Ch 57 Skin Disorder

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Science Medicine Dermatology

Ch 57 Skin Disorder
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Terms in this set (94)

pruritis itching

pruritis can be triggered by changes,
emotional stress,
chemical, mechanical, electrical stimuli

pruritis is a prominent dermatitis,
symptom with eczema,
insect bites

drugs that can cause pruritis opiates and pheothiazines


stress management,
measures that may help to avoid known irritants,
control pruritis sudden temp changes,
alcohol, tea, coffee

medications for pruritis antihistamines,
local anesthetics

avoid factors that aggravate itching - temp extremes,

pruritis patient teaching extremely dry air, irritating fabrics chemicals, frequent hot
baths, sweating, stress

atopic dermatitis is referred eczema

to as

acute stage,
atopic dermatitis has 3 stages subacute stage,
chronic stage

atopic dermatitis - acute red, oozing crusty rash and intense pruritis
redness, excoriations and scaling plaques or pustules
atopic dermatitis - subacute
fine scales gives a slivery appearance

atopic dermatitis - chronic skin becomes dry, thickened, scaly and brownish gray in
stage color

an autoimmune dysfunction
people with atopic dermatitis
have personal or family hx of asthma, hay fever, eczema or food

atopic dermatitis skin biopsy,
medical dx serum immunoglobulin E levels

topical corticosteroids and moisturizers,

atopic dermatitis soaks, occlusive dressings and emollients help keep skin
medical treatment moist,
systemic antihistamines to relieve itching and inflammation,

no response to safer therapies maybe treated with

alternatives to atopic
tacrolimus ointment (Protopic)
dermatitis medial treatment
pimecrolimus cream (Elidel)

tacrolimus ointmetn skin cancer and lymphoma

(Protopic) and pimecrolimus
cream (Elidel) may increase
risk for

What do you inquire an known allergies,

individual with atopic bathing practices,
dermatitis? current medications

avoid known irritants and restrictive clothing,

use moisturizers and sunscreen,
atopic dermatitis patient
take meds as prescribed
after swimming in chlorinated water - shampoo, bathe and
shower using mild soap- then moisturize

inflammatory condition caused by contact with a substance

contact dermatitis
that triggers and allergic response

seborrheic dermatitis chronic inflammatory disease of the skin

areas that seborrheic ears,
dermatitis affects sternal area,
umbilicus groin,
gluteal crease,
area under the breasts

seborrheic dermatitis of the dandruff


areas affected by seborrheic fine, powdery. scales, thick crusts or oily patches
dermatitis presents with scales maybe white, yellowish or reddish

cause of seborrheic cause unknown, but maybe an inflammatory reaction to

dermatitis infection with yeast Malassezia

seborrheic dermatitis topical ketoconazole (Nizoral)

medical tx sometimes with topical corticosteroids

selenium sulfide (Selsun)

seborrheic dermatitis ketoconazole,
shampoo tar, zinc,
pyrithione, salyicylic acid, resorcin

autoimmune disorder characterized by abnormal

proliferation fo skin cells

bright-red lesions that maybe covered with silver scales

classic signs of psoriasis
may affect a limited body area or maybe extensive

psoriasis is caused by rapid exacerbations and remissions

proliferation of epidermal
it has cycles of

streptococcal infection
overuse of alcohol, drugs and lithium,
factors aggravating psoriasis
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors,
beta blockers

psoriasis no cure, but can be treated topically or systemically

medical tx
psoriasis topical medication
vitamin D derivatives (calcopotriene)

moderate to severe psoriasis psoralen and ultraviolet A (PUVA) in combination with

maybe treated with methotrezate and UVA

methotrexate and oral pregnancy due to the risk of fetal harm

retinoids are contraindicated

intertrigo inflammation of the skin where two surfaces touch

areas that affect intertrigo abdominal skin folds,
areas under the breasts

affected areas of intertrigo areas that are red and "weeping" with clear margins
presents with maybe surrounded by vesicles and pustules

cause of intertrigo heat, friction and moisture between tow touching body
inflammation surfaces

Candida albicans aka Yeast infection, thrush

confirms candida albicans

Potassium Hydroxide (KOH)
examination and culture of skin scrapings

cornstarch is contraindicated it supports the growth of candida albicans

with intertrigo

severe inflammation or topical corticosteroid or antifungal

fungal infection treatment for
intertrigo include

antifungals nystatin, ketoconazole, clotrimazole and terbinafine

fungal infections superficial infections of the skin and mucous membranes

tinea pedis (athletes foot)

tinea manus (hand)
tinea cruris (groin)
areas of fungal infections
tinea capitis (scalp)
tinea corporis (body)
tinea barbae (beard)

cadidiasis affects these areas skin, mouth, vagina, GI tract and lungs

scaly patches with raised borders

fungal infections are
lay term "ringworm"
patients at risk for candidiasis
taking antibiotics or oral contraceptives

dermatitis one of several disorders referred to as eczema

The most serious form of skin cancer,

black tumor,
disorder that arises fro the pigment-producing cells in the

characterized by scaly ulcers or raised lesions,

squamous cell carcinoma usually caused by overuse of alcohol or tobacco,
(SCC) type of carcinomas, unlike basal cell carcinoma grows
rapidly and metastasize

a chronic autoimmune condition in which bullae blisters

develop on the face, back, chest, groin, an umbilicus

pink to red and painful, like a sunburn

superficial burn
burn affecting only the epidermis

second degree burn,

superficial partial thickness
severe burn,
blistered, weepy and pale to red or pink

involves the dermis,

weeping, cherry-red exposed dermis,
deep partial thickness burn
large, thick- walled blistered or edema,
burned tissue is painful and sensitive to cold air,

third degree burn,

dry, leathery and sometimes red, white brown or black,
full thickness burn burned tissue lacking sensation,
burn involving epidermis, dermis, and underlying tissues
including fat muscle and bone

skin grafting covering a wound with skin

can be reduced by use of pressure dressing in early stages

of care

removal of necrotic tissue from a wound,

debridement maybe accomplished my mechanical means - surgical
excision or enzymes

the most common problem scratching

with pruritis is potential for
skin breakdown related to
a nursing problem for the breaks in the skin
patient with atopic dermatitis
my include potential for
infection related to

the assessments of patients scales and crusts

with seborrheic dermatitis
includes inspected the
affected areas for

common risk factors for antibiotic therapy

developing candidiasis is

the nurse advises the patient chicken pox

with shingles that the
condition is communicable to
people who have never been
exposed to

the most serious form of skin melanoma


following a burn injury, permiability

plasma lease into the tissue
to increase capillary

after a burn injury, shifts in cardiac output

fluids and electrolytes cause
local edema and a decrease

a patient with a burn hypoproteinemia

experiences a shift of plasma
proteins from the capillaries,
this is

a complication of untreated hypovolemia

fluid shifts in burn patients

acne lesions develop when an increase in sebum production

there is

which drug used to remove anthralin (Anthra-Derm)

heavy scales in patients with
which skin disorder intertrigo
characterized by irritation
and redness in body golds is
common among patients in
long term care facilities

which should not be used in cornstarch

patients with

who is at greatest risk for skin caucasians


a prominent symptom of pruritis

psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema
and insect bites

if one arm and one leg is 27%

burned wha is the estimated
burn size

the burn patient is at greatest infection

risk for

a patient has just been serious adverse effect is fetal deformities,

prescribed isotretinoin can cause mental depression, possibly leading to suicidal
(Accutane) for resistant acne, thoughts
which are patient teaching
that apply

comedones (whiteheads and blackheads) pustules and

cysts are characteristics of acne,
which are true statements two oral antibiotics given - tetracycline and erythromycin,
about acne skin disorders if acne is severe and unresponsive - isotretinoin (Accutane),
acne is a condition in which androgenic hormones cause
increase sebum production and bacteria proliferation

older adults are especially susceptible to complications

including ophthalmic involvement,
exhibit early symptoms of heightened sensitivity along
which are true statements
nerve pathway,
about herpes zoster virus
wet dressings soaked in Burow's sol. may be used to treat
infection is commonly called shingles
manifested as red lesions with white plaques are found on
the mucous membranes,
which are true statements three common sites for candidiasis include the mouth, skin
about candidiasis and vagina,
oral candidiasis can be treated with nystatin,
likes to live in constant moisture of ostomy site

which are statements about vesicle or pustule that ruptures leaving a thick crust,
impetigo treated with erythomycin or dicloxacilin

local tenderness and redness at first then, malaise chills

which are true statements and fever,
about cellulitis site becomes more erythematous, nodules and vesicles
may form; vesicles may rupture releasing purulent material

phototherapy should not be lupus erythemalosus

used for patients with

body temp regulator,
functions of the skin
synthesis of vitamin D,
blood reservoir

trauma to fragile vessels on dorsum of hands; normal

senile purpura
finding in elderly

patients with alzheimer says I the spots could be normal changes which has nothing to
see spots on my skin do with you dying
am I dying from this disease?

how do you treat psoriasis, apply lubricant to unbroken skin

dematitis, eczema and insect

is there a cure for herpes HSV lies dormant and can be triggered by any sexual
simplex virus contact

what is the difference has a cause unrelated to sun exposure

between T cell and
lymphoma and squamous
cell and basal cell

what is the number one airway obstruction

concern of a patient who has
a major burns to the bread
neck and chest
you are caring for a patient have the patient walk the halls 3x a day
with "acute pain related to
postherpetic nerualgia"
which is the least appropriate

what is the best fluid lactated ringers int eh 1st 24 hrs

replacement to a client who
has sustained burns

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