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Chair’s Protocol

1st session

UNDER: Delegates, before opening the session, the Chair would recommend to explain some of the
procedures in this committee.

a) Closing the session would be only in order to make the draft resolution voting.
b) In order to open a topic, a delegation must speak in favour of each topic before the committee
c) With a second warning, the delegate must leave the session, and may not return until the
following session. The accumulation of three warnings will give place to the automatic
expulsion from the committee.
d) The first 5 delegates to raise their placard once the topic is open will be added to the speaker’s
list. Any other delegations that would like to be added will have to send a written message to
the Chair.
e) The Chair will provide a brief background when a moderated caucus or debate is opened. This
event is only in order after the 10th speaker has come forward, and its duration will depend on
the Chair’s consideration.
f) The delegates can only yield time to questions, to the chair or to another delegation.
g) If a delegation wants to leave the floor, the point of personal privilege must be submitted by
written means to the chair.
h) In an extraordinary session of questions, the delegations are only allowed to ask one question
and one follow up.

Under then asks for doubts, and turns the session over to the Chair.

Moderator: Delegates, please be in order. I recognize the Chair assistant who will continue with the
roll call.

Chair Assistant: Delegates, when you hear your delegation’s name, please raise your placard and
answer using the phrase “present and voting”.
In case a delegate doesn’t raise their placard, address him/her = Delegate, please raise your placard
for the roll call.

The Chair assistant calls the role by list order. In case a delegation is called twice
and doesn’t answer, the delegation would be considered absent. **
**Chair assistant: The delegation of ____ (delegation name) is absent.

Chair assistant: Now, I recognize the Moderator, who will continue with the session.
Moderator: With _____ (number) of the delegates present, being the ____(hour:min) of ____(date) we
declare the ____(committee) committee officially opened.

Moderator: Delegates, the floor is now open. Is there any motion on the floor?

Moderator: Yes, delegate of ____ (delegation name).

The only motion currently available is to OPEN THE TOPIC. In case a delegate
forwards another motion, the moderator must not pass it. **

**Moderator: Sorry delegate, the only currently available motion is to open the topic.

In case the delegate makes a motion to open the topic.

Moderator: Yes, delegate you are in order.

Delegates, the Chair will now recognize two delegations to speak in favour of the two topics on this
committee. After their speech, we shall vote by raising our placards.

Delegate who would like to speak in favour of topic A, (TOPIC’S NAME) please raise your placard.

Yes, delegate of_____(delegation) you are now recognized to speak in favor of topic A.

Delegate who would like to speak in favor of topic B, (TOPIC’S NAME) please raise your placard.

Yes, delegate of_____(delegation) you are now recognized to speak fin favor of topic B.

Moderator: Delegate who will speak in favor of Topic A, please stand up and establish your speech.
(after speech): Thank you, delegate of (DELEGATION’S NAME).

Moderator: Delegate who will speak in favor of Topic B, please stand up and establish your speech.
(after speech): Thank you, delegate of (DELEGATION’S NAME).

Moderator: We shall now proceed to the voting. Delegates, remember abstentions are not allowed in
this voting.

Delegates who are in favour of the Topic A, please raise your placard. (count)

Delegates who are in favour of the Topic B, please raise your placard. (count)

The total of both sums has to be equal to the total of delegations assisting to the
committee. If not, the voting should be done again. **
**Moderator: Delegates, we will repeat the voting. Please raise your placard and keep it up until you
are told to lower it. Remember that every delegation must vote for one topic and abstentions are not

Delegates who are in favor of Topic A, please raise your placard. (count)

Delegates who are in favor of Topic B, please raise your placard. (count)

Once the total is ok, you proceed to read the result.

Moderator: Delegates, with ____ (number of votes in favor) we are now in Topic A/B.

Moderator: Delegates, the floor is now open. Is there any motion on the floor?

Moderator: Yes, delegate of ____ (delegation name).

The only currently available motion is to OPEN THE SPEAKERS’ LIST. In case a
delegate opens another motion, the moderator must not pass it. **

**Moderator: Sorry delegate, you’re not in order. The only available motion to pass is to open the
speakers’ list.

When a delegate makes a motion to OPEN THE SPEAKERS’ LIST, the Chair
MUST SET THE DURATION for each of the speakers’ time to be between two and
three minutes long.
Moderator: Yes delegate, you are in order.

Is there a delegate who seconds the motion? (This is the first delegation to raise the placard)

The delegate of ____ (delegation’s name) seconds the motion.

Delegates, the chair will now recognize three more delegations. Please raise your placards.

After the fifth speaker is chosen.

Moderator: Any delegates who want to be added to the speakers’ list must now send a
message to the Chair.

Moderator: Delegates the floor is now open is there any motion on the floor?

In case a delegate makes a motion it MUST NOT BE IN ORDER.**

**Moderator: Sorry delegate, you are not in order for agenda purposes.

Moderator: Delegates the floor is now open is there any motion on the floor?

Moderator: Since there are no current motions on the floor, the Chair recognizes the delegation
of ____ (first delegate in the speakers’ list) to speak for ____ (time established). Please delegate,
come to the front.
Whenever a delegate has 30 seconds left THE CHAIR MUST COMMUNICATE it
to the delegate.


will recognize an X number of delegates to make one question each, depending
on the time left. (No follow-ups are allowed to these questions).


moderator will recognize the addressed delegate to pass to the front and speak
ONLY DURING the time that the first delegate yielded.

In case the DELEGATE YIELDS THE TIME TO THE CHAIR the chair will choose
if the time is used for questions, a delegate, or to continue with the speakers’ list.

Moderator: (when the established time for a delegate’s speech has ended) Delegates, the
floor is now open. Is there any motion on the floor?

Moderator: Yes, delegate of ____ (name of the delegation).


QUESTIONS. In that case:
Moderator: Yes, delegate you are in order. Who seconds the motion?

Delegate of ____ (name of the delegation) seconds the motion.

Moderator: Delegate of ____ (name of the delegation who will receive the questions), do
you accept the motion?


Moderator: Delegate of (NAME OF THE DELEGATION) you are recognized by the chair to
ask a question and a follow up. (Ask the delegate to stand up when the questions are made)


**Moderator: Sorry delegate, you are not in order. (Ask the delegate to take a seat.)

Moderator: Thank you delegate, you may take your seat now.

If the session of extraordinary questions DIDN’T PASS ONCE, the motion CAN’T
be accepted a second time for the same delegate. **
**Moderator: Sorry delegate, you are not in order. You may ask your question during a
Moderated Caucus.

Moderator: Delegates the floor is now open, is there any motion on the floor?

CAUCUS will be in order. IF THE TENTH SPEAKER HAS NOT SPOKEN, the motion is
Moderator: Yes delegate, you are in order. Who seconds the motion?
Yes, delegate of ___ (delegation name) seconds the motion.

Delegates who favor the motion? (count the number of delegates)

Delegates who are against the motion? (count the number of delegates)

The total of both sums has to add to the total of delegations assisting to the
committee. If not, the voting should be done again. **
**Moderator: Delegates, we will repeat the voting. Please raise your placard and keep it up until you
are told to lower it. Remember that every delegation must vote and abstentions are not allowed.

Delegates who are in favor of the motion, please raise your placard. (count)

Delegates who are against the motion, please raise your placard. (count)

Once the total is ok, you proceed to read the result.

Moderator: Delegates, with ____ (number) of votes in favor, we are now in a Moderated Caucus for
____ (time established) minutes.

Moderator: I now recognize the Chair, who will preside the Moderated Caucus.


The Chair must give a short speech in order to give some ideas on where to lead the
discussion during the debate. The Chair can give some proposals that are promising and
advice on those which aren’t realistic. Chair: (Speech according to the opened Topic)

Chair: Delegate of (name of the delegation who opened the motion), you are recognized to speak,
please stand up.

Chair: (after the first delegate has taken place) Delegate of (name of the delegation who
seconded the motion), you are now recognized to speak, please stand up.

After the second delegation has passed, the delegates may rise the placard and
the chair may choose the next speaker, always trying to maintain the debate’s momentum.
Chair: (When choosing a delegation) Yes, delegate of ____ (name of the delegation).

During the Moderated Caucus the delegates cannot be facing each other or making
direct eye contact.**
**Chair: Delegate of (name of the delegation) remember you may not make direct eye
contact. (if the delegate continues with the attitude) Delegate the next time, you will receive
a warning.
When the time for the Moderated Caucus is almost finished, the Chair Assistant
will address the Chair to recognize one or more delegates to speak, depending
on the time left. ***
***Chair: Delegates, just ___ (number of delegates) more delegations will be recognized
to speak.

Chair: (When the time finishes) Delegates, the time for the Moderated Caucus has ended.
Now, I recognize the Moderator to carry on with the session.

The time for the Moderated Caucus can be extended to a second Caucus,
assigning less time than in the previous one. In case the time for the Moderated
Caucus is extended, the protocol for the Chair has to be repeated.

Moderator: Delegates, the floor is now open. Is there any motion on the floor?

A motion for an Unmoderated Debate may be in order after the first Moderated
Caucus has passed. The delegate who proposes the motion may explain the
Moderator: Yes, delegate you are in order. Who seconds the motion?
Yes, the delegate of ___ (delegation’s name) seconds the motion.

Delegates who favor of the motion? (count the number of delegates)

Delegates who are against the motion? (count the number of delegates)

The total of both sums has to add up to the total of delegations assisting to the
committee. If not, the voting should be done again. **
**Moderator: Delegates, we will repeat the voting. Please raise your placard and keep it up until you
are told to lower it. Remember that every delegation must vote, and abstentions are not allowed.

Delegates who are in favor, please raise your placard. (count)

Delegates who are against, please raise your placard. (count)

Once the total is ok, you proceed to read the result.

Moderator: Delegates, with ____ (number) of votes in favor, we are now in an Unmoderated Caucus
for ____ (time established).

Moderator: Delegates, the Chair reminds you that the only approved language for this committee is
English. In case you are found speaking in other language, you will receive a warning.

The whole Chair has to be going around checking the ideas proposed by the
delegates and may give some feedback to the delegates if the Chair thinks
the proposals discussed are not viable.

Moderator: (when the time is close to finish) Delegates, there are only ____ (time left) left.
Moderator: (when the time has ended) Delegates, the time for the Unmoderated Caucus has ended,
please take your seats.

The time of the Unmoderated Caucus can be extended to a second Caucus,

assigning less time than in the previous one. In case the time for the
Unmoderated Caucus is extended, the protocol has to be repeated
Moderator: Delegates if any working paper has been made, please have it
delivered to the Chair for it to be checked.
In case the Chair receives one or more working papers, the Chair and Chair
Assistant must check them before returning them to the delegates. In case any of
the proposals is not viable, the Chair should explain the reason behind it by
written means.

While the working papers are being checked, the Moderator will continue with the
speakers’ list or a Moderated Debate to discuss the ideas proposed in the working
Other Motions will not be allowed.

Once the working paper is accepted, a second Unmoderated Caucus will be in order to
write a Draft Resolution.
Moderator: Delegates, if any Draft Resolution has been made, please have them delivered to the
Chair, for them to be checked.

In case the Chair receives one or more Draft resolutions, the Chair and Under may
check them before accepting them.
In case any of the draft resolutions is not viable, the Chair should explain the
reason behind it by written means.

While the working papers are being checked, the Moderator will continue with the speakers’
list or a Moderated Debate to discuss the ideas proposed in the Draft Resolution.

Other Motions will not be allowed.

Once the Draft Resolution is accepted by the Under and Chair, the Moderator may conclude
with the last motion and suggest to read the Draft Resolution.
Moderator: Delegates, at this moment, the only available motion to pass would be to read the Draft

Delegates, the floor is now open. Is there any motion on the floor?

The only available motion is to read the Draft Resolution. Others will be rejected.
Moderator: Yes delegate, you are in order. Who seconds the motion?
Yes, the delegate of ___ (delegation name) seconds the motion.
Delegates who favor the motion? (count the number of delegates)
Delegates who are against the motion? (count the number of delegates)

The total of both sums has to add up to the total of delegations assisting to the
committee. If not, the voting should be done again. **
**Moderator: Delegates, we will repeat the voting. Please raise your placard and keep it up until you
are told to lower it. Remember that every delegation must vote and abstentions are not allowed.

Delegates who are in favor of the motion, please raise your placard. (count)

Delegates who are against the motion, please raise your placard. (count)

Once the total is ok, you proceed to read the result.

Moderator: Delegates, the Chair recognizes the Sponsors of the Draft resolution to read it in front of
the committee.

Moderator: (when the Sponsors have finished reading) Delegates, the floor is now open. Is
there any motion on the floor?

Moderator: Yes, delegate of ____ (name of the delegation).

OF QUESTIONS TO THE SPONSORS, it doesn’t have to be voted. Any other
motion is out of order.
Moderator: Yes, delegate you are in order. Who seconds the motion?

Delegate of ____ (name of the delegation) seconds the motion.

Moderator: Delegates who would like to ask a question to the sponsors, please raise your

The Chair must tell the Moderator how many delegates are in order to make
questions. **
Moderator: Delegate of (name of the delegation who made the motion), you are recognized
by the chair to ask a question. (Ask the delegates to stand up when the questions are made)

Moderator: Delegate of (name of the delegation who seconded the motion) you are
recognized by the chair to ask a question. (Ask the delegates to stand up when the
questions are made)

** Moderator: Delegate of ____ (delegation’s name) you are recognized by the chair to ask
a question. (Ask the delegates to be raised when the questions are made)

The Chair allows the follow ups or negates them according to the agenda.
Moderator: (once the questions have concluded) Sponsors of the Draft Resolution, you
may take your seats.

Moderator: Delegates, the floor is now open. Is there any motion on the floor?
The only available motions are to Close the session or to make an Unmoderated debate to
make amendments to the Draft Resolution.

Other Motion will be rejected.

In case they make amendments to the Draft Resolution, the process of acceptance is

Moderator: Yes, delegate you are in order. Who seconds the motion?
Yes, delegate of ___ (delegation name) seconds the motion.

Delegates who favor the motion? (count the number of delegates)

Delegates who are against the motion? (count the number of delegates)

The total of both sums has to add up to the total of delegations assisting to the
committee. If not, the voting should be done again.**
**Moderator: Delegates, we will repeat the voting. Please raise your placard and keep it up until you
are told to lower it. Remember that every delegation must vote, and abstentions are not allowed.

Delegates who are in favor of the motion, please raise your placard. (count)

Delegates who are against the motion, please raise your placard. (count)

Once the total is ok, you proceed to read the result.

Moderator: Delegates with ____ (number of votes in favour) the session is now closed.

Moderator: Now I recognize the Chair assistant to continue with roll call voting.

Chair assistant: Delegates we are going to procced to roll call voting. When you hear your
delegation’s name, please vote in favor of the draft resolution, against it, or abstain from voting.

The Chair Assistant calls the delegates for voting and records the answer in the
Once the first round has passed, the voting process has a second round.

Chair assistant: Delegates, we are going to procced to the second round of roll call voting. When
you hear your delegation’s name, only vote against or in favor of the draft resolution. Those
delegations that abstained from voting in the first round have to reconsider in order to vote in favor or

In case a delegate VOTES ABSTENTION in the second round. **

** Chair assistant: Delegate of ____ (name of the delegation) the Chair reminds you that due to
protocol you must only vote against or in favor.
Once the count process has finished.

Chair: Delegates, with ____ (number of votes in favour) the Draft Resolution has passed.

In this moment the Under and Sponsors go to present the resolution to the General
Assembly committee.

Meanwhile in the Committee, the debate on the second topic may be opened.

Moderator: Delegates, the Chair recommends to open the second topic.

Delegates Now we are in topic A/B.

Delegates, the floor is now open. Is there any motion on the floor?

The protocol is repeated.

Helpful phrases for many purposes

Moderator: (when negating a motion due to time) Sorry delegate, you are not in order for agenda

Moderator: (when negating a motion due to protocol) Sorry delegate, the Chair recommends to____

Moderator: (when time of the speaker’s list is almost finished or a delegate takes too much time
speaking) Delegate, please conclude.

Moderator: (when a delegate spoke for a long time) Delegate, we remind you that your speech should
be brief.

Moderator: (when a delegate spoke in another language) Delegate of ____(name), we remind you that
the only authorized language is English, next time you will receive a warning.

Moderator: (when the debate is becoming personal) Delegate of ____(name,) we request you to be
more diplomatic. –next time you will receive a warning.

Moderator: (when a delegate interrupts another delegate) Delegate of ____ (name), please lower your
placard. (You should give the word to that delegate who raised the placard after the delegate who
was speaking has concluded)

Moderator: (when the time of a session has concluded) Delegates, the time for this session has
concluded, the Chair recommends a recess of ____ (time) minutes.

Moderator: (when the General secretariat, School principal or V.I.P. enters the room) Delegates, the
______ (title of the guest) is present in the session, please stand up.
Moderator: (when the Secretary-General, School principal or V.I.P. leaves the room) Delegates, the
______ (title of the guest) will leave the session. Please stand up.

Moderator: (when a delegate received a warning) Delegate of ____ (delegation’s name) you have
received a warning for ____(Cause).

Moderator: (when a delegate is expelled of a session due to warnings) Delegate of ____

(delegation’s name) you have received a second/third warning for ____ (Cause). Your delegation
must leave the session.

Moderator: (when the moderator recognizes the chair or the under as moderator) Now I recognize ____
(title of the person) as Moderator for this committee.

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