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1. To determine the views of nursing So ,my experiences in various
students about effective healthcare healthcare settings during the clinical
settings; duty is first ranging from past days in
the emergency department to more
structured patient units. So, during
our duty each setting offered unique
challenges and learning opportunities,
allowing me or as a student nurse to
develop a well rounded
understanding of patient care. P1L11-

For me , the key factors contributing

to an effective healthcare setting for
nursing students during the clinical
duties include supportive
preceptorship, and ahmmm… access
to resources and educational
opportunities. So.. opportunities for
hands-on learning and skill
development in a positive and
inclusive learning environment.
P1L27 - 31

Okay uhmm.. so the initiatives such

as mentorship programs, learning
experienced nurses with nursing
students, I think implementing
simulation labs for hands-on practice
to keep integrating evidence based
practice into clinical workflows, and
prioritizing staff wellbeing and work
life balance can greatly enhance
healthcare practices in clinical
settings. P1L37 - 41
Okay uhmm.. my experiences in
different healthcare settings was so
amazing, every time there is a duty in
a clinical setting I always get
prepared because I truly love people
especially when they are in need.
P2L56 - 58

When I’m in a hospital setting, with

the guidance of prayer, I boost my
confidence by studying or re-read my
notes and the presence of mind. I did
the student nurse interventions by
giving and preparing medications,
taking vital signs and plotting in charts
without erasures. P2L62 - 65

For me you need to be prepared

always , study the basics, pray for
guidance and repeat. P2L81 - 82

uhm… In creating effective healthcare

settings, teamwork and collaboration
help clients in an efficient way or
easiest way to provide standard care
and best results. P2L87 - 89

For me it should be more on

confidence and presence of mind with
these it helps through a lot especially
when our patient needs our care the
most. P2L93 - 94

In my opinion, the area that really

improved to better support nursing
students during clinical duties is the
Emergency Room. ER guided you
through basic concepts and to get
prepared if you enter the special
area. P2L98 - 100

During sa mga duties nako from dati

hantud nga karun like sa ward, DR,
OR, Ward kay kanang natagaan gyud
ko ug opportunity na maka
experience og ma exposed sa mga
actual hospitals and patients then
maka ingon gyud kog every
experience nako sa duty is daghan
jud ko na learned and naka gain sang
mga hands-on experience na maka
performed sang mga procedure para
sa patient, naka experience mag
collaborate sa mga staff sa ka group
sa duty pati ang pinaka importante is
naka intindi kung paano mag provide
sa unsay preferred or unique nga
mga needs sang mga patients labi
nag may iba-iba silag needs,
preference, culture og beliefs.
P3L115 - 123

Isa Sa na experienced nako kay

kanang naay patient nga nag aalala
na ang iyahang health then para
maiwasan ang adverse outcome para
sa patient kay nakita ko na naay jud
teamwork and effective
communication sa health care team
maong na save on time ra jud ang
pasyente. P3L127 - 130

Para sa akoa kaning mga key factors

nga maka contribute na maging
effective and healthcare setting para
sa mga students nurses like me every
duty is syempre dapat supportive and
CI sa student na dapat nagahatag
ang CI sang mga opportunities para
hands-on learning or like mag
provide procedure sa mga student
with guidance para ma enhance ang
skills sang students then dapat naay
clear and effective communication
within sa healthcare teams then
ensure naay room for learning and
improvement jud sya student nurses
halimbawa kung mag kamali. P3L154
- 161

Kaning teamwork and collaboration

kay importante kaayo sa isa ka health
care setting kay kung naa ni sila duha
maka create tas effective na health
care setting kay naa may effective
communication, collaboration in terms
coordination of care pati sa decision
making then mostly pag naay
teamwork and collaboration kay mas
ma improve jud ang patient outcome,
safety og quality care para sa
patient.P3L164 - 169

Mga strategy na I believed nga maka

help sa pag enhance sang healthcare
practices sa isa clinical setting kay
kanang pag implement sa hospital
sang mga projects na pwede mag
address sang mga challenges sa
clinical setting, e utilize ang mga
technology para mas padali ang
trabaho kag ma improve anf
communication pati teamwork, then
provide pud og additional training and
education para sa mga healthcare
professionals , then promote
collaboration and sa decision making
sa healthcare team then last kay e
apil always ang patient og families sa
planning og intervention para mas ma
achieve and expected outcome para
sa patient. P3L173 - 181

Para sa akoa kay kanang isali nila

kanang e enhance ang orientation og
tagaan more opportunities and
students na maka learn jud like
hands-on experience then better
guidance og mentoring halin sa CI
then syempre para ma feel sa student
nurses na maka learn jud sila is dapat
ma address ang kung unsa may
issues nga naa sa healthcare setting
para mas comfortable ang students at
least di kaayo pressured kay makita
nga naay effectiveness sa health care
practices sa isa ka clinical setting.
P3L186 - 192

During my clinical duties, I've had the

opportunity to experience various
healthcare settings, each offering
unique challenges and learning
opportunities. In labor and delivery, I
assisted in delivering babies,
provided prenatal care, and
supported mothers during childbirth.
In geriatric nursing, I cared for elderly
patients, addressing their unique
health needs and promoting their
well-being. In psychiatric nursing, I
worked with patients with mental
health issues, offering support,
counseling, and medication
management. Each setting has taught
me valuable lessons in compassion,
patience, and the importance of
holistic care. P4L202 - 210

Some examples or incidents from

my experiences that illustrate the
effectiveness or challenges of
healthcare settings during clinical
duties are; First is Effective
Communication. During my clinical
rotation in labor and delivery, I
witnessed an excellent example of
effective communication between the
nursing team and the obstetrician
during a complicated delivery. The
team communicated clearly and
efficiently, ensuring that the patient
received the necessary care
promptly. This experience highlighted
the importance of communication in
delivering safe and effective care.
Secondly, Interprofessional
Collaboration, In a geriatric nursing
rotation, I worked with a team of
healthcare professionals to develop a
care plan for an elderly patient with
multiple chronic conditions. Through
collaboration and coordination, we
were able to address the patient’s
complex needs and improve their
quality of life. This experience
demonstrated the importance of
teamwork in providing comprehensive
care. Third is about Patient-Centered
Care. During a psychiatric nursing
rotation, I had the opportunity to work
with a patient who was experiencing
severe anxiety. By taking the time to
listen to the patient’s concerns and
involving them in their care decisions,
we were able to develop a treatment
plan that addressed their needs and
preferences. This experience
highlighted the importance of treating
each patient as an individual with
unique needs and preferences. Lastly
is all about the Quality Improvement,
In a clinical setting, I observed a
quality improvement initiative aimed
at reducing medication errors.
Through the implementation of
barcode scanning technology and
staff education, the hospital was able
to significantly reduce the incidence
of medication errors. This experience
demonstrated the impact of quality
improvement initiatives on patient
safety. P4L215 - 239

An effective healthcare setting for

nursing students during clinical duties
is one that provides supportive and
knowledgeable clinical instructors,
structured learning opportunities,
patient-centered care,
interprofessional collaboration,
access to resources, a safe learning
environment, feedback and reflection,
exposure to ethical and legal
considerations, and professional role
modeling. Such an environment is
essential for the education and
professional development of nursing
students, preparing them for
successful careers in nursing.P4L280
- 287

Teamwork and collaboration are

essential components of an effective
healthcare setting. By working
together, healthcare professionals
can improve patient outcomes,
enhance patient safety, increase
efficiency, and create a more positive
work environment. It is essential for
healthcare organizations to promote a
culture of teamwork and collaboration
to ensure the delivery of high-quality,
patient-centered care. P4L290 - 295

Enhancing healthcare practices in

clinical settings requires a
comprehensive approach that
addresses various aspects of
healthcare delivery. By implementing
strategies and initiatives such as
advanced technological integration,
interprofessional collaboration,
patient-centered care, continuing
education, quality improvement
initiatives, evidence-based practice,
advanced care planning, cultural
competence, and ethical and legal
considerations, healthcare practices
can be enhanced, leading to
improved patient outcomes and
satisfaction.P4L299 - 306

In my opinion, healthcare settings

can better support nursing students
during their clinical duties by focusing
on the following areas:

1. Enhanced Preceptorship
Programs: Providing nursing students
with experienced mentors who offer
guidance and support can help them
develop clinical skills more effectively.

2. Structured Clinical Rotations:

Offering structured rotations that
expose students to a variety of
specialties and settings can provide a
well-rounded experience.

3. Improved Communication
Channels: Establishing clear
communication between students,
instructors, and healthcare teams can
ensure students receive the support
they need.

4. Access to Resources: Providing

access to textbooks, online
databases, and simulation labs can
enhance learning and preparation for
clinical duties.
5. Feedback and Evaluation: Offering
regular feedback helps students track
progress and identify areas for

6. Mental Health Support:

Recognizing and addressing the
challenges students may face can
promote their well-being.

7. Cultural Competence Training:

Providing training in cultural
competence can improve patient care
for diverse populations. By focusing
on these areas, healthcare settings
can better support nursing students
during their clinical duties and help
them succeed in their careers.
P4L311- 331

In my time as a nursing student doing

clinical work, I've had both good and
bad experiences. Each day brings
different tasks, like taking vital signs,
giving medicine, helping patients
move around, or aiding in procedures.
Being in clinicals means learning from
real-life situations under the guidance
of a registered nurse. It's where I've
honed various skills like
communication, critical thinking,
teamwork, and professionalism.
Some days are tough, but each one
teaches me something new about
patient care and what it means to be
a nurse.P5L347 - 354

During my clinical duties, I remember

one time when the healthcare setting
was really effective. The nurse made
sure to explain everything to us as we
learned how to administer meds.
Under supervision, we provide
medication to actual patients. There
was excellent teamwork, and
everyone supported one another.
Regular feedback sessions were also
held, during which we discussed our
successes and areas for
improvement. It made me feel more
confident and capable.P5L358 - 364

For nursing students during clinical

duties, key factors for a good
healthcare setting include having
helpful mentors who know a lot, clear
instructions and good communication,
chances to learn by doing real tasks,
seeing different kinds of patients,
having enough stuff and space to
work, making sure everything is safe
and about the patients, learning how
things they study fit into real
situations, getting to work with other
types of healthcare workers, and
getting feedback and
guidance.P5L392- 398

For me teamwork and collaboration

are super important in making
healthcare settings work well. When
everyone works together, things run
smoother and patients get better
care. Each person brings different
skills and knowledge to the table, so
when we collaborate, we can solve
problems faster and provide more
comprehensive care. Good teamwork
also boosts morale and helps create
a positive work environment for
everyone involved. Overall, teamwork
and collaboration are essential for
creating effective healthcare settings
where patients receive the best
possible care.P4L401 - 408

There are various things we can do

to improve healthcare practices when
performing clinical activities. First, we
can guarantee that student nurses
are provided with unambiguous
opportunities for learning. Then,
before dealing with actual patients,
they can train using made-up
scenarios. Collaborating with other
healthcare professionals and sharing
knowledge is also beneficial. It's also
critical for them to consider how they
might get better and receive feedback
frequently. Utilizing computers and
other technological instruments can
streamline procedures and aid in
patient monitoring. Additionally, it's
critical to base patient care decisions
on the best available data. Students
who study many cultures will be able
to treat people with greater
compassion. Finally, it's critical to
attend to the emotional needs of
healthcare professionals in order to
prevent burnout. By taking these
actions, clinical responsibilities can be
improved and made more beneficial
for all parties.P5L411 - 423

Healthcare settings can do a few

things to better support nursing
students during their clinical duties.
First, providing more clear guidance
and supervision can help students
feel more confident and learn better.
Also, ensuring there are enough
resources and equipment available
for students to use can improve their
learning experience. Creating a
supportive environment where
students feel comfortable asking
questions and seeking help is crucial
too. Lastly, offering regular feedback
and opportunities for reflection can
help students understand their
strengths and areas for improvement,
fostering their growth as future
nurses.P5L427 - 435

Okay, It was a really good

experience. I can say that I learned a
lot especially in the special areas
where you have to be more attentive,
though you need to be alert in all
areas be it may night or morning
shift.P6L446 - 448

That time when preparing the

medication for the skin test was kind
of confusing. My thoughts were
focused on this matter and it seems
that I can't assimilate it as if I was
thoroughly trying to understand it in a
step-by-step procedure. Later when it
all comes to mind, I have this
eagerness to perform. This time, I
was confident and managed well in
that preparation of
medication.P6L452- 456

When they have the confidence or the

enthusiastic factor, that might be an
indicator to an effective healthcare
setting for nursing students during
clinical duties.P6L471 - 473

To be short, teamwork and

collaboration is an essential factor
conducive to effective healthcare
setting. Not only that, it has the
capacity to perform jobs effortlessly
due to the division of tasks.P6L476 -

If we're talking about initiatives, then I

believe just by reading in relation to
these healthcare practices, with
determination and resolution to fulfil
the purpose of being a nurse, then
that potentially enhances healthcare
practices in clinical settings.P6L481-

Not particularly as long as nursing

students get the opportunity to
experience and encounter various
areas in a healthcare setting.P6L488
- 489

It was a roller coaster ride, every

experience and learnings depend on
every institution and Clinical
instructors. It costs too much, it was
tiring, draining but everything is worth
it. P7L500 - 502

Giving exact details about the patient

to have an idea what to do and to be
aware as well. Giving appreciation
such as thank you is very fulfilling and
will motivate students to continue
making a good performance. P7L506
- 508

Allowing nursing students to perform

any procedures that they are capable
of doing with proper guidance,
appreciation from CI or staff nurses in
every little achievement they
accomplished, and Safe
environment.P7L521 - 523

Teamwork is very essential in every

healthcare setting, things will be easy
if you work hand and hand, don’t rely
on yourself this is not your own war.
Things will work if you help each
other, two heads are better than
one.P7L526 - 528

Paying attention will lead you to the

right path, maintaining safety and
quality care. Taking notes will remind
you what to do next and could save
time between CI and students.
Working as a team will make
everything faster and easy but with
safety. P7L532 - 535

I think letting the students perform

rare procedures that they are able to
do, underestimating students should
not be included but instead
appreciate all their efforts and if they
made a mistake correcting it in a nice
way would be a great help. Let
students have fun while learning.
P7L539 - 542

Healthcare settings can vary greatly,

each setting has its own unique
challenges and opportunities for
learning. For instance, hospitals that
I’ve been exposed for almost 3 years
often provide a fast-paced
environment with exposure to a wide
range of medical conditions and
offers services that can provide the
most holistic care possible. Overall,
gaining experience in various
healthcare settings can help a student
nurse like me in developing a well-
rounded skill set and better adapt to a
different patient populations and
clinical scenarios. P8L5554 - 561

One of the example is when I am

deployed in a Provincial hospital and
assigned to a skilled and supportive
clinical instructor during the clinical
rotation. My CI provides regular
feedback, guidance, and
opportunities for hands-on learning,
which significantly enhances us his
students in clinical skills and building
confidence in giving holistic care to
our pts. We student feels supported
and empowered to take on increasing
responsibilities, ultimately leading to a
successful transition to independent
nursing practice. P8L565 - 571

I consider the key factors that

contribute to an effective healthcare
setting for nursing students during
clinical duties are a safe environment,
supportive clinical instructors and
other members of the healthcare
team, diverse patient population,
access to resources and structured
learning opportunities.P8L586 - 589

Teamwork and collaboration are

fundamental in creating an effective
healthcare setting where patients
receive high-quality, coordinated care
that meets their diverse
needs.P8L592 - 594

One of the strategies that needs to be

considered in enhancing healthcare
practices in clinical settings is the
Cultural Competency Training.
Providing cultural competency
training to nursing students and
healthcare providers helps them
deliver culturally sensitive care to
diverse patient populations and
promotes health equity. P8L597 - 601

I think they must give attention to the

Mental Health of the student nurses.
For the reason that, recognizing the
stress and emotional challenges that
nursing students may face during
clinical duties, healthcare settings can
provide access to mental health
support services, counseling, and
resources to promote student well-
being because in this point of time
most of the students are shaken
because the emotional intelligence is
notoriously one of the most weakest
points of their whole being and for me
this dilemma should be addressed as
soon as possible.P8L605 - 612
Akong mga experiences sa different
healthcare settings kay depende sa
lugar. Pag sa kidapawan area kay
murag mas taas ang standard and
expectations sa staff and CI, idk
nganong ato sila, pero dili man sad sa
tanan hospital diri sa kidapawan.
Pero basta sa kidapawan na hospi
kay makulbaan ko, mapa ward man
or special area. Naa tung isa ka time
nga strict among CI tapos medyo dili
pud ato ka approachable ang staffs
sa hospital, mag ampo jud ko bago
magduty na tama akong mabuhat na
mga procedures aron di makasab-
an. P9L625 - 632

Effectiveness; katong time nga gipa

IV insertion ko, dapat man gud bawal
siya pero gipatry ko sa akong CI while
naa siya sa akong kilid to guide. First
time nako tapos one shot lang siya.
Dakong achievement to sa akoa and I
can say that nga effective ang
strategy sa akong CI na magtudlo.
- Challenge kay katong ingon nako
nga strict halos staffs sa isa ka
hospital, halos mag ampo taga
muduty kay mahadlok man makasab-
an. Gamayng mali nimo, kasab-an
dayon ka, worst kay extension or
IR. P9L636 - 642

A student friendly environment in the

healthcare setting. This means that
the environment is not that heavy
para sa mga student na maglearn,
they are not intimidated sa mga
medical teams na naa sa healthcare
setting, pero mas na inspire sila na
mahimomg professional like them
puhon. P9L659 - 662

If there is a teamwork and

collaboration in healthcare setting that
means that the care they are
providing sa mga patients kay "best"
Why? Kay naa man tay different
professionals na nag study sa diff.
area sa medical field, they master
tong area na ilang gipili. Sa
healthcare setting dili ka mabuhi nga
ikaw ra isa, like nurse ra. Need sad
og other professionals to give the
effective and best nga care na
mahatag sa isa ka pasyente/or sa
pasyente. P9L665 - 670

Like giving chances sa mga student

na mag explore and gain experiences
during clinical duties. Some hospital
man gud kay naa silay staff na dalo
og cases or procedures na pabuhaton
sa students, they don't want the
students to perform certain
procedures. Siguro kay hadlok sila na
magkamali ang students? Pero mao
ganing naay CI aron naay mag guide,
nganong naay clinical duties aron
maka gain og experience. P9L674 -

For me mas better na all areas ang

naay improvements and also sa mga
staff and CIs. By doing this, mas
maging better man gud ang work
area or clinical setting for the students
na makalearn and gain og experience
na ilang need. If approachable and
willing to help ang mga nakapalibot
sa student kay mas naa silay gana
nga mutry and learn aron ilang
madala hantod sa maging
professional na sila. Og better sad na
dili ifilter ang mga butang ba, like
kung unsay reality sa isa ka hospital
kay mao jud ang ipakita sad sa mga
student nurse while naga practice
palang sila aron sa future dili na sila
makuratan nga lahi diay ang
pamaagi. P9L683 - 691
I can describe my experience in
different healthcare settings during
my clinical duties as
“CHALLENGING” . This word
describes how amazed I am in terms
of learning and doing what I love to
do. I was taught in different ways but
what I love the most in my
experiences is the values and
character that I developed and
instilled in me in becoming who I am
today.P10L710 - 714

One of the key factors that contribute

to an effective healthcare setting for
nursing students during my clinical
duties is the "OPEN
COMMUNICATION" because by this
as a team you can achieve your
objectives as a whole in providing
effective patient care.P10L728 - 731

First is honesty because

transparency and honesty in any form
of your action can really contribute to
the smooth flow in providing effective
care to your patient. And by this it can
help your team to be organized and
unified to the goal that you wanted to
achieve in patient care. Second is,
collaboration by these strategies can
help not just yourself as a student
nurse but the whole institution to be
fully equipped in terms of providing
care and addressing concerns
regarding improving services.
P10L736 - 742

One of the example is in relaying

information of patients to our
respective doctors like the
laboratories and interventions. The
team should inculcate the culture of
open communication because this
can help build an organized and more
structured interventions for patient
care.P10L748- 751

More Structured Environment: In

clinical duties roles and functions of a
student nurse must be assigned
thoroughly and must be explained
well to avoid confusion in performing
it. The student nurse must be guided
and supervised with their CI in their
exposure by letting them do their job
in considering their main obligation as
nurturer P10L757 - 761


1. To determine the views of nursing For me , the key factors contributing
students about effective healthcare to an effective healthcare setting for
settings; nursing students during the clinical
duties include supportive precep….
preceptorship, and ahmmm… access
to resources and educational
opportunities. So.. opportunities for
hands-on learning and skill
development in a positive and
inclusive learning environment.
P1L27 - 31

For me you need to be prepared

always , study the basics, pray for
guidance and repeat. P2L81- 82

Para sa akoa kaning mga key factors

nga maka contribute na maging
effective and healthcare setting para
sa mga students nurses like me every
duty is syempre dapat supportive and
CI sa student na dapat nagahatag
ang CI sang mga opportunities para
hands-on learning or like mag
provide procedure sa mga student
with guidance para ma enhance ang
skills sang students then dapat naay
clear and effective communication
within sa healthcare teams then
ensure naay room for learning and
improvement jud sya student nurses
halimbawa kung mag kamali.P3L154
- 161

An effective healthcare setting for

nursing students during clinical duties
is one that provides supportive and
knowledgeable clinical instructors,
structured learning opportunities,
patient-centered care,
interprofessional collaboration,
access to resources, a safe learning
environment, feedback and reflection,
exposure to ethical and legal
considerations, and professional role
modeling. Such an environment is
essential for the education and
professional development of nursing
students, preparing them for
successful careers in nursing.P4L280
- 287

For nursing students during clinical

duties, key factors for a good
healthcare setting include having
helpful mentors who know a lot, clear
instructions and good communication,
chances to learn by doing real tasks,
seeing different kinds of patients,
having enough stuff and space to
work, making sure everything is safe
and about the patients, learning how
things they study fit into real
situations, getting to work with other
types of healthcare workers, and
getting feedback and guidance.
P5L392 - 398

When they have the confidence or the

enthusiastic factor, that might be an
indicator to an effective healthcare
setting for nursing students during
clinical duties. P6L471 - 473

Allowing nursing students to perform

any procedures that they are capable
of doing with proper guidance,
appreciation from CI or staff nurses in
every little achievement they
accomplished, and Safe environment.
P7L521 - 523

I consider the key factors that

contribute to an effective healthcare
setting for nursing students during
clinical duties are a safe environment,
supportive clinical instructors and
other members of the healthcare
team, diverse patient population,
access to resources and structured
learning opportunities.P8L586 - 589

A student friendly environment in the

healthcare setting. This means that
the environment is not that heavy
para sa mga student na maglearn,
they are not intimidated sa mga
medical teams na naa sa healthcare
setting, pero mas na inspire sila na
mahimomg professional like them
puhon. P9L659 - 662

One of the key factors that contribute

to an effective healthcare setting for
nursing students during my clinical
duties is the "OPEN
COMMUNICATION" because by this
as a team you can achieve your
objectives as a whole in providing
effective patient care.P10L728 - 731

Okay uhmm.. so the initiatives such

as mentorship programs, learning
experienced nurses with nursing
students, I think implementing
simulation labs for hands-on practice
to keep integrating evidence based
practice into clinical workflows, and
prioritizing staff wellbeing and work
life balance can greatly enhance
healthcare practices in clinical
settings. P1L37 - 41

Mga strategy na I believed nga maka

help sa pag enhance sang healthcare
practices sa isa clinical setting kay
kanang pag implement sa hospital
sang mga projects na pwede mag
address sang mga challenges sa
clinical setting, e utilize ang mga
technology para mas padali ang
trabaho kag ma improve anf
communication pati teamwork, then
provide pud og additional training and
education para sa mga healthcare
professionals , then promote
collaboration and sa decision making
sa healthcare team then last kay e
apil always ang patient og families sa
planning og intervention para mas ma
achieve and expected outcome para
sa patient. P3L173 - 181

Enhancing healthcare practices in

clinical settings requires a
comprehensive approach that
addresses various aspects of
healthcare delivery. By implementing
strategies and initiatives such as
advanced technological integration,
interprofessional collaboration,
patient-centered care, continuing
education, quality improvement
initiatives, evidence-based practice,
advanced care planning, cultural
competence, and ethical and legal
considerations, healthcare practices
can be enhanced, leading to
improved patient outcomes and
satisfaction. P4L299 - 306

There are various things we can do to

improve healthcare practices when
performing clinical activities. First, we
can guarantee that student nurses
are provided with unambiguous
opportunities for learning. Then,
before dealing with actual patients,
they can train using made-up
scenarios. Collaborating with other
healthcare professionals and sharing
knowledge is also beneficial. It's also
critical for them to consider how they
might get better and receive feedback
frequently. Utilizing computers and
other technological instruments can
streamline procedures and aid in
patient monitoring. Additionally, it's
critical to base patient care decisions
on the best available data. Students
who study many cultures will be able
to treat people with greater
compassion. Finally, it's critical to
attend to the emotional needs of
healthcare professionals in order to
prevent burnout. By taking these
actions, clinical responsibilities can be
improved and made more beneficial
for all parties.P5L411 - 423

Paying attention will lead you to the

right path, maintaining safety and
quality care. Taking notes will remind
you what to do next and could save
time between CI and students.
Working as a team will make
everything faster and easy but with
safety. P7L532 - 535

Like giving chances sa mga student

na mag explore and gain experiences
during clinical duties. Some hospital
man gud kay naa silay staff na dalo
og cases or procedures na pabuhaton
sa students, they don't want the
students to perform certain
procedures. Siguro kay hadlok sila na
magkamali ang students? Pero mao
ganing naay CI aron naay mag guide,
nganong naay clinical duties aron
maka gain og experience. P9L674 -

First is honesty because

transparency and honesty in any form
of your action can really contribute to
the smooth flow in providing effective
care to your patient. And by this it can
help your team to be organized and
unified to the goal that you wanted to
achieve in patient care. Second is,
collaboration by these strategies can
help not just yourself as a student
nurse but the whole institution to be
fully equipped in terms of providing
care and addressing concerns
regarding improving services.
P10L736 - 742
When I’m in a hospital setting, with
the guidance of prayer, I boost my
confidence by studying or re-read my
notes and the presence of mind. I did
the student nurse interventions by
giving and preparing medications,
taking vital signs and plotting in charts
without erasures.P2L62 - 65

When I’m in a hospital setting, with

the guidance of prayer, I boost my
confidence by studying or re-read my
notes and the presence of mind. I did
the student nurse interventions by
giving and preparing medications,
taking vital signs and plotting in charts
without erasures.P3L127 - 130

Some examples or incidents from

my experiences that illustrate the
effectiveness or challenges of
healthcare settings during clinical
duties are; First is Effective
Communication. During my clinical
rotation in labor and delivery, I
witnessed an excellent example of
effective communication between the
nursing team and the obstetrician
during a complicated delivery. The
team communicated clearly and
efficiently, ensuring that the patient
received the necessary care
promptly. This experience highlighted
the importance of communication in
delivering safe and effective care.
Secondly, Interprofessional
Collaboration, In a geriatric nursing
rotation, I worked with a team of
healthcare professionals to develop a
care plan for an elderly patient with
multiple chronic conditions. Through
collaboration and coordination, we
were able to address the patient’s
complex needs and improve their
quality of life. This experience
demonstrated the importance of
teamwork in providing comprehensive
care. Third is about Patient-Centered
Care. During a psychiatric nursing
rotation, I had the opportunity to work
with a patient who was experiencing
severe anxiety. By taking the time to
listen to the patient’s concerns and
involving them in their care decisions,
we were able to develop a treatment
plan that addressed their needs and
preferences. This experience
highlighted the importance of treating
each patient as an individual with
unique needs and preferences. Lastly
is all about the Quality Improvement,
In a clinical setting, I observed a
quality improvement initiative aimed
at reducing medication errors.
Through the implementation of
barcode scanning technology and
staff education, the hospital was able
to significantly reduce the incidence
of medication errors. This experience
demonstrated the impact of quality
improvement initiatives on patient
safety. P4L215 - 239

During my clinical duties, I remember

one time when the healthcare setting
was really effective. The nurse made
sure to explain everything to us as we
learned how to administer meds.
Under supervision, we provide
medication to actual patients. There
was excellent teamwork, and
everyone supported one another.
Regular feedback sessions were also
held, during which we discussed our
successes and areas for
improvement. It made me feel more
confident and capable. P5L358 - 364

That time when preparing the

medication for the skin test was kind
of confusing. My thoughts were
focused on this matter and it seems
that I can't assimilate it as if I was
thoroughly trying to understand it in a
step-by-step procedure. Later when it
all comes to mind, I have this
eagerness to perform. This time, I
was confident and managed well in
that preparation of medication.
P6L452 - 456

Giving exact details about the patient

to have an idea what to do and to be
aware as well. Giving appreciation
such as thank you is very fulfilling and
will motivate students to continue
making a good performance. P7L506
- 508

One of the example is when I am

deployed in a Provincial hospital and
assigned to a skilled and supportive
clinical instructor during the clinical
rotation. My CI provides regular
feedback, guidance, and
opportunities for hands-on learning,
which significantly enhances us his
students in clinical skills and building
confidence in giving holistic care to
our pts. We student feels supported
and empowered to take on increasing
responsibilities, ultimately leading to a
successful transition to independent
nursing practice.P8L565 - 571

Effectiveness; katong time nga gipa

IV insertion ko, dapat man gud bawal
siya pero gipatry ko sa akong CI while
naa siya sa akong kilid to guide. First
time nako tapos one shot lang siya.
Dakong achievement to sa akoa and I
can say that nga effective ang
strategy sa akong CI na magtudlo.
- Challenge kay katong ingon nako
nga strict halos staffs sa isa ka
hospital, halos mag ampo taga
muduty kay mahadlok man makasab-
an. Gamayng mali nimo, kasab-an
dayon ka, worst kay extension or
IR. P9L636 - 642

One of the example is in relaying

information of patients to our
respective doctors like the
laboratories and interventions. The
team should inculcate the culture of
open communication because this
can help build an organized and more
structured interventions for patient
care.P10L748 - 751
uhm… In creating effective healthcare
settings, teamwork and collaboration
help clients in an efficient way or
easiest way to provide standard care
and best results. P2L87 - 89

Kaning teamwork and collaboration

kay importante kaayo sa isa ka health
care setting kay kung naa ni sila duha
maka create tas effective na health
care setting kay naa may effective
communication, collaboration in terms
coordination of care pati sa decision
making then mostly pag naay
teamwork and collaboration kay mas
ma improve jud ang patient outcome,
safety og quality care para sa patient.
P3L164 - 169

Teamwork and collaboration are

essential components of an effective
healthcare setting. By working
together, healthcare professionals
can improve patient outcomes,
enhance patient safety, increase
efficiency, and create a more positive
work environment. It is essential for
healthcare organizations to promote a
culture of teamwork and collaboration
to ensure the delivery of high-quality,
patient-centered care. P4L290 - 295

For me teamwork and collaboration

are super important in making
healthcare settings work well. When
everyone works together, things run
smoother and patients get better
care. Each person brings different
skills and knowledge to the table, so
when we collaborate, we can solve
problems faster and provide more
comprehensive care. Good teamwork
also boosts morale and helps create
a positive work environment for
everyone involved. Overall, teamwork
and collaboration are essential for
creating effective healthcare settings
where patients receive the best
possible care. P5L401 - 408

: To be short, teamwork and

collaboration is an essential factor
conducive to effective healthcare
setting. Not only that, it has the
capacity to perform jobs effortlessly
due to the division of tasks. P6L476 -

Teamwork is very essential in every

healthcare setting, things will be easy
if you work hand and hand, don’t rely
on yourself this is not your own war.
Things will work if you help each
other, two heads are better than one.
P7L526 - 528

Teamwork and collaboration are

fundamental in creating an effective
healthcare setting where patients
receive high-quality, coordinated care
that meets their diverse
needs.P8L592 - 594

If there is a teamwork and

collaboration in healthcare setting that
means that the care they are
providing sa mga patients kay "best"
Why? Kay naa man tay different
professionals na nag study sa diff.
area sa medical field, they master
tong area na ilang gipili. Sa
healthcare setting dili ka mabuhi nga
ikaw ra isa, like nurse ra. Need sad
og other professionals to give the
effective and best nga care na
mahatag sa isa ka pasyente/or sa
pasyente. P9L665 - 669

In my opinion, the area that really

improved to better support nursing
students during clinical duties is the
Emergency Room. ER guided you
through basic concepts and to get
prepared if you enter the special
area. P2L98 - 100

Para sa akoa kay kanang isali nila

kanang e enhance ang orientation og
tagaan more opportunities and
students na maka learn jud like
hands-on experience then better
guidance og mentoring halin sa CI
then syempre para ma feel sa student
nurses na maka learn jud sila is dapat
ma address ang kung unsa may
issues nga naa sa healthcare setting
para mas comfortable ang students at
least di kaayo pressured kay makita
nga naay effectiveness sa health care
practices sa isa ka clinical setting.
P3L186 - 192

In my opinion, healthcare settings

can better support nursing students
during their clinical duties by focusing
on the following areas:

1. Enhanced Preceptorship
Programs: Providing nursing students
with experienced mentors who offer
guidance and support can help them
develop clinical skills more effectively.

2. Structured Clinical Rotations:

Offering structured rotations that
expose students to a variety of
specialties and settings can provide a
well-rounded experience.

3. Improved Communication
Channels: Establishing clear
communication between students,
instructors, and healthcare teams can
ensure students receive the support
they need.

4. Access to Resources: Providing

access to textbooks, online
databases, and simulation labs can
enhance learning and preparation for
clinical duties.

5. Feedback and Evaluation: Offering

regular feedback helps students track
progress and identify areas for

6. Mental Health Support:

Recognizing and addressing the
challenges students may face can
promote their well-being.

7. Cultural Competence Training:

Providing training in cultural
competence can improve patient care
for diverse populations. By focusing
on these areas, healthcare settings
can better support nursing students
during their clinical duties and help
them succeed in their careers.P4L311
- 331

Healthcare settings can do a few

things to better support nursing
students during their clinical duties.
First, providing more clear guidance
and supervision can help students
feel more confident and learn better.
Also, ensuring there are enough
resources and equipment available
for students to use can improve their
learning experience. Creating a
supportive environment where
students feel comfortable asking
questions and seeking help is crucial
too. Lastly, offering regular feedback
and opportunities for reflection can
help students understand their
strengths and areas for improvement,
fostering their growth as future
nurses.P5L427 - 435

Not particularly as long as nursing

students get the opportunity to
experience and encounter various
areas in a healthcare setting. P6L488
- 489

I think letting the students perform

rare procedures that they are able to
do, underestimating students should
not be included but instead
appreciate all their efforts and if they
made a mistake correcting it in a nice
way would be a great help. Let
students have fun while learning.
P7L539 - 542

I think they must give attention to the

Mental Health of the student nurses.
For the reason that, recognizing the
stress and emotional challenges that
nursing students may face during
clinical duties, healthcare settings can
provide access to mental health
support services, counseling, and
resources to promote student well-
being because in this point of time
most of the students are shaken
because the emotional intelligence is
notoriously one of the most weakest
points of their whole being and for me
this dilemma should be addressed as
soon as possible. P8L605 - 612

For me mas better na all areas ang

naay improvements and also sa mga
staff and CIs. By doing this, mas
maging better man gud ang work
area or clinical setting for the students
na makalearn and gain og experience
na ilang need. If approachable and
willing to help ang mga nakapalibot
sa student kay mas naa silay gana
nga mutry and learn aron ilang
madala hantod sa maging
professional na sila. Og better sad na
dili ifilter ang mga butang ba, like
kung unsay reality sa isa ka hospital
kay mao jud ang ipakita sad sa mga
student nurse while naga practice
palang sila aron sa future dili na sila
makuratan nga lahi diay ang
pamaagi. P9L677 - 685

More Structured Environment: In

clinical duties roles and functions of a
student nurse must be assigned
thoroughly and must be explained
well to avoid confusion in performing
it. The student nurse must be guided
and supervised with their CI in their
exposure by letting them do their job
in considering their main obligation as
nurturer. P10L751 - 755

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