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Grade Level: VI
School: SCHOOL
Teacher: ANNA LIZA C. ABUTAR Area:
Teaching Date JANUARY 19, 2024 2ND
Quarter: QUARTER
and Time: 03:00 PM- 03:50 PM

I. Objectives:
1. Identify the steps involved in prioritizing needs over wants,
2. Appreciate the importance of giving priority to fundamental necessities over
non-essential wishes, and
3. Create different scenarios that illustrate the act of prioritizing needs over


Learning Resources
A. Materials: PowerPoint presentation, bowl, song lyrics, poem, Cartolina, Pentel pen,
Emoji, Activity Sheet.

B. References: TLE 6 SLM

Learning Activity Sheets in TLE 6
III. Procedures
A. Preparation Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking the Attendance
 Passing of Assignment
 Energizer

B. Review
The teacher will post a question about yesterday's lesson and then pick a student's name from
a bowl. The question must be answered by the chosen learner.

1. Money that an individual or business receives in exchange for providing goods or

services? INCOME
2. Total income earned by all the members of the household? FAMILY INCOME
3. Money earned from operating a business? PROFIT
4. Money earned from selling real estate or insurance? COMMISSION
5. Money earned from working as employees? SALARY
C. Motivation (HAPPY MAN)


There is a triangle-shaped figure representing a man with seven lives. The figure has a
hidden word that needs to be revealed. Each box within the figure contains a letter that needs
to be uncovered to discover the word.

Students will be called one by one, and they can either guess a letter or, if they already know
the word, simply raise their hands, and state the correct hidden word, a hint will be provided
for each round. If a student guesses the word incorrectly seven times, the man's happiness
will diminish, and he will become sad and “die”.

C. Presentation of the Lesson (Prioritizing Needs over Wants)


What do you think this picture is trying to convey?

The picture is trying to convey the idea that

prioritizing and fulfilling our needs, such as basic
necessities and essential requirements, should take
priority over our wants or desires. It emphasizes
the importance of focusing on what is necessary
for our well-being and survival rather than being
driven solely by our wants or materialistic

D. Game-Based Discussion (Prioritizing Needs over Wants)


MECHANICS: The group names are written on pieces of paper and placed in a bowl. The first
group chosen from the bowl will say their group name and a unique sound associated with their
group. This group will then have the opportunity to answer a set of survey questions to earn

If the chosen group doesn't know the answer to a question, another group will have the chance to
"steal" the points by providing the correct answer. There will be two rounds in total, and each
round is worth 100 points.


In this activity, groups will be given sets of emojis representing steps in prioritizing needs over
wants. The groups need to determine the order of these steps. Here is the sequence to follow
using emojis:

1. - Choose this emoji to represent the first step.

2. 😄 - Select this emoji as the second step.

3. 😮 - Use this emoji for the third step.

4. 😔 - Finally, use this emoji to represent the last step.


 Distinguishing between your needs and wants.
 Needs are the essential things that are necessary for your survival, well-being, and basic
functioning, such as food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, and education.
 Wants, on the other hand, are the non-essential things that you desire but can live without,
like luxury items, entertainment, travel, and other indulgences.


 Evaluate their importance and urgency.
 Consider the impact each item has on your overall well-being and the consequences of not
fulfilling those needs.
 Urgency refers to how quickly you need to address a particular requirement.


 Allocating your resources based on their importance and urgency.
 Fulfill your needs before addressing your wants.
 Allocate your time, money, and energy towards meeting your essential requirements first.
 Allocate any remaining resources towards fulfilling your desires.
 Create a budget or a plan that reflects these priorities.


 Prioritizing needs over wants often requires discipline and self-control.
 Involves resisting impulsive purchases or actions that cater to your desires without
considering their long-term impact.
 Develop the ability to differentiate between instant satisfaction and fulfilling your long-
term goals.
 Practice delaying satisfaction and making conscious decisions that align with your


Why is it important to study the different steps involved in prioritizing needs over wants?

Studying the different steps involved in prioritizing needs over wants is important for several
 Resource allocation
 Financial management
 Goal setting
 Avoiding excessive debt

SUBJECTS INTEGRATION: MAPEH, Mathematics, English, Filipino, ESP

E. Generalization

MECHANICS: The group names are written on pieces of paper and placed in a bowl. The first
group chosen from the bowl will say their group name and a unique sound associated with their
group. This group will then have the opportunity to answer the question about our topic for today
to earn points.
If the chosen group doesn't know the answer to a question, another group will have the chance to
"steal" the points by providing the correct answer. There will only be one round and it is worth
100 points.

F. Application

(GROUP ACTIVITY) Differentiated Instruction and Constructivism


Prepared script: Needs and Wants Store
Any props available inside the bag

1. Study the prepared script about “Needs and Wants Store.”
2. Look for different props inside the bag
3. Assign members who will act in different roles
4. Present in front of the class for 1-4 minutes.

Guide Questions:

1. How can you prioritize your needs versus wants while browsing through the store?



The thoroughness of preparation.
Understanding of the assigned role and context.
Interpretation of
Clear demonstration of knowledge and comprehension of the topic.
Content (30%): Effective incorporation of relevant facts, ideas, and perspectives.
Demonstrated ability to stay in character and maintain consistency.
Preparation Evidence of thorough planning and organization.
(20%): Thoughtful consideration of the roleplay scenario.
Clear goals and objectives for the roleplay.
Utilization of appropriate resources to enhance the roleplay
Adequate time management and allocation of resources.
Effective communication and active participation.
Performance and Clear and articulate delivery of dialogue.
Engagement Demonstrated ability to listen actively and respond appropriately.
(30%): Engaging and authentic portrayal of the assigned role.
Collaboration and cooperation with other participants.
Clarity and coherence of the storyline or narrative.
Use of props, visual aids, or multimedia elements to enhance the
Presentation Attention to detail in costume, setting, and atmosphere.
(20%): Effective use of gestures, body language, and facial expressions.
Overall creativity, enthusiasm, and ability to captivate the audience.

GROUP 2 and 3 (DEBATE)

Fact sheets about needs and wants


1. Study the fact sheets about needs and wants

2. Make sure everyone has their own lines
3. Present the group’s argument in 1 to 6 minutes.

Guide question:
Should society prioritize needs over wants when allocating resources and making decisions, or
should want to be given equal importance?



Thoroughness and quality of research conducted.
Depth of understanding and knowledge of the topic.
Clear articulation of arguments, supporting evidence, and logical
Content (40%) reasoning.
Effective use of credible sources to support claims.
Ability to anticipate and address counterarguments.
Clear and concise expression of ideas.
Organization and structure of arguments.
Presentation and
Effective use of persuasive language and rhetoric.
Delivery (20%) Articulation, pronunciation, and voice projection.
Eye contact and non-verbal communication skills.
Ability to respond to opponents' arguments with relevant
Rebuttal and
Use of logical reasoning and evidence to challenge opponents'
Counterargument claims.
s (20%) Skill in identifying weaknesses in opponents' arguments.
Ability to anticipate and address potential counter-rebuttals.
Active participation and cooperation within the team.
Effective coordination and division of roles.
Collaboration and
Supportive and respectful engagement with teammates.
Teamwork (20%) Demonstrated ability to build upon teammates' arguments.
Smooth transition between speakers.


Minus one of the jingle bell song.

1. Study the beat of the jingle bell song and make some steps.
2. Present it in front of the class for 1-4 minutes while members of group 7 are singing.

Guide Question:

How can you incorporate the concept of prioritizing needs and wants into a classroom
dancing activity?



Alignment and posture.
Execution of dance steps, turns, and jumps.
Technique (30%) Coordination and control of movement.
Fluidity and precision of transitions.
Overall technical proficiency in the chosen dance style.
Ability to interpret and connect with the music.
Accurate rhythm and timing in relation to the music.
Musicality and
Effective use of accents and dynamics.
Timing (25%) Synchronization with the music and other dancers (if applicable).
Awareness of musical phrasing and structure.
Emotional engagement and connection with the dance piece.
Conveyance of the intended mood and storytelling.
Expression and
Use of facial expressions and body language to enhance
Performance expression.
(20%) Projection of energy and enthusiasm in the performance.
Overall stage presence and charisma.
Originality and creativity in the choreography (if applicable).
Variety and innovation in movement choices.
Choreography and Use of space and staging effectively.
Creativity (15%) Development of a cohesive and engaging dance piece.
Integration of artistic elements, such as props or costumes (if
Preparation and Evidence of practice and rehearsal.
Rehearsal (10%) Mastery of the choreography and movement sequences.
Attention to detail and accuracy.
Use of effective rehearsal techniques and feedback incorporation.
Overall readiness and preparedness for the performance.


Prepared Poem about “Prioritizing needs over wants”

1. Study and practice the prepared poem with groupmates.
2. Present in front of the class for at least 1 to 4 minutes.

Guide Question:

How can we construct a meaningful poem that explores the importance of distinguishing
between our needs and wants and making wise choices when it comes to prioritizing them?



The poem effectively explores a specific theme or subject matter
Content and
with depth, originality, and clarity. It demonstrates a strong
Message understanding and engagement with the chosen theme, conveying
(30%) a unique perspective or insightful interpretation.
The poem displays a well-crafted structure and form, whether it
Structure and adheres to traditional poetic forms (such as sonnets or haikus) or
Form showcases innovative and experimental approaches. It
(25%) demonstrates an understanding of rhythm, meter, line breaks,
stanzas, and other elements of poetic composition.
The poem utilizes vivid and evocative language, employing
Language and figurative devices such as metaphors, similes, personification, and
Imagery symbolism. It effectively creates strong imagery and engages the
(20%) reader's senses, allowing them to visualize and experience the
emotions, ideas, or scenes conveyed in the poem.
The poem elicits emotional responses from the reader, whether
Emotion and through evoking feelings of joy, sadness, wonder, introspection, or
Impact any other powerful emotional state. It effectively communicates
(15%) the poet's intended message, leaving a lasting impact on the reader
and inviting reflection or contemplation.
The poem displays a mastery of technical aspects of writing,
including grammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage. It shows
Proficiency attention to detail and an ability to effectively communicate
(10%) complex ideas through precise and polished language.


Cartolina and Pentel pen

Fact sheet about effective budgeting in prioritizing needs over wants

1. Create a sample budget that prioritizes the needs while considering wants.
2. Present it in front of the class for 1 – 4 minutes.

Guide Question:
"Imagine you have a limited budget and need to prioritize your expenses. How would
you differentiate between needs and wants? Develop a step-by-step process for
budgeting that helps you determine which expenses should be prioritized and which can
be delayed or eliminated."

Accurate differentiation between needs and wants.
Clear understanding of essential expenses (needs) versus
discretionary expenses (wants).
Identification of Demonstrated ability to prioritize needs over wants when creating
Needs and Wants a budget.
(30%) Consideration of personal circumstances and individual financial
Thoughtful and logical categorization of expenses into needs and
Development of a realistic and comprehensive budget.
Allocation of appropriate amounts to cover needs.
Allocation of discretionary funds for wants within reasonable
Accuracy (25%) Adherence to financial constraints and income limitations.
Attention to details and accuracy in recording expenses and
Consideration of trade-offs when making budgeting decisions.
Justification of choices and prioritization of needs and wants.
Thoughtful evaluation of potential consequences of budgeting
and Trade-offs Ability to make informed financial choices based on available
(20%) resources.
Demonstrated understanding of the impact of budgeting on overall
financial well-being.
Reflection on personal spending habits and financial priorities.
Setting specific financial goals aligned with personal needs and
Reflection and
Development of strategies to achieve financial goals over time.
Goal Setting Consideration of long-term financial planning and saving for
(15%) future needs.
Clarity and feasibility of the set goals and corresponding action
Clear and organized presentation of the budgeting activity.
Effective communication of ideas, choices, and reasoning.
Ability to articulate and justify budgeting decisions to an
Presentation and
Communication Use of appropriate visual aids or documentation to support the
(10%) presentation.
Overall professionalism, clarity, and engagement during the



Song Lyrics about prioritizing needs over wants.

Minus one of the jingle bell song

1. Study the lyrics of “Prioritizing needs over wants song”
2. Sing it in front of the class for 1 to 4 minutes while the members of group 6 are

Guide Question:

How can we use the power of music to explore the concept of prioritizing needs and
wants in our daily lives?



Breath control and support.
Pitch accuracy and intonation.
Vocal Technique
Articulation and diction.
(30%) Control of dynamics (volume and expression).
Vocal tone quality and resonance.
Emotional connection to the lyrics and song.
Communication of the song's message and story.
Interpretation and
Use of appropriate phrasing and musicality.
Expression (25%) Expressive and nuanced delivery of the song.
Ability to convey the intended mood and atmosphere.
Confidence and poise on stage.
Body language, gestures, and facial expressions.
Stage Presence
Engagement with the audience.
and Performance Overall charisma and stage command.
(20%) Use of appropriate performance techniques (e.g., microphone
control, stage movement).
Song Choice and Appropriateness of the song selection for the singer's voice and
Creativity and originality in song arrangement or interpretation.
Effective use of dynamics, phrasing, and musical elements.
(15%) Consideration of the song's structure and flow.
Overall presentation and organization of the performance.
Evidence of practice and rehearsal.
Preparation and Familiarity with the song's lyrics and melody.
Rehearsal (10%) Attention to musical details and accuracy.
Use of effective rehearsal techniques and feedback incorporation.

The preparation time for the activity is limited to 5 minutes. Once the learners complete the
activity, each group will showcase their work to the entire class.

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Multiple choice: Write the letter of the correct answer. (1/4 sheet of paper)

1. Which of the following best defines needs?

a) Essential things for survival, well-being, and basic functioning
b) Non-essential desires for luxury items
c) Indulgences and entertainment choices

2. Which of the following is an example of a need?

a) A luxury car
b) Education
c) A vacation

3. What is the main difference between needs and wants?

a) Needs are essential, wants are non-essential
b) Needs are desires, wants are necessities
c) Needs are long-term goals, wants are short-term goals

4. How should you allocate your resources according to the topic?

a) Prioritize wants over needs
b) Fulfill wants before addressing needs
c) Fulfill needs before addressing wants

5. What does urgency refer to in this context?

a) How quickly you need to address your desires
b) How quickly you need to address your needs
c) How quickly you need to address both needs and wants

6. Why is it important to assess the importance and urgency of your needs and wants?
a) To spend all your resources on wants first
b) To avoid fulfilling any desires
c) To prioritize your limited resources effectively

7. Which of the following requires discipline and self-control?

a) Fulfilling wants before needs
b) Delaying instant satisfaction for long-term goals
c) Prioritizing wants over needs

8. How can you differentiate between instant satisfaction and fulfilling long-term goals?
a) By ignoring your needs and focusing on wants
b) By making conscious decisions that align with your priorities
c) By fulfilling all your desires immediately

9. What should you do if you have limited resources?

a) Spend all your resources on wants
b) Prioritize fulfilling your needs first
c) Ignore both needs and wants

10. What can you create to reflect your priorities and allocate resources effectively?
a) A budget or a plan
b) A list of wants without considering needs
c) A plan that fulfills desires first, then needs


1. a 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. b 9. b 10. a

V. Assignment:
Create a list enumerating the various tools and materials present within your household,
specifically those used for measuring, cutting, and sewing.

Prepared by:


TLE, Teacher

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