Daidem Ss1 Literature

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SECTION A (Objective)
Questions On The Text “LET ME DIE ALONE”.
1.The play “let me die alone” can be referred to as
_______ A. A non African play. B. An African
play. C. A foreign play.D local play.
2.The play “let me die alone” was written by ?
A. John K kargbo. B.. John KK. C. John
Osborne. D. John dumelo.
3.The murder 0f Yoko in the play “let me die
alone” was orchestrated by ?
A. She killed her self. B Musa. C Lamboi.
D Gbanya.
4.Who murdered Jeneba in the play “let me die
A Musa and Lamboi. B. The British counselor.
C Jenebe's mum. D Jenebe killed herself.
5.What cult did Yoko join in oder to become the
chief of mende people. A The pori cult. B The
mende cult. C The bad cult. D The cult dogs.
6.The assassination of Gbanya was carried out by?
A The British council. B Yoko. C. Governor
Rowe. D Musa and Lamboi.
7.What is the setting of the play “let me die
A 19th century Sierra Leone. B 19th century
mende kingdom. C 19th century Lagos Nigeria.
D 19th century Africa.
8.Yoko had “10” Children in “let me die die
alone”. Affirmative or Negative.
9.Yoko died childless in “let me die alone”
True or false.
10. One of the following encapsulates drama A.
Acting B. dancing. C. writing. D. none of the

1. What is the major device deployed in the
following remark: “At the fall of the house
they lived in, the widow lost her husband, her
sewing machine and her ear-rings”? (a)
metaphor (b) oxymoron (c) bathos (d) simile
2. What is the dominant device exemplified in
this sentence: “I came, I saw but was
conquered”? (a) allusion (b) blank verse (c)
free verse (d) illusion
3. A deliberate understatement in which one
uses the negative in order to express the
opposite of what is meant is__(a) anti-thesis
(b) litotes (c) hyperbole (d) apostrophe
4. The expression of the exact opposite of what
one means or has in mind even though the
words are not supposed to be taken at face
value is___(a) sarcasm (b) euphemism (c)
irony (d) metonymy
5. What figure of speech is prominent in “The
US is making use of many Nigerian scientific
brains in her technological programmes”? (a)
synecdoche (b) metonymy (c) metaphor (d)
6. To drive the meaning of a word through its
sound is referred to as____(a) phonetics (b)
phoneme (c) oxymoron (d) onomatopoeia
7. When two words opposite in meaning stand
shoulder to shoulder in a remark, a figure of
speech known as___ has been used. (a)
enjambment (b) oxymoron (c) melodrama (d)
8. Which of the following is not a theme in
second class citizen? (a) marriage without
love (b) stubborn female (c) feminist temper
(d) reliable husbandhood
9. This question is based on
BuchiEmecheta'sSecond Class Citizen.Pa
Noble became a living legend because A.
several conflicting stories were woven around
him B. he attained the status of a first-class
citizen C. he was the only successful son of a
Benin chiefD. he was rich and very generous
10. The pregnant Adah had to starve while at
work because (a) She had spent all her pay to
single-handedly take care of her family. (b)
she didn’t take care of the family (c) she was
selfish with her family D. none of the Above
11. Who has Adah blamed for Vicky’s illness?
(a) Francis (b) Segun (c) Fausat (d) Trudy
12. What is Francis’s reaction to the news of
Vicky’s disease diagnosis? (a) He ran away
(b) He cries along with Adah (c) He wept
alone D. none of the above
13. Which worker at North Finchley Library is
engaged to be married? (a) Cynthia (b) Francis
(c) Adah
14. What is the name of the hospital where
Vicky is taken after falling ill at Trudy’s
place? (a) Royal House (b) Royal Theatre (c)
Royal Free Hospital.
15. What is Vicky’s age at the time he falls
seriously ill?(a) 2 yrd old (b) 1 year old (c) 3
yr old
16. What began the separation of Adah and
Francis as a married couple? (a) The Bride
Price (b) The burnt opf the her first
manuscript (b) A & B (c) The illness
17. In The novel, Second class Citizen, Adah
was also known as____(a) the maid character
(b) The full character (c) the chief character
18. The word ‘Second-class =” in the novel
pertains to ___(a) girls who in African culture
are less rated than boys (b ) boys partially
rated than girls (c) girls are rated than boys
19. Adah is rated second-class citizen by who?
(a) friend (b) husband (c) Francis (d) B & C
20. Adah forced herself into the ___school and
the neighbor was a ___(a) teacher, Methodist
(b) Ruthina , teacher (c) Methodist, Teacher
21. In Chapter 13 (Part 2), while members of the
Amen Kristi Church are on an evangelical
mission in Egba___ begins (a) religious
persecution (b) election (c) peaceThe settings
of Unexpected Joy at down are the following
except___(a) the historical moment (b)
geographical location (c) Set in Between
Ghana and Kenya (d) Set between Ghana
22. Which of the following is not plot
background of the story in Unexpected Joy at
dawn? (a)Nii and Mama Ojo The two siblings
(b) The alleged fraud (c) the deportation and
hardship (d) marriage vow
23. All of the following are notable themes in
Unexpected Joy at Dawn except___(a)
Corruption (b) Xenophobia (c) Farming (d)
Economic mess
24. The technique or style in Unexpected Joy at
dawn is ____(a) complex plot featuring two
protagonist (b) three protagonist (c) simple lot
4 protagonist
25. A story which explains a natural
phenomenon is___A. legend B. parable. C.
myth.D. fiction
27. A narrative in which characters and events
are invented is___A. fiction. B.
epistolary.C.auto-biography. (d) Biography
28. In Black Woman Novel, Lines and stanzas
are to poetry as action and dialogue are to A.
music. B. prose.C. fiction.D. drama
29. The performers in a play constitute the A.
chorus. B. characters. C. audience. D. cast
30. The types of literary work are A. eras. B.
episodes. C. genres. D. cantos.
40. Drama is all about _____ A. acting B.
dancing C. miming D. none of the above
41. Division into chapters and paragraphs is
a feature of ______
(a) drama (b) poetry (c) epic (d)
42. Literature reflects what is going on in
(a) market places (b) society (c)
government (d) villages
43. An antagonist is also referred to as
______ (a) protagonist (b) hero (c)
clown (d) villain
44. “My friend is as bold as a lion” is an
example of ______
(a) simile (b) metaphor (c) hyperbole
(d) irony
45. The place and time of a Literature story
is ______
(a) subject-matter (b) plot (c) setting
(d) flash-back
46. Dialogue is to drama what narration is to
(a) poetry (b) comedy (c) prose (d)
47. Humour is an essential feature of _____
(a) comedy (b) epic (c) satire (d)
48. Pick out the odd item. (a) prologue (b)
dialogue (c) epilogue (d) stanza
49. A fall from ‘grace to grass’ is a
characteristic of _____
(a) comedy (b) folktale (c) epic (d)
50. The topic of a literature story is the same
as the _____
(a) setting (b) subject-matter (c) hero
(d) prologue
Answer any 3 questions.
1. Summarize the text “let me die alone”
in (10 ) sentences
1a. Who was the playwright of the text “let
me die alone”?
2. Write the background summary of the
author of the text “let me die alone.
2a. Discuss two themes from the play ”let
me die alone?
3. List 5 characters in the text “let me die
3a. Discuss the role lamboi played in the
4. Give a brief description of how the
writer of the play was able to show the
conflict between the protagonist and
antagonist in the play “let me die
4a. Explain how the setting of the play “ let
me die alone” influenced the original

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