, compose and create * Professionalism—undi jargon, contracts, fees, gig anding agent and contracts, Comprehensive Clowning Course Tuesdays, Feb 20-Apr 2 at 82 Thursdays, Feb 22-Apii 4 Weekend intensive Fob 16, 17, 18 Friday night 7.00 pm-9.90 pm esary to secure a place in the course Maximum class size is 15, 80 ple @ Academy of clown -7_ ‘Excel Years 6-6 Selctive Schools and Scholarship Reading Tests @ 58 1. The Academy of Clown flier advertises 7. Courses 1 and 2 conclude with A. aholiday show. A a fee-paying contract. B_ clowning courses. Boa it to a clown venue. C eight weeks of fun. C eight practical outings. D_ employment positions D_a fee-paying performance. 2, The word ‘comprehensive’ means 8. When the flier states that we all have ‘Clown A specialised Character that is latent’ it means that we B_ including all A. secretly want to be clowns. € astyle of education. B have a hidden ability to be clowns. D_ awarding certificates. C could complete the Academy of Clown course. — Ss cOuze, COSTS D_ have expressed an interest in watching ecco. clowns, C€ $240. 9. The flier is intended to make people see D $390. clowning as A very expensive to learn. B_ worthwhile part-time work. C a professional, fun-filled pursuit D_an opportunity to go on many outings. The ‘feeling of “Clown”’ will be discovered through such activities as A. skills training. B practical outings. € sensitivity and relaxation D professional concentration. Skills training includes magic and contracts. make-up and juggling unicycling and balancing. balloon animation and play. COM> the Weekend Intensive Course there are 3 sessions. 5 sessions. 8 sessions. lessons for 8 weeks.

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