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Ahmed Abdelnaby
Test on unit 2
1 Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or a:
11- Amal is a ……………………………
a. nurse b. officer c. engineer d. scientist
2- She looks after children in the children’s ………………………
a. class b. school c. garden d. ward
3 At home she hopes to have a …………………
a. rest b. shower c. meal d. ticket
4- Her day is a …………………… day.
a. sad b. happy c. busy d. free

2 Complete the following dialogue:

Sara and Nour are talking about a new dress.
Sara : How are you , Nada ?
Nour : ..…………………………………………………………………………………
Sara : Your dress is nice. Is it new?
Nour :……………………………………………………………………………………
Sara : ..…………………………………………………………………………………
3 ?
Nour : I bought it last week.
Sara 4
: ..………………………………………………………………………………… ?
Nour : It is 300 pounds.
Sara : Can you go with me to buy a new one ?
Nour :..………………………………………………………………………………….
3 Read the following , then answer the questions :
Music has a very important role in human life. A lot of people all over the
world enjoy listening to music or playing it. Some music is fast and others are
slow. Music is useful for a lot of people. For example, some doctors use music
for sick people to help them get better and to be happy. Some mothers play
music for their babies at night to help them sleep well
At school, some teachers use music and songs to let students learn new
languages and different subjects easily and in a very simple way. Also in gym.
music is played during practicing sports to make them feel happy while doing
sports. Every country has its own culture and music.
Ahmed Abdelnaby 1 01015621849
a A- Answer the following questions:
1 Give a suitable title to the passage. ........................

2 What does the underlined pronoun them refer to ? ........................

3 Do you think music is useful? Why/ Why not? ........................

b Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1 Some doctors use music to help sick people get ……………………................
a-better b- bad c-ugly d-worse
2 The underlined word " slow" in the passage is the opposite of ………………
a-big b- fast c.tall d.happy
3 At school some teachers use music to let ………. learn new languages easily.
a-players b-babies c.doctors d-students
4 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1 The nurse works in ………………….. for children.
a. word b. ward c. award d. a ward
2 We should be careful when we buy food from a street- food ………..…
a. still b. seller c. ward d. waiter
3 We need a computer engineer to…………………….. our computer.
a. repair b. prepare c. care d. rare
4 He is …………………….. so he can't hear you.
a. deaf b. dumb c. blind d. strong
5 " ……………" means feeling happy about the good things in your life.
a. Usual b. Grateful c. Teenager d. Nature
6 The ……………………………. is a young person between the age of 13 and 18 .
a. child b. baby c. teenager d. kid
7 You should learn ………………… to improve your handwriting.
a. competition b. treatment c. calligraphy d. history
8 My mother ………………….. lunch now.
a. cooks b. cook c. is cooking d. cooked
9 On Saturday, I usually ………………….. time with my cousins.
a. spend b. spends c. spending d. am spending
10 The boys are waiting ………………….. for the football match to start.
a. excited b. excitedly c. exciting d. excite

‫ ألف متابع‬100 ‫ ساعدنى اوصل ل‬, ‫أحمد عبدالنبى شارك شغلى‬

Ahmed Abdelnaby 2 01015621849
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets:

1 She's ………………….. (make) tea at the moment. What

2 She is still …………………. (doing) her homework.

3 Our football team are playing very ……………….. (good).

4 You should drive …………….. (careful) when it is raining.

6 Write a paragraph of EIGHTY (90) words on:

" The job you would like to work "


‫ ألف متابع‬100 ‫ ساعدنى اوصل ل‬, ‫أحمد عبدالنبى شارك شغلى‬


Ahmed Abdelnaby 3 01015621849

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