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The word luxury is not new for most of us. Luxury is a material that can be bought at an
expensive price. Also, luxury can be the wants of people. Most of us define luxury in bags, cars,
houses, cruises, dream vacations, etc. Wants and Luxury are similar. Wants are not necessary but
that is what we desire or wish for. Wants can also be the result of what we desire because we saw
it in others that they have the specific thing.

The word necessity means It is being required or an essential requirement. Sometimes the
necessity needs expensive prices. Having a thing that is a necessity is more advantageous to us
because you have something required for most of us that you can use for that and for this.
Necessity is similar to needs. Having a need is an advantage for most people who don’t have

Before cell phones came out, people only used mail to deliver a message/letter, only
camera obscura could take pictures, you could only read news to a newspaper, radios to listen to
news, a speaking telegraph to call someone, or even they used a doge to deliver the message. The
world changed when technology came out, specifically the cellphone. It makes people’s lives
easier to communicate, read, to take pictures, etc. It doesn’t require time by just waiting for a
message or letter from someone. Unlike before, receiving a letter requires a day, a week, or even
a month.

On April 3, 1973, the first handheld cellular phone was made by Martin Cooper. Martin
Cooper was born on December 26, 1928 in Chicago, Illinois, U.S. Mr. Cooper is an engineer
who led the team that built the first mobile cell phone and made the first cell phone call in 1972-
1973. Martin Cooper is widely regarded as the “Father of the Cellular Phone”. Cooper wants
people to be able to converse on the phone while driving. As a result, he and his business,
Motorola, began on a mission to develop a more portable device. Motorola spent three months
developing a prototype for a portable, mobile handset, which Cooper presented publicly in April

Cell phones are one of the most rapidly evolving industries in technology. Almost every
day, new products are released. And new features and capabilities are developed on a regular
basis to keep the technology fresh and the revenues flowing. In contrast to a fixed-location
phone, a mobile phone or cell phone is a portable telephone that can make and receive calls over
a radio frequency link while the user is traveling within a telephone service area. Mobile phones,
which were originally primarily used for voice communication, now include email, Internet
surfing, PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) capability, a digital camera, SMS (Short Message
Service) for text messaging, games, and the ability to watch video or listen to music. The most
important use of cellphones is communication. Mobile phones enable quick communication with
friends, family, coworkers, and the vast majority of the world’s population. Unlike prior
communication devices, they are always available to the caller and can be used everywhere there
is a signal.

Smartphones are user-friendly devices that have made everything accessible via touch.
Smartphones have taken such a large part in our everyday lives that it is no surprise that for the
majority of us, a smartphone is the first thing we see in the morning and the last thing we see
before going to bed. A smartphone is a basic cell phone with additional capabilities that increase
its utility. The basic cell phone is capable of making phone calls and, at most, text messaging. A
smartphone, on the other hand, serves several purposes. Smartphones include Research in
Motion (RIM) BlackBerry models, Apple’s iPhone, several Nokia models, the Palm Pre, and
other models from Samsung, LG, Motorola, Vivo, and Realme. These are too numerous to list,
and they are out of current on a monthly or yearly basis. A smartphone has features like; high-
speed data capability, internet access, email, messaging, digital camera, camcorder or video
recorder, MP3 or iPad, Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) access, bluetooth, and Global
Positioning System (GPS).

Mobile phones are another evidence of our culture’s obsession with “fitting in.” Many
people spend their entire lives trying to “fit in,” wanting to be accepted and liked. Cell phones
are seen as a trendy component of pop culture by many. Mobile phones allow you to blend in
with the crowd. There is no better example of this than teens. Acceptance by a group of friends is
the most significant aspect of a teen’s existence. Many people battle throughout their
adolescence to be liked and popular. As a result, many youngsters return home and urge their
parents to get them a cell phone. They believe that if they have a mobile phone, others will
suddenly notice them and think they are “cool.” It’s a desperate attempt to fit in, but I’ve seen it
time and again.

A mobile phone is necessary today because it is utilized at all times by a modern

individual. It is given as a gift on a birthday or at a wedding ceremony. It is used to send congrats
or condolences to a friend, buy an airline ticket, book home utilized cooking gas, call a
technician for the car, and so on. Consider the area that is not covered by a cell phone. The
mobile phone is becoming increasingly crucial in daily life. Without a cell phone, running a
business is nearly impossible; therefore, only businessmen should keep it to conduct their
operations, but this is a big NO. Today, every worker, whether a student, a serviceman, a
mechanic, a salesman, a vendor, or an auto rickshaw driver, has a mobile phone. People have a
tendency of carrying two or more phone sets in their hands; a person has two or more phone sets
in his hand. Whatever we call a mobile phone is a basic human need as well as a societal
Poor coverage at home is one of the most aggravating issues that cell phone customers
face. Several residences are not close to cell towers and have poor interior performance. This
irritates many people, especially those who want to ditch their traditional wired house phone in
favor of a wireless phone. The more time you spend staring at a screen, the less time you have to
communicate with individuals in person. This makes it more difficult to form interpersonal
connections and solid relationships, both of which are vital for mental health and community
health. Notwithstanding the positives, excessive smartphone use can lead to addiction, which can
have a negative influence on human well-being. Additionally, smartphone addiction in various
people can lead to sadness, tension, anxiety, and a lack of social connection. Also, excessive
smartphone use can squander time. Because excessive smartphone use can lead to addictive
behavior, emotions play a role. Because so many people are devoted to their cellphones, it is
probable that they will experience anxiety or social stress if the phone is not within easy sight or
reach. The ability to use phones in public areas provides significant benefits. It allows people to
stay in touch with family and friends no matter where they are. While this capability may not
appear to be crucial in normal conditions, it can become critical in personal or public situations.

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