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Compiled by: Eugine M. Bueno

Living in the IT era has fundamentally transformed the way we perceive, interact with, and
shape the world around us. The Information Technology (IT) revolution, which gained
momentum in the latter half of the 20th century and continues to evolve in the 21st century,
has brought about unprecedented changes in almost every aspect of our lives.

This era is characterized by the rapid advancement of technology, particularly in the fields
of computing, telecommunications, and data management. The proliferation of computers,
the internet, and digital devices has not only altered the way we work and communicate but
has also redefined the very fabric of society. The impact of IT is felt across industries, cultures,
and geographical boundaries, creating an interconnected global network that influences our
daily existence.

In this IT era, information has become more accessible than ever before. The ability to store,
process, and transmit vast amounts of data has led to a democratization of information,
empowering individuals and organizations alike. This has given rise to a knowledge-driven
society, where information is a valuable currency and the ability to navigate and leverage it
is a key determinant of success.

The rapid pace of technological innovation has not only reshaped industries but has also
blurred the lines between the physical and virtual realms. From cloud computing to artificial
intelligence, from augmented reality to the Internet of Things (IoT), the IT era is marked by
a continuous wave of disruptive technologies that challenge our traditional notions and pave
the way for new possibilities.

However, living in the IT era also poses its own set of challenges. Issues such as privacy
concerns, cybersecurity threats, and the digital divide highlight the need for ethical
considerations and responsible use of technology. As we navigate this era, it becomes
imperative to strike a balance between harnessing the potential of IT for progress and
addressing the ethical, social, and environmental implications that may arise.

This preface sets the stage for an exploration of the multifaceted dimensions of living in the
IT era. Through the following chapters, we will delve into the transformative impact of
technology on various aspects of our lives, examine the opportunities and challenges it
presents, and contemplate the ethical considerations that should guide our journey in this
interconnected and digitized world. Join us on this exploration as we navigate the
complexities of living in the IT era.

Compiled by: Eugine M. Bueno
Introduction to the IT Era & Digital Technologies

Compiled by: Eugine M. Bueno
What is ICT?
ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. It is a broad term that
encompasses technologies and communication devices used to handle telecommunications,
broadcast media, audio-visual processing, intelligent building management systems,
network-based control, and monitoring functions.

In essence, ICT refers to the convergence of information technology (IT) and communication

ICT In Our Daily Lives

1. Information Technology (IT):

• IT involves the use of computers, software, and networks to store, process,
retrieve, and transmit information. It includes hardware components like
computers, servers, and networking equipment, as well as software
applications and operating systems.
2. Communication Technology:
• This encompasses technologies that facilitate the transmission of information
over distances. It includes traditional communication methods like telephony
and telegraphy, as well as modern communication technologies such as email,
instant messaging, and video conferencing.
3. Internet and World Wide Web (WWW):
• The internet is a global network connecting millions of computers, enabling
the exchange of information and communication. The World Wide Web is a
system of interconnected documents and resources accessible via the internet,
providing a vast array of information and services.
4. Networking:
• Networking technologies include the infrastructure that allows computers and
devices to connect and communicate. Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide
Area Networks (WANs) enable data exchange within confined areas or across
broader geographical regions.
5. Mobile Technology:
• Mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, play a crucial role in ICT.
Mobile technologies facilitate communication, access to information, and the
use of various applications on the go.
6. Data Management:
• Data management involves the storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data.
Database systems, data warehouses, and data analytics tools are essential
components of ICT for handling large volumes of structured and unstructured

Compiled by: Eugine M. Bueno
7. Cybersecurity:
• With the increasing reliance on digital technologies, ensuring the security of
information has become paramount. Cybersecurity involves implementing
measures to protect computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized
access, attacks, and damage.
8. Emerging Technologies:
• ICT is continually evolving, with emerging technologies shaping its landscape.
Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and
augmented reality are examples of cutting-edge technologies that are
influencing the field of ICT.
9. E-Government and E-Business:
• ICT has transformed the way governments provide services (E-Government)
and how businesses operate (E-Business). Online platforms, digital
transactions, and electronic service delivery have become integral to modern
governance and commerce.
ICT has a profound impact on various sectors, including education, healthcare, finance,
entertainment, and manufacturing. Its continuous evolution drives innovation and creates
new opportunities for individuals, businesses, and societies as a whole.

Historical Context in Living in the IT Era

Living in the IT (Information Technology) era is deeply intertwined with its historical context.
Understanding how we arrived at this point is crucial for appreciating the profound impact of digital
technologies on our lives. Here is a brief overview of the historical context of living in the IT era:
1. Pre-IT Era (Pre-20th Century):
• Before the IT era, human communication and information sharing were limited to
physical means like letters, telegraphs, and face-to-face interactions.
• Industrialization marked the 19th century, introducing mechanization and mass
production, setting the stage for future technological advancements.
2. Early IT Era (Mid-20th Century):
• The early IT era began with the development of electronic computers, most notably
the ENIAC in the 1940s.
• During this time, the Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union
spurred significant investments in computing technology.
• The invention of the transistor in 1947 revolutionized electronics, making computers
smaller and more accessible.
3. The Rise of the Internet (Late 20th Century):
• The 1960s and 1970s saw the creation of Advanced Research Project Agency Network
(ARPANET), a precursor to the internet, designed for military and scientific purposes.
• The 1990s marked the advent of the World Wide Web, introduced by Tim Berners-
Lee, which transformed the internet into a global communication and information-
sharing platform.

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• This period saw the dot-com bubble, with rapid growth and investment in internet-
related businesses.
4. Digital Revolution (Late 20th to Early 21st Century):
• The late 20th century witnessed the proliferation of personal computers, leading to
increased digitalization of information.
• The introduction of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) like Windows and Mac OS made
computers more user-friendly.
• The emergence of email, e-commerce, and search engines like Google transformed
how people communicate, shop, and access information.
5. Mobile and Smartphone Era (Early 21st Century):
• The early 2000s saw the rise of mobile phones and, later, smartphones, providing
individuals with portable access to the internet.
• The launch of the iPhone in 2007 revolutionized the smartphone market, leading to
the mobile app boom and changing how people interact with technology.
6. Cloud Computing and Big Data (Early to Mid-21st Century):
• Cloud computing, with services like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft
Azure, enabled scalable and accessible storage and processing of data.
• Big data analytics and machine learning became prominent, allowing organizations
to extract insights from vast amounts of data.

7. Emergence of AI and IoT (Mid-21st Century):

• Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies became increasingly
integrated into various aspects of life, from virtual assistants to autonomous vehicles.
• The Internet of Things (IoT) connected everyday objects to the internet, creating a
network of smart devices in homes, cities, and industries.

8. Challenges and Concerns (Present Day):

• The IT era has brought about concerns related to data privacy, cybersecurity, digital
addiction, and job displacement due to automation.
• Governments and organizations are grappling with regulatory and ethical questions
regarding the use of AI and personal data.

Understanding this historical context is essential for recognizing how the IT era has evolved,
shaping the present and influencing the direction of future technological developments and societal
changes. It highlights the continuous progression of technology and its profound effects on how we
live, work, and interact with the world.

Compiled by: Eugine M. Bueno
Key Advancements in Living in the IT Era
Living in the IT (Information Technology) era has been marked by a rapid succession of key
advancements that have reshaped nearly every aspect of our lives. Here are some of the most notable
1. Personal Computing (1970s-1980s): The introduction of personal computers like the
Apple II and IBM PC brought computing power to individuals. This laid the foundation for the
digital age by making computers more accessible and user-friendly.
2. The Internet (1980s-1990s): The creation of the World Wide Web and the
commercialization of the internet transformed how we communicate and access information.
Email, websites, and online communities became integral parts of daily life.
3. Mobile Technology (2000s): The widespread adoption of mobile phones and, later,
smartphones revolutionized communication, enabling people to be connected wherever they
went. The introduction of the iPhone in 2007 accelerated this trend.
4. Social Media (2000s): Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn changed the way we
connect with others and share information. Social media has become a powerful tool for
communication, activism, and business marketing.
5. E-commerce (1990s-present): Online shopping and digital payment systems have
transformed the retail industry. Companies like Amazon have redefined how consumers buy
goods and services.
6. Cloud Computing (2000s-present): Cloud services, offered by companies like Amazon Web
Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, have made it easier to store, manage, and
access data and applications remotely.
7. Big Data and Analytics (2000s-present): The ability to collect, process, and analyze
massive datasets has revolutionized decision-making in fields ranging from healthcare and
finance to marketing and sports.
8. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (2010s-present): AI and machine
learning technologies are being used to automate tasks, improve recommendation systems,
enhance medical diagnostics, and even drive autonomous vehicles.
9. Blockchain (2000s-present): The development of blockchain technology, most famously
associated with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, has the potential to revolutionize secure,
transparent transactions in various industries.
10. The Internet of Things (IoT) (2010s-present): IoT has connected everyday objects to the
internet, enabling smart homes, smart cities, and improved industrial processes through real-
time data monitoring and automation.
11. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) (2010s-present): VR and AR
technologies have introduced new possibilities in gaming, education, training, and immersive
12. 5G Technology (2020s): The rollout of 5G networks promises significantly faster internet
speeds and low latency, enabling innovations like autonomous vehicles and augmented
reality applications.
13. Biotechnology and Genomics (2000s-present): Advances in IT have played a crucial role
in genomics research, leading to breakthroughs like the mapping of the human genome and
personalized medicine.

Compiled by: Eugine M. Bueno
These advancements have not only transformed our daily lives but have also spurred innovation in
business, healthcare, education, and countless other sectors. However, they have also raised
important ethical, legal, and security questions that continue to shape the IT era's trajectory. As we
move forward, it's essential to harness these technologies responsibly and ethically to maximize their
benefits for society.

PERSONAL COMPUTING (1970's-1980's)

Personal computing
Personal computing refers to the use of computers by individuals for various
purposes, including work, entertainment, communication, and personal productivity. It
encompasses the use of desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and other devices
that individuals use for their personal tasks and activities.

Personal computing has advanced dramatically since the introduction of the first personal
computers in the 1970s. Initially, personal computers were largely used for word processing,
spreadsheets, and simple games. However, as technology has advanced, personal computing
has grown far more adaptable and powerful.

Today, personal computing includes a wide range of activities and applications, including:

1. Communication:
Personal computers and smartphones are used for email, messaging, video
conferencing, and social media to connect with others.
2. Entertainment:
People use personal computers for streaming movies, music, and television shows, as
well as playing video games.
3. Productivity:
Personal computers are used for tasks such as word processing, creating
presentations, managing finances, and organizing schedules.
4. Information access:
The internet provides access to vast amounts of information on virtually any topic,
and personal computers enable individuals to search for and access this information.
5. Creativity:
Personal computing allows individuals to engage in creative activities such as digital
art, graphic design, music production, and video editing.
6. Education:
Personal computers are used in educational settings for research, online learning, and
educational software programs.

Compiled by: Eugine M. Bueno
7. Personalization:
Users can customize their computing experience by installing software applications,
changing settings, and personalizing their desktops or interfaces.

Personal computer
A general-purpose computer whose size, capabilities and original sale price make it
useful for individuals, and is intended to be operated directly by an end-user with no
intervening computer operator.

The advent of the personal computer (PC) has brought about a revolutionary
transformation in both business and personal endeavors, reshaping communication
patterns and cognitive approaches to utilizing information. It's important to highlight that
computers continue to vary in size, ranging from immense supercomputers employed in
tasks like weather and climate modeling to incredibly compact ones that can be
accommodated on smartcards. During the early 1970s, the concept of a personal computer
intended for individual use was deemed absurd by many. Nevertheless, computer experts
and enthusiasts persisted in their dedication to creating a comparatively diminutive and
affordable PC tailored for household and commercial purposes.

Museums Victoria currently holds six early personal computers that trace important
developments in the history of this remarkable area. There are three computers with
separate components:

• Altair 8800
• Atari 800
• Microbee and three early portable computers
• Osborne 1
• Kaypro 2

1. ALTAIR 8800
• In 1975, the Altair 8800 marked the beginning of the personal computer era.
Created by the small company MITS, this computer was intended for assembly
by both hobbyists and professionals, suitable for use at home or in workplaces.
Despite costing $395, the Altair 8800 computer kit was affordable, yet
demanding significant effort and expertise to put together. Unlike today's

Compiled by: Eugine M. Bueno
desktop and laptop PCs, it lacked a monitor, keyboard, disk drive, or pre-
installed software. Users had to manually flip switches on the front panel to
enter binary code and create their own programs. The machine's output was
displayed in binary on LED lights on the front panel. Powered by an Intel 8080
processor and possessing only 256 bytes of RAM (enough for a single
paragraph of text), the Altair 8800 was embraced by users, leading to the
emergence of computer clubs, stores, newsletters, magazines, and
conventions fueled by their enthusiasm.
2. ATARI 800
• The Atari 800 stood out with unprecedented graphics and sound quality for a
personal computer. It supported up to 256 colors, incorporated player and
missile graphics, and was compatible with Atari 2600 joysticks, paddles, and
keypads. Housing the Central Processing Unit (CPU) and memory bank, it had
10,000 bytes of read-only memory (ROM) and 8,000 bytes of RAM. Software
offerings ranged from word processing and financial tools to games and
educational programs. Despite its age, the Atari 800 remains one of the most
powerful, useful, and versatile home computers ever created by Atari's
venture into the personal computer market.
• The Microbee, introduced by Australian company Applied Technology in 1982,
was among the earliest computers adopted in Australian schools and gained
popularity as a training tool for young computer users. Sold in kit form, it
resembled a modern desktop PC when assembled. Its CPU was integrated into
a typewriter keyboard unit that could connect to a monochrome monitor. A
more advanced version, the 256TC, had enhanced features including larger
memory (256K bytes RAM), better graphics, a full-size keyboard, numeric
keypad, and built-in disk drives. This model used CP/M-80 or Microbee's
proprietary graphical 'Shell' operating system and came bundled with
software like a word processor, disk utilities, and Basic interpreter. Another
version, "The Matilda," was IBM PC XT compatible with an NEC V40 processor,
MS-DOS, EGA graphics, and special hardware for running software designed
for earlier Z80-based Microbees like the 256TC, ensuring backward
compatibility. The Microbee reached thousands of users worldwide, including
• The Osborne 1 was the world's first truly portable computer. It was released
in 1980 by computer book publisher Adam Osborne. The computer weighed a
substantial eight kilograms and was contained in a large box with a handle.
The Osborne 1 used a Zilog Z-80 microprocessor chip, which was a faster and
better clone of the Intel 8080 chip. The tiny 13-centimetre black-and-white

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screen could display only 52 characters across, but special arrow keys moved
the display left and right across a wider 'virtual' screen. The Osborne 1 was
plagued with operational problems, but tens of thousands were sold.
• The Kaypro II portable computer was released soon after the Osborne and
became an instant success. Its appeal lay in its large 23-centimetre monitor
and the reliable operating system called CP/M (Control Program for
Microprocessors). It had two 5 ½ inch disk drives and an impressive 64 000
bytes of RAM. The Kaypro was the first portable to be packaged in a durable
metal case.
6. IBM
• The IBM Personal Computer (model 5150, commonly known as the IBM PC) is
a milestone microcomputer that marked the beginning of the IBM PC model
series and set the foundation for the widely adopted IBM PC compatible
standard. Unveiled on August 12, 1981, it was developed by a team led by Don
Estridge in Boca Raton, Florida. Built upon an open architecture and
designed to accommodate third-party peripherals, the IBM PC's expandability
and software support grew over time. This computer exerted significant
influence on the personal computer market, with its specifications becoming
a globally popular design standard. Apart from Apple's Macintosh product line,
the only substantial competition it faced in the 1980s was from non-
compatible platforms. Today, most contemporary personal computers trace
their lineage back to the IBM PC.

THE INTERNET (1980s-1990s)

The Internet is a global network of interconnected computers and gadgets that
interact with one another using established protocols. It enables the sharing of data,
information, and communication over huge distances. The Internet has become an
indispensable component of modern life, influencing many parts of society, including
communication, business, education, and entertainment.

Key features and components of the Internet include:

1. World Wide Web (WWW):

The World Wide Web is a system of interconnected hypertext documents accessed
via the Internet. It allows users to navigate between web pages using hyperlinks and
browse information stored on web servers worldwide.

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2. Web Browsers:
Web browsers are software applications used to access and view information on the
World Wide Web. Popular web browsers include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,
Microsoft Edge, and Safari.
3. Email:
Email (electronic mail) is a widely used communication tool on the Internet. It allows
users to send and receive messages and files to individuals or groups over the
4. Social Media:
Social media platforms enable users to create, share, and interact with content and
connect with others online. Examples include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
LinkedIn, and TikTok.
5. Search Engines:
Search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo enable users to search for information
on the Internet by entering keywords or phrases. Search engines index web pages and
provide relevant results based on the user's query.
6. E-commerce:
E-commerce refers to buying and selling goods and services over the Internet. Online
shopping platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba facilitate transactions between
buyers and sellers.
7. Streaming Services:
Streaming services deliver audio and video content over the Internet in real-time.
Examples include Netflix, Spotify, YouTube, and Twitch.
8. Cloud Computing:
Cloud computing allows users to access computing resources, such as storage,
processing power, and software applications, over the Internet on-demand. Cloud
services providers include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and
Google Cloud Platform.
9. Cybersecurity:
Cybersecurity measures are necessary to protect data and information transmitted
over the Internet from unauthorized access, theft, or damage. This includes
encryption, firewalls, antivirus software, and other security protocols.

History of Internet (1980s-1990s)

1. 1980:
• The connections expanded to more educational institutions, which began to
form networks of fiber optic lines.

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2. 1981:
• The National Science Foundation (NSF) provided a grant to establish the
Computer Science Network (CSNET) to provide networking services to
university computer scientists.
3. 1982:
• Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP), as the protocol
suite, commonly known as TCP/IP, emerge as the protocol for ARPANET. This
results in the fledgling definition of the internet as connected TCP/IP
internets. TCP/IP remains the standard protocol for the internet.
4. 1983:
• The Domain Name System (DNS) establishes the familiar .edu, .gov, .com, .mil,
.org, .net, and .int system for naming websites. This is easier to remember
than the previous designation for websites, such as 123.456.789.10.
5. 1984:
• William Gibson, author of "Neuromancer," is the first to use the term
6. 1985:
•, the website for Symbolics Computer Corp. in Massachusetts,
becomes the first registered domain.
7. 1986:
• With a speed comparable to a dial-up modem, the National Science
Foundation's Network (NSFNET) connects to connected supercomputer
facilities at 56,000 bits per second. Regional research and education networks
that are partially funded by NSF are connected to the NSFNET backbone as the
network speeds up over time, essentially extending the Internet across the
entire country of the United States. Along with the ARPANET, the NSFNET
served as a sort of network of networks that linked academic users.

8. 1987:
• The number of hosts on the internet exceeds 20,000. Cisco ships its first router.
9. 1988:
• Was a crucial year in the early history of the Internet—it was the year of
the first well-known computer virus, the 1988 Internet worm.
10. 1989:
• becomes the first commercial provider of dial-up access to the
11. 1990:
• Tim Berners-Lee, a scientist at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear
Research, develops HyperText Markup Language (HTML). This technology

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continues to have a large impact on how we navigate and view the internet
12. 1991:
• CERN introduces the World Wide Web to the public.
13. 1992:
• The first audio and video are distributed over the internet. The phrase "surfing
the internet" is popularized. 1994: Netscape Communications is born.
Microsoft creates a Web browser for Windows 95.
14. 1994:
• Yahoo! is created by Jerry Yang and David Filo, two electrical engineering
graduate students at Stanford University. The site was originally called "Jerry
and David's Guide to the World Wide Web." The company was later
incorporated in March 1995.
15. 1995:
• Compuserve, America Online and Prodigy begin to provide internet access.
16. 1996:
• A 3D animation dubbed "The Dancing Baby" becomes one of the first viral
17. 1997:
• Netflix is founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph as a company that
sends users DVDs by mail.
18. 1998:
• The Google search engine is born, changing the way users engage with the
• The Internet Protocol version 6 introduced, to allow for future growth of
Internet Addresses.

19. 1999:
• AOL buys Netscape. Peer-to-peer file sharing becomes a reality as Napster
arrives on the Internet, much to the displeasure of the music industry.


A technology that goes where the user goes. It consists of portable two-way
communication devices, computing devices and the networking technology that connects
them. Currently, mobile technology is typified by internet-enabled devices like smartphones,
tablets, and watches.

Technology throughout the year 2000

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The year 2000s was an amazing decade for technology and forever established
broadband as a necessity. There were approximately 21 million broadband users worldwide,
and the number continued to increase year over year as new users signed up and dial-up
internet users were migrating over to broadband service.
The years 2000-2003 gave us camera phones, USB flash drives, Bluetooth, iPods, and
many more.

These days, camera phones are just part of our everyday apparel, but they were brand
new in the year 2000.
The addition of Bluetooth technology made this possible, allowing sharp to be the first
company to introduce a camera phone to the U.S. market.
Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology standard that is used for exchanging data
between fixed and mobile devices over short distances and building personal area
USB technology was around earlier, but it was not until the year 2000 that the USB
flash drive was available in the U.S. allowing ease of transferring information from one device
to the next. Today, devices such as cell phones, digital cameras, and printers still use this
The iPod was apple’s first attempt to deliver music to the consumers. It is hard to
believe, but in 2001, apple was concentrating on the mac computer and barely breaking even
financially. It is reported that the iPod’s visuals and the consumers experience were just as
important as the technology being offered. Today we know how successful this combination
has been for apple and how the iPod was the beginning technology for the apple.
A plethora of technology was released in the year 2000s, mainly due to being able to
transfer information and images from one device to another. It was the foundation of
changing the way we behave today.


According to Merriam Webster, it is a form of electronic communication (such as
websites for social networking and micro blogging) through which users create online
communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content such as


1. Six Degrees - was launched in 1997, and is

considered by most to be the first social media
platform. The website allowed users to build a
profile, add other users as friends, and to send
private messages, which are just a few of the

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aspects seen in modern-day social networking sites. But unfortunately, it was shut
down in 2001, because the concept was not understood by the public and it failed to
gain traction.

2. Friendster - launched in 2002 it allowed users to

connect with friends and make new ones and also
featured games and music.

3. Myspace – launched in 2003, allowed users to

customize their profiles with music, graphics and

4. LinkedIn – launched in 200, allow user to

connect with collogues and potential employees.

5. Facebook – launched in 2004, let a user’s friends

post information on their Wall.

6. Flicker – launched in 2004, It allows you to

upload photos and share, edit, organize and as
well as create your own galleries and develop
image-based projects.

7. Reddit - launched in 2005, it is an American

social news aggregation, content rating, and
discussion website. Registered users (commonly
referred to as "redditors") submit content to the
site such as links, text posts, images, and videos,
which are then voted up or down by other

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8. YouTube – Launched in 2005, it is a video
sharing service where users can watch, like,
share, comment and upload their own videos. The
video service can be accessed on PCs, laptops,
tablets and via mobile phones.

9. Twitter – Launched in 2006, it’s a service for

friends, family, and coworkers to communicate
and stay connected through the exchange of quick,
frequent messages. Allowing users to send short
messages of up to 140 characters to friends and

10. Tumblr – Launched in 2007, Tumblr is a blogging

and social media tool that allows users to publish a
"tumblelog", or short blog posts.

11. Pinterest – Launched in 2010, is a visual discovery engine for

finding ideas like recipes, home and style inspiration, and more.

12. Instagram – Launched in 2010, allow user only to post pictures.


➢ The Impact of IT on society have been both positive and negative. While technology
has made it easier to connect with others, access information, and improved medical
care, it has also led to job loss, cyber bullying, and technology addiction.
➢ Information Technology defined as the use of electronic systems, to store, process,
and transmits information.
➢ IT also the use of Computers and associated technologies to manage and retrieve data.


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• Communication becomes easier.
• Faster and reliable transportation system
• Rapidity in development.
• Easy daily activities due to e-governance, e-commerce, e-banking, etc.
• Growth in health facility.
• Security system becomes advanced.

• False advertisements misguide people.
• Illegal videography and pornography increases.
• Hacking and cracking activities increases.
• Increase in pollution and global warming.
• Cyber Bullying

These platforms are created through the help of IT to make it easier for us to connect
with our family, friends, colleagues and especially to our loved ones. Social media has a
manifold advantage in our daily lives even to our society, but it also has a disadvantage that
can lead people to ruin his/her life. Since these were created to stay connected to the person,
things that are important to us, let us all be connected and have a unity by caring, sharing,
respect and love to everyone.

E-COMMERCE (1990s)

• It is commonly known as electronic marketing

• It consists of buying and selling goods and services over an electronic system
such as the internet.
• E-commerce is the purchasing, selling & exchanging goods and services over
computers network or internet through which transactions or terms of sale
are performed electronically.





❖ B2B E-COMMERCE is simply defined as e-commerce between companies.
About 80% of e-commerce is of this type.

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❖ Business-to-consumer e-commerce, or commerce between companies and
consumers, involves customers gathering information; purchasing physical
goods or receiving products over an electronic network.
❖ Business-to-government e-commerce or B2G is generally defined as
commerce between companies and the public sector. It refers to the use of the
Internet for public procurement, licensing procedure, and other government -
related operations.
❖ Consumer-to- consumer e-commerce or C2C is simply commerce between
private individuals or consumers.

➢ Faster buying/selling procedure, as well as each to find products
➢ Low operational costs and better quality of services
➢ No need of physical company set-ups.

➢ Unable to examine products personally
➢ Not everyone is connected to the internet
➢ There is the possibility of credit card number theft


Cloud computing is a technology model that enables access to and delivery of various
computing resources, such as servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics,
and intelligence, over the internet. Instead of relying on a local server or a personal computer
to handle computing tasks, cloud computing allows users to access and use these resources
as and when needed through the internet. The name "cloud computing" comes from the
depiction of the internet as a cloud in network diagrams.

Impact of Cloud Computing on Society

Cloud services are also being used to support social impacts. Cloud services may also
support the reduction of carbon emissions.

Key characteristics of cloud computing include:

1. On-Demand Self-Service:
❖ Users can provision and manage computing resources as needed, without
requiring human intervention from service providers.

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2. Broad Network Access:
❖ Cloud services are available over the network and can be accessed by various
devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets.
3. Resource Pooling:
❖ Cloud providers pool computing resources to serve multiple customers, with
different physical and virtual resources dynamically assigned and reassigned
according to demand.
4. Rapid Elasticity:
❖ Computing resources can be quickly and easily scaled up or down to
accommodate changes in demand, allowing for flexibility and cost efficiency.
5. Measured Service:
❖ Cloud computing resources are metered, and users pay for only what they
consume. This pay-as-you-go model is cost-effective and allows for better
resource management.

Cloud Computing Service Models and Deployment Models

Service Models:
1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):
❖ Provides virtualized computing resources over the internet. Users can rent
virtual machines, storage, and networks on a pay-as-you-go basis.

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS):

❖ Offers a platform that allows customers to develop, run, and manage
applications without dealing with the complexity of underlying infrastructure.
3. Software as a Service (SaaS):
❖ Delivers software applications over the internet, eliminating the need for
users to install, maintain, and run the applications on their own devices.

Deployment Models:
1. Public Cloud:
❖ Services are provided over the internet and are available to the general public.
Resources are shared among multiple customers.
2. Private Cloud:
❖ Cloud infrastructure is used exclusively by a single organization. It can be
hosted on-premises or by a third-party provider.
3. Hybrid Cloud:
❖ Combines public and private clouds, allowing data and applications to be
shared between them. This provides greater flexibility and optimization of
existing infrastructure.

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4. Community Cloud:
❖ Shared by several organizations with similar computing needs, such as
industry-specific regulatory requirements.

Cloud computing has become a fundamental technology in today's digital landscape,

enabling businesses and individuals to access powerful computing resources without the
need for large upfront investments in physical infrastructure.


The process of uncovering trends, patterns, and correlations in large amounts of raw
data to help make data-informed decisions. These processes use familiar statistical analysis
techniques—like clustering and regression—and apply them to more extensive datasets
with the help of newer tools. Big data has been a buzz word since the early 2000s, when
software and hardware capabilities made it possible for organizations to handle large
amounts of unstructured data. Since then, new technologies—from Amazon to
smartphones—have contributed even more to the substantial amounts of data available to
organizations. With the explosion of data, early innovation projects like Hadoop, Spark, and
NoSQL databases were created for the storage and processing of big data. This field
continues to evolve as data engineers look for ways to integrate the vast amounts of complex
information created by sensors, networks, transactions, smart devices, web usage, and more.
Even now, big data analytics methods are being used with emerging technologies, like
machine learning, to discover and scale more complex insights.


❖ Data collection looks different for every organization. With today’s technology,
organizations can gather both structured and unstructured data from a variety
of sources — from cloud storage to mobile applications to in-store IoT sensors
and beyond. Some data will be stored in data warehouses where business
intelligence tools and solutions can access it easily. Raw or unstructured data
that is too diverse or complex for a warehouse may be assigned metadata and
stored in a data lake.
❖ Once data is collected and stored, it must be organized properly to get accurate
results on analytical queries, especially when it’s large and unstructured.
Available data is growing exponentially, making data processing a challenge
for organizations. One processing option is batch processing, which looks at
large data blocks over time. Batch processing is useful when there is a longer
turnaround time between collecting and analyzing data. Stream

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processing looks at small batches of data at once, shortening the delay time
between collection and analysis for quicker decision-making. Stream
processing is more complex and often more expensive.
❖ Data big or small requires scrubbing to improve data quality and get stronger
results; all data must be formatted correctly, and any duplicative or irrelevant
data must be eliminated or accounted for. Dirty data can obscure and mislead,
creating flawed insights.
❖ Getting big data into a usable state takes time. Once it’s ready, advanced
analytics processes can turn big data into big insights. Some of these big data
analysis methods include: Data mining sorts through large datasets to identify
patterns and relationships by identifying anomalies and creating data clusters.
Predictive analytics uses an organization’s historical data to make predictions
about the future, identifying upcoming risks and opportunities. Deep learning
imitates human learning patterns by using artificial intelligence and machine
learning to layer algorithms and find patterns in the most complex and
abstract data.


Big data analytics cannot be narrowed down to a single tool or technology. Instead,
several types of tools work together to help you collect, process, cleanse, and analyze big


An opensource framework that efficiently stores and processes big datasets on
clusters of commodity hardware. This framework is free and can handle large
amounts of structured and unstructured data, making it a valuable mainstay for any
big data operation.
❖ NoSQL databases
A non-relational data management system that does not require a fixed
scheme, making them a great option for big, raw, unstructured data. NoSQL
stands for “not only SQL,” and these databases can handle a variety of data
❖ MapReduce
An essential component to the Hadoop framework serving two
functions. The first is mapping, which filters data to various nodes within the

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cluster. The second is reducing, which organizes and reduces the results from
each node to answer a query.
❖ YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator)
Another component of second-generation Hadoop. The cluster
management technology helps with job scheduling and resource management
in the cluster.
An open-source cluster computing framework that uses implicit data parallelism and
fault tolerance to provide an interface for programming entire clusters. Spark can
handle both batch and stream processing for fast computation.
An end-to-end data analytics platform that allows you to prep, analyze, collaborate,
and share your big data insights. Tableau excels in self-service visual analysis,
allowing people to ask new questions of governed big data and easily share those
insights across the organization.


The ability to analyze more data at a faster rate can provide big benefits to an
organization, allowing it to more efficiently use data to answer important questions. Big data
analytics is important because it lets organizations use colossal amounts of data in multiple
formats from multiple sources to identify opportunities and risks, helping organizations
move quickly and improve their bottom lines.

Some Benefits of Big Data Analytics:

1. Cost Savings
• Helping organizations identify ways to do business more efficiently.
2. Product Development
• Providing a better understanding of customer needs.
3. Market Insights
• Tracking purchase behavior and market trends.


Big data brings big benefits, but it also brings big challenges such new privacy and
security concerns, accessibility for business users, and choosing the right solutions for your
business needs. To capitalize on incoming data, organizations will have to address the

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1. Accessibility
• Collecting and processing data becomes more difficult as the amount of data
grows. Organizations must make data easy and convenient for data owners of
all skill levels to use.
2. Data Quality
• With so much data to maintain, organizations are spending more time than
ever before scrubbing for duplicates, errors, absences, conflicts, and
3. Data Security
• As the amount of data grows, so do privacy and security concerns.
Organizations will need to strive for compliance and put tight data processes
in place before they take advantage of big data.
4. Tools and Platforms
• New technologies for processing and analyzing big data are developed all the
time. Organizations must find the right technology to work within their
established ecosystems and address their particular needs. Often, the right
solution is also a flexible solution that can accommodate future infrastructure


Is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems.
Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing, speech
recognition and machine vision.


AI has accelerated, vendors have been scrambling to promote how their products and
services use it. Often, what they refer to as AI is simply a component of the technology, such
as machine learning. AI requires a foundation of specialized hardware and software for
writing and training machine learning algorithms.

Components of Artificial Intelligence (AI):

Artificial Intelligence (AI) comprises several key components, each serving a specific
function in creating intelligent systems. Here are some fundamental components of AI:

1. Machine Learning (ML):

• Machine learning is a subset of AI that focuses on creating algorithms and
models that enable computers to learn from data. Instead of being explicitly
programmed, systems using ML can improve their performance on a task
through experience.

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2. Neural Networks:
• Neural networks are computing systems inspired by the structure and
functioning of the human brain. They are crucial in deep learning, a subfield of
machine learning, where complex tasks such as image and speech recognition
are handled.
3. Natural Language Processing (NLP):
• NLP involves the interaction between computers and human language. It
enables machines to understand, interpret, and generate human-like text or
speech. NLP is essential for applications like chatbots, language translation,
and sentiment analysis.
4. Computer Vision:
• This component enables machines to interpret and make decisions based on
visual data. Computer vision is used in tasks such as image and video analysis,
facial recognition, object detection, and autonomous vehicles.
5. Speech Recognition:
• Speech recognition technology enables machines to convert spoken language
into text. It is utilized in virtual assistants, voice-activated systems, and
applications where verbal input is important.
6. Expert Systems:
• Expert systems are AI programs designed to mimic the decision-making
abilities of a human expert in a specific domain. They use rule-based systems
and knowledge bases to provide solutions or recommendations.
7. Robotics:
• Robotics involves the integration of AI into physical machines, allowing them
to perform tasks in the physical world. AI-powered robots can be found in
areas such as manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics.
8. Planning and Decision Making:
• AI systems can be equipped with planning and decision-making capabilities,
allowing them to evaluate different courses of action and choose the most
optimal one based on predefined criteria.
9. Knowledge Representation:
• In order to reason and make decisions, AI systems often use knowledge
representation techniques. This involves structuring information in a way that
machines can understand and utilize it.
10. Reinforcement Learning:
• A type of machine learning where an agent learns to make decisions by
receiving feedback in the form of rewards or penalties. Reinforcement
learning is often used in training AI systems for tasks such as game playing and
autonomous control.

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11. AI Ethics and Bias Mitigation:
• As AI systems influence various aspects of society, addressing ethical concerns
and mitigating biases is crucial. This involves ensuring fairness, transparency,
and accountability in AI applications.
12. AI Development Frameworks and Tools:
• These are software tools and frameworks that facilitate the development,
training, and deployment of AI models. Examples include TensorFlow,
PyTorch, and scikit-learn.
13. AI Applications and Use Cases:
• These are the practical implementations of AI in various fields, such as
healthcare (diagnosis and treatment planning), finance (fraud detection), and
transportation (autonomous vehicles).

These components often work together synergistically to create intelligent systems capable
of performing tasks that traditionally required human intelligence. The combination of these
elements allows AI to adapt, learn, and make decisions in complex and dynamic

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science which
focuses on the use of data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans learn, gradually
improving its accuracy.
Over the last couple of decades, the technological advances in storage and processing
power have enabled some innovative products based on machine learning, such as Netflix’s
recommendation engine and self-driving cars.
Machine learning is an important component of the growing field of data science.
Through the use of statistical methods, algorithms are trained to make classifications or
predictions, and to uncover key insights in data mining projects. These insights subsequently
drive decision making within applications and businesses, ideally impacting key growth

Three (3) types of machine-learning:

1. Supervised Learning
2. Unsupervised Learning
3. Reinforcement Learning

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1. 2010
Microsoft launched their Kinect technology, which could track 20 human features at
a rate of 30 times per second. It enables users to interact with the machines or
computers using movements and gestures.
2. 2011
IBM's Watson beat its human competitors at Jeopardy. In the same year, Google
developed Google Brain, backed by a deep neural network that could learn to discover
and categorize objects in the same way a cat recognizes.
3. 2012
Google's X Lab had designed a machine learning algorithm for autonomously
browsing YouTube videos and identifying the videos that contained cats.
4. 2014
Eugen Goostman, Chatbot passed the Turing Test by assuring 33.6% of the human
judges it is not a Machine and is a 13-year Ukrainian old boy named Eugene
Facebook developed its deep neural network algorithm, called DeepFace. Facebook
claimed it could recognize a person with the same accuracy as that a human can
5. 2015
Amazon introduced its machine learning platform. In the same year Microsoft
developed the Distributed Machine Learning Toolkit, allowing effective distribution
of machine learning problems across various machines over 3000 Al & Robotics
researchers signed an open letter warning regarding the danger of autonomous
weapons that selects and engages targets without human Intervention. These figures
were endorsed by Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, and Steve Wozniak.
6. 2016
Google's Al division, called DeepMind, developed AlphaGo, a computer program that
plays the Chinese board game, Go, which is the most difficult board game in the world.
7. 2017
Jigsaw, a division of Alphabet, has created a system to learn how to stop online trolling
by reading millions of comments on varied websites.
Waymo, the self-driving car project of Google, started to test its autonomous driving
cars along with backup drivers, who sat only at the back of the car. Later, in 2017,
Waymo launched its completely autonomous taxis in Phoenix city.
8. 2019
In the US, 70% of the market share for virtual assistants was controlled by Amazon.

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9. 2020
Open Al, introduced GPT-3, a natural language processing algorithm having the ability
to generate human-like text on the basis of a prompt. Using 175 billion parameters &
Microsoft Azure's Al supercomputer for training, GPT-3 is considered the largest and
most advanced language model in the world.

The blockchain is a digital database or decentralized ledger of all transactions that is
distributed across the nodes of a peer-to-peer network.

1. A digital ledger
• It keeps records of all the transactions.
2. Encrypted Information
• All information transferred via blockchain is encrypted meaning once the
block is created and added to the chain it cannot be altered.
3. Peer to peer
• It lets you interact and send transactions.
4. Data Sharing
• Block chain is used for more than a transaction. it can be used to share
contract, records and any other type of data.
5. Decentralization
• Block chain eliminates the risks that comes with data.


1. 1991
Researcher scientists named Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta introduce
Blockchain Technology.
2. 1992
Merkle Trees formed a legal corporation by using a system developed by Stuart Haber
and W. Scott Stornetta with some more features.
3. 2000
Stefan Konst published his theory of cryptographic secured chains, plus ideas for
4. 2004
Cryptographic activist Hal Finney introduced a system for digital cash known as
“Reusable Proof of Work”.

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5. 2008
Satoshi Nakamoto conceptualized the concept of “Distributed Blockchain” in his
white paper: “A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”.
6. 2009
Satoshi Nakamoto Releases Bitcoin White Paper.
7. 2014
Marked as the turning point for blockchain technology. Blockchain technology is
separated from the currency and Blockchain 2.0 is born.
8. 2015
Ethereum Frontier Network was launched, thus enabling developers to write smart
contracts and Apps that could be deployed to a live network. In the same year, the
Linux Foundation launched the Hyperledger project.
9. 2016
The word Blockchain is accepted as a single word instead of two different concepts
as they were in Nakamoto’s original paper
10. 2017
Japan recognized Bitcoin as a legal currency.
11. 2018
Bitcoin turned 10 in the year 2018. The bitcoin value continued to drop, reaching the
value of $3,800 at the end of the year. Online platforms like Google, Twitter, and
Facebook banned the advertising of cryptocurrencies.
12. 2019
Ethereum network transactions exceeded 1 million per day. Amazon announced the
general availability of the Amazon Managed Blockchain service on AWS.
13. 2020
Stablecoins were in demand as they promised more stability than traditional
14. 2022
Ethereum has shifted from Proof of Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus


These are units of data that store transactions, along with a reference to the previous
block, creating a chain of blocks.
Digital records of exchanges, actions or contracts.
Users or computers involved in the blockchain.

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Protocols that enable nodes to agree on the state of blockchain and validate
A sequence of blocks defined or arranged by specific algorithm.
The process to create a valid block that is verified and accepted by the rest of the

Advantages of Blockchain:
Blockchain technology offers various benefits across different industries and applications.

1. Decentralization:
One of the central features of blockchain is its decentralized nature. Traditional
systems often rely on a central authority, such as a bank or government, to validate
and record transactions. In blockchain, a network of nodes collectively maintains and
verifies the transactions, reducing the need for a single trusted entity and enhancing
2. Security:
Blockchain transactions are secured through cryptographic techniques. Once a block
is added to the chain, it becomes difficult to alter the information within it.
Additionally, the decentralized nature of the network makes it resistant to hacking or
unauthorized tampering, enhancing the overall security of the system.
3. Transparency and Immutability:
All participants in a blockchain network have access to the same set of records.
Transactions are recorded in a transparent and unchangeable manner, providing an
immutable and auditable history of events. This transparency can reduce fraud,
errors, and disputes.
4. Smart Contracts:
Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly
written into code. They automatically execute and enforce the terms when predefined
conditions are met, reducing the need for intermediaries and streamlining processes
in various industries, including finance, real estate, and supply chain.
5. Efficiency and Speed:
Blockchain can streamline and automate various processes, reducing the time and
costs associated with traditional methods. With decentralized networks and smart
contracts, transactions can be executed more quickly and efficiently without the need
for intermediaries or lengthy administrative processes.

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6. Reduced Costs:
By eliminating intermediaries and automating processes, blockchain can significantly
reduce transaction costs. This is particularly beneficial in financial transactions,
supply chain management, and other industries where efficiency gains can lead to
cost savings.
7. Improved Traceability:
In supply chain management, blockchain allows for the creation of an unchangeable
record of every transaction, providing end-to-end visibility. This traceability is
valuable for tracking the origin, production, and distribution of goods, ensuring
product authenticity and quality.
8. Financial Inclusion:
Blockchain has the potential to provide financial services to individuals who are
underserved or excluded from traditional banking systems. Cryptocurrencies and
blockchain-based financial systems can offer alternatives to traditional banking,
particularly in regions with limited access to financial services.
9. Data Integrity:
Blockchain ensures data integrity by maintaining a consistent and unalterable record
of transactions. This is particularly important in applications where data accuracy
and reliability are critical, such as healthcare, where patient records can be securely
stored and accessed.
10. Tokenization of Assets:
Blockchain enables the tokenization of real-world assets, representing ownership in
a digital form. This can open up new investment opportunities and make traditionally
illiquid assets more accessible to a broader range of investors.

Challenges of Blockchain:
Despite the numerous advantages and potential applications of blockchain technology, it
faces several challenges that need to be addressed for wider adoption and success.

1. Scalability:
Blockchain networks, especially public ones, often face scalability issues. As the
number of transactions increases, the capacity of the network to process them in a
timely manner becomes a bottleneck. This challenge is particularly relevant for
widely used public blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
2. Energy Consumption:
Some consensus mechanisms, such as Proof of Work (PoW), used by popular
cryptocurrencies, are energy-intensive. The process of mining, which involves solving
complex mathematical problems, consumes significant amounts of electricity. This
has raised environmental concerns and prompted the search for more energy-
efficient consensus mechanisms.

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3. Interoperability:
There is a lack of standardized protocols and interoperability among different
blockchain networks. This makes it challenging for different blockchains to
communicate and share data seamlessly. Achieving interoperability is crucial for the
widespread adoption of blockchain in various industries.
4. Regulatory Uncertainty:
The regulatory landscape for blockchain and cryptocurrencies varies widely across
different jurisdictions. Lack of clear regulations and compliance frameworks can
hinder the growth of blockchain applications, especially in finance and other
regulated industries.
5. Security Concerns:
While blockchain is known for its security features, it is not entirely immune to
security threats. Smart contract vulnerabilities, consensus algorithm weaknesses,
and potential 51% attacks are among the security challenges that blockchain
networks may face.
6. Privacy:
While blockchain provides transparency, this can be a drawback in situations where
privacy is crucial. Ensuring that sensitive information is adequately protected while
maintaining the benefits of transparency is a delicate balance that needs to be
7. User Experience:
The user interface and experience for interacting with blockchain applications are
often considered complex for non-technical users. Improving the user-friendliness of
blockchain applications is essential for broader adoption.
8. Legal and Ethical Issues:
Smart contracts and decentralized applications raise legal and ethical concerns.
Determining legal responsibility in case of disputes or errors in smart contracts can
be challenging, and addressing these issues is crucial for building trust in blockchain
9. Education and Awareness:
Blockchain technology is still relatively new, and there is a need for greater
awareness and education among businesses, governments, and the general public.
Understanding the potential benefits and limitations of blockchain is essential for its
successful adoption.
10. Resistance to Change:
Existing systems and industries may be resistant to adopting blockchain due to
inertia, established processes, and concerns about disrupting existing business
models. Overcoming resistance to change and demonstrating the tangible benefits of
blockchain solutions are ongoing challenges.

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Is a network of physical devices. These devices can transfer data to one another without
human intervention. IoT devices are not limited to computers or machinery. The Internet of
Things can include anything with a sensor that is assigned a unique identifier (UID). The
primary goal of the IoT is to create self-reporting devices that can communicate with each
other (and users) in real time.
The IoT was named by computer scientist Kevin Ashton in 1999.

History of IoT

The birth of the Internet spawned a slew of new technologies, like IoT, that use vital
information to provide improved services. Though the Internet of Things has been there
since the 1960s, the world saw its first IoT-linked gadget only in the 1980s. A group of local
developers managed a Coca-Cola vending machine linked to the web at Carnegie Mellon
University. The machine utilized integrated microswitches and an internet connection to
maintain track of the cooling and supply of cans in the vending machine. The gadget
encouraged programmers and businesses to further their research and develop
advancements in the same field.

John Romkey invented a similar product in the early 1990s to link a toaster to the internet
using the TCP/IP protocol. A year later, another venture under IoT Certification was
launched at the University of Cambridge, this time with the very first web camera prototype,
demonstrating the IoT’s tremendous opportunity. When professional technologist Kevin
Ashton popularized the phrase “Internet of Things” in a seminar in 1999 to illustrate the
complicated system of achieving operational excellence by linking various devices, it sprang
to prominence. Even though the conference was about supply chain management, the name
Internet enabled the system to acquire traction in the headlines.

The inaugural Internet of Things summit took place in Zurich in March 2008. The event saw
participation from academicians, industry experts, and professionals. Surprisingly, IoT was
also named as one of the six revolutionary civil technologies by the US National Intelligence
Council the same year.

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You likely use IoT devices every day. The list below outlines a few IoT devices that you may
be familiar with:


Smart devices are interactive electronics that use wireless connections to understand
user instructions. To an extent, smart home devices like thermostats and home
security systems can work autonomously to assist with daily tasks. For example, you
may program your smart thermostat to adjust automatically to a cooler setting before
you arrive home from work. Or, you may receive a security camera notification to
inform you that someone is at the door when you are not home.
One of the most common Internet of Things examples is smartwatches. Wearable IoT
technology like Fitbits and Apple Watches connect to other devices (like your
smartphone) to share data. They typically also connect to the internet to track GPS
Personal medical devices like pacemakers are also IoT devices. Remote medical
devices can help monitor and share a patient's vital signs or detect early signs of
health issues for fast intervention.
Self-driving cars and other connected vehicles rely on the internet to share real-time
information. Sensors throughout the vehicle help map its surroundings, transmit
camera footage, and respond to traffic signals.


Billions of devices are connected to the internet, collecting and sharing information with one
another. They range from smart home setups like cooking appliances and smoke detectors
to military-grade surveillance equipment. The list below outlines a few of the most common
types of IoT applications.

1. Consumer IoT
Consumer IoT refers to personal and wearable devices that connect to the internet.
These devices are often referred to as smart devices.

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2. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
The industrial Internet of Things is the system of interconnected devices in the
industrial sector. Manufacturing machinery and devices used for energy
management are a part of the industrial Internet of Things.
3. Commercial IoT (CIoT)
Commercial IoT refers to the tools and systems used outside of the home. For
example, businesses and health care organizations leverage commercial IoT for
auditable data trails and consumer management.

How does IoT work?

The next few sections break down the components that make the Internet of Things work.

Internet Of Things Platform

An IoT platform manages device connectivity. It can be a software suite or a cloud service.
The purpose of an IoT platform is to manage and monitor hardware, software, processing
abilities, and application layers.

Four (4) types of IoT Platforms:

1. IoT Connectivity Platform

2. IoT Device Management Platform
3. IoT Application Enablement Platforms
4. IoT Analytics Platforms

Sensor Technologies
IoT sensors, sometimes called smart sensors, convert real-world variables into data
that devices can interpret and share. Many different types of sensors exist. For example,
temperature sensors detect heat and convert temperature changes into data. Motion sensors
detect movement by monitoring ultrasonic waves and triggering a desired action when those
waves are interrupted.

Unique Identifiers
The core concept of the IoT is communication among devices and users. Unique
identifiers (UIDs) establish the context of a device within the larger network to enable this
communication. Identifiers are patterns, like numeric or alphanumeric strings. One example
of a UID that you might be familiar with is an internet protocol (IP) address. They can identify
a single device (instance identifier) or the class to which that device belongs (type identifier).

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Internet Connectivity
Sensors can connect to cloud platforms and other devices through a host of network
protocols for the internet. This enables communication between devices.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Machine Learning

Natural language processing (NLP) in IoT devices makes it easier for users to input
information and interact with devices. One common example of an IoT device that utilizes
NLP technology is the Amazon Alexa. Machine learning also enhances the analytical
capabilities of IoT devices.

Edge Computing
Edge computing is_ It aims to conserve resources and speed up response time by
moving computational resources like data storage closer to the data source. The IoT
accomplishes this by utilizing edge devices like IoT gateways.

Benefits Of The Internet Of Things

Before the introduction of the IoT, devices could only collect and share information with
human interaction. Today, the IoT enables lower operational costs, increased safety and
productivity, and overall improved customer experience.

Pros of the Internet of Things:

1. Automation
Removing the need to perform mundane tasks like turning the thermostat on and off
or locking doors increases efficiency and quality of life.
2. Conservation
Automation makes it easier to manage energy consumption and water usage without
human oversight or error.
3. Big data analytics
Information that was previously difficult to collect and analyze can be tracked
effortlessly with the Internet of Things.

Benefits Of Iot in Certain Industries:

1. IoT In Health Care

The IoT helps decrease the need for traditional record-keeping and protects
patients with real-time alerts. For example, glucose monitors can alert the patient or
caretaker when glucose levels become problematic and prompt the appropriate

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2. IoT in Business
The IoT is essential to business. It makes it possible to collect and analyze massive
amounts of data in real time. IoT devices also enable automation. They allow people
to gain more control over their environments, health, and even safety. For example,
smart home security systems can automatically assess threats like burglary or
carbon monoxide poisoning and call for help.

Potential Drawbacks of IoT

Managing large amounts of data poses certain risks and disadvantages. For example,
more IoT devices mean more human intervention through network and device monitoring.
Some security researchers believe that cybersecurity professionals may face an increased
workload as the IoT grows.

1. Privacy concerns
It can be challenging to protect the data mined by IoT devices. Increased tracking
threatens the confidentiality of the information we share over the internet.
2. Security issues
Individual device security is left up to the manufacturers. Wireless network security
could become compromised if manufacturers do not prioritize security measures.
3. Bandwidth
Too many connected devices on a shared network results in slow in internet


A technology that uses software to generate realistic images, sounds and others
sensation that replicate real-world environment.
Users can interact and manipulate with the virtual objects of virtual world with the
help of specialized devices like display screen or other devices.
A person using virtual reality equipment is typically able to “look around” the
artificial world.
Virtual Reality environment is captured by using 360 degrees special video camera.

Immersive Virtual Reality

• An immersive virtual reality adds special gadgets like head mounted display
and boom.
• Stereoscopic viewing adds enhanced features like deep peeping through the
virtual world.
• Eliminating the real world and placing the human in a computer-generated
world is one of the enhancements.

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• Interaction with the objects in the virtual world are controlled by a data glove,
head mounted display and other gadgets.

Head Mounted Display

• Consist of two miniature display screen that produces the stereoscopic image
and optical position tracking system.
• It tracks the orientation of the human’s head in the virtual world and that
produces the impulse to the image generating large projection areas to get
more immersive feelings.

• Walk through, look around, fly through in the 3D virtual world computer.

Application Of Virtual Reality

1. Movies
Virtual reality is applied in 3-D movies to try and immerse the viewers into the movies
and/or virtual setting and environment.
2. Videos game
Virtual reality is evident in video games. Now you can physically interact with a game
by using your body and emotions to control characters and other elements of the
game that year ago people would only imagine.
3. Training
VR is used by trainers to provide learners with a virtual environment where they can
develop their skills without the real-world consequences of failing.
4. Architectural Design
Is firm various client in the real estate industry to tour virtual model of proposed
building design.

Advantages of VR
1. Virtual Reality creates a realistic world.
2. It enables users to explore place.
3. Through virtual reality users can experiment with an artificial environment.
4. Virtual reality makes the educations more easily.

Disadvantages of VR
1. The equipment used in virtual reality are very expensive.
2. It consists of complex technology.
3. In virtual reality environment we can’t move by our own like real world.

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Current Virtual Reality Device in the Market

1. Oculus Rift
A virtual reality headset developed and manufactured by Oculus VR, a division of
Facebook Inc., released on march 28, 2016.
2. Google Cardboard
A virtual reality (VR) platform developed by google for use with a head mount for a
smartphone. Named for its fold-out cardboard viewer, the platform is intended as a
low-cost system to encourage interest and development in VR application.
3. Samsung GearVR
Is a mobile virtual reality headset developed by Samsung electronics, in collaboration
with Oculus and manufactured by Samsung.

Is a combination of a real sense viewed by a user and a virtual sense generated by a
computer that augmented the sense with additional information.
An AR system adds virtual computer-generated objects, audio and other sense
enhancement to a real-world environment in the real time.
The goal of AR is to create a system such that a user CANNOT tell the difference
between the real world and the virtual augmented of it.


1. Processor display
2. Sensor
3. Input devices
1. Display
Various technologies are used in augmented reality rendering including optical
projection system, monitors, handheld devices and display system worn in the human
2. Eyeglasses
AR display can be rendered on devices resembling eyeglasses.
3. Contact lenses
Display AR imaging are in develop.
4. Handheld
Employ a small display that fits in a user’s hand such as mobile phones and tablets.

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Augmented Reality Applications:
• Medical
• Entertainment
• Military training
• Engineering design
• Robotics and Tele robotics
• Manufacturing, Maintenance, and Repair
• Consumer design, and etc.,

 Can increase knowledge and information
 People can share experience with each other in real time over long distance.
 Games can provide an even more “real” experience.
 Things come to life on peoples mobile.

 Lack of privacy criminals can simply point their phone towards victim and know
everything about them.
 Production is expensive.
 Difficult to maintain augmented reality system.
 Low performance level.

Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality

System augmented the real-world scene. Totally immersive environment.
User maintains a sense of present in real Visual senses are under control of system
world. (sometimes aural and proprioceptive
senses too)
Needs a mechanism to combine virtual and
real worlds.

Virtual as well as Augmented Reality has very strong potential and maybe they are
currently in its initial stage but will have a very big role in our lives in future when these
technologies are matured enough.

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The fifth generation of wireless cellular technology, offering higher upload and
download speeds, more consistent connections, and improved capacity than previous
5G wireless technology is meant to deliver higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds, ultra-
low latency, more reliability, massive network capacity, increased availability, and a more
uniform user experience to more users. Higher performance and improved efficiency
empower new user experiences and connects new industries.


1. 1G
Refers to the first generation of wireless telephone technology it is based on ANALOG
SYSTEM. It is speed up to 2.4 KBPS and allows user to make voice calls in 1 country.
2. 2G
The second generation of mobile networks based on Global System for Mobile
Communications (GSM). The radio signals used by the 1G network were analog, while
2G networks were digital. Capabilities were achieved by allowing multiple users on a
single channel via multiplexing.
3. 3G
Third generation of connective network technology. It introduced in 2001. 3G is
revolutionary compared to prior networks because it allows mobile phones and other
devices to connect to the internet wherever the device is located, by using a network
of phone powers to pass signals.
4. 4G or Long-Term Evolution (LTE)
The short name for fourth generation wireless, the stage of broadband mobile
communications that supersedes 3G and is the predecessor of 5G LTE and LTE-A are
both forms of 4G. Capabilities to match the original specification and deliver the
fastest data speeds.
5. 5G
The fifth generation of wireless cellular technology offering higher upload and
download speeds, more consistent connection, and improved capacity than previous

Goals of 5G Wireless Technology

➢ Faster multi-Gbps peak data rates

➢ Extremely low latency
➢ Enhanced reliability
➢ Vast network capacity

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Benefits of 5G Technology

➢ Lower energy consumption

➢ Emergence of new businesses
➢ Optimal Mobility
➢ New Teaching Methods
➢ Increased Security

What are the potential Health Risks of 5G Technology?

To date, and after much research performed, no adverse health effect has been
causally linked with exposure to wireless technologies.


Is the use of biology to develop new products, methods and organisms intended to
improve human health and society. Biotechnology, often referred to as biotech, has existed
since the beginning of civilization with the domestication of plants, animals and the
discovery of fermentation.

Is an interdisciplinary field of biology focusing on the structure, function, evolution,
mapping, and editing of genomes. A genome is an organism's complete set of DNA, including
all of its genes as well as its hierarchical, three-dimensional structural configuration.


1. Year 2000
Completion of a "rough draft" of the human genome in the Human Genome Project.
2. Year 2002
Rice becomes the first crop to have its genome decoded.
3. Year 2004
Add gene launches.
4. Year 2008
Japanese astronomers launch the first Medical Experiment Module called "Kibō", to
be used on the International Space Station.
5. Year 2012
Thirty-one-year-old Zac Vawter successfully uses a nervous system controlled bionic
leg to climb the Chicago Willis Tower.

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6. Year 2019
Scientists report, for the first time, the use of the CRISPR technology to edit human
genes to treat cancer patients with whom standard treatments that were not
7. Year 2020
Scientists demonstrate a "Trojan horse" designer-nanoparticle that makes blood cells
eat away – from the inside out – portions of atherosclerotic plaque that cause
heart attacks are the current most common cause of deaths globally.
8. Year 2021
Scientists report the use of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing to produce a tenfold
increase in super-bug targeting formicamycin antibiotics.
9. Year 2022
Scientists report the development of sensors to gather and identify DNA of animals
from air (airborne eDNA).
10. Year 2023
Cellular bioengineers report the development of nonreplicating bacterial 'cyborg
cells' (similar to artificial cells) using a novel approach, assembling a synthetic
hydrogel polymer network as an artificial cytoskeleton inside the bacteria. The cells
can resist stressors that would kill natural cells and e.g. invade cancer cells or
potentially act as biosensors.

1. Year 2000
Completed the Human Genome Project (HGP).
2. Year 2001
The full genome sequence of the model organism fruit fly is completed.
3. Year 2003
First draft of the human genome sequence.
4. Year 2005
HapMap (Map of Human Genetic Variation) report published.
5. Year 2007
A new DNA sequencing technology is introduced.
6. Year 2008
1,000 Genomes Project launched.
7. Year 2013
The U.S. Supreme Court rules that naturally occurring DNA cannot be patented.
8. Year 2018
The 100K genomes project is completed, sequencing 100,000 genomes from patients
affected by a rare disease or cancer.

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9. Year 2022
Following the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19 the genome of the SARSCoV-2 virus is

KEY ADVANCEMENTS (biotechnology):

1. Naturally Occurring, Biocompatible Proteins for Tunable Proton Conduction.
2. Universal Plant Gene Modification for More Efficient Growth.
3. Genetically modified fiber crops to make waterproof materials.
4. Recycling plastics with synthetic organisms.
5. New Methods for Controlling Gene Expression in Agricultural Biotechnology.
6. Broad Range Biodegradable Biosurfactants.
7. New Strain of E. Coli for the Synthesis of Superior PHA.
8. Reproductive Hormone from Cows, for Cows.
9. Cell-free protein production platform.
10. Genetically engineered plants to resist environmental stresses.


1. The first ground-breaking achievement in the field of genetics was the discovery of
the structure of DNA in the mid- twentieth century. It provided a basis for a deeper
understanding of clinical and molecular genetics.
2. The next few years witnessed interdisciplinary research in genetics– parallel
technological advances in the field of computers, data management and life sciences
allowed laboratory results to be applied to real-life scenarios.
3. Recombinant human insulin for the treatment of diabetes became a reality, giving
hopes to millions of people. In addition to human health, genetic research also paved
way in the field of agriculture.
4. The launch and subsequent successful completion of the Human Genome project.

Impact of IT on society

Information Technology (IT) has had a profound impact on society in various ways,
transforming the way we live, work, and communicate. Here are some of the key ways IT has
influenced society:
1. Communication: IT has revolutionized communication through the development of
the internet and various communication technologies. Email, instant messaging,
social media, and video conferencing have made it easier for people to connect with
each other globally. This has transformed the way we interact and share information,
breaking down geographical barriers.

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2. Access to Information: The internet has democratized access to information. People
can now access vast amounts of information on virtually any topic, which has
empowered individuals with knowledge and educational opportunities. Online
courses and resources have become increasingly popular, making education more
3. Business and Economy: IT has reshaped the business landscape. E-commerce has
allowed companies to reach a global customer base, and online marketplaces like
Amazon have changed the way people shop. Additionally, automation and data
analytics have improved efficiency in industries such as manufacturing and finance.
4. Healthcare: IT has improved healthcare delivery through electronic health records
(EHRs), telemedicine, and wearable health tech. These technologies enable better
patient care, remote monitoring, and faster access to medical information.
5. Entertainment: The entertainment industry has been transformed by IT. Streaming
services, video games, and digital media have changed how people consume
entertainment. IT has also enabled the creation of CGI effects and advanced animation
techniques in movies.
6. Social Impact: IT has played a significant role in social movements and activism.
Social media platforms have been used to raise awareness, organize protests, and
connect like-minded individuals. However, they have also been a source of concern
regarding privacy and the spread of misinformation.
7. Privacy and Security: The digital age has raised concerns about privacy and security.
Data breaches and cyberattacks have become more common, prompting the need for
stronger cybersecurity measures and regulations.
8. Education: IT has transformed education by enabling online learning, providing
access to educational resources, and enhancing the learning experience through
interactive multimedia content and tools.
9. Workforce Changes: IT has altered the nature of work. Remote work and the gig
economy have become more prevalent, offering flexibility but also raising questions
about job security and work-life balance.
10. Environmental Impact: The production and disposal of electronic devices has
environmental consequences. However, IT can also contribute to sustainability
through remote work reducing commuting, smart grid technologies improving
energy efficiency, and data analytics aiding in environmental monitoring.
11. Government and Governance: Governments use IT for various purposes, including
public service delivery, data collection, and election processes. However, concerns
about surveillance and digital rights have arisen in this context.
12. Transportation: IT has improved transportation systems with the development of
GPS navigation, traffic management, and the emergence of autonomous vehicles.
13. Research and Innovation: IT has accelerated scientific research and innovation.
High-performance computing and simulation tools have allowed researchers to
tackle complex problems, from climate modeling to drug discovery.

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In summary, IT has had a far-reaching impact on society, affecting nearly every aspect of our
lives. While it has brought about numerous benefits, it has also raised ethical, social, and
economic challenges that must be addressed as technology continues to advance.

Computer Systems

Computer systems refer to the combination of hardware and software components that
work together to perform various tasks and functions within a computing environment.
These systems are the foundation of modern computing and are used in a wide range of
applications, from personal computers to large-scale data centers. Here are some key
components and concepts related to computer systems:
1. Hardware Components: A collective term used to describe any of the internal and
external physical or tangible components of an analog or digital computer.

• Central Processing Unit (CPU): The CPU is the "brain" of the computer,
responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations.
• Memory (RAM): Random Access Memory is used to temporarily store data
and instructions that the CPU needs for processing.
• Storage Devices: Usually have larger storage capacity, and they store data
permanently and these include hard disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives
(SSDs), and optical drives.
•Input Devices: Examples include keyboards, mice, touchscreens, and
scanners, which allow users to input data into the computer.
• Output Devices: Monitors, printers, and speakers are used to display or
provide output from the computer.
• Motherboard: The main circuit board that connects and facilitates
communication between various hardware components.
• Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): Responsible for rendering graphics and
performing parallel processing tasks, often used in gaming and video editing.
• Power Supply Unit (PSU): Provides electrical power to the computer's
2. Software Components:
• Operating System (OS): The core software that manages hardware resources,
runs applications, and provides user interfaces (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux).
• Application Software: Programs designed for specific tasks, such as word
processors, web browsers, and video editors.
• Utility Software: Tools that help manage and maintain the computer, such as
antivirus software, disk utilities, and backup programs.

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3. Computer Architecture:
• Von Neumann Architecture: A foundational computer architecture concept
that separates the CPU, memory, input/output, and control units, allowing for
the execution of stored programs.
• RISC vs. CISC: Different instruction set architectures (Reduced Instruction Set
Computer vs. Complex Instruction Set Computer) used in CPUs, affecting their
performance and design.
4. Network Connectivity:
• Network Interface Cards (NICs): Hardware components that enable
computers to connect to networks, wired or wireless.
• Internet Protocol (IP): A set of rules and addressing schemes used for data
communication over the Internet and local networks.
• Firewalls and Routers: Devices used to control and manage network traffic
and security.
5. System Software and Drivers:
• Device Drivers: Software that facilitates communication between the OS and
hardware devices.
• Firmware: Software embedded in hardware components, such as the
BIOS/UEFI in the motherboard.
6. Virtualization:
• Virtual Machines (VMs): Software-based emulation of physical computers,
allowing multiple operating systems to run on a single physical machine.
• Containers: Lightweight virtualization technology that isolates and runs
applications and their dependencies.
7. Computer Performance:
• Clock Speed: The speed at which the CPU processes instructions, measured in
Hertz (GHz).
• Multi-core Processors: CPUs with multiple cores that can execute
instructions in parallel, improving performance.
• Benchmarking: The process of measuring and comparing computer system
8. Security:
• Antivirus and Anti-malware: Software designed to protect against viruses,
malware, and other threats.
• Firewalls: Security mechanisms that control incoming and outgoing network
9. Scalability:
• The ability of a computer system to accommodate increased workloads or
growth by adding more hardware resources or optimizing existing ones.
10. Cloud Computing:
• The use of remote servers (the cloud) to store and manage data, run
applications, and provide computing resources on-demand.

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Computer systems continue to evolve with advances in technology, impacting nearly every
aspect of our personal and professional lives. Understanding the components and concepts
related to computer systems is essential for effectively using and managing modern
computing resources.

Computer Networks

Computer networks are essential components of modern communication and information

exchange systems. They enable devices, such as computers, smartphones, servers, and IoT
devices, to connect and share data and resources with each other. Here are key concepts
and components related to computer networks:

Network Topologies:
1. Bus Topology:
➢ Devices are connected to a
central cable or "bus." Data is
broadcast to all devices.
➢ All of the nodes (computers,
servers, devices, etc.) in a bus
topology network are connected
to a single communication
channel, which is commonly
referred to as a bus. Data is sent over the bus in this configuration, and
every device connected to the network can see the data being sent.

Characteristics of Bus Topology:

• Single Communication Channel:
The bus is the common communication medium used by all devices. Usually,
this channel consists of a single cable or a group of cables that are connected.
• Terminators:
In order to maintain correct signal integrity and prevent signal reflection,
terminators must be used to terminate the bus's two ends.
• Passive Components:
Since the bus is a passive part of the network, it does not actively manage or
govern it.
• Collision:
When two devices try to transmit data simultaneously, collisions may happen.
Bus networks frequently employ protocols like Carrier Sense Multiple Access
with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) to handle collisions.

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• Scalability:
For small networks, bus topology offers cost-effectiveness and ease of setup.
On the other hand, as more devices and network traffic are added, its efficiency
• Fault Isolation:
The network as a whole may be impacted by a malfunction or break in the bus
cable. Fault isolation and identification can be difficult tasks.
• Performance:
As more devices are added to the network, performance may suffer,
particularly during times of high traffic or collisions.

In the past, bus topology was more frequently utilized, particularly in Ethernet
networks. However, for larger and more sophisticated networks, different topologies
like star, ring, and mesh have been adopted because to its limitations in terms of
scalability, fault tolerance, and performance.

2. Star Topology:
➢ Another kind of network
arrangement is the star topology,
in which every node is linked to a
hub or switch, which is a central
device. The network is organized
like a star since every node has a
specific link to the hub.
➢ Devices are connected to a central
hub or switch. Data flows through the hub/switch.

Characteristics of Star Topology:

• Centralized Hub or Switch:
Every node is connected to a hub or switch in the middle, which facilitates the
transfer of data.
• Isolation of Nodes:
Every node is connected to a hub or switch in the middle, which facilitates the
transfer of data.
• Easy to Install and Manage:
Setting up a star topology is comparatively simple, and you may add or remove
devices without impacting the network as a whole.
• Scalability:
Adding extra nodes to a star network makes it easier to scale without
noticeably compromising performance.
• Fault Identification:

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Troubleshooting and fault identification are made easier because most
problems are limited to certain nodes or the central hub.
• Reliable Performance:
When it comes to data collisions and overall network efficiency, star topology
typically performs better than bus topology.

The main hub could, however, end up becoming a single point of failure, which could be a
disadvantage. The hub could malfunction, disrupting the network as a whole. One way to
lessen this susceptibility is to use a redundant and more durable hub or switch.

3. Ring Topology:
➢ A network architecture known as ring
topology forms a continuous loop or
ring around each network node by
connecting it to exactly two additional
nodes. Data moves in a single route
around a ring in a ring topology until it either reaches its destination or comes
into contact with a device that can forward it to the right node.

Characteristics of Ring Topology:

• Connectivity:
A closed loop is formed when two nodes in the network are directly connected
to one another. It is possible to achieve this link conceptually or physically.
• Unidirectional or Bidirectional:
Bidirectional (traveling in both directions) and unidirectional (going in one
direction) data transfer are both possible. Data in a bidirectional ring can move
around the ring in either direction.
• Simple Structure:
Ring topology is straightforward to deploy and configure because of its
comparatively basic structure.
• Equal Access to the Network:
Since the network is not managed by a single hub or switch, every node has an
equal chance to send data.
• Performance:
Ring topologies can operate effectively with modest to moderate network
traffic. However, if there is a network outage or excessive traffic, its
performance could deteriorate.
• Single Point of Failure:
The vulnerability of ring topology to a single point of failure is a major
disadvantage. The entire network may experience disruptions if one or more
nodes or the connected link fails.

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• Difficulties in Network Expansion:
Expanding or modifying a ring network can be challenging, as it requires
breaking the ring and reconnecting it.

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) and Token Ring are examples of network
technologies that use ring topology. While ring topology is not as commonly used in
modern local area networks (LANs), it is still utilized in certain applications where its
specific characteristics are advantageous.

4. Mesh Topology:
➢ Mesh topology is a type of network
topology in which each node
(computer, server, device, etc.) is
connected to every other node in the
network. This creates a highly
interconnected and redundant
➢ Mesh topologies can be implemented using either physical connections
(physical mesh) or through a combination of physical and logical connections
(logical mesh).

Characteristics of Mesh Topology:

• Redundancy and Reliability:
Mesh topology provides excellent redundancy and reliability. If one
connection or node breaks, there are alternate channels for data transfer,
lowering the risk of network failure.
• Fault Tolerance:
The redundancy in mesh topology improves the network's fault tolerance. If a
link or node fails, communication can still be made via alternative pathways.
• Scalability:
Mesh networks are easily scalable. Additional nodes can be added without
compromising overall network performance, and redundancy increases as the
number of connections grows.
• High Bandwidth:
Mesh architecture, which allows for many pathways, can enable high
bandwidth and efficient data transfer.
• Isolation of Network Issues:
Problems in one portion of the network are usually isolated, because the
failure of one link or node does not always affect the entire network.

Two (2) Types of Mesh Topology:

1. Full Mesh Topology:

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In a full mesh network, each node is directly connected to every
other node. While this provides the highest amount of
redundancy, it also necessitates a large number of connections,
rendering it unsuitable for big networks.
2. Partial Mesh Topology:
In a partial mesh, only a few nodes have direct connections to all
other nodes. This decreases the number of connections and is
more practical for bigger networks while still providing a high
level of redundancy.

Mesh topology is commonly used in wide area networks (WANs), critical

infrastructure networks, and situations where reliability and fault tolerance are
paramount. However, it can be more expensive and complex to implement compared
to other topologies like star or bus.

5. Hybrid Topology:
➢ Hybrid topology is a network configuration
that combines two or more different types
of topologies to form a single, integrated
➢ This approach is used to leverage the
advantages of multiple topologies while
mitigating their individual limitations.
➢ Hybrid topologies are designed based on the specific needs and requirements
of the network and can offer a balance between performance, scalability, and
fault tolerance.

Examples of Hybrid Topologies:

1. Star-Ring Topology:
Combines the properties of the star and ring topologies.
The star is often formed by a central hub or switch, with each
node linked to it. Meanwhile, these hubs form a ring shape.
Combines the redundancy of a ring with the centralized
administration of a star.
2. Star-Bus Topology:
Combines aspects from both star and bus topologies. Nodes are
connected to a central hub (forming a star), and numerous hubs
are coupled to build a bus-like structure. Provides a centralized
hub for easy management and fault isolation while retaining the
scalability benefits of a bus.
3. Mesh-Star Topology:
It combines characteristics of mesh and star topologies. Nodes
are arranged in a star arrangement, with each linked to a central

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hub. Furthermore, some nodes are directly connected to one
another, producing a mesh for redundancy and fault tolerance.
4. Mesh-Ring Topology:
combines mesh and ring topologies. Nodes are connected in a
ring structure, with some having extra direct connections to
form a mesh. Provides a ring's circular data flow with
redundancy and mesh-based alternate pathways.

The choice of a hybrid topology depends on the specific requirements of the

network, such as the need for fault tolerance, scalability, ease of management,
and the cost considerations. Hybrid topologies are often employed in large and
complex networks where a single topology may not fulfill all the necessary

1. Network Protocols:
• TCP/IP: The fundamental suite of protocols used on the internet, consisting
of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP).
• HTTP/HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol for web communication, with
HTTPS adding security via SSL/TLS.
• SMTP/POP/IMAP: Protocols for sending and receiving email.
• FTP/SFTP: File Transfer Protocol for file sharing, with SFTP providing
secure file transfers.
• DNS: Domain Name System for translating domain names into IP addresses.
2. Network Devices:
• Router: Connects different networks and directs data between them.
• Switch: Connects devices within a local network and manages data traffic.
• Hub: Distributes data to all connected devices (less common today).
• Access Point (AP): Provides wireless connectivity to a wired network.
• Modem: Converts digital data from a computer into analog signals for
transmission over analog communication lines (e.g., DSL, cable).
3. Network Types:
• LAN (Local Area Network): A network that covers a small geographic area,
like a home, office, or campus.
• WAN (Wide Area Network): A network that spans a larger geographic area,
often connecting multiple LANs.
• MAN (Metropolitan Area Network): Covers a city or a large campus.
• CAN (Campus Area Network): Larger than a LAN but smaller than a MAN,
typically used in universities or business campuses.
4. Wireless Technologies:
• Wi-Fi: Wireless technology for local network connections.
• Bluetooth: Short-range wireless technology for connecting devices like
headphones and smartphones.

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• Cellular Networks: Wireless networks provided by mobile carriers (e.g., 4G
LTE, 5G).
5. Network Security:
• Firewall: A security device or software that filters network traffic to protect
against unauthorized access and cyber threats.
• VPN (Virtual Private Network): Creates a secure, encrypted connection
over an unsecured network, like the internet.
• Encryption: Protects data by converting it into a code that can only be
deciphered by authorized parties.
• Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention System
(IPS): Monitor network traffic for suspicious activity and take action to
mitigate threats.
6. Network Addressing:
• IP Address: A unique numerical label assigned to each device on a network
for identification and addressing.
• MAC Address: A hardware address assigned to network interfaces, usually
hardwired into the device.
7. Cloud Networking:
• Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): A private network in the cloud that allows
secure communication between cloud resources.
• Content Delivery Network (CDN): Distributes web content to multiple data
centers, reducing latency and improving performance.
8. Network Management:
• Network Monitoring: Tools and software used to monitor network
performance, detect issues, and troubleshoot problems.
• Bandwidth Management: Ensuring that network resources are allocated
efficiently and fairly among users.
Computer networks have become the backbone of modern society, enabling global
communication, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Understanding network
concepts and technologies is crucial for both individuals and organizations to harness the
benefits of interconnected devices and data sharing while maintaining security and

Software Development
Software development is the process of designing, coding, testing, and maintaining software
applications or systems. It is a multifaceted discipline that involves a combination of
technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity. Here is an overview of key aspects
of software development:
1. Requirements Analysis:
• Gathering Requirements: Understanding the needs and objectives of the
software project through interviews, surveys, and documentation.

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• Specification: Defining clear and detailed software requirements, often using
tools like use cases, user stories, or requirement documents.
2. Design:
• Architecture: Creating a high-level structure for the software, including major
components, modules, and their interactions.
• Detailed Design: Defining the internal workings of each component,
specifying data structures, algorithms, and interfaces.
3. Coding/Implementation:
• Writing Code: The actual process of writing the software using programming
languages and development tools.
• Version Control: Managing code changes and collaboration among
developers using version control systems like Git.
4. Testing:
• Unit Testing: Verifying the correctness of individual components or functions.
• Integration Testing: Ensuring that different components work together as
• System Testing: Evaluating the entire software system's functionality.
• Quality Assurance (QA): A broader approach to ensuring software quality
through systematic testing and validation.
5. Debugging:
• Identifying and fixing defects or errors in the code or functionality.
• Using debugging tools and techniques to locate and resolve issues.
6. Documentation:
• Creating documentation for users, developers, and maintainers, including user
manuals, technical documentation, and API documentation.
7. Deployment:
• Preparing the software for production use, including configuring servers,
databases, and other necessary infrastructure.
• Deploying updates and patches as needed.
8. Maintenance:
• Continuously monitoring and improving the software to address bugs,
performance issues, and evolving user needs.
• Applying security patches and updates to keep the software secure.

9. Project Management:
• Project Planning: Defining project scope, goals, timelines, and resource
• Agile/Scrum: Agile methodologies and Scrum frameworks for iterative and
incremental development.
• Waterfall: A traditional project management approach with distinct phases
(requirements, design, implementation, testing, deployment).
10. Programming Languages and Tools:

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• Developers use various programming languages (e.g., Python, Java, C++) and
development environments (e.g., Visual Studio, Eclipse) based on project
11. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC):
• Various SDLC models, such as Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, and DevOps, provide
structured approaches to software development.
12. Security and Testing:
• Ensuring software security through practices like secure coding, penetration
testing, and vulnerability assessments.
13. DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):
• Integrating development and IT operations to automate and streamline the
software delivery pipeline for faster, more reliable releases.
14. User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design:
• Focusing on creating user-friendly interfaces and optimizing user interactions
with the software.
15. Software Development Ethics:
• Considering ethical implications, such as data privacy and security, when
designing and developing software.
16. Emerging Technologies:
• Staying updated with new technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain,
and IoT, and incorporating them into software projects as needed.
Software development is a dynamic field that requires continuous learning and adaptation
to keep up with evolving technologies and user expectations. Collaboration among
development teams, effective project management, and a commitment to quality are
essential for successful software development projects.

Data management
Data management involves the processes, policies, and technologies used to acquire, store,
organize, protect, and utilize data effectively and efficiently throughout its lifecycle. Effective
data management is crucial for organizations to make informed decisions, maintain data
integrity, ensure compliance with regulations, and drive business growth. Here are key
aspects of data management:
1. Data Collection and Acquisition:
• Data Sources: Identifying and collecting data from various sources, including
databases, sensors, websites, and external providers.
• Data Ingestion: Importing data into a centralized repository or data
warehouse for further processing and analysis.
2. Data Storage:
• Data Warehousing: Storing data in a structured, organized manner, often in
a data warehouse, for easy retrieval and analysis.

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• Data Lakes: Storing data in its raw, unstructured form, suitable for big data
and advanced analytics.
3. Data Organization:
• Data Modeling: Creating data models, such as entity-relationship diagrams or
data flow diagrams, to represent data structures and relationships.
• Data Catalogs: Indexing and categorizing data assets to make them
discoverable and understandable.
4. Data Quality and Cleansing:
• Data Profiling: Analyzing data to identify inconsistencies, errors, and missing
• Data Cleaning: Correcting or removing inaccurate or incomplete data.
• Data Validation: Ensuring data conforms to predefined standards and rules.
5. Data Security:
• Access Control: Managing who can access, modify, or delete data, often using
role-based access control (RBAC) or access control lists (ACLs).
• Encryption: Protecting data at rest and in transit using encryption techniques.
• Data Masking: Replacing sensitive information with fictitious or scrambled
data for non-production environments.
6. Data Governance:
• Data Policies and Standards: Establishing rules and guidelines for data usage,
quality, and privacy.
• Data Stewardship: Appointing individuals or teams responsible for data
management, including ensuring compliance and data quality.
• Data Compliance: Ensuring data management practices align with legal and
regulatory requirements (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA).
7. Data Integration:
• ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): Automating the process of extracting data
from source systems, transforming it to fit target structures, and loading it into
a data warehouse.
• Data Integration Tools: Using tools and platforms to streamline data
integration tasks.
8. Data Analysis and Reporting:
• Business Intelligence (BI): Utilizing BI tools to create dashboards, reports,
and visualizations for data analysis.
• Data Mining: Exploring large datasets to discover patterns, trends, and
• Machine Learning: Leveraging algorithms and models to make predictions
and decisions based on data.
9. Data Archiving and Retention:
• Data Lifecycle Management: Defining policies for data retention, archival,
and deletion based on regulatory requirements and business needs.
10. Data Backup and Disaster Recovery:

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• Regularly backing up data and implementing disaster recovery plans to
minimize data loss in case of unexpected events.
11. Master Data Management (MDM):
• Maintaining a single, authoritative source of key data entities (e.g., customers,
products) to ensure consistency across the organization.
12. Data Privacy and Consent Management:
• Managing and respecting user consent for data collection and processing,
especially in compliance with privacy regulations.
13. Data Monitoring and Auditing:
• Implementing tools and processes to monitor data usage, changes, and access
for auditing and compliance purposes.

Effective data management is an ongoing process that requires collaboration among various
stakeholders, including IT, data scientists, business analysts, and legal teams. It helps
organizations leverage their data as a valuable asset and gain a competitive edge in today's
data-driven world.

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Digital Literacy and Skills and Digital Transformation

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Digital literacy is defined as the capacity to efficiently access, assess, produce, and share
information using digital technology such as computers, cellphones, the internet, and
software applications. It covers a wide variety of skills and competences, from fundamental
computer capabilities like typing and utilizing word processing software to more
sophisticated talents like coding, data analysis, and critical thinking in online settings.

Digital literacy is becoming increasingly vital in today's culture, as technology is integrated

into many parts of everyday life, such as education, employment, communication, and
entertainment. Individuals that are digitally literate are better able to navigate the digital
environment, obtain information, solve issues, and actively engage in the digital economy.

Components of Digital Literacy:

1. Basic Computer Skills:
Basic computer skills refer to the essential talents required to operate a computer
efficiently. These abilities are required for browsing various software programs and
executing simple tasks.

• Operating System Navigation:
Understanding how to navigate the operating system (e.g., Windows, macOS,
Linux) including accessing programs, files, and settings.
• File Management:
Knowing how to create, organize, rename, move, copy, and delete files and
folders. This includes understanding directory structures and using file
explorer or finder tools.
• Typing:
Proficiency in typing using a keyboard, including familiarity with the layout of
keys and techniques for efficient typing (e.g., touch typing).
• Word Processing:
Basic proficiency in word processing software (e.g., Microsoft Word, Google
Docs) including creating, editing, formatting, and saving documents.
• Spreadsheets:
Basic understanding of spreadsheet software (e.g., Microsoft Excel, Google
Sheets) including entering data, creating formulas, formatting cells, and
creating simple charts.
• Email:
Ability to use email software (e.g., Outlook, Gmail) to send, receive, reply to,
and organize emails. This includes understanding email etiquette and
managing contacts.

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• Internet Browsing:
Proficiency in using web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari) to search for
information, navigate websites, and use web-based applications.
• Basic Troubleshooting:
Ability to identify and solve common computer problems such as software
errors, internet connectivity issues, and printer problems.
• Security Awareness:
Understanding basic concepts of computer security, including the importance
of strong passwords, software updates, and avoiding suspicious links and
• Backing Up Data:
Knowledge of how to back up important files and data to prevent loss in case
of computer failure or data corruption.
2. Internet skills:
Internet skills are the capabilities and knowledge necessary to properly use the
internet for a variety of reasons. These abilities are critical in today's digital world,
when the internet is used for communication, research, entertainment, business, and
other purposes.

• Internet Navigation:
Ability to navigate web browsers and understand common features such as
the address bar, bookmarks, tabs, and browser settings.
• Search Engine Proficiency:
Knowing how to use search engines (e.g., Google, Bing) to find information
effectively by using keywords, advanced search operators, and filters.
• Website Evaluation:
Ability to critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of websites and
online sources, including assessing the authoritativeness, accuracy, currency,
and objectivity of information.
• Online Safety and Security:
Understanding basic internet safety practices, such as creating strong
passwords, recognizing and avoiding phishing scams, and using security
features like antivirus software and firewalls.
• Privacy Awareness:
Awareness of online privacy risks and knowledge of how to protect personal
information online, including adjusting privacy settings on social media
platforms and using secure communication tools.
• Email Management:
Proficiency in using email services for communication, including composing,
sending, receiving, replying to, and organizing emails. This includes
understanding email etiquette and managing email contacts and folders.

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• Social Media Literacy:
Understanding how to use social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram) responsibly, including managing privacy settings, evaluating the
credibility of information shared on social media, and interacting safely with
others online.
• Online Communication:
Ability to use various online communication tools such as instant messaging,
video conferencing, and discussion forums for collaboration and networking.
• Digital Citizenship:
Understanding ethical and responsible behavior online, including respecting
intellectual property rights, practicing digital etiquette, and engaging in
constructive online discourse.
• Online Research Skills:
Ability to conduct effective online research by using databases, online libraries,
academic journals, and other digital resources to gather information for
academic, professional, or personal purposes.

3. Information literacy:
Information literacy is defined as the capacity to recognize, assess, and effectively
use information from a variety of sources, including digital and print media, to solve
issues, make decisions, and engage in lifelong learning. In today's digital age, where
massive volumes of information are easily accessible, information literacy is an
essential ability for accessing and comprehending the wealth of information.

• Information Need Identification:
Recognizing when information is needed and defining the scope and nature of
the information needed to address a particular question or problem.
• Information Retrieval:
Knowing how to effectively search for information using databases, search
engines, library catalogs, and other resources. This includes using keywords,
Boolean operators, and advanced search techniques to retrieve relevant
• Source Evaluation:
Critically evaluating the credibility, authority, accuracy, relevance, and
timeliness of information from various sources, including websites, articles,
books, and social media. This involves assessing the biases, motives, and
perspectives of authors or creators.
• Information Organization:
Organizing and managing information effectively to facilitate access and
retrieval. This includes categorizing information, creating bibliographies, and
using citation management tools.

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• Information Analysis:
Analyzing and synthesizing information to identify patterns, relationships, and
trends, as well as to draw conclusions and make informed decisions. This
involves evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of different arguments or
• Ethical Use of Information:
Understanding and adhering to ethical and legal principles related to the use
of information, including copyright, plagiarism, and intellectual property
rights. This includes properly citing sources and respecting the intellectual
contributions of others.
• Information Literacy in Digital Environments:
Navigating and evaluating information in digital formats, including websites,
online databases, social media, and multimedia resources. This involves
understanding the unique characteristics and challenges of digital information.
• Lifelong Learning:
Cultivating a mindset of continuous learning and self-improvement, including
seeking out new information, updating existing knowledge, and adapting to
changing information environments.
• Critical Thinking:
Applying critical thinking skills to assess information critically, question
assumptions, evaluate evidence, and make reasoned judgments. This includes
recognizing biases, fallacies, and misinformation.
• Information Sharing and Collaboration:
Effectively communicating and sharing information with others, as well as
collaborating with peers and experts to create, disseminate, and use
information collaboratively.

4. Media literacy:
Media literacy is the capacity to critically assess, evaluate, and comprehend many
types of media, such as print, digital, audio, and visual. Understanding how media
messages are formed, structured, and distributed is required, as is the ability to
successfully explore and engage with media information. Individuals with media
literacy are more equipped to become informed media consumers and producers,
recognizing biases, disinformation, and propaganda, as well as ethically creating and
sharing media material.

• Critical Analysis:
Ability to critically analyze media messages, including identifying underlying
messages, implicit assumptions, and persuasive techniques used by media
creators. This involves questioning the purpose, context, and intent behind
media content.

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• Media Texts:
Understanding different forms of media texts, such as news articles,
advertisements, films, television programs, social media posts, and video
games, and analyzing how they convey meaning and influence perceptions.
• Media Production:
Understanding the process of media production, including how media
messages are created, edited, and distributed. This includes knowledge of
media technologies, production techniques, and the role of media industries
and professionals.
• Media Representation:
Examining how various social groups, identities, and cultures are represented
in media, including issues of stereotyping, diversity, and representation. This
involves analyzing how media portrayals influence perceptions and shape
• Media Influence:
Understanding the influence of media on individuals, society, and culture,
including its role in shaping beliefs, values, and behaviors. This includes
examining the impact of media consumption on attitudes, behaviors, and
social norms.
• Media Literacy in the Digital Age:
Navigating and critically evaluating digital media platforms, including social
media, online news sources, blogs, and digital entertainment. This involves
understanding issues such as online privacy, digital citizenship, and the spread
of misinformation.
• Information Verification:
Developing skills to verify the credibility and reliability of online information,
including fact-checking, evaluating sources, and recognizing misinformation
and fake news.
• Media Ethics:
Understanding ethical considerations related to media production,
distribution, and consumption, including issues such as privacy, accuracy,
fairness, and transparency. This includes adhering to ethical guidelines when
creating and sharing media content.
• Media Literacy Skills in Education:
Integrating media literacy education into formal and informal learning
environments to empower students to become critical consumers and
creators of media. This includes teaching skills such as media analysis, digital
citizenship, and responsible media production.
• Active Participation:
Encouraging active participation in media culture, including creating and
sharing media content, participating in online discussions, and advocating for
media literacy and media reform.

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5. Privacy and Security Awareness:
Privacy and security awareness refers to understanding the significance of
safeguarding personal information and implementing security measures to
protect digital assets in online contexts. With the rising incidence of cyber dangers
and data breaches, individuals must be cautious and proactive in protecting their
online privacy and security.

• Understanding Privacy Risks:
Recognizing the potential privacy risks associated with sharing personal
information online, including identity theft, financial fraud, and unauthorized
access to sensitive data.
• Data Protection:
Implementing measures to protect personal data, such as using strong, unique
passwords for online accounts, enabling two-factor authentication, and
encrypting sensitive data.
• Privacy Settings:
Familiarizing oneself with privacy settings on social media platforms, web
browsers, and other online services to control the visibility of personal
information and limit data sharing with third parties.
• Safe Browsing Practices:
Adopting safe browsing practices to minimize exposure to malicious websites,
phishing scams, and malware. This includes being cautious of clicking on
suspicious links or downloading unknown files and using reputable antivirus
software and firewalls.
• Email Security:
Being wary of phishing emails and other email scams that attempt to trick
users into disclosing personal information or clicking on malicious links.
Verifying the authenticity of email senders and avoiding sharing sensitive
information via email unless encrypted.
• Secure Communication:
Using secure communication channels, such as encrypted messaging apps and
virtual private networks (VPNs), to protect the confidentiality and integrity of
sensitive communications.
• Device Security:
Ensuring the security of electronic devices, such as computers, smartphones,
and tablets, by keeping software up to date, using device encryption, and
enabling device tracking and remote wipe features in case of loss or theft.
• Social Engineering Awareness:
Being aware of social engineering techniques used by attackers to manipulate
individuals into divulging confidential information or performing
unauthorized actions. This includes being cautious of unsolicited requests for
personal information and verifying the identity of individuals before sharing
sensitive data.

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• Digital Footprint Management:
Managing one's digital footprint by being selective about the information
shared online, regularly reviewing privacy settings and permissions, and
periodically auditing online accounts for outdated or unnecessary information.
• Continuous Education:
Staying informed about emerging privacy and security threats, best practices,
and relevant regulations through ongoing education and awareness programs,
reputable online resources, and security awareness training.



Role of Information Technology in Industries

The impact of information technology (IT) on industry transformation is extensive and
diverse. IT has transformed how organizations function, allowing them to simplify
procedures, increase efficiency, and drive innovation.

Impact of IT in Industries
1. Automation and Efficiency:
IT enables automation of repetitive tasks and processes through software
applications, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI). This automation improves
efficiency, reduces human error, and lowers operational costs across industries, from
manufacturing and logistics to finance and healthcare.
2. Data Analytics and Business Intelligence:
IT facilitates the collection, storage, analysis, and interpretation of vast amounts of
data. Through data analytics and business intelligence tools, organizations can derive
valuable insights into customer behavior, market trends, and operational
performance, enabling data-driven decision-making and strategic planning.
3. Digital Transformation:
IT drives digital transformation initiatives that enable businesses to digitize
operations, products, and services. This includes the adoption of cloud computing,
Internet of Things (IoT) devices, mobile applications, and digital platforms to enhance
agility, scalability, and customer experience.
4. E-commerce and Online Retail:
IT has revolutionized the retail industry through e-commerce platforms, online
marketplaces, and digital payment systems. These technologies enable businesses to
reach global markets, personalize customer experiences, and offer convenient
shopping options, transforming the way consumers shop and interact with brands.

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5. Telecommunications and Connectivity:
IT plays a critical role in telecommunications infrastructure, providing connectivity
through telecommunications networks, broadband internet, and mobile
communication technologies. These advancements enable real-time communication,
collaboration, and access to information across geographic boundaries.
6. Healthcare Information Systems:
IT has transformed the healthcare industry through electronic health records (EHRs),
telemedicine, medical imaging technologies, and healthcare analytics. These systems
improve patient care, streamline administrative processes, and enable remote
monitoring and diagnosis, leading to better health outcomes and cost savings.
7. Supply Chain Management:
IT facilitates supply chain optimization through technologies such as inventory
management systems, supply chain analytics, and blockchain-based tracking
solutions. These technologies improve supply chain visibility, efficiency, and
collaboration among stakeholders, reducing lead times and costs.
8. Financial Technology (Fintech):
IT innovations in fintech have transformed the financial services industry, enabling
digital banking, mobile payments, peer-to-peer lending, and algorithmic trading.
These technologies improve accessibility, security, and speed of financial
transactions, driving financial inclusion and innovation.
9. Energy and Utilities Management:
IT solutions such as smart grids, energy management systems, and renewable energy
technologies optimize energy production, distribution, and consumption. These
technologies improve resource efficiency, grid reliability, and sustainability in the
energy and utilities sector.
10. Education Technology (EdTech):
IT has revolutionized education delivery through online learning platforms,
educational apps, and virtual classrooms. These technologies enable personalized
learning experiences, remote education access, and lifelong learning opportunities,
transforming the way students and educators engage with educational content.

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Role of Information Technology in Business Models
IT plays an important role in developing and enabling current business models. It has
evolved into a strategic enabler, influencing how firms run, compete, and innovate in today's
digital economy.

Impact of IT in Business Models

1. Digital Transformation:
IT drives digital transformation initiatives that enable businesses to digitize their
operations, products, and services. This includes adopting digital technologies such
as cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and data
analytics to enhance agility, scalability, and customer experience. Digital
transformation enables businesses to innovate faster, respond to market changes
more effectively, and gain competitive advantage.
2. E-commerce and Online Marketplaces:
IT has revolutionized commerce by enabling e-commerce platforms and online
marketplaces. These digital platforms facilitate online transactions, reach global
markets, and offer personalized shopping experiences to customers. E-commerce
eliminates geographical barriers, reduces overhead costs, and enables businesses to
scale rapidly, transforming traditional retail models.
3. Subscription-based Models:
IT enables businesses to offer subscription-based models for products and services,
where customers pay a recurring fee for access to a service or a set of features.
Subscription models leverage IT infrastructure to deliver services over the internet,
provide ongoing value to customers, and generate predictable revenue streams for
businesses. Examples include subscription-based software (Software as a Service -
SaaS), streaming media services, and subscription boxes.
4. Platform Business Models:
IT facilitates the creation of platform-based business models, where businesses act as
intermediaries that connect producers and consumers, enabling transactions and
interactions to occur. Platform businesses leverage digital platforms to create
ecosystems where multiple stakeholders can exchange value. Examples include ride-
sharing platforms, accommodation booking platforms, and social media networks.
5. Data-driven Business Models:
IT enables businesses to leverage data as a strategic asset to drive decision-making,
improve performance, and create new revenue streams. Data analytics, machine
learning, and AI technologies enable businesses to analyze large volumes of data,
extract actionable insights, and personalize products and services based on customer
preferences. Data-driven business models enable businesses to anticipate customer
needs, optimize operations, and innovate more effectively.

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6. Collaborative Economy:
IT facilitates collaborative business models, where individuals and organizations
share resources, expertise, and assets to create value collectively. Collaborative
platforms enable peer-to-peer exchanges, collaborative consumption, and sharing
economies, disrupting traditional business models and creating new opportunities
for collaboration and value creation. Examples include sharing economy platforms
for accommodation (e.g., Airbnb), transportation (e.g., Uber), and crowdfunding (e.g.,
7. Virtual Business Models:
IT enables businesses to operate virtually, without physical infrastructure or
geographic constraints. Virtual business models leverage digital technologies such as
cloud computing, remote collaboration tools, and virtual communication platforms to
enable remote work, virtual teams, and global operations. Virtual business models
offer flexibility, scalability, and cost savings, enabling businesses to adapt to changing
market conditions and optimize resource allocation.

Role of Information Technology in Organizational Structure

Information technology (IT) significantly influences organizational structure by shaping
how information flows, communication occurs, and work processes are organized.

Impact of IT in Organizational Structure

1. Communication and Collaboration:
IT facilitates communication and collaboration within organizations by providing
tools such as email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and collaborative
platforms. These technologies break down geographic barriers, enable real-time
communication, and foster collaboration among employees, regardless of their
physical location or organizational hierarchy. As a result, organizations may adopt
flatter structures with fewer hierarchical layers, promoting greater transparency,
agility, and teamwork.
2. Decentralization:
IT enables decentralized decision-making and operations by providing access to
information and resources across the organization. Cloud computing, mobile devices,
and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems allow employees to access data and
applications from anywhere, enabling greater autonomy and flexibility in decision-
making. Decentralization can lead to more agile and responsive organizations, where
decision-making authority is distributed among employees closer to the point of

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3. Virtual Teams and Remote Work:
IT enables virtual teams and remote work arrangements by providing the
infrastructure and tools necessary for employees to work from anywhere.
Collaboration tools, project management software, and virtual private networks
(VPNs) facilitate remote communication and collaboration, allowing organizations to
tap into a global talent pool and operate with distributed teams. Virtual teams may
lead to flatter organizational structures with less emphasis on physical office
locations and more focus on achieving objectives through virtual collaboration.
4. Centralization of Information Management:
Despite enabling decentralized decision-making, IT also facilitates the centralization
of information management through centralized databases, document management
systems, and knowledge sharing platforms. Centralization ensures data consistency,
security, and accessibility, allowing organizations to manage information more
effectively across departments and locations. However, excessive centralization may
lead to bureaucratic structures and hinder agility and innovation.
5. Automation and Process Optimization:
IT enables automation of repetitive tasks and optimization of business processes
through workflow automation, robotic process automation (RPA), and business
process management (BPM) systems. Automation reduces manual effort, minimizes
errors, and accelerates process execution, leading to more efficient and streamlined
operations. As a result, organizations may redesign their structures to accommodate
automated processes, with a focus on cross-functional teams and process
6. Data-driven Decision Making:
IT provides access to vast amounts of data and analytical tools that enable
organizations to make data-driven decisions. Business intelligence (BI) systems, data
analytics, and predictive modeling allow organizations to analyze performance
metrics, identify trends, and make informed decisions based on data insights. Data-
driven decision-making may lead to flatter structures with empowered employees
who have access to data and are encouraged to use it to drive decisions at all levels of
the organization.
7. Customer-Centric Structures:
IT enables organizations to adopt customer-centric structures by leveraging
customer relationship management (CRM) systems, social media analytics, and
customer feedback mechanisms. Customer data and insights obtained through IT
systems inform organizational strategies, product development initiatives, and
marketing campaigns, leading to more customer-focused structures and processes.

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IT's involvement in industry transformation is prevalent and continually evolving as new
technologies emerge and organizations adapt to remain competitive in the digital era.
Embracing IT innovation is critical for firms that want to capitalize on possibilities and
handle issues in today's dynamic and linked global economy.

Information technology has a revolutionary role in business models, allowing companies to

innovate, disrupt, and establish new value propositions in the digital era. Businesses that
view IT as a strategic enabler may use technology to promote development, improve
competitiveness, and capitalise on new possibilities in today's changing business

IT plays a critical role in creating organizational structure by facilitating communication,

collaboration, decentralization, automation, data-driven decision-making, and customer
focus. Organizations that use IT to align their structures with strategic goals can improve
their agility, innovation, and competitiveness in today's digital business environment.

Electronic Mail (E-MAIL)

Email, short for electronic mail, is a popular means of exchanging digital communications via
the internet. It enables individuals and businesses to interact in a timely, efficient, and cost-
effective manner.

Functions and Features:

1. Sending and Receiving:

To send an email, a user composes a message using an email client (such as Gmail,
Outlook, or Apple Mail) and specifies the recipient's email address. The message is
then sent to the recipient's email server via the internet. The recipient's email server
stores the incoming message until the recipient checks their email. When the
recipient logs into their email client or webmail interface, the message is downloaded
to their device for viewing.
2. Addresses:
An email address typically consists of two parts separated by the "@" symbol: the
username (e.g., "john.doe") and the domain name of the email service provider (e.g.,
""). For example, "" is an email address where
"john.doe" is the username and "" is the domain.
3. Subject and Body:

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An email message usually includes a subject line, which summarizes the content of
the message, and a body, which contains the main text of the message. Users can
format the text, add attachments (such as documents, images, or videos), and include
hyperlinks within the body of the email.
4. Attachments:
Attachments allow users to include files with their email messages. Common types of
attachments include documents, spreadsheets, images, and videos. Most email clients
have a size limit for attachments to prevent large files from overloading email servers.
5. Folders and Labels:
Email clients typically provide features for organizing messages into folders or
applying labels/tags to categorize them. This helps users manage their emails more
effectively and find messages quickly.
6. Search and Filter:
Email clients offer search functionality to help users find specific messages based on
keywords, sender, subject, or other criteria. Users can also set up filters/rules to
automatically sort incoming messages into folders or apply specific actions (e.g.,
marking as read, forwarding to another address).

7. Security:
Email communication can be encrypted to protect the content of messages from
unauthorized access during transmission. Secure protocols such as Transport Layer
Security (TLS) encrypt email data in transit between email servers. Additionally,
users can encrypt the content of their emails using end-to-end encryption methods.
8. Spam and Phishing:
Spam refers to unsolicited or unwanted email messages, while phishing refers to
fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information (such as passwords or credit card
numbers) by posing as a legitimate entity. Email clients often include spam filters and
phishing detection mechanisms to identify and block suspicious messages.

Overall, email is a flexible and extensively utilized communication technology that enables
the rapid and efficient transmission of communications between individuals, businesses, and
organizations all over the world. Its simplicity, accessibility, and versatility make it an
essential component of modern communication.

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