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acts am Urashima the Fisher A long time ago, on the coast of Japan, there lived a family of fisherfolk named Kuzumi. The youngest boy was called Urashima. He was a kind boy and a clever fisherman ‘One day he went out in his boat and threw out his line. He didn’t catch any fish—instead he caught a great tortoise. It had a large hard shell, a funny wrinkled old-man face and a tiny tail. Now, | although its face looked old, this tortoise was only a youngster. Urashima, too, knew that the | tortoise was no older than he; and he also knew that Japanese tortoises lived for a thousand years. So, he thought to himself, ‘Why should 1 kill it, when there are plenty of fish for me to eat? After | all, it’s got about another nine hundred and eighty-eight years to live yet. It would be cruel to kill it | now? So Urashima threw the tortoise back into the sea and went on fishing | After he made his catch he fell drowsy. So he lay down in his boat in the hot summer sun and went off to sleep. As he slept a beautiful girl came up from beneath the waves. She climbed into the boat and woke Urashima with a touch of her hand. He stared at her still dazed with sleep. “Lam the daughter of the Sea God; she said, ‘and I live in the Dragon Palace beyond the sea. | was the tortoise you threw back, for my father sent me in disguise to see what you would do. Now my father has sent for you. If you learn to love me we shall be married and live in happiness for a thousand years in the Dragon Palace’ 1. Urashima Kuzumi was the 5. The tortoise was caught on Urashima’s line A. father of the Kuzumi family. A_ by accident. B_ only child of the Kuzumi family. B as planned by the Sea God. € youngest child of the Kuzumi family. C because it was not very fast. D beautiful daughter of the Kuzumi family. D because Urashima was a clever fisherman, 2. The word ‘drowsy’ is closest in meaning to Resear 6. The Sea God's daughter climbed into B_ sleepy. Urashima’s boat because she C droopy. was afraid of sea creatures. D exhausted. was exhausted from swimming, wanted a ride back to the coast wanted to reward Urashima for his kindness 3. The tortoise was A. about eighty years old. B_ one thousand years old. C less than twenty years old. D__ nine hundred and eighty-eight years old, A B ie D 4, Urashima let the tortoise go because it wasn't a fish, was too tough to eat. was too big for the boat. still had many years to live. pop Ate Potatoes Anna For the best results, use the best, Potatoes Anna Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 17 minutes 750 grams Packer's Pick Potatoes — peeled and thiny seaq 190 grams butter—melted finely chopped 172 teaspoon finely ground white pepper 1. Place thinly-siced potatoes in a bow, cover with and allow to stand for 10 minutes. Bran potatoes Completely with a towel 2, Arrange potato sices every in 21.5 ire capacily micromme fing dish, pour meted butter over the top, sprinkle wih chores and dust with pepper 3. Place a sheet of paper towel loosely over the top and ‘microwave on High 100% power for 15 minutos, ‘Alow Potatoes Anna to stand for 2 minutes before remavng aper and serving Serving Suggestions: Potatoes Anra are paticuatly deicous fease cookng times, by 20% (12| | served as a vegotable accompaniment to steor nod and en ; Ph mata 700, wats, ip: Food placed in a ring formation cooks more evenly in a —— reduce cooking ino by 5% igs Food eeped n/a fomesinn cock cine Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 17 minutes 2 rashers bacon Microwave oven. I your oven is 500 watts, Front of recipe card Back of recipe card 1. Potatoes Anna is best served with 5. In.a650 watt microwave oven actual cooking A bacon. time in the oven will be B_ melted butter. A less than 15 minutes. C steamed fish. B 15 minute: D Packer's Pick Potatoes. C 17 minutes. 2. In the recipe the word ‘dust’ means ra rereacant Zi asinoles A fine dirt. 6. From the commencement of preparations B brush off. until it is ready to eat Potatoes Ann requires fine powder. A 1? minutes. D_ sprinkle with B20 minutes, 3. ‘To make sufficient Potatoes Anna for 6 Ses reales, minutes. people | would need an extra A’ 2rashers of bacon. 2. For evenly cooked Potatoes Anna B_ 1 rasher of bacon. ‘A _use only the best potatoes. € 4 rashers of bacon, B cook a little longer than pier = D_ 6 rashers of bacon, C arrange food in a ring formation _A person preparing Potatoes Anna does not D ee to stand for two minutes a before serving. $6995 Asics GT Intensity Ladies Fitness Shoe. ESyrhetc leathor and ploypag nyk with INVA midsole efor Iho seek torsion-type performance ‘Ses 6-10. Lotto € Upper $3995 Not being able to spend over $65 on sports shoes my choice of shoes would be A Lotto Endure CT B New Balance MX655 C Nike Air Alpha D Asics GT Intensity. If was satisfied with a pair of sports shoes that were made of imitation leather I would choose A Lotto Enduro CT. B New Balance MX655 © Nike Air Alpha. D Asics GT Intensity. Tests @ 7 Buying Sports Shoes -nduro GT Mens Crosstrainer. | jute, collar and lacing as "4 Yi [sgges New Balance Mx 655 Mens & Ladies Fitness Shoo. Nike Air Alpha Trainer Mens & Ladies Fitness Shoe ILeather/mesh upper provides durabilty andstabilty iapolyurethane A versatile cross-training shoe k end custionng wth a core of EVA. Non-marking outsole provides, © sport conaonng. Sof eather lightweight cushioning and durabilty. Sies 7-14, 6 cynimio-ft sleeve, Full-length polyurethan ee jume, visible aitsole cushioning unit. ‘Mens 7-14; Ladies 6-10, If 1 required that featured both cushioning and durability I would select A Lotto Enduro CT, B__New Balance MX655. C Nike Air Alpha, D_ Asics GT Intensity. shoes The phrase ‘access ct Intensity) means A ble price’ (Asics a discount price. B the purchase price. € price many people can afford. D__ the price of the cheapest shoe available. If I required a shoe specifically designed for 6. a variety of running situations 1 would choose A Lotto Enduro CT B__ New Balance MX655 C Nike Air Alpha D_ Asics GT Intensity If I required sports shoes designed for sportsperson I could choose either A. Lotto Enduro CT or Asics GT Intensity B__ New Balance MX65S or Lotto Endure ep C Nike Air Alpha or Asics GT Intensity D Asics GT Intensity or New Balance MX655. amale Life. Be in It, for Longer Zz Our changing life expectancy in years 1980-1982 1985—1987 1990—1992 Age | Males (years) |Females (years)| Males (years) Females (years)| Males (years) Females (years) | 50 25.1 30.7 26.3 31.4 27.5 323 | 55 21.0 26.3 22.0 27.0 saa Sez e| 60 | 17.2 22.0 18.1 22.7 19.1 23.4 | 6s 13.8 18.0 14.6 18.6 [San |e TOs 70 10.8 143 11.5 14.8 12.1 15.4 75 83 10.9 8.8 14 93 1.9 80 63 8.0 6.6 84 7.0 8.9 1. The phrase ‘life expectancy’ refers to 4. A the changing expectation, in years B the ages of people born after 1980-1982. € the difference in ages between men and women. D_ the years a person can expect to live if 5 there are no disasters. 2, In the period 1980-1982 males aged 50 could expect to live another A 25.lyears, C 31,4 years, B 30.7 years, D 32,3 years, 3. The table is intended to show that A life expectancy is changing very little, B females can expect to live longer than males, C everyone can expect nowadays, D_ old people don’t have as younger people, 10 live longer long to live as A. sixty-year-old male in 1985 could Teasonably expect to live until he was A 77. C80. B 78. D 82 An eighty-year-old female in 1990 can expec to live A’ 0.5 years more than a male the same age B 1.9 years more than a male the same. C 7.0 years more than a male the same age. D 8.9 years more than a male the same age The difference in life expectations of 4 female who was seventy in 1980 and one who was seventy in 1990 is A LL year B 13 years, c D 3.3 years. 3.5 years, cel Yours 6-6 Selective Schools and Scholrship Reading esta oe Test 5 The Marrog My desk’s at the back of the class "And nobody knows Tm a marrog from Mars With a body of brass ‘And seventeen fingers and toes. Wouldn't they shriek if they knew Te three eyes at the back of my head And my hair is bright purple My nose is deep blue And my teeth are half yellow half red? My five arms are silver with knives on them sharper than spears. 1. The narrator of the poem is feeling A lazy. C angry. B_ bored. D_ dangerous, 2. The phrase ‘they haven't a clue’ is meant to show that the students Aare too frightened to escape. B do not know about the marrog. cannot understand their work. D_ have not been taught anything 3. The marrog is really a creature A from Mars. Cin the classroom. B lost on Earth. D_ of the imagination. 4, Itis most likely the teacher is going about her work normally. worried about the ceiling. about to be gobbled up. another alien. you> could go back right now if | like— And return in a million light years I could gobble them all For I'm seven foot tall ‘And I'm breathing green flames from my ears. Wouldn't they yell if they knew f they guessed that a marrog was here? Ha-ha they haven't a clue— Or wouldn't they tremble with fear! Look, look, a Marrog They'd all scream—and SMACK. The blackboard would fall and the ceiling would crack And the teacher would faint | suppose But | grin to myself sitting right at the back —_| ‘And Nobody nobody knows. 5. From the poem it seems most likely the narrator dislikes A teachers. c B space travel. D school work. the other students. 6, The narrator has a desk at the back of the class which lets him A. sleep. B work hard. © daydream, D annoy students. 7. The narrator believes that if the students turned and looked at him they would A faint, B__ be screamed at. C tremble with fear D__ see he had three eyes. Test 6 Dangerous Redheads It is the worst thing having to go to a new jool where everyone knows one another and all the gangs and groups and friendships ave been underway since grade one. | arrived grade five, straight from the hippie commune that | had lived in since | was born. | been to school before and sitting in desks, in rows, having to put my hand up when | wanted something, having to do the her told id having to wear shoes nearly drove me mad. | felt like a caged tiger. all prowling and scratchy and furious. And somehow Cal understood. The teachers didn't understand though, every day was a battle in which they tried to make me decile and tame 0 say what me ai 1 The narrator found the new school difficult because A she was a girl, B she didn’t have a gang. C school rules were new to her D_ Cal was always hanging around. 2. The narrator is A an undisciplined person, B_ a primitive person. C a savage person. D a quiet person, 3. The phrase ‘Cal was always the mediator’ is meant to show that Cal A meddled in other people affairs, B helped solve disputes, C played games D_ was a coward 4. The narrator was most annoyed by A Cal, B_ her shoes, C the students, D_copping flack. and obedient and | tried to assert n continue being a y righ rt of embryonic Tarzan Cal was always the mediator. onflict but | didn’t mind it so mu gave me a buzz. He'd try t the teachers he fin He hated prot nd from mys as Pig-in-the-Midd usual ed Copping flack from both sides. Even when | got a gang of other kids climb ne: trees, throw r ind create yaswellas | could, Cal still hung in Conflict in the class made the narrator fee! A angry. B excited C unwanted D distressed. A satisfactory title for the article would be A Joining a Gang B Climbing Trees. € Beginning School D__Pig-in-the-Middle. The word ‘docile’ is closest in meaning t0 A. gentle, B dreary, C contented. D_ manageable. From information in the extract it is most likely that the narrator A hard-working in class. B always needing help. C athletic and resourceful. D quiet and avoids disputes. ‘Excel Yours 6-6 Selective Schools and Scholarship Reading Tests ® 0 Uictsiar/ The Dogman The dog gles from the clouds, Astride a beam of swinging air Unrealised hero of the crowds Whose upturned faces dimly stare. Like daisies watching from the ground. Arrayed in far-off random files Their homage r thout sound in grave content or drifting smile: The earth is open to his eyes Spread before him like a chart lue-washed blind of sea and sky ntains lie apart A dogman is a 5. A. dog catcher. B_ parachutist. A C emergency rescuer. B D construction worker. c The people watching the dogman are i A laughing. 6. B clapping. C talking. A D silent B c The dogman has a clear picture of the scene a because he is A. in the clouds. 2 Bona mountain. & C looking at a chart B D_ working on a tall building, C D The crowd's attitude towards the dogman is of fear, respect concern. amusement. Tests @ 11 In the poem the word ‘arrayed’ is closest in meaning to strewn, trapped, spread out in neat rows. The people in the crowd are still smiling because they are standing in daisies. respect the dogman’s courage, expect something exciting to happen. are enjoying the show he is giving them. The ‘beam’ is most likely a sun beam. swinging air a steel girder a rescue platform, How to Order using Cuisine Courier HOW TO ORDER Phone 358 1199 a [ctsimn) Cuisine Courier CUISINE COURIER Hour's (evenings) 5:30-10:30 Saturday-Thursday On your first order, give your name, address, phone no. and (if applicable) credit card details. Quote menu item numbers e.g: hours.) then: 1 of A 3 of etc. Please select before phoning. On subsequent orders, use the | B Customer Number issued on your order. Write your Customer Number here: al lic Hk ia] Bal] | * Discamer days—a * Cash & all major credit cards welcome Other useful information: © Ord ay be required + Be sure before you 5.30-11.00 Friday (Service availability subject to restaurant unde ack phone number side back cover. A.welcoming light and tips—when deserved—are appreciated by our drivers. $2.00 delivery charge from 1 menu Coluzzi’s Menu—A20 [CuOREn! ITALIAN 53 Closed on Sundays and Mondays ( Coluzzi’s c c Enveen ES aa erase, Saallne ons ae aie Prosclalta Malone. $50 | EB A Home Made $5 BF rigatont a Gon $8.50 12,50 Contadina sn $8.50 1.50 ~$50 | 17 1H Home Made 22GB penne Arabiatia....$850. 1.50 “uses the $8.50 12.50 ee ron 0 peg uso 19 a $1050 14.00 Waanesenan ia BBQ PAWS voor... $10.50 18,00 Bs a ni BHO Octopus... $6.00. 15.00 . Napoletaha 501.50 Re S800 12.30 See ue eee Mussels Napoli PE 8 0.1650 Le Mains a Desserts _ = $12,50 | Hl Chocolate Maul Cake sso {© nicota Cheese Cake $500 80 | home $50 | ae erence $350 | ‘Excel Yours 5-0 Selactive Schools and Scholarship Reading Tests ® 12 To order through the Cuisine Courier service it is essential to have A. acalculator. Bacar with a clock. C astreet directory. Da copy of the menus. The term ‘subsequent orders’ refers to orders A. made after the present order. B not made over the phone. C for different suburbs. D_ for lesser amounts. The most likely reason the Customer Number is not recorded is because ‘A no previous order has been placed with Cuisine Courier. the driver has not picked up the order. no credit card details are available. the order has not been paid for. vow How many entrees are available from Coluzzi’s menu? A 31 B 19 c 1s D6 The most likely reason readers are told drivers carry a maximum $40 cash is to A advise customers that they can get change. B cover surcharges and pick-up fees. pay for the meals collected. D_ discourage robberies. What would Soup of the Day and BBQ Mushrooms cost when delivered by Cuisine meal order could be delivered from Coluzzi’s A. before 10.30 pm on Sundays B after 5.30 pm on Mondays C for 9.30 pm on Thursdays D at 11.00 pmon Saturdays What would be the non-food costs of a $10 order delivered on the Australia Day holiday? A $2.00 B $2.50 Cc $4.00 D $4.50

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