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SESSION 2024-25

Chapter -1 Nature and Significance of Management

1. The objective of ___________is to influence the others in such a way that they may act
exactly as desired by their leader.

2. The basic job of _______ is to establish coordination among different departments by

keeping in view the objectives of the organisation.

3. Policy formulation is the function of -

(a) top level managers. (b) middle level managers
(c) operational managers. (d) all of these

4. Which of the following is not the function of management?

(a) Staffing. (b) Coordination. (c) Planning. (d) Directing

5. Management is considered a perfect science. (T/ F)

6. Which degree is essential to become a manager?

(a) B.Com. (b) MBA. (c) M.Com. (d) None of these

Q. Nos 7-10 are based on the following CASE.

The Dabbawallas of Mumbai is the story of a SIX SIGMA business enterprise. The success
of the business lies in the complex yet well-coordinated exercise that is carried out on the
streets of Mumbai day after day. What is the secret behind the efficiency with which their
business is conducted?
The story of the Dabbawallas begins in the kitchens of Mumbai. After they stepped out of
their door, someone begins the time-consuming process of preparing the worker a fresh,
home-cooked lunch. What happens next demonstrates the coordination of the Dabbawallas
system. The first dabbawalla picks up the tiffins from houses and takes them to the nearest
railway station. The second dabbawalla sorts out the tiffins at the railway station according to
destinations and puts them in the luggage carriage. The third one travels with the dabbas to
the railway stations nearest to the destinations. The fourth one picks up tiffins from the
railway station and drops them off at the offices. By mid-morning, thousands of dabbawallas
are bicycling through the streets of Mumbai, ensuring home-cooked and hot lunch for their
customers. The whole tiffins distribution requires negligible technology. The dabbawallas rely
on low capital and use cycles, wooden carriages and local trains to achieve their target.
There are several groups that work independently and network with each other to achieve
their goal. Each area is divided into several small distribution sectors and each sector is
handled by a particular person. This person understands the address in that locality very
well. Also, this perfection comes with practice. Many new employees work for months under
the guidance of their seniors. Punctuality and time management are on top of the agenda for
dabbawallas. Whatever be the circumstances, the dabbawallas never get delayed even by a
few minutes.
7. Which concept is the basis of the success of 'Dabbawallas'?
(a) management. (b) coordination. (c) efficiency. (d) cooperation

8. Identify the feature of Management -

(a) integrate group efforts. (b) responsibility of all managers
(c) pervasive. (d) continuous process

9. Coordination is
(a) function of management. (b) the essence of management
(c) an objective of management. (d) a level of management

10. Coordination is required at all levels of management in all management functions

because it is___________ in nature.
(a) flexible. (b) continuous. (c) pervasive. (d) intangible

11. Is there any difference in planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling of
various organisations such as a school, a club, a restaurant and a steel plant? To which
characteristic of management is this case related?

12. What does the pyramid form of levels of management indicate?

13. Rishitosh Mukerjee has recently joined AMV Ltd., a company manufacturing
refrigerators. He found that his department was under-staffed and other departments were
not cooperating with his department for the smooth functioning of the organisation.
Therefore, he ensured that his department has the required number of employees and its
cooperation with other departments is improved.
(a) Identify the level at which Rishitosh Mukerjee was working.
(b) Also, state three more functions required to be performed by Rishitosh Mukerjee at this

14. XYZ. Power Ltd, set up a factory for manufacturing solar lanterns in a remote village as
there was no reliable supply of electricity in rural areas. The revenue earned by the company
was sufficient, so the company decided to increase production to generate higher sales. For
this they decided to employ people from the nearby villages as very few job opportunities
were available in that area. The company also decided to open schools and creches for the
children of its employees.
Identify and explain the objectives of management discussed above.

15. Sanjana is the branch manager of ABC Handicrafts Pvt. Ltd. The company's objective is
to promote the sales of Indian handloom and handicraft products. It sells fabrics, furnishings,
readymades and household items made out of traditional Indian fabrics. Sanjana decides
quantities, variety, colour and texture of all the above items and then allocates resources for
their purchase from different suppliers. She appoints a team of designers and crafts people
in the company, who developed some prints for bed covers in bright colours on silk. Although
they looked very impressive, they were more expensive than they had planned to sell.
Average customer could not afford to buy it. Praising their effort, Sanjana suggested that
they should keep the silk bed covers for special occasions like Diwali and Christmas and
offer the cotton bed covers on a regular basis to keep costs under control.
Identify the functions of management which Sanjana performs by quoting the lines from the
above para.

16. Wardrobe India Limited is a chain of ladies' garment boutiques where most of the work is
done manually.
Due to the arrival of international brands in India, the company is finding it difficult to
compete on two fronts finishing and embroidery work. The production manger realised that
without modern machines it would not be possible for them to survive for long. The company
purchases new hi-tech modern machines from Germany. During the production process, the
manger observes that the quality of production is not as per standards and very often
production is disrupted due to breakdown of machines. The workers get frustrated by
continuous rejection of output and start showing resistance towards new technology. To
increase the efficiency of the workers, the company decides to train their workers on-the-job
under the able guidance of specialists. The workers who are able to pick the skills are
promoted and made in charge of the not-so-trained groups. This creates a positive impact
and everybody wants to learn. Suggestions from the workers are valued and workers are
encouraged to communicate freely.
Identify and explain the importance of management highlighted here by quoting the lines
from the above.

17. "Management is a science like physics or chemistry". Do you agree to this statement?
Give reasons in support of your answer.
Chapter -2 Principles of Management

1. The study of movements like lifting, putting objects, sitting and changing position, etc. is
known as __________.

2. Rajat, the production manager of Auto India Ltd,, passes on instruction regarding his
departments freely and indiscriminately. Which management principle is violated here?

3. Reena and Meena are working in the same organisation. They have similar experience
and are performing the same task. However, they are paid at the different rate. Which
principle of management is violated?

4. 'Once selected, employees should be kept at their position for a minimum fixed tenure'.
Which principle of management is highlighted in the statement?

5. Principle of management equips the managers to foresee the cause-and-effect

relationship of their decision and actions so that the wastages associated with a
trial-and-error approach may be overcome.
Identify the point of significance of principles of management highlighted here.

6. Match the features of principles of management given under Column A with the correct
statement given under Column B

Column A. Column B

(a) Cause-and-effect (i) They do not provide readymade

(b) General guidelines solutions to managerial problems.
(ii) Application of principles of management
are not dynamic in nature
(ill) They can be used in large number of

Q. Nos 7-10 are based on the following CASE.

Sakaar Foundation is an NGO (Non -Governmental Organisation) working to improve the

lives of children with medical needs, the homeless and victims of natural disasters. Apart
from donations in cash, they collected dry ration, old clothes, shoes, toys, books, medicines,
etc. from donors. At Sakaar Foundation's office in Lucknow the material collected is
segregated, classified and put in shelves and boxes that are labelled systematically. There is
a specific place for each of these items and volunteers put everything at their respective
places.The volunteers' work is divided into specific jobs like fund raising, field visits, and
social media updates and so on. Each volunteer becomes specialized in his respective field,
leading to the efficient utilization of human effort.
The management of Sakaar Foundation does not close its ears to any constructive
suggestions made by the volunteers. There is an equal division of work and responsibility
between volunteers and management. All day long the management works side by side the
volunteers helping, encouraging and smoothing the way for them.
7. Each volunteer becomes specialized in his respective field, leading to the efficient
utilization of human effort.
(a) Division of work. (b) Initiative. (c) Authority and Responsibility. (d) Equity

8. At Sakaar Foundation's office in Lucknow the material collected is segregated, classified

and put in shelves and boxes that are labeled systematically. There is a specific place for
each of these items and volunteers put everything at their respective places.
(a) Discipline. (b) Esprit de corps. (c) Scalar chain. (d) Order

9. The management of Sakaar Foundation does not close its ears to any constructive
suggestions made by the volunteers. There is an equal division of work and responsibility
between volunteers and management.
Identify the scientific management-
(a) Harmony not discord
(b) Cooperation not individualism
(c) Science not rule of thumb
(d) Development of each and every person to his greatest efficiency and prosperity

10. All day long the management works side by side the volunteers helping, encouraging
and smoothing is way for them. Which style is identified in above statement?
(a) Technical style. (b) Paternalistic style. (c) Mental revolution. (d) Management style

11. Seema, a student of management, likes to relate what she learnt in the class to real life
situation. She observes branvasituations. While watching educational programmes, factories
manufacturing components for produce like automobiles, computers and mobile phones
were shown.
Name the concept of Scientific Management that should be adhered to, while manufacturing
components to such products.

12. Difference between unity of command and unity of direction.

13. 'Aapka Vidyalaya' believes in holistic development of students and encourages team
building through, mix of curricular, co- curricular and sports. A committee of ten prefects was
constituted to plan different aspects of the function. They all decide to use recycled paper for
decoration. There was a spirit of unity and harmony and all members supported one another.
With mutual trust and belongingness the programme was systematically planned and
executed. Kartik, one of the prefects, realised that unknowingly the group had applied one of
the principles of management while planning and executing the programme. He was so
inspired by the success of the function that he asked his father to apply the same principle in
his business. His father replied that he was already using this principle.
(a) Identify the principle of management applied for the success of the programme.
(b) State any two features of management highlighted in the above Para.

14. 'Taylor's principles of scientific management and Fayol's principle of management are
mutually complementary.' Do you agree to this view? Give any four reasons in support for
your answer.
15. Arnav, a manager of Micro Ltd., does not distribute the work amongst his subordinates,
according to their capabilities. He has given the work on the basis of favouritism. Which
principle is overlooked ? Give some of its violating effects.

16. Hina has been appointed as the Chief Organiser of a weeklong cultural event. Being a
staunch follower of scientific management, she decides to execute her work by putting into
practice the various techniques of scientific management. On the basis of several
observations, she is able to determine that the standard time taken by the security officer at
the gate to check the credentials of each visitor is 30 seconds. So, she decides to employ
two persons on this job for every function along with the other necessary support staff. She
considers the fact that every day, the functions will take place in three shifts of four hours
each, therefore it is important to give breaks to the support staff even in a single shift to take
her/ his lunch etc. Moreover, on introspection, she determines that the best way to distribute
refreshment boxes to the visitors will be to hand them over to them at the exit gate as it
would help to save time and eliminate any kind of confusion.
In the context of the above case.
Identify and explain the various techniques of work study which have been put into practice
by Hina.

17. In each of the following cases, which principle of Fayol is being violated?
(a) When the manager contracts with his cousin for supply of materials, knowing that such
materials are defective.
(b) When chalks are kept in library and books in office.
(c) A worker receiving orders from two bosses.
(d) When no department has a separate plan of action
(e) A subordinate habitually contacts higher authorities passing over his superior.
Chapter -3 Business Environment

1. The income and expenditure policy of the government is called

(a) Fiscal policy. (b) Monetary policy. (c) Trade policy. (d) Foreign policy

2. The entry of the multinational companies in large numbers in the Indian market has
(a) huge demand. (b) huge supply. (c) tough competition. (d) huge demand and supply

3. Under the Reserve Bank keeps control on the money supply in order to achieve the
objectives of the general economic policy.
(a) Fiscal policy. (b) Trade policy. (c) Industrial policy. (d) Monetary Policy

4. ________ is not an ingredient of political environment.

(a) Political system. (b) Political philosophies.
(c) Political institutions. (d) Monetary policy

5. Match the groups of words given under Column A with the correct options given under
Column B.

Column A Column B

(i) Technological environment (a) Introducing a diet coke

(ii) Political environment (b) Nature of relationships of our country

with foreign countries

(iii) Social Environment (c) Research and development activities

6. "Subsidy provided by the government for textile industries has a positive impact on textile
Which component of business environment is highlighted in this case?
(a) Economic environment. (b) Technological environment
(c) Political environment. (d) Legal environment

Q. Nos 7-10 are based on the following CASE.

The soft drink giants, Pepsi Co and Coca-Cola suffered a decline in sales of Colas in India in
the beginning of the year 2006 after an environmental group, Centre for Science and
Environment (CSE), claimed to have found pesticides in their drinks up to 50 times the
permissible health limits. These companies issued a number of press statements and
conducted many publicity campaigns in India claiming that their beverages were perfectly
safe. The union health ministry's expert committee also observed that Coke and Pepsi were
CSE, in turn, criticised the expert committee findings and said that 11 of Coke and Pepsi
drinks contained average pesticide levels that were 24 times higher than the limits agreed by
the Indian government. Despite the health ministry's clean chit to coke, several states
continued to ban or restrict Coke and Pepsi as consumers started watching their diet more
closely. Organic food products suddenly became popular as the healthier option. By
definition, organic means fruit, vegetables, foodgrains and processed products that have
been produced with no pesticide or inorganic fertilisers. Meanwhile the soft drinks giants
have been continuously advertising and trying to convince the consumers about the safety of
their products.
7. Which component of business environment is reflected in the above case?
(a) Social. (b) Technological. (c) Economic. (d) Political
8. State one feature of business environment reflected in this case -
(a) Inter-relatedness. (b) Relativity. (c) Dynamic. (d) Uncertain
9. Which of the following best indicates the importance of business environment?
(a) Employees. (b) Uncertainty. (c) Complexity. (d) Relativity
10. Scanning of the business environment helps to identify
(a) threats. (b) opportunities. (c ) both a and b (d) none of these
Chapter -4 PLANNING

1.Planning does not_____success.

2. Name the type of plan which specifies the steps to carry out different activities in a
chronological order: l

3. On the basis of description, identify the features of planning -

(i) Planning processes other functions (a) Futuristic

( ii) Planning is ongoing process. (b) Primary function

(iii) Planning essentially involves looking ahead. (e) Continuous

4. _______are relevant to recurring activities.

(a) Single-use plans. (b) Standing Plans. (c) Objectives. (d) Programmes

5. Identify and explain the type of plans — "It serves as a guide for overall planning."

6. Name type of plan which is time-bound and linked with measurable outcome.

Q. Nos 7-10 are based on the following CASE.

To give a boost to the financial health of State Electricity Boards (SEBs), the power ministry
has outlined an 11- point agenda to initiate their financial turn around by 2007-08.
Suggestions include changes in the way distribution utilities, submit tariff fixation, petitions to
the regulators and introduction of the concept of a proper time-bound business plan.
The ministry has asked all utilities to adopt a multi-year tariff approach while filing the next
tariff petition for 2007-08 before the state regulator. This must be undertaken before
December 2006. It has also asked utilities to have a state approved business plan with
identifiable goals for a three, six-and twelve-month period. Also, approval need to be sought
from the state regulator for automatic tariff adjustment to recover additional fuel and other
unanticipated costs.

7. Which function of Management is identified in the above case?

(a) Planning. (b) Organising. (c) Staffing. (d) Controlling

8. List the Sequence of steps undertaken by The State Electricity Board in the planning
(i) Setting objectives
(ii) Developing premises
(iii) Implementing the plan
(iv) Follow-up action
(v) Identifying alternatives course of action
(vi) Evaluating alternative courses
(vii) Selecting an alternatives
(a) i, iii, vii, iv, ii, vi, v
(b) ii,iv,vii,v,i,vi,iii
(c) i, ii, v, vi, vii, iii, iv
(d) iii, i, v, iv, vi, ii, vii

9. Identify one limitation of planning involved as per the given case.

10. Also, approval needs to be sought from the state regulator for automatic tariff adjustment
to recover additional fuel and other unanticipated costs. Identify one of the limitations in the
above lines.
(a) Leads to rigidity
(b) Reduce creativity
(c) Does not working in Dynamic Environment
(d) Huge cost involved
11. Is planning an all-pervasive function of management? How?
12. Is planning a mental exercise? How?
Chapter -11 Marketing Management

1. Only the consumer satisfaction will not serve the purpose but the welfare of the whole
society will have to be considered! This thought is of the______ concept.

2. The objective of marketing is________.

3.__________is establishment of certain standards or specifications for products which

involve colour, taste, appearance, weight, size, etc.

4. The engineers of Videocon have produced the washing machines which spins the clothes
faster regardless of whether or not customers want that speed. It satisfies_______.

5._________concept of marketing suggests that organisation should earn profit through

consumer satisfaction and social welfare.

6. Newsletters,catalogues and invitations to organisation sponsored events are most closely

associated with the marketing mix of_______.

7. Nayonika Ltd. has developed a new consumer prod-uct. The company wants to promote
the product by creating awareness. The company should make heavy use of_______ in the
promotional mix.

8.________mix of marketing mix includes the activities relating to persuading and motivating
customers to buy the product.

9. "Get out production, cut the price" is the philosophy of_______.

10. Which concept of marketing has its focus on social and ethical concerns?

11. Beauty Products Ltd. is a natural and ethical beauty brand famous for offering organic
beauty products for men and women. The company uses plant based materials for its
products and is the No.1 beauty brand in the country. It not only satisfies its customers but
also believes in overall protection of the planet.
Identify the marketing management philosophy being followed by 'Beauty Products Ltd!

12. Karam Ltd. is offering a travel package for 15 destinations world-wider with a free
insurance on the bookings for the month of December here.
Identify the feature of marketing being described here.

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