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May I go to the park?

May we use this class room?

May I make a cake?
Where is it?

it is on the desk

Can you help with my homework?

May I help you with your homework?
Can you help me set the table?
May I help set the table for you?

Can you make the bed please?

May I make the bed?

Can you please hang up the clothes?

May I hang up the clothes

Can you wash the towels?
May I wash the towels?

Can you vacuum the carpet?

May I vacuum the carpet?

Can can


yes he was on the beach yesterday

she was at the party lastnight

yes I was at the party lastnight

I was at the party yesterday

there is a plant

there was a plant

there are two plants

there were two plants

I like to practice Soccer because I like run

I prefer to practive water polo

she is from america

people call her Carol
Yes, she does like sports
her favorite sport is skatting
her brother
he practices baseball/ he does baseball
He plays second base
they are from Madison
am going to watch

will lend

will get

am going to wash

will paint

I'm going to buy

will show

will have

will sent

will visit
will find
will wake up
will be

will take

will leave
will take

are going to rent

will look after

I did at 9 am

was making a dinner

was taking a shower
were on the highway
was watching tv
was watching
was cooking
was on the street
were in class
were going to the beach
onao acciden
bought cost


was xxxx

Will you go to Miami Beach

Will he take the next course

Will She dance tonight

will it be hard to understand
will we observe the map
will you pay the taxes

will you paint the building

are you going to drive the car

they are either red or green
no, they are neither red nor puple
they are either green or yellow
Jenny wansts neither spaghtti nor salad

I will study niether in China nor in Japan

We have written niether to Louis nor Douglas

She knows how to speak neither French nor English

They have neither a yacht nor a boat

The poor man can neither swim nor sail

she neither wrote nor phoned

He neither smoked nor wrote / He neither smoke nor write

Neither of them have a car

I think his name either is Jose or Mike

We can leave either today or tomorrow

I was born neither in Caracas nor Valencia

neither of them
neither of them
neither of them

neither of them
He wants to drink either lemonade or milk

I like either apples or oranges

You wish to buy either a house or a farm

we bought either the stamp or the envelope

either of them are in Florida

they will travel either to PR or to Panama

She always drinks either lemonade or coke

I like my coffe either cream or without

He ate either potatoes or tomatoes

do too
did too
didn't either / neither did I
didn't either
has been too
does too
won't either
is too
have too
wasn't either
It hasn't rained this week
the weather has been cold recently
I've not read the newspaper today

Rachel's earned a lot...

GGM has written many ...
I've not visited my perents letaly
has been
has been
have known
've not played

I have met
have not seen
haven´t eaten

I have had

haven´t read
haven´t tried
have been
have been
Have seen
he is going to a travel agency with Helen
rain will stay

will get park
move need will

give up will feel

will have

Could you give me the keys

could you please lend me some money

could we have a pet?

could we talk to her

could you see this map

could you go to the park

could you sing that song

could we swim rightnow

Wolud you like to play golf with me

would you like to go to the mountaind, climb

would you like to visit my grandparents tomorrow

would you like to go shopping

would you like to travel to Europe this year

would you like to walk this afternoon on the street

would you like to practice soft-ball

yes think I able to write a letter

will you dance with her?
will we buy a new apartant?
go thwere and then turn arong come back
wil you please
will you please close the door when go out
welcome wil you plese sit down here

shall we opne the new store

shall we invete pur friends to the party
you shall rest a lot
you shalll drink a lot of water
you shall read this book
you shall explian the problem

or not

I would go to the movies

you didn't go to work

I saved more money

I wouldn't go out

I wouldn't pay my bills

were raning wouldn't go
would go saved

were cririced

would help didn't have

Drivers are supposed to be carfeul...

teachers are suppoed to be on time ....

we are sopposed to respect other's opinions.

Everybody is sopposed to keep, the city clean

she is supposed to know to how to give......

christians are suppsed know that they.......

smokers are suppoed to use the ashtray

aren't supposed to park
was supposed to arrive
are supposed to be

are supposed to start

supposed to phone
were suppoesed to come
is supposed to be
were supposed to wash
isn't supposed to do

is supposed to wirte

should pass
should have come
should come
should do
should have done
should go
shouldn't have aten

yes she is
yes she alw
no she doesn't

yes it would be better (great, nice) if she didin't rest so much

N is watching tv
yes she does
she turns on the tv in the morning
yes she continues watching tv in the afternoon

yes it would be bette (nice, great) if she didnt' wat tv son much
no, she has sattelite dish
she wears elegant dresses

they can be short or long

cus, they want to look casual


yes bux it's elegant to wear

is buying apair of shoes
he bought a brown belt
he will play 40 $

she werae the scarfo beuacasy tis cold todau

my mother
he wears his in a elegant party
I need a unbrella when it's raing
been able to
been able to
be able to

can't come
could run
conuldn't eat
couldn't hear/can't hear
couldn't sleep

were able to

she coudn't
was able to
was able to

was able to

was able to
were abel to
No not
no not

have been repairing

have repaied
has been smoking
has smoked
have been doing

have done

have been reading

have you read
have been playing
have played
its about computers and their importance, everybody most know about them

cus the c world has taken the first place in technology

pressing a simple button on a computer

it has been raing for two hours.
we have been waiting for the bur for 20 minutes
I have been studing Italian since Dicenber

Raymond has been looking for a job for siz months

Daniel has been woriking in Dublin since January

we have been writing to each other for years

get up
wake up
found out

picked up
talked over

cut down

turn down
he asked me what my mane was
she asked me how old I was
where I lived
how ofen I come to the intitute
how long I had been studying enshlish
what time I would phone her tonight

Somebody asked me if I had been born in October

Somebody asked me if I could drive
If I had gone out the night before
if I had ever been to Angel falls
If I was listeinig to her
If I would like to learn anu other lenuaghe

to shut up
not to come late
If I would help her
not to stop excercising

the boys didn't study german

that they were in that office

he said that he hadn't taken the job
she said that she hadn't gone to england

it hadn't fit john well

Carol had chosen the gitd for her mother

that the dog were sleeping in the garage

he was David, he had gotten a cold, a rather bad one, she had thought he had come
back from shcool yesterday morning, he had been hot, so she had sent him to bed, he
had been very ill the night before, but he was a little better that morning

he was honest and kind, and he had worked hard, I had talked to Carter, his manager the
other day, he said tom was going to do well. he had had a goog brain , he knew hs job
and he got on well withthe workers, Carter said he would make an excellent manager
when he had had a few year of experience

I had some money i was going to buy an apple and two orangesn, I would eat them that
afternonn, I wanted to go to aliece'shouse because she hadn't gone to school that week
had known would have phoned
would have gotten
hadn't missed
would have bought had lent me

had woked would have had

yes I have been lis

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