OPINION Documental (1)

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For me, dating apps are not bad for people. In these kinds of apps, many
individuals can join to seek someone to build a relationship with or just to
spend quality time. However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a risk. A significant
risk with these apps is the kind of information we post and allow others to see,
as well as who we accept to view this information. These risks also exist on
social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. People often
share personal details without thinking about what could happen, making them
vulnerable to unwanted attention or harassment.
On dating apps, users may encounter fake profiles or catfishing, where
someone pretends to be someone they’re not, like in the documentary.
Catfishing is not the same as creating a fake profile, when you créate a fake
profile you are just taking someone else photo and creating a fake name with a
fake personality, but, when someone does catfishing is when a person pretends
to be somebody else online. Besides all the people no matter the age or the
gender are not exempt from being in danger both on dating apps and on social
I think a way to spot a stalker, is looking for signs like constant messages also
following you online or in person, and showing up where you are. A stalker
may keep reaching out even if you ask them to stop or seem to know too much
about your life. Recognizing these signs early can help people to be safe.
Overall, while dating apps and social media can help us connect with others,
it’s important to stay alert. Keeping our personal information private and being
careful online is essential for a good experience on these platforms.
As far as I know, I´ve never been stalked in a “dangerous” way, like in person
or someone directly texting me and bothering me, but, there is a girl that
always keps checking my profile, and I know this because I get a notification
everytime someone sees my profile and this girl is always always in the last
notification of who viewed my profile.

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