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Research on Business Strategy and Performance Evaluation in Collaborative


Article · January 2008

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3 authors, including:

Yichuan Wang
The University of Sheffield


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International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 57-69 (2008) 57


Yi-Chen Lin*, Magnolia Yulan Hsing and Yi-Chuan Wang
Graduate Institute of Technology Management
National University of Tainan
Tainan (700), Taiwan

Owing to the fast changing environment and the competition pressure of globalization,
enterprises are turning away from the business mode of individual management toward the
cooperation method of the collaborative model. Enterprises using cooperation involving
information transparency can receive requests immediately, and more quickly respond to
customer needs. Collaborative design is highly iterative and interactive process, involving a
group of designers, engineers, consultants and the client. The research aims to understand
the business model, B to B interaction and performance evaluation for collaborative design.
The research selected three leading companies in golf, PC server and LCD industry to do
the case study. The results highlight how collaborative design can build up new business
model, make B to B more efficient and further improve business performance.

Keywords: Business Strategy, Performance Evaluation, Collaborative Design

major businesses outsource design, R&D,

1. INTRODUCTION manufacturing and other tasks through virtual
integration, in order to satisfy the increasingly higher
In today’s globally competitive market, standards requested by the customers and to cut down
companies must collaborate and communicate with costs to win more orders. These businesses, aside
customers, suppliers, and partners in a complicated from facing a huge amount of complex information,
and temporary product supply chain, which provides need to communicate with their upstream and
them with a number of challenges. Design is a downstream partners more frequently as well as more
complex process usually requiring information and closely, which can be achieved best by using
knowledge from diverse sources to be worked on collaborative design. Manufacturers in Taiwan expect
simultaneously by a team of designers during the to themselves to transform from the traditional OEM
product life cycle [27]. Up to 80% of all components situation to become more ODM-oriented businesses.
produced by original equipment manufacturers (OEM) To realize the expectation, collaborative design can
are outsourced to external suppliers [25]. During be used to establish an interactive design chain,
collaborative design, it is most important to resolve capitalize on innovative technologies of collaborative
design specification conflicts early in the design e-commerce, enhance R&D and design capabilities,
process and create design knowledge to share many and move further from the traditional OEM operation.
designers and users [2][25]. This can lower both the When a business thinks about an applying
product development lead-time and manufacturing collaborative design mechanism, its main
costs greatly [33]. consideration is what competitive advantages this
To satisfy delivery requirements, companies mechanism will bring about.
must rapidly become familiar with the processes and With the implementation of collaborative
systems of new partners, and collaborate flexibly. design, businesses see innovative changes in their
Effective management of diversity within an evolving operations and improvements in their performance,
supply chain can reduce product design cycles, which stimulate energetic communication between
strengthen supplier and customer relationships, and the businesses and their partners. Products can be
respond more quickly to market changes. Using these launched to grab early opportunities in the market as
market forces to form new business models and better a result of shortened processes of product design,
serve the customer can mean that companies perform R&D and manufacture achieved by collaborative
better than those that lack this flexibility. design. Business competitiveness is therefore
In an era of knowledge-based economy, many

Corresponding author:
58 International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 6, No. 2 (2008)

strengthened. This research uses case study of three innovation, radical innovation, modular innovation
leading companies in Asia which have implemented and incremental innovation to reconfigure the
collaborative design in case study to discuss actions existing product design issue. MacCormack, Rusnak
in the process and factors affecting the and Baldwin [21] use Design Structure Matrices
decision-making. These three leading companies all (DSM) to map dependencies between the elements of
have their oversea customers which are the leading a design and define metrics to compare the structures
companies worldwide. The issues left are how to of different designs. Supplier involvement in the
build up new business strategies of collaborative earlier stages of product development can lower lead
design platform to further improve business time and manufacturing costs of both the company
performance between case companies and their
and its suppliers [10]. Furthermore, the so called
customers. The purpose of this research can be
design-in or spec-in approach can produce innovative
divided into the following three points.
design which interests high value-added customers.
1. Propose a structural analysis of how
collaborative design influences the business Internet technology has introduced many
operation. cost-effective solutions for designers to collaborate in
2. Discuss how enterprises and their partners can the virtual network during the product design stage
share experience via collaborative design and [28]. However, the trend of using the collaborative
how it changes business operations. design model to raise the value of a design chain is
3. Develop a performance evaluation method for therefore widely accepted [35]. Collaborative design
the collaborative design mechanism to explore involves a highly iterative and interactive process
how it can be effectively applied and serve as a among a group of designers, engineers, consultants
reference for other industries. and the client. It involves both identifying and
solving problems. Often it is not possible to define all
design requirements and design context at the start of
2. LITERATURE REVIEW the design process. Some problems might be revealed
during the process. The designers frequently need to
2.1 Collaborative Design
review earlier decisions. Decision-making loops and
Electronic commerce is a traditional supply
iterations are an established factor in design
chain structure in many industries which can lower
development [1]. Hagedoorn et al. [12] proposes that
the costs of tightly integrating buyers and suppliers
R&D partnerships seem particularly important to
[22]. Kogut [16] summarized three main motivations
understand some specifics of interfirm R&D
driving collaborative commerce: firstly, high
collaboration in this sort of high-tech industry.
transaction costs resulting from small-number
The purpose of Collaborative design is so that a
bargaining; secondly, strategic behavior aimed at
multidisciplinary team can share information,
enhancing a firm’s competitive position or market
expertise, ideas, resources and responsibilities [32].
power; and thirdly, a quest for organizational
Communication is essential during this process.
knowledge or learning when one or both partners
Human communication involves one person
desire to acquire some critical knowledge from the
influencing the cognition of another through symbolic
other. Therefore, collaborative commerce, as well as
means [29]. This paper integrates the above
optimizing the combined competencies of the
mentioned ideas and finds that out the scholars in this
partners to reach their goals, should also provide
area attach the most importance to six areas in the
solutions to meet customer and stakeholder needs.
process of collaborative design. They are: shorten
The mixing of the different organizational cultures
product development time, reduce change of design,
can cause conflict in the management of the project
cut down product development cost, share knowledge
during collaboration [6]. In these circumstances,
of product design, participate in product development
extended enterprise collaboration is a route for
at an earlier time, and strengthen design capabilities
individual companies, in association with other
of partner companies.
companies, academia, and government, to increase
the success rate of transition to environmental fit
2.2 Business Strategy
through collaboration with other companies [31]. The
A business strategy focuses on a certain
NGM team identified the groupings of strategic
business field and identifies a proper approach to
enablers for extended enterprise collaboration as
establish an advantageous position to compete.
follows: collaborative relationships, business systems,
Another explanation of a business strategy is it
customer focus, core competencies, and legal and
focuses on a certain business unit and studies how to
financial relationships.
enhance its competitiveness, such as choosing a more
Much recent literatures indicate that the critical
attractive segmented market. From the perspective of
role of a firm’s design structure in the successful new
business operations, there are different levels of
products development. Henderson and Clark [13]
strategies. Generally, academia categorizes strategies
propose the model that includes Architectural
into Corporate Strategy, Business Strategy and
Y. Lin et al.: Research on Business Strategy and Performance Evaluation in Collaborative Design 59

Functional Area Strategy. The formulation of a 2.3 Business Performance

business strategy requires taking the business Kassem [15] considers performance to be the
objective, business capability, opportunities and extent of task fulfillment of the managers based on
threats of the market into consideration. The objective their assigned responsibilities. For Szilagyi [30], the
of this research is to discuss the relationships among implication of performance is the overall idea of the
the business environment, business strategies and the final results of organizational operation and activities.
people. Porter [24] divided business strategies into Venkatraman and Ramanujam [34] propose a
three kinds: differentiation strategy, low cost strategy performance evaluation structure with three
and focus strategy. dimensions: financial performance evaluation
Hagedoorn [11] and Gemünden et al. [8] indicator, business performance evaluation indicator
discovered that businesses tend to cooperate with and organizational effectiveness.
their upstream and downstream partners during Covin and Slevin [4] have separated financial
product development. Sixotte and Langley [26] performance into two dimensions: growth and profit.
suggested that horizontal communication and data The meaning of business performance is extended to
exchange across the departments could reduce be the emphasis on or opposition to behavior related
uncertainties in the development process and improve to business starting activities and is completely
development performance. Maamar and Shen [20] dependent on the operation philosophy of
think that as product design has become more high-ranking management. Furthermore, they have
complicated, designers must capitalize on knowledge emphasized that the performance is really dependent
to solve problems occurring in the design process. on the business model and vision of higher
Therefore, cooperation between the business and its operational management team [3; 4]. Murphy et al.
partners is the key to achieving the business [23] use eight dimensions of business performance in
objective, while collaborative design can help the their research, and among all Efficiency, Growth and
design team share knowledge, discuss and coordinate. Profit are the three most commonly used. To avoid
Lu and Yang [19] indicate in their research that inference bias as a result of performance comparison
industries nowadays are facing the fact that the life between different businesses, Murphy et al. [23]
cycle of a product is becoming shorter. So, a business suggest the adoption of appropriate Control Variables.
must contract the product development process and According to his research, firm's size, industry and
accelerate the launch of the product. To reach this firm's age are the most frequently applied control
goal, the R&D department and the marketing variables.
department will have to work more closely to address The focal point in product development is the
any unexpected problems. Joseph [14] proposes that design and development of the product. Since
managers have to apply different decisions, such as discovering and creating new technologies is not
using highly precise R&D steps to create successful easy, businesses usually work with different partners
projects and constantly observe as well as assess the to share development technologies [19]. Cooper and
behavior and R&D capabilities of project members, Kleinschmidt [5] conducted interviews with
to achieve business objectives when developing high-ranking management at IBM, 3M, Northern
products. Liu et al. [18] analyzed the strategies and Telecom, Emerson Electric, where managers agreed
performance evaluation methods of the high tech that cooperation in product development with
industry in Taiwan through questionnaires. Their partners can improve the communication in the team,
research points out that strategies of product reduce development time and remake time, and
development, such as those related to the direction of increase the rate of success of the new product. In the
new product development, the characteristics of the research by Littler et al. [17], it was found out that if
market and technologies, have a profound influence a business collaborates with partners in product
over the performance of the product after it is fully development, the amount of design knowledge it
developed. This research reviews the above gains from each stage of the process is more than
viewpoints and sums up that product development what it receives if it works by itself. What's even
strategies adopted by businesses mainly involve the better, the business can collect much new knowledge
following six: shorten product development time, correctly via outside collaboration. Farrukh et al. [7]
reduce change of design, cut down product think the faster a business assumes the leading
development cost, share knowledge of product position in the market or technology, the more likely
design, participate in product development at an it is that it can increase its market share. They
earlier time, and strengthen design capabilities of therefore support the idea that increased outside
partner companies, which are used in the analysis and collaboration can enhance technology complexity,
comparison of the case study. shorten the life cycle of the product and cut down
both cost and risks. Joseph [14] conducted research
on to what extent inside and outside control in an
organization, team reward and other factors influence
60 International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 6, No. 2 (2008)

the interaction between the business and its management and assist synchronization. This
customers. They analyzed 95 projects across various research will use these evaluation indicators as
industries and concluded that if a huge amount of performance evaluation indicators for product
interaction occurs between project members and the development.
customers, then the business will attach more
importance to the market and the financial conditions. 3. RESEARCH DESIGN
The evaluation indicators adopted by the research
include the sharing level of the market, customer
To conduct this analytical framework, the case
satisfaction, quality of product and project
study research methodology was chosen. The case
management. This paper extracts the main viewpoints
study is suitable for researchers to answer questions
from the above work and identifies that the
as ‘‘how’’ and ‘‘why’’ [37]. In particular, Yin [36]
performance evaluation indicators in a product
pointed out that multiple cases strengthen the results
development process include: increase productivity,
by replicating the pattern-matching, thus increasing
reduce design and development cost, cut down
confidence in the robustness of the theory. We
manufacture cost, information transparency, customer
considered that it is appropriate to use the case study
satisfaction, raise market share, reduce
methodology in order to describe the implementation
time-to-market, enhance design capabilities, improve
in the case company of its collaborative process.
accuracy of design and manufacture, effectiveness
and convenience of technologies, project

Table 1: Data about the interviews in Company A

Object of Number of
Position Places of Interview
Interview Interview
General Manager 9
Vice R&D Dept. Manager 8
y Meeting Room
Company A Design Development Dept. Manager 7
y Discussion Room
Information Dept. Manager 9
Project Manager 12
Vice General Manager 4
Consultant of
Director/Chief Manager 8 y Meeting Room
Consultant 4 y Discussion Room
Program Designer 3
Consultant 9 y Meeting Room
Consultant of
y Discussion Room
Outsourcing Manager 4 y Seminar Room of Consultant

Table 2: Data about the interviews in Company B

Object of Number of
Position Places of Interview
Interview Interview
Vice General Manager 5 y Meeting Room of Case
Vice General Engineer 3 Company B
Company B
Analysis Engineer 1 y Meeting Room of Consultant
Project Manager 7 Company
Director/Chief Manager 7 y Meeting Room of Case
Consultant of
Company B
Process Technique Consultant 2
y Meeting Room of Consultant
Technology Engineer 3 Company
y Meeting Room of Case
Consultant of Consultant 5 Company B
Integrated y Meeting Room of Consultant
Information Manager 5 Company
y Seminar Room of Consultant

The case study reports on the activities at a interviews conducted with various groups, including
leading panel manufacturing company, a leading managers and employees, within the organization. We
computer case manufacturing company and a leading had many meetings with many higher executive
golf equipment manufacturing company in Asia. Data managers of the case companies. They included the
collection was performed by a series of personal CEO, general manager and employees from the R&D
Y. Lin et al.: Research on Business Strategy and Performance Evaluation in Collaborative Design 61

department and the MIS department. That is actually confirmability. With regard to these criteria, our
a two-year project of collaborative design for these collaborative design research approach improves the
three companies. We also organized a focus group to trustworthiness of the research results, for instance,
interview higher executive managers more effectively by proposing the inclusion of different stakeholders
and get the effective information or data which would and data sources based on the interview of two-year
be helpful to our research (as shown in Table 1 to project during data collection (credibility), the
Table 3). integration of findings from the conducted literature
Taking into consideration our lessons learned in review (transferability), the use of all categories
collaborative design research presented above, we emerging from the data (dependability), and the
believe that researchers can enhance the comparison of the derived business model with
trustworthiness of their research. In this context, we similar models in the collaborative design fields
refer to the trustworthiness criteria of qualitative (confirmability).
research, introduced by Guba and Lincoln [9]:
Credibility, transferability, dependability, and

Table 3: Data about the interviews in Company C

Object of Number of
Position Places of Interview
Interview Interview
CEO 1 y Meeting Room of Case
Vice General Manager 3 Company B
Company C
Vice R&D Dept. Manager 2 y Meeting Room of Consultant
System Planning Specialist 3 Company
Leader of Electronic Section 1 y Meeting Room of Case
Consultant of
System Engineer 3 Company B
y Meeting Room of Consultant
System Project Manager 3 Company
y Meeting Room of Case
Consultant of Company C
Consultant 4
Outsourcing y Meeting Room of Guild Unit
y Seminar Room of Consultant

3.1 Case Studies OLED etc. With the keen competition in 3G and large
3.1.1 Case company A size TFT-LCD, the small size LCD companies have
Taiwan is one of the world’s largest suppliers of been forced to change their companies’ operation.
thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT–LCD) Therefore, the small size LCD companies have
panels, second only to Korea. In 1998, Taiwan began entered the color flat-panel display market and
its aggressive output in the TFT–LCD industry with developed the related technologies to fit in with
abundant capital, great vision, and a comprehensive customers’ needs. The case company has developed
industry chain. As a result, Taiwan now plays an various advanced technologies of LCD actively. It has
important role in the global TFT–LCD industry, and launched a strategic alliance to collaborate with
into the future. up-steam companies and take advantage of
This case company is a leader company in the technologies, concentrated resources and vertical
visual display market in both Taiwan and China. The specialization in order to expand into the small size
primary business is STN-LCD and CSTN-LCD TFT-LCD and mobile phone markets.
manufacturing which is applied in medical equipment,
Consumer Electronics etc. Besides STN-LCD, the
case company also develops application of TFT-LCD,

Table 4: The importance of collaboration

Short-term Medium-term Long-term
Market Create new value of Reduce risk of patent Develop markets and
(Product Diversification) product infringement customers effectively
Suppliers Integrated technology Create knowledge-based
Enhance image
(Product Customization) and resource economy
Ensure the value of New directions in Sustaining technology
(Product Sustaining
technology technology development innovation
62 International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 6, No. 2 (2008)

As Japanese companies have many patents in 3.2 Structure of Research

many countries and the Korean companies spend In the case study analysis, the paper evaluates
large resources on technology innovation, the case and analyzes the operation, the strategies and the
company has to take design seriously. Consequently, performance of the businesses after the collaborative
the case company has developed the collaborative IP mechanism is applied, with the aim of exploring a
management model to avoid patent infringement and beneficial collaborative business mode between each
ensure the value of design technologies. In this study, company and its suppliers in this case study, as well
we analyze the importance of the collaborative IP as the future collaborative trends. This research
model in three stages (Table 4). mainly used interviews to conduct the analysis, but
these were also supported by information provided by
3.1.2 Case company B the case companies. The research was divided into
This case company is one of the leading PC two stages. The first stage gathered literature about
case and Server barebone manufacturers in Asia and product collaborative development and business
provides a wide spectrum of PC cases on an original performance evaluation, with a wide range of
equipment manufacturer (OEM) basis to companies. references and in-depth discussion, to establish the
The case company also sells PC cases as own-brand research purpose, scope and method. The second
manufacturers (OBM). Approximately 60% of PC stage of case analysis started after this research
cases produced by the company in 2005 were sold on structure was created.
an OEM basis with the remaining 40% shipped under Major analysis dimensions of this research
OBM. According to the Market Intelligence Center, include the following three dimensions: business
in 2001, the case company had an estimated 6% operation strategy, interaction between the business
global market share, shipping approximately 6.16 and its collaborative firms, and product/service
million out of the 105.87 million units of PC cases performance. Please see Figure 1 for the structure of
sold worldwide. The case company is the leading the case study analysis.
manufacturer of PC cases in Taiwan in terms of total
units shipped. While PC cases are the company’s
principal core product, the case company also trades, Business Operation Strategy
manufactures, markets and distributes server cases, Structure Segmentation
Technological Advantages
personal computer components and household Operation Cost-down

hardware products such as bathroom and kitchen

ware under OBM and on an OEM basis. Introduction of Collaborative Design

The Company operates two production plants

located in Taiwan, three production plants located in Product/Service Performance
Efficiency Improvement
Interaction between the business
and its collaborative firms
China and one production plant located in USA with Operational Cost-down Operation Process
Functional Modules
a total annual capacity of approximately nine million
units in PC and server cases in 2001.

3.1.3 Case company C

Figure 1: Structure of the case study analysis
This case company is one of the leading golf
club head manufacturers in Asia and provides
(1) Business operation strategy
customers with the convenience of one stop shopping.
Industry analysis helps the business realize its
The case company provides the product design of an
current challenges and the speed with which it needs
international brand company by mature mass
to apply the collaborative design mechanism. The
manufacturing technology.
research emphasizes marketing segmentation,
In 1998, the case company used CAD-CAM
technology advantages and operational cost-down in
and RP (rapid prototyping) technology to enhance its
the markets to find out how collaborative design may
ability as an OEM. The case company also integrated
change the operational strategies of the business.
information technology such as ERP, SCM, APS and
After the business decides its operational strategy, it
E-commerce systems. This integration efficiently
must find out how to interact and work together with
utilizes enterprise resources to strengthen CRM and
its partner companies when it applies collaborative
product globalization. In 2004, the case company
design. This will be the analysis focus in dimension 2.
collaborated with the government on the project
(2) Interaction between the business and its
named Co-Sports Chain with the vision of becoming
collaborative firms
one of the most successful sports and recreation
The application of collaborative design in a
manufacturing companies in the world, enhancing its
business will definitely influence its cooperative
international competitive edge and marching along
relationship with its partner companies. Among all,
the path towards ODM.
simplifying the product development process and
applying collaborative design modules are the most
influential factor in building closer and more
convenient communication and cooperation with
Y. Lin et al.: Research on Business Strategy and Performance Evaluation in Collaborative Design 63

partner companies. In this step, the research analyzes its partners. The process of product design, research
how product development processes can be simplified, and development and production can be shortened,
and what functional modules should be applied to which enables the products to enter the market at the
serve as the bridge for communication with the earliest time and therefore enhance business
partner companies after the business installs competitiveness. This section discusses the five
collaborative design software. This can help discover questions about research process raised in Figure 2.
how the business should interact with its partners. Along with the analysis of the case study interviews,
The application of the collaborative design the result of this research is generated at the end.
mechanism changes the way the business works with
other companies in the same supply chain and the Industry Environment Relationship
way it operates. The operational performance and
Management of Collaboration System
indicators that the business attaches the most Q1
importance to will be covered by dimension 3.
(3) Product/Service Performance Introduction of Corporation
The reason why the business applies Strategy Target Collaborative Design System
of Q2
collaborative design is because it wants to improve Corporation Business Q3

business performance. Hence, the research at this Performance Evaluation

phase discusses what the main performance indicators Q4
Collaborative Design
are, how similar or different they are, and how they
will affect operational strategies and even alter future Q5

strategies. KSF of Introduction

This research aims to discover the key reasons of
Collaborative Design Mechanism
for a business to apply the collaborative design
mechanism by discussing successful cooperation Figure 2: Research structure
modes with partner companies in a collaborative
mechanism. Main issues to consider are as follows: Question 1: The business applies the collaborative
a. Whether the business is unique in the design mechanism because of influence from its
collaborative system. collaborative partners
b. Whether there is a specific business objective to The researcher interviewed three case
support the decision of applying collaborative companies and found out the following difficulties
design. faced by current businesses:
c. Whether the performance evaluation before and a. Higher complexity of product
after application remains consistent. b. Lack of information capacity, which has adverse
d. Whether the performance evaluation and influence on the product development process
business strategies are correlated. c. Lack of real-time communication
e. How to use the experience of the case businesses d. Product technology needs improvement
in applying collaborative design to indicate e. Customer-oriented service
considerations that have to be made during
application and to find out the key factors that Based on the abovementioned challenges faced
lead to success. by businesses, this paper explains the responding
This research explores the importance and the strategies of companies A, B and C respectively.
connection among business strategy interaction, Table 5 illustrates the business strategies of the three
collaborative design, and business performance companies in response to the five challenges. In terms
evaluation. Therefore, the research assumes that a of product complexity, companies A, B and C are in
business, its upstream suppliers and downstream different industries and therefore have different needs
partners are connected in a collaborative design
in product development. So, even though they are all
system during the product development process of the
participating in fierce competition, each of them has
business. With this idea and attitude, in order to
improve research and development efficiency, the come up with their own measures. The main product
enterprise and its partners will seek tighter of company A is consumer electronics. So, with rising
cooperation in areas such as market analysis, product diversity, company A established footprints
customer participation, user participation, and so on. across multiple industries to satisfy diverse demands
of customers. Company B manufactures computer
cases, so it decided to transform itself to produce
4. RESEARCH RESULT products with higher added value and embark on a
new course of horizontal diversification. Company C
After the collaborative design is applied, it is is a golf gear manufacturer. Since customers tend to
expected that the innovated operation mode of the have high demands concerning gear design, the
business and better performance will stimulate more company put emphasis on improving materials and
energetic communication between the business and design technology to fulfill customer needs.
64 International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 6, No. 2 (2008)

Table 5: Strategies used by case companies to respond to current challenges

Case Company
Factors Company A Company B Company C
y Improve materials
y Operate across multiple
y Constantly improve
industries to satisfy y Transform and produce
Complexity of product design
customers products with more
Product technology
y Diverse customer added value
y More demanding of
customized products
y Immediate changes and
confirmation of y Immediate changes and
y Reduce change of
products confirmation of
y Reduce change of products
Developing Time y Reduce communication
design y Reduce change of
of Product cost
y Reduce communication design
y Early participation in
cost y Early participation in
product design
y Early participation in product design
product design
y Establish information
Good y Establish information y Real-time y Establish information
Communication platform communication with platform
Channel y Use on-line conference upstream suppliers and y Use on-line conference
downstream partner
y Higher level of y Establish strategic y Upgrade casting
customization alliances with partner technology to
Improvement of
y Faster R&D of product companies highly-sophisticated
y Improve design y Use specialization to level
technology of partner reduce influence of y Mainly use specialized
companies partner companies manufacturing
y Provide customers with
y On time delivery y Customers can keep complete product
Customer-oriented y Assist customers in track of product services
Service planning and design development y Assist customers in
products y On time delivery planning and designing

Question 2: The implementation of the operational strategies, because businesses apply the
collaborative design mechanism in a business is in mechanism and its functional modules according to
relation to its aspiration to improve competitive their various needs. Businesses always take the
advantages and devise good strategies expected benefits as main considerations. Secondly,
Through interviews, the research finds out what the case study has discovered that manufacturers in
operational strategies companies A, B and C have Taiwan all have similar roles to play in the R&D
formulated. Aiming at increasing business stage and therefore their strategies are alike. This
performance and market share, the three companies explains why their process and purpose of system
came up with the following strategies (as shown in implementation are the same, which is also proven by
Table 6): the fact that software providers usually help introduce
a. Shorten development process of products different functions according to different business
b. Reduce times of design change sectors.
c. Reduce product development cost
d. Share product design knowledge Question 3: Performance evaluation after
e. Early participation in product R&D collaborative design mechanism is implemented
f. Strengthen R&D capabilities of partner The reason why this research discusses
companies performance evaluation is due to its expectation that
business will be able to set up an evaluation model
This paper makes the following conclusions after it applies collaborative design. Through case
based on the interviews: Firstly, the purpose of a interviews, it was discovered that to finish
collaborative design mechanism is to realize overall performance assessment, factors related to the
Y. Lin et al.: Research on Business Strategy and Performance Evaluation in Collaborative Design 65

system, the environment and the staff all must play Regarding performance evaluation, the
their roles. The interviews revealed that the best research has examined different scholarly viewpoints
assessment method is to determine the purposes of and conducted cross-analysis using operational
the implementation of collaborative design before the strategies to put benefit indicators into appropriate
business actually does it. The business then should operational strategy categories (as shown in Table 7).
review these purposes and use them as future
reference for adjustment.

Table 6: Comparison of operational strategies of A, B and C

Operational Company A Company B Company C
y Reduce development
y Shorten design
Shorten cycle of product
procedures y Standardize procedures
Development y Reduce preparation time
y Reduce development and synchronize data
Process of Products for parts and
work days
y Provide transparent
y Reduce
y Reduce times of design information and
Reduce Times of miscommunication and
change cause by design exchange design plans
Change of Design design change before
errors by 50% with partners to reduce
pilot production
design change
y Reduce material cost
y Accelerate product
y Cut down design cost
y Reduce design errors in launch and reduce
Reduce Product and communicate with
the supply chain and development cost
Development Cost customers on design
caused by these errors through collaborative
y Reduce cost of order
design process
y Change mold via the
Share Product Internet to develop y Establish, share and use y Share product design
Design Know-how products collaboratively information know-how
with partners
y Participate in early
y Assess design
y Design the product with design, conduct
Early Participation requirement of faceplate
partner companies collaborative R&D with
together with supplies
y Reduce workload of y More encouragement to
Strengthen R&D y Provide once-for-all
original planning staff employees
capabilities of purchase and
y Establish technology y Nurture talent to
Partner Companies customized service
support center develop new business

Question 4: Performance evaluation of performance assessment indicators after

collaborative design is related to operational businesses apply collaborative design.
strategies b. The results also indicate that sharing know-how
This research used Table 7 as guiding can help enhance design and R&D capabilities
principles for conducting in-depth interviews with among partner companies. Furthermore, the level
companies A, B and C. Five experts, including two of design accuracy is improved and therefore
case company managers, two information process development time can be shortened, unnecessary
consultants and one outsourced consultant, were cost is avoided, and design change is reduced.
invited to evaluate the collaborative design c. For these businesses, applying collaborative
mechanism in the three case companies. After design does not bring obvious benefits to R&D
reviewing the benefit evaluation made by capabilities and convenient use of information
interviewees, the research discovered that case and technology. This is probably because the
companies are different in the level of collaboration companies and their partners put more emphasis
with upstream and downstream partner companies on design accuracy and the product development
and in the area of the application of the system. This process during collaborative product
leads to the following points: development.
a. The evaluation results show that increase of d. The period of application is another important
design and the accuracy of manufacture are main factor that affects performance. Companies A, B
66 International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 6, No. 2 (2008)

and C implemented collaborative design at benefits, and the research conjectures this is due
approximately the same time, so their general to the high complexity of C's operations and lack
performances are pretty much alike. Company C of design technology.
does not score as high as the others in overall

Table 7: Relations between operational strategies and performance evaluation

Business Strategies Performance Evaluation
y Increase market share
y Accelerate time to Market
Shorten Development Process of Product y Improve accuracy of design and manufacture
y Good project management
y Good design change management
y Enhance production efficiency
y Improve design capability
Reduce Times of Change of Design y Improve accuracy of design and manufacture
y Effective use of technology
y Good design change management
y Reduce design and R&D cost
Reduce Product Development Cost
y Reduce production cost
y Transparent information
y Improve design capability
y Improve accuracy of design and manufacture
Share Product Design Know-how
y Effective use of technology
y Convenient use
y Synchronized process of business
y Enhance production efficiency
y Customer expectation
y Improve design capability
Early Participation y Improve accuracy of design and manufacture
y Good project management
y Good design change management
y Synchronized process of business
y Transparent information
y Customer expectation
y Improve design capability
Strengthen R&D Capabilities of Partner Companies
y Improve accuracy of design and manufacture
y Effective use of technology
y Convenient use

Question 5: Key factors of success after businesses establish mechanisms to share documents and
implement a collaborative design mechanism experiences.
From actual implementation methods and c. Establish a project execution team inside the
experiences of companies A, B and C, plus interviews organization and specify responsibilities for each
with collaborative design software providers, this member
paper identifies the significant factors that determine During interviews, it was found that the case
successful implementation as follows: companies all established a project execution team
a. Support from high level management when introducing collaborative design into the
Any changes to business process are destined business. A team comprised the case company, its
to be resisted by the users and face obstacles at the partners, suppliers and so on, while each member has
beginning of application. Hence, high level specific responsibility.
management must assist in promoting the new d. Build up system interfaces and main task check
changes from the top and forming consensus among points to help keep track of the system and the
all members in the business. project team review performance
b. Reduce resistance inside the business and partner All case companies choose functional modules
companies via training and communication according to their current information capability and
What case companies do is plan a series of cooperation mode with upstream and downstream
training courses. With the help of interaction with the partners to match their business strategies. The
entire business, obstacles users meet can be spotted implementation is finished stage by stage to avoid
and solutions can then be discussed. Businesses also
Y. Lin et al.: Research on Business Strategy and Performance Evaluation in Collaborative Design 67

overlong establishment time and potential risks quality and availability. To achieve this goal,
brought about by the system. improving the product development process and
e. Examine and check original information, prevent having real-time communication with customers and
new system failure due to wrong information suppliers is one of the most effective approaches.
A new system involves many players, and b. Competition
suppliers, customers and partner companies all need Businesses participate in product development
to link their information systems to the new system, to cut down costs and increase competitiveness. In
so it is a must to examine and check the old system the future, the ones who can sharpen the collaborative
when installing the new. mechanism and benefit most from it first will enjoy
f. The abilities of consultants from software the strongest competitiveness.
providers and outsourced consultants c. Information and communication needs
A business must possess certain specialized In product development, share all information
know-how to operate, and its role in the industry is a basic contributor to success. Nowadays, products
affects its business strategies and operational and technologies are increasingly complicated, so a
objectives. As a result, specialized technicians and collaborative platform allows the business to
consultants from outside the business must fully communicate with the customers and suppliers in
understand the industry climate and the industry time.
structure that confronts the business, as well as the (4) The research lists steps to implement
operation mode of the company. They must also have collaborative design successfully according to
good communication skills and abilities, which are the case study
accumulated with their experience in establishing a. Clarify current business strategies
collaborative systems. b. Clarify the role and purpose of the business in
g. Effective integration with current system: product development
Good integration of the old and new systems c. The president and high level managers should
will not only reduce data errors and repetition, but formulate solutions based on business strategies
avoid waste of resources. and feasibility
d. Review and redesign the processes and
5. CONCLUSION responsibilities of business activities
e. Establish a specialized coordination team
The authors did interviews with some f. Break the barriers among businesses to
managers, consultants and employees in these three encourage willingness to share information
case companies to verify the results of the study. The g. Formulate solutions that can integrate upstream
conclusions can be summarized as follows: suppliers and downstream customers
(1) The application of collaborative design is not h. Establish benefit indicators and performance
merely a technical feasibility but a choice driven evaluation methods; evaluation targets should be
by market competition jointly decided by the business and its partners
Collaborative design has been drawing more and regarded as important reference standards at
attention because of the rapid advancement of all check points.
information technology in recent years. Customers i. Offer timely training to partner companies
demand more from quality products and efficient j. The implementation of collaborative design
R&D, forcing the business to understand their involves many aspects; it is more important to
demands better and work with upstream and accumulate experience than describe success and
downstream partners on product development. failure.
(2) When implementing a collaborative design Along with the use of collaborative design,
mechanism, the overall business condition must innovative changes in business operation and
be taken into consideration improvement in business performance stimulate
Based on the interviews, we found out that energetic communication between the business and
what makes case companies commit to putting in its partner companies. Time of product design, R&D
resources is its aspiration to not only manufacture and production is shortened, so that products can
products but participate in product development at an enter the market and grasp early opportunities, which
early stage to cut down cost, reduce change of design, enhances business competitiveness. Companies A, B
and make products available more quickly. and C are located in different industries and have
(3) Factors that drive the growth of collaborative different needs for product development, so they
design uphold diverse response strategies even though they
a. Customer demand all face cut-throat competition. However,
The traditional production-oriented market has manufacturers in Taiwan mostly have the same role
turned into a customer-oriented market. Businesses and position in product development and therefore
have to provide products or services with better come up with similar strategies. This is why their
68 International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 6, No. 2 (2008)

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(Received November 2007, revised March 2007,
Academy of Management Review, Vol. 11, No.
4, pp. 801-814. accepted May 2008)
35. Wang, L., Shen, W., Xie, H., Neelamkavil, J.

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