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ECM Admin Manual

Quick Win – Division Name
Table of Contents

Objective 01 • Objective of slide pack

• Type of Admin
Type of Admin 02 •

What Admin can do or cannot do
ECM Users and Role

Admin Capabilities 03 • Admin abilities and responsibilities

Advance Admin Manual 04 • What Level 3 Admin can do

Appendix 05 • How to add new user to ECM (via mySSC)

The objectives of this slide pack are to:
i. Familiarise ECM Admin Users’
ii. Familiarise ECM Admin Users with the Admin
related functionalities
iii. Enable ECM Admin Users to confidently use
ECM Admin functions to manage and
maintain the folders and users’ access to the
iv. Serve as training material to train other ECM
Admin users
Table of Contents

Objective 01 • Objective of slide pack

• Type of Admin
Type of Admin 02 •

What Admin can do or cannot do
ECM Users and Role

Admin Capabilities 03 • Admin abilities and responsibilities

Advance Admin Manual 04 • What Level 3 Admin can do

Appendix 05 • How to add new user to ECM (via mySSC)

Type of Admin

Level 1 Admin Level 2 Admin Level 3 Admin

Admin group / System Department Admin /

Division Admin
Administrator Business Unit Admin

For Level 3 Admin Can be Department Admin or Business Unit Admin, depends
on client requirements and Solution Design Document (SDD)
Level 2 Admin for (Division Name)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3

Department Name Department Name Department Name
1. For example, based on screen capture below, Division Company Secretary is a division within TNB
2. Enterprise level is managed by Level 1 Admin which is defined as Admin Group or System Admin

2 Manage by
Level 1 Admin

3 Manage by Level 2 Admin

3. Division Company Secretary level which is Division level, is managed by Level 2 Admin which defined as Division Admin
4. Division Company Secretary have business unit under its division
5 Manage by Level 3 Admin

5. Business Unit level is managed by Level 3 Admin which can be defined as Business Unit Admin
6. Level 3 Admin can be Department Admin or Business Unit Admin, depends on client requirement and solution design document (SDD)
What Admin Can Do or Cannot Do?

Can Do Cannot Do
Scenario : Scenario :
1) New employee or new joiner in COSEC department 1) Create new user account for new joiner in ECM
2) Employee resigned or employee leave TNB from COSEC user 2) Create new user group in ECM
group 3) Create new folder in Enterprise level
3) Employee move to other Department or Business Unit 4) Cannot remove or delete user from ECM (for retired

Admin is responsible to manage user and Admin cannot create new user as the new user will
assign them to their given user group need TNB ICT helped in creating users within
OpenText Directory Services

Admin cannot add new user group, this will lead to

Admin is responsible to remove resigned or change on folder integrity and security integrity
retired employee from the assign user group

Admin cannot add new folder in Enterprise level or in

Division level, this will lead to change on folder
Admin is responsible to remove employee that
integrity and security integrity
move to other Department or Business Unit
from the assign user group. If the employee
move to other division, Admin don’t have to
raise ticket to AD team, just remove the user Admin cannot remove user account in ECM as admin
from their current user group. need to inform ECM team to raise ticket to Active
Directory (AD) team to helped in removing the user
account from ECM
ECM Users and Roles

1. A TNB ECM User is created and maintained centrally via TNB User Administration (Active Directory)
• The TNB ECM User ID is created via TNB Active Directory and synchronize to OpenText Directory Server (OTDS)
• Hence creation of ECM users or user password reset, does not fall under ECM (Admin) functionality – IT Support
2. ECM User can be assigned to a Role (Group):

Remove User from Userroup

Assign User to Usergroup

Folder Permission
Edit Permissions
Group Explanation

Delete Versions
Edit Attributes
See Content

Add Items

Viewer Viewer of this folder/documents, can only view/download Y Y N N N N N N N N N N
Contributor Contributor of this folder/documents, can make changes but unable to perform deletion Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N
Owner Owner of this folder/documents, can do everything except grant permission to others Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N
Level 1 Admin Admin group or system admin for Enterprise level Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Level 2 Admin Admin that manage the division (For example: P&SC, Group Finance, COSEC) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Level 3 Admin Can be Department admin or Business Unit admin (depends SDD), only manage folder permission Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y
Table of Contents

Objective 01 • Objective of slide pack

• Type of Admin
Type of Admin 02 •

What Admin can do or cannot do
ECM Users and Role

Admin Capabilities 03 • Admin abilities and responsibilities

Advance Admin Manual 04 • What Level 3 Admin can do

Appendix 05 • How to add new user to ECM (via mySSC)

Admin 3.1 Adding a Usergroup

Capabilities 3.2 Edit or rename the Usergroup

3.3 Assigning User to Usergroup

Role Capabilities

Level 1 Admin Yes

3.4 Assigning Permission to Usergroup
Level 2 Admin No

Level 3 Admin No 3.5 User Maintenance – Add, Delete User in the Usergroup

3.6 User Maintenance – Assigning or revoke permission of a user

3.7 How to move a user from one group to another

3.8 How to restored the Delete File / Folder

3.1 Adding a Usergroup

1. Go to top right profile icon and switch the Smart UI to Classic UI

2. Click on Enterprise drop-down and click User & Group

3.1 Adding a Usergroup

3. Hover to “Add Item” drop-down

4. Click on Group option to create usergroup

3.1 Adding a Usergroup

5. Type the usergroup name in the Group Name box

6. Click Submit button to create new usergroup in ECM


Note: Usergroup in ECM only can be created by Level 1 Admin (Admin Group / System Administrator). Level 1 Admin not allowed to add new usergroup in
ECM without approval of head division
Admin 3.1 Adding a Usergroup

Capabilities 3.2 Edit or rename the Usergroup

3.3 Assigning User to Usergroup

Role Capabilities

Level 1 Admin Yes

3.4 Assigning Permission to Usergroup
Level 2 Admin Yes

Level 3 Admin No 3.5 User Maintenance – Add, Delete User in the Usergroup

3.6 User Maintenance – Assigning or revoke permission of a user

3.7 How to move a user from one group to another

3.8 How to restored the Delete File / Folder

3.2 Edit or rename the Usergroup

1. Go to top right profile icon and switch the Smart UI to Classic UI

2. Click on Enterprise drop-down and click User & Group

3.2 Edit or rename the Usergroup

3. Find by sorting “Group Name: Usergroup that admin want to rename” (For example: ECM)
4. Click on Edit actions next to right of the usergroup

3.2 Edit or rename the Usergroup

5. Click on Edit Group Name option in Modify Group panel

6. Rename the usergroup
7. Click Submit button to save changes


Implementation Note: Level 1 and Level 2 Admin SHOULD NOT change or rename any usergroup name in ECM as this will lead to change on folder
integrity and security integrity
Admin 3.1 Adding a Usergroup

Capabilities 3.2 Edit or rename the Usergroup

3.3 Assigning User to Usergroup

Role Capabilities

Level 1 Admin Yes

3.4 Assigning Permission to Usergroup
Level 2 Admin Yes

Level 3 Admin No 3.5 User Maintenance – Add, Delete User in the Usergroup

3.6 User Maintenance – Assigning or revoke permission of a user

3.7 How to move a user from one group to another

3.8 How to restored the Delete File / Folder

3.3 Assigning User to the Usergroup

1. Go to top right profile icon and switch the Smart UI to Classic UI

2. Click on Enterprise drop-down and click User & Group

3.3 Assigning User to the Usergroup

3. Find by sorting “Find: Group Name” that starts with (for example COSEC_Administrator) and select group by click the Edit button

4. To assign new members to the group, find by sorting as “Find: User Log-in” and insert TNB Staff ID to the COSEC_Administrator
group (For example: 80001049)

3.3 Assigning User to the Usergroup

5. Mark the checkbox “Add to group” and click

Submit button to add user to the user group
6. Name should be appeared below Current Group

7. This step also applicable if

Admin going to assign the new
joiner by using Employee ID
(User Log-in), User First Name,
User Last Name and Employee

Admin 3.1 Adding a Usergroup

Capabilities 3.2 Edit or rename the Usergroup

3.3 Assigning User to Usergroup

Role Capabilities

Level 1 Admin Yes

3.4 Assigning Permission to Usergroup
Level 2 Admin Yes

Level 3 Admin No 3.5 User Maintenance – Add, Delete User in the Usergroup

3.6 User Maintenance – Assigning or revoke permission of a user

3.7 How to move a user from one group to another

3.8 How to restored the Delete File / Folder

3.4 Assigning Permission to the Usergroup

1. Go to top right profile icon and switch the Smart UI to Classic UI

2. Go to the folder that want to give the permission to end user (As per example is Enterprise > TEST)
3. Click on Modified in order to sort the latest created file
4. Right click the function menu ( ) next to the Test Test file and click “Permission” on the drop-down list

3.4 Assigning Permission to the Usergroup

5. Click the “Grant Access” icon next to the Assigned Access

6. Add group to the permissions, find sorting as “Find: Group Name” and click Find button. The result as per example below

3.4 Assigning Permission to the Usergroup

7. Tick the “Grant Access” checkbox for the groups Admin wish to grant access, then click the Submit button (For example: ECM Admin)

3.4 Assigning Permission to the Usergroup

8. Admin can give permission (Viewer, Contributor, Owner or Administrator) to the group by click the checkbox in Edit Group Permission
and click Update button to save
9. By click the Update button, the group name should be appeared under Assigned Access box as per below
10. Click Done button to save


Admin 3.1 Adding a Usergroup

Capabilities 3.2 Edit or rename the Usergroup

3.3 Assigning User to Usergroup

Role Capabilities

Level 1 Admin Yes

3.4 Assigning Permission to Usergroup
Level 2 Admin Yes

Level 3 Admin Can be Yes and No 3.5 User Maintenance – Add, Delete User in the Usergroup

3.6 User Maintenance – Assigning or revoke permission of a user

3.7 How to move a user from one group to another

3.8 How to restored the Delete File / Folder

3.5 User Maintenance – Add, Delete User in the Usergroup

1. Admin responsible to add new user or new joiner and assigned them to the user group
2. In Classic UI, hover to Enterprise and click Users & Group

3.5 User Maintenance – Add, Delete User in the Usergroup

3. Find by sorting “Find: Group Name” that starts with (for example Cosec_ULP_Owner1) and select group by click the Edit button

4. To assign new joiner to the group, find by sorting as “Find: User Log-in” and insert TNB Staff ID to the Cosec_ULP_Owner1 group (For
example: 80001049). Mark the checkbox “Add to group” and click Submit button to add user

3.5 User Maintenance – Add, Delete User in the Usergroup

5. To delete user from the user group, find by sorting “Find: User Log-in” (for example: 80001049) and select Groups to view the
group that assign to the user

3.5 User Maintenance – Add, Delete User in the Usergroup

6. Hover to the group that want to be deleted and select the user group by click the Edit button (for example: Cosec_ULP_Owner1)

3.5 User Maintenance – Add, Delete User in the Usergroup

7. Select on the user to be deleted by click on their name

8. Click Remove From Group button and user will be removed from Cosec_ULP_Owner1 group

Admin 3.1 Adding a Usergroup

Capabilities 3.2 Edit or rename the Usergroup

3.3 Assigning User to Usergroup

Role Capabilities

Level 1 Admin Yes

3.4 Assigning Permission to Usergroup
Level 2 Admin Yes

Level 3 Admin Can be Yes or No 3.5 User Maintenance – Add, Delete User in the Usergroup

3.6 User Maintenance – Assigning or revoke permission of a user

3.7 How to move a user from one group to another

3.8 How to restored the Delete File / Folder

3.6 User Maintenance – Assigning or revoke permission of a user

Situation 1: Level 1 and Level 2 Admin remove user from usergroup, so he/she did not get access to the folder

1. Level 1 and Level 2 Admin can assign user to their assigned usergroup, so the user get access to the folder (refer 3.0 Admin
Capabilities (3.3 Assigning User to Usergroup ) slide)
2. To revoke permission of a user, admin can remove the user from the group that he/she should not be in (refer 3.0 Admin Capabilities
(3.5 User Maintenance – Add, Delete User in the Usergroup) slide)
3. Once removed, user cannot access the file / folder anymore
4. In current ECM implementation, Level 3 Admin cannot assign or revoke permission of a user
5. However, they can have this access with head division approval
6. Level 1 Admin need to assign permission for Level 3 Admin for them able to assign or revoke permission of a user within their
department or business unit only

3.6 User Maintenance – Assigning or revoke permission of a user

Situation 2: Level 1 and Level 2 Admin remove usergroup from folder permission

1. Level 1 and Level 2 Admin remove usergroup from the folder permission, so the whole group did not get access to the folder
2. Open any folder where the permission of the usergroup need to be removed (for example: ALLO TECHNOLOGY SDN. BHD.)

3.6 User Maintenance – Assigning or revoke permission of a user

3. Click Permission option

3.6 User Maintenance – Assigning or revoke permission of a user

4. Click which usergroup

Admin want to remove
from the folder permission
5. This can apply to “This
Item”, “Sub-Item” and “This
Item & Sub-Item”
6. If admin choose “This Item”
option, only permission in
Allo Technology folder level
will be removed, if “Sub-
Item” option, permission in 4 5
Sub-Item of Allo
Technology folder level will
be removed
7. Click Remove button to
removed the permission
from the folder
Admin 3.1 Adding a Usergroup

Capabilities 3.2 Edit or rename the Usergroup

3.3 Assigning User to Usergroup

Role Capabilities

Level 1 Admin Yes

3.4 Assigning Permission to Usergroup
Level 2 Admin Yes

Level 3 Admin Can be Yes or No 3.5 User Maintenance – Add, Delete User in the Usergroup

3.6 User Maintenance – Assigning or revoke permission of a user

3.7 How to move a user from one group to another

3.8 How to restored the Delete File / Folder

3.7 How to move a user from one group to another

Situation: Employee move from a business unit to another business unit within COSEC

1. In this situation, there is no need to delete user in ECM as the Level 1 or Level 2 Admin can manually removed them from their old
2. May refer 3.0 Admin Capabilities (3.5 User Maintenance – Add, Delete User in the Usergroup) slide on how to remove user from
usergroup or refer to next slide 42
3. Level 1 or Level 2 Admin then need to add the user to the new assigned usergroup manually
4. After user has been removed from the old usergroup, they may not have access to the old folder of the department / business unit
5. This is because of the permission of the folder structure that has been setup
6. In current COSEC implementation, Level 3 Admin cannot move user from one group to another group
7. However, they only can add or remove user within their department or business unit only with approval from head division
8. Level 1 Admin need to assign permission for Level 3 Admin for them able to add or remove user within their department or business
unit only

3.7 How to move a user from one group to another

9. Select on the user to be deleted by click on their name

10. Click Remove From Group button and user will be removed from the usergroup (for example: Cosec_ULP_Owner1 group)


Admin 3.1 Adding a Usergroup

Capabilities 3.2 Edit or rename the Usergroup

3.3 Assigning User to Usergroup

Role Capabilities

Level 1 Admin Yes

3.4 Assigning Permission to Usergroup
Level 2 Admin Yes

Level 3 Admin Yes (Under condition) 3.5 User Maintenance – Add, Delete User in the Usergroup

3.6 User Maintenance – Assigning or revoke permission of a user

3.7 How to move a user from one group to another

3.8 How to restored the Delete File / Folder

3.8 How to restored the Deleted File / Folder

1. Admin can restore any file deleted by user.

2. Switch to Classic View and click Tools drop down, choose Recycle Bin

3.8 How to restored the Deleted File / Folder

4 3

3. Admin can retrieve deleted file which delete by user or admin him/herself by mark on any file and click Restore button
4. Admin can see what other admin delete today and previously and retrieve the file (if needed)
5. Level 1 and Level 2 Admin can restore deleted file or folder
6. Level 3 Admin can only see deleted file or folder within department or business unit only

Table of Contents

Objective 01 • Objective of slide pack

• Type of Admin
Type of Admin 02 •

What Admin can do or cannot do
ECM Users and Role

Admin Capabilities 03 • Admin abilities and responsibilities

Advance Admin Manual 04 • What Level 3 Admin can do

Appendix 05 • How to add new user to ECM (via mySSC)

Advance Admin Manual – What Level 3 Admin can do

ECM Implementation Note: For division which assign the Division Admin (Level 2 Admin) as usergroup leader for all department / business unit, only
member of the usergroup responsible to manage all COSEC Users in ECM include add user, remove user and assign permission

1. By following the solution design document for the Division, Level

3 Admin is not able to manage user in ECM.
2. However, they CAN HAVE this access in other to easily manage
their department or business unit in ECM.
3. Level 3 Admin responsible ONLY to manage folder permission.
Level 3 Admin 4. They can have access to add and remove user within department
or business unit for them to easily manage the users
Department Admin /
5. Level 1 Admin responsible to give access to Level 3 Admin for
Business Unit Admin
them to add or remove user from their department or business
unit (after approval of Head Division)
Table of Contents

Objective 01 • Objective of slide pack

• Type of Admin
Type of Admin 02 •

What Admin can do or cannot do
ECM Users and Role

Admin Capabilities 03 • Admin abilities and responsibilities

Advance Admin Manual 04 • What Level 3 Admin can do

Appendix 05 • How to add new user to ECM (via mySSC)

ECM Implementation Note
Level 2 Admin should not be able to create new user account for new
joiner in TNB as the new joiner or new employee need to request from
mySCC via
Level 2 Admin need to inform the ECM team to check whether the new
user exist in OpenText Directory Service (OTDS), else need to request to
TNB Active Directory (AD) team to synchronize user account with ECM.
ECM team will notify user through email or mySSC after the user
account has synchronized with ECM and request confirmation from user
to access ECM system.

How to add new user to ECM (via mySSC)

1. TNB user request from mySSC for ECM new joiner via mySSC portal →
2. On left pane on mySSC portal, select “Permasalahan/Pertanyaan”
3. Then, choose “Get Help From ICT”


How to add new user to ECM (via mySSC)

4. In drop down menu, select “Application Services”

5. Choose ECM – Enterprise Content Management for Service Offering
6. Write down the Issue Summary (For example: Request access to ECM for New Joiner)

How to add new user to ECM (via mySSC)

7. Provide detailed description as per shown template.

8. Fill in the specific work area located field.
9. Proceed by click button Submit Request.

ECM Admin Manual

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