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Unit four Ocean life

Objective: Learn vocabulary about

ocean life, ocean animals, read and School:____________________________________________

1. Lee el siguiente texto.

The ocean holds amazing secrets that humans have not

yet discovered. Some scientists have been braved
enough to go deep into the darkest sea waters to find
frightening species.

For example, the famous anglerfish. A nightmare-inducing sea creature

made famous in ‘Finding Nemo’ was caught on video in the depths of the
ocean for the first time. Scientists believe global warming is affecting its
environment, bringing the rare anglerfish species to shallower waters.

In the darkness of deep water, they flash their light to attract prey to their

mouth. When a fish or a squid swims up, it is quickly inhaled by the

anglerfish’s huge mouth and trapped by its long, sharp teeth.

Word bank:  Scientist: científicos

 Global warming: calentamiento global
 Enviroment: medio ambiente
 Shallower water: agua poco profunda
 Deep water: aguas profundas
2. Completa las siguientes actividades:
A. Describe the anglerfish.




B. What does the anglerfish eat? ¿de qué se alimenta?

The Anglerfish eats :

E. How can scientists discover new species? ¿cómo pueden los científicos descubrir nuevas especies?

The scientist discovers new species when they:

D. What is happening with the global warmin? ¿qué está pasando con el calentamiento global?

Because of the global warming the Anglerfish :

C. Where does the anglerfish live? ¿donde vive anglerfish?

The Anglerfish

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