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Kristen Lopez December 8, 2011 SYG 2000 Sociology Take Home Test

1. Global Inequality is basically the systematic differences in wealth and power between countries. These differences may also occur within a country. For example the wealthiest countries today still have a massive and growing amount of poor people, while less wealthy nations are producing many of the worlds superrich. 2. The daily life of individuals in a rich country may differ from that of a one in a poor country due to the health, hunger, malnutrition, and famine. People in richer countries are far healthier than those in a poor country. Poor countries generally suffer from inadequate health facilities and their hospitals seldom serve the poorest people. People in poor countries also lack sanitation and cleanliness so they are at greater risk of getting infectious diseases. Poor countries also suffer from hunger, famine, and malnutrition. People in rich countries live longer than those in poor countries. In poor countries people are more likely to die from HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS also cause hunger because they kill most of the working-age adults. Hunger and malnutrition are also caused by conflict and warfare. 3. Child labor occurs in developing countries. More than 250 millions boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 14 are working. Children are forced to work because of a combination of family poverty, lack of education, and traditional indifferences among some people in many countries of those who are poor. Children are exposed to hazardous and harmful material. They can get wounds, burns, eye and hearing impairment, fevers, headaches, etc. To help stop child labor one can do one out of two things, one can either LOOK at what you are buying and make sure it is sweatshop free or join/start an anti-sweatshop campaign at ones college or university. 4. Inequality does not affect our lives directly but it affects the rest of the world. Our world right now is divided into the rich and the poor, and technology plays a major part in it. For example, many countries lack technology; therefore, they are unable to trade goods. Eventually there are in a poverty trap, unable to get out of it due to the poverty of the country, this shows how rich stay helping the rich. Rich help those who are unable to trade, having technology and the poor lacking technology will stay in poverty, until someone decided to help them.

5. Social construction of gender is the learning of gender roles through socialization and interaction with others. Gender identities emerge, they argue, in relation to perceived sex differences in society and they help shape those differences.

6. Gender inequality is the inequality between men and women in terms of wealth, income, and status. They are the difference between men and women in terms of status, power, and prestige. In the workplace men were often demonstrated to be more powerful hence why they were paid more, in the 20th century women were starting to be paid more. An occupation today is gender typed which is when a job is seen as a womans job. Women have made big impacts on mens job. Now a days women have to leave their family obligations on hold because they have to get a good education and establish themselves in the labor force. It is said that men today do more housework than men 3 decades ago. Raising children is also more difficult because if one parent works a certain amount of time and the other parent works another time, the children have 2 different ways in which they are being raised. Raising a large amount of children by yourself is very difficult. Today women are starting to play a major role in politics than they did before. Men outnumber women in politics at all levels, but women are more likely to be elected as county governing board, and mayors. 7. Feminism is a sociological perspective that emphasizes the centrality of gender in analyzing the social world and particularly the uniqueness of experience of women. Liberal feminism is a form of the feminist theory in which gender inequality is produced by unequal access to civil rights and certain social resources. Liberal feminists tend to seek solution through changes in legislation that ensure that the right of an individual is protected. Radical feminism is the belief that men are responsible for and benefit from the exploitation of women. It believes that gender inequality is the result of male domination. 8. Ethnicity are the cultural values and norms that distinguish the members of a given group from others. An ethnic group share their own language, history, faith, etc. that distinguishes them from other groups. In all societies, ethnic differences are associated with variations in power and material wealth. Ethnic groups are also racial. Race is the differences in human physical characteristics which are usually used to categorize a large amount of people. 9. Immigration is the movement of people into one country from another for the purpose of settlement and emigration is the movement of people out of one country in order to settle in another. Basically immigration is coming into a country and emigration is moving out. 10. Prejudice is the holding of preconceived ideas about an individual or a group, ideas that are resistant to change even in the face of new information. It can be negative or positive. Discrimination is the behavior that denies a specific group of doing something. Individuals who are prejudiced against others may not engage in discriminatory practices. Racism is a form of prejudice that focuses on physical variations between people. I.e. skin color. Institutional racism is patterns of discrimination based on ethnicity that have become structed into existing social institutions.

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