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As I stepped into my department, I took a deep breath. The smell of freshly printed papers and
the sight of colorful posters on the walls of the department made me feel both excited and a bit
nervous. I was ready to dive into a world of learning, eager to explore the subjects I was
passionate about. The classroom was filled with students. They were freshers like but they
resumed earlier than I did, I had issues with my acceptance fee so I was home helping my mum
realize the money for my school payments. As I walked into the department, I noticed a fair
bubbly girl full of life and surrounded by both girls and boys. You could tell she was the Queen
Bee. I quietly went to a vacant seat and sat there. I brought out my notes trying to fill in my
names when I heard a voice beside me, “hi, my name is June” she stretched out her hands for a
hand shake. I looked up and saw the girl with the prettiest and most sincere smile in front of me.
That was the Queen Bee I saw earlier, “I am Kora” I fidgeted. I was timid but I nervously managed
to shook her hands. The other girls chuckled at my exhibition. I shrinked, “don’t mind them. They
are only jealous I find you worthy” June chuckled. That was the beginning of our friendship.
June was such a lovely girl from a very rich home. She was everything I wasn’t: she was so fair
and pretty, paid all her dues before any other person and she was be l from a functional family;
my family was a complete opposite of June’s. I remembered vividly one morning my mum called
crying. She had told me that my dad chased her out of the one room we were managing because
he brought one of his mistresses home. My mum was such a fragile lady she it broke my heart to
hear her cry that morning. I know she endured and used her meager profits to make breakfast for
my dad and maybe, his mistress. The thought alone was like poison to my soul. I was only better
than June academically, I helped her do most of her assignments and quizzes. I was still
reminiscing about the call my mum made to me that morning when June walked in. It was as if
June knew what I was thinking about as she asked me where I would be going to for the holiday.
I’ve never discussed my family with June before and because I didn’t want to go home, I told
June my father was dead and I didn’t want to my mum as she was a drug addict. June felt so
sorry for me and offered that I could travel home with her as her family wouldn’t mind.
That holiday we traveled to June’s family house in Nnewi. The house was heaven on earth.
They were richer than June appeared even. Her family was so lovable and her dad cherished and
respected their mum unlike my dad. June and her family were so free minded and I knew right
then that it was going to be very easy to take her spot in her family’s life.
I was on my very best behavior in June’s house. I noticed that June and her mother were
often at loggerheads and I knew that was an advantage for me. I became so close to her mother
and attended to all her needs. June’s mom often compared me to June but June never minded,
she was a sweet girl who just wanted my comfort and I hoped she forgives me when she finds
out I’m not what I claimed to be. I was already plotting with a boy I met outside of June’s house
to eliminate June. Ike was Godsent. It was as if he knew what was in my mind when he said to me
after I helped drag him out of the gutter, “madam na you try pass o. People just de pass since
nobody help me but na you help me. See madam, anything at all you want I go help you! If you
get enemy, I go help you comot am. “
I called Ike and sold him some terrible lies about June and why I wanted her dead. Ike was so
good in the game that he suggested we kidnap and extort money from her family then kill her. I
gave informations about June’s movement to him and how he could easily kidnap her.
On the D-day, June was kidnapped as planned. Her parents were troubled that they didn’t
waste time in delivering the ransom to Ike and his gang. June was killed and her picture sent to
her parents and me because I wanted to be sure she was dead for real. The house was mourning
and I did all I could for them to feel better.
One evening her parents got back from a meeting, they came to me hand-in-hand and said,
“June told us about your family and how it isn’t so ideal for you. Remember you are always
welcomed here and we can adopt you as our daughter also.” We hugged tightly and my dreams
were coming to fulfillment. I needed so fast to execute the last plan as I was already trusted and
replaced as June in the will. I reached out to Ike through text that everything was ready for the
next plan. I drugged their drink so they wouldn’t suspect any move from me in case the plan
goes wrong. I left the entrance door open and the gate unknown to the gateman. Ike and his
gang were able to gain access easily and acted like it was a robbery and shot June’s parents
while they discarded with some valuable items. I asked Ike to rape me so there would be no
suspicion from the police when they come.
After few weeks of investigation, everything died down as they couldn’t catch the gang. I
started living like the princess I was. I wasn’t interested in returning to school as life with money
was fun. I broght my mum to the mansion to experience a life of ease. I had started working with
the lawyer for my will and everything was going well until that very unfortunate day. I had gone
shopping and just walked into the parlor to be welcomed by some police men. My heart couldn’t
handle it when I saw the person behind them walk to the front. June!.

The first day she walked into the classroom I knew it was her. Everybody thought I was in love
with her because of the attention and security I gave her. Everybody wanted to be my friend but I
chose Kora, a nobody. Yes! I know them when I see them. She was so naive and the very best bet
as poor people are easily captivated by little show of money. Getting closer to Kora I knew she
wasn’t just your regular kind of naive girl. The week before I invited Kora to travel with me to my
family house, I had mistakenly eavesdropped on her call with her mum. She told her mum how
she would try to get very close to me so she could set my family up and claim our wealth after
gaining my parent’s trust. I smiled as that made my plan easier than I expected.
Being the only child, all my parents fortune was willed to me but I could access it only when
I’ve proven to be worthy. I can’t ever be worthy of my parents especially my mum and so I’d to
find a means. Julius my boyfriend was the brain behind the plan. I love Julius so much that I can
die for him. He wanted us to elope as my family didn’t approve of him and so I needed my trust
fund for that which can only be accessed when I’m deemed fit by my parents or when they are
dead. So, you see why I needed them dead. Julius and I didn’t want to do the dirty job so we had
to look for a desperate person to take fall for us. After I found out how bad Kora wanted me out
of the day, Julius contacted Ike, a notorious criminal. We planned to make him cross part with
Kora and get so close to her and also suggest the kidnapping to her. If Kora had met other
gangsters, I may not have been alive. After I was kidnapped, I was plastered with blood and make
up to make Kora and my parents believe I was dead so Kora can easily execute the big plan.
After Kora had helped us do the dirty job, I allowed her relax a little before I went to the police
station with proof of pictures and text messages between Ike and Kora. I told the police I
managed to escape the kidnappers because one felt pity for me and helped me escape and that
the reason I was just reporting to them was because I was so scared and traumatized. They
asked for like but I denied ever seeing his face. The police looked for Ike but couldn’t find him as
we were very careful and used he burner phone too to contact Kora.
I loved the shock on Kora’s face when she saw me. I gave her a dirty smirk and mouthed to her
“You cannot outplay the player”. The police took her away in cuffs.
Now Julius and I can be together without running away………….

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