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Jalan: Haweon No. Desa Lumbe Kec. Nambo-Banggai Sulawesi Tengah Telp. (HP) 085211665445



HARI/TANGGAL : Kamis, 25 April 2024

Answer the following questions correctly and carefully by choosing (A,B,C Or D)

1. The following sentences are the expression of congratulation, EXCEPT.......

a. I congratulate you on your c. Nice work
success d. I'm sorry to hear that
b. That's great
2. Look at the picture and choose the best wish!

a. Congratulation on your sickness

b. Get Well Soon, my friend
c. Why are you sick?
d. Don't be sick

3. Look at the picture and choose the best wish!

a. Congratulation on your graduation.

b. Have a great school day my friend.
c. What a wonderful birthday!
d. Have a nice trip

4. You should brush your teeth twice a day . . . avoid getting toothache.
a. From c. Of
b. To d. On
5. Ana should not eat hot food and drink. . . . she does not get a diarrhea
a. in order to c. so that
b. to d. of
6. Mrs. Hastuti ______ (teach) English now
a. Are teaching c. Teaching
b. Is teaching d. Teaches
7. Rana and Radit _______ (play) marbles last night
a. Are playing c. Plays
b. Were playing d. Play
This text for question number 8-17


Once upon a time, there was a little poor boy who came into a
little village. He was very hungry and weak.
He knocked at every door and asked for some food, but nobody
cared about him. Nobody wanted to help the little boy. Then, a generous
woman helped him. She gave him shelter and a meal. When the boy
wanted to leave, this old woman gave him a “lesung”, a big wooden mortar
for pounding rice.
She reminded him, “Please remember, if there is a flood you
must save yourself. Use this “lesung” as a boat”. The boy was happy and
thanked the old woman.
The little boy continued his journey. While he was passing
through the village, he saw many people gathering on the field. The
boy came closer and saw a stick stuck in the ground.
People challenged each other to pull out that stick. Everybody tried,
but nobody succeeded. “Can I try?” asked the little boy. The crowd laughed
mockingly. The boy wanted to try his luck so he stepped forward and pulled
out the stick. He could do it very easily.
Everybody was dumbfounded. Suddenly, from the hole left by
the stick, water spouted out. It did not stop until it flooded the village.
And no one was saved from the water except the little boy and the
generous old woman who gave him shelter and a meal.
As she told him, he used the “lesung” as a boat and picked up the
old woman. The whole village became a huge lake. It is now known as Rawa
Pening Lake in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia.

8. Who was hungry and weak?

a. A boy c. An old woman
b. Lesung d. A lot of people gathering
9. Who didn’t want to give food?
a. Lesung c. People in the village
b. An old woman d. A boy
10. Who helped the poor boy?
a. Lesung c. People in the village
b. An old woman d. A boy
11. What did the woman give before the boy left?
a. Lesung c. Stick
b. Bowl d. Glass
12. What did the boy see on his journey?
a. A lot of people c. An old woman
gathering d. The village
b. Lesung
13. What was the challenge?
a. To pull out a lesung c. To pull out a wood
from the ground from the ground
b. To pull out a stick d. To pull out a straw
from the ground from the ground
14. What did the boy do with the stick?
a. He pulled it easily c. He pulled it slowly
b. He pulled it hardly d. He pulled it fastly
15. What happened when the boy could pull out the stick?
a. Nothing d. Water spouted out
b. A miracle from the village
c. Water spouted out
from the hole
16. What happened to the village?
a. Nothing c. Water spouted out
b. Water spouted out from the village
from the hole d. It was flooded
17. How could the boy and the old woman save from the flood?
a. From the “lesung” the c. The boy and old
woman gave. They woman cannot save
used it as a boat d. From the “stick”. They
b. They are swimming used it as a boat
This text for question number 18 - 21

In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper enjoyed himself. He was

hopping about, chirping and singing when An Ant passed by. He stopped
near the grasshopper for taking a rest because he had worked hard. He
brought an ear of corn on his back.
"Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of
toiling and moiling in that way?"
"I collected food for the winter," said the Ant, "Why don’t you do the same.
The winter was coming soon.
"Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; we
have got plenty of food now." But the Ant went on its way
and continued to work.
The winter came. The Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of
hunger, while he saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the
stores they had collected in the summer.
Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for the days of necessity.

18. Who are the good characters in the story?

a. The Ant c. The Ant and the Grasshopper
b. The Grasshopper d. No one
19. What did the grasshopper do when he saw the Ant?
a. He worked hard c. He prepared for winter
b. He had fun d. He brought a corn
20. Why did he ask refused the ant’s invitation?
a. He prepared for winter c. He was distributing food
b. He couldn’t play guitar d. He was had fun
21. What is the moral lesson of the story?
a. Don’t have fun c. Do your own business
b. Work together is better d. Think of your future

This text for question number 21 – 24

One hot day, a thirsty crow flew all over the fields looking for water. For a
long time, he could not find any. He felt very weak, almost lost all hope.
Suddenly, he saw a water jug below the tree. He flew straight down to see if
there was any water inside. Yes, he could see some water inside the jug!
The crow tried to push his head into the jug. Sadly, he found that the neck
of the jug was too narrow. Then he tried to push the jug to tilt for the water to
flow out but the jug was too heavy.
The crow thought hard for a while. Then looking around it, he saw some
pebbles. He suddenly had a good idea. He started picking up the pebbles
one by one, dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebbles filled the
jug, the water level kept rising. Soon it was high enough for the crow to drink.
His plan had worked!
22. What is the best title of the text above?
a. The good crow c. The strong crow
b. The clever crow d. The kind crow
23. What is the crow’s problem?
a. He had a big beak jug
b. He lived in the dry field d. He find no pebbles around
c. He couldn’t drink water in the
24. What can we learn from the story above?
a. Be kind to others c. Help your friend in difficult time
b. Believe in your self d. Find idea to solve your problem
Choose the Correct Answer about Passive Voice for number 11 – 20
25. Tom bought a nice present yesterday.
a. A nica present was bought by c. A nica present were bought by
Tom yesterday Tom yesterday
b. A nica present is bought by d. A nica present will be bought by
Tom yesterday Tom yesterday
26. Bill will bring sandwiches.
a. Sandwiches will be brought by c. Sandwiches were brought by
Bill Bill
b. Sandwiches will being brought d. Sandwiches are brought by Bill
by Bill
27. Mother cooks Rendang in the kitchen.
a. Rendang are cooked by Mother c. Rendang is cooked by Mother
in the kitchen in the kitchen
b. Rendang was cooked by d. Rendang were cooked by
Mother in the kitchen Mother in the kitchen
28. I eat brown rice and green beans.
a. Rice and green beans was c. Rice and green beans are eaten
eaten by Me by Me
b. Rice and green beans is eaten d. Rice and green beans are eaten
by Me by My
29. I will do the good job next week
a. The good job will be done by c. The good job will be did by me
me next week next week
b. The good job will being done by d. The good job will be do by me
me next week next week
30. Beberapa puisi ditulis oleh Nadia bulan lalu
a. Some poem is written by Nadia c. Some poem was written by
last Month Nadia last Month
b. Some poem are written by d. Some poem were written by
Nadia last Month Nadia last Month
31. Mobil itu akan dibeli oleh mereka besok
a. The car will being bought by c. The car were bought by them
them tomorrow tomorrow
b. The car was bought by them d. The car will be bought by them
tomorrow tomorrow
32. will he kick this ball tomorrow ?
a. Will this ball be kicked by him c. Will this ball be kicking by him
tomorrow? tomorrow?
b. Will this ball being kicked by him d. Will this ball kicked by him
tomorrow? tomorrow?
33. I always eat a banana every morning.
a. Every morning, a banana was c. Every morning, a banana is
always eaten by me always eaten by me
b. A banana is always being eaten d. A banana are always eaten by
by me every morning me every morning
34. Someone opened the door last night.
a. The door was being opened by c. The door is opened by
someone last night someone last night
b. The door was opened by d. The door were opened by
someone last night someone last night
35. Mother cooks some fish everyday
a. Some fish is cooked by mother c. Some fish was cooked by
everyday mother everyday
b. Some fish are cooked by d. Some fish were cooked by
mother everyday mother everyday
36. Ina : They have lived for two years in that house before it ...... by fire, it is right?
Nia : Yes, you are right.
a. Destroyed c. Was destroyed
b. Be destroyed d. Was destroying
37. One of the students broke the windows
a. The windows were broke by one c. The windows was broke by one
of the students of the students
b. The windows were broken by d. The windows was broken by
one of the students one of the students
38. Andi : have you been informed about the victims of the flood?
Bia : Yes, they....... to the hospital
a. Bring c. Have brought
b. Were brought d. Has been bringing
39. She wrote a story.
a. A story was written by her c. A story is written by her
b. A story were written by her d. A story are written by her
40. Yusuf will not take fruit tomorrow
a. Fruit will not be taken by yusuf c. Fruit will not be took by yusuf
tomorrow tomorrow
b. Fruit will not taken by yusuf d. Fruit will not took by yusuf
tomorrow tomorrow


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