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Second Quarter Examination in Science 9


Direction: Read and understand the following statements. Shade the letter of the correct answer on the answer sheets

1. Which of the following BEST describes a volcano?

A. It is a place within the mantle where rocks melt to generate magma.
B. It is a long tube in the ground that connects the magma chamber to Earth’s surface.
C. It is an opening in the Earth's mantle through which lava, volcanic ash, and gases escape.
D. It is an opening on the surface of the Earth that allows material warmer than its surroundings to escape from its interior.

2. It is the simplest type of volcano and occur when particles and blobs of lava are ejected from a volcanic vent.
A. Cinder Cone B. Composite C. Shield D. Lava Dome

3. These are created by small masses of lava which are too viscous (thick) to flow very far.
A. Cinder Cone B. Composite C. Shield D. Lava Dome

4. What type of volcano is Mayon Volcano which is formed from alternating layers of lava flow, undissolved stone and ash?
A. Cinder Cone B. Composite C. Shield D. Lava Dome

5. Volcanoes are classified as active or inactive. Which of the following is used to determine volcanic activity?
A. materials they emit B. age of the volcanoes
C. place where they are located D. historical record of eruption or volcanic activity

6. Mt. Akir-Akir, located in Province of North Cotabato, has no record of activity for the last 10,000 years. Which of the
following statements is CORRECT?
A. It is an active volcano. B. It is an inactive volcano.
C. It is a potentially active volcano. D. It is a destructive volcano.

7. It is a violent eruption due to the contact between water and magma.

A. Phreatic B. Phreatomagmatic C. Vulcanian D. Strombolian

8. It is a periodic, weak to violent eruption characterized by fountain lava.

A. Phreatic B. Phreatomagmatic C. Vulcanian D. Strombolian

9. A smaller outlet through which magma escapes.

A. Main Vent B. Magma Chamber C. Side vent D. Base

10. Are the sides or flanks of a volcano that radiate from the main or central vent.
A. Slope B. Base C. Summit D. Crater

11. What term is used to describe the molten material deep inside the Earth?
A. Hot spot B. Lava C. Magma D. Volcano

12. What are the characteristics of magma that create explosive eruptions?
A. high gas content and high viscosity B. low gas content and low viscosity
C. high gas content and low viscosity D. low gas content and high viscosity

13. What would magma with the highest viscosity contain?

A. a high silica content and high temperature. B. a high silica content and low temperature.
C. a low silica content and high temperature. D. a low silica content and low temperature.

14. Which gas from erupting volcano causes Global Warming?

A. Carbon dioxide B. Sulfur dioxide C. Methane gas D. Hydrogen sulfide

15. If a volcano’s magma is high in silica, how will you describe to its volcanic activity?
A. It will erupt quietly B. It will remain dormant C. It will erupt explosively D. It will produce dark-colored lava

16. Which is TRUE about the composition of magma?

A. It contains ash, dust, and lava B. It contains dissolved gases only.
C. It contains fragmented rocks only. D. It contains both dissolved gases and fragmented materials.

17. Several kilometers from a volcano, a geologist observes an old lava flow made up of dark- colored basalt rock. The
geologist infers that the lava must have had____________.
A. low viscosity B. high viscosity C. medium viscosity D. high silica content
18. Which type of lava will offer the least resistance to flow?
A. Andesitic B. Basaltic C. Rhyolitic D. Magmatic

19. The magma in the chamber of a volcano has a very high amount of silica. If the volcano would erupt, which might happen?
A. The lava would flow very slowly B. The volcano would erupt violently
C. The volcano would erupt non-explosively D. There would be a build-up of pressure below the crater

20. Which is NOT a common gas in magma?

A. methane gas B. carbon dioxide C. sulfur dioxide D. water vapor

21. What is being harnessed from the interior of the Earth that is used by geothermal power plants?
A. heat B. Mineral C. Electricity D. solar power

22. What form of energy is generated using hot water steam from deep in the earth?
A. Geothermal B. Hydropower C. Solar power D. Endothermal

23. What does “sustainable” energy source imply?

A. It is limited in supply B. It will not be used up
C. It may cause global warming D. It can be replenished within a human lifetime.

24. Which method of converting energy is used by the Geothermal plant?

A. Heat from the sun is used to generate electricity.
B. Water from the dam is used to turn the turbine to generate electricity.
C. Radiation from the radioactive substance is used to produce electricity.
D. Heat inside the Earth is used to produce steam to generate electricity.

25. Which of the following volcanoes is a source of Negros Oriental called EDC’s Southern Negros Geothermal Production
A. Mount Taal B. Mount Talinis C. Mount Kanlaon D. Mount Pinatubo

26. Which locations can be good sources of geothermal energy?

A. Ocean, river, sea B. Geyser, ocean, river C. Geyser, hot spring, ocean D. Geyser, hot spring, steam vents

27. Which statement is TRUE about geothermal energy?

A. Its supply is limited B. It causes global warming
C. It generates greenhouse gases D. It is a sustainable energy source

28. Which shows the correct sequence of the flow of energy in a Geothermal Power Plant?
A. electricity> steam> generator> turbine> hot water B. hot water> generator> turbine> steam> electricity
C. generator> turbine> steam> hot water> electricity D. hot water> steam> turbine> generator> electricity

29. What is the positive effect of building a geothermal powerplant?

A. Lesser cost B. Lesser Pollution C. Nuclear Fallout D. Global Warming

30. Why is the Philippines the best place to build geothermal power plants?
A. Because Philippines is a rich country.
B. Because the temperature in the Philippines is too hot.
C. Because the Philippines is in the of Pacific Ring of Fire.
D. Because there is lesser chance that an earthquake might happen.

31. What do you call the physical attributes, surface shapes and features of a particular area?
A. altitude B. Latitude C. Seismograph D. Topography

32. During summer, many people visit Baguio because of the cold weather. What do you think makes Baguio cold?
A. latitude B. Altitude C. Topography D. distance from the ocean

33. Which of the following BEST describes climate?

A. The weather that occurs in the atmosphere within a day.
B. The pattern of weather that occurs in a region over a long period of time.
C. The pattern of weather that occurs in a region over a short period of time.
D. The disturbance in the atmosphere that happens in a long period of time.

34. How does the windward side differ from the leeward side of a high land?
A. The windward receives more precipitation than the leeward.
B. The windward side receives more heat than the leeward side.
C. The leeward side has more vegetation than the windward side.
D. The leeward side receives more precipitation than the windward side.

35. Which refers to the angular distance from the equator that greatly affects the climate and weather of an area?
A. altitude B. Elevation C. Height D. Latitude
36. What region receives the least amount of solar radiation?
A. Equatorial B. Polar C. Temperate D. Tropical

37. Land heats and cools faster than the sea. Therefore, coastal areas have a lower temperature range than those inland. Which
factor affects the temperature of an area?
A. Winds B. Altitude C. distance from the sea D. elevation from the sea

38. What happens to the temperature as you go to the top of a mountain?

A. does not change B. temperature increases C. temperature decreases D. temperature goes up and down

39. In a theory, Earth’s surface was covered by vast sheets of ice. What do you call these vast sheets of ice?
A. glaciers B. Haze C. Ice D. Snow

40. Why does latitude cause differences in temperature?

A. It is due to climate change.
B. It is due to the distances of mountain ranges.
C. It is due to the distance from the earth to the mountains.
D. It is due to the curve of the earth and distance from equator.

41. Which of the following can cause global warming?

A. volcanic eruptions B. the amount of rainfall
C. the rising of air into the atmosphere D. the absorption of heat from the earth’s interior.

42. Which activity does NOT contribute to global warming?

A. reforestation B. illegal fishing C. mining activities D. burning of garbage

43. What will happen if there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
A. Temperature increases B. Temperature decreases C. Water vapor condenses D. Greenhouse effect occurs

44. What causes La Niña?

A. Warming of water in the Atlantic Ocean. B. Cooling of water in the Atlantic coast of the US.
C. Warming of water in the Pacific Ocean. D. Cooling of water in the tropical Pacific Ocean.

45. During an El Niño year, what happens to ocean temperature in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean?
A. It is cooler than the average. B. It is warmer than the average.
C. It is varied throughout the ocean. D. It remains in the same temperature.

46. Which statement supports the importance of forests for mitigating climate change?
A. It provides building materials. B. It is an important source of food.
C. It absorbs excess Carbon Dioxide. D. It reflects sunlight away from the Earth.

47. Which of the following human activities DOES NOT contribute to enhanced climate change?
A. Always using cars when going even to short distance places.
B. Joining in tree planting activities whenever possible.
C. Rallying against the use of renewable energy.
D. Chopping down rainforests.

48. Which of the following greenhouse gases is the most abundant in the atmosphere?
A. methane B. water vapor C. nitrous oxide D. carbon dioxide

49. Which of the following is NOT a cause of Climate change?

A. Global Warming B. Changes in Precipitation C. Livestock Raising D. Deforestation

50. Which of the following is NOT an effect of Climate Change?

A. Changes in precipitation B. Human Health C. Greenhouse Effect D. Drying of water source

“Kung nanlalamig na siya sa’yo,

paniguradong may pinag-iinitan
yang iba. Ay Climate Change yan!
Dala ng malanding panahon.”-
Miriam Defensor Santiago

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