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The Effectiveness of Mango (Mangifera Indica) Extract as an Ingredient for

Permanent Marker Ink

A Scientific Research Paper Submitted to the

Faculty of Senior High School

Toboso National High School

Toboso, Negros Occidental

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements of the Subject

Capstone Investigatory Project


Keth Bryan A. Rasonable

May 2022

In today's modern world, almost every product has been commercialized

and people sought for products that are more natural and cheaper instead.

The creation of ink with alternative ingredient to be commercialized is a

demand for the artists, calligraphers as well as for the people. The researcher

thinks that Mango has great potentials in having an alternative permanent marker

ink due to its strong tanning color. The researcher decided to test its

effectiveness as an ingredient for permanent marker ink.

This study was conducted as an attempt to discover an alternative source of

which is safe to users and even to the environment. Furthermore, the marker ink.

researchers aimed to determine the possibility of mango extract as a source of

ink use for printing.

The study used the experimental method of research. The method is a highly

controlled procedure in which manipulated treatment or actions from a factor or

condition, called the experimental variable Mango extract were applied upon

another factor or condition, called the dependent variables (absorption, stick

consistency and color) to determine the effect of the former upon the latter other

factors or variables were kept constant or equal so that any variable. available in

the market today. change in the dependent variables is attributable only to the

There is a significant difference between the two inks in terms of color.

absorption, and rate of evaporation but not in odor. Therefore, the mango ink is

possible source of organic ink, which is affordable than the commercial inks.

Permanent markers play an important role in writing and in artworks in

different ways. It was designed to create various permanent writings on objects

with enormous creative and practical possibilities. Aside from its use in writing, it

is also used in labeling. poster creation and calligraphy. With infinite use of

permanent markers, many did not know that markers have limitations. Usually, it

is a problem for artists and calligraphers to supply ink for the markers they are


Typically, the inks used in most marker are made from synthetic materials like

the petroleum and chemical solvents. These kinds of materials are hazardous

especially to the health of the users and to the environment as well.

As been made into dyes, the Mango (Mangifera indica) can be an alternative

ingredient for ink instead of petroleum The Mango (Mangifera indica) is native to

Southeastern Asia and found all over in the Philippine archipelago. It is a large

deciduous tree which is very easily propagated from seeds or large cuttings. It is

known for its ability to take high polish, which is derived from the trees and its

alcoholic tincture that produces dark red color dye in wood and can be used for


In today's modem world, almost every product has been commercialized and

people sought for products that are more natural and cheaper instead.

The creation of ink with alternative ingredient to be commercialized is a demand

for the artists, calligraphers as well as for the people. The researcher thinks that

Mango has great potentials in having an alternative permanent marker ink due to
its strong tanning color. The researcher decided to test its effectiveness as an

ingredient for permanent marker ink.


This section includes the research design, the materials and procedures, the

data collection and analysis in the study.


This study used an experimental research design. The research design is

appropriate in the study of mango extract as an alternative for marker ink. This

study aims to test if mango fruit extract can become an effective ingredient for

marker ink. Experimental research is the process of conducting research in an

objective and controlled manner in order to optimize precision and reach

particular conclusions about a hypothesis statement. Generally, the purpose is to

establish the effect that a factor or independent variable has on a dependent

variable (Bell, 2009).


The tools used in this study were a blender, a knife, empty containers, 2

teaspoon, wet wipes for filtering. The materials used are 2 pieces of ripe mango,

1 tsp of white vinegar, and 1 tsp of alcohol. To achieve the desired product, first,

the researcher blended 2 pieces of ripe mango without the seed. Next, it was

transferred in an empty container to mix the 1 tsp of white vinegar and alcohol,

stirred it. Then, it was filtered to an empty container to have the extract through

the use of wet wipes as a substitute for filter paper. Finally, it was transferred to a

container for storage.


For data collection and analysis, the product made by the researcher was

subjected to comparison with commercial products. The researcher made a likert

scale to the five (5) respondents to rate each product according to their

characteristics; in terms of odor, effectiveness, and price, where 5 - means best,

4 - better, 3 - good, 2 – not so good, 1- totally not good.

The following are the responses of the chosen respondents.

Respondent A:

Commercial product Mangifera Indica Extract

PROPERTIES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

ODOR  


Respondent B:

Commercial product Mangifera Indica Extract

PROPERTIES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

ODOR  



Respondent C:

Commercial product Mangifera Indica Extract

PROPERTIES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

ODOR  


Respondent D:

Commercial product Mangifera Indica Extract

PROPERTIES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

ODOR  



Respondent E:

Commercial product Mangifera Indica Extract

PROPERTIES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

ODOR  



Mangifera Indica results. I conclude that in order to create your own marker

ink out from Mangifera Indica extract you need to balance the mount of alcohol

and vinegar source for it to produce a natural odor and color; to avoid the

spreading of ink on the fabric or paper and to maintain the good quality of the

marker ink.

The Mangifera Indica extract may produce a strong tanning color of ink like

the commercial one but Mangifera Indica ink don’t produce odor and its stain

whether on paper or fabric is not easy to wash.

Furthermore, people will be able to save money for its ingredients and

materials are just easy to find but a little bit pricey so as the procedure is just

easy to follow.

The study shows that Mangifera Indica is possible to be a marker ink in

presence of some ingredients. The vinegar and alcohol with Mangifera Indica are

prove to be source to make marker ink out of it. In use of proper ways on

performing the procedures and the smart fermentation procedures helps to

obtain the desire product (marker ink). This study will eventually help people and

may start an idea to not waste any food waste they seen not only for mango fruit

but also for other objects (example: fruits and vegetables) that can be possible

use to obtain new products. These new findings will eventually reach out some

curious and open-minded people to do so. It also helps on the ideology of helping

our environment and recycle every waste we see. Recycling waste is the best

way to help our planet for some environment issues that will affect and destroy

our environment.

Base on the study, we can create an alternative marker ink using mango fruit

extract that made the study on the “The Effectiveness of (Mangifera Indica)

Extract as an Ingredient for Permanent Marker Ink possible even though the odor

or the smell maybe unbearable.


1. The researcher recommends finding a solution for the coagulation of ink after

several days and also undergoes the additional standardized test.

2. It is advisable to improve the color of the mango ink and know what ingredient

can improve the absorption of the ink.

3. The researcher advocates re-associating the marker ink using test in order to

justify the result of this study. Furthermore, having a good quality ink must be

focused on before undergoing a series of test.

4. The researcher advises to conduct other parallel test based on the

components of the standard ink and mango ink.




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