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MORPHOLOGY PRACTICE – Group Assignment #1 – Group 7

Read the following passage. For each of the words in bold, answer the questions
a) Is the word simple, complex or compound?
b) For each complex word, identify its pieces. That is, does it have a prefix or a
c) If it has a suffix, is the suffix inflectional or derivational? Explain.
d) What category (part of speech) does the word belong to?
e) What morphological evidence can you provide to support your answer to question (d)?
f) For each compound word explain its parts. What category is the word? What category are the parts? Is
the meaning of the whole word related to the meaning of its parts? Explain

Living in an overcrowded1 neighbourhood can be challenging, especially when it comes to

commuting2. For many residents, taking the subway is a daily3 necessity4, but during rush hour5,
the trains can become extremely crowded. The cramped conditions6 on the subway can be
uncomfortable and even unsafe, especially for vulnerable individuals like children or the elderly. However,
despite these challenges, the subway remains7 a crucial part8 of the transportation infrastructure in
many cities, providing an affordable9 and convenient option for millions of people10 every day.

1- Overcrowded: compound word (over + crowded). Is compound because its compouned by the words
over thats is and adverb, thats means somethig is above another thing; and the word crowded is and
adjetive thats means a place if full of humans beings. Both words give the idea that mutiple people are
above another.

2- Commuting: complex word (commute + ing). This word has a derivational suffix, because changes the
verb into a noun adding the termination of “ing” making it a gerund.

3- Daily: simple word

4- Necessity: simple word

5- Rush Hour: compound word (rush + hour). Is compound because its compouned by the words rush
that is a verb, that means to move or do something quickly or with urgency; and the wor hour that is a
noun, that means the pass of time. Both words combined gives the idea of the fast movements of the

6- Conditions: simple word

7- Remains: simple word

8- Part: simple word

9- Affordable: compound word ( afford + able). Is a compound word because is compounden with the
words afford that is a adjetive that means something you can pay or get without some much effort; and
the word able that is a adverb that means someone have the capacity of doing or getting something.
Both words gives the idea that anything material is posible to get or is easy and is not that expensive.

10- People: simple word

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