Solo Dungeon Crawl Rules

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ngeon Crawl: A4 Adventure

ve: Explore a perilous dungeon, overcome challenges, and gather treasures while testing your luck and strategy. Survive and conquer the dungeon to e

ls Needed:

A sheet of A4 squared paper

A pen or pencil
One six-sided dice (D6)

On the A4 squared paper, draw a grid consisting of 10 columns and 12 rows. Each square on the grid represents a room or space within the dungeon


Start your adventure in the bottom-left corner of the grid (room 1). Mark your starting position with an "S."
Roll the D6 to determine your movement. The number rolled indicates the number of spaces you can move vertically or horizontally.
Choose a direction (up, down, left, or right) and move the corresponding number of spaces. Mark your current position with an "X."
If you move into a new room (a previously unvisited square), mark it with a number to represent the room number.
Each room may contain one of the following: monster, treasure, trap, or nothing. To determine the room's contents, roll the D6:
o Roll 1: Monster Encounter
o Roll 2: Treasure Discovery
o Roll 3: Trap Encounter
o Roll 4-6: Empty Room (nothing happens)
Resolve the room encounter based on the result of the D6 roll:
o Monster Encounter: Roll the D6 to determine the monster's strength:
! Roll 1: Weak Monster
! Roll 2: Average Monster
! Roll 3-4: Strong Monster
! Roll 5-6: Boss Monster
! Roll the D6 again to determine your attack strength:
! Roll 1-3: Weak Attack
! Roll 4-5: Average Attack
! Roll 6: Strong Attack Compare your attack strength to the monster's strength:
! If your attack strength is higher, you defeat the monster and gain experience points (XP).
! If the monster's strength is higher, you lose health points (HP). If your HP reaches 0, the game ends.
o Treasure Discovery: Roll the D6 to determine the type of treasure you find:
! Roll 1-2: Gold (Gain a certain amount of gold coins)
! Roll 3-4: Equipment (Gain a random piece of equipment, such as a weapon or armor)
! Roll 5-6: Healing Potion (Restore a certain amount of HP)
o Trap Encounter: Roll the D6 to determine the severity of the trap:
! Roll 1-2: Minor Trap (Lose a small amount of HP)
! Roll 3-4: Moderate Trap (Lose a moderate amount of HP)
! Roll 5-6: Deadly Trap (Lose a large amount of HP)
! If your HP reaches 0, the game ends.
o Empty Room: Nothing happens. Continue exploring.
After resolving the room encounter, mark the room with an appropriate symbol to indicate the outcome (e.g., "M" for monster, "T" for treasure, "P"
Repeat steps 2-7 to continue exploring the dungeon.
To win the game, reach the top-right corner of the grid (room 120). Mark the final room with a victory symbol (e.g., "V").
Keep track of your HP, XP, and gold on a separate sheet of paper.
You can level up by earning XP and spend gold

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