The Wizard’s Tale Poem

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zard’s Tale

er tall where shadows dance, Lived a wizard, deep in trance. His robe was woven of midnight skies, Stars reflected in his ancient eyes.

aff of oak and crystal bright, He summoned powers of the night. Whispers of spells in a forgotten tongue, Echoed through halls where legends clung.

ured flames that leapt and twirled, And summoned winds that swirled and whirled. From his hands, pure magic poured, A symphony of the arcane roa

arden of time, he walked alone, Among flowers of glass and trees of stone. He plucked the petals of distant dreams, And bathed in the light of moonli

g secrets of the olden lore, He crafted wonders, forevermore. From silver threads of twilight’s seam, He wove the fabric of the unseen dream.

eath his power, a heart so wise, Hid tales of loss, and silent cries. For every spell, a price was paid, In the shadows, his burdens laid.

h a gentle, guiding hand, He brought forth life to barren land. With every chant, with every word, The spirit of the earth he stirred.

yes, the universe did gleam, A tapestry of the eternal dream. For in the heart of magic’s core, Lies the wizard, forevermore.

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