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Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order


Respawn Entertainment

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order


Library of Codexes

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Chapter 1
The Journey Begins
Cal Kestis, a former Jedi Padawan, has been hiding out on Bracca
since Order 66. Cal joined a scrapping crew and lived in hiding for
years, but blew his cover when he used the Force to save his friend
Prauf from a deadly fall. This prompted the ruthless Second and
Ninth Sisters to attack him. Cal was narrowly saved by two
mysterious individuals: Cere Junda and Greez Dritus. Now, they find
themselves on the remote planet Bogano, ready to discover the
secrets of an ancient Vault…

Rebuilding The Jedi Order

After revealing she no longer uses the Force, Cere sent Cal to an
ancient Vault. Along the way, Cal found a friendly droid named BD-1
who joined his quest. On their journey, Cal reached out to the Force,
remembering his ability to Wall Run. Inside the Vault, BD projected a
message from Master Eno Cordova detailing how he hid a holocron
containing a list of known Force-sensitive children within. To access
it, Cal must find the tombs of three Zeffo Sages. With BD’s aid, Cal
embarks on a journey to rebuild the Jedi Order…

Chapter 2
The Eye Of The Storm
The crew traveled to the Zeffo homeworld, searching for the tombs
Cordova mentioned. They learned the Empire occupied Zeffo in
order to mine ancient artifacts. The directive, codenamed Project
Auger, was terminated after Zeffo’s magnetic winds proved too
difficult to deal with. Now, Cal and BD find themselves inside an
ancient Zeffo Tomb looking for messages from Cordova…

The Tomb Of Eilram

In the eye of an enormous storm, Cal and BD-1 found the Tomb of
Eilram. Inside, Cal saw a vision of his former Master, Jaro Tapal,
which helped him rediscover his ability to Push objects with the
Force. As they were leaving, Cal and BD found another holo from
Cordova pointing them to Kashyyyk…

After landing on Dathomir, Cal and BD-1 faced off against a
Nightsister who demanded they leave the planet immediately. When
they refused, she commanded Nightbrothers to attack them. Shortly
after escaping that threat, Cal and BD-1 came upon a Wanderer,
who claimed to be studying Zeffo ruins. Who he is and what’s
become of the Nightsister remain to be seen…

Chapter 3
A Fateful Meeting
While descending into Kashyyyk’s atmosphere, the Mantis crew
became embroiled in a skirmish between Imperial forces and
freedom fighters. Believing Wookiee Chieftain Tarfful could be
among them, Cal jumped ship and hijacked an AT-AT, piloting it right
into the infamous insurgent Saw Gerrera! Saw and his fighters were
in the middle of a campaign to liberate a nearby wroshyr sap
refinery. With the possibility that Tarfful could be one of the Wookiees
detained there, Cal and BD-1 agreed to help him.

New Allies
After freeing the imprisoned Wookiees and taking the refinery from
the Empire, Cal still had no information on Tarfful’s whereabouts.
Luckily Choyyssyk, one of the Wookiees Cal helped liberate, had
fought alongside Tarfful in the past. He and Mari Kosan, a member of
Saw’s guerilla fighters, agreed to find Tarfful for Cal. However, just as
he received this news, Cere discovered an Imperial transmission
revealing the Empire was close to unearthing another tomb on

The Second Sister’s Origin

While it was true that the Empire was closing in on the Tomb of
Miktrull, Cal rushed to Zeffo to find himself caught in a trap laid by
the Second Sister. She revealed herself to be Trilla, Cere’s former
Padawan. After a perilous battle, Trilla seemed to get the upper hand
on Cal but before she could strike him down, BD-1 intervened -
positioning an unbreakable laser field between Trilla and Cal. As Cal

escaped into Miktrull’s Tomb, he tried to call Cere but was
interrupted by Trilla slicing his comm.

The Tomb Of Miktrull

In another ploy to kill Cal, Trilla lured him onto a hanging
sarcophagus and instructed her forces to shoot it down. In that
moment, Cal regained the ability to Pull his lightsaber and narrowly
escaped. On their way out of the tomb, Cal and BD found another
encrypted log from Cordova, explaining the key to the Bogano Vault
is a device called the Zeffo Astrium. To access the Vault, they’ll need
to find one. Before he could return to the ship Cal was captured by a
bounty hunter. Who they work for remains a mystery…

Chapter 4
Fractured Trust
Trapped by the infamous Sorc Tormo, Cal and BD were forced to
fight fearsome creatures. During the show, the Mantis burst into the
Haxion Brood’s lair to rescue them. The reunion was an unhappy
one, however. Cal learned the Brood found him because Greez lied
about paying off his debts. Even worse, Cal was still reeling from his
discovery that Cere had given up Trilla under torture. Cere and Cal’s
argument was cut short by a transmission from Mari Kosan, who’d
found Tarfful in Kashyyyk’s Shadowlands…

Diverging Paths
After a talk from Greez, Cal and BD set off to find Mari and Tarfful.
While Cal was fighting the Brood, Trilla led an attack to destroy their
resistance. A rift formed between Mari and Saw, splitting their forces
in two; Saw had since left the planet. After fighting their way through
the recaptured refinery, Cal and BD met Mari, Tarfful, and
Choyyssyk. Tarfful told Cal to climb the Origin Tree and Mari gave
Cala breather to help him get there. The two groups parted ways.
Now Cal must climb the Origin Tree…

Fall of The Ninth Sister

On the way up the Origin Tree, Cal and BD encountered the Shyyyo
Bird. After saving himself from a deadly fall with Jedi Flip, Cal and
BD rode the Shyyyo to the top. They discovered two things: Cordova
found a Zeffo Astrium there years before, and a Zeffo tomb on
Dathomir might hold another. Just as they were leaving, the Ninth
Sister attacked! A fierce battle ensued, but Cal won by pushing the

Ninth Sister off the tree. The grateful Shyyyo Bird gave Cal and BD a
ride down. Now their hopes rest on finding an Astrium on Dathomir…

Chapter 5
The Swamps Of Dathomir
Cal and BD nearly made it to the next tomb when they were
ambushed by Nightbrothers. While the two were safe, they were
forced to wander through the dangerous Dathomirian swamps. They
were once again found by the Nightsister Merrin who began raising
undead Nightsisters to attack them as they traveled. Inside a dark
cave, BD found Climbing Claws on a Nightbrother corpse - just as
the dreaded Gorgara came home to roost. During the fight, Gorgara
snatched them into an aerial battle, culminating in a crash that killed
the batlike beast.

Shadow Of The Master

Cal and BD found their way to the ruins, where Cal faced a dark
version of Jaro Tapal. This phantom shattered Cal’s lightsaber,
leaving him defenseless. Cal and BD fled the ruin, running into the
Wanderer. He revealed himself as Taron Malicos, a former Jedi now
studying the dark side. Malicos asked Cal to join his quest for power,
but was cut off by Merrin. She raised a horde of undead to destroy
him and Cal. Cal and BD rushed back to the Mantis. After Cal’s
confession about Order 66, Cere says it’s time for him to build his
own lightsaber…

Cere gifted Cal her lightsaber hilt, though her kyber crystal had been
sold long ago to pay for Greez’s debts. Inside the caves, Cal
followed the call of his crystal through a crack in an ice wall. The ice
beneath Cal and BD shattered, sending Cal plummeting into icy

water. BD saved Cal just in time, but the crystal split in two. That
triggered a log from Cordova, revealing BD sacrificed his memories
to store logs vital to Cal’s quest. Cal combined Cere’s and Jaro’s
hilts, creating a lightsaber with single, double, and dual-wield

The Escape
On their way out of the caves, Cal discovered a massive Imperial
mining operation on llum - designed to extract the planet’s kyber
crystals. As Cal and BD fought their way back to the Mantis, Cere
used Trilla’s trick from Miktrull’s Tomb to prevent the Empire from
calling reinforcements. The Empire eventually reversed the slice, but
it gave Cal and BD enough time to get back to the Mantis. Now, with
his lightsaber reforged, Cal must return to Dathomir and face the
dark side once again…

Laid To Rest
Cal returned to face the shade of Jaro Tapal. He realized the only
way to defeat Jaro was to embrace his past and move forward. He
knelt before Jaro’s spectre, causing the apparition to vanish. As Cal
and BD moved into the Tomb of Kujet, they came upon Merrin. This
time, however, she was willing to talk. Cal learned that she might be
the only survivor of the Nightsister massacre carried out by General
Grievous during the Clone Wars. Merrin learned about the Jedi
purge and Cal disavowed Malicos as a fallen Jedi.

A New Ally
Merrin allowed Cal to pass, warning that Malicos was ahead. Malicos
tried one last time to turn Cal, but attacked when he refused. It
appears Malicos would win but Merrin intervened, blasting Malicos
with magick. They worked together to defeat Malicos. After, Cal

revealed that he came to Dathomir for an Astrium. Merrin agreed to
help him, and they found one in Kujet’s Tomb. Desiring more
knowledge of the galaxy and a future for her people, Merrin joined
Cal’s quest. Together, the crew stands ready to return to Bogano and
find the holocron…

Chapter 6
The Lost Holocron
Cal and BD brought the Astrium to the Vault and found the holocron.
Cal was swept into a vision. Younglings training, only to be
ambushed by the Empire! A battle, death, torture, Cal as an
Inquisitor. When he awoke, Trilla stood before him. Cal pulled her
lightsaber, thrusting him into a Force echo: Cere and Trilla tortured,
Trilla’s turn, Cere’s escape. When he returned, Trilla and the
holocron were gone. Cal ran back to the ship and told Cere. She
reached out to the Force, took up Trilla’s lightsaber and knighted

The Final Battle

Cal, BD, and Cere infiltrated the Fortress Inquisitorius as Merrin
cloaked the Mantis. Trilla waited for them inside, where she and Cal
had a climactic battle and Cal took back the holocron. Cere stepped
in and apologized for the pain she caused Trilla. Just as it seemed
the plea might reach her, Darth Vader appeared and murdered Trilla.
Cere and Calran for their lives. Vader nearly trapped them, but Cere
used the Force to protect Cal. A favor he returned once the Fortress
flooded. Merrin and Greez rescued them and the holocron.

An Uncertain Future
Once the holocron was safely on board the Mantis, Cal made the
decision to destroy it. Whatever future awaits the crew, the children
inside will remain safe…

Flora and Fauna
Bracca is a poor Mid Rim world dominated by rocky plains. It was the
site of a fierce campaign during the Clone Wars. Battles in orbit and
on the surface raged as the Separatists attempted to wrest away
Republic control of the system. The Separatists were aided by
sympathizers from within the Scrapper Guild, nearly leading to their
victory over the planet. In retaliation, the newly formed Empire cut
wages and lowered safety standards within Bracca’s scrapyards.

Ibdis Maw
Bracca is home to the Ibdis Maw, a superorganism that superficially
resembles Tatooine’s sarlaccs. The various “mouths” of the Ibdis
Maw connect to a vast distributed digestive system that resides
hundreds of meters below Bracca’s surface. The mouths of the Maw
that reside in the scrapyard have swollen to immense size, fed by a
steady diet of starship material.

Empire on Bracca
The Scrapper Guild
The Scrapper Guild is a network of engineers and laborers that
operate in concert with the Galactic Empire, recycling and

repurposing technology, machinery and infrastructure throughout the
galaxy. Since the rise of the Empire, the Scrapper Guild has focused
heavily on an expensive but highly successful campaign to do away
with all vehicles, equipment and technology associated with the

Starship Scrapyard
Scrapping is the most profitable industry on Bracca. During the
Clone Wars the planet’s facilities were optimized to break down
enormous flagships. Now, it continues to be a center for the disposal
of starships despite Imperial ire with the Scrappers Guild.

Bracca Cargo Trains

Bracca’s cargo trains serve as a high-speed transport network for
parts being shipped off world. The average shipment travels through
25 security checkpoints before being exported to the Core Worlds for

Flora and Fauna
Bog Rats and Splox
Generally a hyper-aggressive, territorial species, bog rats gradually
formed mutualistic relationships with splox. Splox will disturb bogling
nests, luring them to the surface to be ambushed and eaten by bog
rats. Once the adult boglings are out of the way, splox burrow into
their nests and devour the eggs.

Mysterious Skeleton
The structure of these bones suggests a large reptilian creature. An
analysis of elements within the bones date them as old as 1000

Para Fish
Para fish inhabit large bodies of water, feeding primarily on small
algae fragments and other plants. When algae supply grows scarce,
many fish die off. Their decomposition process raises the acidity of
the water, gradually wearing away at the ground below and forming


Zaur thrive in rocky, windy habitats where their low stance and
adhesive grip provide fast and agile traversal over multiple surfaces,
like cavern walls. Highly sensitive to climate, they function slower in
warmer temperatures than colder ones.

Bogling Studies
Bogling Corpse
This bogling fought back against an Oggdo, desperately trying to
protect its family.

Dead Bogling
A dead “bogling” killed by one of the predators that live on the
Fractured Plain. It was most likely headed back to its nest.

Bogling Tunnel
Bogling tunnels connect their nests and serve as a natural defense
against predators. Able to dig five meters per day, boglings
collaborate in “heckles”, or large packs, spending approximately one-
third of their life span digging the intricate tunnel network.

Boglings are small creatures endemic to Bogano. Natural escape
artists, they evolved to run on their toes. This technique allows them
to quickly change direction or jump while navigating Bogano´s mix of
rocky and marsh-like terrain. Their furry bodies compensate for the
heat lost through their bare feet.

Dead Splox
A dead splox, killed by boglings when it attempted to raid their nest.

The Researcher
Water Filters
These water fillers rely on the planet’s algae to purify drinking water.
Impurities are removed by the algae and used as fuel to create water
and minerals in a process known as chemosynthesis. The result
converts the water’s natural acids into drinkable water.

Research Notes
Meticulous hand-crafted notes on the energy sphere left behind by
the researcher on Bogano.

Research Camp
Traces of a camp used by someone excited to study a large creature
they referred to as a “Binog”.

Someone lived here for some time, using this larder for storage and

Traveling To the Vault

A tool used by a traveler who wanted to reach the mysterious Vault.

A meditation area, well hidden. Whoever was here knew the Jedi

A bag left by someone who came here from Coruscant. They were
strangely frustrated with the Jedi Council for some reason.

Secluded Sanctuary
Part of Cordova’s kit. He was troubled about the Jedi’s continued
involvement in a seemingly endless war. He knew his work here was
more important.

Corodova’s Padawan
Cordova felt isolated and alone. He spent time fondly reflecting on
his Padawan and the memory of their adventures.

Old Memoirs
Cordova’s droid kit. He hoped someone would come along who
could figure out the secret to the vault.

Weather Sensor

Jedi Master Eno Cordova originally created this weather sensor to
help him decide whether or not to wear a sweater on his
excavations. To his surprise, the data he retrieved showed traces of
electromagnetic radiation in Bogano’s winds. Though it exists in
much lower concentrations than on Zeffo, Cordova theorized this
could be one reason the Zeffo chose to create their vault on Bogano.

Droid Cairn
These scraps served as cairns for the droids who helped build the
research station on Bogano. Without their help, little would be known
about the Zeffo or their vault.

Faded Mural
A faded mural located on Bogano not far from the Zeffo Vault. It likely
represents a planet but the artwork is too damaged to make out any

Remnants of a Lost Civilization

These relics contain materials that aren’t native to Bogano. Their
fragile structure indicates they were purely decorative, potentially
objects of religious significance. It’s possible they were carried here
as a form of pilgrimage.


The Vault is built out of karnite, a hard stone rich in minerals. Its
inner walls are decorated with metallic plating and inscriptions. The
glyphs don’t return results in any galactic databank, suggesting the
language has been lost to time.

Ancient Bones
Ancient remains of a sentient species. Too faint to gather any other

The Vault
This structure has been here for centuries. It appears the only way to
open the Vault is by using the Force.

Zeffo Colony
This Statue was placed carefully on a site with a view of the Vault.
An indication that the ancients here chose the location of the Vault
with great purpose.

Resting Place
An ancient burial site, hastily fashioned for an unknown race, not

The Creature
Binog Mural

An ancient Zeffo depiction of the Binog. Cordova hypothesized the
presence of the Binog was a key factor in choosing Bogano for the
Vault due to its importance in Zeffo art.

The Binog
The Binog is an enormous, amphi-mammalian creature found only
on Bogano. They can live for thousands of years, only breeding once
per lifetime. Due to their scarcity of offspring, very few Binogs are left
in the galaxy.

Imperial Excavation
Storage Crate
Sturdy storage containers to transport fragile goods. The outside is
made of a heavy metal that can easily withstand Zeffo’s high winds.

This area is off limits. Imperial Code 94364: No selling or trading.

Pressured For Relics

A relic crate filled by anxious stormtroopers. They met their quota…
this time.

Excavation Equipment
Imperial excavation equipment. The level of dust suggest it’s been
sitting on here for a long time.

Excavation Saw
These excavation saws were specifically designed to cut through
planetary bedrock, giving the Empire access to secrets thousands of
kilometers below the surface.

The remains of a stormtrooper. Killed when the tunnel collapsed due
to Imperial excavation.

The Sound of Destruction

The MK-270 Imperial Pulverizes are crucial for Project Auger as the
icy barriers in Zeffo’s cave-systems require an incredible amount of
power to break through. Even the Empire’s specialized saws are not
sufficient to break through this ice on their own.

Closing In
Macrobinoculars used by Imperial stormtroopers to scout entry into
the tomb.

Discovering Relics
A containment crate used to transport artifacts found inside the
tomb. This one was used by a worker under pressure for results.

Guardians Of The Tomb

In their search for Zeffo artifacts, these stormtroopers suffered an
unexpected and horrific encounter with a Tomb Guardian.

Destructive Measures
Tools left by a worker in haste to locate Zeffo relics and careless of
the surroundings.

Scout Trooper Baton
Imperial electrobaton given to troopers stationed in remote areas
where unexpected threats may arise. These weapons were crafted
from the same components as Clone Wars era electrostaffs but have
updated Imperial modifications.

Project Auger Officer

Project Auger
“In accordance with the Emperor’s will we’ve occupied Zeffo,
“redistributing” its inhabitants. This planet has failed to yield
significant data or relics for Project Auger. Its electromagnetic winds
have rendered the bulk of our mining technology useless.
Meanwhile, more troopers lose their lives to dangerous fauna. We
will not be able to fulfill our directive here. It is my recommendation
that we disband the project and leave a token outpost to keep
scavengers from stealing our technology.”

A New Officer
A riot baton that belonged to the new commander of Project Auger.
She was determined to make progress and prove herself.

Questionable Use
An Imperial container used to transport many of the artifacts found
during Project Auger. The workers doubted the worth of some items.

Ice Cave Excavations

A broken pot, smashed by the Officer in charge of Project Auger.
She was angry that they weren’t finding what she wanted.

Finding Artifacts
A tool dropped in excitement over a mysterious find by a worker
during the excavation. It appears they found what they were looking

Missing Artifact
A crate used by the Empire to transport relics found in the
excavation. An Imperial Officer seemed to be misleading about it.

A container used by an Imperial Officer to hide a relic she hoped
would win favor with the Emperor. Her deception was making her

Officer Krane
The remains of an Imperial officer who attempted to hide a relic in
the cave, she was trapped and died.

The Zeffo Villagers


A pack left by villagers forced from their homes by the Empire and
shipped off to labor camps or worse.

Eviction Notice
“Eviction Notice Civilians must immediately report for relocation.
Looters will be shot. In accordance with Imperial Code 94364: No
Selling or Trading without proper authorization and explicit consent,
this property and its belongings are now under the protection of the
Galactic Empire. General Markon 201st Squadron”.

A bag left by a family as they became separated. The father caused
a distraction, allowing the mother to escape with their child.

A piece of fabric, used by a mother to protect her child They were on
the run, trying to escape from something.

Evidence Of A Fight
A stormtrooper helmet left after a struggle with a villager.

Dead Villager
The remains of a dead villager who died trying to save his family
from the Empire.


A comm used by a mother to contact someone close to her. She
couldn’t wait for them any longer but the decision to go was painful.

A memorial to the fallen clones of the Venator, constructed by the
villagers. The galaxy believes the Jedi were traitors. Only a few know
the truth.

Villager Shrine
These monuments once served as landmarks and memorials for the
departed. The Villagers on Zeffo possessed deep respect for the
dead, acknowledging that their struggles enabled the survival of the
living. It’s possible these stone sculptures were inspired by ancient
Zeffo architecture.

A sudden disaster struck, killing the creatures in this tunnel with a
massive flood.

Zeffo Culture
Meditation Relics
Zeffo meditation relic. Used in ancient rituals to train Force users.

Zeffo Rituals

The remains of ancient wares crafted by the Zeffo. Perhaps used for

Remains of an ancient artifact, constructed as an offering to the
wind, but destroyed intentionally for some reason.

Tomb Guardian
A Zeffo Tomb Guardian, powerful automatons that protected the
tombs, was destroyed here long ago.

A set of wind chimes left behind by the Zeffo who built the tomb.

Ancient Statues
These statues were carved from the natural cavern walls. They
depict Zeffo holding spheres – possibly the same kind used to power
their tombs.

Wind Chimes
The Zeffo’s reverence of the wind shaped everything they created.
The movement of wind through these chimes may once have called
the sages to prayer.

Zeffonian Cranium

The skull of an ancient Zeffo killed during a horrific disaster millennia

Sage Eilram
Sage Training
Training ritual relic used by Zeffo Force-users for generations in their
pursuit of understanding.

Broken Artifacts
The remains of ancient artifacts, deliberately destroyed for some

Eilram’s Sarcophagus
This ancient Zeffo sarcophagus holds the remains of Sage Eilram.
They were the first of the Zeffo to establish a relationship with the
inhabitants of Kashyyyk, and loved the planet’s greenery dearly.
Now, their remains are forever interred beneath the roots of a stone
wroshyr tree.

Sage Miktrull
Age of Extravagance
A Zeffo relic from an age symbolized by vanity, extravagance and

The remains of an Zeffonian laborer. They were overworked to the
point of death.

Respected Symbol
Candles were often lit as a sign of respect and reverence to Sage

Zeffo Laborer
A corpse belonging to the Zeffonian workforce that helped construct
the tomb.

Offerings to Miktrull
The Sage of this era demanded precious offerings.

Votive Candles
The most common offerings brought to Miktrull’s Tomb were votive
candles, generally encased in metal and adorned with carvings. It’s
said that their flames represented Miktrull’s unending power.

Zeffo Soldier Remains

Discarded remains of a Zeffo soldier. They were killed for stealing a
sacred offering to their sage.

Venator Wreck
Standing Together
“General Chiata, our forces have inflicted heavy damage to the
Separatist Dreadnought. Unfortunately, the same is true for our
vessel. You know I’m not one to back down from a fight. Despite the
damage, I recommend we see this through. Together.”

-Clone Commander

The Attack
There was a battle aboard this ship, forcing it to fall out of
hyperspace and crash on this planet.

The Clone Commander and Jedi Master survived the crash, but her
Padawan was missing.

The ARC-170 Aggressive ReConnaissance starfighter was used by
the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Jointly manufactured
by Incom Corporation and Subpro, it would continue to see usage
into the reign of the Galactic Empire, but would eventually be phased
out by the newer TIE line.

The Padawan

This ship crashed long ago, but there was a survivor, someone who
understood the Force. Most likely a Padawan. He was injured.

Someone hid in the ventilation shaft while they were hunted, likely by

Electricity Conduits
These high-voltage electricity conduits once powered the Venator’s
engines. Capable of generating up to 1 gigaton of energy each.
Republic safety precautions required there be no living entities in the
area while they were operational.

Order 66 Executed
The Jedi General who commanded this Venator found her Padawan.
Disoriented and gravely wounded, they fought back the clones who
were once their friends.

A Master knelt here, too badly wounded to move forward quickly.
She was reeling from the multiple, bleeding wounds she incurred
protecting her injured Padawan. She urged the boy to run, but he
couldn’t bare to leave his Master.

Jedi Grave
A Jedi Master died here. Buried by her Padawan in a shallow grave.
The Padawan succumbed to his wounds soon after.

A dead clone, but he wasn’t killed in the crash. He appears to have
been killed by a lightsaber.

Flora and Fauna
The tach is a tree-dwelling primate native to the planet Kashyyyk.
These friendly creatures can often be found on the ground searching
for overripe fruits.

Spider Web
It’s estimated that at least 15% of Kashyyyk’s forests are covered in
wyyyschokk webs. The threat of wyyyschokks is so common that
Wookie children are taught to defend themselves against the spiders
from as young as three years old.

Wyyyschokk Eggs
One wyyyschokk can lay up to 1,000 eggs each year. With a
combination of webbing, saliva and a unique secretion from
lymphatic nodes under each leg, they create incredibly sturdy egg
sacs that deter predators. When a young wyyyschokk is fully
developed, they can spend as many as 5 days eating their way out
of the shell, slowly wearing it down with their venom. They emerge
ravenous, ready to attack any pray in sight.

Lung Plant

When threatened, the lung plant fills its body cavity with air to appear
larger. If a slyyyg still tries to graze on its leaves, the lung plant
instantly releases the held air to force it back.

Mushblooms are a delicacy on Kashyyyk, but must be picked before
the fungi reach maturity. Once the bulbous, bioluminescent fruiting
body has formed they are highly poisonous, Incidents of mushbloom
poisoning are rare, but often fatal.

Shyyyo Bird
Shyyyo birds are so rarely seen that they were once thought to be
creatures of legend. The Shyyyo’s body shape and feathers enable it
to glide across long distances without expanding much energy. Since
the Shyyyo conserves energy so well it rarely leaves its nest, experts
say a typical adult may hunt once per week. Their diet of slyyygs and
wyyyschokks led to its depiction as a protector of both the Wookiees
and wroshyr forests. Catching a glimpse of the Shyyyo is a rare
blessing that guarantees peace for the viewer.

Imperial Occupation
Wookie Revenge
A dead trooper. He was attacked, by a Wookiee? She escaped…
and had her revenge.

Wyyyschokk Attack

Imperial Stormtroopers were dispatched to fend off incoming attacks
from the local wildlife. They encountered fiercer resistance than they
were prepared for.

Poisoned Wookiee
This Wookiee died from toxic poisoning. One of the many side
effects from the refining process. The Empire is slowly destroying
everything on this planet.

Slave Collar
A broken slave collar. The Wookiee who wore it ripped the collar
apart with joy and anger to signify their freedom.

Wookiee Oppression
Imperial Stormtroopers have no regards for Wookiee lives. They see
this planet and its inhabitants only as a resource to exploit.

Refinery Cells
This refinery was designed only with yield in mind, no thought given
to the comfort or safety of the incarcerated. Wookiee workers are
chained together with no privacy, often covered in mud or dangerous
industrial byproducts.

Wookiee Witness
Macrobinoculars, used by a Wookiee as they watched the Empire
enslave their people. Keeping them prisoners on their own home.

Sap Barrels
A barrel of refined wroshyr sap. Its refinement process draws out
impurities to distill a volatile chemical. The compound is utilized by
the Empire in ways that are currently not understood. For every
barrel of sap refined, over 200 tons of industrial waste are pumped
into nearby waterways, slowly poisoning the planet.

Patrol Station
This station was abandoned. Imperial patrols used it as a
checkpoint. It must have been overrun at some point by dangerous
animals in the area.

Wookiees In Hiding
A Wookiee helmet. Left behind in a hideout used by their warriors.

Refinery Expansion
As the Empire expands its control over Kashyyyk, it sets its sights
over the Shadowlands.

Insurgent Activity
Saw’s Ambush
This trooper was ruthlessly killed by Saw Gerrera. Remind me not to
get on his bad side.

The retreating Partisans were ultimately rescued from Imperial
forces by the Wookiee Chieftain Tarfful.

The Battle of Kashyyyk

Remnants of B1 battle droids who stormed Kashyyyk for the
Separatists during the Clone Wars. During the battle the Separatists
were defeated, the Republic became the Empire, and the Clone
Wars came to a bitter end.

Partisan Retreat
The partisans were forced to flee. The Empire drove them back, into
the Shadowlands. I hope they made it.

Breaking Point
Saw and Mari were arguing about the mission. Mari wanted to help
the Wookiees but Saw seemed to think it was too risky. He’s
probably long gone by now.

Partisans Ambushed
The partisans were pinned down here. They were eventually overrun
and had to retreat. They suffered heavy casualties.

Weapon Cache

These specialized Imperial flamethrowers have been modified to
more effectively incinerate Kashyyyk’s wildlife.

Imperial Trackers
A squad, tracking the partisans and Wookiees. They are coming for

Wookiee Culture
Wookiee Home
Wookiee villages once dotted the Shadowlands, peacefully
coexisting with the natural environment. Reverence for the wroshyr
is an integral part of Wookiee’s light-touch architecture.

Wookiee Horn
A hand-carved wroshyr horn inlaid with precious metals and stones.
The intricacy of the design suggests it was owned by a Wookiee of
great importance.

Sacred Shadowlands
An area sacred to the Wookiees. A sanctuary. One of the last safe
zones from the Empire. Until now.

Spiritual Connections

There was a special connection between the Wookiees and their

Wookiee Mourning Ritual

The Wookiees mourned the loss of someone close to them here. An
elder known for their wisdom.

The Last Shyyyo Bird

This bird may be the last of its kind. The others are long gone.

Wookiee Rite of Passage

Wookiee warriors scaled this tree to great heights as a rite of

Sacred Tree
It is more than a tree. It’s a sacred source for the planet. It gave the
Wookiees guidance.

Tarfful and Cordova

Old friends met here –the Jedi Eno Cordova and Wookiee Chieftain
Tarfful. They shared a great respect for each other.

Kashyyyk Wildlife

A trooper helmet. The remains of a stormtrooper whose body was
dragged up here by the Kashyyyk wildlife.

Flora and Fauna
The hydraatis grows in dry, rocky areas. Air is filtered through its
filaments, which trap dust and bacteria. Once filtered, the filaments
contract to lock clean air inside, creating a humid environment where
the hydraatis can absorb the small amount of water it needs to

Mushlings are an essential ingredient in the ink Nightsisters and
Nightbrothers use for their tattoos. The mushling pods are boiled
down until they become a thick, yellowish paste. From there clay,
ash, or other pigments are mixed in to create a variety of colors.

The Lair Of The Nydak

The lesser nydak is a feared opponent for Nightbrothers, though
legends say some Nightsisters kept them as familiars. Nydaks are
solitary creatures, rarely seen in packs after adolescence. Their only
natural predator is the massive Gorgara.

Spider Domestication

Nightbrothers only recently began efforts to domesticate the bane
black spider. Without the Nightsister’s magickal antivenoms, the task
has occasionally proven deadly. However, if a spider is captured
young and raised alongside a Nightbrother, it will bond with him and
become a lasting companion.

Fire Lichen
Fire lichen grows naturally in the dry climate of Dathomir. Its bright
red color comes from the absorption of sulfur and other dust particles
in the air. The Dathomirian variety is so resilient it’s nearly impossible
to rip from the rock.

Brula Fruit
Brula fruit was a common reagent in Nightsister potions. In small
doses, its nectar could act as an antivenom to the bites of Dathomir’s
many poisonous snakes. Overconsumption, however, resulted in
symptoms of “swamp madness” –convulsions, blurred vision, and

Bleeding Gut
Unlike other Dathomirian fungi, the bleeding gut does not reproduce
using spores. Instead their cells divide spontaneously, gradually
forming small pods which burst open when fully matured. Some
varieties have been known to grow extra stalks.

The Nightbrothers
Combat Arena

Nightbrothers fought in this ruined arena to demonstrate their
strength. Winning meant honor, respect and power over the weak.

The Pit
Nightbrothers were thrown into a pit, killed by beasts. No doubt to set
an example.

Rite of Passage
The boldest Nightbrothers ventured into the lair of this creature as a
rite of passage. Those who survived were deemed worthy.

Dathomirian Glyphs
Nightbrothers “paint” glyphs using acids from the hydraatis. Rather
than staining the surface, the acid burns into even the hardest
rockfaces, leaving permanent marks. Each symbol must be carefully
drawn both to preserve accuracy and avoid damage to oneself.
Master calligraphers are rare and extremely valued for their talents.

Omnious Effigy
No data found. Appearance suggests… nothing good.

The Nightsisters
Nightsister Training

Years before they were wiped out, the Nightsisters came together in
this area to practice their magick.

The Nightsisters used rituals and spells to give themselves power. In
the wrong hands, it could be dangerous.

These Nightsisters never got a proper burial. We’re walking in a

A Nightsister
A Nightsister survived a great massacre. She was alone, afraid. Her
sisters were gone.

Nightsisters of Dathomir
The Nightsisters of Dathomir were a coven of powerful Force-
sensetives. Skilled in the use of magick, an expression of the Force
unknown to Jedi or Sith, they previously ruled Dathomir. Nightsister
society was strictly matriarchal, with the coven answering to a
Mother who also ruled the lower Nightbrother class. Their civilization
was destroyed at the behest of a vengeful Count Dooku after Asajj
Ventress and her sisters attempted to assassinate him.

Burial Pods
Burial pods were an essential part of Nightsister funerary rites.
Readying each component of a pod was a painstaking practice. The

cloth wraps were washed three times in magickal waters, the twine
hand-braided while reciting a spell of protection, and the bodies
cleaned with fragrant oils.

Nightsister Mother
The Nightsisters were led by a powerful magick-user they called

A Nightsister vessel used to mix potions and elixirs.

The Stranger
The Nightbrothers witnessed a ship crash in the swamps.

Crashed Ship
A ship crashed here in the swamp. The pilot was fleeing from
something. Picked a bad place to hide out.

Someone survived a crash on Dathomir, but not without suffering.


The Nightbrothers brought an intruder here, but they were awaiting

Someone became involved with the affairs of the Nightbrothers. And
they were not welcome.

The Chase
The Nightbrothers were chasing someone through the swamp.
Someone they feared.

The Prisoner
The Nightbrothers found someone dangerous. An outsider. Whoever
it was they took them to their leader.

Power Struggle
Whoever the outsider was, he killed the leader of the Nightbrothers.

A new leader came to control the Nightbrothers. A powerful stranger.

The Outsider
An outsider was here, not a Nightbrother. I sense something…

Someone was headed toward the ruins. He felt the pull of a dark,
ancient energy.

Sage Kujet
Burial Place
Promising their followers power and mastery over the Life Wind,
Kujet staged a massacre from their hidden seat on Dathomir, later
known as the Tomb of Kujet.

Sage Kujet’s Rule

This relief depicts Kujet casting their enemies into the pits below.

The Wanderer And The Witch

The Nightsister confronted the stranger and a tense negotiation took

Seeking Power
Malicos want Merrin to lead him through the ruins, but she was
afraid. She knew he was after power.

Merrin’s Pact
Merrin prayed to her lost sisters for forgiveness. She made a deal
with Malicos and agreed to teach him their magick, but she was
worried he couldn’t be trusted.

Ordo Eris
The Haxion Brood
The Haxion Brood
A shadowy crime syndicate that operates throughout the Outer Rim.
Led by the unscrupulous Sorc Tormo, they control a network of
gambling, slaving and devious enterprises, particularly droid
smuggling. Dealing in droid parts. Their bounty hunters and
mercenaries are known to use such stolen wares for personal cyber-

Ordo Eris
Asteroid stronghold of the ruthless criminal syndicate, the Haxion
Brood. Located on the fringe of the Outer Rim, this shadowy star
base is chiseled into the remnant of a scattered planetoid decimated
by ancient superweapons. A vile hive of lawless chaos, the fortress
serves as a center of the syndicate’s power structure, including
smuggling, gambling and its infamous fight club.

Ilum Terrain
Ilum is naturally abundant in geological formations found within
mineral-rich underground rock. Billions of years of accumulated
mineral matter deposited from hydrothermal fluids have infused the
rock walls with valuable constituents, including rare crystals.

Volcanic activity on Ilum forms hydrogeological vents of hot water
ejected turbulently, often accompanied by steam. These geysers
may change in size or duration based upon active volcanic episodes
and ongoing mineral deposition.

Kyber Crystals
Powerful kyber crystals grow naturally on Ilum, one of the rare
planets in the galaxy where they may be found. Such crystals
resonate with concentrated energy in a unique manner through the
Force, exhibiting a “collective conscience,” that allows them to
communicate with one another and living beings. As part of Jedi
training, Younglings were sent to the Crystal Caves of Ilum to mine
these crystals in order to construct their own lightsabers.


The cavern systems under Ilum are rich in mineral substances
formed during ancient geothermal evolution. The ice caves are home
to several mineral classes native to the planet.

Jedi Studies
Master Mar Ti Kam’Ron
A memorial placed at a mediation site often used by the venerable
Jedi Master Mar Ti “Bucky” Kam’Ron. He returned here many times
over the course of his life to reflect on his adventures and

Light-Enhancing Crystals
Crystals arranged within the temple enhance light to focus heat on
specific areas. As the light beam melts the ice, it opens hidden
passageways known only to the Jedi.

Gathering Room
The Gathering Room lies at the entrance to the Crystal Caves. Used
primarily as a meeting area, Jedi Masters brought Younglings here
for instruction and mediation before they began their sacred search
for kyber crystals.

Magnifying Window
Built by the Jedi Masters who constructed the temple on Ilum a
thousand years ago, this window magnified natural outside light for
heat. A beam of intense light generated through the large glass

portal was then directed to specific areas of ice that melted under the

Statue Of A Jedi Master

A statue of a venerable Jedi Master adorns the central chamber
leading to the Crystal Cave. Carved hundreds of years ago, it serves
as a symbol to the sacred wisdom, enlightenment and perseverance
of the once great Jedi Order.

Jedi Devices
Jedi devices were constructed within this ancient temple to control
certain conditions or activate protected passages. Many such tools
exist using basic levers, swivel arms, and rudimentary objects that
when positioned properly will achieve a specific purpose.

The Gathering
Enter The Gathering
Younglings came here for the sacred rite of the Gathering, a test all
Jedi must pass to build their lightsaber.

Finding The Crystals

A crystal discovered by a Youngling but mysteriously left behind.

Youngling Pride

This bag belonged to a Jedi Master who tried to provide their
Youngling with wisdom.

Youngling Afraid
A supply pouch left by a Youngling dealing with fear and frustration.

Angry Youngling
A pack dropped by a frustrated Youngling. Some succeed, but some
fail. This one gave in to her anger.

Youngling Lost
Remains of a camp. A Jedi Master was concerned for a Youngling
that was missing in the caves.

Empire on Ilum
Empire Mining Operation
Imperial mining operations scour sites once considered sacred by
the Jedi. Devouring the planet’s resources for their own corrupt,
secret agenda.

Imperial Machinery
Imperial machinery generates power and controls interior
temperatures of their industrial operations by harnessing geothermal

energy from the planet’s core. The process results in harmful
byproducts and is highly destructive to the pristine ecosystem.

Fortress Inquisitorius
Fortress Inquisitorius
Fortress Inquisitorius
A heavily armed underwater fortress concealed within the black seas
on the shadowy world of Nur. The stronghold serves as the central
seat of the Imperial Inquisitor Program, the Emperor’s ruthless
crusade to eradicate the Jedi Order from every corner of the galaxy.
To maintain a public perception of peace and security, the existence
of the fortress is intentionally hidden from the Empire at large,
although rumors swirl of a “dark site” where Force-users go to die…
or worse.

Detention Cell
Deep within the Inquisitors detention level, captured Jedi and Force-
sensitives beings experience the next level of interrogation, torture
and experimentation. The brutal internment of this black abyss
leaves those confined to suffer a nightmare eternity until their final
abominable fate.

Imperial Dojo
The deadly training room of the Inquisitors, where Inquisitors and
Purge Troopers hone their lethal skills. Through a merciless
indoctrination of combat and strength, the sinister agents of the
Empire prepare for their sworn mission. The fear-based, dark and

abusive nature of this training is diametrically opposed to that of the
Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Interrogation Chamber
The central interrogation chamber of the Fortress is a torture room
where captured Jedi and Force-users undergo a menacing
procedure to transform them into Inquisitors. Under direct orders
from Emperor Palpatine, this facility was specifically designed to
psychologically and physically drain a prisoner’s will, forcing them to
acquiesce to the evil indoctrination of the Inquisitors. This is where
Jedi die and Inquisitors are born.

Security Systems
Laser Gates
Inquisitorious laser gates are a vital component to the sophisticated
Fortress security apparatus. These impervious barriers were
constructed for strict confinement of detainees in all levels of the
stronghold. After several failed attempts and one successful escape,
advanced modifications were made to the system, per the Grand
Inquisitor’s command.

Submerged Section
Analysis of these pipes indicates that pressure buildup from an open
airlock caused them to rupture. This breach could only have
occurred if the shield system was compromised, rendering it unable
to protect the Fortress from hydrostatic pressure. Data suggests the
Fortress may be vulnerable to flooding if airlocks are open while the
shield system is disabled.

Security Systems
The security systems within the Fortress are a complex network
controlling bridges, wings, gates and portals. By employing a multi-
tier-fail-safe structure, the Empire controls every corner of the facility,
providing immediate response to any breach. If necessary, the entire
fortress may be purposely compromised or flooded to prevent the
escape of prisoners.

Control Room
Sectioned wings of the Fortress are designed for maximum security
and stability in extreme undersea conditions. A complex system of
partitions provides the ability to flood an entire wing or specific sector
in response to any escape attempt by a high-value detainee.
Structurally reinforced shielding is able to withstand an external
breach or change in pressure at any depth.

Imperial Tech
The All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT), or Imperial Walker, is the
backbone of the Empire’s Assault Armor Division. A quadrupedal
multi-troop transport deployed for heavy ground force assault, they
are most often used to eliminate insurgent threats and enforce
Imperial occupation throughout the galaxy. They are equipped with a
host of formidable offensive capabilities, including chinmounted long-
range, heavy blaster cannons, as well as side cannons and blast-
impervious armor plating.

Gonk Droid
EG-6 power droids, also known as gonk droids, serve as portable
power generators in mobile operations or in situations lacking a
stable power source. They are utilized by civilians and military alike,
often emitting a low honking noise that sounds like the word ‘gonk.’

The Low Altitude Assault Transport (LAAT), also known as the
Republic attack gunship, was an armed troop carrier used by the
Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars and in the early
years of the Empire. Maneuverable and formidable, it provided
troops the ability for quick deployment and extraction in heavy
combat through extensive types of terrain and climates.

Imperial Astromech Droid
A variety of astromech droids, also known as astro-droids, were
utilized by the Galactic Empire to complement their vessels.
Providing routine maintenance and mechanics, they served a variety
of repair duties as well as advanced navigational operations,
strategic logistics and data computation.

Corporate Alliance Tank Droid

The NR-N99 enforcer tank was constructed by the Corporate
Alliance for the Separatist Army. Using a single traction drive tread,
this weaponized automaton could maneuver over terrain of many
types, was fully submersible and armed with various weapon types.

Cal Kestis
Cal Kestis is a young scrapper working on the remote world of
Bracca, but hiding a dangerous secret: he was a Jedi Padawan.
When his close friend, Prauf is about to be killed in a tragic accident,
Cal uses the Force to save him. The event reveals Cal as a Jedi to
the deadly killers of the Empire, the Inquisitors, and he barely
escapes aboard a rogue starship thanks to two new friends.

Order 66
Cal carries trauma from the horrifying experience of Order 66 when
he and his Master, Jaro Tapal, were attacked by their own troops.
With Tapal’s help, Cal escaped, but his Master was killed. In his
dying moment, Tapal gave Cal his lightsaber and these words of
advice: “Trust only in the Force.”

In the wake of his terrifying experience on Dathomir, Cal travels to
llum to construct a new lightsaber. With the help of his new Master,
Cere Junda, he is able to conquer the horror of his past and forge his
new Jedi weapon. Cal moves forward, now determined to complete
his mission, let go of his tragic past, and choose his own destiny.

Cere Junda

Cere Junda is a former Jedi who survived Order 66. After years in
seclusion, she teamed up with starship captain Greez Dritus on a
secret mission to rebuild the Jedi Order. After saving Cal from the
Imperial Inquisitorius, she begins to mentor him.

Apprentice of Eno Cordova

Cere reveals her mentor was a Jedi named Eno Cordova, a loner
who studied lost cultures and often challenged the wisdom of the
Jedi Council. While the two remained in contact throughout her years
as a Jedi Knight, they were never very close.

Cere’s Padawan
Cere shares an awful memory about her past. During the Jedi Purge,
she was captured and tortured by the Empire. She was able to
escape, but her Padawan was not so lucky. Years later, the event
has left her scarred and reluctant to use the Force.

Cere’s Past
Cal learns Cere lied, hiding that her former Padawan Trilla is the
Second Sister. When Cere was tortured by the Empire, she was
forced to betray Trilla. The Empire then captured Trilla and turned
her into an Inquisitor. Cere, devastated, used the dark side of the
Force in order to escape. Fearful she will slip back to the dark, Cere
vowed to never use the Force again.

A Jedi’s Resolve
Cal helps Cere come to terms with her violent past and let go. Armed
with Trilla’s lightsaber, she uses it to knight Cal. Together as Jedi,

they venture to the evil depths of the Fortress Inquisitorius to retrieve
the holocron and complete their quest.

Greez Dritus
Greez Dritus is a four-armed Latero and captain of the Mantis. He
works for Cere Junda and appears to hold her in high esteem
despite his otherwise curmudgeonly nature. After saving Cal on
Bracca, Greez reluctantly accepts the young Jedi’s friendship.

Unknown to his co-pilots, Greez hides a dangerous secret: a large
gambling debt to the Haxion Brood. While tracking Greez, the
Brood’s ruthless bounty hunters discover he’s traveling with a Jedi, a
much more valuable prize. They capture Cal and BD-1 for payback
against Greez’s debt. Greez and Cere rescue Cal, defeating the
Brood and forcing Greez to come to terms with his addiction.

The Pilot of Mantis

Over their adventure, Greez warms to his friends, revealing his
affection for food and his great-grandmother. His piloting skills are
put to the test, forcing Greez to become the hero he never thought
he could be.

Cal encounters BD-1 while exploring the mysterious world Bogano.
BD-1 is curious, good-natured and utterly fearless in the face of
danger. He has quickly grown attached to Cal and seems intent on

leading the young Jedi towards something or someone waiting inside
the ancient Vault that looms over Bogano’s horizon.

Encrypted Files
Upon learning that Cal is a Jedi, BD-1 reveals an encrypted memory
log of Jedi Master Eno Cordova. The log proves vital to beginning
Cal’s quest and guiding him on the journey to retrieve the holocron.

Droid Jail
Captured along with Cal by the criminal syndicate, the Haxion Brood,
BD-1 is separated and thrown into a droid prison cell. Known for
mercilessly scrapping droid parts, the Brood’s targeted him for
dismantlement. Luckily, Cal finds him before the Brood can hurt him,
and the two plot their escape together.

My Friend
After a fateful event on llum, BD-1 finally retrieves the last of his
memories about his old friend, Eno Cordova. The recordings BD
played for Cal were all logs from private conversations between the
droid and Cordova. In a final recording from Cordova, BD shares the
moment his memory was frozen to encrypt the secret data about the

Eno Cordova
Jedi Master Eno Cordova was a scholar and explorer revered for his
knowledge of ancient civilizations. After experiencing a vision of the
Order’s doom, Cordova hid a holocron containing identities of young
Force-sensitives in the Bogano Vault.

Vault Requirements
Master Cordova journeyed to Zeffo, the homeworld of an ancient
civilization of the same name. This same species built the vault on
Bogano where he hid the holocron. On Zeffo he discovered a tomb
dedicated to the powerful Sage Miktrull. Cordova’s exploration
revealed the existence of a Zeffo Astrium, a tool that could allow him
to access the vault on Bogano.

Influences from Kashyyyk

During his exploration on Zeffo, Master Cordova uncovered a temple
dedicated to the Sage Eilram. This exploration revealed further
mysteries of the ancient culture, including their fascination with
Kashyyyk, the homeworld of the Wookiee civilization. Curious to
learn more, Cordova’s path took him to Kashyyyk where he sought
wisdom from his old friend and Wookiee chieftain, Tarfful.

On Cordova’s journey to Kashyyyk, he met with Chieftain Tarfful,
who knew of an ancient artifact atop the Origin Tree. Cordova scaled
the massive Origin Tree, where he discovered one of the last
remaining Zeffo Astriums. With the Astrium he was able to access
the Vault on Bogano and hide the holocron.

My Friend
In his final message, Master Cordova revealed a close connection to
BD-1, his faithful companion droid. On their many adventures, they
shared close trust as BD-1 recorded Cordova’s journey and vital
knowledge. When they parted ways, BD-1 agreed to have his

memory banks encrypted with this information, beginning his
important mission and saying goodbye to one another.

The Second Sister

A relentless Imperial Inquisitor, the Second Sister arrives on Bracca
to hunt Cal Kestis, a surviving Jedi Padawan. Sadistically toying with
her prey, she ruthlessly kills Cal’s friend, Prauf, before striking. In the
attack, Cal is forced to flee, barely escaping, but the hunt has only

Cere’s Padawan
The Second Sister revealed that she was once Cere’s Padawan,
Trilla, whose location Cere gave up under Imperial torture. Trilla was
found by the Empire and transformed into an Inquisitor.

An Inquisitor is Born
When the Second Sister encounters Cal inside the Vault on Bogano,
an unlucky maneuver places her saber in his hands where he
witnesses a Force echo of her tragic past. Cal learns Trilla’s history
as Cere’s Padawan, including the disturbing details of her capture
and transformation into the Second Sister. The revelation leaves Cal
momentarily paralyzed, allowing her to steal the holocron.

The Ninth Sister

The sardonic Ninth Sister joins the Second Sister in hunting for Cal
Kestis on Bracca. A powerful Dowutin, the Ninth Sister’s presence
creates terror wherever she goes - a fact she relishes.

The End of the Ninth Sister?
The Ninth Sister faces Cal in the peaks of the Origin Tree on
Kashyyyk. There she reveals her gruesome history as a former Jedi
tortured and mutilated into the brutal Inquisitor she has become.
After an intense battle, Cal defeats her, but is she truly gone?

Nightsister Merrin
A Nightsister
A Nightsister, wielding powerful magick, threatened Cal on Dathomir.
It’s unclear how she escaped the massacre of her coven, but her
hatred for trespassers is obvious. The Nightsister immediately
identified Cal as a threat and commanded the Nightbrothers to attack

Malicos Unveiled
Merrin confronted both Cal and Malicos, enraged Malicos would ally
himself with a Jedi after years of convincing her they were the
enemy. Seeing proof of Malicos’ deception, she uses magick to
unleash a horde of undead Nightsisters to destroy the outsiders.

A New Start
Both survivors of fallen orders, Merrin and Cal begin to trust one
another. Having defeated the sinister Malicos, they realize the
benefit of working together. Inspired by Cal’s words, Merrin decides
to leave Dathomir with the Mantis crew and pursue her own path in
the galaxy.

The Wanderer
A mysterious wanderer Cal met on Dathomir. He claimed to study
lost civilizations and revealed that he is familiar with the Nightsisters,
in addition to recognizing Cal’s lightsaber as a Jedi weapon.

Taron Malicos
The wanderer is revealed to be Taron Malicos, a former Jedi now in
hiding. Betrayed by his own troopers during Order 66, he crashed on
Dathomir where he succumbed to darkness and madness. Seeking
a return to power, he has manipulated Merrin and the Nightbrothers
in an effort to learn the secrets of their magick.

The Fallen Jedi

In their final confrontation, Malicos attempts to convince Cal to join
him. Believing the Jedi era is over, the two clash in ideology. The
battle escalates, finally tipped when Merrin helps Cal defeat the
sinister Malicos.

Jaro Tapal
The memory of Jaro Tapal, Cal’s deceased Master, still haunts the
former Padawan. An imposing Lasat, Jaro Tapal served the Republic
with distinction during the Clone Wars.

Trust Only in the Force

Jedi Master Jaro Tapal was a General during the Clone Wars who
mentored his Padawan, Cal Kestis, with a firm and disciplined

doctrine. During Order 66, Tapal was mortally wounded but managed
to get Cal to safety. In Tapal’s last moment, he passed his lightsaber
to Cal.

Other Characters
On Bracca, an Abednedo scrap worker named Prauf befriends and
mentors Cal. When an accident almost claims Prauf’s life, Cal uses
the Force to save him but recklessly reveals himself as a Jedi. Soon,
Imperial Inquisitors arrive for Cal but Prauf gives his own life to save
him, allowing Cal a chance to escape.

Saw Gerrera
Infamous Onderonian insurgent, Saw Gerrera leads a group of
opposition fighters against the Empire on the Wookiee homeworld of
Kashyyyk. Harboring dark vengeance over the death of his sister
during the Clone Wars, he lives by a blurred moral line, considering
collateral damage to be a necessary evil. He comes to respect Cal
as a strong potential ally and useful tool in his endless war.

Mari Kosan
Freedom fighter Mari Kosan serves Saw Gerrera’s forces on
Kashyyyk in their desperate battle against the Empire. Her bravery
and dedication to the cause make her a valuable ally to the
Wookiees. She provides Cal with vital information about Wookiee
Chieftain, Tarfful, which helps his mission.

Sorc Tormo
Merciless and bombastic Umbaran leader of the Haxion Brood.
Tormo takes great pleasure in his fight club, an infamous arena
where the galaxy wagers on open combat against bloodthirsty killers
and Tormo’s wild menagerie of vicious space beasts. Never shy on
humor, he is a mercurial mobster with a penchant for violence and

A symbol of Wookiee resistance, Tarfful leads his fighters against the
ruthless Imperial occupation of their homeworld. Forced into hiding
deep in the forests, he evades enemy capture, striking out from
secret locations by employing asymmetrical warfare. When Cal
learns Cordova and Tarfful were close friends, he begins a desperate
hunt to find him and learn crucial information in his quest.

A brave fighter, Mirienna serves Saw Gerrera’s forces on the
besieged world of Kashyyyk. After losing her husband on Zeffo, her
journey takes her across the galaxy in her battle against the Empire.

A former member of Tarfful’s freedom fighters, Choyyssyk was
captured during an attack on an Imperial outpost. After the refinery
prison break, Choyyssyk became fast friends with Saw’s Lieutenant,
Mari Kosan. Together, they will stop at nothing to save Kashyyyk
from the Imperial occupation.

Cordova’s Journey
Archive One - Discovery
Sage, Vault and Tomb
My Friend, examinations of the sphere proved fruitful. I’ve found
similar relics across Bogano’s surface, including a precious few with
glyphs! After much study, I’ve discerned a pattern and begun to
translate their language. Within their glyphs, I’ve determined the
words Sage, Vault, and Tomb. There is more: what appears to be
coordinates to the Zeffo system! Perhaps this is the same ancient
civilization which abounded there!

An Ancient Sphere
My Friend, I’ve unearthed a curious artifact. An ancient sphere
capable of storing and conducting massive amounts of energy.
Whatever civilization crafted this must be the same that created the
seemingly impenetrable structure nearby! I believe studying this
sphere may yield the information I need to discover who they were
and why they built such a landmark.

The Sages
My friend, in the rotations since I left Bogano I’ve uncovered more
about the Zeffo than I once believed possible. This planet, their
homeworld, has been a revelation! It appears many, yet not all the
Zeffo could wield the Force! They called it the “Life Wind” and those
who wielded it, sages. Three names appear with frequency: Eilram,

Miktrull, Kujet. It seems these sages held esteemed positions within
their culture. I’ve informed the Council, to lukewarm reception. They
have become too focused on Jedi history, but the history of the
Force belongs to us all.

Archive Two - Miktrull

Sage Miktrull
My Friend, what I’ve found here is disconcerting. It seems these
candles were offerings brought to this tomb in exaltation of the Sage
Miktrull. At first I believed them votives to the Life Wind, but the
further | delve into this tomb the less the evidence supports this. And
yet there is one gift that intrigues me, statuary of Zeffo holding
circular objects much like spheres. Though much of this tomb is well
preserved, these are uniformly destroyed. An interesting puzzle.

My Friend, these devices appear to simulate this planet’s
gravitational pull. I can’t help but see it as a motif. This place, less a
tomb and more a temple to one ruler’s pride. I’ve found repeated
glyphs with the same word: “Astrium.” Always near damaged
statues. I believe this Astrium was once a ubiquitous, sacred symbol.
Perhaps even linked to the Vault.

The Key to the Vault

My Friend, I finally found an intact representation of the most sacred
Zeffo artifact. A depiction of Miktrull at the Vault on Bogano - you can
see the object in their hand. I believe it allows a Force wielder to
perceive the mysteries of the Vault. It is the key and the guide: the
Zeffo Astrium! But who destroyed images of it and why? It requires

further research, however the next step is clear: find an Astrium, if
any still exist.

Archives Three - Dathomir

Discovering Dathomir
My Friend, I recently discovered the Zeffo had some interest in
Dathomir. Strange for such a culture to have any sort of fascination
with a place so… dark. There’s more to be discovered on Dathomir.

Kujet’s Tomb
My Friend, we’ve reached the tomb of Kujet in search of an Astrium.
It is more secluded than even I would’ve thought. It seems the way in
was secret even during the time of the Zeffo. A contrast from the
ostentatious Tomb of Miktrull… yet not a welcome one. The
Nightsisters of Dathomir granted me passage, but even they warned
me against these ruins. Something dark transpired here - I can feel

Shrouded in Darkness
My friend, I have never been one to shy away from the pursuit of
knowledge, but the shadow of the dark side lies heavy in this tomb.
I’ve uncovered Kujet’s legacy: a ruthless leader who destroyed the
Astriums and lives of any who opposed the sage’s rule. These Zeffo
were once Kujet’s enemies, brave rebels who stood against tyranny.
F-forgive me. I’ve spent too many rotations on this planet. My mind is
beginning to slip. I can go no further. I must return to Zeffo.

Archive Four - Eilram
Tomb of Eilram
My Friend, I believe this to be the earliest Zeffo site we’ve uncovered
yet. Despite my reservations, I cannot chase the Bogano Vault from
my mind. Its visions shaped the direction of an entire culture. I must
understand why.

Sage Eilram
My Friend, This tomb is utterly fascinating. It once served as a
proving ground for Force-sensitive Zeffo sages, but was converted
into a space to honor their remains. And yet nothing received greater
honor here than the Force itself, the Life Wind, as they called it. It’s
beautiful to see.

An Old Friend
My Friend, After my analysis of the architecture in Eilram’s Tomb, I
confirmed the Zeffo had contact with Kashyyyk! It’s time to call on an
old friend. There’s a good chance Chieftain Tarfful can provide the
information I seek.

Archive Five - Astrium

Shyyyo Bird
My Friend, as Tarfful led us here he spoke of a glorious creature
called the Shyyyo Bird. He said the bird is the forest’s protector. So

rare it’s nearly legendary. I would dearly love to research this
creature further, but the Astrium must be my priority. I hope to one
day return and search for the Shyyyo with Tarfful.

Origin Tree
My Friend, Never have I seen a view more exquisite than atop this
free. The climb has given me time to reflect. It was the will of the
Force that I found Bogano, and that I am here now. There is a
greater journey ahead.

My Friend, I found my quarry atop Kashyyyk’s Origin Tree: the
Astrium. This relic is the key to the vault on Bogano. The dark side
clouded every attempt at finding one on Dathomir, but the Force
provided a new path!

Archive Six - Vision

The Premonition
My Friend, Entering the Vault gave me a premonition just as it did for
the Zeffo. I saw the fall of the Jedi, the overwhelming power of the
dark side spreading across the galaxy! We must act quickly. I need
to inform the Council!

Acquiring the Holocron

My Friend, I flew with all haste to Coruscant and presented my
findings to the Council. Despite my persistence, despite my

research, they do not take this threat seriously. Only one person
believed in me. My old confidant, Jocasta Nu. She entrusted me with
a holocron from the Jedi Archives - a secret copy of her list of young

Archive Seven - Goodbye

My Friend
BD-1, This may be the last you see of me. I can sense the doom of
the Jedi Order is upon us. I must leave the holocron behind - if
anything happens to me, I trust that another will come to find it. You
agreed to guard this secret, at the cost of your own memories. I will
never forget that sacrifice. I believe in you, as I always have. If
another Jedi comes to Bogano, you will be their guide. Thank you.
Goodbye, my friend.

Secrets of the Vault

My Friend, My name is Jedi Master Eno Cordova. The Bogano Vault
- constructed by the Zeffo millennia ago - granted me a vision of the
Jedi’s doom. To preserve the Order, I’ve hidden a holocron detailing
the names and locations of all known young Force-sensitives deep
within the Vault. To access the holocron you must seek out the
tombs of three great Zeffo Sages. BD-1 will aid you on your journey.
He will be your guide.


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