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pe tnian Journal of Political Science Ta. LXXX,NO.3s July-September, 2019, pp. 365-374 (ISSN NO. 0019-5510) ABORIGINES IN INDIA AND U.S.A.: TRIBAL RESERVATION FOR THEIR WELFARE This study isa and USA., who isolation, cultural such primitive inorder to indicate study aims t0 nature and consequences of thes ‘The word “aboriginal” means the first or seariest known’. The word was first used in tly and ‘ieee to deseribe people who lived there, natives or sid inhabitants, not newcomers or invaders. stone tools discovered in a quarry show that humans lived in Australia at least twelve thousand years before they appeared in Europe. So far three Tany sites have been discovered in Australia one being dated about forty seven thousand years old, ciber ste forty thousand years old and another thirty five thousand years old. Itisnot known from where the aboriginals began their journey, but itis certain that people with some kind of water craft crossed the stretches of water between the islands to continents. This sea voyage is the earliest evidence of sea travel by prehistoric man. Cultural anthropology is also called ethnology. It is the history of contemporary and historically recent human societies and cultures. As its name suggests, the main focus of this subfield is culture - castoms and beliefs of some human groups. The one of the objectives is making the public at large aware sod tolerant of the cultural differences that exist in en ee This objective is important in Gecontemporary world in which individuals with cash a seed increasingly come into Rashmi Shrivastava 1n ethnographical investigation into the contemporary reali A have been historically excluded from the male rs lay ati aa rata differences and subsequent marginalisation. 1 seems tribe isa recent origin pies ‘people in the world around. The term aboriginal is also used to address such ae them being the earliest among the present inhabitants of the country. The ra ‘analyse the tribal reservation system for the aborigines in these two countries. The ce reservations have also been discussed. territory and displaying a common homogeneity in their culture. According to the latest edition of Oxford Dictionary - “Tribe is a race of people now applied specially to a primary aggregate of people in 1 primitive or barbarous condition, under @ headman or chief”? According to D.N. Mujumdar - “A tribe is a social group with territorial affiliation, endogamous, with no specialization of functions, ruled by tribal officers, hereditary or otherwise, united in language or dialect, recognizing, social distance with other tribes or castes, without any social obloquy attaching to them, as it does in the caste structure, following tribal traditions, beliefs and customs, illiberal or naturalization of ideas from alien sources, above all conscious of homogeneity of ethnic and territorial integration.” ‘The Dictionary of Anthropology: defines a tribe as “a social group usually with a social area, dialect, cultural homogeneity, and unifying social organization. It may include several sub groups such as subs or villages. The tribe ordinarily has a leader and may have a common ancestor, as well as patron deity, The families of small communities making up the tribe are limited, through economic, social religious, family or blood ties.™* ‘The term tribe is derived from the Latin word ‘tribus’, Originally it was used to imply three divisions among the early Romans. Later on, it was Defining Tribe defi ‘ised to anean the ‘poor’ or the ‘masses’. Inthe English wee that a tribe is a group of people language, the word appeared inthe sixteenth cent dialect, inhabiting a common and denoted a community of persons claiming Prof. Rashmi Sh ner, Un (Mad (Retired), School of Studies in Political Science and Public Administration. Vikram (Madlye Pradesh) 366 descent from a common ee OO te ot votion of tribe emerged only wi colonials and subsequent emergence or faa stereotypes related to the people of Africa a i “Tribe” describes the social organisation 0} Gate living usually in the tropics and usually employing little technology. At the same item @ tribe is igger than a family, but somehow not the same as a nation: Complex bonds of kin and duty tie it together.’ ‘The tribal society is largely a primitive or a backward society, Socialization of the tribal infants starts from the very beginning of their birth which can be seen in the “rites de passage.” It mainly depends on the forest ecology. Through various initiation rites and rituals they are introduced to the society and gradually are made used to the kind of environment they live. The tribal culture has got a strong man- and-man and man-and - nature relationship. As an important part of their livelihood is derived from the nature, they have an intense dependence on the natural habitat, The forest provides them food, drink, shelters, fuel and raw material. But this does not mean a one way exploitation of nature, they have their own way of restoration. This shows the taboo of killing the totemic symbols of various clans, which are closely associated with nature, Along with this, the man-and-man interaction is revealed from their practice of potlatch, bride giving and feast of wealth, Reciprocity and cooperation are also ecology based. In this way, having a much closed economy their mutual interdependence and also the dependence of nature is quite obvious.* There are many tribes which have constituted their organization very considerably. There exists chieftainship endowed traditionally with authoritative power to judge on disputes, to execute judgments and other decisions, and to mobilize Jabour and armies under sanction of punishment. Chiefs in the tribal world range considerably in power and influence from the heads of small tribes to the kings of nations numbering some hundreds or thousands of people, There is also great variation in their secular and ritual powers.” Tribes of India Considering the general features of tribes (1) eco-system (2) traditional economy (3) supernatural beliefs and practices, and (4) recent influences, the AS TAG an Journay ofp, ‘ol tribes of India may be clasgifieg « MMi | These ae (1) forest hunting "Oi cy ‘| cultivation type (3) plain agricuy int, | artisan type (5) cattle herder tyne 398° | urban workers type. Each type ory ing | a distinct styl of life which ould toc in the context of nature - man g ung | Pitt conan ag iDlex + In ancient Indian literature, equivalent for the English term fe eH Sanskrit word Janah denoting an agggn™ ny individuals forming a large group of non “ type with a definite territory, kinggi nee yp Tritory, kinship ancestry and common cultural pattem? “™ Tribal development during British rule jy - The British rulers followed policies to isolate tribals from the general masses and separate te yt areas from the preview of the normal adminis, This isolation resulted in their exploitation by money. lenders, contractors, zamindars and middlemen, Sing the colonial government mainly concentrated oq regulatory functions such as maintenance of law and order and collection of revenues, it did not pay due attention to the development of tribal communities.” The government enacted the Scheduled Districts Act in 1874 and kept large tracts of tribal areas outside the jurisdictions of normal administration. In 1935, it introduced the excluded and Partially Excluded Areas Act in order to make non-applicable the legislation of Provincial governments to tribal areas." In India, the term tribe has been applied with colonial interest and the Indian anthropologists have accepted it. In an anthropological literature, 4 tribe has been understood as having the following cineca (1) a relatively isolated or semi eles commnity living mainly in forest, hill or ion stings (2) autonomous cultural system, (3) fev ests ete selFsucieney with primi involving low level of" og rae roa within a well democrated terttory (8) (4) distrib view of cosmology, belief system, fast WON and (6) having its own dialegt, ocr and deities, ideal conceptualization of a tribe g eve this is an day context, not many tribes characteristics, Integration has beer past fifty years. The tribes are continu © focus in and simultaneously most of them asc u"!Y chi ethnic identity.” the SS aiserting their Aborigines in India and U.S.A; ‘The political system of tribes The traditional political system ig si functioning in tribal villages. Each tribal village has a tical head. The eldest male member occupies this st All adult and elder male members of the village Peis the politcal head. He takes political decision in fonsultation withthe council of elders. It isthe duty Of village - head to see weather social, economic, ‘eligious and political orders are being maintained in the village or not. His decision is obeyed by all. The village priest ‘Baiga’ also takes help of the head at the time of worship. The post of head is not hereditary, The eldest male member of the village automatically ecomes the head of the village. Under modern politcal system, the traditional system has been brought (with some changes) under the administration ‘of Gram panchayat (rural local body). Modern political system of tribal village For the purpose of development etc, a number of tribal villages are grouped under a panchayat (a rural local body), headed by a Sarpanch who is elected by the adults of the constituent villages. The need, therefore, in this regard is that statutory leadership should go to the local tribesmen, and the economic hold of non-tribal merchants on these people be loosened because if this hold is perpetuated it may give rise to political discontent among the people.'* Indian tribal zones The Indian Scheduled Tribes live in four rather different regions of the subcontinent - north-west, north-east, south and vast hilly area of middle India between the plains of the Ganges and Godavari rivers." Most of the tribal groups have come under the influence of main stream society and have undergone varying degree of change. However, there ‘are certain tribal groups, which have maintained their istinct culture and have not been influenced much by the outer world. Such tribal groups are known as Primitive Tribal {ows (PTGs). Thee are 75 PTGs in 17 states and Prenpnttttoris of India, characterised by (a) @ ec level of technology, (b) stagnant or @ Population, (c) extremely low literacy and “substance level of economy, toa] = hs been hardly any consensus on tibal’s Setedaen of groups. The Government of India’s Tribe list included 212 tribes in 1950 Tri bal Reservation for ‘Their Weit, fare (Article 342), the ist of Sched tribe inhabits more tribes (with ‘many Tribes) order 1950 lists 744 tril its Firs Schedule” Among thenotisd obo is still at most primitive stage. They continue to lve in isolated areas and practice either primitive agriculture or no agricultural practice and most of them are still in food gathering stage with almost stagnating population” India has the largest concentration of tribal people anywhere in the world except perhaps in Africa. The tribals are children of nature and their lifestyle is conditioned by the eco-system. India, with a variety of ecosystem, presents a varied tribal population throughout its length and breadth. The main concentration of tribal people is the Central Tribal belt in the middle part of the India and in the north eastern states. However, they have their presence in all states and Union territories except the state of Haryana, Punjab, Delhi and Chandigarh. The predominant tribal populated states of India are: Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orrisa, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Union Territories of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Lakshdweep and Andman Nicobar. Constitution of India: Provisions regarding tribes it has a part ‘The Constitution of India (1950) has numbered XVI which deals with special are relating to certain classes and Article 330, {he in this part, specifies the main ase ed isions -will apply. They are (8) i Fas ©) ‘The Scheduled Tribes except those 2 368 tribal areas of Assam, and (c) The Scheduled Tribes in the autonomous districts in Assam. Article 342 lays down that the President may “by public notification specify the tribes or tribal communities which shall for the purposes of this constitution be deemed to the scheduled tribes”2" They were duly specified by the President through the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) order 1950, $.R.0.510. The tribes groups or parts of tribes or of groups so specified in the order, number about one hundred and sixty, leaving out of Scheduled Tribes of Assam.” ‘Among the special schemes undertaken by the Government of India for the development of the tribal areas, the most important and perhaps the most significant is the programme for the establishment of Special Multipurpose Tribal Blocks, which is in accordance with the principle of giving particular attention to hitherto neglected areas and population in the country, as laid down in Article 46 and 275 of the Constitution. 43 such blocks were established. The object of this programme was to bring about rapid improvement in the economic and social standards of the tribal people by selecting specially undeveloped but compact areas for multisided development.2? The first Backward Classes Commission, ie. Kalekar Commission under Article 340 of the Constitution of India stated that the Scheduled Tribes lead a separate exclusive existence and are not fully assimilated in the main body of the people. Scheduled tribes may belong to any religion. They are enlisted as Scheduled Tribes because of the kind of life led by them. The way of their living is peculiar. The Government of India accepted the criteria adopted by the commission for the determination of the Scheduled Tribes. As they have retained this separate social identity and on the whole, is regarded as comparatively isolated and economically backward, they have been placed under the category of Scheduled ‘Tribe for special treatment. Since independence the Scheduled Tribes were given Reservation status guaranteeing political representation ‘The measures that were adopted by the general welfare of the backward communities including the Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) ‘an be broadly divided into three categories. ‘The constitution provides a three pronged strategy to improve the situation of Scheduled Tribes. The Indian Journal of Pol al, 1. Protective arrangements; ey are as required t0 enforce equate’ Stay punitive measures for transgression % established practices that perpetuate tity etc, A number of laws were enacted yt ality the provisions in the constitution, "®t 2. Affirmative actions: — Provide (preferential) treatment in allotmem Se and access to higher education a5 maa accelerate the integration of the sor,” Tribes with main stream society, Affirmative action is popularly known as reservation, 3. Development: Provide resources and beneis to bridge the socioeconomic gap between the Scheduled Tribes and other communities, The protective measures through the articles of the Indian Constitution are as follows: 1. Article 15(4) protects them from the discrimination on the grounds of place of bith in the particular low caste or tribe, for providing special educational facilities to SC/STs. 2. Article 16(4), 320(4) and 330 safeguard the employment opportunities for these people for getting benefits of these safeguards, These categories of people are considered as socially and educationally backward. 3. Article 23 abolishes the forced labour. 4. Article 19 provides economic safeguards to ST. 5. Article 46 provides protection from social injustice and all forms of exploitation ftom Social injustice and all forms of exploitation. It also tee A : Promoted the educa sonomic ; itional and ect 1, Article 164 guarante, Minsterin-Charge to loi sPbointment of & SCIST selection ter the welfare of 2. Article 330 fi icilitates seats for SC/ST in the House oe" ° ervation of Fepresentatives in the poy People’s i respective population in the nationc? , OF their S 8 whole or te origins she states asthe case may De, 335 protects the claim of SCs/STs to 3. A ces and posts in all the government siperents as per their population ratio rental provisions are made to promote es ‘of the SCs/STs for social change ‘These articles areas follows: Je 46 gives directions to the states for : ‘om ‘of special care of the educational and ‘economic interests of SC8/STs. Article 275 provides grants from the central : to the states for welfare of ST and Frsing the level of administration of the tribal areas. 4, Amicle 39 provides for equal justice and free "egal aid to all the SCs/STs. This article is under the Directive Principles of State Policy. ‘Tribes of US.A. The whole of the vast Continent of America, fiom British Columbia, Vancouver Island and ‘and the shores of Gulf of St. Lawrence in the north, to the extremity of Pantagonia and the {sland of Tierra del Fuego in the South, was up to the fine of Columbus's arrival, peopled by American ative tribes, some of whom were then living as ‘nomad savages, while others inhabited populous cites and had acquired many of the arts and habits of civilised communities. In one way or another aborigines since that epoch have steadily tended to disappear or wane before the gradual advance of the white races, or to become lostias a pure type by more or less complete fusion with the latter. The manner in which the irresistible spread of the Caucasian races ‘over the continent has been brought about, and the ‘concomitant disappearance or fusion of the native tres, have however, varied greatly in different parts Ot America. At an early date the aborigines of the nei de dpe and were replaces by Aneta ther pars of Cental and South oes an tat civilised aborigines became more ina tae with he Spanish and Portuguese Ate counnes Erne ie tothe present mixed races Brae portion of On the other hand, in the things has oo lorth America a very different state ‘urred, For the most part the original India and U.S.A.: Tribal Reservation for Their Welfare 369 inhabitants formed nomad over the open pies: nd interior were but litle settlements on the ea cen me woe exception of the French Canadians, the ynerea have mingled but litle withthe natives, a thar so line of demarcation has continued to divide the ce race from the “Redskins”, Gradually, however, the latter have been driven farther and farther back. ti they are now mostly restricted to definite “reserves: where they are supported by the Government of the United States and Canada." Till the Spanish conquest, the natives of America ‘were completely isolated from the rest of the world. One of the most striking features connected with the American aborigines is the extraordinary uniformity in physical characters and appearance presented by them from one extremity of their habitat to the other; so marked, indeed, that the different stocks of the northern half of the continent are to a great extent distinguishable by linguistic rather than by physical characters. The native American stock languages are wonderfully numerous, yet all these are but modifications of a single linguistic type which is perfectly distinct from all the languages of the old world, In no other part of the world has a single physical and linguistic type anything approaching the vast distributional area which it possesed in America. Perhaps the best short definition that can be given of American native tribes is that they are copper coloured or yellowish brown, beardless people, with lank black hair and without the oblique eyes, broad and flat faces or small and concave noses of the Mangols. Obviously they have no affinity with the Negroid branch of mankind; while the character of the hair and the absence of a beard separate them widely from the Caucasians branch, On the other hand, in the character of the hair and their smooth faces they show a distinct approximation to the Mangol type. It is now scientifically proved that 23000 years before the aborigines of America came from Siberia. ‘A team of gneticists and anthropologists published an article in “Science” that traces native Americans were found to a single group that settled in what's now America far later than what scientists previously tive Americans most Utibes sparsely scattered for a long petiod those in thought, They found that nat i Siberian in. About 23000 likly had common Siberin on years ago, a single group, hai yeneved the Bering Land Bridge between northeast we Asia and Alaska, eventually making their way to the rest of the Americas. About 13000 years ago, native Americans started to split into different groups, creating the genetic and cultural diversity that exists today.* Reservation for tribes in U.S.A. Reservation for tribes in U.S.A. is called as ‘Indian Reservation’ The name “reservation comes from the conception of the Indian tribes as independent sovereigns at the time the US. constitution was ratified. Thus the early peace treaties (after signed under duress) in which Indian tribes surrendered large portions of land to the U.S. also designated parcels which the tribes as sovereigns, “reserved” to themselves, and those parcels came to be called “reservations”2” The term remained in use even after the federal government began to forcibly relocated tribes to parcels of land to which they had no historical connection, While visiting U.S.A., an Indian finds that in US.A. the reservation for native tribes is called “Indian Reservation’, Such visitors from India wonder that why the native tribes of U.S. A. are still called ‘Indians’. Far away from America, India is a continent in South Asia. Through land from the side emperors of other countries used to attack and come to India since ancient period. The example is of King Alexander of Greece. In medieval period Mangols, Shaks, Huns and Mughals from the North West land side and Himalayan Passes came to India. India i Very ancient country famous for its knowledge, Sanskrit language with - systetnatic grammar and old traditions, heritage, customs’and religions. The life of people of Indian continent was in civilized manner, not as savages. of Indus river Indian reservation in U.S.A. In the United States, an Indian reservation is land which is managed by a Native American tribe under the United States Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Indian Affairs. Reservations were established when Americans began to forcibly take land from the American native tribes, who have lived there for thousands of years. Because the land is federal territory and Native Americans have limited National sovereignty, there are often legal casinos on reservations, usually to attract tourists.” glory, culture,“ ~ AMG Journay ofp, ‘ol lit Native Americans some 7 reservations as “the rez” bur gs term by non-nati Use rm by non: natives is usually consia of ay There are about 300 Indians a’ United States, meaning not all of yoy plus recognized tribes have a reservar Ys Ny have more than on reservation, othe i addition, Because of pat land sly yh" some reservations are severely fry ‘lot Piece of tribal, trust, and pri ba iy iy vate separate enclave. This random ieee Tang Public real estate can create significant ade” ™ difficulties, The collective geographical area reservations is 55.7 million acres (225410 kay Tepresenting 2.3% of the area of the United 2, 379,400,204 acres; 9,629,091 km’), There ae 12 Indian reservations that are larger than the sag of Rhode Island and nine reservations larger the Delaware. Reservations are unevenly distribu throughout the country with some states having nom. ‘The tribal council, not:\the Iocal.cor fede | Sovernment, ‘ha’ : jurisdiction: over. ‘\resetvations, Different: reservations have: different systems of Government; which ‘may or ‘may inot teplicate-the forms of government! found oiutside.the reservation * Some'Indian reservations were laid outby the.federal ‘government, ‘others: were Outlined -by. statdsiAtithe Present time,-a’slight-majority of Native Americans and Alaska Natives: tive.somewhere ‘ther thai the Teservations,. often: in-big Western Cities,;such 38 ygon in aoo0 af ? Nod a ; Ny1aaayy, } the Office: of inden 1 Sahoun founded Indian A fairs) a8 Bdivision of they of War (Now the Department op peje: Deparment The passage of the indi " lan “Remo stilts to aborigines im India and trrgmr o> 330 marked the systematization of a U.S. Federal government policy of forcibly moving Native mem away from European - populated arcas. was the Five Civilized Tribes, who from their native lands in the southern Oklahoma, in it States and moved to modern day . vn migration that came to be known as the Trial Gf Tears. Some of the lands these tribes were given to inhabit following the removals eventually became Indian Reservations. in 1851, Congress passed the Indian iations Act which authorized the creation of native Amet ions in modem day rican reservati Oklahoma. Relations between settlers and natives had grown increasingly worse as the settlers encroached on territory ‘and natural resources in the West. In many cases, the lands granted to tribes were not ideal for, and in some cases resistant to agricultural cultivation, leaving many tribes who accepted the policy in a state bordering on starvation. Reservation treaties sometimes included stipend agreements, in which the federal government would grant a certain amount of goods toa tribe annually. The implementation of the policy was erratic, however, and in many cases the stipend goods were not delivered. The policy was controversial from the start enerally established by executive Reservations were g¢ order. In many cases, white settlers objected to the size of land parcels, which were subsequently reduced. Many tribes ignored the relocation orders at first and were forced into their new limited land parcels. In many cases, the policy required the continuing support of the United States Army in the West to restrict the movement of various tribes. The pursuit of tribes in order to force them back into reservations led toa number of Indian Wars. By the late 1870s, the policy established by Grant was regarded asa failure, primarily because it tad in some of the bloodiest wars between Ms oe and the United States. By 1882, aie cesicnins had relinquished their stil) to efor Indian agency and by 1887 ee ford B, Hayes began phasing out the . In im cougar ‘undertook a significant change oda Policy by the passage of the Dawes Act, ra eee (Severalty) Act. The act ended general y of granting land parcels to tribes as a whole by granting small parcels of land to individual tribe members. In some cases, after the individual parcels were granted out of reservation land, the reservation area was reduced by giving the excess land to white settlers, The New Deal - The individual allotment policy continued until 1934, when it was terminated by the Indian Reorganization Act, also known as Howard Wheeler Act, was sometimes called The Indian New Deal. It laid out new rights for Native ‘Americans, reserved some of the earlier privatization of their common holdings and encouraged self government and land management by tribes. The act slowed the assignment of tribal lands to individual members, reduced the assignment of extra holdings to non members. For the following twenty years, The U.S Government invested in infrastructure, health care, and education on the reservation, and over two million acres (8,000 Km’) of land were returned to various tribes. The Indian Reorganisation Act also provided for termination and relocation of certain tribes. This eventually resulted in the legal dismantling of 61 tribal nations. Life and culture of native tribes in USA. Many native Americans who live on reservation deal with the federal government through two agencies - The Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian Health Service. Some Indian reservations offer a quality of life that is among the poorest to be found in the United States, Life qualities in these reservations are sometimes so poor that they are easily comparable to the quality of life in the developing world and are routinely described as one of the poorest countries in the nation. In 1979, the Seminole tribe in Florida opened a high stakes bingo operation on its reservation in Florida. The state attempted to close the operation down but was stopped in the courts. In the 1980s, the case of Florida V. Cabazon Band of Mission Indians established the right of reservations to operate other forms of gambling operations. In 1988, Congress passed the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act which recognized the right of Indian tribes to establish gambling and gaming facilities on their reservations as long as the states in which they are located have am. ‘Today, many Indian od gam ine isitors form of legal yan se or satan asinos are US 1e to reservations: Ape bling, the tative jon, give & lot Oo Americans in their ranean a ie information regarding their, 1 ae Je through museum and archeological dix es 1 accessories on display photographs and traditions , ay Geet whining dances, rhythmic drummers, singetss performers and craft people, while exploring how Pete Americans retain their culture 1) today's worn world. They enjoy the Strawbery Thanks eiving Celebration as gift of the land, Visitors can sivate a real archaeology site with Muse Scientists. They discover how research is conducted Sipe field and lear about the history and prehistory of the tribal reservation." With the establishments of reservations, tribal ‘shed to a fraction of original wrens and indigenous customary practices of land tenure sustained only for a time, and not in every instance. Instead, the federal government established regulations that subordinated tribes to the authority, first, of the military, and then of the Bureau (Office) of Indian Affairs. Under federal law, the government patented reservations to tribes, which became legal entities that at later times have operated in a corporate manner. Tribal tenure identifies jurisdiction over land use planning and zoning, negotiating leases for timber harvesting and mining. territories dimini Tribes generally have authority over other forms of economic development such as ranching, agriculture, tourism and casinos. Tribes hire both, Indians and non-Indians in varying capacities; they may run tribal stores, gas stations and develop museums. Tribal members may utilize a number of resources held in tribal tenure such as grazing range and some cultivable lands. They may also construct homes on tribally held lands. As such members are tenants - in- common, which may be likened to communal tenure, but keep in mind, even if some of this pattern emanates from pre-reservation tribal custom, generally the tribe has the authority to modify tenant uncommon practices. Gang violence has becom i ig vi Ie a major socia problem in tribal reservations, A December 13, 208 New York Times article about growing gang violence The Indian Journg, ' ofp, on the Pine Ridge Indian p ‘tty these were 39 gangs with reservation only," serv t 5009 9 mn Other occupancy 6 virtue of tribal or inde iy ‘ churches on reservations; mute. Then” h land by consent of the federy "MM og tribe, BIA agency office tt Bove Yi other facilites usually aceup hosp Ma within reservations, Many 1Y Tes i amore sections (about 640 genes tite of ha s. od those lands typically remain par op OF ther Today many Native Ametican tourist atractions, including ag que ree ate conference facilities, to draw neti tots ios ay hy reservations. Successful gam ful gaming Operation te ea reservations have greally ing wealth of some tribes, enabling ney improve infrastructure, saa 8 their inet people, 01 4 health . Conclusions The tribal society is lay ; ‘Tle ecu sbicighoe a da ah Pam order to indicate them being the cating DE present inhabitants of the county. “Ty: ee the social organisation of people ina the forests or hilly areas employing tite et They have an intense dependence on te habitat. They were not very much in uch ofa, civilisstion and techniques, But godly vag efforts of government, they ae dangay ea style and at some places, they have change In India, the tribes are scattered in doe parts of the country They are duly psy President through the Constitution (Schedule! i Order 1950. The tribal population of Ini, 2011 census, is 10.43 crore, consttuing 86% the total population. There is reservatio of = the House of the People in Centre and in Lei Assemblies of States according to thet ‘There is reservation forties in eit in all the government deparmens © 3 population ratio, In higher education. fe courses, scheduled tribes have one For the welfare and development special avangements pave ben mie % have been given in the form of since independence, the scheduled at avori status. For the whole tribal reservation reservation of Indian Government are applicable, sc, the Me tribes had no confrontation with the Mostly personas in India, there are efforts made ernment bes into the main stream of nation and oe ‘with the preservation of their culture ise them ‘ tov area, the specific tribal community gets Rath in India, They get facilites by relaxation ree examination marks obtained in their reserved : ‘sin comparison to general category persons. son sometime there is dissatisfaction eneral category people for the seats For this rea and frustration in g reservation policy. In US.A, there is also reservation for tribes and itis called “Indian Reservation”. According to 2010 Census Bureau, native American population is 2.5 million, constituting 1.6% of the total population.” In these reserved regions, the rules of U.S. Government ae not applicable, In early stage the natives had war and struggle against the European civilized personals. ‘After a long confrontation, the reservation policy was formed. In this reference “Indian” word was started with some confusion in 1492 when Columbus started his journey in search of the sea rout for Japan through ‘Atlantic Ocean. With the flow of wind, his ship turned towards west. After many days, he found land and thought it was India. He called the natives of the land 1s Indians but that land was not India, it was the land of a new world that was unknown to the Europeans and was afterwards called America. Because mostly the colour of natives was reddish or copper colour, $0 for some time, they were called red Indians. Though Columbus was not the first European explores to reach the Americas, his voyages led to the fist lasting European contact with the Americas, inaugurating a period of European exploration, conquered and colonization that lasted for several centuries, They had, therefore an enormous impact in the historical development of the modern Western World. Columbus spearheaded the transatlantic aaa and has been accused by several historians Nenastng the genocide of the Hispaniola natives. preva aimiting that he had reached a continent Eat Inge, own to Europeans, rather than the inhabit’ Me had set out for, Columbus called the ni of the lands he visited Indos (Spanish for when Se the vistors fom India fee awkward ‘S.A. some ignorant persons ask whether nes in India and U-S.A.: Tribal Reservation for Their Welfare 373 they belong to this ‘India in Reservation’, Ge Of India should propose to Government of Us a change the name of this reservation, e In any language, Ameri Bhutan, Srilanka, Dngadeh Nepa Pein are known or called by a single name. In the fina Article of the Constitution of India, it is written = “Name and territory of the Union - (i) india that ie Bharat Shall be a Union of States..” So in English it is India and in Hindi it is Bharat, Bharat is not the translation of India. There are two names of this country which is generally not in the practice for other countries. British people gave the name India to Bharat, Before that Mughal rulers named Hindustan. After independence only one name Bharat should be written for this country. As many city’s names had been changed which were given by the British people For example the names of Bombay, Caleutta, Madras, Bangalore etc. have been changed now. So many countries have changed their names after II world war. There are many examples as follows: Previous Name - Changed Name Abyssinia) - Ethopia Burma - Myammar Ceylon - Srilanka Dutch East Indies- Indonesia Indo China - ‘Vietnam Kampuchea) - Cambodia Siam : Thailand New Foundland - Canada NewSpain - Mexico, Guatemala etc. Terrade Santacruz- Brazil Previously New Netherland was the 17* Century Colonial province of the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands on the East Coast of North ‘America. The settled areas are now part of the Mid Atlantic States of New York, New Jersey, Delware and Connecticut. U.S.A. can also change the name of Indian Reservation’, because there are no Indians (from India) in these reservation areas. India should also opt single name to remove all confusions and that. single name should be Bharat which represents our ancient glory. In short, the tribal reservation in U.S.A. is called “Indian Reservation”, not reserved for the people who came from India. It is land reserved for the native Americans having no connection to India. These 374 American native tribal people are called American Indians, The area and land reserved for these American Indians is called ‘Indian Reservation’. In India, the tribal reservation is the special provision for economic, political, social, educational welfare and development for those tribes whose groups are listed in the schedule according to the constitution of India. These people are identified as Scheduled Tribes. 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