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Box 6745, 8050 Zurich Post CH AG

Amogha Pandeshwar
Hamsini, 9-19F, opposite Panchayat,
Kadekar , Udupi Office,
576103 Udupi

Zurich, 6 July 2024

Vesting account No. 17-0342-761-5

Amogha Pandeshwar
Payment as a result of emigration, settlement

Dear Mr. Pandeshwar

We herewith confirm to you that we have made the following payment as a result of emigration:

Payment amount: CHF 30'110.74 Value date 05.07.2024

Less withholding tax: CHF 1'817.50 Value date 05.07.2024
Total payment as a result of emigration CHF 28'293.24 Value date 05.07.2024

To the following paying agent:



400013 MUMBAI

For those beneficiaries with place of residence in Switzerland the Swiss Federal Tax Administration was notified of
the payment in accordance with the regulations, insofar as the tax limit of CHF 5'000.00 has been exceeded.

For those beneficiaries with place of residence abroad the withholding taxes were deducted on the basis of Zurich
as place of domicile in accordance with the dual taxation agreements, insofar as the tax limit of CHF 1'000.00 has
been exceeded.

The form "Claim to refund of the withholding tax on settlements in cash by pension funds with registered office in
Switzerland" and further explanation can be found on the homepage

or you can apply in writing to the:

Tax Office of the City of Zurich, Withholding Tax Service, Werdstrasse 75, 8022 Zurich

Stiftung Auffangeinrichtung BVG | Vested benefits accounts | Elias-Canetti-Strasse 2 | 8050 Zurich

T +41 44 468 22 22 | 1/3
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Yours sincerely

Stiftung Auffangeinrichtung BVG

Vested benefits accounts

Pascal Drescher Christian Broch


Stiftung Auffangeinrichtung BVG | Vested benefits accounts | Elias-Canetti-Strasse 2 | 8050 Zurich

T +41 44 468 22 22 | 2/3
Statement of pension credit balance

Vesting account No. 17-0342-761-5 - Amogha Pandeshwar

Statutory amounts
Amount LPP share Non-compulsory component Date
Vested benefits CHF 30'110.74 12'984.49 17'126.25
Vested benefits at age 50 CHF 0.00
Vested benefits on marriage/partnership CHF 0.00 0.00 0.00 unknown
Amount paid due to divorce CHF unknown unknown unknown unknown
Amount paid due to promotion of home ownership CHF 0.00 0.00 0.00 unknown
No pledges
Amount paid due to realisation of pledge CHF unknown unknown unknown unknown
First termination benefit notified CHF unknown
No health provision
No purchases

Account statement
Date Enty text Debit Credit Value date Balance
Jan 1, 2024 Carrying forward Jan 1, 2024 30'048.56
Jul 4, 2024 Interest 62.18 Jul 5, 2024
Jul 4, 2024 Withholding tax 1'817.50 Jul 5, 2024
Jul 4, 2024 Departure from Switzerland / EU 28'293.24 Jul 5, 2024
Hamsini, 9-19F, opposite Panchayat,
576103 Udupi
Current Balance 0.00
Total vested benefits CHF 0.00

Interest rates for this period

From 01.01.2024 0.40% of part LPP 0.40% of non-compulsory part
From 01.07.2024 0.50% of part LPP 0.50% of non-compulsory part

Credit balances and income are tax free up to the maturity date and do not need to be declared in your tax return.
In the absence of any notification from you to the contrary within 30 days you are deemed to have accepted the entries and balance as
being correct.

If you have any questions, please refer to our website This offers the possibility of entering your query using a search
function and receiving answers to the most frequently asked questions. You can also find info brochures, explanatory videos, application
forms, the Plan Rules and comprehensive information about our institution.

Stiftung Auffangeinrichtung BVG | Vested benefits accounts | Elias-Canetti-Strasse 2 | 8050 Zurich

T +41 44 468 22 22 | 3/3

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