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Group No.

__________ Grade and Section________________________

Quarter 1: Introduction To Environmental Science

Overview: This activity allows the students to investigate varied species by taking a walk to different ecosystems.
They will then compare the relative abundance of species in the area from the data gathered by other groups.
Activity #5

1. define species diversity operationally
2. describe species found in different ecosystems inside the school campus
3. describe how species diversity is crucial to the health of an ecosystem
4. appreciate the importance of species diversity in an ecosystem

manila paper pentel pen scotch tape pencil notebook

1. Group the students.
2. Let them take a walk to an assigned area, e.g. mini-forest, pond, science garden, etc.
3. Let them identify different species of plants and animals as many as they can. If species cannot be
identified, let them draw or describe the appearance and other important details of the species so they can
research more about them.
4. Each group of students will list down the plants and animals in a manila paper and have it posted on the
classroom wall for others to see. (Gallery walk)
5. The assigned leader of the group will be responsible for presenting their output to the class in not more
than 5 minutes following the table below. (see attached rubric)



5. Some plants and animals thrive better in one ecosystem but not in other ecosystems. What could best
explain the difference?

Evaluation Rubric
For Collaborative Group Report

Points 3 2 1
Participates actively. Participates in group. Sometimes participates in
Helps direct the group in Shows concern for goals. group.
setting goals. Participates in goal setting. Shows concern for some
Helps direct group in meeting Participates in meeting goals.
Participation goals. goals. Participates marginally in
Thoroughly completes assigned Completes assigned tasks. goal setting.
tasks. Demonstrates effort to Participates in meeting
Actively participates in helping help the group work goals. Completes some
the group work together better. together. assigned tasks.
Speaker monitored audience An interesting approach Some eye contact was
and adapts presentation taken to topic. Speaker made.
accordingly. An interesting or used techniques such as
Techniques used to engage
original approach taken to the visual aids and props,
Ability to engage and audience were minimal, or
topic. Speaker used techniques anecdote, surprising facts,
involve audience mainly ineffective.
such as visual aids and props, direct audience
anecdote, humour, surprising participation.
facts, direct audience

Presenter spoke clearly and at a Presenter usually spoke Presenter occasionally

Voice: clarity, pace, good pace to ensure audience clearly to ensure audience spoke clearly and at a good
fluency comprehension. Delivery was comprehension. Delivery pace.
fluent and expressive. was usually fluent.

Questions were answered with Most questions were Not all questions were
little difficulty. Very good answered. answered. Questions were
Answering questions knowledge of the topic was Answers showed good answered with difficulty,
demonstrated. Language was knowledge and and little knowledge of the
from audience
correct and fluent. understanding of the topic. topic was demonstrated.
Language was mainly

The presentation was summed The presentation was An attempt was made to
Conclusion of topic up clearly and effectively, with summed up clearly. conclude the presentation.
key points emphasized.

Guide Questions:
1. What is species diversity?
2. What are the species found in the different ecosystems?
3. How do species differ from one another in terms of:
a. color
b. shape
c. abundance
d. food

 Species diversity is the number of different species in a particular area weighted by some measure of
abundance such as number of individuals or biomass. Species require energy, stability, and enough space
— all of which are decreasing.
 Some populations are no longer healthy because there are too few individuals.

 In one human lifetime, half the world’s species will disappear if the rate continues
Application: Journal writing

Cut out from a current new paper a plant or animal story. Paste the cut-out in your journal. How are the
plants or the animals used in the story e.g. medicine, production and income, livelihood, etc. Write your reflections
below the picture using the CERA method (Content, Experience, Reflection, Application)
(see rubric below)


KNOWLEDGE/ Presents Present some Present accurate Present accurate
UNDERSTANDING incomplete or accurate information and information and
Information and Ideas inaccurate information and complete ideas insightful ideas
information and some ideas
THINKING /INQUIRY Expresses few Expresses some Expresses ideas, Expresses many
Analyzing and ideas with limited ideas, supported supported by relevant ideas, supported
Explaining support by relevant by relevant evidence or rationales effectively by
evidence or evidence or relevant evidence
rationales rationales Ask very good or rationales
Ask few questions Ask good Asks probing or
questions insightful
COMMUNICATION Meaning and Meaning and Meaning and intent Meaning and
Language and Style intent are intent are are clear intent are clear
frequently clear sometimes and engaging
unclear Shows clear sense of
Shows limited purpose and audience Shows strong
sense of purpose Shows some sense of purpose
and audience sense of purpose and audience
and audience
APPLICATION Frequent, major Some major Some minor Few minor
Conventions in mechanical errors mechanical mechanical errors mechanical errors
Language errors
MAKING Makes few Make some Makes considerable Makes many
CONNECTIONS personal personal personal connections personal
Getting Personal connections with connections with with topic connections with
topic topic the topic

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