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Adverbial Clauses
1. Definition of adverbial clauses .

2. Related terms with adverbial clauses

3. Types of adverbial clauses

What are adverbial clauses ?
It is type of transition word that function as
both adverbs and conjunctions.
They work as conjunctions because
they link independent clauses
They also work as adverbs because
they convert the clause they
introduce into a description of the verb
phrase in the previous clause.
Related terms with adverbial clauses
Conjunctions are connectors which are used
to join ideas together.
• There are different types of conjunctions
(coordination, subordination, correlatives ,
adverbial conjunctions)
A clause is a group of words containing a
verb and a subject.
Adverbial clauses , adverbial conjunctions
and conjunctive adverbs can be used
Types of adverbial clauses
1. Adverbial clauses of concession
2. Adverbial Clauses of Reason
3. Adverbial clauses of Result
4. Adverbial Clause of Purpose
5. Adverbial Clauses of Time.
6. Adverbial Clause of Place
7. Adverbial Clause of Manner
8. Adverb Clauses of Comparison
9. Adverbial clauses of Condition
10. Adverbial clauses of Sequence
1. Adverbial clauses of concession
( contrasting conjunctions)

What is adverbial clause of
An adverb clause of
concession is a dependent
clause that contrasts the idea
expressed in the main part of
the sentence.
Characteristics of adverbial
clause of concession
An adverb clause of concession is
used in the dependent clause.
An adverb clause of concession is
separated by comma if they come
at the beginning.
 Although it rained, they
enjoyed their walk.
 I enjoyed the meal, though
it was expensive.
 Even though I was full, I
couldn't stop eating.
Common contrasting conjunctions
A.Though G.while
B.Even though H.Whereas
C.Despite I.However
D.In spite of J.But
E.Even if K.Nevertheless
F.Although L.Nonetheless
1. Although ,even though, though
and even if
Form: Although, even though,
though and even if plus subject
plus verb
Placement: Placed either at the
beginning, end or in the middle.
Rule : they are separated by
comma if they placed at the
beginning of a sentence.
Although it rained a lot, we
enjoyed our holiday.
Even though it rained a lot, we
enjoyed our holiday.
I didn’t get the job even if I had
all the necessary qualification.
A. Even though
It is the strong form of although and
even if.
Even though I was really tired, I
couldn’t sleep.
Even though many of them are
eager to see, nobody was coming.
B. Though
Though is usually placed at the end
of the sentence.
The villa seems to be old. I like the
garden though.
We waited ages for our food. The
waiter was really nice though.
2. Despite and in spite of
They are used for the following rules.
A. Despite and in spite of PLUS noun
• Example
In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our holiday.
In spite of the pain in his leg, he completed the
B. Despite and in spite of PLUS noun phrase
• Example
In spite of her laziness, she passed the exam.
In spite of their success, they never made much
C. Despite and in spite of PLUS this /that/what
• Example
She was not well despite this, she went to work
The train was cancelled. In spite of that, we
arrived on time.
D. In spite of and despite plus gerund.
• Example
In spite of having no qualification, john got the
best job.
Despite having a headache, I had a great
E. It is common to use in spite of
and despite with the expression
the fact that followed by a
subject and verb.
• In spite of the fact that he
worked very hard, he didn’t earn
• Despite the fact that he worked
very hard, he didn’t earn enough.
3. Nonetheless
A. Placement : Beginning of a sentence, middle of
a sentence , between the subject and main verb ,
ending of a sentence:
Nonetheless is separated from the rest of
sentence parts by comma.
Nonetheless, I agree with the defense’s argument.
I, nonetheless, agree with the defense’s argument.
I agree with the defense’s argument, nonetheless.
4. whereas
Placement : it can appear at the
middle of a sentence .
• Joseph was very popular
whereas his brother had more
enemies than friends.
5. Otherwise
Placement : appear in the middle of
the sentence
Rules : it is preceded by a semi
colon but not followed by a comma.
John must be sick; otherwise he
would be here.
6. Nevertheless and however
A. Placement : they are found at the middle .
B. RULES : They are preceded by semicolon
and followed by comma if it is found at the
middle part of a sentence.
The weather was perfect; nevertheless, I
stayed indoors and studied.
People use 43 muscles when they frown;
however, they use only 28 muscles when they
7. BUT
Placement :it is placed in the middle of
the sentence
Rules : it is preceded by comma
because it is the part of coordinating
I have never played tennis, but I hope to
start taking lessons next year
A. Write the appropriate contrasting
conjunctions below
1.____ she has not changed much , he failed to
recognize her.
2._____ he knows many people , he has not gotten
any real friends.
3.______the traffic, I arrived on time.
4.I see him every day. I have never spoken to him_
5.______ he has a very important job, he has not
particularly well paid.
6._______having very little money, they are happy.
B. Which statement is correctly
written, why ?
A.I will visit kaleb even if, I am tired.
B.Although the fact that I have worked
hard , I didn’t get the job.
C.Our muscles were tired and sore
nevertheless, we kept on jogging.
D.She is talented but her little brother is
a dull guy.

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