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Assignment Title: Exploring Emerging Technologies

Objective: The objective of this assignment is to research and analyze a selected

emerging technology, understand its potential impact on various industries, and critically
evaluate its ethical, social, and economic implications.

Assignment Overview: In this assignment, you will choose one emerging technology
from the provided list according to your respective and prepare a comprehensive report.
Your report should cover the following aspects:

1. Introduction to the Emerging Technology: Provide a brief overview of the

selected emerging technology, including its definition, underlying principles, and
current state of development.
2. Applications and Use Cases: Explore the various applications and use cases of the
technology across different industries. Highlight specific examples where the
technology is already being implemented or has the potential for significant
3. Challenges and Limitations: Discuss the challenges and limitations associated
with the adoption and implementation of the technology. Consider technical,
regulatory, ethical, and societal challenges that may hinder its widespread
4. Ethical and Social Implications: Analyze the ethical and social implications of the
technology. Consider issues such as privacy concerns, data security, job
displacement, inequality, and potential misuse of the technology.
5. Economic Impact: Assess the potential economic impact of the technology on
businesses, markets, and employment. Discuss opportunities for innovation,
disruption of existing industries, and potential economic benefits or risks.
6. Future Outlook: Provide insights into the future outlook of the technology.
Discuss anticipated advancements, trends, and potential scenarios for its evolution
over the coming years.


• Selecting the Emerging Technology: Choose one of the following emerging

technologies for your assignment:
1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
2. Blockchain Technology
3. Internet of Things (IoT)
4. Quantum Computing
5. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
6. 5G Technology
7. Autonomous Vehicles
8. Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
9. Renewable Energy Technologies (e.g., solar, wind, hydro)
10. Nanotechnology

• Research and Analysis: Conduct thorough research on your chosen technology

using credible sources such as academic journals, industry reports, and reputable
news outlets. Analyze the information gathered to address the various aspects
outlined in the assignment overview.
• Report Format: Prepare a well-structured report that clearly addresses each
aspect of the assignment. Use appropriate headings and subheadings to organize
your content. Ensure clarity, coherence, and proper citation of sources.
• Submission: Submit your report in the specified format (PDF, Word document and
print document) by the deadline as indicated by instructor. Late submissions may
be subject to penalties as per the course policy.

Evaluation Criteria: Your assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

• Depth of research and analysis

• Clarity and organization of the report
• Critical evaluation of challenges and implications
• Originality of insights and perspectives
• Adherence to academic integrity and citation guidelines

Note: Plagiarism will not be tolerated and may result in severe penalties, including
academic sanctions.


• Academic journals (e.g., IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing,

Nature Nanotechnology)
• Industry reports (e.g., Gartner, McKinsey & Company)
• Reputable news outlets (e.g., MIT Technology Review, Wired)

Deadline for Submission: [One week before finally exam]

Act Accordingly!

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