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Classification Systems

The Hierarchical System of Classification

• All modern classification systems were derived from the Linnaean Classification system
designed by a Swedish Botanist named Carl Linnaeus.
• He placed organisms in 7 groups called taxa (singular, taxon):
• KingdomPhylumClassOrderFamilyGenusSpecies
• There are five main kingdoms: bacteria, protists, fungi, plants and animals
• Each kingdom is split into different phylum
• Each phylum is split into different classes
• Each class is split into different orders
• Each order is split into different families
• Each family is split into different genus.
• Each genus is split into different species.

Binomial Nomenclature

• All living organisms are given a two-part Latin name called the binomial name.
• The binomial name consists of a genus name and species name.
• The genus name is always written first, and the first letter is always Capitalized.
• The species name follows the genus name and is written in common.
• The scientific name is always written in italics. If it cannot be italicized, it must be
• Eg. Homo sapiens or Homo sapiens
Common name: These are used locally and may vary by region or country.
Scientific name: These are unique names used by the scientific community to accurately and
universally identify species.
Eryngium foetidum is also known as shadow beni, and bhandhania in Trinidad is also called fitweed
in Guyana.
Classification Systems


Classification Human Gorilla Pygmy mouse lemur

Domain Eukarya Eukarya Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia Animalia Animalia
Phylum Chordata Chordata Chordata
Class Mammalia Mammalia Mammalia
Order Primates Primates Primates
Family Hominidae Hominidae Cheirogaleidae
Genus Homo Gorilla Microcebus
Species sapiens gorilla myoxinus
Binomial Name

1. How many groups are the same for all three mammals?

2. Which two mammals are most closely related?

3. Using the system of binomial nomenclature, write the scientific name of all three organisms.
i. Human:
ii. Gorilla:
iii. Pygmy Mouse Lemur:

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