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SkyCiv Base Plate and Anchor Rod Design

User Information:
Designer Name: Mohammed Habeb
Company: Tesla MS
Project Name: Mukalla Hanger
Client name: Mohammed Al-Fatesh
File Name: New file

Design Information:
Steel design code: American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) 15th Edition
Design method: Load and Factored Resistance Design (LFRD)
Concrete design code: American Concrete Institute (ACI) 318 - 2019
Unit System: Metric


Geometric Properties :



Dimension notations of i-shape

Properties of I-sections :

Base Plate Design Report

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Description d bf,bot bf,top tf,bot tf,top tw

Value 254.000 118.36 mm 118.36 mm 12.47 mm 12.47 mm 7.90 mm

Steel Base Plate :

Plate Depth
Plate Width
Plate Thickness

Supporting Base Plate :

Support Depth
Support Width

Material :

Concrete :

Concrete compressive strength

Structural Steel :

ASTM A36 Steel (Base plate) yield strength

ASTM A36 Steel (Column) yield strength

Miscellaneous Data :

Reduction Factor :

Capacity factor for Bearing

Capacity factor for Shear
Capacity factor for Tension

Anchor Reduction Factor :

Anchor Strength governed by Steel:

Ductile Type

Strength Reduction Factor for Ductile | Tension
Strength Reduction Factor for Ductile | Shear

Anchor Strength governed by Concrete Breakout, Bond and Side Face Blowout:

With Supplement Reinforcement

Strength Reduction Factor for Cast-in | Tension
Strength Reduction Factor for Cast-in | Shear

Note: Assumes that Supplementary Reinforcement are provided in the detailing

Anchor Strength governed by Concrete Pullout and Pryout:

Strength Reduction Factor for Cast-in | Tension
Strength Reduction Factor for Cast-in | Shear


Note: Input loads should have sign conventions opposite to the Global Axis of the mathematical model



Mz Z-axis
Nx Vy My


My Y-axis

(a) 3D view (b) Top view

Local Sign Convention

where arrowhead presents as (+) positive direction in (a) X-Y-Z axis (b) Y-Z axis

Base Plate Design Report

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Load Nx Mz My Vz Vy
Case No. ( kN ) ( kN*m ) ( kN*m ) ( kN ) ( kN )

1 40.000 10.000 0.000 2.000 25.000

2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Base Plate Check:

Concrete Bearing Capacity :

Pressure between the Base Plate and the Concrete Support

Area of steel base plate,

Area of Support,

plate dimension cantilever for,

plate dimension cantilever for,

AISC DG No. 1 Cantilver Bending Line Distance

n’ is the yield-line theory cantilever distance from the column web/flange

AISC DG No. 1 value for

AISC DG No. 1 value for

Base Plate Design Report

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AISC DG No. 1 Critical Base Plate Cantilever Dimension
Critical distance of base plate cantilever bending line. (For rectangular)

Computation of Value on the all sides than the loaded area support area,

Governing value of the all sides than the loaded area support area,

AISC 360-16 §
Allowable bearing stress,
Bearing on concrete on column base

AISC 360-16 §
Allowable bearing stress limit
Fp should not exceed in Fp,limit, if exceed, use Fp,limit

Governing Allowable Bearing Stress

Concrete Bearing Results :

Base Plate Design Report

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Tabulation of results per load cases

Load P1 P2 P3 P4 Fp Ratio Remarks

Case No. (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

1 4480.000 0.000 640.000 0.000 22851.400 0.196 Passed

2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 22851.400 0.000 Passed

Base Plate Capacity:

Load Minimum Actual Ratio Remarks

Case No. Thk Thk

1 10.82 14.00 0.773 Passed

2 0.00 14.00 0.000 Passed

Weld Design Capacity:

Weld Length Breakdown:


z = parrallel to the z-axis

y = parrallel to the y-axis

Weld Data :

Weld Geometric Properties :

Weld throat
Total Weld Length parallel to z-axis
Total Weld Length parallel to y-axis

Parameter for E70xx :

Filler Metal Classification Strength

Weld coefficients

Computation of Weld Shear Capacity (along z-dir)

Nominal Strength of Per Linear Weld

AISC 360-16
Nominal Strength of of the Connection
Eq. J2-10a

AISC 360-16
Nominal Strength of of the Connection
Eq. J2-10b

Weld Shear Capacity

Base Plate Design Report

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Computation of Weld Shear Capacity (along y-dir)

AISC 360-16
Nominal Strength of of the Connection
Eq. J2-10a

AISC 360-16
Nominal Strength of of the Connection
Eq. J2-10b

Weld Shear Capacity

Weld Results:

Tabulation of results per load cases

Load Normal to Parallel (z) to Parallel (y) to Bending (z) Bending (y) Remarks
Case No. faying surface faying surface faying surface Check Ratio Check Ratio
Check Ratio Check Ratio Check Ratio

1 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.009 0.000 Passed

2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 Passed

Anchor Design Capacity:

Anchor ID z-coordinates y-coordinates

1 -75.00 -135.00

2 75.00 -135.00

3 75.00 135.00

4 -75.00 135.00

Anchor Parameters:

The maximum distance from the anchor to one of the closest edge
The minimum distance from the anchor to one of the closest edge
Depth of the physical anchor
The max spacing between the anchors
Depth of anchor embedment

Net bearing area of the head of anchor bolt

Effective cross-section area of anchor

Base Plate Design Report

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Tensile stress area of the anchor
Specific yeild strength of anchor steel
Specific ultimate strength of anchor steel
Specific tensile strength of anchor steel

Anchor Steel Strength Detailed Computation (Tension):

ACI 318M-19
Ultimate Anchor Steel Strength (Tension)
ACI 318M-19 Section 17.6 | Tensile Strength

Anchor Steel Strength Detailed Computation (Shear):

ACI 318-19
Ultimate Anchor Steel Strength (Shear)
ACI 318M-19 Section 17.7 | Shear Strength

Anchor Breakout Detailed computations :

Projected Concrete Failure Area

ACI 318M-19
Eqn. Breakout eccentricity factor
ACI 318M-19 Section | Breakout eccentricty factor

ACI 318M-19
Eqn. Modification Factor for edge effects for anchors groups loaded in tension
ACI 318M-19 Section | Breakout edge effect factor

Base Plate Design Report

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ACI 318M-19
Eqn. Basic concrete breakout strength
ACI 318M-19 Section | Basic single anchor breakout strength,

ACI 318M-19
Nominal concrete breakout strength in tension,
ACI 318M-19 | Section 17.6.2 Concrete breakout strength of anchors in tension

ACI 318-2019
Section Breakout Cracking factor
ACI 318-2019
Section Breakout Splitting Factor
Ultimate Concrete Breakout Strength

Anchor Pullout Detailed Computations ::

ACI 318M-19
Eqn. Pullout Strength in Tension,
ACI 318M-19 Section 17.6.3 | Pullout strength of a single cast-in anchor or a single post-installed expansion, screw, or undercut anchor in tension,

ACI 318M-19
Nominal pullout strength of a single cast-in anchor or a single-post-installed expansion, screw, or undercut anchor in tension,
ACI 318M-19 Section 17.6.3 | Pullout strength of a single cast-in anchor or a single post-installed expansion, screw, or undercut anchor in tension

Anchor Pryout Detailed Computations :

ACI 318M-19
Section Coefficient for Pry Strength
hef >= 65mm

ACI 318M-19
Nominal Pryout Strength,
ACI 318M-19 Section 17.7.3 | Concrete pryout strength of anchors in shear,

Base Plate Design Report

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Ultimate pryout strength,

Load Anchor Tension Anchor Shear Steel (Tension) Steel (Shear) Breakout Pull Pry Anchor Utility Remarks
Case No. Load (kN) Load (kN) Check Ratio Check Ratio Check Ratio Check Ratio Check Ratio Ratio

1 6.93 12.50 0.09 0.33 0.09 0.10 0.05 0.18 Ok

2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ok

Base Plate Design Report

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